"We have been stationed on the Moon since 1988, There's a reason it is kept a secret" Creepypasta

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[Music] after they firmly strapped us in I took a moment to relax and enjoy the final minute of Earth's gravity before takeoff the rookie in the seat next to me and looked worse for wear with pearls of sweat covering his pale face it seems so excited only moments before but I couldn't blame him the little blue planet had been his home and now he'll even effort to return the first time in space right I chuckled trying to keep the mood light he nodded his eyes still fixed at the control panel in front of us I'd like to tell you that the acceleration would knock you out clean but that ain't the case lying in that position blood is basically forced into your brain you'll be awake to feel each bump on the road I said cheerfully that little tidbit of information seemed to break his trance he looked over at me and cracked a weak smile I could have given him words of conflict or told him it wasn't that bad but from experience I knew that facetious human would best aid our journey into space I'm not worried about takeoff it's just him the magnitude of it all you know the countdown sequence started and I braced myself while the rookie desperately tried to control his breath time to say goodbye kid I yelled at him don't listen to him and pilot said your loved ones would break out from the Earth's atmosphere the shuttle shook violently rocking us back and forth in our seats the rookie kept his eyes firmly shot in anticipation with his arms firmly clenched on the armrest before long our spacecraft had taken off from the ground and started shooting up to its the vast sky above it was a slow start as the engines worked their way towards maximum acceleration it was an intense feeling of both horror and excitement as her bodies tripled in weight firmly locking us in our less than comfortable chairs from takeoff to space itself about nine minutes would pass each one would feel like an eternity on its own as the shuttle accelerated from its standstill to 17,500 miles per hour absurd you have cleared the tower launch control notified us of the idea I appreciate the info I didn't realize we'd started flying the pilot joked as he looked over the control panel making sure none of the warning lights had greeted us with their flashing alarms as far as the works on the ground were concerned we were on a routine mission according to any official document we'd be staying a week in space before dropping back to earth landing gently in the massive deserts of Kazakhstan in reality our mission would take us much further away from home and years would pass before any of us ever had the pleasure of returning what followed were five minutes of intense shaking if I hadn't known better I would have believed we've been thrown into a dryer as closed rumbling around in circles I wondered what kind of unexpected bruises I'd find once we finally reached the base the rookie finally opened his eyes I couldn't hold his nerves against him he hadn't seen the best part of our journey yet the Magnificent view of Earth as we drifted away weightless in space observer prepare for staging launch control suggested through the radio with that message we were launched forward into our seats noses pressed hard against the smooth glass of our helmets almost touching the control panel inches ahead a loud clunk sounded through the shuttle as the strap bombs finally detached from my ship and the secondary boosters were activated minutes later we'd entered orbit and the three of us finally relaxed while we awaited the third stage being free of Earth's harsh gravity was a strange sensation as a larger man it made me seem so insignificant as if my mass meant nothing against the empty vacuum around our shuttle it felt like falling except there was nothing left in the universe to fall against total freedom hi Daniel check it out the pilot said as he let go of the checklist in front of the rookie thereat hung gently rotating in a weightless state only seconds before the third stage would begin officially starting our journey towards the moon as we left our payloads behind the escape tower was jettisoned out for the first time we had an unobstructed view of the infinite darkness ahead of us millions of stars greeted us with their full glory without the filters of Earth's atmosphere we could see as far as space reached there in the distance hung white celestial body seemingly small and insignificant unknown to the general public it would be humanity's final hope we were moving towards that at an almost impossible speed yet it barely felt as if we were moving at all beautiful ain't it I asked at least the rookies seemed less panicked without the literal weight of Earth's gravity to keep him pinned down he could finally just sit back and enjoy the trip Wow I don't even know what to say it's it's the most amazing thing I've ever seen he said he spent the next few hours just staring out at space still not willing to believe he'd actually made it there rookie couldn't even have been out of his 20s yet he'd been specifically recruited for a lifelong mission on the moon itself tell me was it worth it I asked but was what with it leaving everything you've ever known behind to have the company faked your death and erase your presence from Earth all so you can spend the next decade in a secret base hidden away from mankind I mean you don't even know what the job is do you he turned his attention toward me finishing his staring contest with the universe he pondered for a moment before finally responding all my life I wanted to make a difference to be one of the few to ever venture into space to advance science when the company contacted me they didn't even tell me where I was going they just said I'd be saving the world he was smart good physique and socially intelligent he could have had a fantastic life back on earth started a family made a [ __ ] ton of money and just enjoyed all the luxuries home had to offer yet he chose to help knowing he'd never return I knew then he was someone I could trust the trip towards the moon would take about three days leaving us plenty of time to get properly acquainted I'd been tasked with picking him up from Earth and based on the file they gave me on him he was nothing less than genius sleeping in space was oddly comforting there are no uncomfortable positions when floating without ups or downs no limbs to lie on top of no need to roll around other than that the trip to the base was fairly dull the planet we left behind faded away into the distance turning into a little pale dot the base we were heading towards had been named Ares it was a massive construction on the Dark Side of the Moon out of view from the people back on earth Ares was the greatest creation of mankind one kept hidden for decades known to only two hundred people living there and a handful of people situated back on earth when there we had close to no radio contact with ground control according to command the less contact we had with the less likely that our operations on the moon became public knowledge as we were taken in by the moon's orbit we started hearing static feedback before long we'd be in contact with Aries itself this is observer 108 to base control do you copy greetings observer this is base control we read you loud and clear station seven is ready for docking get ready to initiate landing sequence I pulled out another checklist while the pilot flipped around necessary switches within a minute we were approaching the docking station the landing was smooth and once the airlock opened we finally got a chance to stretch our legs we were immediately greeted by a decontamination crew and ordered to change out of our sweaty undergarments and into more suitable uniforms it's been a pleasure Rick the pilot said to me as we parted ways it was time for the rookies initiation into the system I brought him to the sectional office looking for his instructor and guide Jennifer Rick how are you doing Jennifer asked us she stepped out of the office just bringing you our newest scientist mind if I stick around make sure you don't go too hard on the kid she smiled and gestured for us to follow her through the narrow halls of section 7 as she explained protocols and rules around the compound it was an impressive construct a station big enough to comfortably housed hundreds of people in addition to the countless laboratories workstations and massive common areas for the large amounts of downtown the fact it had been kept hidden for so long was an almost impossible feat on its own one that had piqued Daniel's interest mind me asking how and why this has been kept a secret for so long Jennifer smoked it was a question inevitably asked by each newcomer one she knew exactly how to answer ever heard of the Manhattan Project yeah the race to build the atomic bomb back in 1939 Daniel responded confidently 130,000 people working together to create the most destructive weapon in human history divided into hundreds of sections each working on their part of a bomb to be dropped over Hiroshima and Nagasaki out of these 130,000 people only about a couple of dozen knew what the project would result in the rest were kept in the dark unknowingly causing the death of countless people exactly how the Ares project was kept hidden by giving each station a piece of the puzzle just not enough to see the whole picture I always loved listening to Jennifer's speeches about the Ares project the look of surprise and amazement as they realized the magnitude of the situation but one final piece of information still strayed away from Daniel's knowledge so what exactly are we doing here he finally asked before Jennifer got a chance to explain the speaker system emitted a loud and jarring message security head office calling Richard fender report to section 9 immediately Jennifer and Daniel looked at me questioningly sorry I'll catch up with you later I said as I started rushing down the hall the act of running on the moon was a peculiar experience and with only 1/5 of Earth's gravity you spend more time gliding through the air before each step hits the ground in a way it feels like flying and you can reach speeds higher than what would be possible back home on the other hand without ground contact it's hard to maneuver around corners which is why Ares has been built almost exclusively with straight hallways within a few minutes I'd made my way to the heavy security office inside I found a whole crowd of guards and officers all frantically trying to yell over each other to make a decision what's going on I asked my supervisor Lance Henderson took me to the side to fill me in Rick something landed next to PA W station 12 it doesn't show up on any of our instruments but the crew swear they saw it particle accelerator weapon station 12 was the farthest reach away from the main base situated near one of the major craters it was the last of the set of cannons aimed into deep space weapons so powerful they could deflect any meteor getting too close to Earth what are they saying about it we don't know we lost contact with them not 15 minutes ago I need you to take a team out to the station and find out what the hell's going on I made my way to the hangar a massive structure situated partially underground doubling as the main oxygen production facility the moon's crust is naturally rich in oxygen and by converting the rocks we effectively produced and maintained an atmosphere within the station three of my colleagues Derrick John and Patrick met me by one of the buggies all wielding rifles it wasn't a large team but with the few trained guards we had at the station the rest would stay behind if something happens to us the protocol was to lock down the entire Aires facility and abandon anyone trapped in the smaller stations station 12 this is buggy solid do you copy John kept repeating as we entered the uncomfortable hour-long trip it felt like an eternity past before we reached the station it was a large construct with the particle weapon towering up from the ground staring off into deep space in front of the station lay a large diamond-shaped rock covered in what looked like massive blisters some of which had ruptures and what is that thing John asked I don't know but keep your weapons ready there was still two buggies parked outside the station meaning that the crew couldn't possibly have left station 12 we are entering through the main airlock get ready for boarding I said as we manually unlock the front gate we kept our helmets on even as the airlock was pressurized and we could breathe we didn't know what we could expect on the other side so we had to be ready for a quick escape we stopped dead in our tracks as we took our first steps inside there on the floor lay the entire crew of PA W 12 dead and mutilated to various degrees with no sign of any other creatures it didn't look like monsters had come in to murder the crew but as if they'd simply decided to kill each other using whatever they could as weapons some of their wounds were created with surgical precision slit throats stabbed heart or crushed skull while others were more morbid as if they'd taken their time to finish the kill the only discrepancy among the murdered was a man zip tied to the wall in the corner some distance away from the others while his neck had been stabbed it didn't look like any major vessels had been injured as I bent down to examine the tide up man he suddenly jolted awake screaming in horror now let me stop it get out I don't want to I grabbed him an attempt are keeping him still worried he might exacerbate his injury calm down calm down you're safe I kept repeating his fear quickly turned to despair as he noticed the corpse is littering the floor in front of him sorry I'm so sorry I didn't mean to he cried I grabbed a sedative out of my kit and injected him through his port hoping he'd remain conscious but at least calm enough to relay what happened onboard the station I read the name on his suit Frederic hey Frederick look at me I need you to tell me what happened here he calmed down a bit following the injection but then he looked carefully round the room as if he was recounting the events that had transpired I tried to kill myself I don't know why I didn't want to but the voices about the voices they just they just kept telling me I had to do it they were so loud my my team they pinned me down and tied me up but it didn't help them I'm so sorry he's salt still breaking down I looked back at the dead crewmen littering the floor if they'd managed to tie him up before he died then who'd killed them what about the others they just started killing each other but it wasn't them the things they changed them thing made them do it his rambles Romi semi-coherent but the last statement piqued my morbid curiosity who for the things they came from the vessel we didn't even see them but they were there they got inside our heads and made us to it I'm sorry please you gotta believe me he kept rambling for a couple of minutes i gestured for Derrick to put him to sleep he would only make things worse by panicking if we stood even the slightest chance of bringing him back safely to the station he had to be put out don't worry Frederick we'll get you out of here I promise within a minute he was out and we brought in a stretcher to carry him out and the rest of the crew were a lost cause two destroyed two even fit into their suits we had no choice but to leave them behind we boarded our buggy and immediately got a transmission from the main bases buggy zealot do you copy yeah we made contact with station 12 there are multiple casualties but we're bringing back to survivor prepare the medical Bay buggies element we've lost contact with stations 4 6 8 and 9 were reading multiple heat signatures on the surface return to Aries immediately wait what's happening there was a brief pause while I waited for the next transmission are you there then they said the words I've dreaded the most since I was assigned to the project a simple sentence that I thought was years away from ever coming true we tied the injured crewman to our buggy making sure he wouldn't slip off as we sped back to the pace what do you mean how can he be here already John asked over the radio no response Aries driving on the moon wasn't an easy task at high speeds with the craters it was a bumpy ride and the ever-present dust increase the risk of sliding as we maneuvered toward the base buggy solid we're initiating lockdown hangar 2 will remain open until you arrive but we're putting you into quarantine understood we'll be there in 10 minutes I nervously scanned the horizon looking for any sign of movement whatever creatures have been inside these pods they had killed the entire crew aboard pa W station 12 we saw more of them on the way each of them were diamond-shaped obsidian black containers made out of bizarrely shiny material they were covered in blisters like sacks the most ruptured but some still intact pulsating and twitching they looked almost wet but any liquid should have evaporated immediately as it hit the harsh vacuum of space we parked the buggy outside the hangar and lifted Frederick into one of the service airlocks on the inside we met with the blaring sound of an alarm and a set of isolation capsules for each of us on the other side of the airlock stood my supervisor we're gonna need you all to get inside the capsules while we decontaminate the room the order nervously Lance Henderson was an abnormally calm individual even at the most stressful of times so to see him on the brink of panic alerted me to the true gravity of the situation Lance is it true they really here he nodded sombrely not a word more needs to be said I knew then that the next couple of days would decide the fate for not only us but for the rest of humanity after we put ourselves into the isolation capsules they prepared to move us to the medical Bay do we have any footage from the PAS stations Lance shook his head most of it got corrupted after the pods appeared on the moon's surface we were trying to restore it but I'm not too hopeful I'll let you know as soon as we find anything I'll link up with you soon just do as the medic to tell you the medics carried my security team and I to an isolation room Fredrik who'd sustained serious injuries to his neck was put into a separate room next to us it was a research facility which meant it had glass walls for observation there was no privacy as we got undressed and changed into sterile clothing you better tie him up and he's not himself John said as the medics put Frederick in bed by the time we'd been put into quarantine the entirety of Aires had been put into complete lockdown anyone still outside the main base were on their own behind our glass walls we could see crew members rush around in panic each trying to fulfill their duties at a record pace all the while alarms kept blaring orders were shouted through speaker systems and we could do nothing but wait uselessly stuck in isolation Lance called me over to the radio briefing me on this situation Rick will have your test results in an hour so in the meantime we're trying to establish contact with anyone outside the main base if they're still alive out there we need to figure out a safe way to bring them inside has anyone responded no but we've detected multiple heat signatures on the surface a few of them match the crews transponders but he trailed off but what there are too many of them we don't have that many people stationed on the moon it's them I said my voice filled with premature defeat yeah we've recorded some footage from station 12 I'll send you the files I turned to the computer mounted on the wall contacted my credentials a single video file had been uploaded to my profile a few minutes of salvaged footage I hit play and prepared myself for the worst what greeted us was an overhead view of station 12s interior only an hour before we entered the crew relaxed in their leisure area joking around and waiting for their shift to end immediately recognized Fredrik standing in the corner oddly quiet he seemed to concentrate on something not camera hey guys you hear that the crew fell silent and all of them listened intently to the quiet surroundings they hear what I don't know it sounds like without even finishing his sentence frederik crap depends from a nearby table and starts stabbing himself in the neck blood gushed out from the wounds and the crew immediately rushed to pin him down stop let me go I need to do this Frederick yelled in protests get the damn zip-ties boss there's there's something outside what are you talking about after tying Frederick to the wall the crew gathered to stare out of the miniscule window all of them in shock from what they saw after a minute of disbelief their boss grabbed the radio to alert Ares of the unidentified object Ares this is PA W station 12 we found something on the surface of the Moon I don't think it's of lunar origin in response only static to be heard the radio is cutting out Robbie would you check the connection without responding the crewman walked over to his boss and stabs him with a screwdriver one of the others lifted his weapon in a hopeless attempt at de-escalating the situation driver he ordered but instead of helping he turned his weapon on himself looking confused and without hesitation he shot his own leg the rest of the crew staggered in disarray some trying to help their boss while others wanted to grab the gun from their co-worker the man with the screwdriver had already killed his boss and had turned his attention to himself he proceeded to repeatedly stabbed his own abdomen crying as it did one by one they all fell to the same insanity within only a few minutes every crew member had succumbed to their wounds all safe for Frederick who had been tied to the wall just in time to save his life the footage cut off abruptly and we all stood speechless in front of the empty screen what about the other stations John asked do we really want to witness that again as we discussed the undeniable reality of an oncoming invasion we started hearing groans coming from Frederick's room he was waking up luckily tied to the bed you're safe Frederick you the doc is on his way just stay calm they're all dead he sulked we should give him some more sedatives John said where's the damn Doc Barry's head physician was a neuroscientist of advancing age the rookie Daniel would be his new apprentice by the time the doc eventually retired he'd take over specifically chosen for the job they both arrived alongside Jennifer a few minutes later we told him what had happened and he suited up to go inside to examine Frederick Lance finally returned after patrolling the area he'd locked down the entirety of our section and put guards on each airlock should something breakthrough staff was scarce but each employee guard or scientist had been trained to deal with situations like this dr. Livingstone they briefed you on the patient Lance asked yes I'm aware of the situation he stated matter-of-factly Daniel joined me inside we're gonna have to cut your training short I've always thought hands on experience work best anyway together they entered the isolated room Jennifer stood guard outside ready to intervene should Frederick fall into psychosis once again well followed was a barrage of uncomfortable but necessary questions Frederick who who'd attempted to kill himself only hours earlier was undoubtedly shook from the experience but whatever trance he'd been in had long since passed halfway through the examination another alarm sounded through the base Lance immediately reached for his radio demanding an explanation section 9 this is security chief Henderson what's going on a voice scream from the other side they took explosives from the facility who I don't know we tracked a transponder from PAS station seven we tried contacting them over the radio but they ignored us is the breach sealed Lance asked yeah but half my team died in the vacuum the rest of us are about to suit up in case the seal fails but I don't know he paused and a lot of hammering noise could be heard through the radio they're coming through the steel everybody what followed was a vague flashing sound before the call got interrupted damn it I gotta go Jennifer's stay here and help doc Lance said absolutely not I'm coming with you don't need all the help they can get she argued and what about us I asked sorry Rick you have to stay in isolation until the tests come back don't worry they'll come let you out ASAP the two of them rushed down the long hallways towards section 9 while we remain trapped with no chance to help Daniel and dr. Livingstone finished examining Frederick and called for our test to be rushed through 20 minutes past as we waited for any updates on the situation the occasional bang was the only thing keeping us company as a echoed to the outer halls of Ares over the radio I could hear a quest for additional security coming from various sections around Aires it was a call no one had the capacity to answer and I felt utterly useless stuck in isolation then we heard the sound of multiple footsteps rushing down the hall stay with me Jennifer shouted they rushed past us carrying two stretchers on one of them they Lance bleeding profusely from multiple gunshot wounds to his abdomen Jennifer what happened I asked in shock she ignored me and they brought the injured crew into a separate room though we couldn't directly see them we could hear the utter horror in their voices as they futile II tried to stop the bleeding it was a hopeless case and from prior experience I knew Lance wouldn't make it only minutes later he had bled out Jennifer came over to our room staring at me through the glass her eyes were red from a mixture of panic and despair Jen is he dead you said what he he just he just went crazy we were investigating the broken seal even with the hole secured something got through every single person who hadn't gotten out of section nine died instantly how many 37 jesus christ she sobbed for a moment before continuing blood-covered hands visibly shaking from the ordeal as we suited up Lance said he heard something I'd already gotten my helmet on and I couldn't hear what he was talking about but then he just another loud bang could be heard followed by an alarm or whatever things were killing our people they were getting into the station he shot the others point-blank and he would have killed me too I didn't have a choice I I had to defend myself I only wanted to stop him but the first bullet didn't even face him I just kept pulling the trigger until he dropped his weapon I killed him it was me I'm sorry I'm so sorry we didn't get a chance to continue the conversation before the medics came to let us out even without conclusive test results we had been ordered to evacuate the area the entire crew aboard Ares were pulling back into section five the central and most secure hub of the station they're closing all the doors in five minutes we got to go now one of them ordered with no time to suit up we started rushing towards Section five ready to fight whatever creatures had entered the station I just don't understand they weren't supposed to be here for another five years how is it possible no idea it doesn't make any sense on our way we passed numerous lockdown sections all breached and their atmosphere replaced by an empty vacuumed housing little more than dust and the corpses of our deceased crew multiple distress calls emitted from my radio but we could do nothing to help any of them all we could do was hope that as many people as possible made it into section 5 where we'd organize a fight against the invaders Rick you there please respond a voice said over the radio I've recognized the voice it belonged to one of the senior security guards Brandon Clifford I'm here we're on route 2 section 5 are you safe for dead section 5 we need you in the doc to come to the main lab immediately to lab why he paused for a moment letting out half the Chuckle we got one of them at trillions of dollars spent Ares had been the most expensive project ever undertaken by mankind it made the cost of the International Space Station seem like pocket change in comparison but for its purpose it was worth it our goal had been simple to save humanity from an inevitable invasion one read for scenes since the early 70s when we'd spent decades preparing for despite our best efforts it had only taken the invaders a few hours to shut us down in one fell swoop and they'd shut down our entire PA W Defense Grid killed more than half our crew and next on their list was earth Brandon Clifford had already gathered a team of doctors and engineers at the laboratories in Section three but with half the station occupied by vacuum getting there would be a challenging task rather than crawling through the separate ventilation system we suited up and traversed directly through the locked off sections weapons in hand and eyes peeled for enemies we slowly made our way towards the lab praying that the dead alien could give us the answers we so desperately sought so they killed it right Jennifer asked I sure hope so I doubt we'd have the means of interrogating it I responded besides it's time for payback these pastors killed half our crew without as much as a second thought John interjected once we finally made it to section three we were met with a set of heavy metal doors they were strong enough to withstand the vacuum of space and able to negate the power of a nuclear blast they had to be manually activated and could only be opened from the inside Brandon you in there I asked her of the radio Rick yeah it's me I've got my security team with me would you please open up the damn door an airlock separated the lab and the rest of Section three they have been built in the early stages of Ares construction and functioned more as a miniscule station than part of the main project luckily had been able to maintain an atmosphere despite the many breaches it was a massive dome like structure divided into several micro labs each of them had been sealed off hidden and distributed to different research teams operating in isolation from one another at the very end was an autopsy room had been used to study the effects of low gravity on the decaying human body but now it would be a place for alien dissection Livingston and Daniel had arrived with a team of engineers just in time to escape the breach in atmosphere whether they liked it or not they were trapped in the laboratory without enough suits to bring everyone out Brandon met us by the entrance he'd sustained a massive gash to his face rupturing his left eye and covered by a crude bandage he guided us towards the autopsy room in one of the corners I noticed a pile of corpses while I didn't personally know them I recognized them as the lab maintenance crew what happened to them I was escorting dr. Livingston and his assistant over here making sure none of the invaders got them as we got here one of the crewmen complained about a loud noise before I got a chance to question him he pulled out a knife and slashed me across the face I tried to get away but he stabbed his coworkers I had no choice but to shoot him and the other two I said as I gestured to their gouged out eyes and slit throats they um they just picked Elven for the knife started mutilating themselves I couldn't stop them he responded sombrely it wasn't until the adrenaline hit me before I noticed that creature standing in the hallway I can't even explain it just have a look at the thing and he entered the autopsy room there on the table lay a massive creature though it had vague humanoid features such as arms and legs they were grossly disproportionate to what would function on earth its skin was sickly pale white and covered in a mucus-like substance the arms reached far beyond its own legs which were split in half down the middle instead of eyes ears and mouths the head was covered in deep dark cavities there were multiple bullet holes on its center mass which I assumed to be the cause of death but despite the higher caliber rifle used there were no exit wounds is it dead Jennifer asked nervously no idea Livingstone responded it's temperature hasn't changed and it doesn't appear to bleed our only comfort is that it doesn't show any kind of responsiveness I looked back at Brandon who tried to cope with his missing eye so what exactly happened to him i charmed in the thing was just wandering the hallway covered in some weird slimy film I didn't exactly stop to ask any questions I just shot it two mags spring thing down I took another glance at the bullet holes the injuries looked oddly clean the bullets inside had seemingly vanished as if the creature had simply digested them what do you think doc Brandon asked he mumbled something to himself it's a remarkable creature I have my theories but I'd need to open it up to be sure then what are you waiting for do it Brandon firmly suggested don't be ridiculous this is not something you can just cut open with a scalpel its skin is too powerful besides we're going to scan at first the creature must have been ten feet tall and weighed as much as all of us combined together we pulled it on to a portable table and slowly pushed it towards the CT scanner once inside Livingston didn't hesitate to start the machine a loud whirring sound could be heard as the Machine started taking pictures god damn it Livingston exclaimed as the computer produced the scan to the untrained eye it looked like a massive flare occupying most of the screen what's that I asked starbursts it's what happens when there's metal in the way of an x-ray Daniel explained they put something inside the creatures head and we're going to remove it Livingston continued as he rushed off to gather some tools he returned moments later with an ice pack in a hammer without a second thought he started digging into the creatures skull though the skin was immensely thick it didn't seem to contain any bones before long he retrieved a small metal box what is it I asked I'd need to take it apart to be sure Livingston said as he walked over to a set of computers it looks oddly primitive though maybe before sentence high-pitched sound emitted from the speakers we all fell to the ground clutching our ears in agony Brandon thinking on his feet he ran over to grab the device out of instantaneous he flew it to the ground and started stomping on it as the metal box shattered the sound finally stopped you idiot why did you do that Livingstone asked furiously why because it was [ __ ] loud Brandon shot back Livingstone collected the broken pieces and went to inspect the device in the meantime Daniel proceeded to repeat the CT scan this time without interruptions we waited impatiently while the machines circled around the lifeless creature slowly producing a picture I didn't have the proper education to comprehend wow that's an incredible Daniel mumbled to himself as he looked over the alien Livingston joined him and together they threw around a plethora of medical jargon none of us could understand after a few minutes of discussing the creatures Anatomy they started to look worried they rushed to the radio and quickly disconnected it before silencing every speaker in the room turn your damn radios off Livingstone ordered the lab was plunged into deafening silence and we all waited a logical explanation from the doctors sound that's how they do it Daniel said with a weird mixture of excitement and horror in his voice sound that's how they put people into a trance they delude people into killing themselves and those around them appearing as voices inside their heads he continued Livingstone kept studying the device desperately trying to figure out its purpose it's a transducer he suddenly said it converts sound to radio waves that's probably how they communicate in the vacuum it also means they're able to hijack our own communication channels you think they could use them against us he nodded these things they're unlike anything found on earth they don't have a centralised nervous system nor do they need a heart to pump blood through their bodies if anything they resemble insects more than mammalian life except every vital organ seems to be diffused throughout their entire mass that's why it's so hard to kill them the only effective thing to fight back would be with fire he paused looking over the creature once more we have to freeze it it doesn't wake up we lump the creature onto a table and started pushing it towards the freezer it could bring things down to just a few Kelvin away from absolute zero a temperature that could keep even atoms from moving around we need to warn the others Jennifer said send out a warning to section 5 but keep it brief as we attempted to push the creature into the freezer I noticed a twitch before I could even warn the others Brandon just froze in place no no no no he kept repeating the alien moved again not strong enough to get up but clearly not dead it's it's in my head get it out he yelled as he lifted his gun to his own temple I dove into him trying to pin his arm down in the process he accidentally fired off a round which ricocheted off the ground and hit Livingstone the leg as I tried to subdue Brandon two of the other guards fell to insanity with little hesitation they grabbed whatever sharp objects that could find and started hacking away at their own bodies quickly bleeding out Brandon knocked me off but the gun had slid too far away for either of us to reach rather than fight him I grabbed a nearby bottle of isopropyl alcohol and drenched the alien in it before anyone could stop me I ignited the alcohol and set the monster ablaze despite being on fire it didn't let go of the grip that had on her crew Brandon alongside the engineers rushed to embrace the burning creature lighting themselves on fire in the process the sprinkler system started spouting out a mesh of carbon dioxide dry ice but with the burning crew lighting everything they touched on fire that hardly helped despite our best efforts the laboratory would soon be gone in the meantime Daniel attempted to stop the bleeding from Livingston's leg but it proves to be a futile effort it's his femoral artery I can't stop it Daniel said by then secondary measures have been activated to quell the fire it meant that all the oxygen would be sucked from the lab and expelled into the vacuum of space normally it wouldn't be a problem but with the entirety of section three missing atmosphere it meant we needed to suit up we need to get to section five immediately Jennifer did you manage to get a hold of them they're not responding not having time to come up with a better plan I rushed to get suited up with the rest of the crew we only had two minutes before the oxygen levels dropped to fatal levels wait Livingstone called out his face had turned pale from blood loss and I could easily tell he was only moments away from death you have to disable your radios it's only a matter of time before they figure out how to intercept our channels you have to you bit meant we'd be walking out there with little to no situational awareness unable to communicate with each other despite the horrific realization we all knew he was right what about you we all know I'm done for just go I glanced over at the burning remains of my former security team John and Jennifer's still attempted to put out the fire but it was far too late how are we supposed to stop them you can't Livingstone said his voice growing weaker with each word but you have to warn earth your family fighting chance we suited up at a record pace and got ready to unlock the laboratory doors the airlock would be sealed until the fire went out which meant we had to watch Livingston suffocate before we could even walk outside Jennifer grabbed a paper sized white board allowing us to communicate even without a radio contact but the thaw of going out there death still terrified me don't let this be for nothing Livingstone gasped as the last bit of air got pumped out of the room seconds later he fell silent on the floor it's time to go I said to the remaining survivors as we unlock the doors death had quickly become a fateful companion on our mission but if we could warn earth it would be worth it there are a lot of misconceptions when it comes to the agonizing death you'd meet if faced with the vacuum of space if an astronaut suit should fail exposing them to the vast emptiness around how long would it take before they finally die with their blood boil over or what they simply explode with nothing around them to withstand the body's internal pressure perhaps they might just freeze to death fortunately those are not the case the body can withstand a lot more than one might think liquids won't boil if inside a closed system nor can anything freeze quickly heat cannot easily escape our bodies without something to conduct towards in reality an astronaut's death in space is a horrifying but quick process once faced with the eternal darkness of space there is no hope left of survival there are only a few natural orifices on the human body first the air is sucked out from your lungs no matter how hard you try to hold your breath it's simply a futile task and they collapse within seconds then whatever contents that was once passed slowly through your digestive tract is forced out after about 15 seconds of exposure you lose consciousness but not before feeling the saliva in your mouth boil over and the vessels in your eyes rupture then with soiled pants in a fading mind your body suffocates and your body is destined to drift through space unable to rot until the end of time these were the thoughts that preoccupied my mind each time I put on my suit for any extra vehicular activity only then the hostile territory wouldn't be space nor the surface of the Moon but our own base they had been plunged into a vacuum as the monsters invaded and we could only pray that anyone else that survived during any regular spacewalk we'd have our communication channels to comfort each other but with the invaders hijacking our radios to kill us we had little choice but to wander in silence nothing say a small whiteboard to deliver simple messages the four of us rifles in hand headed towards section five it had been the main hub to organize an evacuation but following the miserably failed autopsy of the first invader and we lost contact fearing the worst we could do a little more than check up on them Jenifer scribbled something down on the whiteboard and held it up in front of us shortcut this way being unable to respond we had no choice but to follow Jennifer's orders she brought us through a service airlock that hadn't been used since the construction of Ares but at least it would allow us to bypass most of the alien riddled hallways once we got outside and onto the moon's surface we were faced with dozens of new pods each had housed an invader but now they were nowhere in sight we kept our eyes peeled as we sneak towards section five service entry our theory vests far had been that the invaders tracked us through radio signals but whether they could still find us without remained an unanswered question guns ready Jennifer wrote on the whiteboard as we got ready to walk inside I held my breath in anticipation deafened by the sound of my suits fan on the intermittent occasion that it stopped I could feel and hear my own internal organs churning beats of my racing hearts in the blood rushing through my arteries as we open the airlock we expected a rapid flow of air escaping the middle compartment yet we were faced with another vacuum I felt my stomach drop as I was hit with the realization that section five might have gone under we raised our weapons ready to face whatever monstrosity lay on the other side the door opened and what we were faced with didn't even resemble Ares at all the entire section had been terraformed and the air had been replaced by an empty vacuum the walls were covered in what looked like charred remains of blueish flesh and on the ground lay mangled body parts seeming to belong to both our own crew and the aliens I checked the room for an explanation and quickly found a massive hole in the sections hull in a last-ditch attempt someone had blown up the section hoping to kill as many invaders as possible but there were no survivors despite their heroic efforts there were still hundreds of invaders roaming the rest of Ares Jennifer rushed to the central control panel miraculously booting it up while the rest of us secured the area without a single word to mourn our friends and co-workers and we got to work our first task would be to contact ground control and alert them to the oncoming threat of utter destruction our lives seem painfully insignificant compared to the fate of Earth alas the few satellites we could use to contact home were either out of range or had been destroyed during the invasion without any means of communication we would have to warn them ourselves which meant evacuating the station but before any attempted escape we had to find any remaining survivors aboard Ares I begged internally that someone had escaped but deep inside I knew it was a little more than childish hope we attempted to track any familiar heat signature through the system it was a slow process to filter out the numerous invaders but we waited patiently hoping they wouldn't find us there were a few crew members in the section who'd managed to get their suits on before the slaughter Daniel went to each and diligently checked for signs of life but just like the rest of the crew they'd perished in the explosion standing guard without aid of my own hearing was a horrible task I periodically glanced back at Jennifer checking to see if she'd made progress with the computer despite not being able to see her face through the helmet I could tell by her body language that the news wouldn't be good she was quickly losing the last ounce of hope that she had left after a painful few minutes she held up the whiteboard 154 invaders she wrote I stared at her in a mixture of shock and awe not knowing what or how to respond instead I just pointed at the many corpses littering the section hoping she'd get the gist of my question she cleaned the whiteboard and wrote a single digit back on it zero I shrugged as to ask what our next plan would be the factory she wrote in response the factory had been our weapons testing facility a few clicks away from the main base at the time of the invasion it hadn't been manned for weeks it was simply a research station used on the rare occasion that we actually had to try out any new technology despite that fact it had several escape vessels but what Jennifer wanted what the station remains an unanswered question at the very least it might not have been taken over the fact that no radio signals had been emitted from there in the absence of any crew means the aliens could have let it be then Jennifer shot to her feet and frantically pointed at the computer screen it seemed that our activity in Section five had attracted some unwanted attention from the invaders and they were heading straight for us we immediately started retreating back towards the airlock hoping that we could get out before they saw us alas we were too late and the monstrosity were too quick five of them entered just staring at us in confusion they didn't seem to understand how we could resist their hypnotic sound in radio waves without hesitation we opened fire on them and slowly walked backwards towards the exit once the invaders realized we could fight back they charged at us with impressive speed John stood before us putting three rounds in one of them with absolute precision it seemed to knock it out if only temporarily but he'd stopped just long enough for one of them to grab him John I foolishly called out to forgetting that he couldn't hear me it was too late no sooner had they touched him before he pointed the weapon at himself and pulled the trigger the bullet ripped through his abdomen and blood spurted out through the hole lingering temporarily in the vacuum before starting to boil regardless of the bullet itself the vacuum would kill him in under a minute we could do nothing but keep firing as we pulled back into the airlock unable to help him we closed the airlock giving him one final look of pity as his blood boiled in the harsh vacuum of space take a look outside your window gaze upon the beauties the world beholds in the trees the skies the laughter of children they walk around the ignorant of the fact that their world might end at any given moment it could happen in less than a second while you sleep peacefully at night and you'd never even realize it imagine yourself and driving home from work a pre flash fills the sky an instance of surprise and then nothing the world ends leaving no trace of life behind that's how a gamma-ray burst would appear a vast source of energy created by colliding stars millions of light-years away on the other hand false vacuum could extinguish all life in the universe just as easily collapsing beneath the rules of physics erasing everything humanity has ever been or could be we wouldn't be able to stop it solar flares black holes or even a reversal of the magnetic poles the universe is an endless merciless horrific void filled with uncertainty our place in it is absolutely insignificant we are the parasites lingering in a hostile bubble ready to burst at any given moment yet you never take a moment to appreciate our luck every breath might be your last so make sure it's worthwhile those were the words that raced through my mind as I watched John fall lifelessly to the ground dead by his own hands they were the words spoken by my old professor a genius with a nihilistic personality making sure we all knew just how fragile life truly is John had given his life for us standing his ground as aliens charged yet they only needed a simple touch to end his existence we ran through the airlock sealing it on our way to make sure nothing else could get through ever again once back on the moon's surface we had to walk around Aries and travel three hours just to get back to the factory we couldn't even use the buggy unless we want to get detected by its automatic tracking system it had been 2 hours since we started our EVs but with our modern tanks we could easily last eight before running out of oxygen leaving us with an ample amount of time to get going if we were lucky the factory still had a functioning life-support system despite having been offline for the past two years we walked slowly exhausted from the combat and subsequent escape despite gravity being only a sixth of that on earth our suits made movement difficult and in the process of fleeing Jennifer had dropped the white board leaving us with no means of communication night had long since taken over the surface of the Moon plunged it into eternal darkness the picturesque view most think astronauts have with the earth shining brilliantly in the background was not one that we had the privilege of witnessing since Aries had the backside of the moon we had a little more than tiny stars filling up the sky barely providing enough light to illuminate the dark barren landscape before us if nothing else at least the darkness could provide us cover during our escape two hours passed and we inched our way closer to the factory our paths barely lit up by our weak flashlights purposefully set low to avoid detection by then we could just barely see the peak of the factory's observation tower and we knew we were getting close as we took a break to admire the magnificently tall structure we noticed something drifting across the sky barely visible in the darkness of space it was another drop pod it shot down creating a minor crater on impact like the others it had an obsidian black capsule and multiple massive blisters each seeming to contain an invader I gave the others a final glance reassuring them that we would hold our ground until the very end with nowhere else to run we didn't have any other options the first blisters burst a slimy liquid tried to trickle down boiling and evaporating before could even hit the ground one of the aliens crawled out and got to his feet without hesitation we opened fire putting multiple rounds into both its head and torso after about 15 shots we finally brought it down before we could react the remaining 5 blisters ruptured and more monstrosity sprawled out that time we didn't even wait for the liquid to clear before we started firing upon them on earth the spectacle would have been loud enough to rupture eardrums and alert the enemy from miles away yet on the moon murder was a silent process and he sound originating within the chambers of our rifle was quickly quelled as it met the empty vacuum outside the only thing we could hear were the vibrations propagating through our own bodies shaking violently with each pull of the trigger with limited ammunition it wasn't long before he ran out two aliens both riddled with bullets kept charging at us I hit one with the butt of my rifle and shoved it to the ground I kept hitting it where it lay not stopping for a second until it resembled a little more than a pile of minced meat the second one that managed to prevail through the hail of bullets charged at Daniel it grabbed upon his torso with its massive arms within a second Daniel had fallen victim to their control and pointed his weapon at himself before pulling the trigger nothing happened his gun was empty once his first option failed Daniel attempted to rip his spacesuit apart an impossible task luckily unknown to the alien both Jennifer and I ran to the creature and pummeled it to the ground smashing its rific body with our empty rifles not stopping until it died Daniel had been freed but in the process he fell unconscious we quickly investigated his limp body for any injuries or holes in the suit but apart from his untimely slumber he appeared fine we looked at each other realizing we'd have to carry him the rest of the way I had never been so thankful for low gravity the rest of the factory came into view shortly after an impressive structure full of empty hallways and failed experiments most classified above my own clearance it had been abandoned after the development of the PA W stations they were the best our technology had to offer and yet they'd been eliminated within the first hour of the invasion our failsafe and humanity's last hope against the inevitable end been destroyed we entered through the airlock as I carried Daniel on my back what lay ahead of us was a massive network of hallways expertly organized to keep anything confidential out of sight in an absence of a maintenance crew the station had fallen dark with only a minimal amount of emergency lights to guide our way unfortunately the life support had been turned off in our absence meaning we had to rely on the constantly diminishing oxygen supply still within our suits the factory my carries had effectively lost its atmosphere of course there were tanks of oxygen spread across the station by each airlock but we would still be confined to our suits while we worked both Jennifer and I had been stationed there during our tenure aboard Ares however I suspect that she knew more about the station than I did as she guided us through the long hallways without an ounce of doubt after several twists and turns we ended up in a massive control room it was dark and every system had been deactivated to preserve power jennifer searched the room then quickly found a notepad and pen she grabbed it and jotted down a single word Faraday then she clicked her radio on and I put Daniel down onto one of the chairs making sure he still had enough oxygen available with mild trepidation I turned my own radio and for the first time since we left the laboratories back at section three we could talk to each other each major station here is built within a Faraday cage nothing can get in or out without being connected to the mainframe we should be fine as long as we're just using our suits radio systems alright so you mind telling me what we're actually doing here shouldn't we get off the moon to warn earth I don't know if we can how come according to the records back at section five two shuttles attempted to evacuate but none even made it off of the surface these creatures must be tracking our systems I figured we might stand a better chance here but still do we have any chance at all she sighed maybe but there's something we have to do first what do you mean did they ever tell you about a project called the last resort I immediately knew what the project entailed it was something I'd read about during my initiation back when it had been a little more than rumors and whispers just a theory none of us ever believed would come to fruition as I process the shock Daniel started to wake up he quickly noticed us talking and turned on his own radio so are we safe I shook my head not yet but they can't hear us here that's a relief I was about to go crazy Jennifer interrupted none of that matters anymore it's time time for what we're going to blow up Aires there will come a time when the last word is spoken by the last human left alive the moment heard by none to be forgotten by time itself there will come a time where love dies and the last heart stops beating one final embrace before death takes us apart and one last kiss to say goodbye humanity for all of its worth will perish like so many other species before us we will fight it to the nail but no matter the case our time will eventually come there will come a time where all hope seems lost but we will not give up because our lives and the lives of those we love are worth fighting for as we prepared for our last mission I recounted the events of the past day something about the situation didn't sit right with me we'd been monitoring the oncoming invasion for the past 50 years yet we'd completely missed its imminent arrival it doesn't make any sense I whispered to myself forgetting everything would be broadcast to the others what doesn't their numbers we counted what about 150 signatures aboard Ares a weirdly small force that arrived five years ahead of schedule but how do you explain that the ship we detected back in 1970 was the size of the entire United States but it's not here what are you saying Daniel turned in what if this is just a mass scout party what if the main invasion is still five years away if they're all confined within Ares and we blow it up it should give us enough time to make it back to earth and warn them my words though meant to comfort hardly brighten the mood if a scout party took out the best we had to fight them I'm afraid were utterly screwed at least we would know how they operate if anything I'd say that's the best advantage we could possibly have gotten we need to make it back to earth it was a simple enough plan in theory but even if we managed to blow up Ares it wouldn't ensure that every single alien died in the blast so last resort what is it Daniel asked you know how nikola tesla worked on the wireless transfer of electricity daniel nodded well it's like that except weaponized it was supposed to be a device that irreversibly damaged electrical systems by overcharging them harmless to people but it could render any enemy station useless unfortunately it had the same side-effect of blowing everything to pieces so we repurposed it as a measure of last resort should anything take over Ares better than killing everyone with nukes I suppose don't worry we have those too but let's not kill ourselves while we still stand a chance a shot back in the end we knew at least one of us had to escape to get a warning out to earth if we could kill any of these bastards in the process that was just a bonus before we could fire the weapon we need to restore the facility's power Jennifer would take that task and head for the basement once there she could redirect any power from the neighboring stations and funnel it into the last resort in the meantime Daniel and I would climb the observation tower from where the last resort could be controlled once activated in Ares had been destroyed we could retreat to the main hangar and pray that any of the escaped shuttle still remained functional screw it let's not die today Daniel said once we leave this room we can't communicate anymore should they hijack our channels were done for we need to maintain total radio silence for the next few no matter what happens I ordered they nodded and quickly turned off their radios it was time to reenter the silent vacuum outside no sooner had I turned my own radio off before I regretted not speaking any words of comfort for all I knew these could have been our last words that were spoken we left the control room equipped with little more than some papers and pens Jennifer instantly ran to the lower levels while Daniel and I headed for the elevator that led up towards the observation tower with the power mostly out the elevator didn't run which meant we had to move up the ladder within the shaft itself it was an exhausting climb and despite the lower gravity we made slow progress but determined to save ourselves in earth we eventually got there Daniel gave me a look not knowing what to do his face was wet from sweat both from nervousness and exhaustion I gave him a set of basic instructions just which switches should be on and which off he diligently followed orders while I started to reprogram the weapon while its basic functions were active we had to wait for Jennifer to turn the power back on before we could initiate the firing sequence half an hour quickly passed and I started to get nervous another 10 minutes and I was about ready to go looking for her as I drawed it down an explanation to Daniel I noticed one of the lights turn green alerting us that the power had returned without hesitation we started the firing sequence and counted down the seconds until activation even from the observation tower we could just barely see the peak of Aries a place where hundreds of great lives and trillions of unimportant dollars have been lost it had all been for nothing then the weapon finally charged ready I wrote down on a piece of paper he nodded and we fired the weapon for a moment I feared the Ares was to rid of oxygen to ignite in the blast but these doubts were quickly stifled as a massive explosion emerged over the horizon tons of debris shot up from the moon's surface powerful enough to escape orbit a few seconds later the ground beneath us rumbled shockwaves couldn't travel through a vacuum but the explosion itself had been enough to shake the ground holy al I could see Daniel mouths silently I attempted to scan areas for any identifiable heat signatures and radio signals by in the wake of the explosion I can only get a static like image that proved impossible to read there was no way to know how many aliens survived the explosion but I knew that whatever was left they'd head straight for us we evacuated the tower luckily the elevator had been activated alongside the rest of the station meaning we didn't have to climb down it was a minor victory but it came with the downside of reestablishing atmosphere with the power of returned we knew it was only a moment before the generators down in the basement produced an effective atmosphere soon we'd be able to breathe in here by all measurable metrics time was running out the hangar in the facility was filled with experimental vehicles most only used for local travel and none helpful in our escape despite that the factory was equipped with several escape shuttles two of which were still docked back on earth common fuel only has a shelf life of about 3 to 6 months kerosene fuel on the other hand can last years without degrading and the factory had plenty of it once we got down there I started the fueling process still Jennifer was nowhere in sight once the process of refueling had started I took to the control panel and scanned for any signs of life in the vicinity in the distance only a mile away I could see dozens of creatures approaching us [ __ ] I shouted the words only echoing within my own suit we still needed an hour to fuel and based on the invaders speed they'd be here and just shy of that the hour slowly ticked down and by each passing minute our deaths approached I couldn't risk waiting any longer so I signaled for Daniel to stay put while I went to search for Jennifer based on her signature I tracked her to the basement of the facility running around erratically and rushed through the dimly lit halls slowly starting to hear the echoes of my own footsteps by then the atmosphere was almost fully restored the basement was a massive room filled with generators converting moon dust to breathable oxygen Jennifer was moving from generator to generator deactivating them attempt at stopping air from being produced she wasn't even wearing a helmet anymore I approached her noticing that each pillar next to the generators had been mounted with explosive charges we need to stop them she shouted as she noticed my presence I took my own helmet off letting in a breath of stale air we're about to leave come on it's too late they're almost here we need to bring the station down with us I glanced at the charges noticing a timer slowly ticking down within the next hour and the station would blow and unless we could escape we'd be disintegrated with it how'd you even find these I used to work here remember now put your helmet back on I'm about to evacuate the air from this place with that the atmosphere once again vanished and we were plunged into everlasting silence we left the basement and rushed back to the shuttle which was still 10 minutes away from being ready as I prepared the craft the other stood in uncomfortable silence we all knew that the station to be overrun at any moment yet we had no weapons nor numbers to fight back with I glanced over at the control panel the blips on the radar growing ever closer then we felt it the station's shaking as the first set of doors blew open we were still not ready to leave we looked at each other doubt and fear on all of our faces then another shake as the second set of doors were breached they were getting closer in less than five minutes they'd be upon us how long Jennifer jotted down in the paper I held up my hand is showing that we still needed five more minutes before we could launch I looked at the door wondering when it would blow open and the monstrosities would barge in to end us I knew what had to be done someone had to lead them away from the hangar tricked them into another part of the station as I turned around I saw Daniel inside the shuttle detaching a portable radio from the dashboard he made the same realization as myself and was going to sacrifice himself I tried taking it from him but he pushed me away and rushed for the doors the flood had closed I could see him flick the radio on creating a mess of radio signals that would attract the aliens since it wasn't the one built into a suit they wouldn't be able to control him he started running in the opposite direction of a hangar and the aliens followed diligently Jennifer and I boarded the shuttle hesitantly and immediately got it running she pointed back in the direction Daniel had run but it was pointless he'd given us an opportunity and if we didn't take it we perished alongside him we shot through the evacuation tunnel gathering enough speed to easily escape the moon's a weak and unstable gravity even then we couldn't speak until the oxygen of his rows within the shuttle all we could do was stare out the window and wait for the charge to detonate there couldn't be much of a blast to speak of without oxygen to carry the fire the station's simply collapsed as the beams evaporated killing anything still within Daniel had saved our lives and taken down what remained of a scout party in the process once in a safe distance we finally removed our helmets but kept the radio off we made it Jennifer said with a somber tone of voice it was a bittersweet victory and I let out a sigh of both sadness and relief we'd failed to protect earth and Aries had been taken out by a simple Scout party it was only thanks to the heroism of our fallen friends that we were given a chance to warn earth we survived the first wave but as previously suspected a much larger force will reach us in the next five years with the current technologies and the multiple Wars we fight amongst ourselves back on earth we don't stand a chance this will be our last stand and the only hope of victory we have is to stand together as one [Music] [Music]
Channel: The Dark Somnium
Views: 904,935
Rating: 4.8391857 out of 5
Keywords: creepypasta, scary stories, horror stories, scary story, creepypasta stories, creepy pasta, creepy stories, creepy story, the dark somnium, moon scary stories, moon stories, space stories, moon creepypasta, We have been stationed on the Moon since 1988, space creepypasta, scary moon creepypasta, creepypasta narration, scary creepypasta, creepypasta story, new creepypasta, creepy pasta stories, nosleep, creepypasta reading, creeps, creep, creepy moon stories
Id: ixDVHEaWGe0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 52sec (4252 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 05 2020
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