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foreign fellow YouTubers Frank Bush here again so I'm excited today to show you what I consider to be the ultimate Ridgeline design that I've come up with so what you'll see here is I've got my spool of 550 paracord I've got number 36 nylon Bank line and I've got my multi-tool and my lighter so that's all it'll require for this project and uh so if you're interested in the ultimate Ridgeline development and how to do it yourself stay tuned okay well without further delay I'll just get on with the build yeah so I'm going to take about 50 foot or so off this spool just to have a hank I have paracord to work with yeah so I'll go do that off camera and I'll come back when it's ready okay so I've spooled up that 50 foot of rope just so I can keep it on camera half decent yeah and I did it in a quick deploy fashion so if you watch previous videos of mine you know exactly how this is done but uh all I'm going to do now is take the the lead end if you will I'm gonna pull some out of that and just set that spool to the side and realistically here I'm just going to want to put a bite in the line and I'm going to want to have this be a length of about two and a half feet from here to here so doubled up on itself you get the idea but now right at the point where I've folded it back here I'm just going to pull this into Center camera a bit better so right at this point in time I'm just going to turn around and do a little overhand knot right here so nothing complex at all I just put a loop in the line with both strands I'm going to pinch it now to hold it so I can get that opening I'm going to take the end of the loop and just feed it through the end of the bite if you will and just feed that through and I'm going to tie that knot nice and close up to right at the end here so I've got now room to work with so pretty simple I'll just change camera angles and I'll carry on yep okay so for the next step in the process it's really simple as well so there's that little knot we just put in I'm gonna put my finger at about a finger finger and a half length and right here I'm just going to tie another knot so I made that little opening feed it through simple little overhand knots right nothing to them and I want to make sure that the Paracord is sitting flat against each other here and I don't want this knot to be much bigger than say two or three of the knots themselves the space in between these about maybe two to three times the size of the notch yeah and I'm going to keep doing this process now and put another one in and I'm just going to kind of hold it back and get an idea for the size of it if you will make sure I'm sitting at about the same distance from each other and make sure that those paracord lines are pushed through and sitting as flat as they can be with each other that's an important little piece and tighten it off there do it another time so I recommend having a minimal of four of these nods and you can see really really simple there's nothing to them and I'll just check my spacing to make sure it's pretty even hey Davis and now see if I can get away with one more it's not critical but you want to have at least four but you can go more yeah that should be half decent then so in this example we'll do it with five I guess but it's really flexible and you'll see why as we move through this project of of the flexibility of this whole concept but that's all I've done now is really folded a bite in the line that was two and a half foot in length and then tied overhand knots back down towards the loop so I have in essence this is exactly the same as I do and I on a traditional guideline or other things that you've seen in lots of my previous videos all I've done is kept this a bit longer where and added some additional Notch yeah nothing to it so we'll move on to the next step yeah okay so the only other thing I have to do for the main Ridgeline body if you will is I'll just pull that back and I'm just going to put a little overhand knot in the very other end of the Ridgeline so the exact same kind of knot we just did there I'm just going to turn around and you know pretzel not if you will and just set that on and that's the other end of the main body of the Ridgeline completed so really Elementary nothing to this you'll find that the the knots we use throughout this are really really simple and uh like I say I'm just hanging my rope back up because I put that little stopper knot keep everything tight as much as possible just kind of Lock and hold that so yeah that's all it was was just we put five knots down uh bite in the life I'm going to end up I'll just set this aside I'm going to end up doing the exact same thing now with some Bank line and uh so I'm gonna turn around and like I find about two and a half foot or so so you know it's not exact measurement stuff it doesn't need to be but uh you know obviously give yourself a half decent uh size there and the exact same thing I'm just gonna gonna hold it do a little overhand not Loop and feed it through and set that on the line and I'm gonna now turn around and go down this line and just do the multiples exactly as we just did on the main paracord Ridgeline except this time like I say we're just using the target Bank line and I'm going to make the space is a little bit bigger on these ones just to find the Dynamics are working with the Bank line just to be a little bit different that's all because of the difference in diameter of the cordage so make sure I'm sending roughly about the right space looks about good [Music] same thing again make the space fairly even between them all give that a bit of tension just give it a pull across the lines make sure everything's going firm so now what I'm going to do is take my pocket knife and just turn around and cut off that spear a little bit a in there and I'll give that a melt to make sure things don't Fray in fact I'll just melt those two together to each other if I can get away with it there we go let's just keep it clean right so I now have this unit where it's got four knots down along it and a loop on the end I need to make six of these units you know you can make varied amounts so I'm just going to do six in this example and then we'll turn around and hook those onto the main body of the Ridgeline and we'll show you how it progresses as we go yep okay so just as fast as that I've got two done you want to kind of keep them similar size and you want to have it that they have at least four knots on each one you know this this is flexible you could go five or six or seven knots on each one you could have the eyelets be smaller and stuff it doesn't have to be exact for every single one going down the line the only key in my perspective the only key critical part is it's just good to have four knots on the line to be able to do what we want to achieve yeah so like I said I'll go off and make the other four and then we'll move on to the next step of the build okay so as you can see there was nothing overly complex here it just kept doing the same thing over and over again and I could make these as many of these as I want you know realistically you need a minimal of four of them but the longer your Ridge line is or the more of these you want to have on the line it's really flexible in that regard when it comes to these knots you could put them closer together you could have more than four four is kind of a minimal to me but uh one way or the other we've got all the basic components now so let's assemble these six units that we've now just created back onto the main Ridge line yeah okay so for the next step I just set up that Ridge line to have a bit of tension into it so I've got a line to work with if you will and what I'm going to do is start to take these individual units now and try to position myself decent on camera here I'm just going to turn around and hold the loop they kind of come under the line I'm holding the loop and I'm just wanting to feed it through itself now as such so it should look like that hopefully the camera is getting that Justice and then I'm going to come again and one more time around making sure I don't catch any of those knots as I go and really I'm just applying a prostate to the line now so as I let off tension I'm pulling down on the on the main line if you will this part here I'm pulling down on that as I'm letting the tension set for the prusik and hopefully the camera is picking that up decently and as the prusik comes down to itself you just make sure you keep all your lines nice and straight and now that plastic is on the line nice and clean I'll just double check my camera yeah the Project's on the line nice and clean now now if I apply tension it'll lock in either direction but if I don't have any tension I can just slide this on the line yeah so I'm going to do the exact same setup that I just did to strap this string of I know knots on the line if you will to strap them on I'm going to do the same thing over and over again with the next five and they're going to be spaced down the line every say four or five feet as I go so I'll just go put those on because hopefully you got a good example there and uh we'll cut back to the next scenes yeah okay so it's been about two minutes now it literally takes no time to really do this but um you can see I've got all my prospects strapped onto the line now where it's all easily adjustable so I can shift and space those out on the line freely and uh you know if you wanted to add in another four more or whatever this system's really flexible in that regard and uh you know to me the more the merrier that's set on this line to a certain degree you know but uh when you want to bundle everything up for a Rapid Release later on to have it that this softball just comes apart smooth you kind of hit a limit of how many of these you can strap on a line within reason but uh either way we're pretty well there now this Ridge line has been fully assembled and the next step is going to be just taking it out in the field and showing you how it how it works yeah all right fellow YouTubers well I'm out at one of my local parks right in the neighborhood close to where I live so needless to say I'm getting ready to set up the example here so I brought along my RAB siltarp two I've got a couple tent pegs they've got that Ridgeline we just built earlier through the video there and uh I've got these and they're going to be two guy lines that I'm going to end up using just to tie down the bottom corners and I'll go through those in detail as we do out the example yeah but uh I've got two trees here I'll shift camera angles and I'll show you the trees I'm going to set up to and then I'll show you why this Ridgeline setup is just so amazing all right so like I said I got two trees picked out the one right here and then the one over here and I'm going to strap up between the two of those like I say if you hear a bit of noise in the background the local park mat is fairly popular and it's a long weekend so you might pick up noise such as life right but either way what I'll do now is I'll walk through the details of each step of setting up the bridge line up close and in detail and then afterwards I'll go back and do a live kind of real-time example of setting it up to show you how rapid it surely is and how flexible it truly is okay so first order business I'm just gonna pull so the the end that we first created with the loop and the five knots and I'm just going to pull a bit of that out just throw my Hank down this end I'm gonna wrap around the tree I'm going to come fully around with that set of knots if you will and then here I'm just going to turn around and lay my main part of the guy line on top and then I'm going to take one of these knots that's here in the line and I'm going to bring that over top and I'm just going to hook it into the little pockets if you will between the knots I'm just going to hook it into there and make sure it's in good and solid and then I'm going to start to apply tension and I'll come in and give a close-up of this but just to show you I'm locked and I'm on there now of there's no that's not going to give I'm on there good and solid it's definitely strapped to the tree with full effect and when I want to take it off now it's going to be as easy as grabbing this Loop and pulling it out and I'm off it's just that simple so I'll turn around and just strap it back to the tree one more time like I say you kind of bring it all the way around make sure we get a couple knots on either side of the main Ridgeline cord just going to bring one of these knots up bring it across you're going to open up the little pocket in between the line of knots and just stuff one of the knots through and then just kind of set it in there and it'll start to apply tension and I'm on there I'll just I'll stop here because this is already kind of held and locked now if it's not going anywhere and all shift camera angles and come up and do a real close-up and you can see exactly what's Happening Here okay so hopefully you can see what's going on where I'm literally taking the rope with the knots just gonna wrap it over back over on of the main Ridge line and I'm going to take one of the knots and just stuff it back through one of its previous little pockets there and then soon as you do that the tension on the line pinches down and kind of locks that knot in so it's not going anywhere so and then you simply just kind of slide it along and adjust it and the Beautiful part about it is this will hold as soon as the tension is being applied it becomes Tighter and Tighter in along here and makes it that there is no chance of this coming loose and this knot just flipping out and that just doesn't happen so you're absolutely good in that regard but like I say as soon as you want to kind of Rapid Release and get this off the tree you simply pull this out it comes free that's it it's off and as you can see it's done or freely detached from the tree so I'll just put this back on stuff it in know that I'm set on this side now and it's really just putting the knot that I pushed through the little opening just pushing it back onto the previous knot so it locks and holds and the tension will just set this here and it's not going anywhere that's that's strapped on perfectly well so now we'll flip over to the other tree and we'll strap on that side as well yeah to get to my other tree yeah and all stop and shift camera angles here and I'll show you exactly how I strap onto this tree so now I'm going to take this Ridgeline now and I've got those lines that we put on there earlier in the video for the install I've got one of these slid far enough along this line to come around the tree so I'll just show you that now yeah where pick roughly the height I wanted it they come back around and there's one of those lines that I have on there hopefully the camera's seeing that justifiably and what I'm going to do now is on this end I'm going to turn around and use two of these lines and really one's going to lock into the other and become the same kind of locking shackle but rather than locking to itself it's just locking to another one so I'm going to open up a little pocket I'm going to stick my knot through just like I showed earlier with the main paracord I'm going to kind of hold that for a second and I'm going to apply a little bit of tension and really the more attention I apply right at this point the more it's going to want to hold it tautly so one way or the other I'm already on and unlocked and it's fairly rigid I'll shifting to the camera angles and I'll show you how close of what I just did here so you can see in detail yeah yeah okay so now I'm just going to turn around and detach this and all of these are quick release every one of these connections that you see you can easily just pop it off later it's one of the real beauties of the setup but I'm just going to turn around and pop this off and re-show the example yeah so all I simply do is turn around and pull up on that knot it frees all the tension off and these are separated so really I've got one sitting here and I've got one here and in fact I'll just bring this one up a bit so that you guys can hopefully see this well and all I'm doing is I'm going in the second knot on one of these and I'm coming up and I'm just hooking it through the two lines here I'm going to open it up that little pocket and I'm just going to hook my knot in and set it in place and then I'm going to apply that tension and that locks that it's not going anywhere like I say it's already set up as a quick release and everything of so I can apply tension this way now on that line and it's locked it's holding it it's not going anywhere and I know some people that view my videos don't like these kind of connections because they're concerned that they're not getting the same tension as a like a taut line hitch or a Trucker's Hitch and that kind of thing so I'm going to shift camera angles again here I'm going to show you exactly how with this setup I can get that kind of tension really really rapidly that's equal to or better than like a Trucker's Hitch or any of that business you know it can do the equivalent to that so let me shift camera angles and I'll show you that okay so what I'm going to do is kind of stand on this side and that way I keep my body out of the view as much as I can right but so we've got like I say these two lines that were just kind of interconnected here and you can see it's all Rapid Release just like the green one was down on the end you know hooking the Paracord under the tree same thing if I pull this it just pops but uh I'm going to take the Paracord now the remainder of that Ridge line because we had more paracord Ridgeline than the length that was needed it gives this flexibility in the regard of I can now take this line and I'm going to come up to this side I'm going to open it up between the two knots on on this line you know hanging line if you will I'm going to feed a bite through that as such and then I'm just going to apply tension just as you would like uh Trekkers hits right at this point then you'll see that as I apply tension slack starts to form between these two lines that are connected and I can just slide that plastic along so it's easy enough for me to turn around and apply ample amount of tension move it along and keep doing that just like you would a trucker's answer just like you would a taut line hitch there is no real difference in the level of tension capabilities you can achieve here I'll put some more set it and now I'm getting extremely tight on this Ridgeline I'll try to really crank down on it to show you the effectiveness of the likelihood of this thing given just isn't happening so unless you've done your knots wrong here and you simply just reset your knots it's not a complex thing but I'll pull out more attention there we go now that's amazingly tight and in order to kind of free up the remainder of the Ridgeline I simply just pull that back out there's no knots involved that's off now it's just back to Hanging as a drip line if you will and now this is super super tight there's there's no question that these are just holding on for dear life when it comes to the tension of this you know and now we'll walk back down and show you where we've got those other knot lines hanging then we'll kind of walk through their uses and what we can do with them yeah and then like I say what I've done here is spaced out those knot lines now I've spaced those out every couple feet along my Ridgeline I got one here here here here here and you can have them every you know four or five feet all the way up the line just freely available to use you know at your leisure kind of thing but the thing really good is going to be all right let's use the well just push this one to the side just in case we need it for something later but use this one here to strap one corner of the tarp to I'll leave one for if I was to hang a lantern or hang items uh in the center of my tarp setup and then I'll use the other one just to strap on the other corner of the tarp yeah and like I say these are all freely adjustable easy to move I can shift them all with these there's no effort to it at all then place them exactly where I want them but one way or the other let's get this tarp set up and show you how easy it is to hook that onto this setup okay so now I got my tarp I just pulled out a little corner loop on the end of the tarp that I can hook onto yeah so I'm simply going to do the same kind of thing like I was doing earlier I'm just going to feed my line right through the tie out then I'm gonna just get it and I always find it's good practice instead of going off the first knot I like going off the second but I'm gonna come up hook over and just hook it in the exact same way we were doing with all the others and that's on now it's not going anywhere I'll just make sure the knot is rested and really I want the one knot that I just pushed through the separator Loop if you will I'm just want to make sure that's butted right up against that knot so it's really got nowhere to go to begin with and we're already strapped on at this point it's really that easy there's no need for toggles there's no need for carabiners or all that fancy stuff none of that's needed this is definitely a solid way to go and it's quick release like I say if I don't want to have this on here I simply just pull and the whole thing pops off and my tarp is free but I'll just put it back on make sure it's set in nice and clean and I always leave my end bit hanging back out so I can quick release it later I can just grab on to the little Loop whichever the loop is on the end and give it a pull with my finger if it gets stuck in there a little bit and one way or the other it just comes out with these so it's not really a big deal to get this out but like I say it will hold it firmly and snugly and as the tension applies on this line it just cinches in around that knot and gives it nowhere to escape to so that's really the beauty of this setup I'll go hook on the other corner now and I'll try to do a up close on that so you guys can see and you know I want to show this at a bit of a distance and then I'll do the really up close yep okay so now I've just got the tie out on the other corner of my tarp and try to show that as detailed as I can here so I'm just going to feed the line right up through I'm going to get past that second knot so that it's set on the line here and then I'm going to take that second knot I'm going to bring it up I'm going to open up the little pocket in between the two I'm going to feed my knot through and then kind of apply a bit of tension right back at the knot hopefully the camera's seeing that well right here and kind of set it against that and it's locked it's not going anywhere and then that's my quick release tab I can just pull on now I can turn around and just slide the process along the line and now I can apply all the tension in the world I want and this will just lock and hold and there was no toggles needed or none of that business you know it's all it's all just being done by tangent and not so hopefully you can see that in detail and like I say it's easy enough to just turn around and slide that plastic along the line and apply as much tension as needed and I'll pan back and show you that it's a good taut line of coming across the top yeah so you can see now lots of tension that exists on this tarp it's able to hold up really well and it's easy enough if I wanted to adjust this and say oh I want this three or four inches that way but just press on my process loosen a bit of tension on that side and then come over to this side and apply that tension and it just locks and I'm back to a top position it's just that easy and like I say if I want to Quick Release any of these connections that I'm doing anywhere along the Ridgeline it's as simple as pulling it and I'm off the line now you can't make it anywhere simple than that right so I turn around and just give myself a bit of slack and put that back on and you can see how quickly these things can go back on the line if there's nothing to it it's really just that fast and I'm back in business and I'm locked and set no knocks needed once you've built this out this thing is super flexible and you'll never have to tie any knots with it it just does everything you need it to do and we're back to a taut position so I'll go and grab those other two guidelines that I have there I never showed that out in the build because I thought it'd just be easy enough to explain and you guys got the idea anyways but uh let's go hang out those other two back Corners yeah okay so now I'll show you the guidelines that I'm going to be using they're made exactly the same as we did everything else earlier in the video you know I'm using the number 36 card Bank line and I've done those same knots where you know you got the little spaces between them every couple inches you know and uh and kind of all the way along so they call this jungle Loops that's the name of the this kind of method of doing things and typically speaking jungle Loops aren't attached to the process and that kind of stuff like I do on my Ridgeline they come as just a subtle line of not after not after not after knot these guidelines that I have here are about seven foot long to give an example but there's people that'll make these you know 50 foot long and use these as their primary guideline I just don't think they're quite as effective as doing the method that I've come up with here but uh like I say I don't mind using them for no guidelines to tie off the corners of tarps and that kind of stuff I just don't think they're quite as good at being a Ridgeline and that's one of the reasons why I developed this Ridgeline system so one way or the other we'll turn around and hook this on to the other corners of the tarp and just get it all strung up and uh taut so you guys can see the full tent setup or tarp setup sorry okay so there's quite a few different ways you can kind of connect these you could easily feed this through open the loop set a toggle in there if you wanted to use a toggle and just kind of lock it on or you can just Loop it over on itself and pull the remainder through and that way it's just kind of permanently last to the end of your tie out as such but if you want the quick release to happen on both sides we'll just pop that back out again yeah so if you want the quick release to happen on both sides though you got to do this kind of hot connection if you will where all I'm doing now is pulling through a couple more of the knots and I'm gonna take one knot gonna bring it up feed it through exactly as we've shown multiple times now and just kind of hook that and it should look like that hopefully the camera is giving that Justice I'm trying to get it in decent lighting I know it always gets tricky but that's the thinking where that's hot connect and it's quick release when you do it this way where you can just pull it it pops off and it's done and it's free so one way or the other I'll just hook those on and we'll go and get a tent peg in the ground and get hooked onto that yeah okay so now I'm just going to take a simple Tamp bag and plug that into the Earth now you can just as easily turn around and open this up hook your loop on and you're there totally valid way to set it up easy enough to kind of connect onto it you're not having to even do the quick release or anything here you know and it's easy enough to just pop off or you can turn around and do the exact same thing where you come around you take your knot you walk it up stick it through and kind of let it hold tension there set it in and I'm locked on at this point in time and hopefully the camera is able to see that where The Knot's kind of held to itself and this is uh good for you know doing the the quick release is good for if there's a little knob in the ground that's just you know some root coming up out of the ground then back down into it and it's just a little you know aisle or eye if you will that you can latch onto and it's easy enough to pop that and it's all quick release it comes off and you can easily turn around and you know adjust your tension this way as well where say you want a bit more tension on the tarp Just Adjust which eyes you're hooking onto you know and kind of oh I I want a bit more attention okay just pull it open it up stick it in set it against that knot make sure it's kind of locked in behind the knot and I'm on it's just that easy and it's there it's you know tight it's not going anywhere it's holding up well all right let's get the last one in yeah so I'll just put in a 10 Peg to give me something bind you nothing fancy and like I say there's lots of different ways you can use toggles Within These systems but one of the Beauties I really like about this system is it replaces the need for toggles entirely you don't really need to have any type of toggles in your lines whatsoever to be able to successfully get your tarps set up and to be tight and all that happiness simply just put my knot in applied tension I make sure that my knot set firmly back against the last one that I want to hold it and I'm on I'm going to come down to my tent Peg just make sure that seemed good come down to my 10 Peg come around lock my line and I'm on like I say no knots needed whatsoever once you've actually got the basic setup done and you can adjust this to for to adjust your tension and all that and then I'll come back out and show you how tight this is set up yeah so as you can see it sets up nicely with a top tarp setup you know everything's nice and firm it's not going anywhere it's all Rock Solid it just holds on it does a nice setup I'll shift over and show you the end where it's hanging on the ridge line to show you how little drag there is because the Ridgeline did have the tension it did you even though I've applied tons of tension on this end yeah so and you can see here where the Ridgeline is extremely taut you know that's that's using the the knot is a Trucker's Hitch equivalent just allows for amazing amounts of tension and it causes it where you know even though I'm pulling tension on this corner with the prusik I'm not really getting too much change of angle that would normally happen on the Paracord you know if if there wasn't enough tension on this line so as you can see you know that's totally on tight it's this is a rock solid setup you don't need the tiny knots when you're out in the field every single connection is all quick release it was brain dead simple to make this whole thing now realistically you can assemble this entire construct for the Ridgeline in like less than half an hour it's really a simple task to do using simple knots like I showed earlier and I'll step the camera back and I'll show you a live pull down to show you how fast I can tear this all down and then I'll do one full live time walk through or real-time walk-through of setting up the Ridgeline itself so you can see how fast it really is yep okay so the first thing I'll do is just get the tarp off the Ridgeline yeah so I'm just going to come over to my quick releases that are on these pull them free and that one's free put my knots out the average line is or guidelines where he's totally off now same kind of thing on this side in my quick release my quick release get it out of the Toyota the guy lines back up into a loop again back there a little dirt with me such as life it's not like it's first time that's ever happened anyway so they're off then when it comes to the other ones it's just the same quick release it's popped side Corners off quick release popped side Corners off I mean let's face it you don't really get faster pull Downs than that with any other system that I know of so I'll just feed my turbo back in the bag and it's not much faster or sorry not much slower to set it all up other than the fact if I stop to show everything in camera angles and all that so you can see what's going on when you're out in the field and you're just setting this up real time it's just that fast to set up as it is to tear down and that's one of the real Magics to this and you don't need to have a lot of external gear I don't need toggles I don't need you know tent pegs used as toggles on my tree or any of that business it's all a self-contained system that way and the longest part is just getting the turnt back in the bag a big mitts always have a hard time with these I know people always ask questions about what the tarps are and everything else I'll just make comment I think I already mentioned it earlier but I'll just make comment again for the people that are curious that's a RAB siltarp too and now when it comes to the Ridgeline and in real time I'll stop and shift angles here now when it comes to this ridge ridge line let's get you back do you ever say I know you're bouncing around it's all part of live demos so do the same for the speed of getting this Ridgeline off I'm off that tree off that tree as well no because I turned around and have the knot lines dropped every four or five feet along the line it gives me the ability to quick release this setup too and integrate it all in so I'm just gonna turn around and do quick release windings I've shown this in lots of previous videos in the past when it comes up to the knot lines I'm just going to press those right against my line and just hold it as I'm going and I'm just gonna literally add it right into my figure eight setups come across the next one just wind it in like it was part of the line if I see they're a little too close together I can easily just move one carry on with my figure eights as such me just know the size of my hands and as you can see it wasn't really some caught on the tree hold up so I'll just carry on with the quick release bundling and this is really for the next time so when you're out in the field you can just turn around and pot strap on without having to even fiddle with your bundle when I get down to having a couple feet left of the line just turn around and wrapped around that way you can see that's my Hank bundle now that would normally sit my bag and it's got all the connections and everything else the Lash onto the tarp toggle free like I say this to me is probably the ultimate setup out of all the ridgelines I've ever made in my life and there's been lots of them this one by far is the best by Leaps and Bounds this is better than anything else I've ever used and like I say the knots were really simple you had what two knots to make this the overhand knot and you had the plastic Loop and that was all it took to get this Ridgeline together but I'll shift camera angles and I'm going to do uh real time now of setting this Ridge line up to show you exactly how quick it is without me stopping to shift scenes and all that kind of stuff yeah all right let's get on with the real-time example yeah on that side so I can like you say all my connections are already spaced out on the line and you can see I could quick release there I'll come around this way this time make sure I got the one that I can slide up on this side of the tree just like that I'm on flying tension I'm sure that that's just locked that line now if I want the extra tension like I was talking about earlier to be the equivalent to the lake the Trucker's Hitch or that kind of thing let's put my Ridgeline through and give it a pull here creates all the slack so I can just walk that out until I get whatever tension is needed to pull my line back through and that is tight it's not going anywhere it's just that simple this is the ultimate originally if you ask me this is the most flexible the most generic setup it's the most rapid it's just the best all-around but if there's any Ridgeline I'm going to recommend it's going to be this one and like I say it's all really flexible a couple more knots that sit on each one of these if you wanted a bit of flexibility in that regard and what notch so you know right now I've got six you could have eight or ten depending on how many you wanted to have on the line you could easily lash off and go to other lines that are connecting in different directions you know that are all binding back to a central point if you will it's a super flexible setup the best item so on that note I'll shift camera angles and rebundle my stuff back up then I'll start to wrap it up yeah I might as well just take you down for you let's put that all right back into a bundle again so it's ready to go I know the last couple Ridgeline videos I've shown I've had some pretty cool stuff in them and really they're probably some of the more advanced ridgelines that exist on the planet but if you ask me these or those really just don't compare to this these are the best they are by far the best and if you wanted to have a setup with these where you were using them as guidelines as well you know you go with shorter lengths of paracord instead of having six of the knot lines tied in like we did for this Ridgeline you just put two on those so that they got adjustable you know ends on both ends and then you can have all the adjustability like you would with any other guy line systems I've shown and no knots or toggles or any of that business needed you know it just all becomes obsolete with this structure and you're not having to worry about having the extra bulk of having toggles and stuff in your bag don't get me wrong I like using toggles too but this setup just replaces the so if you enjoy this type of content now please like share and subscribe and thanks for watching yeah like I say the ultimate Ridgely [Music]
Channel: Frank Bush
Views: 24,045
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Frank, bush, ultimate, ridgeline, guyline, best, advanced, jungle, loops, ROPECRAFT, bushcraft, survival, camping, hacks
Id: RLmUnbiIlME
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 42sec (2682 seconds)
Published: Sat May 20 2023
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