"My Grandmother Worked for NASA for forty years" Creepypasta | Scary Space Story

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man has been on this earth millions of years exploring the planet building civilizations killing and creating in an endless cycle man first went into space starting almost eighty years ago think about it we spend all this time getting around our own planet arguing over the smallest bits of land but when we finally set our mind to space travel it only took us a few decades to get what we wanted to go I'm proud to say my grandmother was one of those that helped us to get there she started out back in 1955 fresh out of college as an intern for NASA the space race was already going strong in the u.s. versus the Soviets and she managed to get right in the middle graham stayed there for 40 more years only retiring right before y2k she's up there in years now and I wanted to try to do something to preserve the memories she's had of that time so I began to collect her stories we started out with the basics talking about how she joined what she did the history surrounding everything when she was there all the things you learn in a high school history class when we started discussing the missions she'd worked on though that's when I realized that there was a lot of history missing locked up never to be heard or read by anyone nor should it there's a reason space exploration has slowed down there are missions that were made off the books and off record launched from secret black sites around the world graham both saw and heard terrors beyond our comprehension from the dark void of space she shared these stories with me these secrets kept from us by those in power and the human price of our curiosity is much higher than we're led to believe and these people deserve to have their stories known I'm going to enclose her stories here she can get a bit long-winded as some do in their old age so I've tried to edit down anything that isn't relevant I'm still going through everything with her as well with her age she can't stay focused for very long so we're doing these little interviews in our sessions every day what follows is the transcript of what Graham told me on April 4th 2020 my name is Evelyn Laura smart I was a Mission Control contact with NASA from 1959 to 1999 I was the one that any astronauts or crew would speak to the voice on the ground I relayed this information back to whoever needed it in flight control navigation engineering and such I didn't set out to work there it sort of just fell into my lap I'd worked as a switchboard operator mostly taking emergency calls for the local departments NASA was doing some recruiting and one of my supervisors recommended me then before I knew it there I was sitting in the big mission control room watching the big screen with the video feed and talking to our very own spaceman here she goes into a tangent about how lovely Armstrong and Aldrin are with many mentions about Christmas cards from the ladder so one of the first missions I was there for was the first picture of Earth from orbit obviously being in communication I wasn't really necessary but we all crowded into the control room to see the picture as soon as it was transmitted granted it was the late 50s so we were waiting for quite a while we expected cheers when it came through finally it started that way at least then everything quickly died down there was the earth the huge curve with a beautiful crown of light far from the sun shining around it we captured something else too though something that I fear I'll see again one day behind the earth off in the distance was something giant it wasn't completely clear but what you could make out was a clearly defined torso arms outstretched with wicked spines jutting from the outside large red eyes blazed against the dark void behind the figure with a gaping maw underneath opened in a terrifying roar the scale of this thing was huge no way it couldn't be seen from a normal telescope here on earth we aimed our most powerful scope at the coordinates we estimated it to be at and swept the sky but couldn't see it anywhere took another picture from the satellite and it was gone as if it had never been there to this day we don't know what the hell it was we checked for it in every photo we take every sweep of the sky and it's only shown up two more times since then once in 1979 and once in 1999 I don't know many people in the agency now so god knows if it's been there again every time it showed up it appeared larger here she goes on about a few other notable advances in tech most relevant to what we are discussing now what a lot of people don't realize is that there were manned space flights before the ones on the history books sure there's always been theories about lost cosmonauts and such from the Soviets and there are definitely true cases of that but we had our share as well there was an initial manned space flight in 1960 the Daedalus she noticed the look of shock on my face apparently and laughed never read about that one a it was kept tightly under wraps we didn't want anyone to know about it until we had them back on the ground successfully otherwise it may kill morale around the office no we kept a small crew launched the rocket off from an isolated area of Alaska we did a lot of launches from there kept the Reds on their toes back in the day anyway this was a three-man crew there was bills ask James Hanlon and Terry Duncan those three were a tight crew they were supposed to go up orbit for 12 hours then come back down we would pass it off as a comment if anyone saw but never got that chance things went south fast they took off all was fine until they hit the upper atmosphere they tried to ease back on the Jets make sure they made it into orbit and didn't overshoot everything went to hell Jets wouldn't cut off we don't know what caused the malfunction I heard them shouting trying to fix the issue it didn't happen they flew straight through getting just enough adjustment from the orbital pole to be shot off-course and toward the direction of the Sun she let out a sigh here shaking her head jets continued firing taking them even further out we maintain radio contact with them for 20 hours after takeoff I spoke with them as fuel ran out they began drifting into the voi no hope of turning never to feel solid ground again to this day I don't know if it was something they really saw or the insanity getting to them as they died and faced their morality James was the first to begin raving telling us about the bodies floating by the cockpit windows I tried to clarify what he meant assuming celestial bodies I'll never forget the response from Bill no Evelyn he said to me human bodies dozens of them they described the field of bodies male and female old and young all naked is the day they were born bill swore that one smiled at him as he went by we didn't have live feed cameras at the time unfortunately so we weren't able to confirm the way they described it though I have no doubt they were seeing all of this a lot of the transmission got lost in static limits of the tech at the time the last broadcast we received was bill he was raving still talking about the bodies said they were talking to him now telling him he could live forever with them he said he was going to open the emergency hatch maybe it was my emotions getting the better of me right before he opened it and the static took over I swear there was another voice she drifts off and stares out the window next to her the Sun went down an hour ago stars were plainly visible and shining in the inky darkness I asked what the voice said it's engrained in my head I can hear it clear as that moment 60 years ago home be with us become as Stars and drift immortal Graham is tired she said she's going to go to bed Graham is in one hell of a mood today not sure if she's just feeling better than usual or something has her riled up either way she's letting her feelings be known that's just a forewarning before we get into this transcription there are things about her in here that I personally never wanted to hear no really she can tell me how she saw Eldridge beings in the vastness of space and none of that is as terrifying as her talking about hooking up with astronauts in the training areas and here's the transcription I'm going to go chug bleach conversation from April 5th 2020 you want to hear more all right guess it's time to turn this [ __ ] off live through the damn Missile Crisis and I'm going to get taken out because nobody is competent enough to stay in there damn houses Graham has been cursing like a sailor all day she only does this when she's either very happy or very anxious so let's see I told you we had some crews up there already yeah just couldn't get any successful returns down damn Reds beat us to that joke was on them though they just tossed Gagarin up there and a metal tube and waited for him to come back down on his own we actually had our own man pilot himself back down to earth how's that for you Russians don't have [ __ ] on American determination so we did a few other missions once we finally got the hang of putting people up there and bringing them back down it was all smooth sailing for the most part so now what did we decide to do put a man on the goddamn moon and she gets up and goes to the kitchen returning with a bottle of red wine and a comically large glass I mentioned to her that it's only around 2:00 in the afternoon I worked with astronauts darling days don't matter when you're orbiting the planet anyway it was 62 that we crashed a vessel on the far side of the moon it was something of a test run I suppose seeing just how bad we could crash and burn something before we tried it again with people inside we had the Ranger 4 vessel that we sent up there had to do a flyby of the moon for a bit and take some photos before dive-bombing it to the surface and taking some pictures for us there we never released those to the public scared the hell out of all of us in the command center when they transmitted back keep in mind all the pictures we had at the time were black and white still no colour photography on that scale yet so Ranger 4 lands there and immediately began snapping pictures all of us are standing around expecting to see just a barren expanse of great rock nothing all too special lo and behold the first picture comes back and there's someone just standing there right in front of the crash capsule we couldn't get gender or race or anything they were in a space suit that looked remarkably like the ones we were developing so naturally we think oh no they beat us to the moon because who else could it be at this point the Russians were the only other country keeping any kind of pace with us then we realized it couldn't be them they would have already been rubbing it in our faces if they had landed a man on the moon there's no [ __ ] way this is from anyone on our planet that's when the rest of the pictures started coming in the suit kept getting closer and closer to the capsule maintaining the same stance the whole time it just kind of floated over to it then you could see into the visor of the home where there should have been someone's face visible there was just fire pure bright flame then the picture stopped nothing else came from Ranger for she finishes off her first glass of wine or half gallon it's hard to tell from the size of the glass she immediately empties the rest of the bottle into it I'll give the higher-ups at NASA credit though crazy bastards didn't let seeing a flame cosmonaut stop them from going ahead with their plans we plugged away at it sending up more and more missions to orbit the earth do flybys of the moon Mars Jupiter anything we could get near we saw a few oddities here and there as we went but things stayed mostly silent for those few years maybe we just didn't notice it because we were so focused on the mission at hand then it finally happened in 69 as you well know we got to the moon beat the Russians there after all there was that big televised fit with Neil and Buzz taking the steps onto the surface and everything I really hated those suits they have them in didn't get to accentuate buzzes best features for sure that man had the best ass in the entire galaxy this was one of five tangents about Buzz Aldrin's physical features throughout the day I've edited these out for the sake of mine and your sanity you ever consider that we landed someone on the moon and sent up missions to land again and again for the next three years then just quit cold-turkey and never went back why do you think that is huh hey I thought you wanted to hear all this at this point in time she threw the remote for the television at me I had retreated to my mental safe space during the Buzz Aldrin diatribe well we did go back a few times this wasn't for the scientific research we did the last three years no this was for anthropological purposes we found things on the moon we weren't the first beings there no we started finding small signs with the Apollo 14 mission there were some little remnants of previous visitors the first thing they found were some symbols carved into crater walls nothing that we could translate of course nobody knew what the hell they meant but we knew they weren't naturally-occurring that much is obvious so they took pictures of all the ones they found pretty sure they're still working on it to this day they'll probably crack the zodiac cipher before that damned thing Apollo 17 was when they knew they needed to carry this one on privately that's the last manned moon mission that happened back in 72 for all the world knows we ain't been back since that's the way they want to keep it Apollo 17 found way more than anyone previously had they found full-on structures altars of worship is what it looked like I can't even describe the images transmitted back the way these things were built it wasn't natural there's no way that structures built that way should be allowed to stand it it was like a ghost of Lovecraft possessed esker and made him design some fucked-up Church we advised them not to go inside we would send another mission up there with some better training and equipment to document all of this that's where Apollo 18 through 22 came in before they left though they photographed the structure from every angle we didn't notice until the end that it appeared absolutely identical no matter what angle it was viewed from 100% symmetry everything aligned perfectly no matter how insane it was built up the Graham finishes the second glass of wine leaning back in her chair well I believe that's enough wine for one hour time for a good nap all that talk of buzz got me thinking about the old days I turned off the recorder and ran from the room I can still hear Graham cackling from downstairs April 6 2020 I'm going stir-crazy RAM seems to be getting stronger every day somehow it's like she's stealing my youth and thriving in isolation this may end up being a record of me going insane if her story's mixed in let's go sit on the porch it's a nice day out I'm tired of being cooped up in here I concede that I could use some fresh air but make her promise not to go near the neighbors or anybody walking by on the street she gives me an entirely too sarcastic Scout salute and swear she won't alright that's better feel my battery recharging already now the moon church was what I was telling you about yesterday right that was some crazy [ __ ] so Apollo 17 found this crazy structure that was just perfectly built strangers architecture I've ever seen made no goddamn sense to anyone how it remains standing after all this time so we trained some other crews to go up after and look into it further specifically we got a few people train that had degrees in anthropology and ancient cultures maybe we could find some links here between this and things that had been found on earth well naturally nothing is ever that easy they had up there in 1973 land smack next to the structure found by the previous mission and get to it by this point technology she has thankfully improved so we have cameras in their helmets that allow us to see everything they see they were in color too thank God I asked her how they had this kind of tech in 73 when a lot of things were still incredibly basic with video especially transmitted over that vast of a distance do you really think the stuff you saw from that time was the most advanced technology being used by the government don't underestimate the amount of money the American government will throw at something if they feel it's a threat the cameras and equipment we had on those missions was on par with that little video camera your mama gave me for Christmas a few years back she's talking about the GoPro she got four years ago that records in 4k now she's laughing at me again like I said don't underestimate government spending so anyway Apollo 18 was a three-man crew Jason Voss Ben Cod and Arthur Wayne wasn't too happy about Arthur going up there we had spent a few months together while he was training down at Cape Canaveral God if he could do half the things he could do in our gravity up there if only I could edit my memories the same way I do this transcription so they got to work Jason stayed in orbit around the moon making sure everything on the main ship was fine Arthur and Ben went down to the surface and set up base camp there was the structure and not even 100 feet away was their little landing pod set up with everything in it they were equipped for three days on the moon first day goes off fine just walking around the thing taking measurements and samples they determine that most of the structure is made from an unknown to this day I don't think they found out what it is so end of day one and they go back to their base camp now we have a couple of cameras set up in the pod so we can see everything going on just in case there's any issues technically or god forbid something happens between them Arthur and Ben are both fast asleep we've got the feed playing in command just to monitor and keep an eye on everything and suddenly it glitches not a drawn out one though just a quick scramble and then it's back Arthur and Ben are still they're asleep now there's a figure standing there in the airlock though like nothing I've ever seen long limbs big hands that almost look like bulldozers and just around it off and up right at the shoulders I hit the intercom speaker for the capsule as fast as I could move screaming at them to wake up poor Ben fell straight out of his bunk and on to arthur underneath him belly-to-belly now that's something I normally would have paid to see but right now my heart was racing for the wrong reasons so they both scramble up and look towards the airlock that damn thing is still just standing there I think it was looking at them Arthur shouts at it asking what the hell it wants there's this low garble of noise that happens nothing discernible it could have been interference for all we know but by god I saw Ben's face drain of all color when it happened Arthur went a bit slack looking from Ben to the creature then as fast as it showed up it was gone poof right into well guess you can't say thin hair being where it was Ben sat down on Arthur's bunk and just cried it took him a good hour to actually calm down in the meantime we had no idea what was happening finally he chilled out enough for us to ask him what had happened he said the thing had looked at him no eyes or anything but he knew it was looking at him it said she was never meant to live now this shook all of us almost a month before the mission Ben and his wife suffered a miscarriage she had been six months along they were expecting a little baby girl then one day the baby was just gone no heartbeat no activity they didn't know what had happened it tore Ben and his wife apart though they had a huge fight a week before liftoff because she didn't want him to go didn't want to lose another person she loved I can't imagine what he felt when he heard that damned thing talk they cut the mission short after that everyone was afraid of what may happen to Ben's mental state if anything else happened they packed up and got the hell out of there Ben drank himself stupid afterwards ending up driving his car off the interstate going 150 at about 3:00 in the morning they barely got anything to bury gram wipes straight ear from Rye a man is jogging down the street with his dog coming closer to our house Graham calls out greeting to him he walks up and begins talking much to my displeasure Graham is speaking animatedly and leans down to pet the dog I remind her and we're supposed to be distancing just to be safe sorry Jerry my grandson here is a hard-ass I'll see you some other time anyway that was the end of Apollo 18 not a whole lot found out but we were ready to try again I was just grateful that Arthur had made it back in one piece we were actually engaged you know way back in the day before he went back up in the 19 mission in 74 I was a bit surprised at this as far as I was told Graham had never been married and my grandfather had been killed in a car accident not long after she found out she was pregnant with my mother we spent a lot of time together during that time it was lovely I missed that man so Arthur and Jason volunteered to go back on the 19 mission I think Arthur was determined to get into the structure and see exactly what was going on with it they had a new recruit along with them as well Paul Orson he was a former Green Beret during the Vietnam War tough son-of-a-bitch and not one for conversation they didn't know what they would find though so they wanted someone with combat training to go up everything goes normal it's old hat at this point they land in the same spot for base camp Arthur and Paul this time they got there on day one and set everything up then decided to just rest up for a few hours and go straight in well they didn't realize that they needed to find a way in first apparently and all this time researching the structure everyone just assumed there would be a door somewhere no such luck every wall on the outside was smooth no cracks or seams signaling a door they searched every damn inch of that thing nothing to be found lo and behold I'm watching in on Arthur's camera while he's walking around the structure even in low gravity he had two left feet he tripped and fell straight through the wall we thought we had lost him for a minute it looked like the camera had hit something and shorted out then he asked us if we were seeing it too the interior of the structure was larger than the exterior way more room to move about lights hung in the air like stars bathing everything around him in a soft glow it was like its own miniature galaxy contained in that one building probably one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen Arthur backed out then wanting to make sure he could travel freely in and out of the structure before he got trapped in there and it seemed to work just fine it was like there was a portal a thin veil where it looked like a wall but wasn't he grabbed Paul showed him what he had found don't think he was too impressed more like he was ready to shoot it if he could have found a gun exploring it farther they found a small spiral slope almost like a ramp that went downward from the main chamber they followed it for probably an hour before I got anywhere seeing more of those strange symbols all over the walls on the way down when they got to the bottom it was like some kind of church no idea what they worshiped or who but there was an altar right there against the far wall a statue rose up in a recess behind it looked to me like an elongated pyramid of sorts not really sure how to describe the geometry of it there were angles that merged with smaller angles curves where lines were it was like my brain was trying to comprehend it through the camera feed but just jumbled everything instead that was about the time we noticed the spots on the altar we're not a hundred percent sure to this day what it was but we had a good enough guess it was dried had obviously been there for quite a long time but it still had that rusty red color that only comes from dried blood it was splashed all over the place up there like someone had slit the jugular and waved all about up there had to have been gallons spilled that was enough for the two men for that day they headed back up to base camp to make record of what they found and go back to sleep they were out for maybe two or three hours when it happened again the camera glitch just like the last time and that thing appeared it wasn't in the airlock this time though it appeared right next to their damn bunks we tried warning them but it didn't seem to work it's like our speakers were jammed we were only able to watch in terror that thing leaned over Paul and said something to him and that garbled noise we heard last time god knows what it was then it was gone again nothing there Paul got up and started putting on his suit to go outside then I kept hitting the button trying to ask what the hell he was doing got no response our line into the main capsule was dead when he had the whole suit on I tried the line going directly to his helmet I said Paul what the hell did that thing say to you you know what he told me I shook my head in response he looks straight up into the capsule camera before stepping out and said finishing what they began I still get chills thinking about that it was one of the coldest things I've ever heard by that time Arthur had woken up and was getting his suit on as fast as he could god I begged him not to go after Paul not to go into that damned Church whatever was done in there before was bad and there wasn't going to be anything good coming of it now he was too good of a man though he got everything on and chased Paul in there no idea how he had moved so fast but Paul was waiting down there for him already standing right on the altar and holding an old combat knife Arthur shouted at him asking what the hell he thought he was doing he didn't say a damned word just started lunging towards Arthur brandishing that knife I I watched I watched it all of it each of their helmet cameras was on a different side of the big command screen my coordinator was shouting at me to tell them to stop to get their [ __ ] together it wouldn't have done anything that wasn't Paul in that suit anymore there was a blind rage in his eyes his breathing and the mic was like an animal that had been cornered no he wanted to kill and he didn't care who saw they went back and forth for a while throwing each other although for that unholy place finally Arthur managed to wrestle the knife away from Paul he stood up holding it out in front of him there were tears in his voice when he was talking telling Paul to stay away telling him they could go back home and have a drink act like all this never happened it didn't matter Paul rushed and Arthur had no choice he ducked down and thrust the knife upward the camera and Paul suit was splattered with red as he depressurized in seconds Arthur screamed looking at the altar and throwing the knife at it he just lay there for a while sobbing and shouting curses he was alone up there Graham's voice cracked Arthur started pulling Paul's body back up towards the exit with him even if he had tried to kill him he wasn't just gonna leave him up there all alone on a rock he got to the top and tried to go through the wall back outside but it was suddenly solid no give he tried the other walls trying to make sure that he wasn't using the wrong his emotional state nothing still no way out he collapsed against the wall taking in deep shallow breaths his oxygen tank only had about ten minutes left by his count the suits weren't designed for long outings back then I hit the button to talk to him and tried to soothe him he was almost hysterical but I like to think hearing me helped him go quietly I still remember seeing his face in that helmet camera my last words to him that little smile that he got right before he passed he got to know that even though he was dying up there on a mission completely off the books there would be a part of him still living on right here on earth gram wiped tears away from her eyes she had been openly sobbing obviously reliving something painful I put my hand out for her to take the last three missions they sent up there serve two purposes they were recovery missions to get those bodies back home and give them a proper burial and demolition missions they couldn't get back through the wall into the chamber the normal way so they tried drilling through there was no chamber though just solid rock no matter how far they drilled into it so they gave up after that the next two missions brought explosives and detonated them around the structure destroying it we haven't gone back to the moon since then not after that loss even if we had I wouldn't have worked on the mission I would have absolutely refused I told them I wasn't taking on any more crude landing missions after that they would have to find another communications head she stared at me for a moment before looking back out toward the sky the moon was already hanging there right at the cusp of night she let out a long sigh some nights I look out at the moon and like to think he's still they're watching over me watching over us he would be so proud but I'm finally telling someone this he had always talked about having a family and grandchildren one day I think he's up there right now giving that sly grin he always had I'm sure he's proud of you wherever he is Graham looked for a moment more as I sat there stunned then she got up gave me a hug and went back inside to get ready for bed April 7th to 2020 I'm going to try to give Graham's from space today she still seems a bit out of it after last night she stayed out to watch the pink moon said she felt better after seeing it Mike Arthur was at peace up there April 8 2020 she's back to her normal self thought I was gonna have to draw a pentagram on the floor and summon you down here grab me that loaf of bread off the table I've never wanted a grilled cheese this bad before in my life alright now let's see did I tell you about Skylab yet God that was a [ __ ] if I ever saw one they want you to think it's just decayed out of orbit but they knew what they were doing they made sure that son of a [ __ ] went down in flames she settles in with her sandwich and another glass of wine I don't know why they come from I only saw one bottle on the counter when I got here and I don't recall getting any with the grocery delivery I swear she's some sort of witch so we had about four crews up there that did different experiments and such we had your normal run-of-the-mill stuff working on plants and small animals zero gravity blah blah blah then the final crew came in I about marched my ass down to the science department and smacked the [ __ ] out of every one of them when I saw what they brought with them up here it was a goddamn block not just a block though it was a piece of debris from the temple on the moon they were still trying to figure out what the hell it was made out of after all this [ __ ] time so they're up there poking and prodding at it trying to heat it and see how it reacts these idiots don't have a damn clue what they're doing they leave it in the lab one day after they're done and next thing you know it starts growing right in front of us it's just expanding growing outward and inward taking over the entire compartment and Skylab we don't understand how it's been in storage for so long and it just now starts to do this maybe it was the proximity to the moon or something maybe whatever they were doing to it I don't know that thing took over half of the station by the time 24 hours had passed Graham gesticulates wildly stretching her arms out to show some measure of what had happened so this thing is turning the station into a new version of the moon temple there's protrusions coming from it odd angles sloping off here and there it looks demented they thankfully hightailed it out of there on the main shuttle right after it happened the structure just kept taking more and more of it as it went the cameras inside were still giving off a feed that's the weird part no matter how much this thing took over and reshaped all the metal and tubing of the station the cameras kept going we saw the small galaxy from right there in the lab the crew quarters have been changed stretching until they resembled a Hall of worship that damned altar appeared at the end the very same one that was what sealed the deal for the superior officers Skylab was obviously a lost cause we didn't know how long this thing would keep growing up there where it would latch on to next so they started working on sending a probe up there carrying a payload they were going to knock it straight out of orbit either let it drift off into deep space or burn in the atmosphere the whole time they were doing this they were watching the cameras I saw things on there things that weren't meant for human eyes to see on occasion the thing would blink and the altar hall would be felt with the writhing mass creatures that look like the same one that appeared on the moon they would be feeling swirling around one another in a throng it was some worship ritual or something I don't know just as soon as it started it would blink right back out there were other creatures masses of darkness tendrils of light stretching from them they didn't seem right for the space they were in like they were somehow larger than the station yet microscopic they devoured one another with no care it was its own contained environment up there finally the payload was read and sent up we watched the feed as it hit blowing a hole in the lab before knocking it into a decaying orbit the worship started again more frenzied this time they were excited to be going to earth a crew was dispatched to clean up any wreckage that could be found not entirely sure what they did with it but I hope it's buried as far as it can be she finishes the glass of wine she had getting up and hobbling towards the sink she started the water and began to wash the dishes from then on I think we made it a point to make sure all the testing and such was done in a more controlled environment they started sending out more probes to Voyager was launched a few years later we wanted to see what was beyond our little space in the gas like see there's a lot that's for sure I remember when they told us Voyager had reached the edge of our solar system we couldn't believe something had gotten that far we looked in at some of the pictures that had taken a long away there were the usual things that inspired all the stars planets of clothes far-off comets and asteroids then there was the follower she shuts off the sink and comes to sit back down creepy little [ __ ] that thing was look like a human male honestly kind of tall scrawny he was naked head to toe not wearing a goddamn thing she notices my look before you ask no it did not have a dick it just followed the Voyager like a lost little puppy for a while poking and prodding on it occasionally we got plenty of close-up pictures of it saw right into its eyes the close-ups were what made us realize it didn't have eyes like a human instead it had stars they burned hot almost causing a flare on the pictures there was one where I opened its mouth and you could see a void like a black hole singularity and all she shakes her head letting out a little shudder the weirdest thing was the message it transmitted perfect English sent it through the voyagers onboard microphones as a microwave signal when it came through and translated his set so nice to meet you I'm a bit early but I'll be seeing your planet soon enough that wasn't even the scariest thing the Voyager picked up though right before I retired in 99 it started sending back a message took forever to decode it but everything was so scrambled after all that time it was still a mess some language we didn't understand and a cipher to go along with it it was like someone had done a rush job translating what did it say turn back before it notices you too Graham said she wants to get some air I noticed she's taking more time than usual to move like it's hurting her I asked if she's okay these old bones are better than you'll ever be now I'm going for a walk we'll finish this up tomorrow evening of April 9th 2020 Graham asked to sit on the porch and watch the moon tonight says this is the last of her stories can't believe I've been retired for 20 years now seems crazy at this point leaving the job helping raise you kids it was worth it though you turned out okay she gives a little chuckle here so there's two more things that happened right before I quit one is a direct result of the other care to hear I nodded so in 97 we put up the very first rover on Mars we started it looking to see if it could support life up there you know trying to expand out beyond our own planet well it's already too crowded here has been since man first walked best thing about all this social distancing is I have an excuse to tell people to [ __ ] off Pathfinder was something though ugly little contraption you wouldn't think it could get ten feet much less across a barren planet full of dust and rocks but damn little thing moved it was zipping here and there across the land taking pictures and videos scooping up samples and analyzing them right then and there wonder of science so we're looking at all these pictures being sent back amazed to everything we're seeing there's huge sand dunes cliffs this place is like a giant desert but it's beautiful that was when the first storm moved in storms up there aren't like ours there's no rain just wind and lightning the wind stirs up the sand and makes it hard to see blocks out most of the light so Pathfinder is up there sand and dust swirling around then in a flash of lightning you see this towering figure it was thin incredibly tall everything about it was disproportionate though it wasn't until the next flash of lightning that we connected it it was another of those damned things from the moon the ones that appeared when Skylab turned this one is so much bigger though at least ten times the size of the first one we saw when this one spoke we all heard it it wasn't some garbled mess of noise this time it was plain as day after it happened we all realized that we hadn't heard it out loud though but in our minds each one hearing the same thing the temple will live on we rules and shall rule again worshipping amongst the stars then it was gone along with the storm never saw one as large as that again haven't even seen any of them since actually Pathfinder didn't have any other encounters up there the entire time and as far as I've heard from the folks that are still working they haven't found anything else out of the ordinary NASA made it a point to contact the other countries and tell them about the temple at that point naturally the Russians already knew about it the bastards turned out they'd gone up to the moon at some point and found the ruins of the temple up there took some of it back with them and ended up having it lose all kinds of control back in 86 lotta lives lost up there because they didn't know what they were [ __ ] around with they were experimenting with it in some underground laughs when it went out of control but of course what's their first reaction when a [ __ ] space temple and those damned things show up in their backyard they nuke the thing straight to hell killing a ton of their own citizens and covering it up as some reactor meltdown the footage they showed us I'll never forget it these bastards didn't even nuke it right away that's why there was so much fallout they let it go on for at least a week absorbing everything and recording what happened there were people inside that altered room when their worship session broke out those poor souls deserves so much more mercy than anyone could give them after that we all agreed that our first priority was protecting the earth from whatever this was not allowing any of it back down here that was the time they started on the space station now I don't know much of what they've been up to recently with it since it was just being launched when I retired they built it to keep a better eye on things out there in orbit though where they could conduct experiments and run some countermeasures right there without anyone here on earth being any wiser smart move I think but I know now long before I left they had a satellite that found the chain of bodies again the same one that took the first man crew up there we could hear the whispers being transmitted back I still wake up some nights hearing those whispers what did they say come to us be sacrifices float eternal as a living altar to them them beats the hell out of me maybe it was that big thing they saw on photos maybe that's what the temple was built to worship or whatever we were warned about by the follower there's so many things we still don't know about what's up there probably things we will never know it's all just lost in the vastness of space never meant to be understood we're still here though that's something so they've been keeping us safe until now maybe it's something else though watching over us the moon was out and full on the horizon now shining bright as it rose further Graham got up and walked out into the moonlight looking upward I know you're there Arthur I know you're watching over all of us you stayed up there because you are a stubborn old bastard thinking you had to do everything to keep people from seeing what you saw I felt you the other night though at full moon you were there we're going to dance in the moonlight together again real soon I love you Graham tells me she's going to stay out here for a while I'm going to go up and start transcribing all of this maybe get some actual relaxation and I'm tired of being stuck in this damn house Graham was dancing around in the moonlight as I walked back inside humming fly me to the moon to herself as she did April 10th 20 20 grand passed away early this morning I had walked into the kitchen for a drink and noticed the front door was still craft open this wasn't normal for 2:00 in the morning so my walked out to check Graham was sitting in her rocking chair on the porch drenched in bright moonlight she had a smile on her face she died peacefully in her sleep carried off into the moonlight by the ones she loved [Music] [Music] you
Channel: The Dark Somnium
Views: 559,303
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: creepypasta, scary stories, horror stories, scary story, creepypasta stories, creepy pasta, creepypasta reading, creepy stories, nosleep, creepy story, nosleep stories, the dark somnium, reddit stories, reddit horror stories, creepypasta narration, moon creepypasta, space creepypasta, scary moon stories, scary space stories
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 3sec (3303 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 11 2020
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