My Hero Academia Time-Skip and INSANE TWIST! (Boku no Hero Nana's New Quirk and Ujiko Master Plan)

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what is up everybody its Anna Mack here for anime uproar and today I will be breaking down the insane twists that just took place in the boku no hero story including an unexpected time skiff that could be the beginning of the biggest and most intense war arc in the history of boku no hero we just learned the true nature of Nana she Morris quark and we got some shocking information about what's about to happen in the story so let's get into it if you enjoyed the boku no hero content on this channel and you want to see more please leave a like to let me know and if you happen to be new to anime uproar don't forget to subscribe and hit that notification bell to turn on all notifications if you want to get notified and not have YouTube hiding our videos from you then you have to go through the process of clicking the notification bell and then clicking off the option that says all you can also hit me up on Twitter and Instagram at anime uproar for all the latest boku no hero news and updates finally this chapter will of course include boku no hero manga spoilers we're talking about the very latest happenings in the manga so please proceed with caution you have been warned ever since black whip started to manifest within him and ever since he learned that he would be manifesting the quirks of the other previous one for all users deku has been doing his best to master black whip while also researching all of the other previous one for all users we know that one for all comes from all for one's brother who had a latent quirk inside of him that allowed him to pass quirks on to someone else after all for one transferred a stockpiling quirk into his brother the stockpiling quirk combined with the brothers transferring quirk in order to create what we know today as one for all but as hard as he's been trying Deku has been unable to find a single clue or piece of information about the two one for all users who came after all for one's brother there is just no information on record about the second and third one for all users and all might believes that this is primarily because the previous users would have had no idea that their quirk factors could be retained within one for all and passed on to future generations if they had known that their quirks would have been used the future they likely would have left some helpful information for future one for all users but along with his research deku has also been working hard to tame and master the already manifested new quirk known as black whip he still can't use it for more than a second but even with his limited mastery of the new quirk deck who is able to use it for support black whip has made deku more agile and it has increased his range of potential attacks which I'm sure is going to prove to be extremely useful in the near future the name of black whips original user was Dai Goro Banjo whose hero name was a lariat for his part but Google isn't too impressed with the previous one for all users since none of them had the kind of reputation that all might have they were not known to stand at the top of the hero world as fearless symbols of peace and order because the previous one for all users were just a bunch of nobodies from Paco's perspective he is skeptical that these previous users had quirks that were particularly strong or useful however almond explains that in the past when all for one was at the height of his power he would simply stomp out all strong heroes before they ever had a chance to shine and become famous for their powers and heroic deeds the previous users of one for all were not the chosen ones they were not celebrities or internationally recognized heroes they were just noble people who did their best to fight against evil and who willingly gave their lives in battle against all-4-one as decos research shows all of the previous users died rather young which demonstrates just how much sacrifice was required to fight against all-4-one back in those days when he was at the height of his power when Bakugan and deckle wonder what will be the next quirk that Deku will need to master all might reveals that it will be his masters quirk his master was of course Shigure Aki's grandmother Nana Shimura and the name of her quark was float as the name suggests this quirk allowed Nana to basically float in midair although he can't be sure if she was able to straight-up fly through the air at great speeds like say Superman or if she was able to just kind of hover above the ground when he hears this Paco is not impressed at all he says that he can already flow using his explosions so this just means the deco is going to have to waste his time learning to do something that Paco already knows how to do Bakugan finds this to be an exciting prospect since it will give him a chance to pull ahead of Deku in terms of skill and ability while Deku is busy trying to master a skill that baklava has already mastered baka will have time to work on other skills and pull ahead of Deku in terms of overall ability but Baku goes rivalry with Deku aside if you've been paying attention to the last few arcs of the boku no hero story then you know exactly why the ability to float could prove to be extremely useful for Deku in fact this ability could save deck whose life don't forget that shigaraki recently awakened his own quirk decay and decay now allows him to quickly destroy not only the objects or people that he touches but also everything and everyone who is physically connected to his intended target so for example if she gareki decides to use his quirk on the street he could disintegrate everyone who happens to be on the street at that time he could also disintegrate the buildings and other objects that are located on that street and so on but simply if you are in physical contact with anything that is in physical contact with shigaraki target his decay can spread to you and destroy you if you have the ability to float up into the air then you will no longer be connected to the street or anything else that she gareki's quirk may be targeting and that means that you will be safe from the rapidly spreading destruction of shi gerecke's newly awakened quirk so with that said we know that even just being able to float in midair would be extremely useful and potentially life-saving for Deku in a battle against shigaraki but if Nana's quirk also allows her to move freely through the air on top of just floating then Deku will basically become Superman he would have super strength super speed and agility and he would have the ability to fly if that were the case I'm not sure how I feel about it to be honest I always thought that the modern iteration of Superman was too old P while most other heroes have one special ability Superman pretty much has them all so I wouldn't want that to become that broken but we will have to wait and see what happens as class 1-a celebrates new year and the start of the final semester of their first year at UA all mine in Iowa have a brief discussion outside in the cold Iowa confirms the next week he will begin training arrey to control her work and all might offers to help the two teachers then discuss all meit's perspective on life and how he now feels helpless he wishes that he could help the students even more and be there for them but in his current state and being retired rather than an active duty pro hero there is only so much than ohm I can do he had grown accustomed to being able to accomplish virtually anything and he was recognized throughout the country as the greatest hero and the symbol of peace but now the situation has changed and all might find it difficult to adjust but Iowa tells all mine that just by being alive and being here for the students he is giving them the strength and motivation to succeed all might might be retired now and much weaker than he was before but his incredible heroic deeds are still widely recognized and celebrated he is still a source of inspiration for so many people so even though he is weaker he is by no means useless as the conversation between the two teachers ends we learned at Sioux kouchi ask either all might or Aizawa to tell the other that they will have to postpone their plan to visit stain it was unclear to me which of the characters was speaking at this time so it's either all might was planning to visit stain for some reason or Aizawa was since all mine in Sioux kouchi are in regular contact and I saw is currently interested in any information you could find on kudo giddy it would make sense to me that Iowa was the one who wanted to meet with stain and see if he learned anything about kudo giddy in his interactions with the league of villains but it could also be that Almighty wants to speak to stain for some unspecified reason we don't get any more information than that so we don't know why one of them wants to meet with stain and we also don't know why the visit has to be postponed but I have to say that I do like the fact that stain is being mentioned again it's been a while since we've heard anything from him or about him then seemingly out of nowhere we went a time-skip occur as the cherry blossoms begin to sprout and we find ourselves in late March which is roughly three months later we see the mysterious and sinister villain dr. Daruma Fujiko walking the halls of a hospital one of the nurses recognizes him but she behaves as if you gqo hasn't been to the hospital in some time the doctor is apparently a rare sight at the hospital which makes sense since we know that he's been quite preoccupied with his freelance research but it seems that despite his extracurricular activities Fujiko is still an active doctor and he is still recognized by the nurses at the hospital not long ago Alberto mentioned the hospital as a clue twice away and present Mike about what really happened before he lost consciousness so it is safe to assume that you Chico's presence at the hospital now could be related to these recent events about Fudo Guinea it's clear that kuru kitty must have been created by all from one energy co and the confirmation that you G Co still has active access to the hospital proves that he would have had access to all Burroughs body back when he was injured and seemingly killed I say seemingly because it could turn out that he wasn't really dead just on the brink of death but if all of this wasn't enough in terms of twists and drama the final page of chapter 257 offers yet another shocking twist the final page says that day heroes vanished from the city that's a pretty crazy way to end the chapter and potentially a massive development what exactly do these words mean how and why did all of the heroes from a major city vanish the craziest answer would be that all the heroes have been eliminated by the villains thanks to shigga Rocky's new power which he received after undergoing fujiko's crazy procedure and now that ug Co has decided to make a public appearance at the hospital it must mean that he is ready to put his master plan into action if all the pro heroes in an entire major city were somehow eliminated then we're looking at a villain attack of epic proportions something that will completely change the game in the boku no hero Corie since the students of ua are not technically considered pro heroes we can assume that they would still be safe in this scenario but even if that is the case the idea that the villains would be able to eliminate all the pro heroes inside a major city would move us way beyond anything we've seen before it will be the start of an all-out war between the hero society and the paranormal Liberation Front this would not be just any villain attack or action the Japanese government would not be able to ignore something like this and the entire hero society would have to declare war on the villains but as epic and game changing as that would be we have to acknowledge that the fact that the heroes managed may not mean that they were all literally killed it could also mean something else such as the villains creating a massive diversion outside of the city that forces all of the heroes to respond and leave the city unguarded then having lured the heroes away from the city the villains could then proceed to make some major evil move inside the city itself if we think back to soo cauchy's message that the visit to stayin in Tartarus prison would have to be postponed we might even be looking at a major Prison Break taking place the kind of massive Prison Break that could force as many heroes as possible to respond and leave an entire city unprotected but whatever is about to happen there is no doubt that it will be big shigaraki has successfully completed huge eCos procedure a new gqo is convinced that the procedure worked and that shigaraki has become his masterpiece this occurred back in chapter 2 v 5 so knowing how strong she Guara key is now knowing that all-4-one in huge ago have been plotting something big for a long time knowing that Hawkes has also been plotting something for a very long time and knowing that the paranormal Liberation Front is now stronger than ever it is safe to assume that we are about to transition into a major hero versus villain war are probably the first true war arc in the boku no hero story I'm extremely excited about this and also kind of scared that some of our favorite characters might actually die in this arc but we'll have to wait and see let me know what you guys think how do you feel about the reveal of Nana's quark float and do you think that it just allows the user to hover in the air or does it allow them to fly through the air at will also what do you think that the final page of chapter 257 really means what is would you go up to and where did all the heroes go be sure to give me your thoughts and feedback down in the comments below if you enjoyed this video you want to see more boku no hero content right here on the channel please leave a like to let me know it really does help and if you happen to be new to anime uproar don't forget to subscribe and hit that notification bell to turn on all notifications feel free to hit me up on Twitter and Instagram at anime uproar and a big thank you to all of our anime uproar patrons for making videos like this one possible with all the YouTube problems lately patron support is more important than ever so thank you guys so much special thanks to all of our pro hero tier patrons including the one and only Gilgamesh nothing but a fan Jason Wilson Kings ell drous fitty dolla beat Anatoli kazansky alpha deal on hell Cruz team Sparky 65 cricket XP Rohan Kapoor Jessica Maloney and Emperor otaku and I can't forget the ones that rise above all other clans a massive thank you to all of our the wanna tier patrons including in grata a Lola nada makoto-kun the world stealers the school bus and Tyson Queenie no if you enjoy our work and you feel that it provides value to you please consider supporting us on patreon even a single dollar will give you access to our patron exclusive discord and your name will appear on our videos along with these legendary people as always thank you guys so much for watching and until next time see us bass Cowboys [Music]
Channel: AnimeUproar
Views: 398,881
Rating: 4.9131684 out of 5
Keywords: my, hero, academia, timeskip, time-skip, time skip, time, skip, twist, insane twist, ujiko, daruma ujiko, nana, nana shimura, deku's new quirk, deku new quirk, deku float, deku float quirk, nana quirk, nana's quirk, nana float, nana float quirk, nana quirk revealed, float, deku nana quirk, every quirk, every quirk explained, strongest quirk, best quirk, best quirks, anime, animeuproar, bokunohero, mha, bnha, myheroacademia, deku quirk explained, deku quirks, deku quirks explained, floating
Id: Q3IiC6haYSs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 30sec (930 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 22 2020
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