Every League of Villains Member in Hero Academia - Honest Anime Descriptions (No MHA Manga Spoilers)

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yo what's cracking fanbase and welcome to another episode of honest descriptions where this time i'm honestly describing every villain in my hero academia this was the most requested topic since my honest description and every student in class 1a so we'll do this one now and let me know in the comments which topic you'd like me to tackle next time i'm currently considering every teacher every student in 1b and every pro hero but yeah just let me know in case you're new here the word honest in the descriptions has air quotes because this is a satire video and while i love here i could a me enough to make several analyses on it i also like it enough to make some fun of it so hope you enjoy try not to get too triggered there will be no shipping shigaraki with bach ago let's get started but before moving on this extremely long and arduous journey thankfully sponsored by amino an app that allows you to join multiple different anime communities especially the my hero academia community which is the ultimate community destination for fans of here academia in general I personally love my hero academia me know because I love looking at the fan art of different people and how they perceive different characters because you can see very clearly how someone thinks of a certain character by how they depict them in their artwork and of course I also love polls to see what my like-minded hero academia fans think of different events or of different character ships so link to the amino app is in the description feel free to click that link and join the hero academia Meno and find me I'm knucks Taku there and I would love to see art photos theories opinions or honestly memes cuz memes are awesome feel free to send me them there and if I get any good ones I'll be posting them on Twitter but for now back to the video before we get into the league of villains let's first talk about all the unaffiliated villains we've seen in the series firstly there was giant ruin in episode 1 and yes according to the vici his name is giant villain a very original name as I'm sure you've already understood aside from having a goatee and dreadlocks some of the most dangerous hairstyles on the face of the planet giant villain served the purpose to show Mount Lee asked to the world because her attack that beat him showed off her ass and while they were taking away to jail she was showing off her ass at this point you're probably thinking well that's like the main purpose of mount lady in the whole story the idea is that she has the ultra thickness ability and if that's really what you're thinking well then you sickos are 100% right I made my fun of the female characters in near academia in my honest description on one a which will be linked at the end and in the description the second villain shown is the sludge villain you know the one that started off the BOK you go shipping's yes this was the slime tentacle hentai villain that captured back ago in the beginning if I was completely honest I don't really know what the creator of here academia was thinking making slime guy you know shoving down he's slimy tentacles down deck ooze throat back he goes whatever but hey I guess that's why he's a villain pretty butt ugly villain a villa man after all might Detroit smashed still somehow for whatever reason decided to go into all Mike's little plastic bottles so I understand absolutely nothing about that I mean I get all might smash would blow this guy to smithereens and send him flying across the city I don't understand how they were able to fit an entire sludge villain guy into those little plastic bottles and I don't even know how they got him in there all that aside when he broke out and started molesting back ago dad COO decided to do something incredibly foolish he threw everything to the side and decided I personally I'm gonna run up to the sludge villain that none of these heroes can beat even though I'm cordless and will definitely die I will still run up to sludge villain to sacrifice myself for absolutely no cause all Mike's like wow this kid's gonna sacrifice himself for absolutely no cause what a hero so he gave this little cry-baby dude and those powerful gifts in the universe yup this guy is good at making decisions with a cool head bow sludge villain goes luckily next villain we see is trapezius whoo all right defeated by tapping him on the head but they don't really tell you about trapezius is motive and it's fairly simple he was angry at the world and decided to Mock the heroes and kidnap children because his terrible Giganta fication pipe war thing he makes him look like a big fat limp dick I feel bad for this guy all right so far as far as the independent villains were three four three clerks that made them total monsters that had fit into society sounds like a problem of society no the villains I don't know I didn't see anyone look this but ugly that was actually a citizen hmm twice and discrimination going on here anyway the fourth independent villain is staying and as you may know if you've been here for a while with honest descriptions I allow myself one character per honest description that I can actually praise and not talk bad about and that's one will be stained yes made absolutely no sense that he survived a direct hit from beggar's Bowl Cowell punched his face but that aside stain is an amazing villain and in my opinion he's the best part of my hero academia so I will not be doing an honest description on him I will however be doing an honest description on the fifth and final independent villain we've seen so far in the anime in Smouse now its mouth has a sick name I mean truly also but ugly and angry at the world because he looks like a hybrid between Jar Jar Binks and Cibola well this guy had a pretty damn important role to the story as we know in the hosu arc otherwise known as the hero killer arc all the students in the school were sent off to apprentice by different Pro heroes so of course Dec who goes to Master Yoda because that's the point of the arc though the no key goes to Big Daddy because that's his point of his character arc Paquito goes to best genus who's one of the greatest characters of all time I love as jeana's best boy linked to my all jeans merch in the description but then we have the female characters so let's talk about the most popular ones we have uh Tanaka you know absolutely nothing sexual about her quirk and therefore she was the perfect perfect character to be horny for this entire arc training with gun head I got the most handsome face ever and Boone Anika spends this entire toil full painstaking art to control herself from not staring at his abs in to hide her erection next most popular girl is Momo Janos ooh well what did she do this art that's right she partnered up with hero stripper where hero stripper could teach her the art of this trip to turn on the citizens and give them the quirks before old yes very important hearing advice but why am i mentioning this what am I getting into this whole hero killer arc oh yeah remember the villain in Smouse well he was the villain in FRA Pease training thing yes prop he's the other most popular girl in here academia so she partnered up with some fish people and they fought tentacle rape guy so he get tentacle rape frog girl and frog girls partner who coincidentally happened to also be a girl yeah and then sea lion man with the greatest work of all time beats the bad guy and it turns to you on yes this is a common trend in here academia once again a shameless plug to my honest description on every hero in class 1-a yeah that was really off tangent but in a nutshell bow was the purpose of intz mouth so great news beauties and gentle beauties we finished all the independent villains and now we can move on to the vanguard action squad saving the core league of villains for last first villain of the Vanguard action squad yes that's right Debbie on the haters it's the legendary Dobby aside from dobby dabbing dabby KU's dabbing some ointment on his face no offense Debbie you look but ugly speaking of dabbing on the haters new Debbie on the haters merge fam and it came out looking freaking sick if I do say so myself but I'm not gonna lie it's this but ugly Debbie unique design that made him one of the most loved characters in the series Chilika videos add a be on YouTube in the thumbnail about dabby they have brazilians of use I mean he won a decent position in the character rankings for most popular characters when people talk about him being a brother to toe that okie everyone's like oh my god they'll be amazing and yet honestly it would be pretty amazing but the point I'm trying to get across here is everyone loves this guy he is an extremely liked character in the community heck I like him but he did nothing now I'm not blaming any individuals I mean I like that be too but as a community oh we suck I mean he's one of the fan favorite characters he's one of the most interesting characters everyone loves him and loves talking about him even though at this point he is blended toughest us anime plebs never saw any motivation for him to become a villain we don't know why he's doing what he's doing we have no idea how strong he is because he's never actually fought anybody aside from getting his ass whooped by eyes ten seconds and oops it was a clone jutsu not even used by him but I only really noticed this aside from seeing dabby videos on YouTube get views and I pay attention to that stuff since I'm kind of in the business not that I've done any dobby videos but I noticed and I also noticed a bunch of guys in the comments asked me to analyze dobby fam there's nothing to analyze he's a loves character because he looks more iconic than your average ballsack and both sexes are pretty iconic I mean look at that pool he looks like a ball sack pretty iconic and no I'm not really a hater but did you ever think of this to yourself what if haters dabby back anyway speaking of Deadpool the next villain of the Vanguard action squad I'd like to be talking about is twice basically discount Deadpool yes that's exactly his character personality except worse in every way that makes Deadpool brave he doesn't do the fourth wall shtick he's just better at the split personality trophy is the same wacky pose styles as Deadpool despite badass-looking suit and yeah I've seen a lot of people calling him a discount Deadpool and all those people doing all of that well they're all wrong this is twice as history slight boilers if you don't mind but really slight skip it if you want twice calls himself zillions of times until he wasn't sure which was the original he ended up killing each other off and one was left standing still not sure if he's the original so it kind of went bonkers now the thing is it doesn't really matter if he's the original or not it shouldn't have any effect on his psychology but it did it drove him well to become what twice is now so all these guys claiming they understand twice he's just a discount that they're wrong they're wrong twice is a discount Billy numerous from Teen Titans his downfall was also that he made too many of himself his downfall was that at one point he didn't know which was the original he's a total jerk to everyone a total wacko with motivations just as nuts is twice this guy stole a bridge just because he could steal a bridge god damn it Billy numerous is the better twice Billy Doris makes clothes to hang out with his clothes god dammit I love this guy moving on to he Mikoto --ga the undefeated yonder a lolly a he go Queen that's right another loved anime character from the series another presumably best girl another member of whose harab God and yes it's the female characters that are always smiling in ecstasy completely crazy getting turned on by the idea of murdering people the dude would be doing that well we would not like him that much I think I mean I talked about appearances but try to imagine Dobby constantly orgasming as he thinks about killing well I honestly would not like him that much but she's a girl so we want her orgasming as much as possible her quirk is only really revealed in the manga so I won't talk about it but the only thing I will tell you about it is she definitely has AIDS and aside from that her quirk has nothing to do with hurling around then remote controlling those syringe canister thingies that she does I mean look at this this is impossible chanted up deciding to join the league of villains because she looked up to stain like most of the other villains in the series me included and she looked up to stain because just like stain does what's right or at least what he feels is right he'll take out the ones that are not just and sacrificing himself to save those he feels are just she's very similar I mean look she wants to become friends with everybody that's why she has the power of friendship and remains undefeated yay dad and she wants to murder all these people that she calls friends yay really deep-seated character here that being said I actually really like her character and find great inspiration by the fact that she could take joy out of everything and then she constantly has a lovely smug cute adorable smile on her face but as far as chips go well don't get X twice change my mind oh and toga could definitely give the best blow jobs in the entire my hero academia cast know Bach ago comments please the next villain of the Vanguard action squad is muscular you know that one obligatory villain the deku had to 1 punch with a million percent of his power because the power of friendship smashes the strongest match ever don't united state to smash me friendship beats the u.s muscular is a villain with incredible feats you know manage to lose to a random high school kid get beaten by two heroes that could spray water and you know give away all their information to their entire attack plan you know three incredibly amazing feats that defines his character nicely even his plan of attack for the camp invasion made little to no sense they sent him in from the side to the top of a mountain to do what to beat Kota well I don't know they to have everything worked out except for you know drop and muscular in the middle of nowhere he was a pretty powerful opponent though we'll give him that most people wouldn't be able to stand up against the power of friendship smash either I personally still think it would been way cooler of muscular was spocky goes dad you know basically the same hair design similar facial features very similar temperament and both pretty powerful dudes no I think would've been really cool but instead they decided no let's just make him get one shotted by deck you think you bag oh you're pretty hilarious in fact goes dad was one shot at by dick but anyway I'm glad to be talking about muscular here because I don't know if I would have ever get the chance to point out how dumb it was that all for one did not take musculars work not only was he completely pitifully useless otherwise but with musculus work added to all for one's arsenal of quirks he would have splatted this shizzle out of old almighty i mean as we know 100% smash from Deku wasn't able to knock this guy back it took a million percent of his power to beat the guy this muscle quirk is extremely underrated as far as extremely powerful quirks and had it tall for one's arsenal there would have been no more all night but anyway moving on to the next villain a villain with the most terrifying name of all time that's right it's mustard it's the dude with the gas mask that farts out gas everywhere the poisons people thing is I know it's rude I know it's impolite that's why I don't want to make fun of mustard being beaten by to be class students but instead I wanted to insult him for screwing up the entire story mustard has a gun guns exist I'm so happy they've actually agreed to this because it's been bothering me forever why don't people carry guns well maybe they don't exist in this universe for whatever reason but they do exist if guns actually exist then first of all molo can create them by pulling them out of her tummy way easier to make it guns than to make oh I don't know a working tracker and receiver but aside from that have someone like Aizawa whose power is to nullify the quirks of anyone he looks at give this guy a gun and he's unstoppable give every villain a gun and there unstoppable I don't know I feel like this would be the simplest thing in the universe but of course they would carry guns it would make it a much dumber show and why make it a dumber show just for the sake of logic never stopped anyone before the next villain is magnate a very interesting name because the ability is villain possesses is magnets pretty insane pretty insane and I don't want to beat around the bush and I don't really want to talk about this character and that's simply because this fight is burly looking feller with the nice beard thing going on you know the only character in the entire series with damn beard if this is a female character because magnae is transgender yes the only transgendered character happens to be a villain but that aside magnetism ability magnetizes people polarizing men's south and women as north therefore people of the same gender repel each other and if they are a different gender they attract each other a very fascinating ability for this character to possess because the ability itself is rigged to be anti the LGBTQ community but because I try not to delve into the political world on this channel I will duly avoid this transgender character and the homophobic quirk possessed moving on by the way fan base did you notice how I literally didn't say any pronouns for this character the entire description not to trigger any one amazing deal with this please please please why was this the only character with a beard wha hi thanks villain we'll be discussing is spinner no not fidget spinner but a different spinner this spinner is one of the seven deadly Ninja Turtles what the hell does it say that in my script hey road seven deadly ninja third I'm gonna totally keep this in impressed by stain this epic villain where's the ass bandana mask thing to conceal his secret identity no one would be able to recognize him now that he's identity was so perfectly hidden I mean I'm sure there's that fun of guys that would look exactly like him I wouldn't be able to pick him up in a lineup thank goodness he had that I'm asking that's not the only thing he carries in reference to stain you know how stained carried like a hundred and fifty knives all over his body well spinner also has a hundred and fifty knives and he tied them all together to make this super weapon I think honestly my guess is that was his mentality when he created his samehada over there just tie fifty swords together and bam that's like 49 more swords than your average opponent that fights with swords making you stronger I mean that's basically one piece logic Zorro used a third sword because he's like oh that's even better than two swords and hey works for him he's a badass I guess spinner could be to the next villain is moonfish a personal favorite of mine because he is clearly in the mastermind behind all the villainy within the entire series of my hero academia moon fishes a wicked character design every bit of his character is thought of so cleverly he just takes the cake as possibly the most genius character in the entire narrative so fit shatters all the ideas I've had that my hero academia is set to make all the female characters sexual while the male characters aren't you know how all the female characters keep taking off their clothes to use their powers and I've mentioned that quite a bit in fact in my honest descriptions on every year on class 1 a moon fish is different don't say you like BDSM until you look like this masterpiece over here what a guy Julie an inspiration to all of us in a modern society moon fish is the man to look up to because we live in a society whoever locked him in this straitjacket thing was clearly a genius because they were like wait a second most villains you know need a/c they need to use their arms and legs so let's tie all that up let's just leave his mouth open this was clearly a brilliant strategy because now moon fish has full access to his ultimate work the ability to grow his teeth yes this beaver like ability comes in handy in every situation getting annoyed at your dentist BAM can open the bottle of beer bleh you tired to use your hands to type on your keyboard Shazam and it overpowers like Bach you going toe there okay like bye holy flip was he badass he just makes my heart swell with excitement every time he's on-screen moonfish is an inspiration to all of us Shane Lee didn't realize putting a muzzle on him would be more useful than all the rest of that BDSM stuff but now before we continue I leave a question for the fanbase why is it that the League of villains thought it would be a good idea to not untie him they literally thought it was a better idea keep him in the caterpillar cocoon thing he has his teeth free screw the rest of his body we don't care he needs to piss so what obviously they thought of that obviously they knew that he prefers it this way and he is a true fetish board so they respected him and I respect him as well moon fish is one of the greatest villains in all of anime don't at me this is fact next is mr. compress it hurts me because I'm discussing moonfish one of the greatest anime characters of all time you know brilliant motive brilliant backstory all of that now we're on mr. compressed every time I see an anime character that has a top hat you know he's gonna be a passive-aggressive [ __ ] you know he's not gonna answer a single straight question and you know he's gonna be crazy overpowered but never cashing into that ability I'm telling you look at top hats and anime every enemy character with the top hat has these quirks and mr. compressed is no exception he captures Bob to go total passive aggressive [ __ ] about it thank you says joke if I could go back and mr. compras is like give him back is it that he belongs to you or something it does not so I shouldn't be getting him back oh well thank you mr. comprise that logic totally makes it okay to kidnap the kid dude shut the hell up I hate passive-aggressive [ __ ] anime clowns not to mention that overpowered thing I said that never cashes in you do realize all for once fighting all might and they're like gripping each other's fingers playing mercy with each other and mr. compressed says Coco poof you're both marbles that would work that would work this work is so insanely ridiculously overpowered it almost hurts me to think that this guy isn't like the strongest villain of all time not to mention he can freakin fly jump think I mean I guess maybe it's just anime characters they could fly jump but he seems to be fly jumping really damn well he trots over the damn forest not to mention the fact that yeah if all for one would take mister compresses quark Hey it would have destroyed all might in a heartbeat no more passive-aggressive [ __ ] clowns for me I don't like anime characters with top hats period unless they're a passive-aggressive pass hole good guy in which case I love them Mephisto fellas you're amazing but if they're a bad guy ah just just screw those guys before we get into the league of villains core operatives I would like to talk to you about the no moves so you know the no moves you know the first one appears damn it's just as strong as all might and then progressively every single one of them gets weaker with the hosts no moves being taken out by endeavor easily and then with the chainsaw nomu chasing a beat last kid dragging Momo still not able to catch up yeah these guys really suck balls well aside for the first one because you know this is anime and like Power Rangers the first time you fight your opponent well damn they're gonna overpower this shnizzle out of you even if they're a putty but then the second time you fight buddy's other just buddies and you can start killing out no moves by the million funny little anime curve I like to call beginner's rook till the inevitable super nomu appears boyish that [ __ ] and then you know you start over and then you have to fight all the super normals but then all the super normals just become buddies are you following my flow of logic well they may have to do an entirely different in-depth video about the no move because each and one of them has their own individual ideology and philosophy that must be dissected no they're not as good as moonfish but they're up there they're up there and now at last who are up to the final five villains the core league of villains members now I'm gonna be going from most boring to most interesting because well most interesting last sounds cooler first we have giganto macchia but muxu said you're not gonna be talking about villains better manga only I know I know but I also know that the fan base is awesome enough to call me out on stupid little things that I miss after the stain fights giganto macchia is seen looking at a newspaper and therefore is considered an anime villain ah so on this description time he was looking at a newspaper he's included don't pop on me I remembered him sorry fam and the next villain I would like to talk about his G rod so this guy is basically the the villain broker for the league of villains they don't know how where he came from he just sort of popped up in the bar and he's like hey I saw a shady bar I figured guys were probably League of villains because you know I met Vick detective the guy so now I'm gonna give you clients for money and they're like sure thing man you have clients with money and he's like sick you know I'm a bad guy cuz you see my top shirt button it's always unbuttoned and I'm missing a tooth and smoking a cigarette no damn this guy's the greatest field of all time come sure of course you can be Polly give villains broker because it's run by a guy rocky a 15 year old snug who's not 15 but act that way but more on that in [ __ ] Rocky's description ever sneaky suspicion and more went like this I think they said what I said to cover it up but PR wasn't that great and I kind of figured it out girion walks in the bar and he's like hey are you guys League of villains they like yeah and he's like sick I'm telling the cops unless you give me a cut and they're like okay here's a cut don't count the cops obviously that's more likely but I'm still gonna go with the first thing because sounds more epic next villain at long last we got the kudo giddy a guy that if you remember was completely phantasmal in the usj arc except for that neck piece which about to go figure it out you can grab but now in the villain hideout raid art thing calmly woods tied him up all over I guess he's not phantasmal anymore what's going oh oh is it because it beginners the dog that the first time he was shown he was completely epic and borderline invincible but now of course kamilly woods is here and he couldn't tie him up even though Kota Gede he can teleport himself but no no come we woods tied him up because the power of twigs got another one of those invincible quirks that's just not used properly when Dhabi and toga first popped into the league of villains bar and they attacked shigaraki isles jig rocky attacks them he without even touching the airspace or whatever opens up little portals that everyone's knives and stuff stick in and pop out of different holes now this may seem ridiculously powerful and well if you think it is well fed you're under present right this is ridiculously powerful and is the ultimate way to defeat anyone ever you can always even if it's not touching your body teleport anyone away and teleport them anywhere even against their will as seen by stain you'll pick him up you're dropping a volcano goodbye or take a gun because as we know mustardy to go there you shoot the gun you opened the portal you open another portal next a good guy head table Louie head god I should become the chief strategist for the league of villains I don't want it you know insult chigi Rocky's leadership abilities clearly he knows exactly what he's doing clearly you know exactly what he's doing but if I take over the league of villains I would destroy the world in like a week and a half and even if that week and a half was like during exam season or something that's how freaking easy it would be with the multitude of quirks these guy have you put them together and you're the ultimate invincible boss could agini opens old mr. compras pops out BAM the guy's a marbled mr. compras goes back in sucks to be a marble but just move on to the master mind himself the legendary shigaraki tomorrow yay everyone's favorite villain probably because he's so handsome but handsomeness aside we're gonna have to honestly describe him okay so step one don't shake his hand step two no high fives do fist bumps that way he melts his own palm good good second thing I'm gonna read to you his ultimate quote and then we're gonna see if it makes any sense at all mmm-hmm I'm angry at his world that categorizes the same violent acts as heroic or villainous yeah they're not the same violent acts because you know the heroic ones take down the villains the villainous ones try to take down the heroes I think it kind of make sense deciding what's good and what's bad well bad is killing random people just for fun kind of what you're doing what's good is stopping the people that's trying to kill people just for fun all right symbol of peace ha you're just a device to repress violence violence only breeds violence yeah that's why the hero of peace is trying to repress violence as you mentioned violence breeds violence so let's stop violence I don't know I don't hear his logic so well but let's honestly figure out exactly what he's trying to say right so after much contemplation I could not make heads or tails it was motive probably because it makes absolutely zero so Albert he's a revolutionary villain revolutionary indeed he's a hell of a kisser I'll give him that I mean his lips just luscious but that aside I figured out the ultimate way to defeat him and no it's not with hand punch hey you need a hand wow you're so handy etc hand puns suck everyone has to stop doing them cuz they're everywhere what you have to do is say some so cringy that he facepalms because if he does that well then problem solved but of course I know the fanboys are gonna attack me because that's basically the job of fanboys saying oh it's amazing because as Deb who develops towards his goal Chiaki also develops as a villain okay Ted Cruz goal originally was to become symbol of peace guys that saves people would smile so that people can have faith in him and beat bad guys that was his original goal so him growing towards that kind of makes sense the issue of Shigure Aki is he has absolutely zero goal oh I'm sorry I'm being sarcastic he has an epic goal so i'm striving towards this epic gold-making epic strides towards the epic goal does not feel any better I mean feels incredible because he's made so much progress he wanted to be bad for the sake of being bad and he's becoming bad for the sake of being bad what revolutionary villain so I am sorry fanbase I know you're probably shaping him with vodka go because everyone gets shipped with bokki go I don't know what it is about Pocky go but my advice to bak Kudo do not get a [ __ ] from this guy I don't know it's like masturbating with sandpaper not that I know how that feels but for everyone that's gonna say put in the manga that comes in epic Ville okay fine wait for the manga I'm sure I'll become an Emmy there have he's the fanboys I don't mind cuz I have the fanboys yeah those cringe this is in all four ones on this description not Shigure Aki's because all four ones the genius that put Shigure aki in command well not you clearly don't understand the brilliant philosophy of Alper one he put sugar Aki in command because she garage keys the grandson hugs the teacher of all might so since all four one hates all might he figured the best way to destroy him from the inside would be to take the grandson and turn him into such a disgusting villain it would make all might feel terrible and that's what he did brilliant plan he did his whole revival plan contingent to piss off all night she does everything for years amassing his strength amassing ultimate quirks setting up everything into shadows behind everyone's backs and if you look at it and you look at his noble goals and the thing he was actually trying to accomplish usually I'm like I don't want to see a villain that just wants to be bad to be bad or just has fun killing people or wants to take over the world I never want to see a bad guy like that because that motive sucks you know which motive is even worse that's right living your life to train shigaraki to be a villain to put your fate in shigga Rocky's hands to be beaten by Almighty so you could piss off all might as revenge if he wouldn't have stepped in to save shigaraki if he would have amassed more quirks as I mentioned like Kota Gede ease dr. compresses musculars other quirks in the future that would eventually show up maybe he can do a sneak attack instead of you know fighting almighty head on where he lost even though okay he thought he probably would have won but he didn't and that was through the bad planning because no he was not at full power but knucks he cares about chigga rocky BS he does not care about chika rocky he's training sugar rocky to piss off alright that's his ultimate strategy truth be told we know very little about Alford this is the only thing we've seen him do and honestly it's a little disappointing as far as epic main villain guide yeah I'm sure he's gonna break out of jail but the fact that he's in jail now is kind of annoying and while I realize that saying bad things about my hero academia especially an epic moment like all for one versus all might is a very bad thing and according to the rules of YouTube one is not allowed to say their honest opinion if it's negative towards popular stuff so since I understand these rules this is all sarcasm all sarcasm you don't need to take any of it value-wise I was just being all satirical hahaha wasn't this a fun time this whole video has honest in quotation marks but at the same time I feel like I'm the only honest without quotation mark youtuber talking about here I could they mean and if that sentence sounded really pretentious we'll just put whole quotation marks on the whole thing whole video sarcasm anyway love you guys thanks for coming hope you enjoyed video was freakishly long because they're freakishly a lot of villains let me know in the comments what you'd like me to do next time I'm thinking every student in class 1b but I am also thinking every pro hero and every teacher so it is up to you guys let me know in the comments what you like feel free to like the video if you enjoyed it in any way if you were triggered by this video well then please leave a like of the video because let's make believe that was the goal if you weren't triggered didn't leave other than I come to you you get the idea basically like video feel free to subscribe for more my hero academia content whether super satire or actually really in-depth analysis which I doubt you believe I'm capable of after watching a video like this but it's possible and I will link one at the end appreciate if you commented to me which honest description on which villain you liked best honestly because it'll help me come up with content more geared towards your preferred taste it would actually be really helpful know your sarcastic meemers you I'm gonna say stain don't say stain please feel free to hit that bell if you want to subscribe because YouTube stuff you know subscribing isn't subscribing anymore it's the Bell huge thanks to everyone that supported me until here link in the description to my debby on the haters merch which actually came out looking pretty damn cool if I do say so myself right next to the link to my Twitter which should also be a great help if you follow me there if you want updates on the channel if you want super [ __ ] post e stuff which is really awesome I love that stuff gives me life also in the description we have a link to my patreon anyone who supports me there is invited to the discord server and it is also extremely appreciated like really if you have any idea how long it takes to make a video like this you'd understand where I'm coming from a little better but as far as the patrons huge thanks to the 7 swag augurs Sasha and Manuel bean MD JD Fincher Q's inter garden axel and an anonymous member the three Lord tweeters Tyler Schumacher Gavin Anderson and large blab and the three guy who's up rank security Wheatley darked elements and as Adric huge thanks to all you guys for supporting me they're huge thanks to everyone who actually took their time to watch this video I know it's an extremely weird video but I'm proud of my weirdness and you should be as well so with these parting words remember to stay weird fan [Music] [Music]
Channel: Nux Taku
Views: 1,339,394
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nux taku, my hero academia, mha 3 op, hero academia villains, nux taku hero academia, honest anime descriptions, hero academia honest descriptions, Every Class 1-A Student in Hero Academia - Honest Anime Descriptions, hero academia theory, hero academia overpowered, hero academia episode, hero academia op, mha season 3, hero academia manga spoilers, hero academia villain ost, honest descriptions nux taku, league of villains my hero academia, top 5 my hero academia smashes
Id: SOgIdkToSxI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 33sec (2073 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 14 2018
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