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[Music] she's a [Music] Mona everyone's ling up to see it there must be something B features you find the beauty goes much deeper you get to me [Music] her hey beaches welcome welcome back to the channel I hope you're having a lovely day and today as you can tell it is starting to get super cold and it's officially the Autumn season I've got my Ugg boots on with some jeans and this really cute crop sweater thought I get some ear muffs to match too because it actually has been really cold where we are currently living in our new home if you can't tell around us but today it's just me and Elena and eie because Taylor and Oliver are both at soccer for the day they've got a big soccer game so we thought we would let them spend the day with Uncle AJ and Aunt Amanda as I haven't actually taken them to a game before so we thought it'd be nice as we go every week but I'm going to see how the kids are doing there's Elena hi Elena what you doing hi mom basically scratch is just diving into this pool and yeah he's just learn some new tricks to be like me that's pretty cool could I see some of your tricks oh um I heard you've been practicing back flips at gymnastics yeah I guess but please okay fine yay thank you here you take scratch okay maybe I should come out of here cuz my teacher always says to do it on a flat space mhm got a little rug here yeah I love this rug Mom it's cool isn't it I used to have one when I was younger okay here we go three two one wow oh my gosh that's amazing Elena well done and do you know what I just realized we have the same outfit on um Elena are you stealing my fashion choices now how did that even happen I don't know did you buy that with Grandma Flo yes she got it for me Al Zara uh same I think me and Grandma Flo have the same tasting clothes so let's go show let's go show eie our funny coincidence eie so funny knock Eve you won't believe what happened I bought my outfit from Zara and Elena bought her outfit from Zara with Grandma Flo we're wearing the same thing a cute it looks kind of cute though doesn't it yeah it just different boots what are you working on anyway Eve working on a new painting yeah there all terminal when it has like uh leaves of like trees on it and yeah my art teacher was really impressed when I sent her a picture I mean don't get me wrong so clever but your carpet looks a little bit of a mess but you're slicking that paint brush about eie stop it eie this is my this is my technique mother sorry sorry I see I mean it's obviously doing the job that it's a beautiful painting but please be careful of your room good J is a really nice though well I was thinking guys you want to maybe go downstairs and have some food cuz I'm quite hungry yeah and soon as it's only us today I mean it's going to be pretty quiet soon as we haven't got those two worrying about the socer match in our ears even though they have nothing to worry about cuz there's never anything to worry about every week they well yes Eve um I need to add this book onto the reading log can you help me reach okay hold on one second lucky you ask me now I'm just about to get my hands all in a mess with cooking uh okay let's put this on the reading log okay there we go that's the title and all of the other information what are you giving out five stars uh I would say three I've seen better okay three that works let me give that okay three stars let me grab my pencil then and write that for you okay Mom put it there oh sorry talk about perfectionist there we go and Al do your little M signature here like right here signature even though it's in our house okay there you go done done your a little signature okay hey now what do you guys want I was thinking I could make you guys something nice and kind of on season how does some pumpkin chocolate chip bread sound oh yeah that sounds good Mom because um I love pumpkin pie right yeah you do from last year so looks like it will be the perfect time then to make some chocolate chip bread okay there we go I've kind of mixed this all up let me put this in the oven to bake and I feel like we should probably have something maybe Savory too if we're having something sweet like that do you guys want any kind of lunch meal is there anything in particular that you want beef stew beef stewa no what do you mean no but it's cold outside it is really cold I hope there's not going to be any weather problems beef stew it's good I don't know why you guys are hating on it so much well not Elena but looks she's asking for it unicorn says it's a hearty meal well it is really really good for you but speaking of unicorn Elena oh my gosh how am I going to break this news to you have you not heard Elena about unicorn um is unicorn getting married to another unicorn um let me show you what happened with unicorn do you not know e Eevee oh my goodness okay follow me guys what happened I'm scared come this way it's going to be some heartbreaking news um okay this is let me just show you um you see unicorn is is no longer the same um I'm a bit confused what do you mean uh you what is that is is gone but this is the new version of unicorn that's not unicorn what is that I'm not watching this rubbish okay L don't throw tum now um I'm so annoyed this is words but I have no words all I'm going to unicorn at the end that was my child show it's okay don't get upset oh you guys I'm sorry that was my childhood show I didn't want to break the news to you guys but look we're going to have why did they do this Mom Mom you're the be you fix it I mean I know the me I can't I'm going away to hide okay well you know what guys don't worry cuz we're going to have some really nice food just try to get used to the new Unicorn oh my gosh this is a nightmare I knew they wasn't going to be happy but the Tantrums to crying oh my gosh I mean to be fair it was their whole childhood so it's very weird seeing it go see as now someone else has bought their TV company but you know it's fine I'm sure they'll grow to love it okay let me pour this beef stew into the bowl oh and the pumpkin chocolate chip loaf is ready kids the food is ready okay let me just quickly cut up the bread and then we can have that after for dessert well at least the beef stew is finished but uh Evee I'm really sorry that I had to break that news to you you okay uh I mean it's bit obsessing as that's like my childhood show but you know what I'll get over it fine I'm growing up out of that anyway but I just feel bad for Elena talking about Elena where is she I don't know I'm just quickly pling up some beef stew for us let me put that away okay perfect and then let me just put the rest in the fridge and grab us some drinks I feel like she's going to need a good drink to cheer her up she does really like this apple juice that we've got in these coldon cups that they call Frog Juice but isn't really frog juice so maybe we'll get her one of them do you want one too Eevee yes please okay we'll get you one of them as well as they are super fun and very Halloweeny I'm so excited for Halloween are you yeah but you know what Christmas is just 10 times better so it is I agree but you know Halloween is still super fun too want to enjoy it right where would you like me to sit and yeah I mean I guess so here come sit in one of these chairs with your juice and let me grab myself a drink I think I'm going to go with a regular coffee because I'm going to need it after that disaster shall we call it all right eie give me two seconds I'm going to go get Elena Elena oh okay she's not in here um Elena Elena hello where is she she's not in here I can hear her crying somewhere if she's not in that garage then she must be in this garage Elena where are you oh what's wrong Elena I'm sad why are you sad because of that stupid thing on the TV I know it's really upsetting but at least you got a new version of unicorn and it seems like a longer episode now longer yeah but but she looks like a puppet yeah but look it's so cool because look starts as a horse and then look some magic happens and and Tada it's a unicorn oh and they're just flying around it's quite good right I guess well we'll get used to it over time won't we so let's turn that off and go enjoy some beef stew look I've got you some Halloween apple juice there you go that you like Frog Juice yeah it is a frog juice Mom oh okay frog juice if thank you you're welcome and I don't know about you guys but I'm feeling like really cold extra colder than usual I feel like there could be something up with the [Music] weather um uh meaning what I don't know probably nothing serious but maybe we'll check the uh news forecast in a minute oh and look our pumpkin loaf bread is done so we can have some of this after we've had our beef stew and eat it while we are sat in the living room that could be a good idea what you think kids yeah yeah good okay let me just quickly finish chopping this up perfect all right I'm going to just put this into the living room in here ready to have some in a bit and let me quickly finish off my food and coffee but is it just me that feels cold no I'm definitely cold okay glad it's not just a me problem I just assumed it was season change yeah I don't know but let's hope it's just season change all right I'm finished so let me help you guys grab some of those dishes okay kids well it is chore week so who's doing dishes today not me e looks like it's you I've left those on the side for you but Elena that doesn't mean you're not doing anything no I've got to TDY away my things right m tidy okay yeah okay good now I've made quite the mess in the kitchen so I'm going to go grab the vacuum cleaner and give that a clean all right let me grab that then perfect and give the floor a little clean oh my gosh there's so many crumbs and things in the kitchen from that pumpkin loaf bread and after we can get cozy in the living room all together and watch some TV hopefully have a little look at the weatherl uh Elena what are you doing um just tid in just tid in are you sureena there's paint on the floor let me see if I can hoover it up okay you got the paint well there's like some big dry patches there you've just left all crumbled up on the floor look my fish now Hoover up that is a really cute fish though well guys I think the hoovering is pretty much done are you guys ready to go watch some TV yeah yeah uh eie you're not ready you haven't why am I not ready she on the side come on everyone's done their bit to help out everyone's waiting can I can I not do it later uh no you can do it now fine you watch it without me then whatever anyway let's on the TV and change to the news all right here we go let's have a little look hopefully it's nothing too serious take a seat oh Mom it's actually getting really chilly in here I think I need a blanket okay here you go blanket for you better yeah okay let's watch the news the heat wave is about to end with a bang in some places Friday night and into Saturday and Sunday Very Lively weather expected across Southern parts of the UK in particular in the north high pressure holds on on Friday with the intense heat still there across Northern Ireland Southwest Scotland Northwest England but low pressure is approaching from the southwest and that from the satellite radar and lightning imagery earlier today you can see is producing some very intense thunderstorms very heavy rainfall now approaching thunderstorm I know what there thunderstorms this is just terrible not what we wanted let's go break the news to Eevee quickly cuz we looks like going to be having to stay in and it's meant to get really dangerous uh it's going to be a thunder will make a hole in the roof and then your whole bedroom will fall apart uh sorry what repeat please there is going to be a huge thunderstorm oh are you joking uh no we're not joking um yeah what um well the thunderstorms meant to probably start pretty much uh you know as soon as possible as soon as it hits Blox CU I think it started on Riverside um so we need to prepare for this ASAP we might lose the electricity and things like that so we need to be prepared guys that's fine I've got so many toys okay well we need to find a room to stay in I think our best bet is probably the living room you know with the pool table and stuff so grab the toys that you want and things like that but make sure to get some Essentials too I'm going to go into the garage and grab uh us some flashlights so make sure you come meet me guys in a second all right let's go grab some flashlights they should be back here are they in these cupboards I think so okay perfect I've got some torches that is what we need kids have you got some flashlights come into the garage there's some down in the cupboard give us a sec we're still getting our toys how many do you need uh lot oh my gosh okay not too many please okay let's grab some reading books that should keep you occupied for the time being oh Elena you got your torch got you Mom wow that is very bright could you maybe save that for later in case we need it sure I mean we might not even need it to be honest but just in case we do have a power cut or anything like that okay let's close the garage uh and I I'm need some more Essentials wait wait where's my flashlight in the G G in the garage off you go it's dark and spooky in here Mom dark and spooky all the lights are on are you going insane no but there's loads of spiders and spider webs and get me out of here okay well now we've got that we I guess that leaves us ready for later on is there anything else that we're going to need guys should we maybe get some snacks and things I feel like we probably should stock up yeah sure okay right I think we're going to need some potato chips so come grab yourselves a bag of crisps each and make sure you leave some for me too look if you guys just take the food that I placed on the counter go put it in the living room on the table we've got our bread okay good and what else are we going to need I think the kids are probably going to want a pumpkin spice hot chocolate each cuz you know they do love those after all and I don't mind treating them in times of desperate need so we'll have to get as much as we can all right eeve would you take that food in there as well yeah okay cool I've got myself a pumpkin spice latte and is there anything else that we're going to need you know what just in case it really really does hit desperate times canned beans ew well you never know we could have a terrible terrible power cut and then we could be stuck here for bin is looking like what is on the menu for dinner yuck mom you're so dramatic dramatic yeah last time this happened it was we was up till like 3:00 a.m. waiting for the thunderstorm to stop we're not going to be eating canned beans H well you never know and look it looks like it's starting to get foggy already and the Sun is starting to set I think the thunder storm is coming our way so come on guys no not spooky do you guys maybe want to change into our pajamas really quickly yeah okay right quickly head upstairs because we shouldn't really be upstairs when there's going to be a really big thunderstorm could be dangerous so really quickly just grab your pajamas on kids and then get going okay let me just quickly change in the bathroom and grab my pajamas on okay let me switch into these perfect that should do the trick let's see if the kids are ready oh my glasses how could I forget I'm definitely going to need otherwise I won't be able to see kids are you ready we're downstairs already Mom oh perfect okay come then I guess it's time to hibernate in here for the time being so we don't get caught up in the thunderstorm or anything and I honestly don't know kids how long we're going to have any TV for cuz we could have a power cup but for the time being I want to watch some golden radish what happens to Golden bloxy huh anyway I guess golden rash radish will have to work this one look angry I know what is he so angry for Mom it's getting so much colder can't we put like the heating up higher up the highest I've done it through my phone um there's more blankets here take this one and take that one as well grab all the pillows maybe I'll have some of my hot chocolate yes good that's a good idea Mom Mom Mom Mom Mom it's look outside what look outside oh my gosh is the whole thunderstorm is actually started oh great okay looks like we really do need to stay indoors wrapped up warm oh all these thunderstorms oh my God it's so rainy I can't even deal with it I think bloxburg is closed too I can't oh let's have a look uh yeah yeah closed uh the weather's actually really bad to be fair um I might go check up on Lexi and the kids um just to see if they're okay oh red light oops my bad um I might go check up on Lexi and the kids to see if they're okay uh wait will sad be oh yeah she'll be fine it'll be fine uh okay let's go uh go to check on the kids and Lexi cuz what if like the house bur down or something oh wait my bad that already happened okay let's pull up oh looks like it's in topnotch condition okay let's park really close to the thing there we go they can't get out now okay let's go inside anyone inside the windows I see them knock knock no hello I'm here it's was that just me imagining or did you hear the door knock yeah what is that I don't know please just be something not terrible I just can't be doing this right now what if the tree fell down in front of the door and then we're not going to be barried it's Le what are you doing here Leon careful there's lightning bolts out there did you not just see that quickly get in come inside let come inside oh great now he's got to come in Leon but can you just one stop treading your muddy shoes all across my house what are you actually doing here look at the um oh great you've made the carat dirty so I'm going to have to clean that up thanks it's washable you can put in the wash it's fine are you doing well how can I help you Leon I just came to visit you guys guys uh just in case you in the middle of a thunderstorm yeah that's the whole point I we don't want you to visit us I do hi Dad hi U how are you well good look I appreciate the help and all you know come see if we're okay or whatever but seriously right now is not the greatest time can you not see that we are in the middle of something here well look Leon I really appreciate you coming here and stuff to try and help us but can you not see there is a huge thunderstorm going on you've got your muddy feet all over the place and now my whole house is just a huge mess and we could even lose the power it's just really not the best of times right now no not the best of times you better leave uh well I can't leave now what if yes you can leave look it's just this way out the door oh you got to Leon no I'm not listening to a four-year-old I mean 5-year-old I me can you not see there's a huge thunderstorm here and how I meant to take you home oh what is that please stop acting scared right now I really not use that oh my go what just happened I just got back from the toilet and what just happened power congratulations to you Leon you don't have to leave now because we've got a power cut so what we meant to do what do you mean he doesn't have to leave now well he can't really that after all right grab your flashlights kids I don't really know what you want to do here in the meantime like just take a seat I guess I don't know oh we can't even watch any TV anymore kids looks like we're going to have to have some of those snacks that we brought with us anyone wants some pumpkin loaf bread yeah actually I do Leon you're not having any so don't ask I just go him some anyway and even in a second I'm just eating my chips okay well looks like there's a little bit of light in here from the window so at least it's not too bad but kids you lightning oh my gosh look at the thunder and lightning outside have you not spoke to S today uh yeah I have well don't you think your fiance might be wondering where you are in the middle of a thunderstorm no she's still in uh Paris it's her like 20th time in Paris this week okay uh cuz that's normal anyway um I don't really know what else you want to do um I mean I guess you just sit here but you know we're kind of in the middle of something here trying to stay calm in a power cup so I can stay calm how about we do some like meditation or something something meditation seriously um yeah see you just sit down and like just meditate uh I you know what at this point I'm willing to give anything a go okay you know what this is pretty peaceful you should try it Elena you guys look silly we don't look silly listen thunderstorms call for desperate measures meditating is the way to go anyone I would rather eat 60 cans of beans for the rest of my life every single day then meditate with that idiot yeah Who you calling an idiot Ela Peach there might be a but that does not give to call anyone an idiot where are you going to my home study area to study in the dark okay cool huh eeve are you going to try some meditation uh I'm going to eat my chips this is ridiculous wa be careful mom careful you're going to make the whole earth shap oh shush will you oh when will this end uh kids did you not just hear that the lightting thunder lightning is getting really bad Leon you're meant to be helpful when you're just running around like a scaredy cat so you know you're really not helping how about you just leave I can't now you get out you know what you wanted to come here and be helpful well you're not really doing yourself any favors just go I don't think it's going to be long anyway till the thunderstorm is over just what you what are you doing what's in this room can I stay here no you can't stay in the guest room you're going to just have to wait until the thunderstorm is over because I guess you can't really go out driving in thunder and lightning but just uh ala don't to play something on board no why don't we put him in the garage um you know oh actually I know something that you would really like Leon follow me this way what keep coming in our wonderful garage there's a little gym set up have fun work my abs my sixpack done way work on those the Trad is not going to work just saying OHA just use the punching bager oh okay fine Leon there you go thank you oh good idea Elena um well you know what kids I think the funder stor is starting to clear up so hopefully we get the power back soon cuz sitting here is just so stressful I'm just waiting for it to get better looks it's a bit dark in here I can't see anything well that sounds like a you problem anyway mom in peace yes I just woke up from a power nap where's Dad gone where out in the gym he's gone he's gone he's away from us he's away from us now we're free from Leon yeah yeah Elena it's really hard not to laugh but that's my dad you're talking about yeah well I don't have Dad so boohoo just sit and relax please [Music] okay hey look Eevee it stopped I think we need to go wake mom up and tell her because she's going to still be worrying yeah yeah let's go tell her mom mom mommy yes wakey wakey let me guess Leon's broken something in the house oh no um I don't know where Leon is I don't really care um the Thunder stor is stopped oh has it finally oh my goodness oh I was starting we go see if we can reset the power box let's go see uh Leon is really quiet as he fell asleep oh no never mind complete opposite Le do you mind um what where did you find that from this torch thing just carry this stuff around with you it was in the boot of your car anyway let me try sort out the power box uh okay let's see don't I'll be careful actually I'm the man of the house let me have a of the house you don't live here I can it see I'm mommy's the best we don't need a man speaking of not needing a man bye Leon your car I just thought I'd give you the shortcut version go on it's okay go the long way look my right will you leave please because we've got a house to get get back to soon as it's a huge mess now bye-bye Leon thanks for the help I don't even know if that's what it was but anyway kids I'm feeling a lot better now the thunderstorm is over should we maybe just sit in the living room and relax before we head off to bed after all of that chaos I need some chill time um I'm a bit bored of the living room can we go to the movie room I guess so come on then let's go up to the movie room taking before we have to go to bed cuz I don't think I can go to bed just yet after all of that chaos I need a little bit of relaxation time come then kids what a chaotic day huh time to watch some TV and enjoy the [Music] show okay peaches that brings us to the end of this video we really hope you enjoyed and a massive thank you for watching once again if you haven't already then of course be sure to like and sub subscribe Jo pretty Peach family and on you subscribe be sure to hit that notification Bell so you get notified every time I upload a video and of course be sure to comment down below if you've been suffering from any thunderstorms or bad weather recently seeing as there has been quite a big season change but I don't know about you I'm so excited for Halloween with all that being said we really hope you enjoyed don't forget to use star coach Peach from buying roblux and premium and we'll see you guys in the next video [Music] bye everyone ling up to see it there must be something B features you find the beauty goes much deeper once you get to meet her you see her walking down the bullevard
Channel: peachyylexi
Views: 150,987
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bloxburg, Roblox, Bloxburgroleplay, Roleplay, Zaryee, Bloxburgfamily, houseshopping, house, house hunting, Moving in, Moving Day, Pregnant, Birthday, Church, Hospital Visit, Jail, toddler, Tornado, thunderstorm, Baby, Newborn, Preschool, Family Reunion, Hurricane, Vacation, Moving, New House, Night Routine, peachyylexi, nightroutine, dayroutine, bloxburgroutine, bloxburgupdate, bloxburghalloweenupdate, halloweenupdate, movinghouse, dreamhouse, thunderstormroleplay, thunderstormbloxburg, weatherroleplay, weather, weatherrp
Id: r7aHqHOVYzY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 44sec (1964 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 10 2023
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