Hydroponic Fodder Seed Soaking | CropKing Inc.

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hi I'm Maxwell Salinger with cop Kane and today we're going to be talking about soaking your seed for preparation in use with our hydroponic ladder system some of the supplies that you are going to need to begin with are the 5 gallon buckets and painter bags that are provided with your system as well as some sort of sanitizing agent like Clark bleach or hydrogen peroxide and a measuring cup to make sure that you're using the proper ratio within your solutions first up we're going to need to take to prepare receive for soaking base is to weigh out the appropriate amount for each chain because we're using a perpetual harvest system we're going to be soaking and seeding 30 pounds of net which is 10 pounds of tray you can use a typical bathroom scale or something like this which is a hanging scale used for fertilizer measurements the first thing you're going to need to do is tear your bucket and make sure that your screen bag is placed securely inside once this is done we can weigh out the appropriate 10 pounds per 5-gallon bucket you were beat this three times or for as many channels as you will be seeded the next day the next step is to rinse the seed in preparation for sanitation I like to take a hose spray around to the seed and dip it a couple of times to make sure that I get as much off you as you can see this first Grinch removes a lot of the contaminants from your seed the next step is to sanitize the surface of your seed to prevent any contaminants from entering into the hydroponic system I'm going to be using a dilute bleach solution at 3 gallons so I'm going to use about 1 cup of bleach for this 3 gallons but what we recommend is a 2% which you might have to calculate out for your individual water volume I'm going to add my cup of bleach and mixing the water prior to soaking the sea now that I've got my bleach solution ready I'm going to put each of the bags in the bucket and let them soak through between 10 and 15 minutes now that our seeds have been soaked in the bleach solution for 15 minutes for ready to prepare them for the final stage in the seed soaking process what we're going to do is remove each of the bags from the bleach solution and then rinse it off really well to make sure that all the bleach is removed prior to soaking if you're working about residual bleach you can let the seed dry out in between now and soaking it overnight now that our seeds are sterilized we can place each of the bags in their respective buckets fill them up with water and then wait the 10 to 12 required hours to get the seed activated and ready to be put into our hydroponic channels now that our seat is covered in water it's ready to be soaked overnight I hope you found this video helpful and my name is Maxwell Salinger you can email me at M Salinger at crop king comm or visit us at crop King comm for any other questions or information that you
Channel: CropKingInc
Views: 436,743
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fodder, hydroponic fodder, Livestock (Industry), cropking, animal feed, hay, green fodder, livestock feed, grow fresh fodder, cattle feed, horse feed, pig feed, poultry feed, barley, green barley, oats oat grass, hydroponic livestock feed, hydroponics, organic, organic fodder, organic livestock feed, CropKing, Graze Green, GrazeGreen, Alfalfa, timothy, red clover, forage, forage feed, green forage, green feed
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 26sec (506 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 02 2013
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