"I’m a cop and I keep getting called to the same house" Creepypasta | Scary Stories from Nosleep

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[Applause] [Music] I'm a local rookie cop in a small town in Pennsylvania currently stuck working night shift I work the normal patrol shift driving around polling traffic responding to the normal domestic disputes and whatever other wonderful calls dispatch sends my way but never since this past weekend every single night I've been getting called the same house at first I thought it was my co-workers playing pranks on the rookie I have two years on the job but in such a small town I work with most guys my dad's age I've omitted certain names and addresses for obvious reasons anyway here's what's happened a Friday night around Oh 200 so basically I mean Saturday morning dispatch gets over the radio dispatch to 1034 1034 go ahead we just got a 911 hang-up from the landline that's coming back to patch lane can you check it out and 10-4 enroute so I immediately started driving to the address which was about six miles away but it's pretty rural area so I get there in less than ten minutes I turn right on the gravel lane and after about seven seconds I see the house up ahead on the right no lights on inside I parked my cruise around the gravel lane lights off so as not to announce myself in case there's an actual emergency going on inside we're trained to not just roll up to a house lights on in case the subject decides to ambush the officer arriving with gunfire anyway I quietly approached the old farmhouse and check the perimeter no signs of anything no lights no sound it's not even a car parked anywhere I begin to think that maybe dispatch got the wrong address 1034 to dispatch dispatch go ahead I'm at patch lane can you confirm that this is the address stand by 1034 yes that's the correct address do you need backup negative appears nobody's home but all update at this point bye knock on the front door and announce myself officer Berkeley Police Department no answer all the windows were closed and I gently try the front door walked ten thirty four to dispatch dispatch go ahead it looks like the house is abandoned I think the 9-1-1 hang up might have had some wires crossed clearly no report ten-four at this point it's about 0 to 30 hours and I need a cup of coffee since I have another three and a half hours left I head over to the local 24-hour gas station and find two of my ever so busy co-workers standing there fueling up on caffeine as well big R and asked me if I had fun responding to the old Doc's house clearly I must have had a dumb look on my face showing the confusion I was feeling because then he goes you don't know do you he continues the old man's farmhouse belonged to dr. wounds he's the guy I'm sure you've heard about used to do botched abortions and all sorts of inhumane procedures back in the 1800s he's the guy all the rich went to when they had young daughters getting knocked up when man special needs child when they had a special needs child they didn't want to keep he built that house himself even named the road patch lane as a joke to all the patching needed for people laughing about the old tale the guys are trying to pull over on me I wasn't gonna let these guys spook me I finished up my shift and get some Z's and back in I go on Saturday night around the same time it may be a little later around zero 2:30 I get a call dispatched at 10:30 for 10:30 for go ahead we got another 911 hang-up from the same number as last night this time they stayed on the line we could hear someone talking but you can't make it out can you check it out again can you confirm the address again it comes to pat lane now I'm pretty sure the guys are getting dispatch in on some type of joke but whatever I still have to respond better safe than sorry so I Drive down the road turn on the gravel road park my cruiser away from the house and check the perimeter and go up to the front door still no sign of life inside a knock on the door and announce myself this is officer Berkeley with the police department I'm about to leave I go to check the door handle out of pure habit and sure as [ __ ] in the door open I was startled by the fact that the door opened my right hand to me he went to my gun on the right side I announce myself again officer Berkeley Police Department come to the front door or else I'm entering before entering a house for officer safety reasons we always get on the radio 10:34 dispatch dispatch go ahead no one appears to be home but the front door was unlocked I'm going to make entry and check the house it appears abandoned no do we have any backup available 1034 all units are still on failed DUI accident Jean you want to break a negative in all advise I figured I didn't need backup breaking from a potential homicide scene for this abandoned house search I made entry gun drawn I proceeded through the first floor dodging cobwebs and stepping over dead insects and critters I continued upstairs through the bedrooms and closet everywhere a person could be I checked I worked my way downstairs and check the basement it's pretty small basement but it's broken into several tiny rooms one room has a metal door with a padlock on it the padlock needs the key to open it and it's completely rusted shut covered in cobwebs and even one big black spider was guarding the lock having made it its home clearly this lock has been there for years maybe decades I didn't worry about it since there was no way anyone else was in there and due to how rust did this old lock was even the keyhole looked corroded and filled with rust and dirt eventually left then advised dispatch no report I grabbed a cup of hot coffee around Oh 400 hours and catch up with one of the guys from DUI crash and ask him what that mess of a scene looked like he told me I'm lucky I wasn't stuck on that scene he asked me about the patch Lane house and I told him it was pretty [ __ ] creepy but I checked it out and it has to be crossed wire somewhere I felt comfortable telling him it was creepy since I knew this guy from when my dad was still on the force and he treats me like a daughter he said he used to get dropped calls all the time from there back in the 90s but and there was actually a family living there back then each time he got dispatched and they let him search the whole house never any problems just a single mom and their two kids minding their own business I asked him what happened to that family and he said nothing suspicious they moved away after maybe ten months or so definitely less than a year and a few families moved in and out renting the house but ever since about the late 90s nobody moved in I asked him if he remembered there being a locked room in the basement honestly not really knowing what I was expecting as a response his eyebrows raised and he said you know what I actually didn't remember until you asked just now yeah Wow yeah the only reason I remember is because the nice girl that lived there with her kids didn't have a key and couldn't get into the room it was asking me if I knew a locksmith but I told her I didn't really know anyone since any time the cops need in somewhere and they just smashed the lock open she giggled and I remember she was a very attractive looking girl we both shrugged it off finding odd but moved on with our shift into the early hours with another DUI stop and a domestic violence call from a guy whose wife drank too much he decided it was a good time to confront him for cheating on her three years ago fast-forward to Sunday night back at work and this time the call comes out right at oh three hundred hours dispatched a 1034 1034 I go ahead hey we have another nine one one call from patch Lane able to go since I was in the middle of eating my lunch I decided to not even go yeah I dispatched I cleared that house last night I didn't even see a landline telephone in that house stand by 1034 to sergeant Oakley Oakley go ahead hey Sarge did you hear this call do you need me to go over or can we clear it 1034 you just drive by no need to go in if you don't see anything but at least drive by received show me Andrew I was pissed since I didn't get to finish eating but I did my job and drove down the gravel road this time the front door was wide open and I know I shut it closed the night before at this point I began to think a homeless person is inside which is still trespassing so I call out to dispatch I have open door now I'm gonna check it out I make entry and this time I see someone run around the corner my gun is drawn since I have no idea what to expect here and I announced myself and run after them when I turned the corner it's just the kitchen and the door to the basement there's no way out I run into the basement nobody's [ __ ] down there nobody I get on the radio and ask for backup but get no response I make my way back up and still nothing on the radio I finished clearing the house and still can't find the person I make my way out to the cruiser and use the cruiser radio and I'm out of breath at this point 10:34 dispatch go ahead did you hear any my calls for backup negative 1034 you need unit no you can disregard I had one subject on the premises but they're gone I'm heading back to the station so of course everyone asks me about what happened and all I can say is that they must have ran out when they saw me I didn't tell anyone that the direction they ran left them absolutely no way of running outside I began to wonder if I'm going crazy I'm off Tuesday and Wednesday nights and rookie remember so at this point I just have one more night before I can rest monday night shift left me speechless at roll call everyone jokes about when I'm planning to go back to patch lane I tell them they can get the call and I'm done Oh 300 hours dispatched to 1045 1045 is my good friend who's been to the house in the 90s 10:45 go we got a 9-1-1 call for patch lane Sarge gave the okay to just drive by and make sure no one's there then 45 okay show me enroute not even 30 seconds go by and my cellphone beeps I have a text name I want to meet me there bastard of course I'm not gonna say no so yeah I go 10:35 to dispatch you can add me to 1045 s call ten-four we show up at the same time this time the front door is wide open awesome we both clear the first floor then the top floor and make our way into the basement together nothing then we turn the corner I see there's no lock on the middle door anywhere we look at each other and he said I thought you said this was locked and I say it was so he slowly opens the door and we're hitting the face with the most horrid smell a smell I know well the smell of death we find the corpse of a young female bloated fresh the body naturally bloats at about 2 or 4 days after death and traps gases that's where the odor comes from we called for backup and medical examiner's show up on scene they processed the scene and began to take the body away I asked them how long has the body been there they're the experts not me and the Emmy guy said between three or four days based on mortis livor mortis and a few other medical terms I probably can't even spell I said that's not possible because I was there day ago and there's no way and that was freshly locked the lock was corroded rusted and covered in cobwebs nobody touched in years and they said Officer Barclay that's not a hot job to explain we're just telling you that his body has been laying in this exact position in that room for between three to four days tomorrow will be my first night back and I'm not sure what to expect Update Thursday August 9th 2018 I woke up this morning to a blaring ringing coming from my nightstand I smacked my alarm clock but it didn't stop noise I finally realized with half an eye open there was my phone ringing I answered hello Berkeley wake the hell up chief wants to see you now sergeant Oakley is not the voice I wanted to hear Oh a hundred hours this morning her old man's out of bed began to get ready to head into the station since I knew it was never a good sign when chief Fox wants to see on his office ASAP around 1900 hours and I walked into the station in uniform and headed towards chief Fox's office I knocked on his open door and poked my head around the corner chief said Barclay come in and shut the door shut the door took a seat well Barclay you shouldn't be surprised why you're here he got dispatched to the same goddamn house for four nights in a row and discover a dead body on the fourth night and this body was there for at least two of the previous nights he really [ __ ] up Barclay now I have paperwork out the ass and you need to answer some questions what the hell how is he turning this around on me I did my job I followed protocol I followed my training and I cleared the house as I was taught okay chief what questions do you have walk me through your first night did you check the windows the doors yes I checked the windows which were all secured and the front door was locked there was no other doors except for the front door it's a very old and small farmhouse all right what about the second night windows and doors chief I checked the windows and doors as my report said the second night the door was unlocked I followed protocol and made entry and tell me why he didn't check the room in the basement well according to Mary Lane versus Bowie I conducted a personal sweep of the home to check for any persons on the premises since the property appeared to be abandoned I looked in all areas that a person could potentially hide when I got to that room I saw that the lock was rusted and corroded and covered in cobwebs there was no way anyone could have hidden in that room lock themselves inside I was not searching for a crime or illegal substances I was only legally allowed to search for persons in that residence I know the [ __ ] law Barclay banks did you try the lock well no I could see that it would not have opened did you think to try to call one of your male officers to try to open the lock chief the reason I didn't try to open it wasn't because I thought I was too weak I didn't try to open it because I could tell that it hadn't been touched in decades well thanks to your expertise and locks and corrosion the entire case is [ __ ] up thanks to you I'm gonna be keeping a close eye on you chief Fox I followed all of our department procedures and stayed within the law if you feel I handled these calls improperly then please provide me the additional training and procedures that would guide me to how I should have handled it nobody likes a smartass Barkley go start your shift you have a lot of follow-ups to do now for this case and you can't be doing that [ __ ] at night what an [ __ ] I knew from the day counsel hired me that he hated me yeah and as I said it's a small town so the chief tends to do what City Council tells him to do lucky for me City Council was eager to hire another female officer but I don't think Fox was on board with their idea I'm used to sexism in these small towns but I tolerated it since my fellow patrol officers for the most part don't share the Chiefs criticism I decided to follow up with the medical examiner's office to see what information they had from the autopsy in the crime scene since we didn't seem to have a copy of their report at our station I called the chief medical examiner hey it's officer Barclay from the patch Lane case did you guys finish up the autopsy report yeah okay um I didn't see a copy here at the station can you send it over I'm pretty busy right now plus that's my assistants job all right how about I swing by and pick it up you can do whatever your little heart desires and the chief medical examiner wasn't exactly eager to help but I grabbed my cruisers keys and headed over to the lab the assistant was a young girl looked fresh out of college and greeted me with a smile pehle officer how can I help you I asked her for the emmys report from patch Lane she proceeded to enter some letters into her computer then hit print she handed me a three-page document so I asked aren't there more pages she responded nope that's it I found this odd considering most medical autopsy reports for a homicide case were well over 20 or 30 pages I took a seat to look over the report and I guess my confusion and anger showed on my face since the receptionist asked if there was a problem as I reviewed the autopsy report I saw that for the hair color which was clearly long and blonde they listed brunette and for eye color they listed undetermined I wish this was the end of this [ __ ] show but the entire report seemed to be either wrong or just incomplete the manner of death was listed as homicide but the cause of death was listed as undetermined so what the hell isn't it their job to determine the cause of death I marched over to the chief medical examiner's office and knocked twice before walking in she is this just a skeleton report from the patch Lane incident I held up the three page document in my hand to show him a skeleton report is a basic report cops will fill out prior to the end of shift and then the next day with fresh eyes they fill in the gaps however with a homicide case and being that it was now over 48 hours later I didn't understand why they would only have a skeleton report nope that's the finished report sweetheart I hate one old creepy man call me sweetheart well why is there no cause of death listed because thanks to you the body sat in a locked room for three days and left us barely any evidence to work with why the hell's everyone blaming me for this then can you explain why the hair color was wrong and about half these details are listed as undetermined if you think you can do better go right ahead I asked to go see the body and I wanted to make sure I wasn't just making [ __ ] up in my own head shockingly he agreed took me over to the freezer again it's a small town so the morgue only had about five bodies in the freezer I found a Jane Doe in patch lane and zipped open the bag I immediately noticed her blonde hair I knew I wasn't crazy I grabbed some latex gloves and began to go through her pockets to look for identification since clearly the emmys office decided it was undetermined if she had items in her pocket I found a receipt from the gas station for 10 gallons of gas priced at $1 and 12 cents per gallon actually felt jealous of this dead woman wondering why she found to get gas that cheap then I looked up at the top of the receipt and saw the date stamp of 1020 1998 by the hell would she keep her receipt that old I flipped their seat over and saw there was some type of writing like in pencil but and I couldn't make it out I put the receipt in a baggie and decided I was going to send it out to the PA state lab for further testing to see if they could decipher what was written the more I looked at her I also noticed that she was wearing bleached jeans with a multicolored sweatshirt like what my mom used to dress me and when I was younger I left the freezer since I could barely feel my own fingertips when I asked the chief medical examiner if he had copies of their attempts to identify the body ie dentil mouldings fingerprints DNA tests etc he handed me over a stack of some papers and said good luck I asked why are there only six fingerprints why didn't she do all ten like normal he responded well why didn't you check the lock on the door while you were there three days ago I don't tell you how to do your job so why the hell are you gonna tell me how to do mine [ __ ] he's usually more thorough than this I have no idea why it feels like I'm the only one even trying to solve this case anymore i fingerprinted all ten of our jane doe's fingerprints and ran them through my mobile AFIS automated fingerprint identification system I was pleasantly surprised to see that I got a hit so I clicked see more my screen read Michele Klein date of birth Moe 705 1972 date of death 10:20 1998 what the hell update Monday August 13th 2018 I woke up Friday evening and groggy with a pounding headache I'm beginning to think the bottle of wine I finished Thursday night wasn't such a good idea that's the thing with cops when we come across horrible scenes that we can't rationalize or explain whether it be murder children abusive husbands finding a 20 year dead body we turned alcohol me personally I turned to a nice stock Merlot I couldn't stop wondering how the hell that body could have died 20 years ago it was fresh I could still smell it it made absolutely no sense I grabbed my keys with my left hand as I wedged my right hand fingers between my duty belt and uniform belt to get my last belt keeper snapped in place before running out the door to make it to roll call on time while driving to the station all I could think about was how there was no way my mobile AFIS was correct I decided as soon as roll call was over I was going to grab a different AFIS from the back cage the not so creative name we call the room with all of our tools and Skagit sand weapons and scan my jane doe's fingerprints again as soon as roll call was over I ran upstairs and grab Jane those fingerprints from the case file next when I grabbed one of the newer AFIS devices and scanned jane doe's fingerprints it was running slow but there seemed to be thinking the screen read processing processing processing then after what felt like an eternity but in reality was maybe in three minutes and I got the message system has timed out failed attempt weird this has never happened to me before I decided to try it again this time I can actually feel my heart start to thud louder and louder as I waited for the results processing processing no results found what the hell are you [ __ ] kidding me this is the response I'm used to seeing when I scan a suspects fingerprints who has never been arrested before I didn't tell anyone about my previous Michelle Klein results because it didn't make any sense to me I was worried something exactly like this would happen and I would look like the crazy one before I could jump on one of the computers to start doing some digging I heard the tone drop the tone is the loud high-pitched screaming tone that makes every cops I ran to my cruiser flip the switch to turn on my lights and siren and race to the scene we circulated the area for over an hour with no results who finally dispatch got back on the air dispatched all yours we just received a call from the hospital they have a gunshot wound patient and officers respond sergeant Oakley who was kind enough to offer the rookies assistance and just like that and I spent the entire rest of my shift sitting at a hospital waiting for the victim to come out of surgery so I could question him I spent all Friday night thinking about our Jane Doe case and trying to find answers but the more I thought about the case the more questions I had when I returned to work Saturday I decided I wanted to return to patch lane to try to get some closure and to some of the unanswered questions after everything that happened and I realized it would be best for me not to go alone I texted my friend Tim he's batch number 1045 who responded last time with me and asked if he would be willing to head back over to patch lane with me under the radar he agreed and we both advised dispatch to hold us out doing foot patrol around the park this is an area we had a lot of problems at night and with underage drinking and smoking I rolled my cruiser to a stop and shut off the engine Tim slowly forced himself out of the cruiser muttering about his bad back Berkeley and what are we even looking for back here anything Tim I don't think the emmys office processed the scene properly based on how they handled the body what are you talking about shed I didn't tell him about my little visit to the emmys office nothing much to start out and do a full sweep of the perimeter I wasn't really sure what I was even expecting there was still police tape across the front door and with fire red sticker on the seal the doorway stamped do not enter I leaned in to check the door handle and make sure it was locked as I reached down I heard a loud shrill scream come from immediately behind me I jumped up and turned around and shined my flashlight straight ahead there's nobody there I heard a much softer quieter scale come from ground level I redirected my light downward sitting in front of me was a Halloween black cat Jesus Christ cat the hell are you screaming at me for now that she had my attention she came up to me and wrapped her body around my like purring I proceeded to check the rest of the windows and worked my way to the rear of the house towards Tim Haley yeah I named her followed me and began frantically meowing at me the closer I got to the rear of the house her screaming got so bad I had to throw her some crackers from my pocket just to distract her and it worked I noticed a shadow in the upper level window but couldn't make out what it was I began taking steps backwards to get a closer look through the upper-level window all while shining my flashlight upward by about the seventh or eighth step back I felt something hard and sharp whack into the back of my ankle and brought me to my knees Tim came running over since this time I was the one doing the yelling he shined his light down to make sure I was okay I thank God there was no blood and I seemed to be fine I bent over to see what it was that I felt go into my ankle and I felt a rusted sharp chunk of metal it was an old a root cellar door handle root cellars are not uncommon on these old farms it was a way for farmers to store their harvest over the long winter months when refrigeration was non-existent what the hell is that to amassed that's the root cellar door I told him we need to see what's down there we opened the door and I used my ASP baton to wrap all the spider webs around it and clear a path for us Barclay you're [ __ ] going first I shine my light down and began going down one step at a time I went slowly so as not to fall through one of these old wooden stairs we walked down what could only be described as a tunnel for only about 10 seconds before he reached a small set of stairs there were about four steps that led up to a smaller hatch almost like an attic door one you must crawl through without a ladder I reached up and opened the hatch I popped my head up and shine my light around there was a large rug over the hatch opening Tim helped me push it out of the way once we could finally see in the room I recognized it it was the room where we found Jane Doe Tim grabbed my arm and convinced me we need to leave because this house was still an active crime scene and we couldn't go walking around inside we finally figured out how the body got in that room I knew I wasn't crazy there was no way anyone had touched that lock on the outside we turned around and retraced her steps careful not to disturb anything along the way I tried to look for evidence but it was too dark there was an area that would be better examined during daylight we returned to our cruisers and calmed our nerves over a long smoke break despite the fact that I'm not even a smoker I got home and passed out went back into work on Sunday one thing I love about working weekends is that there's no brass station when I go into work however the stay was different as soon as I walked into the station I overheard my co-workers talking about some suits that were up in chief's office sergeant Oakley saw me and immediately snapped his fingers at me Barclay get over here chief got called in today because of a surprise visit from some suits he wants you in his office immediately I headed upstairs to the chief's office a little surprised that the feds were getting involved in this case I began to wonder if the FBI got involved because of the potential serial killer my thoughts were quickly interrupted by chief Fox Barkley get your ass in here oh the wonderful sound of his voice hello chief how can I help Barkley the marshals got called in to help with this case the u.s. marshals they usually go after fugitives until they think fugitives did this to our Jeanne don't do they think our Jane Doe is a fugitive my mind is going a hundred miles per minute chief Fox then told me I had to sit down with him and answer any and all questions they had I took a seat and walked them through my past week explaining the nine eleven hang-ups and finding the body I wasn't planning on giving them any details about the fingerprints Michele Klein or the secret door but they asked me something that sparked my interest miss Barkley are you familiar with the u.s. marshals witness protection program [Music] update Tuesday August 14th 2018 my conversation with the US Marshals left me speechless it seemed like every time a question was answered it created ten more my Jane Doe was in the witness protection program why why would she risk her life coming back here who wanted to kill her the u.s. marshals were extremely professional polished and appeared as though they wanted to help they weren't willing to divulge any specifics or details of why Jane Doe was put in the program or why she may have been killed they did tell me that she was a key witness to a very high profile case years ago involving the ATF they also admitted that Michelle Klein was her real name however they faked her death upon entry of the protection program whenever I ran her fingerprints through AFIS it triggered an alert in their system and that's how they came to be standing in front of me before I could ask any questions and they shook my hand and thanked me for my time they walked out the door before I could even get a why out of my mouth who killed Michelle Klein who kept calling 9-1-1 what did this poor woman get herself into why was there a receipt in her pocket from twenty years ago I finished up the rest of my shift completing paperwork commissioned I eventually faxed over to the suits I went home early Monday morning and had two glasses of wine before rolling into bed by Oh 500 hours don't be mistaken it's not that I didn't want to drink the entire bottle again but I was just too tired Monday evening I headed back towards the station for roll call which started at 1700 hours sergeant Oakley read and summarized aloud the prior shifts reports before releasing us to hit the road before I can finish racking my cruiser dispatch calls dispatch to 1034 1034 go ahead 1034 we got a call from a senior citizen who was currently at a neighbor's house she is a medical a customer and oxygen-dependent perform liens are currently not working and is requesting to speak with an officer 1034 show me in route although there isn't much for an officer to do on such as this we are obligated to respond if someone calls and requests to see an officer I Drive down the long country road towards the caller and can't help but glance to my right as I passed the patch lane sign I arrive on the scene and meet with the sweetest old woman who reminded me very much my own grandmother she explained to me that she walked to her neighbor's house and called the phone company about her phones not working but just wanted an officer to keep her company until her phones were fixed since she was oxygen-dependent she also shared that she had already had more than one fall in her home and he used her medical alert I told her that I was happy to wait with her she lived in an older farmhouse there are many of those in this area and had one of the prettiest farmlands I've seen in a while she had her garden filled with colorful flowers and cute lawn ornaments throughout she caught me staring and said oh yes my daughter comes by every week to help me keep my garden looking so pretty her husband mows the lawn for me and she tends to my flowers I was shocked to see the local phone company drive down the gravel road within 30 minutes of my arrival I went outside to greet the technician and explained the problem he introduced himself as Tom and asked me where the box was located as quickly as I could repeat the question in my head I heard the older woman yell from the porch it's behind the shed I followed Tom behind the shed in about 20 yards away I saw a large three foot square pole sticking out of ground Tom walked over to it and began reaching on his belt for some tools what is that I asked oh this is the box that connects your telephone line as well as your neighbors lines to the central telephone system I'm gonna see if there's a problem with the wires making the connections he attempted to open the hinge no luck these things usually go months or maybe years without being opened and just take a little TLC to open yeah there we go the front face opened after just a little elbow grease was put into it I saw several wires and some labels next to the wires containing a series of numbers so explain to me what's going on here I asked well these boxes were put here wait before your turn they had to install these when landmines first became a thing you see these wires and numbers after them so to which address each wire is associated I noticed a loose wire hanging from the bottom with no label and this one appeared to have a female attachment on the end of it I asked and what is that why I made to connect to well that's so we can plug our phones into it and make calls to test the lines wait wait you you can carry a phone in your pocket and plug it in and make a phone call from the box Tom laughed and explained well it isn't exactly that simply you need a certain type of phone but yeah I guess it's kind of like that what phone number would show up when you call someone from the box whichever neighbor's line you selected up here as emotion to the labels and switches it was then that I had my lightbulb moment what if my 9-1-1 hang ups a patch lane were being done one of these boxes i asked so if the house had no electricity no phone but could it still show up as the origin of the phone call if someone called from a box Tom paused for a moment to think about it and responded I guess yeah I mean that's possible and was as long as the telephone line has not been reassigned to another person Tom finished up his work and was able to get the phones working again I left the scene within an hour some it was still light outside I decided to head back to patch lane in the daylight to see if I could find one of these landline telephone poles I arrived on scene and began walking through the acreage after about 20 minutes I found it I leaned over and wrapped my two fingers inside the front panel and pulled the door opened with ease much unlike the last box I'd watched Tom open somebody had opened this box recently the who as I started to head back towards my cruiser I heard screaming god damn it Haley I turned around and saw Haley sitting on the front porch this time she looked in pain but she was holding a front paw in the air and kept licking it screaming in pain I got close to her and saw her paw looked incredibly swollen I'm an animal of him so I decided to wrap her in an old uniform shirt I had in my truck and set her in my cruiser I grabbed my phone from my front vest pocket and googled local veterinarians that was pretty damn surprised to see my family's old vet was showing up a still open and in business we had a black lab growing the I swear was the most intelligent dog doctor domeier's was just down the road and open until 8:00 p.m. for twenty hundred hours as I interpreted it my glance at my watch and saw that it was already nineteen hundred and forty hours so I rushed down the road to the vet doctor de Mai immediately took us in and began examining her paw I couldn't believe this guy was still alive let alone still working I remembered him being old when I was a kid he asked to be in his 80s now my dad used to always take our dog to him I remember he would call doctor domeier's the mayor because he knew everyone in town and knew everything about them for as much as my dog hated the vet I swear my dad loved going there to shoot the [ __ ] with doctor domeier's so where did you find this cat officer down on patch Lane at an abandoned farmhouse she was sitting on the front porch crying in pain and I just couldn't leave her there yeah I haven't heard about patch Lane in quite a while no I familiar with that house I asked well I don't know if I would say that I just remember the stories that circulated the town back then he stopped to write down some notes in his chart he moved up inside I was a beautiful farm I remember taking care of the cows in the old Wentz farm when the Kurds lived there did you know the guy that lived there after the goods passed oh I never knew him I only heard many stories what stories well the fellow was a jack of all trades you could say he dipped his hands into just about every illegal scheme you could think of I heard rumors he had ties to the Mafia the guy was blond hair and blue eyes and yet supposedly most Italian now you explain that to me officer heck I never did understand it but I suspect he was given something providing something to them it was very odd character I never heard about the owner of patch Lane until just now where is he now I asked well he left town quite a few years ago never did see him again oh well anywho here's some penicillin you're gonna have to give to Haley for the next five days this will help clear perhaps us to make sure the infection doesn't get any worse if it does get worse call my office wait what the hell I'm have to give her medicine so now I have a cat now I'm more of a dog person but I can't stomach the idea of dropping her off at the local shelter either on my way home I stopped at a local Mart and picked up a litter box some cat litter and cat food at least cats are lower maintenance and more independent than dogs Haley decided to snuggle up next to me for the night and I'll admit it was the best I'd slept in eight months I woke up Tuesday morning and decided to make it a productive day despite the fact that it's my day off from work and I'm exhausted I began to think of who would have more information on patch lane and Michelle Klein all of my thoughts came back to the same person my dad he was on the force back in the 90s hell he was on the force even back in the 80s and 70s I drove over to his house and pulled into his driveway I saw the rosebush and bloom in front of his house and it instantly reminded me of my mom she passed away a few years back but every time I go to my dad's I find pieces of her everywhere such as the rosebush that she had planted I welcome myself inside and was greeted with the best bear hug after feeding me and fuelling me with his famous super secret recipe coffee we sat down dad have you ever been to the house on patch lane oh oh wow yeah I have many many years ago really what were you there for the HTF needed a couple uniformed officers to assist them with gathering evidence for the case they busted the owner of the place for smuggling illegal guns and he had them stored in the shed on the farm I've been researching this place for over a week I've never heard of an ATF raid well that's because it was confidential we never wrote a police report on the incident it was solely documented on the federal level and they were very good about keeping it out of the media we didn't have space phones back then so it was much easier to keep this under wraps do you know what happened to the owner who was he his name was John but no no a is Joseph yeah Joseph Miller I believe it was similar to Miller but not quite Miller what happened to him right well he had an inside mole with the police department and caught wind of the raid he flew the coop and I never really got an update since then I began to wonder why Tim didn't tell me any of this dad I've been dispatched to passionately in several times with Tim and he didn't tell me any of this do you know why he wouldn't tell me about it well Tim didn't join the department until about 97 maybe 98 this all happened around 95 about two years before then well that made me feel a little bit better I felt guilty for insinuating that I was questioning Tim my dad began to ask me questions about my own calls to patch Lane but I made the dash to the front door and told him I had to get going because of Haley and simply told him that I was taking in a stray who was still healing I hadn't heard back from PA state lab yet so I called them to get an update on what was written on the back of the receipt I found in Michelle's pocket the receptionist answered the phone state forensics Department hello mrs. officer Barkley following up on case number two zero one eight that I wanted to check the status of my evidence and the receptionist transferred me a mail answered hello officer Barkley sorry we've been so busy I didn't get a chance to call you sooner and we were successful in extracting the riding on the back of the receipt you provided to us it read l34 - r16 l8 what does that even read and I can't say for sure what this means but in my personal opinion this definitely looks like combination to a safe [Music] you [Music] Update Wednesday August 15 2018 woke up early Tuesday morning and threw some food in a bowl for Haley before racing out of my house don't worry Haley mall will be back later Jimmy out goodbye in response brushed along my leg and trotted over to the couch to curl up and wait for my return it's so damn hard to leave her now she filled a void in my heart I didn't know existed I headed over to my dad's I didn't call him ahead of time since he's just down the road and I stopped in all the time as I was pulling up I saw Tim's truck parked in my dad's driveway it's all very surprised since they're good friends and today is Jim's day off as well so they tend to catch up on Tuesdays or Wednesdays over cigar on the back deck I was actually really glad Tim was there because I had some more questions I wanted to run by him as well my dad greeted me with his famous bear hug and Tim gave me a nod of the head and smiled how's it going hey I'm actually really glad you guys are both here I wanted to ask you both about patch lane Tim chimed in Jesus see what I'm talking about your girl's obsessed with the case now chip off the old block am i right my dad laughed oh I remember those days obsessing over cases I got to say retirement is treating me well I welcome myself back into the conversation okay well maybe there's a reason to be obsessed I just talked to the state's forensic lab and it looked like Michelle had written a code to a safe on the back of that receipt that she had in her pocket I think there's a safe somewhere in patch lane it could have some answers for me Tim took a long inhale of his cigar held it and slowly released you're gonna make me go back there aren't you I flashed him a smile and offered well I could go alone Tim agreed and my dad laughed at him and remarked yeah she does that [ __ ] to me too Tim good luck with that I added Tim I also wanted to ask you about the 911 hang-up she used to respond to you back when you were a rookie what else do you remember about the tenant Tim thought for a moment and replied well she is certainly a pretty young girl shed two very young children neither could talk yet so I bet they were under too she looked young for herself I would suspect that she was maybe around 20 years old if that she had that baby face you know anywho she was very cautious about house and locked the door in the basement most people hated when cops showed up but she always seems I don't know relieved she would mention how big that house was and how she always felt like someone was watching her even the tenants after her made similar comments I always chalked it up to being the history of the whens fun you know is there any chance that the woman we found in the basement was the same girl that lived there I don't know why it would be I always thought she moved somewhere else because right after she left the new tenant came in I guess I don't know exactly what happened to her did you remember her name oh my god I'm awful with names I'll never forget her face but I can't remember names you know that that's why I immediately write down every person's name that we interview I can't even check anywhere since I never took a report for checking the house could her name have been Michelle Quine I turned to my dad dad do you know about the tenant in the house in the late 90s he looked nervously down at his cigarette and took a short puff well I remember all the tenants were similar what do you mean they like look similar dad this is important just tell me what you're trying to spit out he took a deep breath whoa-ohh the tenants re young attractive women they were mostly blond from out of town the type of girls that your mother and who would not have liked me stopping to talk to you at the grocery store if you catch my drift wait you're saying they were prostitutes no no I just I just mean they were young pretty and canden did see you know I wasn't sure what to make of this information but I let Tim finish the cigar before we headed into the station we were scheduled off for Tuesday but given this new information I requested and was granted to come in and work overtime to follow up I remember Tim used to go to the beach and come back with old coins and whatnot he would find using his metal detector I asked him if he could bring his metal detector to patch lane with him this evening to help us find the safe after we broke from roll call we immediately headed to patch lane the scene was done being processed so when we walked through the front door we went to the upstairs master bedroom tried every floorboard looking for a safe could have been hidden we were unsuccessful we mutually decided to try the basement before the rest of the house we worked our way into the room where we found Michelle's body there are some scenes you just won't forget and that was one of them her body was purple and swollen and unrecognizable as human the only way I even identified her as a young woman and was based on the long blonde hair the clothing she had on Tim ran his metal detector along the cement wall and we heard Tim continued to move it along the left we looked at each other for a moment before he dropped his metal detector and we grabbed at the wall I don't know what we were grabbing at though we kept feeling along the wall as we pushed along the wall a block moved I grabbed my knife from my pocket and Tim grabbed his we will shove da knives against the cement brick and eased it from the wall there was the safe it was an old-fashioned turn dialogue like the kind I used on my high school Walker drawing on my memory I cleared the lock before trying the combination I spawned it to the left stopping at 34 spun it two times to the right stopping at 16 spun it back to the left and stopped at eight I went to open the door Tim's eyes and mine locked on the safe and then I heard another but it wasn't like the unlocking of a safe this was familiar it was the cocking of a revolver I turned around and was faced with the barrel of a gun well well well you pigs just can't stay away from my house he had blond hair all of the gray was taking over and piercing blue eyes you're as bad as that [ __ ] that couldn't keep the mouth shut you know I let her live here cuz she appeared cute and dumb the curiosity is what kind of killed just like I'm about to do to you - the problem with facing a gun is that no matter how fast I can grab my gun he would have been able to pull his trigger faster however there are other options I slowly walked towards our killer hands in the air levelled with my shoulders and asked yo Joseph weren't you yeah you're dead as he finished his sentence my nose was nearly touching the barrel of his gun I grabbed the barrel twisting it to his right making a full 360-degree circle I heard his pointer fingers snap as it got tangled in the trigger and broke I had done and pointed it right back at him get on the [ __ ] ground he slowly raised his hands in the air and got on his right knee and then I was left Tim ran behind Joseph and placed him in handcuffs once the scene was under control we called for backup as officers arrived in the scene so did the suits the two suits from earlier in the week came down and Tim and I recounted the evenings events it was at this point and that I realized I still didn't get to see what was inside the safe I walked over and opened the door I grabbed a handful of papers and pulled them out they were photographs and Tim instantly said that's her that was the girl like I said I never forget a face just names the suits looked at him and said that's Michelle Klein in your body and our witness I took a deep inhale and released it with a long sigh now key please tell us what the hell went on here the suits looked at each other and the older one nodded all right mr. Joseph Mahler here was into some deep [ __ ] most predominantly here an illegal guns and sold them to some big names including the Mafia the ATF thought they got everything during their a few years ago but there are so many hidden passages tunnels and root cellars throughout the property and land that he kept hiding them somewhere new trust us if you knew about the tunnels and passengers you're literally standing on right now you'd have nightmares for years the suit took a sip of his coffee and continued use the tenants as a cover-up and targeted tenants he thought wouldn't ask any questions and be fine with sending checks addressed to cash to a peel box as a monthly rent well he didn't expect most from Michelle Klein to start asking question and go digging in this house she stumbled across one of his root cellars where he stored guns and called the feds immediately she didn't know if she could trust the local police at that point and went straight to the ATF ATF contacted us and said they knew Moeller and knew that if he found out she knew then she would be dead so they sent her to us to protect her part of her protection meant that we needed to fake her death so that Muller wouldn't be suspicious and go looking for her she refused initially but when we explained to her that her children's lives were at risk too she agreed he looked towards the safe and continued it looks like she used the safe here to store old family photographs and their birth certificates as proof of their existence we told her she had to leave all this and she couldn't take any evidence of her previous life or her children this all happened on October 20th 1998 it looks like she wrote down the safe code on the first piece of paper she could find and kept it after all these years we received notification about two weeks ago that her son was diagnosed with cancer goddamn cancer kid was only 22 years old and had a brain tumor she kept on telling us she wanted to go see him and we explained to her why it wasn't possible and we even told her and that he probably wouldn't recognize her it looks like she did her best to try to look like she did 20 years ago including her clothing some he would recognize her she probably wanted to grab these photos to show him to prove that she was his mother and jog his memory when she was here Joseph must have seen her from one of his tree stands and Wanda silenced her she was the only witness willing to go forward with the testimony we could just never catch him after all these years I responded well I hope the entire cases can be closed now the suits responded yeah I don't think he should be getting any more nine-one-one hang-ups from that house i processed what they just said and asked ya wait who was the one making those calls then and they responded we can't disclose that information but you can think of them as a Good Samaritan who had eyes everywhere wanted to see justice done we headed back to the station where I started the neverending paperwork process now that we're more secluded and decided to tell him about my experience at the medical examiner's office I began to think that he was involved and it was something they needed to know he stopped me and said um this is actually something that Emmy wanted to talk to you about himself hold on the suit came back with the Emmy and he extended his hand to shake mine I was confused by the gesture but shook his hand officer Barkley I wanted to say what a fantastic job he did on this case I also want to apologize in person for how I acted and how I handled this case I received an anonymous threat that if I performed an autopsy or did anything at all with the body my family is gonna be killed they even knew my daughter's school and her schedule I'm so sorry I was afraid to go to the authorities out of fear of my family I'm so glad you stopped your guns and saw this case through dispatch interrupted dispatch to 1034 1034 go ahead are you available to respond to a 911 hang-up affirmative what's the address [Music]
Channel: The Dark Somnium
Views: 1,231,481
Rating: 4.8456492 out of 5
Keywords: creepy pasta stories, new creepypasta, creepypasta story, creepypasta stories, horror, scary creepypasta, creepy pasta, nosleep, scary, stories, creepypasta reading, scary stories, story, true stories, creepypasta readings, horror stories, creepypasta, scary story, horror story, scariest creepypasta, the dark somnium, nosleep story, nosleep stories, creepy stories, creepy story, cop stories, scary cop stories, cop creepypasta, scary cop creepypasta, cop scary stories
Id: RsWoMUxmd6E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 2sec (3302 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 22 2018
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