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[Music] she's a [Music] Mona everyone's ling up to see it there must be something B features you find the beauty goes much deeper you get to me [Music] her bye Taylor bye Elena let's close the door that was Taylor and Elena heading off earlier than the rest of us with Leon to their first basketball tournament now that we're back at school after the Halloween season and break that the kids had from school Leon offered to take them this morning as it's currently 7: a.m. they have an all day tournament and it's super early but of course I thought it wouldn't really be fair if Eevee and Oliver had to wake up at like 5:00 a.m. to when they've just got a regular school day so I thought I would take them later on in the morning for the school run I'm just going to turn the TV off really quickly seeing as the last time we had the news on there was a hurricane in town I don't want to be reminded so we can watch that later and oh my gosh see that spider just jump down reminds me that we really need to take down the Halloween decorations ASAP but it is super early right now it's currently 7:00 a.m. like I said so I'm going to make the kids a nice breakfast now I'm always making pancakes or bacon and eggs so I'm going to switch up today I think I'm going to make the kids some toast because they really do like toast in the morning I know Oliver likes his plane and Eevee likes it with avocado so I'll do them both what they prefer perfect there's Oliver's plain buttered toast and let me put some avocado on toast for eie this morning and I think I'll have some o meting as the weather is starting to change as you saw previously when we had a whole hurricane going on so I want something a little bit warm up but I think the kids are going to have a really good time back at school I'm sure they've missed their friends and stuff they did obviously see their friends during the Halloween period but it's not the same as in the school environment when they get to spend all day with them the kids complain about it but I know they love going back to school to see their friends let me just finish up this avocado on toast for Eevee Perfect all done and what we get them for drinks this morning you know what it's a special occasion so I'm going to allow Eevee at coffee this morning we make it extra milky though because it is a school day you guys know she's allowed coffee on special occasions and for Oliver he always likes a glass of milk in the morning so we'll grab that for him perfect breakfast is served now that that's done I think I will go get them from their bedrooms anytime now although I always forget about myself in the morning so before I get too distracted by the kids I'm going to make that oatmeal that I promised myself and coffee and seeing as the Halloween season is up I really want to finish off all of the Halloween coffee syrups that we have so I have a pumpkin spice cappuccino so then I can soon refill up my coffee machine with the gingerbread flavored syrup for my gingerbread lates cuz you know what time it is soon Christmas time I can't wait now that all of our breakfast is done I'm just going to quick call them from upstairs oh is that my alarm I was just getting into my dream I was actually having quite a good dream until I woke up oh I honestly hate alarm sounds they're so TR Matic but anyway it's school today and I really do not want to go to school like at all I'm just not really in the mood for it I'm too tired I'm too used to being in the um the school break where we could just chill all day and I just never want that to end so I might go and talk to Oliver and see if there's anything that we can do to both St off school I guess because Mom would definitely not believe me if I said that I for example felt sick or ill and not Oliver she'll maybe believe both of us but not one of us but let me see it what ol of is feeling and convince [Music] him uh and we just go and wake Oliver up he's so lucky doesn't have an alarm he only has mom anyway Oliver wake up Oliver H is that Mom or eie um well I never knew that mom's voice is this high pitched but it's eie oh what eie I'm trying to sleep well you've got to get off of school anyway remember at school today oh yeah no I need to do my homework Oliver I kind of had a plan maybe we could do yeah like I've got do lots of homework but I don't even really feel like it yeah but maybe we can tell Mom that we're sick uh yeah but what she finds out finds out what well at least we can both be sick it's like maybe a bug has been like given to us or something yeah but she might find out when we get like really to off but let's just try it okay well um let me think so you're up for the plan yeah yes okay that's good um H let's think okay so obviously we've got to act ill and the main plan is that we that mom cannot find out bie that won't work cuz we need to make ourselves look sick well uh Taylor's makeup oh such a good idea well come on we've got to be very silent because Mom knows that Taylor isn't in yeah and she'll think is Taylor in and no she [Music] isn't Oliver come on hurry you need to hurry up or mom's going to come up and be like why are you in T's room she needs to wake us up soon for school oh come on all right I was just making my bed oh that's first well let's go over to her um vanity and let's see oh this really um light powder like you know Powers makeup that helps set the makeup but it's like lighter like really light like ghost like maybe she used it for a Halloween costume I'm not sure let's take to this and just put it all around your face so you look really pale all right wow you actually look sick now we need to actually practice the face okay so actually have a sick face so no smiling I know you can't stop smiling and you're just a very smiley person but not today yeah just put that back take that I have to put layers of this on I think that is good though let me see how you look oh you look amazing you look so believable I'm surpris she'll find out after she sees us we don't even look like we're faking it at all yeah just look at me ah that is very scary because obviously like you're not actually sick and it's scary how it's so believable yeah Mom is going to come up soon and wonder why we're not in our beds uh because she's going to wake us up so maybe we should hurry back yeah get in our beds before she comes up and real like just we're in T's bedroom and she's going to think why you in there and then she's going to think that we're going to be like messing her room up yeah exactly and we can't let her know our plan cuz obviously then it won't work yeah right let me head upstairs and wake up the kids quick oliv hurry all right I'm coming I'm coming oh kids oh eie why are you awake at like 7 30y sorry I had to get a tissue from the bathroom because my nose won't stop running oh how come um I'm just not feeling well shoot oh that Hur my nose I'm not feeling the best um I mean you look very pale and like you don't look very well um yeah I feel sick well I'm sure you'll be fine for school we've got some breakfast downstairs on the table for you so you'll be fine in no time go on off you go oh sorry Mom that got on you just it's fine just go have that breakfast and you'll be fine she does this every time trying to fake s about school I know story Oliver Mom I don't feel right you woke up coughing too maybe maybe there is a bug going around or something let's see Oliver how are you doing than you oh thanks right in the face I mean your cheeks look very red and you don't really seem to have a temperature but maybe it just hasn't come around yet come on I've got something for you too look here's some breakfast okay have some toast and your glass of milk and then I'm sure you guys will be fine for school who's excited for the first day of school back after Halloween not me what do you mean not me a sh mom can't you see we're e so of course we're not very happy happy to go back to school today yeah Mom I feel really sick and I think um I might have got it off Oliver or Oliver got it off me well I mean we all get cold and stuff from time to time but you'll be fine for school mom do you thinkom how about we give you some cowp no no no well you was Ill you'd want to feel better right yeah but yeah but I don't really have the appetite for cowp right now cow isn't a meal mom look I can't even taste this milk I mean you do know that you guys saying you don't want any medicine kind of gives me the impression that you're lying right no F we have medicine then no Mom we actually need to see if we have a cold first oh that is true what about our temp Mom very well then let me have a look in the cupboards where is the therometer ol put my Cofe on your head to your head Port can't find it oh here we go found it all right then let's take your temperature Oliver here we go let's see oh my goodness Oliver you are so hot far over the average temperature how about you e I'm sure one of you surely ironic it's the day it's the on the first day back to school let's see eie oh I mean my oh my you are boiling too I guess you guys aren't lying I'm sorry yeah thank you we should have got that apology well let me give you guys some medicine okay you're really going to need some cowpe to fix your bad temperature and things here you go you have this and let me grab you some to too I'm just going to quickly go make the sofa comfortable for you looks like you guys will be having to have the day off of school the poor kids I'm so upset that they are going to miss their first day I hope they don't miss school photos but if they aren't well they aren't well all right time Str this cow stop we can't actually have the cowp we're not sick like it it'll be bad for us having fake medication well we yeah truck it um down the bin follow me okay Oliver you know you got to put it down the bin okay I that spider every time just throw it away and just leave it there okay that's good um hopefully mom won't notice the plastic cups are gone but anyway uh let's just sit back down and act like we had it and washed and dried our cups I guess I don't know but let's just wait E I know we can just pretend that we put them in a dishwasher good idea all right then looks like we've got all of the blankets and pillows out for them on the sofa kids oh perfect you had your cowp let me put the cups away where are the cups um we put them in the dish oh um I thought I already put the dishwasher on no didn't no didn't it's fine uh we put it on right after we put the cops in just so you didn't have to do it Mom oh well thank you you guys shouldn't be doing my chores when you're feeling sick now come on let's put you into the room okay oh come in here we'll get you all cozy you can't be watching any TV though when you're ill what because that's going to give you guys more of a headache oh uh yeah but maybe it will help me fall asleep uh how about some story books here you go but that will strain my eyes Mom I love reading but I just can't really like read at the moment with it oh I know then e you budge up here okay sure well if you're too tired to read I'll read you guys a story oh to do what do you mean oh you've got CHS to do you're a mom and a May what about your May job uh yeah fine then but just at least make sure you guys are sleeping okay okay there you go I've put the whole side of that sofa on reclin so you guys can use it as a bed okay in the meantime if you guys are feeling sick I need to do double the house chores because that means you need to keep the place super hygienic no germs anywhere time to antibacterial spray the entire house uh Mom are you sure that's necessary I think you're overreacting of course is if you guys are sick we need to make sure the house is perfection no G see okay spray spray spray there we go oh my gosh I need to make sure this is all rubbed in you know this is probably the most tiring thing for me when the kids ill is making sure the house is clean too it's finest work now they can't be anything anywhere not a single germ in sight here we go scrub a dub dub oh this is going to be a whole day's job clean clean clean Oliver is it just me or do I feel really bad for Mom she's literally antibacterial whatever it's called the whole house like what yeah I feel really bad that she just has to do all the work and we just have to like sit here and do nothing really since pretended to get the go school me too but I guess she'll be busy for a while so we are off after all let's see if there's any snacks here that we can get oh what cin candy did you want uh strawberry chocolate vanilla well I'll get you a strawberry one all right there you go and it's Halloween edition cool I'll get myself a orange one and put it on the side what flavored ice cream would you like strawberry vanilla or chocolate uh I think I might get some strawberry okay get [Music] that oh you're very um pink today and I'm here for it I love it look at all that pink food that you've got well I'm going to get myself a vanilla ice cream let me find one here we go eie yeah since you just said that I'm very pink today you're very orangey today yeah well um I don't know but um also mom who bring to I feel really bad she's doing loads of stuff even though obviously we're not here yeah but don't you think she's going to come around here soon and see that we're having like to weeks and she's going to think what are you doing Oliver it's fine we have to make the most of it we've been given this opportunity all right well how about we put on just danceing the TV you know um just for fun yeah and then when you put it on and going be dancing around everywhere don't get too chaotic now yeah why because I know what will happen she'll think what is all that crashing and bashing ready I'm going to get the highest score because look at my dancing skills no but did you know that I'm doing sort of the same but look mine is 200 6 and your is like 150 Oh no you're beating me that's not even funny well let me get back in the game and get my head back in the game cuz I know I'm going to win this the living room how could I forget I need to go clean it quick all of a go alert alert alert um sit back down let put all this stuff in the office I don't know just somewhere [Music] I swear I heard Just Dance Kids oh I guess I didn't are you guys okay uh yeah um we' just been trying to get to sleep I guess uh I think you're hearing things from there wasn't any sign of Just Dance oh have you guys been leaving your snotty tissues on this table why is it so sticky um yeah I accidentally sneezed everywhere oh guys all handprints up here you kids haven't been trying to get sweets have you no no of course not Mom I told you I don't have the appetite for that good I knew you wouldn't I know you guys are serious when you say you're ill I'm going to put that sponge there then for the meantime in case you do any more sneezing um but I'm just going to go do some work in my office while you guys chill oh um are you sure that's necessary mom come back so much I've got a business to run I've got to go catch up okay all right then let's get started on my work that's not usually here cotton candy ice cream oh why is there melted ice cream on my table um I mean I haven't really had a meeting in here for a long time surely the last meeting they didn't leave anything did they kids why is there cutton candy and ice cream in my office expl that meeting you had the other day with uh Louise and Gerald do you remember yeah I do I remember they came the house no I didn't uh yes you did Mom how bad is your memory getting nowadays I mean I thought that meeting was like a month ago but I guess time flies when you're having fun it has been Halloween after all okay um I mean I'm pretty sure like grown adults wouldn't be having candy in my office but okay you said you needed to get rid of some so you just gave it to them do not remember any of this oh gosh your memory checked okay well this is pretty gross wait a minute if there's ice cream in here if it was from last week's meeting why is it not a puddle on my desk miss the CL um and mom you're so silly it's because the heating in your office doesn't work like it's freezing in there I was playing video games on your computer the other day oh okay well I guess I'll have to call the electrician oh I don't think it's necessary for that I mean you're barely in there you're normally in your office actually at the May's main hall I guess you're I can do that on a different day well it a waste of money very true very true I'm going to empty out the trash you guys carry on chilling as you were oh my gosh this trash can is heavy I did not expect it to have so much in it and thought I was keeping up with the the rubbish recently all right let's put this away oh my goodness no the bag has split seriously H wait a minute what is that hold on why is there two plastic cups in here and they smell like cowp Poole let me throw this in the trash can and pick these up hold on the dots are connecting if there's two plastic cups in the bin and the kids had two plastic cups this morning for their cow Poole and they disappeared this morning because apparently they were in the dishwasher if I go back indoors and find that there aren't two cups in the dishwasher that means they threw away the cow Poole because they aren't really sick and they don't want to have fake medication could I have just been the next Sherlock Homes I need to go check the dishwasher ASAP I'm hoping I find two glistening clean plastic cups in there because they aren't lying and those are just two other plastic cups let's see okay I need to be quiet so they don't hear me playing with a dishwasher let's have a look no way not a single plastic cup in sight so they're lying to try to get the day off of school I can't believe it oh my goodness how am I going to confront them I know maybe I shouldn't confront them for a while I can just get them to do things they really dislike until they get absolutely sick of it and finally confess that's what I'm going to do because they're making me go through all of that effort of cleaning the whole house a payback is necessary what could they do though I know what they hate doing not being allowed to use the playroom cuz if they were sick they can't play with their toys perfect uh mom there you are I've been looking for you um we're really bored we're just going to go in the play room and play with our toys bye yeah my opportunity uh no you can't what what you we're ill exactly you're ill so you can't be playing toys you need to rest come on follow says me no but that doesn't make sense how can we not play with toys cuz we're ill what's that mean so if you're playing with toys and you can be that occupied then you would have been occupied enough to go to school so you need to go upstairs and rest when you're sick you rest you don't play come on to your bedroom to your bedrooms oh but I thought you were sick we are okay then bedrooms let's go come on let's go you heard me the first time if you guys are sick you need to be upstairs in your bedrooms resting here let me carry you to your bed young child and let me carry you to your bed as well cuz you're so sick aren't you you can barely afford to walk door um Mom I you know I can still walk well you know I'm just helping you out since you feel so ill don't you well yeah but you don't carry me into my bedroom so good work oh and bye way seeing as you guys feel so ill I thought the perfect thing for dinner tonight would be vegetable soup get those but perfect now I can make them some vegetable soup for lunch this will probably be the last thing to tip from Over the Edge because you guys know they hate vegetable soup but I can't believe they lied to me like this I seriously I'm so frustrated with them right now I honestly get so sick and tired of going out of my way to try make them feel better especially when they're feeling ill for real but no they just lying to me just to get the D of school I mean don't get me wrong I know it was a really good time you know in the Halloween season chilling and playing games and going out to all these fall festivals and stuff but it comes to an end at some point and right now is the end so they need to seriously just let it go they need to get back into the school season and in no time they'll be off for Christmas anyway so I really really don't know why they're so bothered but let me finish off making this vegetable soup M delicious and usually when they're ill I would say they can sit in the living room cuz it's more cozy but they aren't actually ill so no living room for them let's turn the candle on we'll put on this nice mint scent for this candle seeing as it's super fresh and the kids hate it so hopefully that should really make them confessional their worst nightmares coming true oh kids lunch is served oh eie you're not in bed that's ironic you know as soon as you're so ill aren't you what do you mean I've been painting I would you all of us jumping around really what an ill person would do it's therapeutic Man painting you know come on downstairs is jumping trying to make better here we go got some lunch for you right here here oh and of course let me check the time it is time for your second dose of medicine so let me grab that out too oh Mom I don't think we'll be needing that oh I think you do you look really ill more ill than earlier actually so here we go I don't think so I feel a bit better oh will I'll be the judge of that anyway eat up your vegetable soup guys M delicious isn't it yeah great yeah great so good your favorite isn't it especially when you're ill mom where does all this come from ell you were really nice saying that we could rest downstairs in the movie room and all that and now you're going you can't play you have to eat vegetable soup yeah you're like going C in US M you trying to make us better um and Mom I think we're already feeling a bit better so I don't think don't know why you going like M should try make us already better oh no no no no you know I care so much let's get that cow pel guys guys come on drink up um what we can't no no that's enough soup Eevee come on cowo it's the most important part um maybe I'll just pop to the toilet real quick maybe you stay where you are up Mom yes Oliver got you Oliver why do you have to bait me out like that well you guys were the fish and you caught the bait so got you I have to cuz she was trying to make us P medicine when we're not e I cannot believe it you guys are Little Liars H plan and not me what don't blame all of me you know what I was actually just about to put your dirty dishes in the dishwasher but follow me kids come on over here no this way this way you know as soon as you guys are so miraculously better now I think the perfect way to end off this afternoon is you can clean up your dirty dishes in the sink off you go hello yes you are that yeah who make kids do that otherwise I'll be calling the principal h no well then cleaning your dishes H I can't believe they pulled this St again but as you can tell I've got some telling off to do because these guys are playing Just Dance Again all for being sick H well Peaches I really hope you enjoy this video and a massive thank you for watching once again if you haven't already then of course be sure to like And subscribe to Jo the pretty Peach family and once you subscribe be sure to hit that notification Bell so you get notified every time I upload a video don't forget to use star code Peach from buying roblo or premium we really hope you enjoyed and we'll see you guys in the next one bye peaches she's a Mona everyone's ling up to see her there must be something about features you'll find the beauty goes much deeper once you get to meet you see her walking down the bullet
Channel: peachyylexi
Views: 57,971
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roblox, amberry, bloxburg, bloxburg family, family roleplay, bloxburg twins, bloxburg daughter, bloxburg sick day, bloxburg routine, funny moments, bloxburg skip school, peachyylexi, zaryee, its akeila, sick roleplay, robloxrp, robloxroleplay, bloxburgrp, bloxburgroleplay, sick routine, routine roleplay, morning routine, night routine, lying, cheater, caught, fail, prank, bloxburg update, bloxburg kids update, bloxburg update secrets, sneaking out, school roleplay, beta squad, sidemen, rps
Id: D457Hsyu2UM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 19sec (1819 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 04 2023
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