My Hero Academia English Voice Actors [SacAnime Winter 2019]

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[Music] hi guys i'm christopher waycamp i am the voice of your sensei eraserhead hello i'm j michael tatum and i'm the voice of your class president tennyita hello i'm brandon mckinnis and i am sir nidai who you might know absolutely nothing about mystery yet good morning i'm justin breiner and i play daku [Applause] hi i'm colin klinkenbeard and i play momo yaoyarozu and i direct the series hi everybody i'm lucy christian um who do i play taco i play with choco okay so really i'm eric vale and i play shigeraki [Applause] and now i ran it yesterday justin can run it today okay so uh so here's no here's the rules [Laughter] justin breiner michael tatum what don't look at me you're doing it hey all right so do we already have a plan is that hello have you lined up that looks perfect well first off can i interject i did this yesterday it was a lot of fun you guys uh get your energy up everybody get ready to have a good time today about my hero academia let's do one two three and plus ultra you guys ready [Applause] one two three [Applause] so we had somebody that was ready to uh moderate this thing but i think maybe they stepped away i can't understand anything so we'll moderate it that's fine you can step over the bike and go oh she's standing right there i think no crying colleen yes oh no no crying no no don't good morning good morning good morning morning first everybody i think we need to congratulate j michael tatum and brandon on their recent engagement brandon has definitely set the standard of paris and shakespeare we're all in trouble we have a reputation thank you my question is i have everything from kindergartners to 12th graders because i teach music and theater in los angeles and um my little ones love naruto all the way up to attack and titan and tokyo ghoul but my hero academia tends to be kindergarten through 12th grade through adults to special needs kids like my son and i was just wondering uh if you can say what you think it is about my hero academia that kind of has that lovely overwhelming art that just everybody loves it is very popular it's a good one yeah i'll start i think it's because it's an amazing ensemble uh you there are you know kids there are relatable kids in the cast there are relatable adults in the cast so there's kind of somebody for everybody um so i think there's that but i also think they do such a good job of creating an interesting universe like kind of like star wars does star wars also has really broad appeal because within that universe there's something for everybody it's a very rich universe there's a lot of stuff to see there's a lot of i love the i love the fact that everybody's almost everybody's got a quirk so every time they show a background scene there's like 10 people in the background who have quirks and i'm like oh i want to know who they are like what is their power you know so i think there's it's just a really appealing world in that way what do you think true i agree i for me personally i think the draw is that it's at the end of the day i think the larger message of the show is it's about these people coming into their power in various ways like learning who they are and what their limits are and what they can do to engage and be good and whatever that means to them and i think that appeals to all of us because that's all our journeys whether we have quirks or not it's all about like discovering you know what who am i where do i fit into this crazy thing how do i make a difference and that's what all the characters in the show are learning to do and i think that's that's intensely appealing for everyone because we're like ah somewhere in that show there's someone that resonates with you personally that was good man yeah just on a bass level i think the animation is lovely you know that's that's always part of the appeal uh but i think culturally superheroes are kind of a big thing right now they're pretty popular uh but but what i really really love about the show is that it subverts a lot of these superhero tropes in really clever ways like uh for instance the prodigies of class 1a are the ones that deal with the most anxiety and then like lack of self-worth so i just think it's it's a lot of really good character-driven uh moments that you can really root for as an audience thank you thank you thank you um if your characters were not born with quirks what kind of life do you think would they would live i think i think i said this yesterday but i think it bears repeating i think tenya would be a tsa agent and very happy at being one i'm gonna come up i'm gonna try to come up with a new one each time i think because i said one yesterday but i'm not gonna say the same one i said yesterday uh i think you would see i think you would see izawa at a lot of anime conventions and it would be always unclear like where he got his income from [Laughter] and he would be very shady just a shady character very into the anime i think that's my answer for today would he be like the tommy wiseau of yes oh hi mark where are you getting all this money oh hi mark yeah i think if this were if it were a world where nobody had quirks uh yay rosa would maybe have a little bit more confidence than she does in the show because a lot of her confidence stems from the fact that she is actually who would have been a super successful student and person in a normal world but suddenly it got turned on its head and everybody has powers so even the class bully can have who doesn't care anything about school work can be a hero because that's what we're studying now that's what's important now and it's kind of turned everything on its head so i think she might actually thrive a little bit more in a world that didn't have uh superpowers and it's part of what's fun about her character is seeing how she comes to grips with with the fact that she has no control over how successful she is in that realm like in just just dealing with quirks she has to find a way around it in her own personality which is really fun oh uh i would think shigeraki would probably be the kind of guy who would work at a guitar center and look down his nose at you when you tried to buy something it's like three guys who were like i was that guy [Laughter] uh i think sir night i would be the most japanese of japanese salarymen which means that he would do things that should not be done with microsoft excel like make greeting cards [Laughter] deku was born without a quirk so let's not go back thank you let's not go backwards hello um so my question is not about hero academia sorry uh i was wondering you got i know man sorry i'm not i'll be better tomorrow all right um my question is you guys have all done a lot of roles what's a role that you've done that you wish more people kind of were like man i wish you saw that show or man i wish more people talked to me about that role or something like that oh yeah uh desert punk for me oh yeah yeah that's a good one uh good luck girl yes [Music] i would play her all day you're awesome i always love when people have seen non-vodka yeah right this is a great choice i played a character named corteo in a show called 91 days [Applause] uh i really i played a character a character named burnaby in a feature-length film called empire of corpses which i really love you were great really i really liked that character and i wish people just don't know about it i wish they did it's a really good movie i wish i wish that space battleship yamato was a bigger deal in america because it's such a good show and i'm the lead and so watch it sometime you guys are awesome thank you thank you thank you hey hello again hello hi so this question is for colleen click and beard again so do you voice direct yourself or do you have other voice directors directing you i direct myself when i cast myself in a show yeah um if uh if i'm working with another director on their show clearly they direct me and we'll even go out of our way to make sure that i'm not directing myself if that's the case uh but yeah if i if i'm in my own show my hero i direct myself i try i don't don't cast myself as leads that's a a rule boy thank you thank you thanks [Applause] um hello with my academia it has really built upon my self-confidence because how deku had built as a character because in the beginning you see as deku like had no quirk and then he finally like built a pawn and he finally gets a quirk sorry um my question is is that what was your guys's favorite scene in my hair academia todoroki and uh izuku fight the silver surfer thing going on that's a great scene i agree with that it's just a beautiful moment every time i watch it i get chills i can't watch for me it's a toss-up either between uh the scene where um tenya's is balancing himself on top of the exit sign telling everyone to calm down because it's such a great just moment like you perfectly it sums him up perfectly but i also really later loved the scene during the staying arc when he's in the alley and he's losing uh that's a hard thing to watch and like watching him go through that is one of my personal like moments when we recorded the show but ladies and gentlemen lucy chris jericho oh really it wasn't on schedule not her fault by the way would you like to have a seat hey everybody yay today hi lucy hi you guys oh my god lucy what's your favorite scene in this show oh my favorite scene in the show um well i'm gonna go early just because it was the first really memorable thing but um during the tournament um ochako and bakugo's fight yeah was my first kind of taste of what she's capable of and how she bounces back you know how she sort of looks at life i think you learn a lot about her right right there i reserve the right to change my mind on this because there's too many good scenes right but um the one that comes to mind right now as a favorite scene is when eraserhead is confronted by dobby for the first time but then it turns out spoiler alert that it's dobby's clone and then he stomps him to death [Laughter] [Applause] i like our version of that which was an outtake which was just chris going stompy stomp stomp don't stop stop stop stop stop stop i also really like the scene uh just recently with bakugo and izuku i won't spoil it but that scene really twisted my heart don't tell cliff cool thank you so much thank you thank you hi again hello hello okay this is for everyone this time i'm so uh uh who is your cutest and cuddliest character other than my hero academia penny senpai or enough that is the easiest oh yeah yeah yeah he it's a sweetie pie and a spicy quiche [Laughter] i like this guys i feel like uh chibi romano maybe wait wait wait again chibi romano in hetalia oh i see oh wait no himawari and shinchan wait what about matsu from sekiray uh she i don't know that i would go with super cute for her she's like really hot she looks like a chipmunk sometime so do i so i feel our sister probably nico from non vodka yeah yeah okay okay amino from gamers oh he is a cutie cuddler uh inspector adima from tokyo ghoul oh wait what about oh donna from taco that's a bold choice i know right uh i'd say sebastian because he's cute and i'd cuddle with him anytime if only right it's in your contract sebastian oh oh wait wait eric what about your cutie and cuddler yeah what about yours i said what lucy said really yeah what about yuki soma yeah he's okay okay hey then thank you though thank you thank you hello hello good morning by the way just letting you know that um this is for a question for aydah uh do you think you're faster than sonic i'm sorry i had the question he's a hedgehog yeah yeah yeah i mean even if we're going at the same speeds like i'm gonna i'm gonna i'm gonna outpace him easy you got that and one more thing i found your twin brother i have a photo am i about to find out that my i have a brother that i didn't wasn't aware of you dude this is a hell of a way to start a saturday we didn't have the glasses though but where is that whoever does it better be cute or we're going to have words okay i love people like i found your dog at somebody you're like ew i mean oh thanks what the hell is that um i disagree so strongly that was a risky play that was a risky play that did not play out for you i'm so sorry like my friend oh he like has the glasses and i tell him every time like hey it's your twin brother and he's like shut up i do want you to know guys that i actually kind of haunt among you all i have to do is take my glasses off and no one knows it's me it's like a reverse supernatural like i want to go to the dealer's room and they're like where did tatum go where is she did he disappear but yeah that's just my question but anyway thank you thank you i'm sorry i'm still tr you can hear me with this mask on right yes yes okay good um sorry my question is um from my hero which um character in the series do you find most relatable most relatable most relatable okay uh everyone's like no one does it maybe momo actually uh yeah maybe momo hmm sue you would be a good second but yeah who doesn't relate to insecurity yeah true yeah i think tina is very relatable to a type personalities um of which i am one so like i get him because i you can't it's not just it's easy to poke fun at the guy because he has like everyone has to be doing this all the time because that's kind of how i am too i suppose but it's they really do a good job of portraying like you know kind of what that costs him in terms of like you know what he has to do and how it kind of puts him in a position often to like be seen by everyone who's like oh that guy uh even though he's a good person but i think i think deku is incredible yeah you know what's gonna be awesome as if we all relate to our own characters because i'll feel like casting was spot-on no acting involved for any of us it's just we're just playing us i'll say miss joke interesting choice because i think she's just so uh endearingly awkward i suppose and i i like to think of myself as the same on my best days see it was perfect i'm not saying anything i relate a lot to daku certainly but i also relate to froppy because she has all the qualities of a frog and so do i [Laughter] so uh everybody in this room has been in a bad mood before right right uh yeah one guy's like nope [Laughter] um you're awesome uh don't do drugs but uh so we've all been in a bad mood before right yeah okay and when you're in that really really bad mood place and somebody walks by you and they're laughing and happy and having the best day don't you look at them and just go you son [Laughter] so that's why i identify most with shigeraki casting i thought you were going to say bakugou for a second um i will totally say ochako i i think she is incredibly relatable i think she and deku have some shared qualities um in turn also in how they feel well anyway but also but also i i'm also playing recovery girl and um i think i find qualities in her too she is not afraid of all might she's not afraid of of anyone she looks at a situation and kind of goes hey you need to take care of yourself or hey this is like she's very she's like that and i can be like that in my real life i could see you grandma like that i would totally grandma like that yes i would i would talk about night eye but i couldn't do that without unleashing a torrent of spoilers so i won't do that uh instead i will i will say deku i think because there are points in your life when you have absolutely no idea what you're doing and you still have to charge valiantly forward and i think we've all been in some kind of situation like that and that's why i say dick full of rage and no idea what you're doing right otherwise known as life that's right that's right you can make an omelet without breaking a couple bones i'm sorry i can't make an omelet without breaking a couple bones am i right omelettes thank you thank you for your question thank you hello uh who's your favorite character besides yourself soda rocky it's always a race to see who says it first i yes todoroki also frappy but also really almight it's very difficult to find a better character than that guy awesome yeah all might i have been digging toga recently i like her chip or demeanor she's always got a smile on it's positivity she's a great character yes today my answer is is endeavor because he has a fire beard i mean that's that's amazing and also and also like no you're incorrect to feel that way yes this beard is made of fire automatically forgive anything else exactly nothing else also his voice actor patrick seitz is amazing so i really like it very true justin and i feel very similar we've had conversations about because there are wide swaths of fans who feel the same way that endeavor is a big favorite and you see a lot of fan art of him and justin i both feel like no he's a bad man he's a bad guy and with the redemption thing stop it all right hi well definitely this is an interesting situation having everyone staring at me not really used to this anyways so i really feel like in just from what i've seen my hero academia is really about self-confidence and really building it and as like the seasons have gone by you've really noticed i've really noticed a lot of the change in the characters and rather the question i'm gonna be asking is not really about like it's not really about the series but rather just some personal advice like how do you guys like really deal with self-esteem like how do you guys really see i mean i'm just like of course like just getting into these characters and like really seeing their personalities what can you like really take away from that to really put in your own life that's a great question good question why don't we start on that end yeah i'll say um it doesn't matter what you're doing you have to not you have to you have to make a commitment to yourself to not give up so whether that's you want to be a voice actor whether you want to be an animator whether you want to be the very best accountant you have so not giving up means that you are accepting the fact that you're going to fail make mistakes look like an idiot be a fool make wrong decisions and you're accepting that you will still continue to to do it so i think every shonen anime is basically that idea but this one in particular i think really hammers it home in an exciting way so i'll say that i think it's really important to remember that i don't remember who said this exactly but the words really carry a lot of weight with me it's whenever you look to someone that you compare yourself to and you think god i'll never be that they're only where they are because they've failed more than you have uh period uh and that's something like i i think most for me personally but i think for most of us our biggest barrier to being like to just feeling like we have a right to who we are uh is fear and that's fine you're gonna feel it it's just it's a natural thing it's been with us for a very long time but we add another dimension to it where we judge ourselves for being afraid and we make it so much worse by being oh i'm such a coward when it's i being afraid is natural and fine and there's nothing wrong with it you're gonna feel it when you feel it but judging yourself wanting because you're afraid of something is a waste of energy because it's it's not fair it's not fair to yourself it's not fair you can't help how you feel you can help with what you do with it and someone one time also said that being courageous has nothing to do with not being afraid it's about being afraid and doing it anyway um if you ever find yourself like with the lack of confidence that's driven by anxiety which is usually the case i find just kind of telling yourself really the only difference between like fear and excitement if we were to take you and put you like in an ekg or whatever and like do like an analysis of like you know what what parts of your brain are lighting up and what your body is doing in those moments the only difference between fear and excitement is the story you're telling yourself in your head about what your body is going through so if you can just change the narrative and practice it every day to go instead of being like oh god i'm going to screw up i'm going to screw up it's going to be worse and just change the narrative like let's see what happens it's something you get better at every day and just accept it you're gonna fail you're gonna be afraid and that's cool because that's how we move forward does that make any sense it does cool thank you this might just be another way of rewording that i don't intend it to be but um insecurity is really just a reflection of allowing other people's thoughts to infect how you feel about yourself and one of the hardest things in the world to do is to stop caring about that but it is really really easy to be the most perfect you you can be it just you just have to stop thinking about the other people and and believing that what they think about you matters more than your experience of your life and that doesn't mean that you can't work on yourself and and and be better uh with the people around you and try to make other people happy that's not that's not what i'm saying but it's uh looking at yourself as a reflection of what other people see of you as a mistake and i think it it is one of the hardest things to do but one of once you turn it off it makes the most difference in self-confidence well it's called self-confidence it's called self-esteem it's not called esteem based on what everyone else thinks about me in any given moment so it's about how you reflect on yourself right everybody hates themselves from time to time or loves themselves from time to time for me personally uh it all comes down to the bottom line for me the worst thing that like you know i'm a father i'm a husband family means the most to me in the world so for me the worst thing that could happen to me is death right that's the end that's over i'm not doing my job anymore okay so nothing that i'm putting myself in front of short of jumping out of a plane which i'm not going to do is that bad you know getting up in front of a group of people and talking about my feelings well it's not death to me and that's how i wrap my head around it you know and everybody has their own little way to do that yeah um yeah i i would everything these people said is just right and and as you grow up and some of you are older in the room you know you kind of learn to to deal with yourself in these ways for me the biggest thing i have an anxiety disorder so it's confidence and stuff like that and fear is real easy for me and my brain but what helps me is to surround myself with people who can speak truth to me and let me know when i if i unload a little bit and they go that's not true um that really helps me people who are for my good i also have to be careful about what i let in so there's a point where me and social media actually do not get along i i intake too much it's too negative it's too competitive um there are all these things and it can really infect me if i'm not careful and so again i think as you grow older you start to figure those things out and turn the dials up or down how they serve you and help you live your life in a way that that you're surrounded by people you trust and that you feel good about yourself and your work you know well honestly thank you very much and you guys are like the first cast i've talked to and i've honestly learned more here than i have with the three months i've been with a therapist and honestly i yeah congratulations for going though yeah that's good but like i mean like the advice that you guys have given me like i've just been really struggling for a while and i'm just really glad that i could really get advice from you guys and thank you also jay michael uh congratulations i think what you guys are doing with the show is very amazing with the voice actors because i'm pretty sure we can all relate to the characters at some point but my question is what is what is your favorite show just in general it could be anything oh what's your favorite show oh yeah any medium my favorite show of all time is breaking bad yeah my favorite animated show right now is castlevania but i can't watch season two because i don't have time i gotta make some time binge that thing because it's so awesome uh yeah i'm with you on breaking bad um but i i'll give a different answer just because you know um yeah it's interesting i love the show deadwood do you remember uh they came on hbo like a thousand years ago so good so so well written um it just kind of ended sadly they they canceled it but but it's coming they're bringing back for them they've been saying that for like eight years they've been in production for like eight years it's never gonna happen they're actually they're actually trying to build a time machine to go back in time to the old west uh it'd be great i'll totally watch it but they better hurry because not all those actors are gonna like live much longer if they don't get to it like the show is like 20 years old um but my favorite like anime just because you mentioned it is uh it will still and probably always be cowboy bebop that's the anime that got me back in the anime and the dub that got me back into watching dubs because it's so good and it holds up so well uh my favorite anime is is older does anyone know the show galaxy express triple nine yes classic classic epic space opera like that's that's mine i've really been loving the good place recently it's so good i don't know if it's my favorite of all time but it's definitely my favorite in recent memory and that's all i can remember favorite anime maybe fullmetal [Applause] the west wing is my favorite of anything ever in the world uh it was playing at my wedding it was playing at the birth of my child and yes i recognized that's sad um and anime this one i like my hero i i love i really love my hero i like fruits basket i like steins gate i like full metal but my hero academia is my favorite aunt i have an unhealthy addiction to friends that's not good it is good it makes me so happy to know that about eric what about you what i said it makes me so happy to know that i know i love you too yes um like serious tv we finished the americans and i was sad it was over i don't know if anybody else watches that but it is an amazing show um but i will tell you that i just totally mainlined the gilmore girls all the way through because i know i need an antidote to political climate and so i took mine in stars hollow with like uh delicious cappuccino hazy new englandy sweaters and things um also british tv call the midwife and all of the bake offs i will watch that all day long all day long all day thank you you're welcome hi hi so congrats on your engagement thank you um i don't know if you guys had gotten this question before but if you guys could have a quirk yourselves what would you want what's your answer today spin the wheel would it be cool if i just kept a running list and every time i got asked this question i read off like okay here's what i said two years ago [Laughter] that's no insult to you at all it's a very good question it's an interesting question um yesterday i said i would like the ability to make pizza appear whenever i wanted but only pepperoni but only pepperoni because i'm kind of a masochist so force myself to be to be tough about it um today i'm going to say that i would be able to jump like really really high but i'd also have to live with like giant kangaroo legs everywhere i went that'd be fun where would you get pants no more pants that's a quirk in and of itself no pens this quirk keeps getting better i would love i would love the ability to just stop time long enough to get around people going too slow like not for any length of time but like i i have this weird thing like i i'm a tall person with really long legs so when i walk even when i'm trying to be slow it's like i walk like an attack and so even someone going like when brett and i walk next to each other one of us has to change the way we walk considerably or we can't be at pace either he has to be like huh or i have to be like i would love to just like have a little time like excuse me and just get around that person like i get all my cardio in a day walking next to this guy ah mine would be portals great portals to go wherever i wanted because when you get home from the grocery store and you remember that one thing you went to the grocery store for and you get home and you realize i didn't get that one thing you could just zip right back get the butter come back it'll be great that is exactly what i was about to say how many times like i need four eggs i've got one all day long yes yes yes yeah okay this is great that's a good one i would wish for the ability to if you write something on the back of your hand you can it's you can pick take it off like a post-it note and put it somewhere to remember and then you can write directions on it and then when someone asks hey do you know where you're going you can say yes just like the back of my hand [Laughter] nice that's good wait so you're essentially leaving wait so like for you passive aggressive like roommate notes are actually your flesh do the dishes they're just like oh that's his hand that's cute um i'm gonna uh i'm gonna change my answer up today as well yesterday i said i wanted robin from one pieces all of her hands i wanted that as a quirk uh today i'm gonna say i wish that i had the quirk once a day when i woke up i reset the entire world at peace like all bad emotions gone just for the like for the beginning of the day you can mess it up all you want for the rest of the day i will reset it at the beginning so if everything's like going to pot we're just like when is colleen going to wake up [Laughter] 50 murders since she went my house is on fire when is colleen gonna wake up oh my god suddenly you getting insomnia is a problem for the whole world yes yesterday yesterday i think i said i wanted a multiplier quirk so that i could be in multiple places but i will switch it up too i would like to have a like reverse anxiety quirk where i touch someone and suddenly they are filled with with doubt are fighting and she touches him and suddenly he's like whoa am i too aggressive maybe i should rethink this whoa sorry everybody whoa i thought you were gonna be all altruistic and like take their anxiety and give them your peace but no no i still want to win [Laughter] thank you [Laughter] hi i oh watching everyone react to their voice like hi oh my god is that me welcome to our world hi so i'm a manga reader and i'm all caught up but uh this is a question that's not spoilers or anything but uh when you're getting ready to voice for a new season like season four which i'm really excited about good job you guys do you go ahead and research what will happen to your character or in the story or do you prefer to be surprised my answer is no absolutely not i don't want to know anything thank you yeah i mean for me and it's every every actor sort of has their process so my very first lead role i ever did was in a show called laughing under the clouds and it's if you haven't seen it it's the first episode lulls you into a feeling of like oh i've seen this 100 times and then it turns left and then it turns left again and then it turns left again and it's so my director joel mcdonald didn't tell me anything at all and i came into the studio one day and the lights were off in the in the recording booth which was abnormal and uh he i was like you know hey what's up is this off for a reason he's like oh well you can turn it back on if you want um but it might set the mood also and i was like okay and then we started getting into basically my death scene and and so i uh that was incredibly powerful that moment of not knowing was really powerful now at the same time it's really hard to avoid spoilers so for example in the case that uh god forbid eraserhead should someday perish uh i'm sure i'll find out right because like it'd be almost impossible it'd be impossible to not find out because of social media but um i want to know as little as possible that's my answer i'm the same way i like not knowing because i it helps me be it forces me to be incredibly present with the material when i'm right in front of it case in point uh i mentioned earlier the scene in the alley where sane and eda are fighting and and ida is paralyzed and his friends are about to die because of a choice he made a bad choice uh that moment where he says i can't watch this is such a real thing like that's me just reacting to what i'm seeing and the words just happened to fit what i was thinking so i'm like oh my god i can't watch this and that that's a very real thing i find i'm personally i can only get those moments if i don't go into the into the box into the booth with an idea like if i know i'm gonna die that day for example or something like i'll get in my head about it and rather than play the reality of the scene i play to an expectation i give myself a bunch of boxes to check and it just puts me in my head and it makes it it's much harder to act through that than to just be present and just go whoa and to react to what you're seeing it for the first time so i don't like knowing at all i i like the idea of not knowing i think that is noble and good and powerful and that's not me and my hero at all i'm so sorry i went no no it's great it's fine i when when colleen called me and she just dropped all of these just scintillating hints just like ooh ooh ooh i couldn't i couldn't help myself i just couldn't do it i'm sorry for other shows i'll i'll try to not research um because i like to be surprised as well but i i couldn't i couldn't avoid the siren song of my hero yeah i've been current with it for about three years i can't get enough i'm sorry it uh generally the same answer like i i do try to avoid uh material when i'm when i'm doing stuff but uh in this case i i can't yeah yeah i uh when i'm acting usually i would prefer not to know ahead of time when i'm directing i want to know absolutely everything so i am as also current well not quite current i think there are probably a few chapters out that i'm not caught up on in japan but uh yeah i read the manga on this one i don't know how to read so they just say the lines to me and i copy them when we record it's got great memory i can't catch up beforehand yes i i usually don't want to know okay it's helpful if i don't know well thank you um brandon and tatum congratulations i'm still happy for you you both are so adorable i cannot get enough thank you just for the record a few of us also are married up here and no one's congratulating anybody here and we've been doing it for a lot longer like decades give you that congratulate us on still being we're still married i mean not all three of us to each other hey hey guys hey guys congratulations it's michael all right so um so like most people um i really like doing a lot of stuff based on movies and tv shows i like making my own original characters and i love writing stories online so i was wondering do you guys have any idea what it would be like if you guys met your own characters like what the interactions would be like and vice versa oh god if we met our own character it'd be a lot of gesturing yeah a lot of gesturing in my heart hopefully we're not at a restaurant together either and i because we would take out the waitstaff without even meaning to um i think he didn't i would just get together and talk about how frustrating everyone else is for not being there like where is everyone it's already two minutes till yeah i think eraserhead would dismiss me pretty easily i think because i'm an actor he would just kind of be like oh you're an actor okay i think you just move on just move on i i don't think uh sir night i would find me serious enough at all god no no not at all i think we could get along i think we can find some common ground something to geek out about maybe there's a chance you have a chance uh yeah momo and i would probably get along pretty well actually to my chagrin yeah shigeraki and i would be fine what does that say about you sorry what do you mean you know me i do it's accurate yeah oh choco and i would be fine i would put her to work taking my kids to school like getting my groceries like yeah here touch them and have them just morph over six streets i'll stay in my great moving service she would be a great moving service ha ha it's my kingpin moving service there yeah that's like real airbnb oh no sorry i'm going to workshop that and get back to you get out congratulations you're my go-to my new quirk is going to be to fix that thank you thank you guys thank you thank you please ultra that's all hello there what's up hi hi uh what's been the hardest voice line to record whether it be to its emotional weight or its general difficulty the part where i'm running in season two and i've got coda and i'm holding him and i'm running and talking it's surprisingly hard to act like you're running and talking and be as disinterested sounding as kalyan and i spent a couple couple takes put it that way on that one to really make it sound like it was still a razor head because every time i would start doing the running and and and the the exert sort of sounds for the running my voice would start sounding like higher and like yeah it was hard to still maintain his like because even when he's you know this you're dressed as him even when he's in mortal danger he doesn't he doesn't he doesn't really care like if he dies tomorrow he's just like well i die i died i died so i died you know he's uh he's incredibly aloof in that way so it's hard to sometimes it's hard to be uh really intense and aloof at the same time try it sometime it's tricky it's tricky that's that's true uh the the the stain arc stuff especially the scenes with his brother when he was like talking to him and like crying that's really hard because it just got me to see what he was going through this poor guy but on a lighter note when uh in episodes in the last season where all tenya's doing is running back and forth in the background training for like entire that's really hard because we would laugh because it's just him ah and i'd be like what is he doing and just getting through that is funny because it's just like whole episodes [Music] and we have so many outtakes of me just saying stuff like i'm still here when do i get a lime colleen [Laughter] my two lines so far were the most difficult of the show that i've recorded [Laughter] i would say they were pretty equal in difficulty finding that place i had a stretch um every time there's a smash in the show is a journey of uh well what's gonna come out of my mouth this time um so when we saw the movie over the summer and they did the yeah there's a there's a smash in it to say the least and i watched that and i was like yeah yeah oh oh okay but so yeah but you kicked that out of the park that was not that didn't seem difficult to you i think muscular the fight with muscular was rough that was rough your voice was just dead thanks colleen uh my acting challenge and directing challenge were the same the movie we were trying to compress four weeks of work into two weeks and i was desperately sick i was really really sick and i had a double ear infection and couldn't hear out of either ear so it was like that like talking like this so directing like that um was even harder than acting like that actually uh but acting like that did was not a joy yeah sugar rocky lines are easy you hardly ever see his mouth and he's quiet he's not that bad if i ask him for a fifth take he's like seriously colleen come on colleen how would you like it different mine was not a line but a session where i record in houston sometimes because i live in houston and and this our studio is in dallas um and we were doing a session and i was not doing the voice right there was a lot of screaming and yelling and colleen was like it doesn't sound right and i think so much of what she thinks and i was mortified i felt so weird that i had lost the voice and i couldn't figure it out so anyway i we finished that session and i went home and started re-watching the whole show and so that the next time i went in the following week i would be i could be like ha ha i'm back please don't but it was immediately like you started talking i was like ah that yes there it is there it is yeah yeah thank you thank you hello hello hi hi this is mandy for brandon since he's the one who got the gun on one knee [Music] wow called out wow i mean i know i'm marrying up okay you don't have to drive at home [Applause] what is your ideal wedding have you read the night circus i don't think you know the amount of anxiety that question fosters because we're literally trying to plan a wedding right now well uh okay so in my in my family there's a tradition that that men get married in the scottish garb like the formal scottish garb because my last name is mckinnis it's very scottish we have a clan tartan pattern wool thing it's called the plaid it is a pattern that hangs off your shoulder called the plaid which sounds very pretentious to me um then there's like a big crest and so it's gonna be a big big scottish thing with like the pinning and the crest thing thing yeah but that that so that's that's really as far as i've thought out so far we also kind of want our french bulldog to be our ring bearer yeah it's just because he won't run away he'll just be like someone have to like wheel him out where's the rings right there okay we ate it damn it genji why all right thank you thank you thank you hi uh i want to thank eric for coming because you weren't you had an emergency last thanks anime and i really missed you thanks i missed you um and i also want to thank colleen for coming because you are my absolute favorite voice actress as i was growing up so lucy's all right but so my question for everyone is if out of all the voices uh out of all the characters you all voiced who would you want to be in real life oh god uh tatum you it's okay if you don't want to answer because you've actually answered this before in previous sac animes but you will help you get it right are you keeping like are you keeping tabs wow now i just hope you get it right i'm like what have you answered wrong i would like to i would like to be miles edgeworth yeah from ace attorney he uh he has great hair he really knows how to dress he's a wealthy uh lawyer who doesn't ever win cases so i'm not sure how he seems to fail up and fail up and fail up and fail up i think that would be great i think i would choose lawrence from spice and wolf because i just like i like the life he leads that was the guy and i like his personality is that what i said years ago [Laughter] that was the correct answer that's awesome sorry uh finro from black clover oh yeah yeah just trying to make it through with his portals and his hidden on ladies i don't know that doesn't really fit into my paradigm but i like the portals thing i'm really stuck on the portals thing with the butter when you come home and you forgot the butter i would okay um i don't know i let's be mika from sarah for the end because he's very pretty very pretty you're already very pretty but i could be prettier that's true not true perfect i would ch i would choose yuko from holik because who would not want to be like an all-knowing all-powerful dimensional witch who'd just drink sake all day like that's the life drink sake make fun of people and there's nothing wrong with that sounds like the life i'd probably pick diablo from how not to summon a demon lord and if you haven't watched the show watch it you'll know i don't know i think bingo choco would be really cool um i would like to fight evil um that sounds good or maybe a goddess that could be hesia from um is it wrong to pick up girls in a dungeon [Laughter] thank you everyone my goddess goddess i'm doing this i don't think i have time for my question right now we made it to the they didn't have enough time for my questions yeah you do for your question puppy the puppy can ask a question so uh she's a blue merle pomeranian with heterochromia eyes and this is sapphire [Music] did you guys have fun uh voice acting for the movie that came out like i loved it yeah i loved it i loved it oh yeah no it was awful i was sick oh i had a great time it was amazing it was awesome oh i had a ball not enough eraserhead i loved it i loved it thank you guys i i loved the movie it was awesome but it was kind of crazy like the episode came out and then boom the movie i was like i'm cosplaying for the movie i went in cosplay and i was like i had to and i thought i was going to be the only one i don't know if they're here but the people that were at the movie theater were with me so it was kind of cool thank you thank you guys we are going to be doing our photo ops right after this in room 219. if you'd like to 319 room 319. i'm going to be in 219. they're going to be in 319. so we will be making a b line for photo ops [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Convention Coverage
Views: 154,074
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Convention Coverage, SacAnime, Anime, Full Panel, Christopher Wehkamp, Justin Briner, Brandon McInnis, J. Michael Tatum, Eric Vale, Colleen Clinkenbeard, Luci Christian, My, Hero, Academia, My Hero Academia, Boku No Hero Academia, Voice, Deku, Eraserhead, MyHeroAcademia, My Hero Academia Panel, My Hero Academia Voice Actor, My Hero Academia English Voice Actor, BNHA Panel, Boku No Hero Panel, Uravity, Ingenium, Shoto, MHA Panel, My Hero Academia English Voice Actor Panel, Boku No Hero
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 51sec (3411 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 20 2019
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