Making My Hero Academia Babies with Mother's Basement, Glass Reflection and More | Get In The Robot

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so I feel a little bad because I myself have been doing all the baby-making and that's something I wanted to share with the community baby-making my hero baby-making we're gonna have animators make my hair on babies too let's see what they got let's kick things off with a youtuber that's great with analysis and laughs the pedantic romantic it's high time my hair academia's premiere prep golf pairing got hooked up on this show almost creation is one of the most powerful quirks around there's a reason she was able to get into you a through official recommendations with the ability to use fat cells to create any nonliving things she can imagine it seems like any child of hers would likely be a force to be reckoned with when paired with cheeto whose earphone jack quark is less outright powerful but has a lot of tactical utility the possibilities are definitely intriguing however even though they do make a great couple I don't envision them making a great court let me introduce you to the quark I call jack squat if their baby was unfortunate enough to end up with this they'd be able to create things just like momma Momo but those creations would spring from their earphone cables and as such they'd only be able to create things that are compatible with those tables ie things that have an earphone jack sorry dear no iPhones for you now while this quirk might help qualify its wielder for best my employee of the month it probably won't be qualifying them for a pro hero license or let's be real here even a spot at a pro hero school but let's take a lesson from Deku and believe in the potential of anyone to be a hero if they truly desire it Jack squat is a quirk that might just be well-suited for a Support Program student having all sorts of technology at their fingertips from birth would mean that this baby could grow up to be quite the tinkerer and being able to produce all that stuff instantly while in the workshop would be a real help allowing them to try outfits of inspiration they have on the spot instead of having to run down to the electronics store for supplies take Momo and Jude oh sweet child here's an example of how even when we might feel useless we all have something to offer to the world and next we're going to go to the basement and ask mother's basement I'm sorry thank you for accepting to do this hey they're getting the robot fans I'm Jeff through professional are we allowed to swear on here dirtbag from the YouTube channel mother's basement and I'm here to talk about my original Muppet baby do not steal rag doll is a member of the feline theme search and rescue hero team the wild wild Pussycats whose quirks search does half of their job single-handedly search allows rag doll to keep track of the positions status and weak points of 100 people simultaneously unfortunately we don't get a lot of chances to see the ability in action before all four one steals it away but there's a reason the villains leader went out of his way to kidnap her and claim her power for his own search has incredible untapped potential when paired with any offensive quirk the information that it provides becomes a powerful weapon and no quirk is better suited to take advantage of that information than that of UA instructor and professional Clint Eastwood impersonators snipe who's homing ability allows him to precisely control the trajectory of any bullet he fires a useful quirk on its own but I'm sure I don't have to explain how it could be enhanced with the power to track even a handful of targets without worrying about range or line of sight the combination of snipe and ragdolls powers would make for one of the deadliest and hardest to defend against quirks in existence as such I think it's only fitting to call this quirk Search and Destroy with Search and Destroy this baby could take command of a whole squad of Heroes at once overseeing the infiltration of a villain compound or tracking operations across a vast area while providing near instantaneous fire support to any hero who needs it one well-placed bullet can make all the difference in a court battle and nothing can place a bullet quite as effectively as this quirk combination in a hostage scenario she could simultaneously incapacitate every villain in the building while leaving all of the hostages totally unharmed but that's assuming sniping ragdolls baby you would walk the path of justice and with two heroic parents that would be expected of her but as incredible as it would be in the hands of a pro hero search-and-destroy offers up even more lucrative opportunities for a villain imagine an assassin who can track her target around the world after laying eyes on him just once a sniper with no concern for vantage points whose getaway is done before the bullet even hits the second she decides to kill you you're already dead the criminal underbelly of my hero academia's world would pay top dollar for a contract killer that reliable and efficient and it would take a heroic level of restraint to turn that kind of money down but good or evil two things about this baby are certain first her quirk will make her a force to be reckoned with and second the combination of a cowboy hat and cat ears is gonna look downright adorable is it Annie - where is it - burr I think on to our next ana tuber or Annie - burr - burr our next Annie tour has been in the game for a long time and he always brings thoughtful commentary to his reviews yep it's glass reflection here's a baby that's long overdue her parents are two of the most popular and most powerful members of class 1a Baku go and sue you bucko goes explosive quirk is the result of a nitroglycerin like substance that he sweats from his palms sujes quirk frog is the result of well a mutation that makes her into a human frog hybrid both Baku go and sue you are good at leveraging their court strengths in order to turn the tide on enemies and call me crazy but I think that sujes level-headedness would mesh really well with Baku cos'è fiery personality not to mention the fact that vodka go ensue you are both very loyal very loving friends so we know that the baby would be in good hands but what would their babies quirk be well I wanted to start where baka go and Sue use quirks overlap ba goo goo sweats flammable fluid and frothy secretes a smelly substance as a form of camouflage sure we haven't seen that particular aspect of her court takes center stage just yet but follow me down this road a little further like both of her parents this baby sweat would be an important aspect of her quark but instead of sweating something flammable she sweats and stay with me for this fraud eggs exploding frog eggs she'd be a lot like Erica from another studio bones property soul eater I think her frog egg sweat would probably follow the whole froggy lifecycle repeatedly growing into tadpoles and then fully grown frogs and yeah they'd all explode now look I know none of this makes sense but allow me to point you towards some science to justify this baby's existence in nature frog eggs grow and develop independently of their parents as long as they're in moisture so unless it's baby wiped her sweat away or was wearing some sort of fabric that would absorb her sweat the Frog eggs would continue to mature as long as they were in contact with her sweat or another source of moisture get it now you should be fully on board with this whole egg sweat exploding frog things right good now hen hand combat might be a little hard for this baby but she could still blob - King tadpole time bombs out our enemies is there anything worse than getting a face full of tadpoles only to have them explode I thought not even better imagine having this baby on your covert ops team she could do a few squats work up a sweat and then drop frog eggs into puddles on enemy territory fast forward one frog lifecycle and you've got a massive explosive toad on your hands pretty awesome right now of course is a good time to talk about the possible downsides of this court there is no perfect quick and this is of course no exception these frogs have minds of their own they're still biological of course so even though she could plant a frog she could not guarantee that it would stay in anomie territory but hey maybe Mae Hatsune could make her some kind of support item that would translate her words into Ribbit's so that she could communicate with her frog spawn another downside would be the whole you know sweating frog eggs thing suffice it to say that this baby would be bad in gym class but great on the battlefield all in all this baby definitely took a much weirder turn that what I was expecting but maybe that just means that she'd fit right in at UA alongside some of ho Tico she's freakier creations well y'all really took that one to the next level wasn't expecting that let's see the next next one this next youtuber always tells it like it is let's check in with Sloane the female otaku I'm going to make a baby with the powers of two of the best girls in the game class 1a Zameen ashido and class 1 BC bara she Ozaki she Ozaki has one of the most versatile and powerful quirks in my hero academia as evidenced by her performance in the sports tournament Mina also is a formidable fighter with the versatile and destructive quirk with two unique quirks in play we're sure to get interesting baby I'll call her quirk yaro move out of the way poison ivy cuz there is nothing seductive about getting sores from a deadly plant what you thought she was gonna be some sort of plant princess this baby gets her grip from her mamas like she izaki she's able to control her leafy locs and like Mina well she's full of poison she takes after the yarrow plant which can cause severe allergic reactions in some people because of her strong poison genes I think it's fair to assume that this babysat is particularly noxious she has two yarrow flowers growing from her head which can emit a toxic vapor in combat this baby could deliberate tons of enemies with her poisonous spray and after the poison has faded her foes will still have to deal with the sores her poison leaves behind not fun however because this baby has such cheerful spiritual parents I think she'd avoid using her powers except under extreme circumstances but on the flip side this baby's quirk is just as versatile as her mom's yarrow can also be used to heal and smaller doses yarrow is an anti flam Ettore and an antiseptic it's also a fantastic wound healing agent because it stimulates tissue growth meaning this baby could definitely help wound do comrades so if she doesn't want to you know mow down an entire unit with her toxic death spray should come hang back on the sidelines with recovery girl treating her teammates wounds the great thing about this baby's quirk is she can tailor to fit her personality and a situation she's in my hair academia has taught us that any court can be powerful if the user knows how to wield it and this baby has plenty of options this right here is getting the robot Kurt Ritchie but would I want to have a regular Kurt Ritchie take the reins here we're going to completely different people that sounds wrong but I guarantee you that is the case have you ever felt instant regret well you're about to for clicking this video and I'm about to for talking please don't cut my part Minetta X midnight hold on hold on is this an awful ship yes is this illegal both in law and morality absolutely but did you not want to see debatably the two most perverted characters in the show make a kid probably also yes but I want to do anyways because I'm not technically hosting right now and haven't gotten the chance to use half of the ball jokes that I usually come up with whenever we talk about Minetta anyways this is a simple yet weird combo and I feel that's a way of doing things that these two characters can get behind probably also art Kelley yeah this is bad I'm just gonna start now so let's look at what we got first Mineta who much like a Chucky Cheese is full of balls that are suspiciously sticky much unlike a Chucky Cheese he can pull said balls out of his head sometimes to the point of bleeding then we've got midnight the supper claimed not-safe-for-work hero who if you think about it has the most safe for work power revealing skin equals instant sleep I've got a lot to say about that but let's focus on the morally questionable child so if we were to combine their quirks I'm pretty sure we'd come up with a more effective however equally pervy hero sleep bomb essentially this baby would have a long hair like midnight but it's full of the sticky minute asked chucky cheese balls but the catch is that these balls double as I've onions barley named sleep bombs take one out throw it and boom you've got an instant snooze it would give a lot of rants of the hero that their mama wouldn't have and wouldn't it gape the need for needing so many of their head would start to bleed giving them the potential to set traps play long distance and wear a suit that doesn't literally have to be torn apart to work so there you go Minetta I hope you're happy and I hope I'm not going to jail and that's it's for collab babies by now we've got so many babies we should just open our own daycare center like wow look at all these babies it has been amazing working with all these anime youtubers and naturally their links and channels will be in the description below so go check that out if you'd be so inclined I'm Curt with getting the robot made in NYC because we can't move to Japan I'm like a nerd so it looks weird [Music]
Channel: Get In The Robot
Views: 997,279
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: My Hero Academia, boku no hero academia, bnha, my hero, my hero academia ships, my hero academia babies, Glass Reflection, froppy, ThePedanticRomantic, Get in the Robot, mother's basement, Sloan the Female Otaku, bakugo, jirou kyouka, my hero academia quirk, midoriya, katsuki bakugou, tsuyu, mina ashido, boku no hero, mha, my hero academia manga, uraraka, mineta, izuku midoriya, anime, my hero academia season 4, mha season 4, my hero season 4, mha babies, mha ships, momojiro
Id: 7Jg1nXWfwOs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 22sec (802 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 29 2019
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