My Grandmas TOP of the line Mexican BARBACOA STREET TACOS ,super tender beef in beer red sauce!!!

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hi guys welcome back to my Channel today we're going to be making my grandma's recipe for Barbacoa Roja so if you want to learn how to make this super easy and delicious recipe just stay tuned and I'll show you how alrighty guys so let's get started with our ingredients so for the recipe we're going to need 10 New Mexico oahigo chile pots five Chile puya one Chile Morita half of an onion six garlic cloves two tablespoons of white vinegar two bay leaves two pounds and a half of country style ribs three pounds of short ribs and two pounds of Chuck tender rolls 12 ounces of Mexican beer six cup cloves one tablespoon of oregano one tablespoon of ground cumin chicken bouillon salt and black pepper so these are ingredients now let's get started alrighty guys so first we're going to begin by cleaning our chili pots now since we're going to be frying them we don't want them to be wet so we're just going to remove the stem along with the seeds and we're going to clean them using a damp paper towel okay and just like that we have our clean Chile so now we're just going to repeat to the rest of our chili pods all right so once we have our chiliates all nice and clean we're going to set them to the side and get our meat ready okay so I'm just going to be patting my meat dry okay so once we have it all dry now we're going to sprinkle it with salt and black pepper so I'm just going to be mixing my salt and black pepper together and just like that we can sprinkle it all over me make sure that you coat both sides okay and once we have our meat all nice and coated with our salt and black pepper now we are ready to begin cooking okay to our Dutch oven we're going to be adding a little bit of oil or lard we're going to set it on high heat and allow it to heat up okay and once nice and hot we're going to begin to sear our meat for three minutes first time and we're just going to be doing this step in batches this is literally the hardest part okay after three minutes we're going to flip our meat over and another side is here for another three minutes okay another three minutes we're going to remove our meat and just add a little bit more lard and now we're just going to repeat the same process okay so once we have syrup all over meat I'm going to add a little bit more lard and we're going to begin to fry our onion so just break it apart [Music] we're going to give it a couple minutes after a couple minutes we're going to add our garlic clove give it about a minute yeah at this point we're going to redo the heat to medium setting okay and after the minute we're going to begin to add our chili pots this is going to be fast so give it about 30 seconds you don't want your chili pots to burn so just make sure that you're moving them around now to that we're going to add two cups of water okay just make sure that you're moving it all around we're going to give it a minute and then we're going to transfer it to our blender cup okay so after the minute we're going to turn it off and now we're going to preheat our oven to 275 degrees okay now carefully we're going to transfer all of our mixture into our blender cup along with the water okay so now we can get ready to blend to a buttercup we're going to add another cup of water our white vinegar and all of our spices so now we're just going to be blending into a smooth all right so once we have our sauce now we can put it all together we're going to return our sauce to our pot okay so now we're going to add our beer okay so just allow it to come to a full simmer ready and once it comes to a full simmer taste it for salt and adjust it if needed for me it is perfect so now we're just going to return our meat so please remove into the sauce make sure that you add all of these juices foreign just make sure that the meat gets fully coated with the sauce now we're just going to add our bay leaves we're going to cover and place it in our oven so be very careful and we're going to leave it in there for three to four hours alrighty guys so our meat has been cooking for three hours and a half it's almost done so while we wait we're going to make a fast and easy okay to our pan we're going to cover it with a little oil we're going to set it on medium heat and today we're going to add three tomatoes cut them in half and face them down we're just going to allow them to soften okay after a minute we're going to flip them over and just give it another minute okay and after the minute our Tomatoes should be done so we're going to transfer into our blender cup and now we're going to be frying a small piece of onion and two garlic cloves so this is a Loftin allow them to soften okay and after a minute our onion and garlic close our time so we're going to transfer with the tomatoes and at this point we're going to turn it off and Fry Chile de Arbol of course depending on how spicy you want your salsa then it depends on how many chilies they add what you're going to need I'm using 15. so just allow them to get nice and fried just for about 30 seconds once you begin to smell the chili then they are done okay transfer okay so now we can get ready to blend and of course we're going to add a pinch of oregano to our salsa along with salt so now we can blend in too smooth okay and just like that we have our salsa and now we're just going to transfer to a bowl and taste it for salt and adjust it if needed okay and after four hours we have our delicious Barbacoa so of course we're going to open it and of course you want to check it make sure that it's done as you can see so nice and tender look at that now we can get ready to make our tacos of course before we make our tacos I just like to shred my meat and you shouldn't struggle at all ready and once we have our meat now we can get ready for the fun part okay and I already hit on my tortillas using some of the oil from the meat I'm going to squeeze a little lime juice Little Onion cilantro and of course our delicious salsa and just like that we can get ready to enjoy our delicious Tacos de Barbacoa alrighty guys and now for the best for the tasters now let me tell you guys that I am so ready I love tacos and of course these tacos are special you know it reminds me of my grandma with just a few ingredients you have some delicious Barbacoa and the ingredients you know they already have you already have them in your pantry so I hope you give them a try and enjoy them in just as much these tacos are you know different from all my other my other tacos they're unique in their very special way so I hope you give them a try and enjoy them in just as much cheers and enjoy um oh dad was delicious all the flavor the salsa so good [Music] mm-hmm these are honestly over the top so good um alrighty guys in there you have at home it got super easy and delicious Barbacoa Roja I hope you guys enjoy watching this video and if you did please don't forget to give me a big thumbs up share with your friends and family and if you recruit this recipe please don't forget to tag me in any of my social medias any video to my Channel please hit that subscribe button so you guys keep part of our family thank you so much for watching and I'll see you guys on my next video bye
Channel: Cooking Con Claudia
Views: 178,966
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: barbacoa, tacos, barbacoa de res, beef barbacoa, beef barbacoa recipe, beef barbacoa tacos, beef barbacoa slow cooker recipe, dutch oven barbacoa, how to make barbacoa, cooking con claudia, barbacoa recipe, barbacoa tacos, easy barbacoa, barbacoa ingredients, mexican barbacoa, tacos de barbacoa de res, homemade barbacoa, easy barbacoa recipe slow cooker, tacos de bistec, street style tacos recipe, taqueria tacos, taqueria, mexican tacos, salsa roja para tacos, tacos recipe
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 41sec (641 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 27 2023
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