"It's All True" Dave's Visit to Heaven - FULL TALK

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I'm sure some new life question but in that and vitality to those things that I just shared so why don't we welcome David thank you for that hi really feel like I'm on the wrong side it's microphone I really like the back better than the front um and let me just start a little bit by by saying you know hi and and for those that don't know me I don't know many of you if you all know who I am or what I am but I'm a lifelong parishioner here at st. Joe's I was baptized in that church I was married in that church I my wife she teaches here at school for Calvert elementary the music program I've got three kids and and my oldest is here and she was married at this church and then I've got my other daughter she's engaged and she will be married in this church and and then I've got my son up at Calvert so it you know maybe my blood would run blue and white I don't know if there would be such a thing the reason I was asked to talk is my I forgot the Tom my April 27th heart attack if you looked at me you would have never guessed that I would have been a heart attack candidate but it happened I do want to say thanks everybody that was out there that gave me support while I was going through that and our family there was food and cards I got a stack of cards this high now I do think some of them or because of sherry now my wife is a lot more popular than I am and and some of more dressed Sherry's husband you know that kind of gave me a clue but anyway I I was very touched by all the support the prayers that you all gave forth and you know I'll never forget it what I learned from my heart attack was that my faith will get you to heaven I I guess I didn't know that and and you know we read about it we hear about it but but the faith that I learned here the faith that I was given and accepted will take you to heaven and and it took me there and I just I was amazed at that and and I if there's any prayer that I have it would be that you all are encouraged by my story that your faith will get you to heaven excuse me like I and one one thing I want to emphasize is whatever it takes hold on your faith whatever it takes it's heavens worth it it's it's that good it is beyond anything you can imagine father talked about it in his homily today and the Gospel reading today about paradise I don't know the Paradise is the word that I used to describe it but we'll get into that and I'll explain it and there's one other thing before I start I want to mention that there was a point when when I wasn't here then I feel I was in heaven that my faith was totally confirmed you know I've doubted everything at one time or another you know and and there's a point where in just a blink of an eye that everything I was taught everything that I believed in that Jesus crucified and and the communion of saints and and all everything that you've ever heard it's all true and and I want to share that with you it just was an overwhelming feeling and I'll get into that a little bit more a little bit but it's it's all true and and I want to share that that's only page one folks I got eight more to go let me start with a story and in you know it I'll go into a little detail here but I'm bear with me because I want to I want to draw a comparison here I had a busy night planned on April 27th it was a Wednesday I was going to mow three yards I watched several rentals for a friend of mine he's out of town and two of those yards in needed mode plus my own so that was my goal get three yards mowed and that was a period of time when grass was growing pretty heavy I mowed ours in record time I was practically running behind the lawn mower up and and you know I was real pleased with myself I got done you know and I hopped in the car real quick and then I I drove to the first house that I was going to go mow now on the way there's I'm driving I just didn't feel good I had no clue I I just I just didn't feel good and I reason in my mind that I must be tired I must be more tired than I thought so when I got to that house that house is empty so I went on in and sat down to couch and and sat there a few minutes figured I'll just rest up and then I'll go mow this and get on with my night well in a few minutes it I didn't feel better I I just I didn't feel right I don't know I had no idea so but then this this nauseousness come over me and you know and I ran over the bathroom and and and after getting sick and I just became so weak and I thought something's wrong here I still had no idea I'm you know I'm never sick so I had no idea something major was going on and but I realized something so I called my wife and she she she came right over now she says it took her a little bit but I I would say that she was there real quickly maybe I passed out maybe I didn't I don't know but when she got there she started drilling me on questions you know what did you do did you get sick first did you you know sweating first you know I Baba and and she's been around people that have been sick before and she I think she put it together pretty quick what was going on and now gingerly she said we got to go to the hospital and I argued a little bit and and then I as I felt so terrible I said okay listen you drive me to the hospital and and then she says no we're going to call a squad and and I'm good husband so I'm going to argue with it right and and and so arguing you know I just wanted her to drive me there and now Joel happened to be with her when she came and he became real adamant no dad you're going to go with a squad I'm going to call 911 and he did he called 911 and you know it was the right thing to do it was absolutely right I probably would have made it if he wouldn't have done that the squad got there rather quickly and and you know they came in the door and I'm sitting there on the couch and and their eyes got about this big you know and in looked at that thought who maybe this isn't so good and and yeah but I still didn't have a clue I really I I didn't know what was going on I didn't have the typical symptoms you know I was thinking of the tingling of the arm and and and I don't know all those other seven and I didn't have that so I just didn't know the ambulance guys they took a couple vitals and said you're going with me and or going with us and they put me up on a cart they wouldn't let me walk out I wanted to walk and and they put me in the ambulance and and now I have never been in the back of an ambulance I didn't know what it was like and and I'm going to describe his cold you know I was cold they wrapped me up but I was cold and and in in the ambulance it was noisy and it was white and sterile the the metal drawers they rattled a lot and and the one EMT felt he wasn't comfortable being back there by himself so the second one there was two guys in back with me and then the guy in front driving and and as we took off you know that the noise in the chaos just it all it just seemed to overwhelm me that I swear they'll have instruments in those drawers in that ambulance there's rocks and it just bounced around in there you know just rattle it's just it's it's it's it's a horrible feeling I was uncomfortable and I and I just I I didn't know I didn't understand and and I was probably in and out of consciousness I don't know um here I never talked as much you know this is unusual so the guys um oh it at drawers and rattling and the engine roar and as we took off he just got so noisy in there I I was very uncomfortable and I I swear that ambulance driver drove up over the curb because I was bouncing around back there you know well we didn't go very far we made one turn and this house happens to be over by Nationals so give you some kind of a perspective of where I was at and how far I had to go as we took off just in I don't know maybe the after the first turn I heard the one guy holler we need to go hot I didn't know what that meant but it didn't take me long to figure it out the siren took off you know on the engine roared and boy then it really got chaotic and noisy and and and then then then the wonderful thing this is the part you guys came to hear there was this incredible warmth just kind of fell down over me the noise and the chaos of the ambulance it just disappeared it it just was was dwarfed by the warmth the the the calmness I I draw the comparison with the ambulance being chaotic this was just the opposite it was the discomfort was gone it it was you know just an overwhelming beautiful warm and and the word I described it the most is welcoming it was I was welcomed there it was just I wanted to be there it was just it just grabbed me and and I was just it was serene and I want to say tranquil but tranquil means quiet and calm I had things flashed in front of my eyes okay I had people that I had dealt with I saw there's there was places where I was at and and events that I was in that had done and this is all flashing by me but it was so calm and peaceful it's beautiful you know you talk about paradise I think of like father talked about paradise you know maybe on a deserted island and the Sun basking down on you you know and and so but I always got too hot and and that wasn't it at all I was it was perfect I was just warm and comfortable it was it was beautiful I the calm I guess I can't stress it enough the calm was overwhelming I knew what was going on at this point I knew now at this point every this is where I was saying everything in my faith was confirmed it just I had just thought that it's all true and and it just it just was so real to me everything is true and and as I went on you know the I wasn't in that ambulance anymore III I just I basked in that that warmth um I've got some other words here but it was just it was paradise but in a different way that I ever thought I want to stress that it wasn't a dream it wasn't a hallucination and and it was and I wasn't unconscious I was fully conscious I could I could interact but I wasn't in that ambulance I was it was it was just so different than a dream it you knew it's different you just know it's nothing nothing like that I've been asked how long I don't know how long it was time doesn't fit the element here it was a while but I don't know um and then some really one thing that's really cool the part that that I just really cool was I heard a voice and and this voice was directed right at me it wasn't someone I heard it was a voice talking to me it was very clear now I'm not one that when I praise you know God comes and tells me this you know do this over here do that over there you you maybe had preachers or something to say that they interact was God back and forth that's not me but this voice was directed to me and and it said and I wrote it down so I never forget it it said no not now you have more work to do and I know not now you've got more work to do Wow and then I replied I responded back to that voice and I said I accept now that's not usually the way I talk I would somebody says don't not now I'd say okay you know I'd be casual about it but as well formal I accept you know and and and immediately immediately after that I woke up at mercy in the hospital emergency room the the heaven thing was gone the discomfort came back all the chaos returned you know the lights and all the uncomfortable it was all back all I had to do is say I accept let me get another drink of water now there was here's some fun things that happen if you go to all of that but as I was in is when I woke up at Mercy you know the first person I saw was father Joe it you know and and and there is a rumor out there that he was eating a candy bar it's not true all right he was not eating chocolate but you know father Joe was there and and I looked up at him and and you could ask him about this and I think I startled him because I I was in a notic conscious but I wasn't there and and when I saw father joy oh hi you know like fancy meeting you here and you know how's it going but then then he leaned over to me and he says I want to anoint you and and my mind immediately well let me say it this way when he said I want to anoint you I said I don't want last rites you know I know I said that my wife was standing right there asked her and in my what happened my mind went back to my first-grade catechism classes you know way back when and you know how we learned the sacraments of Baptism and and confirmation and confession and you know all the way down the line you go in a Holy Orders Metro and all that well the last one you you you learn is is last rites and and you got that right before they were going to ready to throw dirt on you I mean if you you were checking out when you got last rites that's what I was told and and I don't you know I just was told I got more work to do I'm not checking out I'm staying here I you know this is this is me I'm gonna make it you know I knew something nobody else knew and and so I think I took him back a little bit when I said that and and he says oh it's okay I'll just deny can I just annoyed yeah yeah yeah okay I can get the anointed I just didn't want that last rites thing and you know looking back at the whole event you know when I I look at what happened later I'm surprised I'm kind of amazed that I wasn't more scared there were some things that you know they told me and things that happened it that you know I just went with it I just rolled with it and I think looking back I had that calmness because of what I had seen because of that message to me um I can't say for sure you know I I don't really was i solid in knowing that I was going to make it through this no I wasn't and I had more doubts and stuff but I remembered that voice I remembered my my visit up to heaven and and I really claimed that it was it was it was wonderful and I just felt that all I had to do was listen to the doctors follow what they said and things were going to be all right you know I never thought that I was going to die out of this another note was I think God sent sherry my wife a calmness you know she saw me at the house and and she saw me at ER and and she saw a lot of yucky things going on in and and you know if you know my wife she would tend to get excited about stuff like that but you know the EMTs told her that I had coded in the ambulance and yet she drove to Toledo very much under control and I'm going to say that was a gift from God I don't she's that not normally that way not uh not on an emergency like that no um some other funny things happened you know after it was in the emergency room they told me you're going to get a helicopter ride and and I'll all right and you know I the first thing thought the cane in my mind is this is going to be expensive and and you know I'm kind of tight they tell me and and so they're wheeling me out to the helicopter and I'm thinking okay this would be fun you know I like this I get to Lookout I've never had a helicopter ride you know this is going to be good well they laid me down and and I was so weak I couldn't lead up I couldn't look out the window all I could see was the rotor I was looking at the sky you know and I was so bummed that I couldn't watch my own helicopter ride you know um let me get another drink there was another time when I woke up and I was in a hallway and at the time I had no idea where I was at and and when you're laying on a cart in a hallway all you can see is the lights right I mean that's that's all there is so I wake up and I'm looking and and there's these lights and and they're just flying by zoom-zoom-zoom and I'm looking at this I'm thinking somebody's pushing me and and they're running they're running really fast this isn't a good thing yeah I distinctly remember that I mean this is the crazy things that went through my mind they took me to the heart cath lab the heart catheterization lab and and they did an emergency heart cath on me they they put a stent in and put a balloon pump up in my aorta and kept me alive for a day later at one of my doctor visits later on I met the doctor that did that the doctor saved my life basically and and how that happened was he wasn't scheduled to see me we were at the doctor's office and I've seen the the I think it was a nurse practitioner and and I asked and I go see can I see dr. Taylor busy there and they said yeah he's here um you know maybe you I said I just want to thank him and they said oh yeah we'll see if we can get him well we stayed the room there and within a few minutes he popped in the door you know and and and now he didn't have my charts he wasn't really scheduled to see me and and I asked him I said do you remember me and and he never forget what he said he says I'll never forget you whoa you know you only remember the good ones and the bad ones so what am i I know a my a good one or a bad one and and he said when I first saw you your blood pressure was 50 over 30 he said you had no pulse in your legs and then he told me he said I felt I had seconds and that's the word he used with seconds it wasn't you know a short time you used seconds he says I felt I had seconds to get your blood pressure up and he did it you know III just amazed it at the pressure that he had to work under we talked a little bit more back and forth and and and then at the end you know oh I'll tell you this too that he also told me that they when he first saw me and they started opera they they didn't take the time they operated on me with no anesthesia they didn't want to take the time it was it was that close and and in closing the dr. Taylor says if God wouldn't want you you wouldn't be here you know and he knew he knew how close it was I just I'm at this at this point I'm getting starting to learn how critical I was I really didn't know you know all everything I've talked to you so far was was Wednesday Wednesday evening and then Thursday they kind of just kept me sedated and stabilized and and I did not much happen and then Friday they they open their open heart surgery on me they gave me a triple bypass they left the stent in and I was told that I had four major blockages now I'm not a medical person all right so I don't know um I guess you only got four veins in your heart I had them all blocked me they told me I had I was operating on three percent three three percent of my heart and I looked at how can that be you know cuz I felt fine just a couple hours ago right um my my family doctor called me and asked to see me which you know how often do you get a call from your doctor come see me you know I and and he did and and he said we might want to make a special appointment for you and he was extremely gracious I really appreciated him doing that and and he took about an hour hour and a half with me and went through my my file you know my folder my file at the doctor's office used to be one or two pages thick you know and I wasn't a big deal well now like Webster's dictionary thick and and the as he went through it we went through it page by page and and he pulled out these different pages and explained each one in four times he pulled out a paper and says this one says you shouldn't have made it this one says you shouldn't have made it four times and and you know I can't I whenever I tell this story I like really you know if you skirt death once that's it's kind of scary if you skirt it twice that's it's you know kind of crazy you know but four times I can't help to think that God wanted my attention and I keep saying it's okay God I got the more I got boy we don't need five right uh yeah you know and and I am just overwhelmed by that at this was been like Saturday the day after my heart open-heart surgery um the therapist came in and he says you're going to get up and go for a walk and I'm like oh ah he says he said to me you're stronger than you think you are and I don't know whether he was telling me the truth or not I kind of think he was just putting putting it out there and I thought all right let's go and and he put a belt around me all right and and grab that belt and pulled me up and lo hey let's go and I grab my little IV pole and and we shuffled my way to the door the room and and and we went out in the hall a little bit and I got this weird feeling that everybody was looking at me and the first thing I checked was my gun open you know we are right back here you know and and that was okay so then I just think we're always being I got this big pillow against my chest you know they put that to give you pressure so you don't split open I guess and and the wires were still holds D together and and you know I'm shuffling my way down the hall and and we turn around come back at night golly and and I I am later on I asked the nurse after I got back and you know things settle down a little bit I said was everybody looking at me why was why were you looking at me and and she looked at me and says we didn't think you were going to make it like whoa you know I'm starting to learn how what had really happened I didn't know um I guess I can I could tell my my sisters stories and one of them's here so she'll like that they came into the room and and they had their hands on her hips you know and and and I okay and they said gee thanks Dave and and I like okay what they do now you know like a good brother would say and they said well we didn't used to have a family history we do now and like it's my fault right but you know just to give you a little more perspective on you know how crazy this whole event is at national where I work they have a wellness program and we need to qualify for different discounts that we get and in the last three years I've been top tier you know I my bloodwork checks out you know all the never had high blood pressure and my cholesterol were all fine and in the LDL Z HDLs and the triglycerides all that stuff it was just you know just perfect and and then of course had the heart attack and and four months after my heart attack I had to wreak Walla Phi for this wellness program and and I was able to reek wala Phi for months after my heart attack after all I went through for months I qualified at a higher level than I had ever done before and and it's just a testament that you know my heart's healed it I am completely fine at this this thing that reached out and grabbed me it was it was it put me on a spiritual journey that I'd love to share and and that's why I'm here I just it doesn't make sense in the medical community I asked numerous nurses and doctors and and the best answer anybody gave me was well that's why they call it the silent killer I okay my I was going I'm eating up a lot of time here and I'm only on page two you know now when I was I said when I was in heaven the overwhelming feeling of my faith being confirmed it now this is the part father Jo does not know about because this happened after I talked to him but I had this nagging memory in this nagging thought what was confirmed you know I when I was up in heaven it just I told you that that my faith is everything it was true and and I couldn't answer the question what do I believe what's true and and it it took me several weeks um I think I went to church maybe two weeks after my heart attack maybe you guys remember seeing me I don't remember or there was two weeks or what but I started we went I went through the creek and that okay that I like that you know and and maybe it was the following week you know three weeks out that I went to church and and and I started reading the Creed now I want you understand I didn't steal this from church all right sherry did but anyway but as I started reading reading the Creed it started really coming to me that you know that's what I believe and I and I read it every Sunday I it's like wow you know okay this is this is it and and you know it started really solidifying that question and answering I had a lot of time to think about it you know I was awful worked for six weeks and you're laying there in thinking and and I had a lot of time to think about and I read you know she stole this so I had it and and I I just read and I I like really really yeah that's it that's it but the last line you know I look across here and how many can you people you've read this Sunday after Sunday you know what the last line says no it says let me read the last stanza and and then I'll read the last line it says I look forward to the resurrection of the dead and then it says and the life of the world to come what I saw was the life of the world to come that's what it was that creed is what we believe the reward is at the end I it just it just all come together with this one Cree I just want to share that read the Creed every as you next time at Sunday read that and and don't ramble through it like I used to you know I in the life of the world to come i I I want to say don't be afraid of death you know I don't want people to die I'm not don't mean that at all but really hold on your faith doesn't anything I've learned out of this is how important my faith is and and how solid I I want to hold that but the reward is worth it heaven is a wonderful place it doesn't matter what you're going through it it's it's worth it the Creed says and look forward to the life of the world to come you know I left out a lot of detail through my little episode here if you want to ask me more questions fine you know ask my family they probably know more than I did they probably suffered more than I did I love to talk about my little story you know so feel free I you know in and one of the last things I want to say is is I'm closing up so it's but you know we don't have to hold you over any longer but um as I've told this story to other people they've shared their story with me and and God's moving in a big big way out there there's a whole lot of neat stories out there this one it's a I think it's a neat story but but you know there's there's some bigger and better things going on than just what I happen to go through and I'd encourage you share your story you know I want to encourage people that's my hope that I my little heaven visit encourages you and your visit and your faith and and that it that it solidifies it a little bit more and you really believe it's all true just I want to say out there there's more stories please share them um I do want to close real quick now and just say thanks you know thanks for listening thanks for all the help I want to start a new movement I'd love to start a new movement you know and and it it would be something like read the Creed you know read the Creed you know it's something something simple like that I think we all need to profess our faith more and and reading the Creed is a great way and you know what I'm going to say your faith it will get you to heaven I can tell you that and I can I'm going back and and I can't wait to go back I got work to do God told me somewhere somebody told me I got more work to do but I can't wait to go back so I thanks and I appreciate it I hope you're encouraged you know what some of that work is Dave that you have to do and it was shared their story with all of us and that how wonderful that is I was just so inspired myself by my tip succumbing to them because we know Dave we know he isn't a person of pretenses it alike and when he shared that with me I thought gosh that's the real deal that this is Vegas and you have a lot to give to others just by sharing that and the way in which your faith is prepared for what you experienced and not to be afraid to die that it's as we believe this to be isn't that wonderful information to be seen and so thank you for sharing that do you does anyone want to ask Dave and I think your questions for Graham you can have that as your souvenir any questions comments origin but wasn't stay on whatever the only I know they say absorb a lot I I thought a lot about that statement that remark you know you got more work to do I pondered about that for hours probably and and why I said I accept I initially I thought that's the wrong answer but then I always felt that I'm a background person that I'm always been an encourage or and that that that's been my ministry if they're if you can call it that to encourage people and and that really lend itself well to for me to talk about this and and when I said I accept it was more of I accept the the job of encouraging people I just I really felt strong at after a while I felt it was the right thing to say I it just I it just grew on me not at first but it later on it did well good question I really feel you know she's asking did I see a lot you know and and I really feel that my experience was more of a feeling kind of a event I do remember visions and things flashing by you know I mentioned the people the places the the events in my life but I can't tell you specifically who I saw you know like you know the first person I saw was father Joe right and that was at was afterwards you know he was here no not the Angel of Death yeah but I really it was the the feeling sensations were so strong for me it was such a comfortable warm feeling you know what I saw was almost not necessary was what it was it was a minor part of my experience and and that's why I say the voice I don't know who it was I mean I don't I don't see a face I it was just this voice calling out to me so you know I've read other accounts about near-death experiences and they talked about seeing the light I didn't see any light it wasn't there maybe it was out that day I don't know does that answer is that help I have two little horn questions so I'm gonna finishing the other two lawns well I I you know I've got a great answer to that he's sitting right over there in the corner my good friend Mike Solinsky I called him he went and got my car at my wife called him he went got my car back he's the one that picked up the slack and and those lawns actually did get mowed so I guess the second one is that I think everybody hurts might say sorry for language father Joe and cut a t-shirt but when you hear somebody around you say this or to you when they say how's your day going they say same different day how do you feel about that now I feel sad um father talked about when he sees a neat atheist how you feel like they're missing out on some I have been on a spiritual high since my heart attack and and I become really aware of of people more so and when I see someone you know he mentioned heat father nailed it when he said never seen a happy atheist you know the people that aren't the givers they're always the takers they're the ones that aren't happy and you hear someone say the same saying different day I you know you know I just feel that they're the takers they're never the givers and and I do feel sad about it I like you're missing it you can I share with you you're missing something in life you know almost a wasted life the help well well we either confused them or or they're just tired of sitting father actually you know like distinguish we think that journey I do very distinctly remember him saying I don't want the last time to be funny well and that's one of the reasons I went to father joke because I didn't want him to think I didn't want him personally you know that it was a reason that I wanted I wanted to explain myself it was like confession you know and actually you know just that affirming that that this is the stranger this is to get you through yes and that is important with the sacrament of anointing you know ever be fearful of that they don't call it last rites anymore well any other questions at all because we all kind of like culminate close and like that day I try to put myself if I was in that position I how did you how did I spiritually get through that I I'm gonna say slowly you know I had six weeks to sit and and after the first week people pretty much left me alone which don't do that you can visit I mean it you know and and I was I was pondering you know I knew what had happened but in a lot of ways I didn't know the gravity and especially you know when that doctor taalib told me his story about you know they did the emergency heart cath I did not know initially how bad I was I didn't know how how close things were and as people started telling me the stories I started understanding it more and and then the my my mind started clearing it Ridge '''l II I was pretty cloudy I mean you know I went through a little bit and and as my mind started clearing I'm going to just say that the confusion just kind of lifted and and it started making more sense that's why I think it took like three four weeks out for me to really understand the creed I mean I was there but I think things were cloudy and I just one step at a time very slowly would be my answer on how did I work through that that helped yeah yeah there was a lot of trauma you know yeah I couldn't put it together all at once I think looking back I'm amazed at it myself I kind of say did that really happen but I you know you know it did they tell me it did I'm always worried about sherry yeah yes but there's another element here that and that's the physical side yes I'm I think think my faith has increased I I have a well like I say I'm still on a spiritual high six months later but the one of the things that they pointed out to me was my stress level you know I didn't have any other symptoms or any other you know like high cholesterol or high blood pressure any other things that prompt a heart attack and a lot of people pounded at me well it's stress it's stress-related and so I've been trying to lighten up and and I think my my faith has allowed me to do that and and so in that way I'm changed you know and I'm trying to deal with life differently but I still enjoy candy bars I still eat out and stuff my life is a lot the same but it'll never be just the same when I have that extra candy bar ass that's a good question actually because many people after they have had a traumatic experience again often do speaker of anxiety and almost like the appendix tell you was you know kind of read reporting on tonight and that has been a troublesome thing for them and I didn't notice that in gate in fact when he said I'm not afraid when it is my time you know that is what struck me there is something different there often times that experience where people you know who have it's because that anxiety it's almost changed their personality you know because of it didn't detect them into that well and I think let me can I add on to that the the four times that I was told I was near death yeah you know I absolutely believe that God pushed me right to the limiter or allowed me let me put it this way allowed me right to the edge but didn't let me drop over and and I I give total confidence I got total confidence that God what's going to happen is going to happen that I'm not in control I'm just I'm really more of a servant now and and I let the worryin up to him I let the worryin up to my wife she's good at that too but no I'm going to say I do still have that change I'm not going to worry I'm going to let it in God's hands last night question we should they want to thank Dave for his sharing and and to thank and his family for all of the puns that they played it and I think of each person you know just kind of did the right thing at the right time and there was a lot of happened for a reason and to let bring about the end result some of the stories don't end the my famous story ends here or it doesn't end with continues on but some obviously we know that and so uh there is a divine work through many people and many pieces and quotes that story and that's wonderful we see God's hand what a thing to once again because I know that was it there was comfortable where I didn't for them and every thank you you
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Keywords: near-death experience, heaven, God, jesus, Christian, Catholic, witness, afterlife, eternity, life everlasting, dave breidenbach, tiffin ohio, faith, religion, hope, creed, belief, reason for faith, heaven is real, st. joseph church, life after death
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 14sec (2954 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 30 2016
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