My Husband Makes $975,000 and Won't Let Me Stay Home!

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mercedes is with us in toronto canada hi mercedes welcome to the dave ramsey show hi thank you for taking my call well sure what's up um i'm currently on maternity leave until february and i want to ask how to ask my husband to be able to kind of be a stay-home mom i don't really feel like i want to go back to work i feel like i really want to spend time raising our little one cool what a great goal so does he make enough money for you to live on uh yeah like he makes about 9.75 what's that mean oh uh like 975 000. 975 000 a year yeah okay i think you could probably freaking struggle through it's not so much the finances that it as it is i think he has a worry that i'll never go back to work so like i don't know i think because his mom worked like three jobs so i know he makes 975 000 i know mercedes when you were working how much did you make about 90. okay nice income yeah except that we're comparing it to his right and how many kids do you have just one just okay okay here's the deal sharon ramsey went home to be a full-time mom when our first daughter was born 34 years ago yeah she has never worked in the workplace since uh she is engaged in a lot of uh ministry boards she sits on hospital boards she uh is engaged in being a full-time meme to six grandbabies she raised three wonderful children i call that an incredible career i do too okay i just don't know how to get my husband on the same page it's a matter it's going to be sitting down and talking to him from the heart i mean just point blank i mean hey it's not like you guys need the money this is why this is so flabbergasting yeah so i know why why does he go do all of that if it's not so that your family can do what they want to do i know like i just don't see the point in paying like a nanny no and not since you don't want to okay yeah so if you want to be outside the home and have a career and that's your aspiration and you want to do that then no shame on that either absolutely but uh but this idea that somehow motherhood is full-time motherhood is not a uh is somehow to be shamed or to be looked down upon is absolute bs well and i think mercedes that's where you've got to talk to him and lead with the heart and talk about how you are you wanting to work but you're wanting to work with your kid it doesn't make you a freaking second-class citizen no not at all i know but i guess i kind of feel that way and i don't know whether it's more but you know we call that mom we call that mom guilt yeah sure christy wright talks about that a lot mom moms can't win because if they work they're guilty and if they don't work they're guilty i know it's like mom like like guilt is built into the whole program or something i don't know what it is but how long have you all been married mercedes uh only a year and a half yeah what's a boy child do for a living he's been together about seven um he's an investment advisor i guess he is the writer okay okay wow it's so impressive he's doing so well i don't know i i i think that um number one i just want to give you uh encouragement and say hey this is not crazy it's not irresponsible as a matter of fact it is a high dignity position worthy of i mean someone was abraham lincoln's mother someone was billy graham's mother someone was you know and these are high call this is a high calling and uh so someone was martin luther king jr's mother i mean this is a high calling and uh it has dignity it has value it is worth equivalent to anything you could do in the workplace no shame no guilt and should be no hesitation financially or economically i agree and mercedes i'm going to tell you this don't go into this thinking this is a one-time conversation that you're gonna sway him or get him this is going to be a series of conversations but i want you to lead with your heart don't try to go factual don't go any of that just what your heart wants and then what happens is it boils down to he has an opinion and you have an opinion and now you got to begin to work through this and you may have to reach out to your pastor or to a therapist and go have this conversation but if you don't stand for it and show you're serious about it then he's not going to believe you yeah just turn off the television take his phone away from him set the baby in his lap and point at the baby and say what's more important than that or take off for about a week let him handle it let him handle it he will find you honey i'm gonna tell you right now your value just went i told sharon years ago i said if you leave i'm coming with you if you decide you're gonna run off i'm coming too oh i was expecting for her to say that that that she made the majority of the money and you know and it was a financial number that is
Channel: The Ramsey Show - Highlights
Views: 796,694
Rating: 4.8266473 out of 5
Keywords: the dave ramsey show, budget money debt cash, real estate, insurance, how to make money, dave ramsey, save, credit card, compound interest, buying house, buy, snowball, My Husband Makes $975, 000 and Won't Let Me Stay Home!, marriage, wife, money, husband, family, spouse, budget, marriage advice, stay at home mom, SAHM
Id: T2dA6RX35NQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 46sec (346 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 19 2020
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