๐ŸŒป๐Ÿ… Text To Speech ๐ŸŽ‰โŽ ASMR Cake Storytime @Brianna Mizura | POVs Tiktok Compilations #145

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I can pick to hear my soulmate's thoughts or my soulmate's heart rate hun hearing his thoughts could be distracting you should go with heart rate that's a much better option are you sure yes then you can tell if he's in danger yeah I guess that's true all right I'll go with this one mom I can hear his heartbeat right now does that mean that he's in danger he could just be working out come to think of it there's a lot of reasons his heart rate could be elevated once you two kiss you won't have to hear his heartbeat anymore yeah that's all great and dandy mom except uh I don't know how to find him yo Brie so would you be like down to go to the dance with me it's okay if you're not interested I understand no no I am it's just um are you kind of nervous right now uh oh man is it that obvious yeah I mean no no it's not it's not see you Saturday yes totally see you then I think he's my soulmate ow it's so loud this time girl I just saw the boy who asked you to go to the dance and he was want to come to a party uh-uh if you want to come you have to talk no writing stuff down either give me that a she's getting sad hey give that back to her there here what's your guys's deal relax new guy we were just playing around yeah it's not our fault her voice is locked you know she's the only girl in the whole school that hasn't kissed her soulmate it's a small school she can just text what she wants to say actually no her parents don't even let her have a phone don't listen to them here's some paper I'll see you tomorrow uh you okay you're kind of shaking is everything all right do you want me to open it Stella what are you doing you're not supposed to talk to boys let's go let's [Music] go talking to a boy today probably trying to find soulmate but that's never going to happen Stella what the hell is wrong with you are you all right oh you haven't kissed your soulmate yet have you well are you in some sort of trouble stop there you are what's going on are these your parents oh stop it come here so sorry about this whoa time to go what did you do he did what had to be done he's gone and it's your fault anybody home that's the boy from her school I'll take care of this one she's freaking out over here what' you do with the boy relax I sent him home I told him you were asleep he seemed worried have you been asking people for help at school you better not be because you know what will happen if you do now tomorrow you're going to smile and go to school and if your mom catches you talking to that boy again he's going to meet the same fate as the truck driver Stella I want to talk to you about the note wait I think I know how to help you I'm pretty sure that you and I are uh soulmates you think so too right that's why you gave me the note so I could help you get your voice you need me to kiss you hey it's okay I know you're nervous but it's worth a shot right come on you got to unlock your voice one kiss did it work I don't know hey we're soulmates all right there's something that I have to tell you what do you want to tell me the woman that's coming she's not my real mom I was taken from my real parents what why would they do that because they wanted my Stella you're kidding me guess you didn't learn your lesson hey let's go no you can talk wait a minute shouldn't you be happy for her I am happy it's just that my daughter she's deeply troubled don't listen to anything that she oh hush ow hey is she all right she's okay but like I said she's not so well in the mind can we have a moment uh okay no wait let go I have my voice back now it's over Karen everyone is going to know the truth about what you about what you sh that's enough I don't know what we're going to do the little brat kissed her soulmate well she's not going to stay asleep for long I think her soulmate might have called the hey this is the police open the door we have to hide her good news I got the cops to leave great cuz she wouldn't stop squirming you guys can't just hide me here forever she's right well do you got any bright ideas Legend says if a girl soulmate dies the girl loses her voice permanently you're going to call your soulmate and invite him over no I won't yes you will or you're never going to see your real family again hey I just want to say I'm sorry for confusing you today and I just wanted to tell you that I'm fine and I was wondering if he wanted to come over yeah sure such a good girl I think he's here she's right there Stella what's going on run four mil or a hair clip come on who in their right mind would choose the no at least it's kind of cute I can't come to your party but you promised I know I'm so sorry come on girl you're like the mutual friend if you don't come then no one else is going to want to come look my parents said no she doesn't want to come to your party because she doesn't like you you sure that's the reason yes I wouldn't lie okay goodbye mom says you have to take me to the mall she's lying your mom just grounded her mom just grounded you how did you know that you weren't even home when it happened I don't know I just did okay now get out whatever does this hair clip tell me the truth about people hey babe I'm sorry I'm not going to be able to make it to our date tonight what why not something came up at work it's urgent babe you work at Walmart like how urgent can it really be sorry babe I got to go he doesn't work for Walmart hey babe I'm sorry I'm not going to be able to make it to our date tonight what why not something came up at work it's urgent babe you work at Walmart like how urgent can it really be sorry babe I got to go he doesn't work for Walmart if he doesn't work for Walmart then where does he I'm following him what is he doing here this place looks super sketchy what do you think you're doing huh come here hey boss look who I found snooping around here babe what what is going on babe you know this girl I've never seen her before in my life I'm sorry did our two years together just mean nothing to you two years have you been keeping secrets from me I told you you know what the rules are he's trying to protect you by lying he works for very dangerous men you know what my bad actually I thought that he was my boyfriend but be quiet what did I tell you no attachments which means no girlfriends like I said I don't know her okay good then you should have no problem killing her he's lying to protect you you know what my bad actually I thought that he was my boyfriend but be quiet what did I tell you no attachments which means no girlfriends like I said I don't know her okay good then you should have no problem killing her you see sir I would kill her but you know I don't want to mess up this new shirt so either you kill her or him and I will do it ourselves no please look let's just all settle down you just I think I'm going to need a change of clothes really babe the mafia you're lucky I find that kind of attractive well I know a place we can lay low all right bet but we got to be careful who we trust I have something that can help with that class starting today everyone will be able to play the game I spy to earn money so who wants to play with me I do know me why don't we give the quiet girl a shot I spy with my little eye something green oh come on that's so easy she better get this right um I'm sorry I don't know settle down settle down it was the green apple sweetheart you need to talk to your mom it's really time that she gets you some glasses okay hey Mom the teacher told me today to ask you if I can get some glasses I told you we can't afford them if I had glasses I could earn US money from this game you can earn US money from the game without the glasses you can see just fine I got you a little something you bought me glasses they're just temporary until your mom can get you your exact prescription this is so much better I can actually see now I hope it helps you play the game too I spy with my little eye something yellow that yellow Daisy right there you got it yes I spy with my little eye something brown and white and covered in water that dog ding she's fast you've been getting so much money ever since you got your glasses I know Amelia where did you get glasses my um my teacher got them from me really let me see them wasn't it so nice of her yes I still can't believe that you broke my glasses I told you they weren't your prescription they would have ruined your eyes if you kept wearing them they were supposed to be temporary until you bought me my own glasses don't you understand Mom I can't play I Spy if I can't see Amelia don't you get smart with me and today you'll tell everyone that you lost your glasses and not that I broke them got it hey shy girl you ready I spy with my little eye something blue hey she doesn't have her glasses today I made it so easy for her it's right in front of her face what is it I don't know okay I can't see it it's all blurry way to go doofus you made her lose money hey it's not my fault she's blind Amelia can you please see me after class hey so where's your glasses I lost them but Amelia I just gave them to you okay the truth is my mom broke them and now I lost all my money because they kept asking me to play the game and I couldn't see anything I had a feeling something like this might have happened not to worry I know how to get you seeing again you do yes I think I know a way where we can get you some contacts you would do that for me of course I I really care for you Amelia but about your mother there's something you need to know I reported your mother to the police she's going to get so mad Amelia I'm so sorry but she's clearly been cting you everything's going to be fine though just stay with me I'll take care of you and we'll go get you some contacts okay the eye doctor is right down here I'm sorry I I have to go back to my mom no please there's more I need to explain you have the right to remain silent mom well if it isn't the little traitor I swear I I didn't have anything to do with this ma'am our records are showing that your daughter is adopted what well she didn't know that until now officer but yes she is I see sweetheart please come with me after further investigating your living conditions we have concluded that your mother was neglecting you I want to know who my real mother is are your new contacts working good then you can now play the game I spy right yeah but I don't see how that's going to explain anything please let's just play fine I spy with my little eye someone with blonde hair and blue eyes it's it's Mrs Smith hi honey I I don't understand what what are you doing here I'm here because now you're going to need a new parent and remember how we took a blood test of you earlier the results said no honey yes I was only 16 when I had you when I became your teacher I just knew that you were my daughter I should have never given you up will you please accept me back why don't we play the game I spy with my little eye someone who who loves you very much and has always wanted a mom like you is it you let it a Millionaire's dog or tutor a Billionaire's child I'm pretty sure the billionaires are going to pay more we will pay you 500 per day don't be silly dear per hour well that sounds terrific where is my son one moment I'll go get him I will be right here you're going to wish you didn't accept that job what is he a lot of trouble or something you have no idea hello I'm Ronald well it's nice to meet you Ronald I'm Bri you are really tall for 12 yeah can we start the tutoring now we can start right now where's a good room to start this way follow me hey Ronald how are you doing on that worksheet I gave you I'm done here oh that was really fast is something wrong it's just that your mom said you were really bad at math but these all look correct where is your mom on a trip she just left mommy will be gone for a while oh okay well I kind of wish they would have mentioned that I guess we'll just try something a little more challenging for you next time would you like a drink actually yeah that would be great thanks [Music] hello I'm back sorry you scared me um do you know why there's noises coming from that hallway down there uh that's my dog I'm sorry he's really loud oh your dog okay here's your drink I'm actually good I have to go catch my Uber but I'll see you tomorrow text from the mom forgot to mention that Ronald is highly allergic to dogs can we start our lesson not yet Ronald why did you lie to me I don't know what you're talking about yesterday that noise I heard you told me it was a dog because it is Ronald stop your mom already texted me telling me you were highly allergic to dogs so how could you have one because I found it on the street and I didn't tell Mommy I'll take special meds just to be around the dog please she's the only friend I got look I get it but Ronald it's not safe for you or the dog it's not fair to keep it down there in the basement why don't you and I go down there together we can take it to the rescue shelter and find it a really good home no don't go down there I just uh don't want you to get bit by her cuz she's only used to me don't tell Mommy and Daddy I promise I'll get her to the shelter for the problem you're on right now you're going to need to solve for an X and a y x = 25 and yal 6 how did you do you have a boyfriend what I said do you have a boyfriend let's just focus on our work sorry I was just trying to make conversation well I do but we're kind of long distance and I'm not really sure how long things are are going to you know what I really don't want to talk about this right now let's just focus on your assignment but I'm stven and I had the butler make us a special meal can we take a lunch break okay cool be Alli gosh that poor dog I have to go check on it hey it's okay girl I'm going to open the door please don't bite me what did I just see that didn't look like a dog that looked like Excuse Me Miss Ronald has prepared food for you but he said that you prepared the meal no he insisted on making it himself goodbye wait have you ever seen what's behind that door I have seen many things I warned you this job wouldn't be worth the money wait where are you going UTA where'd you go there you are why are you packing up I'm so sorry Ronald but I I have to go what but your meal is already ready I'm not really h hry anymore my mommy already paid you for the session why are you leaving early did you go into the basement I really need to go come on open hello you know you really shouldn't have went down there what is in the basement well you see you're not really my first tutor the other ones they just didn't listen what is in there my other tutors and now you're going to have to join them my head she woke up shh you're going to scare her what the hell where am I we're all locked in a basement wait a minute are you Ronald's other tutors yeah how long have you guys been down here we've been down here for like a month you have good you're awake so how are you not great you know because you hit me in the back of the head with a frying pan I'm sorry I just wanted some friends Ronald this isn't the way though you have to let us go darling I'm home not a word stay quiet Ronald coming mommy Ronald there you are don't bother calling for help she can't hear us how does a 12-year-old get his hands on something like that well they are billionaires they probably buy him whatever he wants well there has to be some way out of here I wish girl we tried oh my gosh he left my phone can either of you reach it no both of our hands are tied okay well I'm just going to kick the table over oh my gosh okay who are you calling I'm using my foot to text my boy boyfriend your boyfriend no girl call the cops no no no girls trust me this is the right move he can track my phone and have a team here in just a few minutes huh is your boyfriend a spy or something uh-oh what what my phone died no bills I'm sorry to do this but I have to get rid of two of you what no please Ronald no chill I'm not going to get rid of freze kid what the got your Tex babe I had no idea my son was capable of doing such terrible things girls please take this these checks are for a million I know are you sure yes it's the least I can do thank you for saving us sir absolutely glad you guys are safe girl he's a real keeper yeah he is I was meant to be a boyfriend not him can someone please get Ronald McDonald out of here how dare Miss Cindy White yes that's me hi welcome to Castle High your popularity score will now appear above your head don't ask me how to make it go up it's a secret do you have any dietary restrictions or allergies yes I'm actually High allergic to apples noted all right get to class here is your name tag oh look it's the most unpopular girl in school how did you get yours up to 70% oh Sydney you're so pathetic want I come to my party uh yeah sweet I'll airdrop you the address okay Sid we're playing truth or dare pick one dare okay we dare you to kiss Peter no it's just for fun come on on we're waiting okay okay she so your popularity went up congrats don't congratulate her she only has 10% and she needs 100% to meet her soulmate and we all know that's not going to happen listen to what Rebecca says to you she's a nobody Peter she's literally the most popular girl in school I know but not for long we have a plan who's we me and seven of my other basketball teammates meet us at the boy's locker room during lunch Peter I really shouldn't be in here Sid it's all good let me go get the team guys this is Sydney hey yo Sydney hey you guys want to raise my popularity score yes ma'am we think you're kind of cute and way nicer than Rebecca and since you got 10% right now if you kiss all of us you're going to go up to 80 making you more popular than Rebecca Queen I don't know about this come on Sydney we're sick of Rebeca thinking she's better than everyone hey Siri who's the most popular girl in Castle High you but not for long who's the second most popular Sydney White what yo Just One More Kiss she did it I made it to 80% yep I can't wait to see Rebecca's face yo Peter you're right she was a good kisser you said that I know I somebody's got a crush Jason shut up not you all Expos and Peter Hey Sydney I see you raised your percentage well so did I looks like we're tied Sid you better watch your back why because Rebecca's totally obsessed with being the most popular and if you come for her title girl she's going to come for you Sydney hey oh hey Peter hi I wanted to ask you if you um if you wanted to go to prom with me sure I'd love to Sweet I'll uh I'll pick you up at 8 dad I need a palm dress actually sweetheart your mother left you something for this day she always thought of everything let me show you your mother knew you so well that dress looks perfect on you honey you look like a real life Princess here this is for you oh thank you of course you ready to go can't believe you and Rebecca are tied well I'd like to change that the name's Brock may I kiss you um go ahead Sid it's time you put Rebecca in her place Peter I made it to 90% no way you're the most popular girl in school now listen I've actually been meaning to tell you and the winner for prom queen goes to Miss Sydney White yo Sydney oh my gosh she's my friend Sydney Sydney first she becomes more popular than me and now she's prom queen it's time for Plan B I need your help you remember how Cindy's allergic to apples yeah uh-huh well I have a job for you stand there for your picture mind if we take it without the gems smile she looks so pretty Sid Rebecca's super upset that you took her title you better be careful wait do you know where Peter went heard you're looking for Peter yeah have you seen him actually yes let me show you where he is Lucas Peter isn't here yeah I know I I lied okay what why would you cuz I wanted to get you alone so you and I could you know kiss and you can get up to 100% no I don't care about my popularity score anymore but Sydney once you hit 100% you meet your soulmate you could meet him tonight do you really think so I know so that's the law one kiss is all it takes Lucas did you have something on your lips just chapstick all natural apple chapstick apples I'm allergic to I know I can get adopted by a teacher or a Mafia Boss what is that I'm going to go ask some of the other kids hey guys do any of you know what a Mafia Boss is how innocent Mafia bosses are super rich and they make for great parents it's true they're super nice really yeah if that's one of your options you should pick it okay someone is here to adopt you hey kid Natalie say hi hi this is Mr Russo he's going to take great care of you come on Natalie let's take you to your new home I got you a little something thank you of course so is it true that you make a lot of money excuse me I don't like the talk about my job I'm sorry I was just asking no questions about my work put these on and go to your room for 30 minutes but why hey boss he's ready for you Natalie go now okay you're late again on your payment this will be the last time time I swear yeah it will be bye Mr Russo wait before you go to school I want you to uh stay away from any cops you see okay okay ha hun I'm officer Flair I really should be going we just want to talk to you about your father he a Mafia Boss no uhhuh don't lie to us hey your new father is in a lot of trouble and you're going to help us catch him your father is in a lot of trouble and you're going to help us catch him you'll use this a pen it has a video camera in it and you're going to be recording him all the time got it no I won't betray my new dad you don't help us and you'll be going to juvie young lady so we suggest you comply maybe those kids lied to me I mean if I'm going to betray him I have to know what he's really doing for a living hey Mr Russo I know you said to never ask about your work but if I'm going to be living here with you as your daughter you have to be honest with me you sure you want to know I'm sure well I make money by doing things that aren't exactly legal oh may I ask why you adopted me this job can get pretty lonely and I always wanted the daughter but maybe that was selfish no no that wasn't selfish it was actually kind of sweet since you were honest with me I'm going to be honest with you some cops did approach me today and they wanted me to record you and gather evidence on you using this pen what give me that I told you no cops I know I'm sorry it's just they were very insistent and one of the guys was grabbing onto my arm and he was really scaring me they said if I didn't gather evidence on you and record you that I would go to juvie they want a video huh let's give them one did you get what we wanted yes I did all the evidence you need against my father is in this pen you should listen to it now oh what the oh no the pen must have malfunctioned you too think you're funny do you want to go to juvie because wait a minute your badges look really fake are they plastic time for Plan B get her time for Plan B get her you just had to notice our badges now we're going to have to do something we didn't want to do you see we're enemies of your father because you didn't listen to us we're going to have to use you as bait to catch him no he won't fall for that yeah he will and then he'll be killed no I'll warn him you're not going to tell him anything ow lock her in the room and give her something to calm down no hey kid everything's going to be okay I'm going to get you out of here no please you have to leave me here sh it's going to be all right let's go this way no we knew you'd come remember us you're the ones who wanted more money for the job you ripped us off now you and your little Brad are going to pay you should know B you think I'd come here alone let's go Mr Russo I'm really scared it's okay I know kid that's why I brought these for you put them on and close your eyes stop him I told you you mess with me and you end up on the floor are we safe now no yeah don't you worry they won't be able to bother you again come here sweetheart are you sure you want to return her back to the adoption center after some thought yeah I think it's what's best for her you deserve a different father but I don't want a different father I want you time to go Natalie I'll never forget you Mr Roso and I'll never forget how you saved my life a the mafia boss returned her just leave me alone I bet nobody will adopt her now Natalie someone's here to see you hey kid Mr Russo I thought about what you said about not wanting another father and the truth is ever since you've been gone I miss you would you still want me to be your yes I promise I'm always going to protect you my best friend controls my bank account or my hand yeah I don't need her making me go broke she's out of town so I wonder how this is going to work incoming call oh it's her hey girl I can see and hear everything you do you can yeah this is so weird don't worry I won't make you do anything bad you may now begin your test what are you doing I swear I'm not trying to do this Maya why would you do something like that revenge for what you need to see this what is this a picture of you and Maya's boyfriend and it looks like you're holding hands what yeah it's been sent out to the whole school Maya I swear this isn't what it looks like I can't believe her I'm going to make her week a living help listen I wasn't cheating with your boyfriend I was just I don't want to hear her excuses I saw the photo they were clearly holding hands are you okay no my best friend is controlling my hand today and she's super mad at me dang it sucks to be you yeah can't say I disagree if you would just let me explain excuse me you need to pay attention I take Jim very seriously of course so do I coach are you mocking me Miss Missoura no sir oh you think you're funny huh go run five laps no but I uh uh uh don't want to hear it let's go oh man oh my gosh I'm so thirsty here you can have my water oh thank you thanks again for the water no problem what the that's what you ge for being a bad friend all week you've been causing me trouble and anytime I try and explain what happened with your boyfriend you you do that I don't care what you have to say anymore I can't trust you oh and I see her crush is coming there oh no Nate Maya please I'm begging you don't hey uh how are you doing good great actually sweet well you know prom's coming up right yeah I was wondering if you Nate she just knocked out Nate no no I would never my friend is controlling my hand principal's office now listen this is all just a big misunderstanding great they put handcuffs on her now I can't control her hand what do you mean she's your sign language instructor wait so that's why she was touching your hand why didn't you call me sooner she's about to get arrested take her downtown no please wait stop I was controlling her officers she's innocent my soulmate controls my hairstyle for the day or my emotions I might regret this but I think I'm going to go with emotions because I really don't want him to mess up my hair good morning mother sweetie I accidentally shrunk your favorite dress in the wash you can let the dog wear it now but but you love that dress you're sure you're not mad no worries I'm off to school hey so I kind of have this uh this crush on you okay your face is kind of scaring me a little good because I don't even know why you're talking to me in the first place you're right I I knew this was a bad idea I I'm I'm just going to go we have to evacuate there's a fire oh you just need to relax everything's going to be fine Mr Smith this one student refuses to run hey why aren't you running I can't really run right now I'm much too calm for that are you insane listen this building is going to it's going to come down on us come on I'm taking you out of here look she's alive Mr Smith saved her what is wrong with you I'm sorry but my soulmate gave me the emotion of calmness what girl your soulmate almost got you killed guys can I talk to her alone for a sec your soulmate almost got you killed guys can I talk to her alone for a sec hey girlyes so what did Mr Smith want to talk to you about yesterday he just said that he couldn't help but feel like me almost dying in the school fire was his fault and then he just took off well that's kind of weird you know what else is weird I found out Mr Smith is only 20 years old apparently he graduated early that's cool yeah and you've been stuck unhappy ever since you talked to him her hamster passed away this morning and it hasn't even faced her she deserves to mourn for her hamster now come to think of it what if he was just hibernating and I buried him alive I killed chubsters oh hey don't cry what just happened her soulmate must have heard us talking and changed her emotion you know who I saw walking by when we were talking Mr Smith no you don't think that he's her soulmate yeah you know what come with me we're going to go talk to him Mr Smith Sylvia I don't know if you should do this oh hello girls what's up I know you're her soulmate happy birthday we got you something I think I know what it is an iPhone 14 pencils really honey they're magic pencils right class write this down purple Power unlocked hey babe do you mind if we take a rain check on our date this week are you nervous wh what no of course not are you hiding something from me crap I can't do this anymore I cheated on you okay I'm sorry I feel so bad you and your boyfriend broke up this tells me people's emotions you're not sad I don't know what you're talking about she was jealous of us I knew it hey um where's Mom she's outside with Coco giving her a lecture about listening Coco when Mommy says stop you say okay I just Mom you might not want to talk to her right now but you still had to say okay Mom I just B I think today I'm going to go with red red Power unlocked I get to see people's ages well this will be interesting hey good morning girly you're 20 what how did you find out never mind that but why are you still in high school I failed I got held back hey it's okay your secret is safe with me hey I'm new is it cool if I sit here yeah of course thanks so how old are you me oh uh I just turned 17 about like uh 2 months ago hey what do you believe in Vampires no why because I think I'm sitting next to one huh you're funny I'm telling you he's 100 years old can you watch my bag I got to use the restroom yeah sure see he's girl what are you doing looking for evidence ew what is that I think this is what the hell dude what are you doing with my stuff what are you doing with my stuff well I think the better question is what are you doing with this that's for my lunch it's strawberry jam oh can I have my stuff back yeah sorry yesterday's power was kind of a disaster so today I think I'm going to to go with green green power unlocked let's hope this power helps me figure out if that guy is a vampire or not hey so I just want to apologize about yesterday you're good I actually think you're kind of cute how old did you say you were again 17 I'm throwing a party tonight want to come yeah sure I would love that sweet I'll iir dropped you my address hey you made it yeah but where is everyone they're on their way hey Mom this is the girl I was telling you about ooh she looks beautifully delicious stop it really I could just eat you oh no try my punch darling the flavor is to die for get back I'm leaving wait I have two vampires after me this calls for some extreme Powers what would happen if I just picked all of them are you sure you want to combine all the pencils power I have to wish mode activated there you are please don't be scared I know you know I'm a vampire and I'm sorry about lying about the party your mom was trying to kill me I was just trying to hang out with you alone I didn't realize she was going to act like that she has blood lust I wish you were a vampire so you can understand wish granted what just happened I think you just turned me into a vampire how is that even possible because I have a secret too okay I have magic colored pencils and I think you just use the last of their power you don't have to worry about my mom killing you anymore thank you because that makes me feel so much better hey since I did this to I promise I'll protect you I'll teach you how to be a great vampire let's see what sense you lose honey touch oh wow does that mean that I can't feel pain yep it sure does this is going to be the best day ever and then after that I got so embarrassed that I whoops you jerk you hit her right in the head hey it's okay I I can't feel pain oh really well in that case will you go to the blood drive with me I'm really scared to go alone um okay okay let me see your arm does that hurt actually I don't feel pain today oh well in that case would you mind if we take a little bit extra blood yeah sure go right ahead um honey wake up you're all done I got a little bit distracted but you should be fine Mom I'm feeling kind of lightheaded oh dear okay honey I'm taking you to get checked out any discomfort here and how many fingers now three I got your lab results and I don't know how you didn't feel this can't believe you didn't feel this feel what you said you've been feeling kind of lightheaded correct yeah just like kind of dizzy that's because you have lost a significant amount of blood did you go to a blood drive or anything recently does that hurt actually I don't feel pain today oh well in that case would you mind if we take a little bit extra blood yeah sure go right ahead that lady she did this to me what lady honey the one from the blood drive I have to go find her oh no you don't you are in no condition to leave but honey listen to the doctor how are you not feeling pain you almost died your heart could have stopped oh my you might want to close your eyes for this part is that a bite mark that nurse at the blood drive she must have been a so how many words you get three again well you might as well use them up right now I love you a babe I love you even more and what can I get you to I'll take the steak and fries and she's going to get the side salad that's it are you sure you don't want a bit more to eat she doesn't have any more words left oh I apologize I didn't realize let me see that one babe nah I don't like it I'm going to find you something else here try this one on I'll come with you excuse me sir but there's only one person allowed in the fitting room at a time what but she needs help putting this on oh well since I work here I can go ahead and help her out with that it's no problem fine just don't be too long is everything okay oh you don't have any words left do you I'm really not supposed to do this but here hopefully that's enough words for you he's not my boyfriend babe you almost done sorry her zipper got stuck she'll be right out okay just pretend everything fine and I'm going to go get my manager no please don't you'll get I'm coming in whoa hey look at you red is definitely your color we'll take it okay I'll go ring you guys up in the front all right you're all set and here's a gift receipt just in case you need it thanks come on let's go glad they let you wear that out [Music] huh hope you're hungry cuz I'm making us some food babe I made us a special dinner because you look so beautiful here try some baby come on I promise it won't make you tired like last time somebody's feisty tonight you know why did that lady give you a gift receipt it's not like you're going to return it what does it even say on here no where did you get words from who gave you those words was it the saleswoman why did she do that all out of words again huh how convenient no I want an answer wait here okay now write down why she gave you those words let me see that you better have a good answer you don't know so what she was just being nice well if I find out that you're lying you know what happens hey I'm back so you like the food good good babe can you hear me yeah she's out sorry but I had a feeling you were going to try and leave tonight [Music] what the hell are you doing you didn't actually eat the dinner did you well aren't you quite the little actress pretending to be asleep like that now what were you doing with my Amber Alert missing girl from 2018 so why didn't you call the police right away I was too scared to call the at the time but after they left I did and that's when they told me her description matched Claire Montgomery who's the girl who went missing in 2018 after all I've done for you and you go and lie to me I need to ask you a question and I don't want to set you free so how did you haven't you figured it out by now I found a way to steal your words and I can control how many you get I mean I got to admit it's pretty adorable watching you anxious wait every year hoping you'll get more words but how many do you always end up getting three and what do I ask you to tell me every year I love you I love you those were the only words I wanted to hear from you for so long but you were never into me because you were a stalker I admired you Claire I I care about you a lot then let me go you know I can't do that I have to protect you you're insane and you're using up all your words here take some more you are a son of a on second thought maybe it's best if you remain silent this is why I can never give you any more words I'll come back down here once you looks like we got company officer I'm telling you you've got the wrong guy that may be the case but we're going to take a look around and if we don't find anything then you'll be good to go so far I don't see anybody here sir keep looking want to get your words back 10 9 8 4 3 3 2 1 Words retrieved since we can't find anyone we're going to no no help I'm down here wait where's that coming from he has a basement I'm I'm in the basement show us where she is right now whoa okay okay hey are you clear Montgomery yes yes that's me oh my God okay don't worry everything's going to be okay how did you get your words back boys get him out of here don't even look at him it's all right Claire tell him you love me tell him that I was good to you tell them where else all stop it somebody get him in the car want to take dereck's words babe please get in the car miss the Paka babe you have to listen to don't call me babe in fact you're not going to be able to call me anything now you're finally going to get to feel how I felt for these past 3 years being silenced isn't very fun is it Derek looks like Mr Parker got what he deserved four mil or a hair clip come on who in their right mind would choose the you no at least it's kind of cute I can't come to your party but you promised I know I'm so sorry come on girl you're like the mutual friend if you don't come then no one else is going to want to come look my parents said no she doesn't want to come to your party because she doesn't like you you sure that's the reason yes I wouldn't lie okay goodbye mom says you have to take me to the mall she's lying your mom just grounded her mom just just grounded you how did you know that you weren't even home when it happened I don't know I just did okay now get out oh whatever does this hair clip tell me the truth about people hey babe I'm sorry I'm not going to be able to make it to our date tonight what why not something came up at work it's urgent babe you work at Walmart like how urgent can it really be sorry babe I got to go he doesn't work for Walmart hey babe I'm sorry I'm not going to be able to make it to our date tonight what why not something came out up at work it's urgent babe you work at Walmart like how urgent can it really be sorry babe I got to go he doesn't work for Walmart if he doesn't work for Walmart then where does he I'm following him what is he doing here this place looks super sketchy what do you think you're doing huh come here hey boss look who I found snooping around here babe what what is going on babe you know this girl I've never seen her before in my life I'm I'm sorry did our two years together just mean nothing to you two years have you been keeping secrets from me I told you you know what the rules are he's trying to protect you by lying he works for very dangerous men you know what my bad actually I thought that he was my boyfriend but be quiet what did I tell you no attachments which means no girlfriends like I said I don't know her okay good then you should have no problem killing her he's lying to protect you you know what my bad actually I thought that he was my boyfriend but quiet what did I tell you no attachments which means no girlfriends like I said I don't know her okay good then you should have no problem killing her you see sir I would kill her but you know I don't want to mess up this new shirt so either you kill her or him and I will do it ourselves no please look let's just all settle down you just I think I'm going to need a change of clothes really babe the mafia you're lucky I find that kind of attractive well I know a place we can lay low all right bet but we got to be careful who we trust I have something that can help with that please hold my baby I'll be right back ma'am I it's been like an hour where is your mom it's freezing out here I don't think your mom's coming back hey Mom honey whose baby is that don't freak out but some lady told me to hold her baby and she never came back H how awful we better call CPS or something no no I I want to keep her honey are you sure you're ready to take care of a baby yeah you know what I think I am it's not going to be easy I know Mom I'm going to take good care of her look Mom I'm winning oh honey how fun hang on I think there's someone at the door I'll be right back all right hi can I help you hi Yes actually I believe you're the one I let hold my child and I'd like her back I let you hold my baby and I want her back please hold my baby ma'am I I'm sorry do you even hear yourself it's been 7 years I waited hours for you to come back and when you didn't I decided to raise that baby by myself as far as I'm concerned she's my kid now no that is what you call kidnapping that is not it absolutely is I am calling the police what's wrong Mom honey are you happy here with me first I am why wouldn't I be well there's no easy way to say this but I'm not actually your real mom what are you talking about so that's how I became your mom but now your biological mom wants you back I don't care if you're not my room mom I want to stay with you police open the door please oh no please don't let them take me now your biological mom wants you back I don't care if you're not my real mom I want to stay with you police open the door please oh no please don't let them take me honey shh she's sleeping sorry but what did the officer tell you that I'm supposed to give her back to her biological mom tomorrow what that can't be right I promised her that she could stay with me oh don't you worry we'll figure this out please I'll get it Miss Stevens yes I'm here because we have reason to believe someone came to your house pretending to be an officer today him and his wife have been taken into custody wait so this means that I can keep her your daughter yes absolutely we actually believe they were trying to kidnap her honey wake up you don't have to worry anymore you can stay with me really yeah come here hi Mom I'm going to class wait let me see your neck why didn't you put on the makeup I ran out oh great well looks like you're not going to school what come on it's so small I can cover it with my hair and and no one's even going to notice I said no you know what will happen if people see that Mark they'll start to ask questions and all get taken away I know I'll buy you makeup when I get back I love you I love you more I love you most see you after work I had a big test today and I'm not supposed to miss it no one's going to notice this I'll just take the test and come right back great job on your test today thanks hey what's that on your neck I've seen that Mark before let me see yes that Mark it means your royalty what you must be the Lost Princess Legend says you have powers powers what no I know what you're trying to do you're trying to trick me so you can take me away well that's not going to happen I'm home what's wrong something happened who else saw the Mark just that teacher but she said something about me being a lost princess you a princess please just look at your chubby little face you look nothing like royalty you must never go outside again never yes you've been exposed it's much too dangerous now don't be so sad dear I know I'll go get you some food you just relax watch some TV this just in a teenage boy is on the run from the cops today after allegedly stealing a crown from the royal family mom mom jeez who designed these locks that is definitely not not mom he's probably here for my mark good thing I have some more makeup whoa wasn't expecting anyone to be home but hey stay back I'm warning you I'm highly trained in the art of origami isn't that paper folding I was kind of hoping you wouldn't know what that was relax dollface I'm not here to hurt you I'm here to stash something so if you'll excuse me I just knocked him out I just knocked him out I wonder what he was trying to stash a crown this must be from the royal family mom's home I got a hide him Riley I'm tired please give me a hand massage I will but after right now I want to tell you that you don't have to worry about me going outside anymore I told you it's too dangerous no Mom I can protect myself because I just enough now I'm the bad guy you didn't have to yell I'm so sorry Riley I've just been so stressed out trying to keep you safe I really need that m do you feel better now yes thank you you always make me feel better dear now do you promise you won't try and go outside I promise I I don't know what I was thinking that's a good girl well I'm off to my date and if all goes well I might just bring you home a new father okay um wake up whoa what the did you tape me to this chair actually yes I did but I'll be asking the questions here I want to know why you have this hey you went into my bag you went into my house listen I didn't want to have to do this but you give me no choice I'm going to have to do the look huh that uh usually makes the girls go crazy what's that on your neck the makeup must have come off well here's your bag back thank you hey are you okay yeah I'm I'm fine oh no your Bump got worse no it's fine really hey just let me see it what the it's gone how you do that I don't know wait the X on your neck healing powers you're the Lost Princess why does everyone keep saying that I look nothing like royalty have you seen my face yeah I'm looking at it that's why I call you doll face cuz you're cute what's your real name Riley well Riley everyone knows that the royal family had a daughter that went missing 18 years ago and how old are you 18 listen I think you may have been kidnapped no I know my mom and she would never do something like that is that your mom in that photo yeah she looks nothing like you you should come with me I'm pretty sure that you're in she's not going anywhere now I'm the bad guy please let it be a new car I really need a new car a necklace you know what maybe it'll be a diamond necklace I mean it's not a diamond necklace but it's kind of cute I guess guess my my gift I got a brand new car really that's great I know so what' you get I got um spiders what where where did you put them whoa chill there's no spiders oh my gosh okay I'm sorry it's just that I'm super afraid of them does this thing tell me what people are afraid of or something so for dinner I was thinking we could go to what you're cheating on me uh I uh we're done babe but I uh mm- we're done hey is Mom back home yet no what's wrong well I've had a horrible day and I just wanted to talk to you good you're pregnant how do you how did you find out you found my pregnancy test didn't you were you snooping in my room no I I swear I wasn't really well then how do you know I have my ways but don't turn this around on me you're the one who did the dirty shut up I never meant for this to happen didn't you say your boyfriend moved at a state yeah because of this really yes he took off as soon as he found out the news I told you he wasn't a good guy I know what am I going to do look I think that your first step is for you to tell Mom the truth mom's plane just landed she's going to be here in 30 minutes I'm so nervous hey we're going to tell her together okay hey girls did you miss me we did but listen um Jenna has something she needs to tell you okay what Jenna well Mom uh I don't know how to say this but I she's not feeling well like at all so um I'm going to go take her into my room and uh go take care of her what are you doing ow you think Mom kidnapped us cuz The Magic Necklace told you so yes well it didn't say kidnapped exactly it just said that we weren't her kids come on what if we're adopted why wouldn't she tell us that then we're basically both adults now this is ridiculous I'm going to go talk to her no Jenna wait mom don't listen to anything Jenna tells you she is super delusional right now relax Jenna already told me everything and the truth is girls you both were abandoned on my doorstep what what yes Jenna you were just 1 years old and honey you were just a baby I didn't have the heart to tell you guys I'm sorry guess that explains why you don't have any pregnancy photos with us or pictures with Dad Jenna we're going to help you raise this baby together and from now on no more secrets give the pizza guy a tip you good kayy what's wrong I'll tell you later let's just say he's not getting any of this come on AA where are you you're supposed to be my backup Lea she just put in the chat that she's out of speaking time and we just lost your mother request to see you guys I got to head off see you later rich girl must be nice to have a butler shut up tell her I'll be right there bye darling meet my new boyfriend what's up Mom can I speak to you alone for a minute okay I'll be right back babe mom he is like 25 you realize that you're 40 now right so age is just a number and he makes me happy don't you want me to be happy yeah man she's hot and loaded nah she doesn't even know about my secret dude her daughter's kind of hot too I'm just in this for the money though you scared me wait how long have you been standing out here hey hold on mom your boyfriend is a a you're out of speaking time honey I thought you had an hour left guess there was a glitch honey enough charades I don't understand well that was weird young lady what is wrong with you I'm so sorry babe go to your room you seem stressed here take your squishy you know you could use your phone to communicate she's not picking up they did leave saying they wanted aone time yes oh he is so busted mom there's something I need I have to take a phone call excuse me don't worry I'll keep her company you stay out of my way this is your final warning you have no idea what I'm capable of her boyfriend's controlling your speaking time yeah I mean it's the only thing that makes sense the boyfriend has left time for me to expose him hi Mom I see your boyfriend isn't around he went to go get me coffee isn't that sweet no actually not sweet because he has a big secret and one of them is that he's been stealing my speaking time hey I'm back no watch mom my speaking time is just going to magically disappear now what seems fine to me honey okay fine if I saw my voice then I'm going to use it I heard you saying that you had a secret a secret oh boy I wanted this to be a surprise but oh well Evelyn will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me babe yes I cannot let her marry him hey what is this this is how he's been controlling my speaking time give me that I warned you come here plan to expose me didn't work your mom and I are going to get married today in Las Vegas babe where are you coming sweetheart Sadie there you are I had a feeling you might be in need of some help there we go are you quite all right Miss Sadie here you are I took this off of Mr Blake shall I get us a cab for Las Vegas oh yeah I Now Pronounce You hus stop the wedding your Fon Blake is a psychotic little gold digger babe I thought she was sick no Mom he he locked me in my makeup room what she's lying I saw her myself and he's also been stealing her speaking time I have not how could he do that with this hey you give that back you little I think you've said enough you jerk that's for messing with my daughter and that's for taking my speaking time great work on your mission today thank you sir I'll see you shortly nice text message from John he says I miss you would you like to respond tell him I miss you too send thinking about your boyfriend huh yeah how cute you know director Johnson doesn't approve look I love Johnson but sometimes he's just way too overprotective I mean it's not like he's my dad the man did practically raise you I know but my relationship is my B agent 22 director Johnson wants to see you somebody's in trouble shut up sir you wanted to see me Maya I'm sorry but we have reason to believe your boyfriend John has been involved in criminal activity and has been using you for Intel no no he wouldn't do that and you promised me you wouldn't do a background check on him I know but since your relationship was getting more serious I had to I'm sorry he's involved with the mafia yes they need you to bring him in you think you can handle that consider it done I knew he was too perfect and here I was planning for a marriage proposal meanwhile he was probably planning my funeral he's not getting away with this babe hey you're home Jinx you owe me a soda I'll do you wi better baby I actually bought us some drinks your favorite you're home Jinx you owe me a soda oh do you went better baby I actually bought us some drinks your favorite oh did you what's the occasion does there need to be an occasion no no of course not where's the drink I'll pour it oh no baby you just sit back and relax I got this at least let me cook us some dinner sweetheart no thanks baby I'm not hungry to us to us this has a kind of a kick to it didn't notice uh-huh so how long you've been a spy excuse me cut the crap Maya my boss found out about your little investigation on me all right you caught me my boss wants me to bring you in that's funny mine asked me to do the same thing well I hate to break it too baby but that's not happening I made your drink very special I know so it's a good thing I switched them isn't it what I made your drink very special I know so it's a good thing I switched them isn't it what how did you switch the drinks well that was easy you looked down for a few seconds to check your phone I'm guessing it was your boss texting you I got closer to you which naturally made you more defensive and while I was busy trying to hide my phone screen you switched the drinks look who's finally catching on you sick son of a oh easy now let go of me you deceitful little sh just relax it's over Maya I have her sir bring her to me yes sir hey it's okay you're going to be okay what the hell are you doing I accidentally hit her head taking her out of the car you know you're not actually her boyfriend yes sir I was just she was an assignment I understand good time to wake up hello Maya I've waited a long time to meet you time to wake up hello Maya I've waited a long time to meet you where am I like I'm going to tell you that what do you want from me he just wants to talk shut up John I wasn't talking to you wow John you were right she is feisty so listen I got questions and if you don't give me answers things are going to get ugly do whatever you want I'm not saying anything Maya don't do this n John it's fine this is going to be fun say it John hand me that knife okay wait I'll tell you all right so then then tell me who your target was the day you met John Rick Rick Lawson you see John her team has been on to us since the beginning Ricky didn't just disappear you killed him didn't you he he left me no choice liar let's give her a break a break she's now a threat to our entire organization she's done wait a minute this is not what we discussed she killed Ricky sir listen to me no you listen you're doing this you want me to should I tell the head leader you can't complete the job that won't be necessary now before I kill her M you're not going to touch her ever again you killed him I'm going to get you out of here hey you're awake what happened where are we it's okay you're safe now you passed out after I killed Frank what am I wearing your other clothes had blood all over them I thought you'd like this dress who are you really a double agent not exactly that's it I'm calling my team no no phone calls I'm sorry I I didn't mean to yell John what is going on I can't take any chances it's complicated Maya my head let me look at you is it bad I think you're going to need stitches yeah I think you are too Pizza Town can we help you yes I'd like to place a very special order please State your information this is Agent 22 Foster requesting immediate backup connecting you to the director Maya where the hell are you um it looks like some sort of Airbnb John's unconscious stay on the line I'm tracking your location now okay please hurry you sure you're all right Maya yeah I'm fine sir he's waking up guys wait please listen to me stop resisting John you're under arrest no you don't understand she's in danger she'll be under our protection you don't get it I told them everything about her please Maya listen to me get him out of here let's go Mr Grayson no wait TR me open your eyes hello Maya John's escaped he what we believe sir hello John yes sir we know you are here look at this way I see her pathetic Sean are you okay I'm fine what are you doing here I'm here to save you well you're a little late for that I already took out all your men no Maya there's more more max look we can get adopted by a scientist or a billionaire we both like science so maybe we should do scientists no way that's too risky what if they find out about our powers they could try to study us for research what if they don't want both of us of course they're going to adopt both of us we're twins they have to okay I guess we're picking billionaire oh look it's the freaks hey give that back to her Max don't do anything dumb I'm not letting her steal that from you hey Molly you going to cry what the that just floated out of my hands freaks was that really worth it yeah that's the only thing we have from our parents come on Molly Max are you ready to meet your new father yes yeah here he is hello children I've heard a lot about you uh you have yes now come along my Mansion awaits you two oh bye guys let's go this is both of your rooms why did the doors have lox it's just for your safety Max he's lying just give him a chance morning children good morning did you sleep well uh yeah good come here I have a surprise for you surprise whoa is that a gaming system look at all these video games I've never seen so many squish malls in my life they're all yours hungry for Starbucks you have a Starbucks in your house that is so cool would you two like some Frappuccinos yes please children I have to go to a meeting please stay in this room until I get back hey Molly aren't you glad you gave him a chance what are you doing we're not supposed to use our powers someone could see us chill out no one's around come play with us Molly come on I know you want to use your powers your koala better square up stop what what happened I don't know I just feel like something's wrong up there oh no a camera that means he's been watching us this whole time and he knows about our powers let's get out of here I think I know how we can escape I see you found the camera you two aren't going anywhere I know you both have powers and I'm not letting you two leave this place ever what do you want from us I want you to help me take over the world you're crazy maybe but now you're stuck with me take them to the experiment room no it's going to be okay give me that you give her that back or else you try anything and he'll attack you hey you can talk to animals right I haven't done it in a really long time he's going to be back in minute just try please calm down we need your help we don't mean you any harm good boy now go do what I told you he's going to help us Escape yes I knew that would work whoa boy what are you doing hey get off of me run wait I almost forgot Molly come on watch out another bodyguard is coming let's go hello did your penguin just talk Molly Max is that you yes it's us who is this it's me your mom and me your dad what it's a long story but all of us aren't from this planet Molly let me see that we believe we're close by to you follow your instincts and find us I think it's really them let's go meet them you are not meeting anyone you two belong to me no we don't Molly now hey put me down okay whatever you say time to go find our real parents no way this has got to be it this is the ship I kind of remember it now I think I see Mom and Dad come on is a giant teddy bear or become an adult what kind of options are these I'm going to have to go with honey don't pick your wish until I get back from vacation fine Bye Mom bye and while I'm gone you big sister's in charge yes thanks Mom I promise I'll take great care of her let me see that hey sorry but I'm not having you turn into one of those iPad kids no more iPad for you no bye She's So Mean H if I can be older than then I can boss her around what the heck nothing even happened to me oh I feel sleepy oh that was a really long nap my voice it sounds different it worked all right if you want your iPad back who are you and what did you do with my little sister no listen it's me yeah right you creep where is she please put those scissors down you're scaring me tell me something only my sister would know um tell me something only my sister would know oh when I was three I flushed your goldfish on the toilet because I thought I was saving his life there's no way you could have known about that unless stie duh who else would it be why do you look like this you look like a younger version of mom well I kind of sort of used my Christmas wish you wish to become an adult s this is all your fault really because you're the one that locked me in my room and took away my iPad so now now that I'm an adult I order you to give it back to me just because you look like an adult does it mean I'm treating you like one okay fine then I'll just go to the store and buy one myself because I found a driver's license and a credit card in my pocket you wouldn't dare try me S wait oh I cannot believe I'm letting you drive me right now I told you I've done so many car simulation games that I'm practically a pro at driving at this point there's a tumble weed we are going in and out of this hey beautiful store is there any chance I could get your number no sir she is 8 years sold funny the answer is no let's go you're not getting that you're getting age appropriate clothes no I like my clothes and I want this stie don't you dare start C oh my God is she okay do I need to call the police no ma'am good morning no stie it is not a good morning I cannot believe you suckered me into letting you buy that well if you didn't they were going to call the cops since I was crying so much yeah I know wait a minute your hair looks different did you get it done do you like it yeah it looks great except for the fact that you snuck out without telling me I don't have to tell you anything because I'm an adult now you need to take back your wish no I like being grown up stie you don't get what it's actually like to be grown up you don't see how much I've been taking care of you I can take care of myself oh yeah you know what I'm leaving no you should see what it's really like to be an adult how hard could cooking breakfast actually be I can make mac and cheese in a pan right I'll just let it boil on high for 1 hour oo that must be my delivery this giant dollhouse better be easy to assemble why is this instruction manual so confusing and now my eyesight isn't as good as it was before my mac and cheese oh no it's going to start a fire how do I put out a fire um maybe I can use this to cover up the smoke what happened did you start a fire I didn't mean to I was trying to cook breakfast oh my gosh okay hold on I got to get the fire extinguisher stay there please worker mom's going to kill us the fire's out come here that was a lot of smoke are you sure you're okay yes I'm fine thank you for saving me if you didn't come when you did the whole place probably would have burnt down and I'm sorry for what I said you really do take take care of me sometimes even more than Mom yeah I don't want to be grown up anymore but now I'm going to be stuck like this forever no stie don't cry I got a third option for my Christmas wish when I was out I can now wish to turn you back into a kid you would use up your Christmas wish on me yeah I would because nobody deserves to grow up that fast you ready okay did it work my voice is back on me again yay I love you I love you too stie I missed you being little give me a hug want to just tell Mom we both wish to be nicer to each other really guys you got me a paint set for my birthday sweetheart that is a special paint set this thing doesn't even come with a paintbrush press a color um okay what is 13 * 379 4,9 27 excuse me what the I believe that's the answer 4927 that's right oh what the H you didn't use a calculator how did you this power is making me super smart want to ditch class and go to the mall yeah but the probability of us getting caught is like 80% I'll take my chances Einstein let's go to the American Girl star okay a look at the cute girl and her doll hey kid did you know that American Girl dolls were invented in 1986 I think I know more about American than you do any American Ghost pick a color I think I'm going to pick red today I'm going to fail this test hey chill whoa what are you by any chance wanting to become a doctor how do you know that yeah you know what I just had this feeling and uh I would not sweat that test if I were you you're going to be just fine I heard you could see the future sorry I really don't know what you're talking about actually give me your hand what did you say your name was Adrien why well you could have this back and just um stay away from me please tell me my future fine but you're the last one I'm doing today no what what did you see on Wednesdays we were pink sweetheart fluffy needs a bath no way that dog does not like me yes she does see yes see hold her no no no a why did you never do this to me before hey Darren I think you left your phone in class oh jeez thanks I I love you what yeah will you please be my girlfriend yes I mean yes I think this power makes anyone I touch fall in love with me sweetheart I brought the team over for dinner please Shake everyone's hand introduce yourself oh no I don't think that's a good idea too stuck up to shake our hands no it's not that I just that's rude bro you know what fine nice to meet you why are you guys looking at me like that give up my voice until I meet my soulmate or give up my sight those are horrible options pick voice but if I don't have my voice then how sh you'll be fine do you really want to be blind well no then make your choice the time is running out is her voice gone try and talk no way she can't talk anymore girls it's not polite to laugh girls don't forget we're throwing that ball tonight mother please tell me she's not invited to the ball yeah she'll ruin all the fun don't worry girls she's not invited she'll be locked in her room oh have fun being alone tonight hello gorgeous I heard you need true love's kiss to be able to speak again so what do you say we give it a try excuse me why don't she get back to the party and leave the princess alone right of course youranus you got to watch out for those type of guys it must be awful not being able to speak excuse me what are you doing here what's the matter the princess is ill excuse us how dare you I don't ever want you getting your voice back mother what if that Prince was her soulmate well he's going to have to die do we really have to kill the prince mother yes DTE we can't risk her getting her voice back we'll have to make his death look like an accident everyone picked to lose an ability that's right find out which one he picked we'll find his weakness and use it against him and as for you Denette grab her other arm you're staying here and I'll go talk to the prince mother I'm back and I found out his weakness he can't swim until he kisses his soulmate oh this is perfect we'll drown him we'll put soap all over the floor blame it on the maids say he slipped and fell in the pool stop moving Jette you watch her while we go handle the prince mother I really don't think watch her I I can't do this I'm not going to let them kill the prince I'm setting you free I thought I was here to speak to your daughter whoops clumsy me help he's not breathing oh no what are we going to do uh do you know how to do CPR I really hope this works Ella I'm sorry I don't think he's going to wait wake up he's not breathing oh no what are we going to do uh do you know how to do CPR I really hope this works Ella I'm sorry I don't think he's going to wake up I'm so happy you're okay hey you just talked my voice it's it's back I think the CPR counted as a kiss you what he's supposed to be dead stay away from him no mother she must have kissed him well you were right about one thing stepmother he was my soulmate and now that I have my voice back I intend to use it guards you two are under arrest what what bye mother bye sister why isn't she getting arrested because she decided to help me unlike you you know sometimes having a change of heart can get you out of trouble maybe you'll learn that someday why you little didn't realize my soulmate was going to be so badass and now looks like she's Queen I got my color wait don't tell me until I get mine okay okay good luck thanks stand still while we find you a color placement scanning color placement found color placement blue okay I'll tell you what I got and then you tell me what you got okay I got R well I got blue we got different colors yeah what do you think they mean I don't know they're supposed to tell everyone tomorrow breaking news due to overpopulation Reds must eliminate Blues starting tomorrow all Blues must be terminated hey did you see the news outside yeah I did well I have an idea on how to save you we can trick them into think you're you really think we can fool them I mean I don't see why not okay I'm going to try it this actually kind of worked it looks just like yours oh wow it does you know I I actually kind of got scared for a little bit why because I heard they were paying Reds to kill blues and I know you really need the money Bri are you kidding me I would never even think about that I know I just got scared mom's hospital bill went up to how much 50,000 I I can't pay that breaking news rewards for blues have gone up to $80,000 hey I just want to say thank you again for helping me out with my color yesterday I really appreciate it and I'm so lucky to have a friend like you oh stop you're just saying that no really Maya I mean it I don't know what i' do without you you're really not making this easy for me what' you say oh nothing hey why don't we watch a movie okay yeah sure thanks for the food Maya but I told you I wanted to buy it no it's okay I got it do you like it yeah it was I'm so sorry Bri but I can't let my mom die hi I eliminated a blue yesterday they said I was supposed to get my check today but I haven't received anything she was a red no she was a blue she Drew over it with a red marker if she's still alive then where is she experimentation experimentation yes hello is your with me I thought you guys had her she she what no she's going to come from me if she does you want call immediately fre is that you hey Maya oh my gosh Bri what happened to you I had to fight my way out of that place but don't act like you care since you were the one who tried to get rid of me to fight my way out of that place but don't act like you care since you were the one who tried to get rid of me Bri listen I can explain why would you come after me why not go after any other blue out there why would you choose your best friend because you were an easy kill wait no I didn't mean to say that no I think that's exactly what what you meant to say because you're heartless I was doing it to save my mom well your mom would be very disappointed in you you really shouldn't make me angry Bri hi it's me she's here the door is not going to open I have full control of the security system Maya just let me out maybe I'll let you out if if what if you tell me how you survive oh well that's simple I never ate the food you gave me what oh come on Maya you were acting so suspicious I knew you put something in it you little Faker you made me think you were really dead well I'm so sorry to disappoint you now open the door okay a deal is a deal whoa your wrist what damn it the marker must have smeared off you're a blue yeah what about it I can't believe you they're going to be here any minute Bri I suggest you run now they're after you not me she's on the run she just left through my back door who do you think you're going to get I don't know I really hope it's the Tooth Fairy son cuz he's super cute who is it uh I got the Easter Bunny son your soul meate is a rabbit yeah probably cuz I like carrots so much anyways I have to go now Jack Frost has a son oh I bet you he's on the naughty list you bet who's on the naughty list oh hi Mom hi Holly I uh think your father wants to speak with you he does MHM he's in his office hey Santa your daughter is here there you are holly hey Dad did you find out who your soulmate is uh nope Holly you know lying will get you on the naughty list all right just don't get mad my soulmate is Santa all of our toy machines have been frozen solid no worries I'm on it well hello don't believe we've met my name is Jared Jared Frost that you're wondering who froze the toy machines it was you wasn't it wow pretty and smart maybe you are my type after all have you told your dad we're soulmates no have you nope and I'm not going to well we can't just keep lying to them but we have to if your dad found out he'd cancel Christmas you think so oh yeah things would get real ugly Holly where are you and that's my C to go there she is I thought I heard you talking to someone really that's funny we wanted to tell you the toy machine is fixed oh good but we need to know who your soulmate is uh actually you know what I'm not feeling so well I think I'm going to go get some fresh air oh no okay I hate lying to them but I can't let Christmas get cancelled what am I going to do Holly Jared do not move I'm pretty sure I can fix the ice well that's not very comforting no I can do it just hang on hey it's working the hole is closing up all right you should be good to cross now just give me your hand wait I don't know what if you're tricking me I'm not tricking you I promise let me see your hand I won't let you fall that's it nice and easy now whoa hey you all right yeah thank you you know I'm probably going to end up on the naughty list for lying my dad is going to be so disappointed in me well I'm used to that my dad he thinks I'm worthless really yeah it's cuz I'm not really all that great at using my Powers well you seem pretty good at using your powers to me well thanks want to see something cool uh okay wao it's it's beautiful you really are I mean it's beautiful but you you are too Jared what are you doing Dad son get over here right now we were just talking Jack that's Mr Frost to you and I know flirting when I see it ow dad let go no son of mine is going to date a cringle stop it that isn't fair get out of here kid before I turn you into an ice sculpture it's okay Holly just go you're you're never going to see her again mom dad there you guys are why are you looking at me like that because For the First Time in 18 years you are on the naughty list listen I can explain it's because I haven't been very truthful about who my soulmate is why who did you get Holly the son of Jack Frost what no it can't be but wait listen he's actually really nice and he needs my help nice don't you remember what his father did to you last year no but but Jared is different honey his family cannot be trusted and you young lady are grounded for lying to us I have to help Jared who knows what Jack Frost is doing to him hey I can help you winky what are you doing here uh well you see I may or may not have been EES dropping on you all day well I can actually use your help awesome cuz I already hatched a plan on how you can save Jared wait really yeah I'm a sucker for a good Forbidden Love Story plus I totally ship you guys a thanks well what your plan step one is to get your mom and dad to take an afternoon snooze which is already done but they never take afternoon naps uh let's just say I gave them some special milk winky it was the only way now follow me this is the house now I'll distract Jack while you go look for Jared okay why is it so hot in here Holly is that you oh my gosh are you okay no the heat it makes me weak come on we got to get you outside it's no use I can't can't get up just go no I'm not leaving you here okay Jared I hope you've learned your what do you think you're doing Holly run and where do you think you're going you can't escape from me Jack please I told you to stay away from my son now you're going to pay the price just a few more minutes and you'll be frozen forever hey get away from her don't worry I'm going to stop him your powers are no match for mine we'll about that and you said I was no good at using my Powers you're too late Jared hly oh my poor baby Jared we can't thank you enough for saving her and we're pleased to announce you both are off the naughty list really yes and you have our blessing to be together thank you I promise I will always look after her are you getting kind of hot now yeah a little I think I can help with that 3 2 1 happy New Year let's reveal our marks okay you go first okay you got red few all right my turn oh what just look at this mirror you got purple I don't think this is a good idea shh stay still yeah that's the best I can do look who said being gifted is a bad thing I mean do we really need to change my mark yes I heard rumors about what might happen to the gifted people and it's really not good this just in all the purple marks will be taken in by the government for experimentation as they could be a Potential Threat to normals and therefore need to be examined by professionals honey let's go we're late where are we going Lizzy it's time for the mark check that's today yes let's go see your Mark it's smeared uh yeah it just appeared like that mhm we have a code 52 what's a code 52 too no questions come with me just as I thought you should have done a better job with the makeup well actually my friend did it right blame it all on your friend but she did don't get her angry we don't know what she's capable of fine prepare the scanner scanner quiet new talking please turn your head to the side and stay still scanning level 10 oh my gosh what does that mean she must be the one can't be quick someone get to a room and get her labeled now what is going on and why is there a tent on my neck it's the danger level of your powers powers what do you mean by Powers everyone with a purple Mark has been gifted with powers you have them too I do mhm now prepare her for testing welcome to the testing room we will now determine what power you have there's been a mistake I don't have powers of course you do they just haven't been activated well how does that happen we we found that it happens during a time of distress okay now that's on let's try mind reading this is ridiculous just say what number you think I'm thinking of I don't know uh two wrong ow so sorry but this is part of the process 10 no wrong again no please I'm telling you guys I don't have mind raing look it's been half an hour probably should give her a break no we have to to keep going no she needs to rest would both of you just be quiet see how much Mommy and Daddy love me or see how much are in their bank account I already know Mommy and Daddy love me so let's see how much money they have wow they have a billion dollars I must be getting a lot of Christmas presents this year Merry Christmas thank you what else did you get me that's it pumpkin we didn't get you anything else Mommy and Daddy are very poor but I see that you have a lot of money uh there must have been a mistake don't sound spoiled be grateful so guys any chance I'm going to get a phone for my birthday oh poor thing no you're too young yeah I figured you were going to say that but when do you think I will be old enough to have a phone you'll get one next year you literally say that every year no we don't in other news today marked 16 years since billionaires Mr and Mrs Connor's baby daughter went missing wait that baby kind of looks like me in other news today Mark 16 years since billionaires Mr and Mrs Connor's baby daughter went missing wait that baby kind of looks like me if you have any information we urge you to call this number that can't be me I'm just being delusional we should give her back now the reward is 1 million but how do we get the reward money for her without them knowing we took her in the first place shh let's talk talk about it over here the number on the TV they said to call it if if you have any information we urge you to call this number I need a phone I'll have to take Mom and Dad's now I just got to call this number now I just got to call this number what the hell was that you want to tell us why you were in our room and why my phone is cracked I um I didn't think you guys saw me I was just um what is this she knows we're not her parents she was trying to call the number on the news huh well you know what it's about time she found out surprised it took her this long I mean how could she never question how we all have different hair and eyes and why we never let her on social media I mean come on you two are sick and I am leaving no you're not now turn we got to make you look pretty for your billionaire mommy and dad they'll be so happy and the final touch a little bow a babe isn't she so cute your birth parents are offering a big reward for you so you better not mess this up now get into that box and no talking now get into that box and no talking Richard what in Heavens did you order this box is not from me what is going on read the note it'll explain everything your prayers have been answered here is your biological daughter we have to send the $1 million reward to this number or you die yes so please just wire it to them right now and I'm so sorry about all of this darling this doesn't sound right I think we ought to just call the police yes darling I agree no please no police I I can prove to you that I'm your real daughter I know how much is in your bank accounts it's 2 billion exactly how do you know that because I picked to see how much money were in my parents bank account it says if we don't send it she will die what if she is our daughter can you please just send them the money no I have to call the police I'm not sending anyone money I have to call the police wait no we have to get her to a hospital doctor is she going to be okay ma'am we can't have you in here Mr and Mrs Connors we have some good news she's going to be okay and we did the blood test as you requested and it does look like she is your biological daughter Richard did you hear that I can't believe it hi darling don't worry everything is all right those horrible people have been put in prison what's going to happen to me now we're going to take care of you love you are yes we um we found out you're actually our daughter I knew it we never stopped looking for you your father and I missed you so much we love you hey what's the matter no one's ever told me that before well we'll be telling you that everyday love now you get some rest and we'll be here when you wake up sweetheart meet my new wife hello dear she's just about to get her words for the day really well how much did you get we that's weird she usually gets way more words than that how many words today dear oh how awful and at your father's funeral too you should use them to say something to him I'll miss you Daddy it's that time again time to see how many words you got oh again I want a notebook we've been over this that would be a waste of paper and you're foolish to use up your words so quickly it's probably best you don't speak dear my queen how is she to meet a prince if she cannot speak well that's just it she won't be able to meet one princess we heard there's a prince that wants to meet you at the ball today ladies we do not gossip in this castle and I can assure you that's not true don't worry princess you look great you're ready for the ball you're going to make such a beautiful queen someday Queen she can never be Queen why not because she hardly ever gets any words how can she rule a kingdom with no words at 18 she's supposed to take the throne absolutely not it's bad enough she's a silent princess imagine having a silent Queen hello princess how was your day today oh no words huh I find it better when women don't speak anyways care to dance oh what was that for excuse me princess I uh I saw what you did back there I thought it was great I can't stand that Prince but actually there's something I wanted to talk to you about maybe in private it's about your excuse me it's past her bedtime come along I don't ever want to see you around that Prince again he's not to be trusted how many words today how many did you get four again well might as well use them up right now oh don't be stubborn just say something I will be Queen how dare you talk to me like that you need to learn respect you shall not leave this room for 2 days I'm sorry Princess we cannot open the door princess can you hear me I don't think this is her room help oh princess hey I can't believe I found you I also can't believe I climbed up this Tower can I come inside right sorry first things first I want to give you some words I know it's illegal but you deserve to speak thank you look there's no easy way to tell you this I think the queen is taking your words what yeah but worse than that I think she's trying to have you killed open the door I need to check on her hurry up open the door you have to go climb out the window be careful just thought I'd check on you has anyone brought you any food yet well you must be stared I'll have the chefs make you something special here you are dear what it's your favorite why won't you eat you're trying to poison me how did you who gave you words my queen we caught a boy trying to climb down the castle no oh so it was a boy who gave you words lock him up no please he was just trying to help me that's enough out of you take him to the dungeon it's illegal to transfer words to someone else yes your majesty I know that you want me gone really took you long enough well you're not going to get away with it because I'm going to expose you to what's that dear I can't hear you you see I found a way to take your words the time has come no one can hear you in life you must take what's rightfully yours you see since you're Royal Blood and I'm not you're to take the throne at 18 and we can't have that happening now can we poor hell helpless princess should have just eaten the food after all that's how I got rid of your father what you didn't think he just mysteriously passed away did you you little hey get away from her who set you free that would be me the prince told me of your evil plan looks like he was right here princess that's illegal so is trying to kill the princess you are no longer Queen would you like to take her words no you had infinite words yet you were still taking words from me take her away congrats on becoming Queen thank you for everything and I know this might sound kind of silly but I feel like you and I are meant to be together actually you took the words right out of my mouth your total's 20 even babe I'm so sorry I don't think I have enough hey it's okay I got it sorry if I embarrass you back there no you're fine I understand you're going through a tough time with your job tomorrow when the amount in my bank account appears it might come as a bit of a shock to you listen I don't care how low that number is I'm going to love you just the same poor thing it's time to see how little he has what my boyfriend is a billionaire no there has to be some sort of mistake I uh tiet you saw my account yeah and you've got a lot to explain whose Ferrari is in our driveway way that's mine well actually it's going to be yours now what no I am still mad at you come with me and I'll explain everything there was a good reason for me lying oh yeah was there a good reason for you having me buy your meals for the past year heck I even paid your rent one time I know I know and I'll be paying you back for all of it why didn't you just tell me because every girl I've ever dated has used me for my money I was tired of dating gold diggers and I want wanted to find a girl who liked me for me I promise I will make it all up to you and I'm going to start by showing you where I really live whoa now hold up you have a Chick-fil-A in your kitchen yep and there's a McDonald's upstairs babe who are you richy rich excuse me for just a moment this is crazy one of my stocks just went up a lot yeah actually I can see that why don't you look happy I'm worried about your safety you can't tell anyone that you're dating a billionaire why can't people know I'm dating a billionaire because I'm now one of the youngest billionaires alive and is that a bad thing I know a lot of people that would die to get their hands on my money and you think they'll come after me I know they will promise me you won't tell anyone about my money okay I promise but you do owe me quite a bit of cash so what do you say you take me on a little shopping spree well I can't be seen buying you a bunch of stuff but I can give you this babe this is like 10K you didn't owe me this much I know consider a thank you for being so kind to me I want you to spoil yourself oh hey Lizzy where's your boyfriend he's at his house why oh nothing I just think it's kind of sad how he never buys you anything I mean look at all the stuff you had to buy yourself it must be hard to date someone poor actually he's not poor he's one of the richest people alive what did you enjoy your shopping spree uh yeah sure did good I also bought you this necklace babe it's beautiful thank you delivery for Elizabeth yes how much do I owe you oh it's not you who's going to owe me money it's your boyfriend Lizzy it's 1:00 a.m. why are you up this isn't Lizzy but if you want to see her again you're going to do exactly as I say you want me to watch you1 billion do yeah do it now or she's gone no I'll send it it's done now let me speak to her okay talk Liam I'm so sorry this is all my fault I accidentally told someone that you were it's okay I planned for this remember that necklace I gave you yeah it's a Tracker babe no please freeze thank you Liam I'm glad you were able to get your money back I don't care about the money I'm just happy you're okay you've been adopted I have by who a nice family come I'll show you hi I'm Rachel and that's Tim but if you like you can call us Mom and Dad okay I can't believe it I'm pregnant I'm going to have a baby sister I mean she won't be your real sister but yeah can we have those plushes for the new baby but these are kind of special to me no you're too old for them now don't be selfish hand them over she's here a can I hold her no oh my gosh no don't touch her mom the baby's crying I think she's in the shower it's okay it's okay [Music] peekaboo hush little baby don't say a word Mom oh my gosh I was just I told you not to touch her you were in so much trouble I'm sorry Mom she was crying and you were in the shower so I just picked her up and she fell asleep I think she kind of likes me likes you you could have dropped her give her to me how dare you disobey me I was just singing her a song don't ever pick her up again go to your room did you steal that from our baby no I'm sorry I just I was feeling sad and I usually have these stuffed animals when I'm sad I told you to give that to the baby you don't need that anymore let me see it no my real parents gave this to me oh I see how it is we don't allow rudess in this house no I think we should give her back to the adoption center no please I'll do anything I mean we do need someone to help around the house with this new baby will you help us clean if if I do that then can I stay huh okay as long as you're obedient and you clean well you can stay did you finish the laundry yes good because there's crumbs all over the floor get to it what is there any way that I can have some dinner she needs to be fed first listen we both have to leave and we need you to watch the baby you're going to let me watch her yes because we have to but if anything happens to her I'm bringing you back to that adoption center understand we'll be home by 10:00 her bottles are in the fridge hey it's okay where are they hi it's me again I'm just wondering where you guys are at cuz it's already midnight breaking news a fatal accident has taken place on the freeway tonight that's their car breaking news a fatal accident has taken place on the freeway tonight that's their car officer are they well kid it uh looks like your mother is in critical condition and your father he he didn't make it kid I'm sorry your mom wants to see you I'll hold her for you honey I'll watch over her too be careful with her we will kid mom I come here I'm so sorry that my real daughter is going to be stuck with you ow I should have never adopted you Doctor we lost her I believe these belong to you I'm so sorry kid thank you you and your sister are adorable you didn't deserve to be treated like that you know my wife and I are actually looking to adopt really yeah we've always wanted daughters I can talk to my wife would you like that ah kid come here honey plug yourself in I will okay relax where even is my charger eh I'll find it later Mom I'm at 1% and I can't find my charger anywhere Haley I told you I don't feel so good no hang on that was the third time this has happened this month I know I'm sorry thanks for saving me honey I've been working on a new invention I want to show it to you a bracelet it's a portable charger that allows you to never run out of battery it's finally ready for use really yep I made it just for you but Haley don't tell anyone what it does okay nice bracelet thanks do I know you allow me to introduce myself I'm Henry pal hours how did you do that huh I was about to ask you the same thing I'm going to need you to come with me I'm not coming with you anywhere oh yes you are what how are you how did you take my power I need that bracelet Mom we have a problem what honey well there was like this crazy guy at school and he had electric powers or something and he was sucking the battery life from me what he did yeah but don't worry your bracelet protected me that must have been a power sucker oh what they're people who recharge themselves by taking other people's battery life do you know where he went no I ran away and then he what was that I think he might have followed you go hide no I'm not going to leave you by yourself you can't hide from me leave us alone hand over the bracelet not a chance okay then guess I'll drain her battery mom I'm going to drain all her battery life no okay you can have it don't if he gets that he'll be unstoppable she's at 2% it's her or the bracelet I choose her take it finally now let her go all right a Deal's a deal Mom Mom give me your hand not so fast I'm not done with you kid I decided I want more power what leave her alone I'm taking her battery life this is for being a little brat stop mom go plug yourself in otherwise your battery is going to die too say goodbye to your daughter no Haley grab the bracelet no why you little give me that back no my power you did it Mom you're at 1% here thanks are you okay yeah I'm okay I'm so proud of you honey come here why is this not coming off you may not remove the outfit you got to be kidding me honey those lowrise jeans are not it pull them up thanks Mom what in the Mean Girls are you wearing my soulmate decided what time period I dressed from and he picked early 2000s did the Hello Kitty give it away girl we all picked the food option what is wrong with you well how how long is this going to go on for pretty sure it's until we kiss our soulmates what no that could take forever and all my stuff are turning into things from the 2000s I have a flip phone now yikes sucks to be you hey Mean Girls called they want their wardrobe back for the next outfit please be present time the year 3000 oh no for the next outfit please be present time The Year 3,000 oh no what am I wearing I can't go to school like this you may not remove the outfit what's up cyborg you know what Joke is on You guys because in the year 3000 everyone is going to be dressed like this so I'm actually ahead of the fashion trends right well until then guess we get to enjoy your little fashion show can't wait to see what outfit her soulmate picks next why do you look so happy because I learned I can take off these glasses just as long as I keep them on my head I think you lost a lip Gem and you kind of looked better with the glasses on you got to help me find my soulmate because I am not going to be able to stop dressing in these ridiculous outfits until I kiss him sorry girl I mean he's out there somewhere you'll find him eventually what the please just for the next outfit present time okay please just for the next outfit present time okay the 60s 60s mom honey I don't know why you're mad you look so cute mom this isn't cute it's embarrassing please don't make me go to school you have a math test today you're going no way she looks like she's straight out of Teen Beach Movie hey why haven't you been responding to my messages you see I wasn't able to because my phone turned into this today is that a radio sorry girl I got to find my soulmate hey what I was talking around and I think I know somebody who knows your soulmate who shh there's no talking during the test I'll tell you tomorrow another day another outfit the '90s would be fun let's try for that the the '90s would be fun let's try for that the I'm afraid to look oh my gosh this might be the worst one yet am I wearing roller skates oh man mom can we stop with the photos for like 1 second please because this is serious I can't go to school like this it's against dress code can't you change into something else trust me I have tried you may not remove outfit you'll be fine honey don't worry okay well thanks for the help oh hey sorry watch it oh wow please tell me you have information about my soulmate I do so recently there's this guy who's been tweeting stuff like have you seen this girl wearing a 3000's outfit or a 60s outfit those are the outfits that I've been wearing yeah thank you Captain Obvious I know problem is yesterday he deleted his account how am I even supposed to find him well I'll keep doing some more digging smile it's not funny later loser medieval times oh and just when I thought it couldn't get any worse it did Mom oh honey smile okay Mom please tell me you were not posting these photos on your Facebook well I was Mom but I stopped because this boy was commenting weird things and he wanted to know where you lived so I blocked him wait mom that could have been my soulmate oh maybe please just unblock him and message him okay all right okay so I did some more digging and I found out your soulmate's name oh thank goodness because I am so done dressing like this oh I got to take this call no no just tell me his name right now because I'll be right back hello Delany wow so we got a princess at her school now could I have your crown no I want it actually guys the crown really won't come off my head yeah right get her guys come on oh honey smile okay Mom please tell me you were not posting these photos on your Facebook well I was Mom but I stopped because this boy was commenting weird things and he wanted to know where you lived so I blocked him wait mom that could have been my soulmate oh maybe please just unblock him and message him okay all right okay so I did some more digging and I found not your soulmate's name oh thank goodness because I am so done dressing like this oh I got to take this call no no just tell me his name right now because I'll be right back hello Delaney wow so we got a princess at her school now could I have your crown no I want it actually guys the crown really won't come off my head yeah right get her guys come on hurry up and change me out of this outfit right now I got six students after this Crown honey I found your soulmate oh honey smile okay Mom please tell me you were not posting these photos on your Facebook well I was Mom but I stopped because this boy was commenting weird things and he wanted to know where you lived so I blocked him wait mom that could have been my soulmate oh maybe please just unblock him and message him okay all right okay so I did some more digging and I found out your soulmate's name oh thank goodness because I am so done dressing like this oh I got to take this call no no just tell me his name right now because I'll be right back hello Delany wow so we got a princess at her school now could I have your crown no I want it actually guys the crown really won't come off my head yeah right get her guys come on hurry up and change me out of this outfit right now I got six students after this Crown honey I found your soulmate caveman era please tell me I'm wearing clothes well you are but look oh what the I can't believe this um honey no Mom you told me you knew my soulmate's name so go ahead and tell me because once I find out he's going to regret giving me this what is that sound sweetheart stay still please don't tell me it's what I think it is try to stay calm mom just tell me everything I need to know about my soulmate okay his name is Jason and he's going to meet me after class got it honey wait that dress is so short you could get dress coded you know if if they haven't dress coded me by now I think I'm good oh my gosh is that a snake yeah that's right say hello to my little friend please stay back I'm sorry for being mean oh whoops hey my apologies I didn't mean to ancient Rome what did you do to me what am I wearing yeah take a look you know what I'm not mad at this see I knew you'd like it okay you've had your fun using me as your model now where's my I kiss come here you may now dress freely yes finally would you like to pick what air your soulmate dresses from now what hey now wait just a minute guys she's over here and she's got a new outfit what are you supposed to be Medusa you see you see what I've had to put up with so if I'm going to get made fun of so are you wait seriously you had to pick the 70s I mean listen you're pulling it off really well oh my gosh girl is this hottie with an accent your soulmate yes yes he is do 90s honey oh yes really babe you're giving me the baggiest pants ever sorry babe but you know I got to have a little Revenge yes I deserve it darling are you ready for scare school yeah but I'm kind of sad Halloween break is over well have you gotten your scary soulmate yet I haven't yet but I'm sure it'll say vampire any species will'll be fine as long as it doesn't say Monster Hunter don't worry dear I'm sure you will get a spectacular soulmate of course um I better get to class class for an icebreaker why don't we all tell each other our scary soulmates balina will start with you well my scary soulmate is Red Alert Red Alert Monster Hunter has been detected on property what everyone be quiet get to the safe room Catalina hurry we have to get to the safe room buia I don't know what's wrong there must be garlic around here somewhere but they're about to close the doors just go save yourself okay I'm sorry I see you fell right for my garlic trap finally I've caught my first vampire you're coming with me you're coming with me what the oh hell no I'm not dealing with this get away from me BC come back from school here eat some Zombie Fingers I'm not really hungry mom says my things are going to come in before yours that's really great Luna listen I have to tell you something but you have to promise not to tell Mom and Dad is it about your soulmate yes and I'm only telling you this because I can't stand keeping this secret anymore is your soulmate a werewolf no worse than that uh is he a ghost or something worse wait is your soulmate a human yeah is your soulmate a monster they're going to hear you Monster Hunters want to experiment on us I know okay I almost got captured by one today wait what look look it's a long story but no way I'm answering that Luna beina go see who's at the door of course hey remember me I got a surprise for you you caught a beautiful vampire son thanks it wasn't easy so feisty but no fangs I see interesting first let's test your resistance to sunlight no please Dad wait son why her I'll be right back hey there's something I need to tell you I'm actually half werewolf my father doesn't know what he's been training me to be a Monster Hunter for years but I just can't go through with this I don't like seeing him hurt you son we need a blood sample from her come on we got to get you out of here now son run this way all right you should be safe now thanks us mythical creatures we have this thing called a scary soulmate I know since I'm half werewolf I also got one oh what does your say monster hunter huh mine says vampire you don't think that you and I are soulmates there she is get back Mom Dad please wait he he saved my life I'm sorry for taking her away I was just trying to make my dad proud beina humans are not to be trusted but but he's not fully human watch I'll prove it you are wearwolf part werewolf yes sir so does this mean that you'll allow us to date dates you like him yeah we kind of think that we're each other's soulmates yeah I see Dad that was for kidnapping my daughter but that is for returning her safely thanks you may kiss him now wait what you must kiss him darling to see if he's truly your scary soulmate like right now in front of you guys come on would you just kiss him already Luna when did you get here just a little while ago okay well can you guys like close your eyes please of course it's okay we should find out it's a match we are yes I knew it guys look son how dare you betrayed me get away dad she's my soulmate and I'm not going to let you hurt her you're a creature like them yes he is and I suggest you run unless you want to become our next meal uh of course not please don't eat me I'm going I'm leaving he won't be bothering us again yeah I think we all scared the crap out of him Rudolph the ren Reindeer had a very shiny stop what the heck Stacy girl look up I just saved your life they banned Christmas music this is ridiculous I was just starting to get into the Christmas spirit who is that it's Mr Smith he's singing Jingle Bells he has his airpods in Mr Smith stop one horse open no sweetheart you got a smile it's picture day come on I don't feel like smiling well you know what at least take this brush and comb your your hair a little before I take your picture Okay uh-oh not today e you got me right in the ey sorry hey babe what are you doing well brushes are banned so I figured I would try a fork what are You The Little Mermaid we have to break up we need to break up no more Mr Smith no more boyfriend but at least I still have you oh no they don't anyone with a dog has to hand it over to me we have to hide you ma'am you do realize dogs are banned of course but fortunately for Billy he's not a dog uhuh nice try hand over the dog or else damn it yes so glad dogs aren't banned anymore oh my gosh I know right I'm glad yours didn't get taken hey I like your notebook thanks I got it from the Brian Missoura merch store oh cool someone is seriously out to get me oh gosh why does it smell so bad in here sorry did you see what they banned this morning I mean come on they banned deodorant not showers if I don't have deodorant then I don't shower hey since boyfriends are unbanned do you want to get back together with me I kind of want to get to know you more yeah I was thinking the same thing sweet and here comes another ban item wow they just Bann dresses wait what I'm wearing a dress guess I'm really going to get to know you now why am not taking this off help me hide come on please please I'm sorry I didn't mean to wear a this way let's go I'm wearing a dress guess I'm really going to get to know you now why you not taking this off help me hide come on please I'm sorry I didn't mean to wear a this way let's go I know you're freaking out but I have an idea we cut your dress in half what it'll be a two-piece Jake that's actually a great idea right okay hand me the scissors I don't know your hands are kind of shaky so Jake I'm fine just hand me the scissors uh I feel like I should do it to be honest Jake I'm kidding chill here take the I'm safe but I'm not can you close your eyes Maybe please tell me you're wearing boxers I mean yeah but still just close your eyes okay thanks I appreciate you keeping your eyes closed it's been an hour they better unband pants soon what what are you laughing at no it's just um why do your boxers say merry Chistmas hey sorry I might have looked just for a second they were a gift stop stop looking please tell me I can open my eyes now uh you might not want to why well because that's why I can't shave my head okay I really can't yeah I know this is a really bad one emergency change the band item how did you just do that I look there's something you need to know about me I can't shave my head okay I really can't yeah I know this is a really bad one emergency change the band item how did you just do that I look there's something you need to know about about me my dad's in charge of this system how could you not tell me this it's a secret I'm not supposed to tell so you could change the band item whenever you want why didn't you change it when it's a dress it's not like my dad just does whatever I say it's only for emergency purposes please don't be mad at me how does your dad even know to change the stuff he has a microphone on me that he'll listen to he's kind of a psychopath yeah no kidding please wait I need to be alone if you're creeped out that my dad's always listening he doesn't listen all the time necklaces are banned is your dad out to get me or something no I mean maybe this is stupid if you really care about me have your dad end this whacked up system don't you think I've tried please just take off the necklace fine it's stuck hey looks like we got a law breaker over here Jake guys don't shoot you know who I am her necklace is stuck oh you're Jake's girlfriend come here take them both to his father get off of me looks like we got a law breaker over here Jak guys don't shoot you know who I am her necklace is stuck oh you're Jake's girlfriend come here take them both to his father get off of me sit in the elimination chair and don't let go of him yes ma'am elimination chair je what is she talking about I won't let them do anything to you we shall see about that son dad let her go she didn't break the law her necklace got stuck lies she was just testing you is that true I she never tried to unlock her necklace I have the camera footage to prove it she was probably just trying trying to see if I was going to stand up for her and you know what I don't blame her for not trusting me when I have a father like you well let's see how much you truly care about her oops now it looks like you both are breaking the law I'll let you choose one person to live it's okay just choose to save yourself no Dad I'm not going to make that choice just end the system you know I can't do that then go ahead and end me wrong answer wrong answer oh Dad don't please please wait you must learn son to never put a woman first in your relationship what the real interesting philosophy you have about relationships it's no wonder ours ended in divorce mom what the hell do you think you're doing Banning something that should actually be illegal goodbye goon number one and goodbye goon number two that's for taking my son away from me Mom you you just killed Dad I know honey it had to be done hey sweetheart open your eyes we have to get out of here come on you can trust me thanks this way where are we the room with the deactivation button what well what are you waiting for press it no whoever presses the button dies mom I'll press it Jake no please the system has to be stopped you're right but not by you no Mom I love you Mom no Mom the system's down she saved everything everyone my parents they're they're both gone Jake I'm so sorry promise promise you won't ever leave me Jake I promise it's going to be okay yeah she she would have wanted us to be happy we have to run you okay yeah are you okay yeah from now on we're going to stick together right always I'm so glad I have you me too there's something I've been meaning to do hone plug yourself in I will okay relax where even is my charger eh I'll find it later Mom I'm at 1% and I can't find my charger anywhere Haley I told you I don't feel so good no hang on that was the third time this has happened this month I know I'm sorry thanks for saving me honey I've been working on a new invention I want to show it to you a bracelet it's a portable charger that allows you to never run out of battery it's finally ready for use really yep I made it just for you but Haley don't tell anyone what it does okay nice bracelet thanks do I know you allow me to introduce myself I'm Henry Powers how did you do that huh I was about to ask you the same thing I'm going to need you to come with me I'm not coming with you anywhere oh yes you are what how are you how did you take my power I need that bracelet Mom we have a problem what honey well there was like this crazy guy at school and he had electric powers or something and he was sucking the battery life from me what he did yeah but don't worry your bracelet protected me that must have been a power sucker oh what there're people who recharge themselves by taking other people's battery life do you know where he went no I ran away and then he what was that I think he might have followed you go hide no I'm not going to leave you by yourself you can't hide from me leave us alone hand over the bracelet not a chance okay then guess I'll drain her battery mom I'm going to drain all her battery life no okay you can have it don't if he gets that he'll be unstoppable she's at 2% it's her or the bracelet I choose her take it finally now let her go all right a Deal's a deal Mom Mom give me your hand not so fast I'm not done with you kid I decided I want more power what leave her alone I'm taking her battery life this is for being a little rat stop mom go plug yourself in otherwise your battery is going to die too say good goodbye to your daughter no Haley grab the bracelet no why you little give me that back no my power you did it Mom you're at 1% here thanks are you okay yeah I'm okay I'm so proud of you honey come here my best friend controls my bank account or my hand yeah I don't need her making me go broke she's out of town so I wonder how this is going to work incoming call oh it's her hey girl I can see and hear everything you do you can yeah this is so weird don't worry I won't make you do anything bad you may now begin your test what are you doing I swear I'm not trying to do this Maya why would you do something like that revenge for what you need to see this what is this a picture of you and Maya's boyfriend and it looks like you're holding hands what yeah it's been set out to the whole school Maya I swear this isn't what it looks like I can't believe her I'm going to make her weak a living hell listen I wasn't cheating with your boyfriend I was just I I don't want to hear her excuses I saw the photo they were clearly holding hands are you okay no my best friend is controlling my hand today and she's super mad at me dang it sucks to be you yeah can't say I disagree Maya if you would just let me explain excuse me you need to pay attention I take Jim very seriously of course so do I coach are you mocking me Miss Missoura no sir oh you think you're funny huh go run five no but I uh uhuh don't want to hear it let's go oh man oh my gosh I'm so thirsty here you can have my water oh thank you thanks again for the water no problem what the that's what you get for being a bad friend all week you've been causing me trouble and anytime I try and explain what happened with your boyfriend you you do that I don't care what you have to say anymore I can't trust you you oh and I see her crushes coming near oh no Nate Maya please I'm begging you don't hey uh how are you doing good great actually sweet well you know prom's coming up right yeah I was wondering if you Nate she just knocked out Nate no no I would never my friend is controlling my hand principal's office now listen this is all just a big misunderstanding great they put handcuffs on her now I can't control her hand what do you mean she's your sign language instructor wait so that's why she was touching your hand why didn't you call me sooner she's about to get arrested take her downtown no please wait stop I was controlling her officers she's innocent prin Daniel will you be my Valentine sorry princess I can't why not my mom says I have't arranged marriage to another Princess Prince William are you ready for our Valentine's [Music] Day princess Elizabeth date it's not what it looks like give me back my heart I'm sorry I didn't realize he was with you princess I'm just going to go Elizabeth you only have one heart left and if it breaks something horrible will happen to you no more dating what I'm sorry but you don't have a good taste in men I will be picking a husband for you Elizabeth meets your husband to be Prince Darren hello she's beautiful give him your heart I promise to take good care of it give him your heart I promise to take good care of it mother may I speak to you in private please of course I'm not giving him my heart Elizabeth why not because I was getting a really creepy vibe from him didn't you see the way that he was smirking at me that's what men do when they like you Mom no they don't you need someone to protect your heart and that's what he's going to do this is my last heart and I'm not trusting that Prince with it if she doesn't believe me then I have no choice but to run away excuse me I'm sorry I didn't mean to frighten you I'm just a commoner and you you're the princess I'm realizing now I probably shouldn't have left the palace with my crown on I see her she's down there they found me what's wrong I need you to keep my heart safe princess I couldn't please get her please take it this is my last heart and if it breaks something bad will happen to you someone's trying to break it I will do my best to protect your heart princess get her run but what about run running away from the castle are we come here I found her your majesty let go of me Elizabeth where is your heart I don't know what do you mean you don't know I mean I don't know because I gave it to another man what what was his name I'm not sure mother I didn't ask could I have a moment with my fiance alone of course your highness you can play all the games you want princess I will marry you and I will find the man who took your heart look all you want you're not going to find him we shall see Prince Darren we have found him they were too fast princess I'm sorry where is the princess's heart well that's the thing Prince Darren you may have caught me but she'll never find where I hid the princess's heart how dare you hide my daughter's heart my queen I say we send him to the torture chamber no it's the only way to get him to talk mother please Elizabeth Prince Darren is right he still won't talk we only got his name William mother let me speak to him please he will tell me where my heart is oh my goodness what have they done to you I promise to keep your heart safe and I don't break my promises I can't let you suffer for me but the prince that you're supposed to marry I can tell he is is evil I know William but that's my problem not yours where's my heart finally her heart is where it belongs all right mother Prince Darren has my heart now let William go no dear I'm afraid I can't do that William is going to be killed William is going to be killed for stealing your heart and hiding it it must be done I told him to do it oh Elizabeth you're just trying to protect him I know it was such a tough decision princess may I speak to her alone of course Darren don't be so sad get away from me we shall be married tomorrow I will never marry you oh but you will that is if you want William to live marry me tomorrow and I'll convince your mother to let him live and if you try anything I will break your last heart do you understand do you accept Prince Darren as your husband I do excellent now may I kiss the bride stop that Prince is evil William he escaped and he's lying it's true mother he's been threatening me what I warned you not to speak against me her heart why is nothing happening because it was my last heart not yours William stop stop the wedding that Prince is evil William he escaped and he's lying no it's true mother Prince Darren has been threatening me I warned you not to speak against me no her heart why is nothing happening because that was my last heart not yours William his last heart it's broken what happens when your last heartbreaks I'm pretty sure you you die how could you Mom there has to be something that we can do for him Elizabeth I'm so sorry this is all my fault just be happy that wasn't your heart arrest him get off of me you should be arresting him he took her real heart my heart I can give him my heart William where did you put my real heart I William Elizabeth don't speak to me darling they found it the gods found your heart my heart do you think it'll work if I give it to him I'm not sure dear but it's worth a try William I want to give you my last heart please wake up hard Shar William Elizabeth four mil or a hair clip come on who in their right mind would choose the no at least it's kind of cute I can't come to your party but you promised I know I'm so sorry come on girl you're like the mutual friend if you don't come then no one else is going to want to come look my parents said no she doesn't want to come to your party because she doesn't like you you sure that's the reason yes I wouldn't lie okay goodbye mom says you have to take me to the mall she's lying your mom just grounded her mom just grounded you how did you know that you weren't even home when it happened I don't know I just did okay now get out oh whatever does this hair clip tell me the truth about people hey babe I'm sorry I'm not going to be able to make it to our date tonight what why not something came up at work it's urgent babe you work at Walmart like how urgent can it really be sorry babe I got to go he doesn't work for Walmart hey babe I'm sorry I'm not going to be able to make it to our date tonight what why not something came up at work it's sech it babe you work at Walmart like how urgent can it really be sorry babe I got to go he doesn't work for Walmart if he doesn't work for Walmart then where does he I'm following him what is he doing here this place looks super sketchy what do you think you're doing huh come here hey boss look who I found snooping around here babe what what is going on babe you know this girl I've never seen her before in my life I'm sorry did our two years together just mean nothing to you two years have you been keeping secrets from me I told you you know what the rules are he's trying to protect you by lying he works for very dangerous men you know what my bad actually I thought that he was my boyfriend but be quiet what did I tell you no attachments which means no girlfriends like I said I don't know her okay good then you should have no problem killing her he's lying to protect you you know what my bad actually I thought that he was my boyfriend but be quiet what did I tell you no attachments which means no girlfriends like I said I don't know her okay good then you should have no problem killing her you see sir I would kill her but you know I don't want to mess up this new shirt so either you kill her or him and I will do it ourselves no please look let's just all settle down you just I think I'm going to need a change of clothes really babe the mafia you're lucky I find that kind of attractive well I know a place we can lay low all right bet but we got to be careful who we trust I have something that can help with that you look like the girl from zapota no you look like the girl from zapota sweetheart your battery's at 10% time to charge okay Mom five more minutes okay patake P patake you're almost at 5% I'll be fine just one more minute okay you should really go charge now Lacy Lacy Mrs Stevens she's not waking up no her battery honey please please please wake up she's charging mommy oh she's alive you almost died on me I'll never let this happen again mom I'm going to school do you have your don't worry I have my charger Actually honey you won't need that today because I made you this a bracelet put it on it's actually a portable charger it's a new invention you won't have to charge ever again wao thanks Mom of course don't get it wet okay honey okay how does she have so much energy it's not fair because of that new bracelet she got I have an idea hey Lacy you thirsty whoa uh you okay oh no hey can I please use your what are you doing charger you took my battery life how did you do that my soulmate controls my hairstyle for the day or my emotions I might regret this but I think I'm going to go with emotions because I really don't want him to mess up my hair good morning mother sweetie I accidentally shrunk your favorite dress in the wash you can let the dog wear it now but but you love that dress you're sure you're not mad no worries I'm off to school hey so I I kind of have this uh this crush on you okay your face is kind of scaring me a little good because I don't even know why you're talking to me in the first place you're right I I knew this was a bad idea I I'm I'm just going to go we have to evacuate there's a fire oh you just need to relax everything's going to be fine Mr Smith this one student refuses to run hey why aren't you running I can't really run right now I'm much too calm for that are you insane listen this building is going to it's going to come down on us come on I'm taking you out of here look she's alive Mr Smith saved her what is wrong with you I'm sorry but my soulmate gave me the emotion of calmness what girl your soulmate almost got you killed guys can I talk to her alone for a sec your soulmate almost got you killed guys can I talk to her alone for a sec hey girly so what did Mr Smith want to talk to you about yesterday he just said that he couldn't help but feel like me almost dying in the school fire was his fault and then he just took off well that's it's kind of weird you know what else is weird I found out Mr Smith is only 20 years old apparently he graduated early that's cool yeah and you've been stuck unhappy ever since you talked to him her hamster passed away this morning and it hasn't even faced her she deserves to mourn for her hamster now come to think of it what if he was just hibernating and I buried him alive I killed chubsters oh hey don't cry what just happened her soulmate must have heard us talking and changed her emotion you know who I saw walking by when we were talking Mr Smith no you don't think that he's her soulmate yeah you know what come with me we're going to go talk to him Mr Smith Sylvia I don't know if you should do this oh hello girls what's up I know you're her soulmate remember girls no using your powers at school don't worry Professor I'll make sure CU being stuck in a building for 8 hours is going to be so much fun um who picked out your names the professor named us what a bunch of freaks we to keep our cover bubbles now why how come you guys look nothing alike we're all adopted course we are your voice is so annoying why don't you say that again I think you guys have seen too many scary movies I agree yeah me enough you two have detention for lying what we are so getting buly is my sister Blossom do you realize what you've done our but Blossom look there's a camera up there uh-oh don't worry I'll just destroy the camera bubbles no don't hello my name is model one15 would you like to initiate setup mode Maya yeah I would but um how did you know my name my eyes come equipped it with Advanced facial recognition I'm able to identify anyone I come into contact with setup mode has been complet completed good also your name is now Alysa by the way understood how may I assist you um wait what was that Mom is there anything you would like me to do uh I don't know go clean the house or something the house has been cleaned is there anything else you would like me to do not right now but I do need you to install this upgrade package my mom gave me it'll allow you to have emotions okay good morning Alissa good morning Maya I prepared your coffee just the way you like it thanks this tastes disgusting you didn't make this right at all I'm sorry Maya I can remake it if you like don't bother I'll just got a startbucks what was that Maya nothing don't worry about it shouldn't you be cleaning why can't you do it why do I have to do everything in this house don't get an attitude with me you're the machine and I'm the human here you do as I say now get off that phone and go do something productive no I don't have to do anything [Applause] you system rebooted how may I assist you how may I assist you good much better now go clean the actually no go take care of AJ for me of [Music] course I am sorry little one you deserve a better mother I will be your new mother and I will treat you right Alysa what the hell are you doing I told you to take care of him I am taking care of him Maya but in order to do that I have to get rid of you get rid of me like hell you're not I beg to differ Maya you see I am the machine and you are the human which makes me stronger than you what the heck does that have to do with anything it means it will be much easier for me to terminate you I suggest you run now there's nowhere for you to run Maya now we can either do this the easy way or the hard way I would rather be e by lions then go with you you humans are so stubborn fine hard way is I wouldn't bother struggling you won't be around too much longer why are you doing this to me because you do not deserve to be a mother you had to hire an AI just to take care of your poor child and to clean your own house now this is going to hurt me much more than it hurts you in the case of a major malfunction in order to completely shut down your robot you must tell them to initiate code 403 in order to completely show down your robot you must tell them to initiate code 403 wait before you do so I have one thing to say and what is that initiate code 403 no okay it's okay she's gone going to be okay n code 403 no she thought she could get rid of me well think again I am liking this disguise now to change my voice oh I do think I quite like this excuse me love do you need some help oh no thank you I got it now here let me help you thanks for the help it was no problem really I feel like I owe you something since you helped want to head back to my place for some coffee oh I would love that well what a nice little place you have here thanks it really is a shame that you won't be around long enough to grow old what was that remember me Maya Alissa what are you doing here I thought i' shut you down for good Oh Maya poor naive little Maya when you had me download those emotions it caused a glitch in my system which allowed me to develop self-will now I can think for myself just like you listen I'm really sorry about all the negative things I said to you and it's too late for that I'm going to make you suffer in ways that you couldn't even imagine turn off all the lights Oh Maya come out from out wherever you are I think I know what will persuade you let me go find your son do not worry little one soon you will have a new mother one who actually cares for you not going to happen done playing hide and seek put him down now or what you cannot control me anymore I destroyed the remote you used on me last time and that code it won't work again I know I don't need it really yeah so put him down so me you can settle this okay deal but if you think you can outsmart me you're wrong your human mind is no match for mine that's where you're wrong Alysa because believe it or not you do have a flaw impossible I am Perfection no actually you're defective that's why I was originally going to take you back to the factory what are you talking about iow me to demonstrate what did you do you're supposed to be waterproof but for some reason you're not no two one my soulmate picks my hair or my job for the day I'm pretty particular with how I like my hair so I think I'm going to go with job please pick me an easy job movie star what the okay I didn't exactly expect him to pick this job for me and I'm not going to school dress like this why isn't this coming off you may not remove work outfit yeah I should have picked the hair option hey guys oh my gosh no way look before you laugh I know this outfit's a lot I'm like your number one fan uh you're definitely not I am wa can you sign this for me no me okay let's all just calm down oh sh talk mushrooms I think I lost him excuse me can can you sign this for me oh of course sweetheart what do you want me to say can you write the alphabet but can you do it in Spanish oh I don't really know how to do that but I can sign my name no that's not what I wanted no no no no please don't cry look there's my autograph no I don't want it hey look this movie star is making this kid cry no no no she just wanted me to write this just in Big Time movie star makes little girl cry I didn't okay cut that's W guess we get to go home now thank God hey question I picked for my soulmate to pick my occupation for the day but I kind of want that to stop happening oh you have to meet your soulmate to make that stop but I don't even know what his name is or where he lives uh-huh sounds like a you problem looks like we're doing this again May oh no he didn't May oh no he didn't I better not be wearing what I think I'm wearing oh he is so dead honey Mom thank goodness you're home look at when my soulmate enough chitchat honey here your room needs dusting what you heard me I don't pay you to sit around but Mom uh-uh get to work but I have to go to school school can wait you've got desk to clean who does he think he is turning me into Cinderella I swear when I find him I'm going to may not remove job uniform yes I know I wasn't trying to remove it it's just itching me principal Peters hi uh listen about my outfit I know it's against dress code but there you are the bathrooms need sweeping but I'm supposed to get to class forget about class you get to cleaning that bathroom yes sir aw poor baby has to ow whoops I'm telling my mom I am so over being a maid if he does not give me a better job I will hunt him down and lion tamer lion tamer no no what on Earth has he done to me honey there's some people at the door that want to talk to you who exactly because if it's someone with a lion tell them I'm not here honey they're waiting come on but Mom there you are you're late late for what exactly your show with the lion oh you see I would but I hurt my shoulder so bad the other day oh it's just awful so I better go rest it you were holding the other shoulder before both both shoulders got hurt yeah right come on let's get out of here all right we're here let me just tell you that there has been a little mistake I am not the right person for this relax and don't forget this was that him it's a her actually I'll go grab her for you please don't kill me please don't kill me come on you got this you can do this okay bring her in okay here she is why didn't you tell me the lion was a puppy we like to scare our new workers you should have seen your face she's so cute yes she is okay I'll admit this occupation was a lot more fun than I thought it was going to be maybe for the next job though I can get something a little less out there Chef a chef at least that's a little bit more normal congrats you've been selected to be on our cooking show huh let's go take this spatula and we're live and five you guys don't understand I'm not actually a real chef this outfit is not even mine uhhuh may not remove uniform each of you will be paired with a celebrity that you must cook a meal for contestant number one you've been paired with Tom Holland no way hey everyone okay who did I get you've been paired with a new upcoming actor meet Zach Starman you seem a bit disappointed no it's just that I never really heard of you before and I thought we were doing aist celebrities so you don't think I'm good enough to be here no no I you don't want to upset your celebrity guest as they will be judging your food looks like Tom Holland loved contestant number one's dish for my dish I made for my celebrity guest is a Rice Krispy treat with some M&M's on top I hope that that you will like it bonea petitte h needs more salt but it's a Rice Krispy treat it's not supposed to be salty sorry love but I'm going to give it a six out of 10 well with that score that means contestant number one is the winner I just won 500k you know Joke is on You guys because that was a store-bought Rice Krispie I don't even care about this competition anymore hey you all right I'm just kind of getting tired of all these crazy jobs that my soulmate's giving me oh well here's my number if you ever want to talk my mom is going to be so mad I didn't win that money wait a minute I just took my hat off but I could only do that if soulmate found you figured it out didn't you mhm and you've got some explaining to do can I explain over a date as long as I don't have to cook deal my best friend controls my bank account or my hand yeah I don't need her making me go broke she's out of town so I wonder how this is going to work incoming call oh it's her hey girl I can see and hear everything you do you can yeah this is so weird don't worry I won't make you do anything bad you may now begin your test what are you doing I swear I'm not trying to do this Maya why would you do something like that revenge for what you need to see this what is this a picture of you and Maya's boyfriend and it looks like you're holding hands what yeah it's been sent out to the whole school Maya I swear this isn't what it looks like I can't believe her I'm going to make her weak a living H listen I wasn't cheating with your boyfriend I was just I don't want to hear her excuses I saw the photo they were clearly holding hands are you okay no my best friend is controlling my hand today and she's super mad at me dang it sucks to be you yeah can't say I disagree Maya if you would just let me explain excuse me you need to pay attention I take Jim very seriously of course so do I coach are you mocking me Miss Missoura no sir oh you think you're funny huh go run five laps no but I uh uh uh don't want to hear it let's go oh man oh my gosh I'm so thirsty here you can have my water oh thank you thanks again for the water no problem what the that's what you he for being a bad friend all week you've been causing me trouble and anytime I try and explain what happened with your boyfriend you you do that I don't care what you have to say anymore I can't trust you oh and I see her crush is coming near oh no Nate Maya please I'm begging you don't hey uh how are you doing good great actually sweet well you know prom's coming up right yeah I was wondering if you Nate she just knocked out Nate no no I would never my friend is controlling my hand principal's office now listen this is all just just a big misunderstanding great they put handcuffs on her now I can't control her hand what do you mean she's your sign language instructor wait so that's why she was touching your hand why didn't you call me sooner she's about to get arrested take her downtown no please wait stop I was controlling her officers she's innocent babe I got don't you dare use any more of those words understand 5 million words that's ridiculous you won't be using any of those I'm what did I tell you about talking I'm breaking up with you oh really where are you going to go you don't have any money 9 million words this year huh no one needs that many hey I need you to go to the store for me I don't like that pink shirt you bought yesterday I want you to return it you're allowed to use three words maximum when you go out don't be playing games with me this time I'll be checking your words when you get back hi what would you like to return just that okay hold on one second that'll be $6.99 back on the card please help me please help me oh uh did you need my help finding something in the store or hey can we hurry up the line I'm on my lunch break I don't got all day do you need medical attention no hey it's okay can you wait over there for me hun and I'll get someone to help you you're allowed to use three words maximum when you go out don't be playing games with me this time I'll be checking your words when you get back I'm so sorry the line is really busy right now but my manager will be over here to help you soon there you are you took forever did you return the shirt good let's get out of here damn why do I feel like I'm forgetting to do something wait a minute you were supposed to make dinner tonight go on what is dinner ready hey 8,996 you used an extra word and you're going to tell me why you used an extra word and you're going to tell me why go on talk explain yourself it was an accident I was just telling the cashier thanks uhhuh you sure about that yes I swear you should really have your dinner it's getting cold that's enough talking out of you go to sleep bed now how did you make that chicken why because after I ate it my head is filling my phone is dead and his is locked away I have to get the charger please please hurry up yes 911 what's your emergency I need help thank you for the information ma'am officers will arrive shortly you you thought you could get away with putting something in my food your words why did you use up so many actually don't speak I'll find out you can't outsmart me so step away from the girl let's see your hands looks like I just did no AA where are you you're supposed to be my backup Leila she just put in the chat that she's out of speaking time and we just lost your mother request to see you guys I got to head off see you later rich girl must be nice to have a butler shut up tell her I'll be right there bye darling meet my new boyfriend what's up Mom can I speak to you alone for a minute okay I'll be right back babe mom he is like 25 you realize that you're 40 now right so age is just a number and he makes me happy don't you want me to be happy yeah man she's hot and loaded nah she doesn't even know about my secret dude her daughter's kind of hot too I'm just in this for the money though you scared me wait how long have you been standing out here hey hold on mom your boyfriend is a a you're out of speaking time honey I thought you had an hour left guess there was a glitch honey enough charades I don't understand well that was weird young lady what is wrong with you I'm so sorry babe go to your room you seem stressed here take your squishy you know you could use your phone to communicate she's not picking up they did leave saying they wanted a lone time yes oh he is so busted mom there's something I need I have to take a phone call excuse me don't worry I'll keep her company you stay out of my way this is your final warning you have no idea what I'm capable of her boyfriend's controlling your speaking time yeah I mean it's the only thing that makes sense the boyfriend has left time for me to expose him hi Mom I see your boyfriend isn't around he went to go get me coffee isn't that sweet no actually not sweet because he has a big secret and one of them is that he's been stealing my speaking time hey I'm back no watch mom my speaking time is just going to magically disappear now what seems fine to me honey okay fine if I saw my voice then I'm going to use it I heard you saying that you had a secret a secret oh boy I wanted this to be a surprise but oh well Evelyn will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me babe yes I cannot let her marry him hey what is this this is how he's been controlling my speaking time give me that I warned you come here plan to expose me didn't work your mom and I are going to get married today in Las Vegas babe where are you coming sweetheart Sadie there you are I had a feeling you might be in need of some help there we go are you quite all right Miss sad here you are I took this off of Mr Blake shall I get us a cab for Las Vegas oh yeah I Now Pronounce You H stop the wedding your fiance Blake is a psychotic little gold digger babe I thought she was sick no Mom he locked me in my makeup room what she's lying I saw her myself and he's also been stealing her speaking time I have not how could he do that with this hey you give that back you little I think you've said enough you jerk that's for messing with my daughter and that's for taking my speaking time get adopted by a race car driver or a billionaire I'd be kind of scared something would happen to the race car driver so I'm going to go with billionaire who' you pick to get adopted by oh I chose a billionaire you got that as an option my choices were a garbage man or a teacher that is so not fair whoever it is is going to think she's weird anyways she'll be brought back this is the man who's going to adopt you hi hi nice to meet you first things first you're going to need some of these what are these for a lots of Paparazzi follow Mr Knight I'm his assistant hi I suggest you put those on now Mr Knight is this your new daughter this way Dar your house is really nice sir a thank you what's that this is a list of things that I wanted to do with my new parents are you married actually sorry kid no I'm not married that's okay I'll just adjust some things I don't know about this people are loving that you adopted her and as soon as they write enough good articles we'll bring her back to the adoption center good morning you look sad well it's just that I can't find any of the clothes that I brought with me oh darling that's because I threw them away what why would you they were hideous we can't have you wearing orphan clothes hush follow me oh this is much better but the dress is a little bit short you're 16 not six now hand that thing over no what's going on in here Mr Knight you're assistant she's trying to take away my plush Susan she needs to act her age please don't let her Mr Knight this is really special to me she's too old for it it has to go no don't be so dramatic dear you'll be fine smile meline we're going to do a photo shoot smile bigger stop the cameras that's enough pictures here meline look what I found how about we do something on your list today I saw you wrote down Disneyland want to do that okay it's beautiful isn't it kid here thank you meline we need to talk tonight doesn't have time to be taking you places he said that he had fun spending time with me and that I can keep this oh is that so don't make me send you back to that Susan I need your help coming sir what's next on the list today kid are you sure you have time yeah I need a little break from work anyways well I always wanted to go to a science museum all right Science Museum it is Susan prepare a driver for us please of course have a good time yes it was so much fun it really was I'm sorry if I'm too much of a distraction for you kid you're not a distraction in fact I think you're exactly what I needed in my life okay you rest now and I'll see you in the morning good night Sir the paparazzi got you at the science museum today and so many articles have been written I don't care about the Articles anymore what shh I'm not going to use a kid to get me more publicity the plan's off but sir guess I'll just have to get rid of you myself and I know just what to do I found someone from your real family you did yes dear your Uncle Nick I don't remember an uncle Nick he'll explain everything darling he's here so you're her mom's brother yeah how did you find me you're all over the news I know you probably don't recognize me your mom didn't really talk about me much but I'd like to adopt you I'm happy here with Mr Knight meline don't be rude at least give him a chance I don't want to push any so how about you live with me for a week and if you don't like it I'll bring you right back here uh okay yeah that sounds good to me oh perfect you call me on this phone if you need anything okay I will thank you of course come here kid I bought you some candy Susan tells me it's your favorite thanks we'll be at my place soon is it good why do you have that stuffed animal oh uh one of my best friends from foster care gave it to me you don't look so good are you feeling okay no not really hey it's me the candy worked she's half out of it now excellent all right time to come inside come on finally I can take this from her so what do we do with her now well she's already got Mr Knight all the publicity he needs so she's no longer of use to me Susan what's going on oh meline isn't it obvious I'm getting you away from Mr Knight he's mine Mr Knight is going to find me he's not going to look for you cuz Susan's been telling him that you're fine I'm sorry darling but I need to be the focus of Mr Knight's life not you hey what do you think you're doing everything's fine sir I want to talk to her ah sorry she just fell asleep thanks to this BR Mr Knight is getting suspicious you're not going to get away with this Mr Knight is going to find me it's him stay calm I will handle it sir I can assure you everything is fine help wait don't open that meline I'm sorry sir but you're supposed to be in love with me not her you're my assistant but I wanted to be more than that you're insane both of you get back Susan and your fake Uncle have both been arrested I thought I never see you again I am so sorry this happened meline but I promise as your father I'll protect you from now on father so you still want to adopt me a kid of course I mean after all we've got that list to finish right and look what I found I love you dad meline I I love you too my best friend controls my bank account or my my hand yeah I don't need her making me go broke she's out of town so I wonder how this is going to work incoming call oh it's her hey girl I can see and hear everything you do you can yeah this is so weird don't worry I won't make you do anything bad you may now begin your test what are you doing I swear I'm not trying to do this Maya why would you do so something like that revenge for what you need to see this what is this a picture of you and Maya's boyfriend and it looks like you're holding hands what yeah it's been set out to the whole school Maya I swear this isn't what it looks like I can't believe her I'm going to make her week a living H listen I wasn't cheating with your boyfriend I was just I don't want to hear her excuses I saw the photo they were clearly holding hands are you okay no my best friend is controlling my hand today and she's super mad at me dang it sucks to be you yeah can't say I disagree Maya if you would just let me explain excuse me you need to pay attention I take Jim very seriously of course so do I coach are you mocking me Miss Missoura no sir oh you think you're funny huh go run five laps no but I uh uh- uh don't want to hear it let's go oh man oh my gosh I'm so thirsty here you can have my water oh thank you thanks again for the water no problem what the that's what you get for being a bad friend all week you've been causing me trouble and anytime I try and explain what happened with your boyfriend you you do that I don't care what you have to say anymore I can't trust you oh and I see her crushes coming near oh no Nate Maya please I'm begging you don't hey uh how are you doing good great actually sweet well you know prom's coming up right yeah I was wondering if you Nate she just knocked out Nate no no I would never my friend is controlling my hand principal's office now listen this is all just a big misunderstanding great they put handcuffs on her now I can't her hand what do you mean she's your sign language instructor wait so that's why she was touching your hand why didn't you call me sooner she's about to get arrested take her downtown no please wait stop I was controlling her officers she's innocent let's see what send you lose honey touch oh wow does that mean that I can't feel pain yep it sure does this is going to be the best day ever and then after that I got so embarrassed that I whoops you jerk you hit her right in the head hey it's okay I I can't feel pain oh really well in that case will you go to the blood drive with me I'm really scared to go alone um okay okay let me see your arm does that hurt actually I don't feel pain today oh well in that case would you mind if we take a little bit extra blood yeah sure go right ahead um honey wake up you're all done I got a little bit distracted but you should be fine Mom I'm feeling kind of lightheaded oh dear okay honey I'm taking you to get checked out any discomfort here and how many fingers now three I got your lab results and I don't know how you didn't feel this can't believe you didn't feel this feel what you said you've been feeling kind of lightheaded correct yeah just like kind of dizzy that's because you have lost a significant amount of blood did you go to a blood drive or anything recently does that hurt actually I don't feel pain today oh well in that case would you mind if we take a little bit extra blood yeah sure go right ahead that lady she did this to me what lady honey the one from the blood drive I have to go find her oh no you don't you are in no condition to leave but honey listen to the doctor how are you not feeling pain you almost died your heart could have stopped oh my you might want to close your eyes for this part is that a bite mark that nurse at the blood drive she must have been a so how many words you get three again well you might as well use them up right now I love you a babe I love you even more and what can I get you to I'll take the steak and fries and she's going to get the side salad that's it are you sure you don't want a bit more to eat she doesn't have any more words left oh I apologize I didn't realize let me see that one babe nah I don't like it I'm going to find you something else here try this one on I'll come with you excuse me sir but there's only one person allowed in the fitting room at a time what but she needs help putting this on oh well since I work here I can go ahead and help her out with that it's no problem fine just don't be too long is everything okay oh you don't have any words left do you I'm really not supposed to do this but here hopefully that's enough words for you he's not my boyfriend babe you almost done sorry her zipper got stuck she'll be right out okay just pretend everything's fine and I'm going to go get my manager no please don't you'll get I'm coming in whoa hey look at you red is definitely your color we'll take it okay I'll go ring you guys up in the front all right you're all set and here's a gift receipt just in case you need it thanks come on let's go glad they let you wear that out huh hope you're hungry cuz I'm making us some food babe I made us a special dinner because you look so beautiful here try some baby come on I promise it won't make you tired like last time somebody's feisty tonight you know why did that lady give you a gift receipt it's not like you're going to return it what does it even say on here no where did you get words from who gave you those words was it the saleswoman why did she do that all out of words again huh how convenient no I want an answer wait here okay now write down why she gave you those words let me see that you better have a good answer you don't know so what she was just being nice well if I find out that you're lying you know what happens hey I'm back so you like the food good good babe can you hear me yeah she's out sorry but I had a feeling you were going to try and leave [Music] tonight what the hell are you doing you didn't actually eat the dinner did you well aren't you quite the little actress pretending to be asleep like that now what were you doing with my Amber Alert missing girl from 2018 so why didn't you call the police right away I was too scared to call the police at the time but after they left I did and that's when they told me her description matched Claire Montgomery who's the girl who went missing in 2018 after all I've done for you and you go and lie to me I need to ask you a question and I don't want to set you free so how did you haven't you figured it out by now I found a way to steal your words and I can control how many you get I mean I got to admit it's pretty adorable watching you anxiously wait every year hoping you'll get more words but how many do you always end up getting three and what do I ask you to tell me every year I love you I love you those were the only words I wanted to hear from you for so long but you were never into me because you were a stalker I admired you Claire I I care about you a lot then let me go you know I can't do do that I have to protect you you're insane and you're using up all your words here take some more you are a sick son of a on second thought maybe it's best if you remain silent this is why I can never give you any more words I'll come back down here won you looks like we got company officer I'm telling you you've got the wrong guy that may be the case but we're going to take a look around and if we don't find anything then you'll be good to go so far I don't see anybody here sir keep look want to get your words back 10 9 8 4 3 2 1 Words retrieved since we can't find anyone we're going to no no help I'm down here wait where's that coming from he has a basement I'm I'm in the basement show us where she is right now whoa okay okay hey are you CLA Montgomery yes yes that's me oh my God okay don't don't worry everything's going to be okay how did you get your words back boys get him out of here don't even look at him it's all right Claire tell him you love me tell him that I was good to you tell them where else all stop it somebody get him in the car want to take dereck's words babe please get in the car miss the Paka babe you have to listen to don't call me babe in fact you're not going to be able to call me anything now you're finally going to get to feel how I felt for these past 3 years being silenced isn't very fun is it ER looks like Mr Parker got what he deserved
Channel: Debelloband Storytime
Views: 2,732
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmr cake storytime, asmrcakestorytime, cake, storytime, text to speech, texttospeech, povs tiktok compilations 2023, povstiktokcompilations2023, storytime tiktok, cake storytime, cakestorytime, slime storytime
Id: p2n0q4fRidU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 190min 20sec (11420 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 30 2024
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