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[Music] she's a [Music] Mona everyone's ling up to see it there must be something B features you find the beauty goes much deeper you get to meet [Music] her hi peaches welcome welcome back to the channel hope you're having a lovely day and today is a super weird day at the house because Aunt Amanda and Uncle AJ are both out at work Elena and Oliver are at the park together with some friends but Grandma Flo wanted to take them Taylor is at soccer practice which just leaves me and eie by ourselves pretty much the entire day we had some pancakes this morning together as you can tell but these are finished so let me put the leftovers into the fridge but we haven't really got any plans today me and eeve so I'm going to see what she's doing now oh here she is right here you okay Eve I'm good thank you what are you doing Mom I'm good too I'm not really doing much though at the minute I was going to ask if like you wanted lunch or anything since it's like midday now um no I mean I actually no I am really hungry now I think about it I got a bit distracted watching my TV sorry okay what would you like for lunch soon as it's just me and you you get the um choice to pick whatever you like oh let me see let me see um oh I know can I have a PB&J of course I can get you a PB&J that works good but I was just thinking you know since it's just us at home today we haven't really got much plans have we uh no not a lot that I can think of uh did you want to do anything I mean I've got quite a bit of work to do but I was thinking for you did you maybe want to like invite some friends around or something oh yeah that would be cool I mean I was talking to my friends the other day about like meeting up again but is it okay if I have them around here maybe uh that could work I'm sure Aunt Amanda and Uncle AJ won't mind but we're only going to be here for a few more weeks it'll be nice to you know show your friends around before we get going here's your PB and J by the way let me grab you a drink uh how some Blox yade good oh Blox that's a treat isn't it it is well you know expecting like water but thank you that's okay I was saying seeing as you know it's just me and you at Homestead got to let you have a little treat here and there without any arguments from any of your other siblings of course yeah of course I mean it's quite peaceful isn't it it is I mean even your friends you've got quite a good friends so I'm sure it will still be pretty peaceful when they come around anyway if they can cuz unlike Taylor you and your friends are really well behaved unlike Taylor's friends um they're a little bit loud to say the least least yeah just a little bit but we're good friends yeah of course well do you have any friends in mind that you'd want um to come over us so I can message their parents um definitely Amanda and Lyla I haven't spoken to them in ages and I think it'll be a good catch up okay I'm pretty sure I've got their parents phone numbers in my contacts you need me to do the washing up oh that would be lovely if you could do that thank you so much put it in the dishwasher if you like or you can clean it sorry already started well that's okay I mean it gives you a little bit more work to do but as soon as you're doing it by hand I can give you more pocket money oh thank you you're welcome just don't tell Taylor okay I won't right let me message both of them moms just make a little mom group chat and sit here hi lyla's Mom and Amanda's mom if you're free would your daughters like to come over for a sleepover with eie she really misses them and I think they would have a good time okay and sent all done Evee I'll wait to get a response from them but maybe you could always um go FaceTime them or something um see if they've heard anything okay sounds good I'm going to go upstairs and FaceTime them you know so we can like I can watch the Pat and see all that and set up and clean up the house just to make it tidy okay well let's their parents say yes before we get too excited yeah well they will I just know okay um seeing as I've got the TV now let's watch my favorite golden bloxy while we wait for a response let's go la la la la in my room where's my iPad uh I put it somewhere oh it's here I didn't see that H let me go on to FaceTime app and let me call Amanda and lla let me just put my phone on here hopefully they reply uh oh hi guys hi how are you guys oh uh I'm good thanks how are you I'm good how are you Amanda I'm good too well um I've asked my mom to call or like message whatever your guys' parents to see if you guys can like maybe come around my house oh okay yeah I think my mom was talking about that like yeah so you guys coming I'm not sure m mom can drop me over in like actually I don't know how long but she said she can well you guys need to pack obviously yeah oh yeah I think I I think I might do it now actually do you guys want yeah sure do you need my help with any of your packing yeah what do I need to bring should I bring my iPad uh yeah definitely so we could play a bit of Roblox oh okay I'll pack that in my bag um how about some swimmers uh yeah uh wait swimmers yeah don't you have a pole at um the house that you're staying at oh yeah I do but just pack them but it might be a little bit too cold but still pack them than you yeah and what else you guys oh make sure to bring some pajamas clothes for tomorrow okay oh are we bring do we bring our own sleeping bags or or um are we sleeping oh no we have a sleepover room so you can sleep there oh yeah sounds good okay let me pack these couple things and just any other like things that you might need okay I think I packed everything I'm all right oh let me just grab my pillow actually okay there we go put that on top I'm done me too okay I guess I'll see you guys soon yeah see bye well I'm going to put my iPad on charge here cuz we're definitely going to use that I do want to show them some of my books which is over here so let me just get some books out um trying to think what else we need well I'm sure we're going to play with some toys so let me just get some of these dolls I think we've got some Barbie dolls here and then I'm going to get these roller skates so they can try my new roller skates and maybe just some stuff toys um what what else can we do I think Mom's going to provide the food and the drinks so I don't think there's anything else I need really um just got to wait for them to arrive now oh looks like I finally got a ping on my phone let's see oh perfect it's that Mom's WhatsApp group chat looks like they're both allowed to come over let me go tell Evee the good news and let me just respond okay they can come at any time they like perfect okay let's go see eie where are you oh there you are I'm here your room looks very TIY getting it ready for um your friends to come over cuz guess what they're coming yay they're definitely coming like 100% now yes they are oh that's sick I can't wait well have you like got some toys and things that you're going to want to use when they come so you don't like turn your room upside down you got some stuff to the side already yeah pile here okay that looks perfect we can put all of this down here so you can have this as your little playing and hanging out area over here so we don't get your room too much in a state um do you know what they like for dinner the girls so I can cook them one of their favorites or wait here oh you got pizza okay you guys could actually make pizzas if you like with me you could make your own that could be cool something to do together yeah okay well I guess we'll have to wait then until they are here but do you want to come downstairs and wait cuz I know you're definitely going to want to open the door to them when they turn up yeah let's go all right sounds like a plan let's head downstairs ready for the [Music] sleepover okay Bye Mom bye hi Manda hi lla are you excited yeah I'm so excited my back's so so heavy oh my gosh oh my God yes same I should have brought um lots of things but it's fine yeah I think I missed something don't know KN KN you'll be a f Mom Mom they're here come on let's go Mom they're here oh okay okay you heard it better than me I'm really starting to lose my hearing in old age let's see not that old oh wow thanks eie that's nice of you oh there you guys are hey guys come in hi so nice to have you over thank you for having me hi guys I can't wait for this sleepover yes e it's going to be so much fun for you guys do you want me to show you where you can put your bags yeah yes okay follow me upstairs we used to actually live here but we gave this house to um 's aunt and uncle but they're letting us stay here for a while and they didn't actually change most of the house so we've got our sleepover room in here this is cute so feel free to claim a bed that you fancy and you can just put your bags down here on the floor or something now eie told me that you guys love pizza I was thinking maybe we could all maybe do some pizza making together for dinner how does that sound that sounds good okay did you want to go downstairs now and do that girls yeah okay all right then let's go Evee has been telling me nonstop how excited she is haven't you e excited yeah I can't wait she's been having the time of her life waiting for you guys to show up so here go make some pizza okay guys so let me show you how you do it first so feel free to watch my little tutorial first you're going to roll out the dough like so do that a couple times want to make sure it's nice and smooth and in a round circle got that guys yeah okay so I'll let you do that then um ller if you wanted to go first you can roll your do here while I do the next bit and then once you guys have done that you put on the sauces the cheese and your topping so I'm going to go with tomato sauce base with some cheese and some pepperoni perfect and then last but not least you put it in the oven to bake just like so feel free to roll out your dough guys and put on your ingredients let me as well clean the fridge while I'm here it just shows you how dirty the house can get when you have company but it's worth it cuz you guys having fun pizza making so much fun you guys are really good at it by the way have you been doing it in homech at school yeah we have you guys are really becoming Pros I can see it well then kids looks like we'll wait for these to bake and then we can have a delicious dinner all together who's hungry me I know what I am me too Mom have they all finished baking they have and what I've done is I've put all of our different pizzas onto one plate and made like a new pizza that makes sense that we've got different slices of different things I'm pretty sure lla that was your one you did a vegetable one you did a chicken one eie Amanda you did pepperoni and I also did pepperoni cuz you can't beat a bit of pepperoni but guys a little taste test now what do we think m this come out good I think we're actually quite the pro chefs don't you think kids yeah well after dinner I won't hold you guys down here for too long you can go upstairs after if you like and play some games all together I know you've been so excited I'm sure Eve has shown you or told you but she's got a whole setup laid out upstairs for you guys oh yay she is so excited may I have some water please Miss Peach of course you can let me just put these dishes away cuz got to make sure we keep the house nice and tidy while we've got company here you go lla here's some water and is everyone done with a pizza or did you want any more guys no bit okay sounds good well then let me turn on the dishwasher and I'll put this pizza away well then girls did you want to go up go off upstairs and play I know you guys have been desperate to go have some fun yeah let's go all right then we'll have fun kids and while the kids going to have some fun I'm going to make sure I clean up the oven and things around me just the whole Kitchen in general cuz it's really important when the guests are over to keep the upkeep nice and high of the tidiness of the House's cleanliness because it can get pretty messy pretty quick when you've got guests guys let me show you my room look it's over here you're going to love it look oh my God I remember this it hasn't changed much yeah from the flowers I take them down because they were getting really annoying oh okay oh my God I have this dollhouse at my house should we yeah yeah we play do you well do you want to play a bit of my dollhouse yeah okay well how about you be this Barbie doll I'll be this one and we can do like a little role play okay okay okay Lyla how about you be the mom Amanda you be the dad and I will be the um the daughter okay good idea mom is dinner ready not yet sweetie I'm going to go down and make oh no breakfast dinner oh no okay fine and then um Dad what are you doing um I'm not doing anything is that a newspaper you're holding maybe are you're always reading that silly newspaper that's not silly it is ready y wow spaghetti bow and egg yeah your favorite yeah definitely my favorite let's eat this up and then we can have an early night tonight [Music] yay guys are you getting bored of this yeah I was about to say that um well how about you guys try out my new roller skates I got them like ages ago who wants to go first me me me okay put them on oh oh gosh be careful don't break anything why no don't crash ah I'm trying you're going so fast be careful lla you go oh these are cool wee oh be careful wee I'm being careful oh making sure not to crash into anything oh crash into that stool oopsy daisies oh no well do you guys want to play a bit of Roblox on our iPad you brought yours didn't you guys yeah I did let's sit on my bed and we can play some Roblox do you want to play like a tycoon oh yeah I think there's like a no smoothie tycoon or something we can play that oh that sounds fun I know I played with my little sister it was quite fun bye okay I'll join you okay guys I can rebirth I'm going to do that now oh I just started yeah whoa I've been playing it a lot with my sister oh um well guys do you want to play a bit of dress up oh yeah I'm kind bored yeah well I've got lots of clothes in my wardrobe so I mean I guess you guys can like try them on o okay I'll have a look in this drawer let's see what there is um oh my gosh I love this outfit I didn't know you had this e oh yeah I do Taylor gave it to me since all of like the accessories and stuff yeah I love it I'm going to try on [Music] this oh that's amazing what about this one let's see oh I love that that's such a pretty dress thank you thank you what else I got let's see ooh oh Evie is this your dance oh this is our dance costume oh yeah I want to try that on I didn't know you had a brown wig in here is that from Taylor uh I don't even know to be honest maybe from Halloween oh yeah maybe anyway let me take this wig off it's kind of hot and itchy this is my like workout outfit isn't this so cute I love let's see what else do you have H oh remember this this was our ugly costume oh yeah bad memories don't know why real girls guys quick quick let's change back okay I'm changed me too yes Miss Peach hey girls what are you doing are the RO looks really tired d never mind why is their clothes all on the floor girls and a brown wig brown head wig oh um we uh Halloween costumes have you guys been playing dress up maybe okay just don't uh turn your wardrobe upside down make sure you tidy that up Eevee later on when you get the chance course I E you Peach good good that's what I like to hit it well guys I was thinking it's starting to get a little bit late now did you maybe want to like brush your teeth and we can do some like skin care and stuff get into our PJs and then maybe watch a movie all together yeah follow me to the bathroom guys here you go guys you can follow the tour well let me show you guys what I got for you well here you go guys got some face masks here for you and some moisturizer here so you can have some fun with that and I know you guys put your toothbrushes in this cup holder over there feel free to borrow our toothpaste if you need some too I'll leave you guys to it just have fun and don't make a mess with the face masks okay okay yeah understood okay now while they do that I'm just going to get changed into some pajamas myself here we go let me put this on and I'll put a hoodie on with that cuz it's starting to get colder in the four months wait a minute is that rain I see outside I'm gosh it really is starting to look like awesome but let me go see how the girls are doing okay guys so just make sure we've brushed our teeth cuz it's obviously like good to get all of like the food out of our teeth yeah let me just there you go uh you can use the sink to obviously spit the toothpaste out and guys don't know about you but today my face has gone like really dry so do you guys want to use some of this moisturizer sure it's really good I highly recommend but it's quite expensive it's actually my mom's but don't tell her that like I've given you this um there you go lla you can put some on first I'll give it to you Amanda after okay let me put this onra it in okay there you go Manda here you go thanks what shall we do next eie uh face mask look you can pick between green red and yellow what one do you guys want oh I want the red one okay you guys can put yours on okay okay let's apply this oh look at us the skare Queens y we ready with me account that' be fun yeah that sounds fun well last but not least we need to get Chang our pajamas so did you guys make sure you buy yours yeah I brought mine yeah thank you though okay well I'm going to quickly just get changed now and I'm nice in my comfy blue silk pajamas W I love your pajamas Amanda thanks eie oh we're all nice and crazy girls can I come in of course you can come in yeah let's see oh I love the face masks and the pajamas you guys got better pajamas than me look I've just got my hoodie on with some played pajama bottoms on how boring but I love yours thank you thanks well guys follow me I was thinking we can either use the little movie room setup that we've got through here or we could go downstairs to the living room which could be easier cuz obviously we've got all the snacks there with us but it's up to you guys we could sit up here and bring the snacks up or just go downstairs whatever you prefer I don't mind yeah same E look this is up to you well I love this movie room but obviously the snacks aren't here so can we just bring the snacks up quickly okay follow me then and then we can go pick out what you guys want to have exactly cuz there is plenty of snacks but it's up to you what you want to choose so I need to turn off my cooking show cuz I've been watching it for about 6 hours nobody needs to know that well come that's so bad it's not that bad anyway on a different note let's not talk about my cooking obsession with golden bloxy who wants ice cream I want some chocolate ice cream here feel free to help yourself from the ice cream machine you can take that upstairs with you and I'll bring you guys up a packet of chips each do you want some chips yeah please okay cool and you can take your ice cream upstairs let's go girls let's grab these for you all right we'll head upstairs and I can get their movie set up cuz it can be a little bit hard to set up that TV all right okay I'll leave your chips here girls and what movie do you guys want to [Music] watch The Parent Trap yes I love that movie okay The Parent Trap is really good option let's put that on for you guys all right there you go and you want the lights off make it look Cinema room okay lovely have fun girls I'll close the curtains have you seen the rain outside is really starting to look like full after all yeah but that's good because fo is one of my favorite months it's going to be so much fun and especially now you guys are back at school maybe um you guys can start coming over again after school like you did before for summer that'll be so fun I'm sure my mom won't let me I'm sure she will well then guys have fun and don't go to bed too late okay thank you perfect glad they're having a good time and that leaves me now to have a nice nap on the sofa because I am tired to say the [Music] least well guys I guess the movie's ended so let me just turn that off but guys are we going to talk about Jacob's new haircut oh gosh it's actually so bad he looks so good looking this term uhuh I don't like his haircut this time yeah so bad really I love it uh guys don't tell on this but I think I might have a crush on oh okay we won't tell don't worry don't tell no one no one but guys did you hear about Miss Collins how she she's having a baby oh that's so good I'll make sure it's dropping a gift to her but did you hear about that rude girl Megan yeah she's finally getting in trouble for bullying Ella oh actually yeah good I don't like Megan I can't stand that rude girl yeah she always tries to text me and it's not nice text I would block her yes him it's fine guys my mom's the mayor so any problems let me know okay well is there any more gossip or is that it um I think there's anymore I I anymore oh did you hear about Luke's new haircut oh I love it it's ugly I prefer Jacobs uhuh so much better yeah yeah whatever well I'm pretty tired should we go on bed now yeah follow me in here you guys can pick your beds this one I'll pick this blue one okay I'll sleep here then good night everybody good night night the bed bug SP okay peaches and that brings us to the end of this video we really hope you've enjoyed and a massive thank you for watching once again if you haven't already then of course be sure to like And subscribe sh the pretty Peach family and want subscribe be sure to hit that notification Bell so you get notified every time I upload a video don't forget to use star Cod Peach when buying with premium and of course be sure to check out my Autumn jewelry link Down Below in my description on my Etsy store really hope you guys enjoyed and we'll see you guys in the next video bye peaches bye peaches [Music] bye everyone's ling up to see her there must be something B features you find the beauty goes much deeper once you get to meet her you see her walking down the buet
Channel: peachyylexi
Views: 59,188
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bloxburg, Roblox, Bloxburgroleplay, Roleplay, Zaryee, Bloxburgfamily, houseshopping, house, house hunting, Moving in, Moving Day, Pregnant, Gender Reveal, Birthday Party, Birthday, Sleepover, family, peachyylexi, roleplay, sleepover roleplay, slumber party, friends, school, school roleplay
Id: RmFRmuo0Su4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 30sec (1770 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 01 2023
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