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hey what's up good people how are you doing today good to have you on board once again today is the 11th day of our 21 days locked down and believe me it has not been easy at all okay there's been a lot of video messages circulating you know saying that there are hidden agendas behind the whole of this coronavirus issue I believe some of you must have gotten some of those videos also you know and if you look at it critically believe me to get too worried you know but I've told myself that no matter what it is or no matter what the agendas are believe me God is able to carry us through so I'm doing a very short song and says I know my God is able to carry me through listen to it and God bless you My God is able he's a believer I know my god is able I know my God is able to carry me to my god this hill he's able able I know my god is able I know my God is able to carry me through for here's him the brokenhearted here said the cat is free you know he heal the sick raise the dead and walk so fun to see my god is able he's able I know my god is able I know my God is able to carry me through my god is able he said I know my God is able I know my God is able to carry me through my God he's helped I know my God is able I know my God is able to carry me through for years heal the broken had yes said the cat is free you know he heal the sick raise the dead I walk so fun to see my god be able he's able people I know my god is able I know my god is able to carry me through my God is able he's able I know my God is able I don't make God is able to carry me to my god II able he's able able and oh my god is able I don't make God is able to carry be true for years heal the broken had here said the cap is free you know he heal the sick raise the dead and what so fun to see my god is able he's available and oh my god is able and oh my god is able to carry me to my god is able he stable I know my god is able I know my god is able I know my god is able Sarah I know who my God is able oh my god is a disabled I know my god is a disabled I know my god is able simple I know my god is a he's able I know my god is a he's able I know my god is a feasible I know my god is able to carry me - yes he's able to carry us through just believe thank you
Channel: IHENILE. com
Views: 10,757
Rating: 4.9361701 out of 5
Id: _bniixAOsKA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 42sec (222 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 08 2020
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