My First Web Developer Job Interview

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hello everybody today is vlogmas day to where we getting closer and closer to Christmas and today I want to cover my first job interview as a web developer so to give a quick backstory on where I lived back then I lived in Romania a small city and there weren't really a lot of web developer jobs there specifically there were only two so they weren't particularly looking for a job but I found her Facebook page and I just wrote them a message that I really want to work there because they seemed like the cool company so I was like hey are you interested they need any help and a web developer and fortunately they responded back with yeah sure come next week I can do an appointment for an interview and we're gonna see how it goes so you can imagine I was a hype beast so right before the interview I was practicing algorithms with my right hand Doom finishing up my projects with my left hand and I was dancing with my with my feet at the same time CEO but I'm not gonna lie I was kind of nervous so even though I prepared as much as I could I still was super nervous but yeah Monday came it was around 11:00 p.m. I arrived at the place and I started knocking and calling and nobody answered but fortunately a guy walked up and he was like oh you're the guy for then for being something yes I walked in it was a super small team around six people maybe so super super small yeah he got me into a room we sat down and it began straight out of the back here were already some red flags that told me that this might not be a good idea but I went along with it so he told me that the work environment is very heavy in politics and that if I get a by politics or somebody yelling or saying some stupid crap that it's probably another good idea for me to work here that was like it that's kind of weird start off and interview but okay then obviously the most basic question that all interviews so far I've been asked is tell me a bit about yourself so yeah I start discussing about how I got into web development whether my passion is my technology stacks of what I'm working with and how I can add some value to their company second question was describe your projects so I described every project I had on my portfolio back then describe to what technology I use how I use them for each project and why I use them he asked me about a couple of libraries I use them and asked me why the gives those specific libraries so these are some questions that you're probably going to be asked if you if they look to either project so it's all going kind of well so far but then he starts talking about God so apparently he was very religious he started crying so apparently he was very religious and he was starting to describe me how God is in everyone and everyone that's worked there has God in them and it's awesome I kept thinking what does this have to do with anything don't quote me on this one but I think he said that they have a church date and then since the God above weird I started asking them questions and I was like okay how can I help and with what technologies what projects are you guys working on that I can collaborate with you so they told me they make static sites but they also build actual projects so they are outsourcing they get projects from other countries which is what a surprise for Romania another win for us so they eventually told me that they're working with angular and I told them that I wasn't working with angular I was working with react I was familiar with you but I haven't worked with react but I asked like what version are they working with react are they doing like like see maybe legacy Coco's angular angularjs can be considered Hanna legacy code not that it's not used a lot of companies still use angular to sustain older projects but like newer projects usually don't start with angularjs so they start with like a healer five six for whatever number it is right now but know what they were working on I'm like do you work with angularjs to sustain a lot of old projects or with angular four or five and he's like it's the same yeah okay Googler two three four five can be almost the same because it's just version changes but angularjs is kind of different and he didn't know so okay that's your main stack but you don't know and the only technical question he asked me was what's in the mail listener so I told him it's a function that has an event and also takes a callback function so an event like the scroll click whatever you want right and that thing gets executed when the event gets called so after you click become mad function gets cold and it executes area code then he asked me what is my salary expectation so before you jump on me let me tell you a few things about Romania the average salary in Romania is 300 euros which is terrible it's garbage trash and I was really looking to get my foot in the door because like everybody's gonna tell you right like your first job to get your first job is really really hard so I'm like I'm happy give me 300 euros and I'm happy let me worry and yeah and even for a web dev job that's this that it's horrible again you can go to McDonald's and get 350 and he was like yeah we'll see I'm not sure he said at me they won't have fun right now so it's kind of hard for us to bake so if you might if we take you as a web dev we might not be able to pay you for like two or three weeks why are we just suffer every night so I'm like whatever let's go with it I don't care let's just do this I'm gonna be miserable for half a year but then I'm gonna have experience and it's gonna be great she has went out the door he said he's gonna call me in a week so I go home after week he calls me and the first thing he says to me hi can you build us a full staff application and angular like whoo that's weird all right so I was like oh maybe I guess like do you wanna hire me and he's like we'll have to see just build us full spec I hope I'm gonna send you all the details I want to build and then if it's good then we're gonna see how it goes like so I at that point I was like wait oh no I'm not gonna do this salaries terrible for this the work environment seems trash seems horrible and you want me to build this full stack app for you in hopes that I might get hired so I was like nope peace out and move it on to the next one so yeah I learned a few things out of this if they give you a ton of tasks to do probably not a good idea to do them because you might just be wasting your time building out a whole big application and a week or two and you might not even get the job so might as well apply for other jobs and look for other opportunities and discussing about relevant topics that have nothing to do with your workspace like like religion and politics is also probably some bad science that you don't want to work there oh yeah that's it for me if you want to leave some suggestions for what videos you want me to maybe cover and this vlogmas series again I'm gonna be posting every day yes should be an idea to shoot me a suggestion if you want me to cover something like how to build something in JavaScript or static sites or web design if you're interested more on what design covers certain topics there like call your theory or anything you guys want but yeah that's it for me today I highly appreciate if you drop a subscribe down below I will do all my effort to give you content that's gonna make you more creative and help you out with your career so thank you very much and I'll see you tomorrow on vlogmas day 3 bye
Channel: Dev Ed
Views: 61,861
Rating: 4.9462976 out of 5
Keywords: my first web developer job interview, web developer job interview, web developer job interview questions, web developer, web developer interview, javascript, interview, html, code, bootcamp, engineering, programming, mechanical, development, career, advice, learn, to, how, job, web development, front end engineer, web development interview, simple programmer, react, job prep
Id: _p1qmBOnpak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 39sec (519 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 03 2018
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