The Seven Deadly Sins: Season 1 (Full Recap Of All Episodes For Season 2)

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I hate intros nanatsu no taizai season 1 we kick things up in Leonys with an older knight and a young squire coming across dozens of holy Knights who were killed instantly by only seven people those seven people came to be known as the seven deadly sins now we jump ahead 10 years to Cain's village where we are introduced to the main character Mellie Otis who is the owner of a bar called the boar hat with the help of hawk his Opie talking pig someone in a full suit of armor mumbling about the seven deadly sins enters the bar the girl in the army collapses with her helmet falling off revealing the Cutie Elizabeth Leonys she explains that she is looking for the seven deadly sins apparently the holy Knights are correct and the seven deadly sins were trying to save the kingdom ten years ago she isn't there long before a group of Knights come looking for her vaca meliodas buy her some time until twe go a holy Knights apprentice attempts to kill them it's revealed that Elizabeth is actually a princess of the kingdom but that doesn't stop - we go from trying to kill her Billy Otis steps in and one taps the big boy hurling him through the air after the pie had concluded he reveals his true identity to Elizabeth as the leader of the seven deadly sins he tells her that he is looking for the other six sins and invites Elizabeth to join in Huck's thick mom comes to picks him up with a war hat in tow and they continue their search episode two they arrive at Burnie a village who can't get water because a holy night named killed Thunder had blocked the water with his sword only another holy night has the strength to remove the sword so the villagers fail even after banding together really Otis decides to help them out and quickly removes the sword without any problems after hearing about how his sword was removed guilt Thunder launches a spear towards the village millio does consent see coming and sets up to stop it he then launches the spear back and nearly kills gil thunder gil thunder will be chasing them now so they quickly moved to hide in the forest of white dreams episode 3 after arriving at the forest of my dreams they run into prankster amps that impersonate Hawk and Elizabeth Millie Otis figures out which one's a real air break their illusion the Apes retreat back to the giant that they were being forced to work for who turns out to be one of the sins named Deanna she is overjoyed to be reunited with her captain that she has the hots for and wants to join them on their journey till thunder shows up after pursuing them and begins to fight with Mellie owed Miller Yoda's fakes taking a fatal blow to get information from Gil Thunder and finds out the location of King and ban two of the since episode four Deanna throws Gil Thunder away so that they could get back on their quest they head towards bot stay dungeon where ban is being held to set him free Wow going there Mellie Otis falls unconscious from his injuries so they have to take him to a doctor a holy night named Felicia gets wind that they are near so she watches a wave of acidic bugs to attack them and the town tierno deals with the bugs and starts heading to the dungeon alone to free BAM Ben hears that they're coming so he breaks from his holding cell and gets a haircut from one of the holy Knights apprentices Jericho and in the last scene a holy night named Cody Jia's appears in the room where Mellie Otis is recovering episode by Goethe Diaz tries to take Melanie Otis a sword but this waits him up revealing a black marking on his forehead gudiya sees how strong he is so he decides to retreat we're gonna jump add some filler content over to when Mellie Otis runs into Deanna both her and meliodas hear a bell from a holy night that causes hallucinations and causes them to fight one another some jeffords get caught up in the fight but manage to get to safety with the help of Elisabeth Ben ended up humiliating Jericho by taking her armor and then gets into a fight with a holy night Jude who stabs him in the last scene II episode 6 wall Mellie Otis and yet are fighting with one another the holy night put of aja attached the two Shepherds with bugs Elizabeth had vowed to protect them and sustains injuries from the bugs while trying to get to the child Shepherd but the child is actually the holy night ruin who was causing the hallucinations with his Bell Elizabeth takes a heavy shot from ruin but manages to break the Bell in the process cancelling out though illusions whip the hallucinations broken Mellie Otis steps in to fight with ruin while Deanna takes out Patricia and they both quickly defeat the holy Knights back on over to ban who's revealed to have regenerated powers and takes out Jude with ease in order to continue his escape Ben Emilio does have a really unorthodox reunion when they play fight until the entire dungeon collapses allowing them to escape the episode 7 the gang is now headed to the capital of the Dead to look for the next same King we get a flashback of bad trying to drink from the Fountain of Youth but a girl named Elaine keeps stopping him after numerous attempts to steal the water elaine finally explains to him that if he steals the water the forest is gonna die Ben in a bad guy so after hearing this he decides to give up on retrieving the water anyways back to the president they arrive at a village where ban runs into king who he doesn't even recognize because King had changed forms after being reunited with everybody King leaves without saying anything because he got flustered from seeing his crush Deanna they find out that the only way to get to the capital of the dead is a priceless memory shared with the deceased none of them can think of anything except for ban who remembers Elaine after thinking about Elaine they all get teleported to the capital of the dead and King secretly follows them once they arrived ban sees what appears to be Elaine in the distance so he chases after her with King rushing after him episode 8 a holy night named giver who is after the sin stabs herself to get to the capital of the dead meanwhile back over to the sins we find out that Elaine is actually the sister of King Ben has immortality so King thinks that ban is the one responsible for killing his sister in order to drink from the Fountain of Youth King ven petrifies ban to counter his immortality and get revenge for his sister but Elaine spirit shows up and immediately reverses the petrification a flashback shows that band in a kill Elaine he was actually in love with her don't freak out it's an Alf couple hundred years old totally legal he was trying his best to protect the forest and Elaine from a demon that was attacking them they were both fatally wounded by the demon and Elaine forces him to drink the fountains water giving him immortality while sacrificing herself Gita comes across Mele ODIs and the others and turns out to be pretty strong messing them up in their fight even after ban joins in King is left alone with his sister spirit who makes the request that he helped ban and forgive him because he's not a bad guy this is enough closure for King to finally let go of his animosity towards Ben and he joins the fight in the last scene Yepez Odin High King is no slouch in a fight and uses his sacred treasure to take out Gita by himself when they return to the real world King points out that the only reason they were struggling against Geeta is because the other three sins don't have their treasures they had all lost their treasures due to various circumstances so their new goal is to set out and find their treasures to help them in future fights we get introduced to Hendrickson who is conducting various demon experiments anyhow Jericho and we go drink demons blood for power Jericho turns out to be compatible with the demons blood however twe go isn't so he blows up back on over to the gang who advocated Anna's sacred treasure but they have to enter a fighting contest in order to win it episode 10 the binding festival starts out with a preliminary round where they narrow the field down to only eight contestants after that the remaining eight go one verse one and a single elimination bracket for the first round a mysterious woman named Matrona takes on a holy night named gudiya moore who she defeats after the fight my throne attorney at to be Danna who shrunk down in size because of a giant mushroom that her and Elizabeth had come across the second fight is between a holy night Houser who defeats the former champion Tai zu moving right along to the third match with King going up against the drunk old man turns out King is actually useless in a fight without his sacred treasures so the old drunkard man handles him and in the last match of the round of a Mele Otis is going up against ban he episode 11 during the pipe and seems like he has the upper hand from stealing belly Otis's power and speed but Nellie Otis gets that weird mark on his forehead again and then blasts been out of bounds for the semi-final matches Deanna goes up against Houser who uses wind to try and knock her out of bounds but she counters with the body slam winning her the match filled man came confront smelly Otis during their match about betraying the kingdom after Malley Otis explains that he didn't betray the kingdom he was actually trying to save it Kane believes him and forfeits the match the finals end up being between meliodas and Deanna guaranteeing that they'll win her treasure back meanwhile Geetha and Jericho 2.0 are on the way to fight them II episodes Wow buta and Jericho interrupt the finals so King goes to fight them King makes quick work of them again but then starts to lose ground against a new holy night named Hellgren Elizabeth who was also shocked by the mushroom returns to her normal size just before she is found by her older sister Veronica Millie Otis steps in to make sure that Veronica can't take a whiz abit back to her kingdom Veronica obviously can't fight through Mellie Otis so she uses a stone called goddess amber that traps demonic beings to capture Mellie Otis instead Elisabeth flees from her sister but trips a landmine veronica acts quickly to shield her from the blast but ends up taking fatal damage while protecting Elizabeth after melih Yoda's breaks from the stone and is half covered in his mysterious black markings episode 13 well Leodis uses his dark powers in this trance-like state to fight against the holy Knights pilgrim ends up fighting against smelly otis where he matches his power and gets the best of him while also stealing melioidosis sword well we notice is so protective of the sword because it's actually one of the keys to reviving the demon clan deanna manages to return to her normal size and also found her sacred treasure allowing her to fight seriously against halgren O'Brien is ordered to retreat and he narrowly makes it out with Geetha and Jericho in tow once things settle down we find out that Vans overall goal is to make contact with the goddesses and resurrect Elaine episode 14 a new group of holy Knights called dawn roar are sent out to deal with an armored giant that has been sighted we're to get a quick side sir when Katie goes to visit her younger brother's eel and then kills three guys who were picking on him back over to Mele Otis and the others who come across dawn war as they're surrounding the armored giant dawn war approved to be strong opponents as well which queues the entrance of the fifth sin go thir who was travelling with the armored giant episode 15 to avoid a three-way fight between the sins armored giant and dawn roar goat there cuts off the head of the armored giant to give to dawn roar since their mission was to stop the armored giant this appeases them and they take their leave once they're gone everybody finds out that the armored giant is actually a giant demon over to the boar Hatt Kane shows up to have a drink not knowing that this is Mele Otis's bar well there he ends up talking with Elizabeth and tells her the story of Liz she was originally sentenced to death but Mele Oda's saves her from the sentence and they eventually become lovers back on over to the demon who was revealed to be Gita's father Dale a holy night that was transformed into a demon and one of Hendrickson's failed experiments King gives Elizabeth the sword that Liz had tried given to Mele owed as years ago Elizabeth passes the sword on to Mellie Otis and Mellie Otis uses the swords who killed the demon the episode 16 we get a look at Hendrickson who has Mellie Otis's sword and is planning on using it to summon the red demon race back at the boar hat Mellie Otis tries convincing the others to help him retrieve his sword but it immediately shot down however they're kind of forced to change their minds once the holy night Vivian shows up out of nowhere and snatches Elizabeth and Hawk they have no choice but to go and try and retrieve the two so Deanna throws meliodas ban and go through toward the castle they land on the north side and fight with holy Knights while on the south side a new character Arthur Pendragon arrives with an army II episode 17 the army is actually an illusion created by Arthur's companion to get him a meeting with Hendrickson Hendrickson leads him inside and they suddenly get into a fight who Liotta's ban and go through managed to get past the armies and continue their search for Elizabeth back over to the boar hat King uses his black hound Oslo to teleport Diana inside the castle when she arrives she is immediately attacked by guilt thunder Houser hellbrunn and a great holy night called Dreyfus Dreyfus is way too strong and deal serious damage to her all of the fighting is going on Gita's younger brother Zeile is walking through the street and is nearly crushed by falling debris Danna sees the falling debris and jumps on top of him to protect him saving his life after seeing this heroic action both Hauser Ankita decide to fight against rapist and the other knights to protect her from being killed episode 18 poser and Geetha team up to launch everything they have at the Knights but can't even do damage look we go through shows up and steps into challenged rapist by himself jump on over to Elizabeth and Hawk who come across Elizabeth's other sister Margaret because why not add another character at this point Vivian shows up to teleport them and gets freaked out by Hawk so she teleports the pig away and takes Elizabeth back to the showdown between Gotha and Dreyfuss where go thir puts him in a nightmare and plans to leave Dreyfuss there permanently but Rafe is somehow breaks free and stabs go through go Thor falls unconscious while Dreyfuss is left reeling after that serious mental attack and has to retreat with Gil Thunder leaving help Ram to wrap things up King comes to fight hail bran just before he kills Deanna and it's revealed that Hal Bram used to be King's best friend yep so 19 we get a flashback of what happened with King and hell bran King used to be fairy king Harlequin charged with protecting the elf forest as well as the Fountain of Youth his best friend Hal Broome had been attacked in the human realm so King is forced to leave his sister Elena and the forest he's charged with protecting to go to his aid he finds all of his elves slaughtered and the man responsible aldrick who strikes King causing him to lose his memories this is when King meets young Deanna who he bonds with over many years while trying to regain his memories he finally remembers his real identity as a nearby village that King Indiana were friends with is attacked his best friend Hal Bram is responsible for the attack as he has been hunting humans as a revenge for them attacking the elves pilgrim had taken on the form of aldrick to never forget his hatred for the humans King is forced to kill halgrim in the end but is sentenced to a thousand years in prison after taking responsibility for not being able to prevent the attacks knowing he can't return to Deanna he uses his abilities to make her forget about him before he goes to serve his time so she has no recollection that they knew each other when she was a kid jump back to the present where King has two his old friend hellbrunn for the second time in order to protect Deana back over to Arthur and Hendrickson who are still going at it when Mellie Otis steps in in the last scene episode 20 kill thunder who was still a squirting Dreyfuss is sent to fight with Mellie Otis Arthur is trying to buy Mellie Otis time by fighting with Hendrickson but ultimately loses to him over to Elizabeth who wakes up to find her father King Bartra which is kind of pointless he back over to meliodas who has to fight with guilt Thunder hendrickson and Vivian at the same time Millie Otis manages to release Gill thunder and Margaret from a monster that was apparently forcing their compliance with the holy nights know that guilt Thunder is free he fights against hendrickson to avenge the death of his father and defeats him Vivian is the only one left to fight now which is when the next sin Merlin who was travelling with Arthur reveals herself negating Vivian spells II episode 21 puck was actually sent into the tunnels beneath the kingdom and is found by ban who was trying to make contact with the goddesses to revive Elaine ban manages to talk with the goddesses who agreed to revive Elaine if he kills Mellie Otis movie Otis Arthur kill Thunder Merlin and Margaret make it to where Elizabeth and her father are Merlin uses her magic to take Arthur and Bartra back to Camelot and safety bhendrickson who was thought to be defeated that makes his reappearance after drinking demons blood he triggers all the holy Knights who drank demons blood to turn into demons and go on a rampage King goes to fight with Hendrickson but is intercepted by Hal Bram who was resurrected by Hendrickson bhendrickson manages to injure both Mellie Otis and Gil Thunder in order to keep them alive Elizabeth agrees to go with him and act as a sacrifice and the last couple of scenes ban and Hawk returned to the surface where ban attacks melio disturb revival Lane episode 22 Millie Otis hanpan fight for a bit but they both agree to put this on hold until they can save Elizabeth buck takes Mellie Otis to where Elizabeth is so that he can try and save her over to King who was fighting with Hal Bram who was basically a mindless zombie now and begging for death so King kills him for the third and final time breakfast then goes on to confront Henderson and plants to stop him to atone for his sins the two of them fight but Dreyfuss can't even damage Hendrik sent through his new demon regeneration pen and then goes on to kill Dreyfuss because he won't give up fighting what's the sins start to get the city back under control and save some of the holy nights from the demons blood they rushed to help malli Otis everybody regroups a coroner's Hendrickson to fight him as the fighting commences Hendrickson crashes into a cliffside and as it crumbles the body of the demon that killed Elaine is revealed which is how Hendrickson was performing his experiments he episode 23 band goes into a rage and smashes Hendrickson into the ground creating massive crater that ends in a tunnel when the sins go down to finish him he is waiting by another demon body this great demons blood was never compatible with anybody's body because up until at that point they were never strong enough however now that Hendrickson is fused with the red demons blood he figures that his body can be compatible he injects the grey demon blood into his body taking on his final boss form he quickly dismantles the sins and when they returned to the surface all of the holy nights had shown enough to stop him as well he prepares to kill meli otis with a massive attack but the shows real MVP Hawk takes the shot instead being killed by the blast the loss of Hawk triggers Elizabeth's druid priestess bullet to be awakened and she counters Hendrickson's next attacked as well as healing all of the injured sins and holy nights so I know we also get a random shot of Elizabeth's presumed dead sister that died on the landmine Veronica in the city very much alive even though Elizabeth's massive healing affects the injured it can't resurrect the dead so Hawk doesn't come back episode 24 with all of the sins he will they fight hendrickson at full power everyone is heading both hendrickson as well as Mellie Otis with powerful attacks but really only doing damage to Mellie Otis this is all part of the plan though as Molly Otis uses his trump card that takes all of the powers that had hit him and combines it into one attack this ultimately one shots Hendrickson finally defeating the demon I guess the writers wanted to have mercy on the poor viewers as well as retaining the comedy relief of the show so Hawk turns out to be part Phoenix or something I don't know Anna Mitty Hawk is born from the ashes leader Merlyn informs Mellie Otis that she can't find the coffin of eternal darkness which is used to summon the red demon race as well as spotting a mysterious creature flying over the city Elizabeth disobeys her father's wishes and runs away with Mellie Otis to help them find the seventh and final sin towards the end ban leaves the group to go see the world and we get a flashback of Liz's last words to Mellie Otis before she dies being that they will meet again and finally in the last scene after the credits guilt Thunder had found books with the markings that showed up on both Mellie Otis and Hendrix in questioning what was father trying to do this was a really complicated show with tons of side stories so if you guys have any questions please feel free to throw it in the comments below but in the meantime I'm going to be doing the next season and that'll be in the bottom left oh never I'm finished with it or you can check out all the no not to no taizai recaps in this playlist here you can also find the links in the description below and the only thing I hate more than intros is outros
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Rating: 4.9633756 out of 5
Keywords: nanatsu no tazai recap, seven deadly sins recap, nanatsu no taizai full recap, seven deadly sins full recap, nanatsu no taizai recap of all episodes, seven deadly sins recap of all episodes, seven deadly sins season 1 recap, nanatsu no taizai season 1 recap
Id: mceq504Uuu4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 12sec (1152 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 12 2019
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