My First REAL Laps of the Nurburgring Nordschleife

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[Applause] whoops [Music] hello viewers super gt here now i've done countless laps of the nurburgring nordschleife racetrack on virtual video games but i have never done it for real but that is where things are going to change because today i'm going to drive to the nurburgring and do a real-life lap we can say goodbye to the comforts of our rig to the fake nurburgring let's go into the real one i'll see you in germany viewers the door doesn't let's go achievement unlocked civilization i'm doing this trip with alex and mickey from volante top lads oh cam reception there great so where did he go once upon a time all right guys it is 4 30 in the morning we've arrived at the nurburgring here's our pad we love it we love it fantastic hooked us up where's the doritos oh in the bag next question thank you you wouldn't darn it so we were with fanatec this weekend they were going to take us to the sim racing expo in style look at this the bmw m2 race car absolutely scintillating machine got the fanatec battle bus over here wrapping a porsche porsche gt2 engine [Music] [Music] park this thing turning cycle's pretty oh there's some cars in here [Music] thank you so much for the lift that was the best taxi i've ever had it's a group experience all right first time around the ring we're going to be doing it in this absolute weapon look at it how much horsepower does this have 650 it goes over 310 kilometers 650 horsepower do we have a roll cage mickey thoughts um honestly relatively speechless i wasn't expecting this to be happening today we turned up early to have a bit of a chill day get our bearings and we're about to send it unreal mate unreal that's unreal so we have a traffic jam to go to the nurburgring here we go lads here we go never dropped the bus before see you later carousel coming up carousel here we go strap in oh yes oh it's so bumpy yes i was expecting something great but i wasn't expecting that i think i think my uh footlong sub might be coming back up that was ridiculous like the track i mean that thing is just unbelievable but the track is a little bit different than what it is in the sim i mean you'd expect that but it's like the corners are so much more pronounced the elevation change is so much more noticeable so it's going to be unreal when i get behind the wheel of the uh the m2 it's going to be how are you feeling about that now being out there yes it's a bit i'm a bit nervous because the traffic was ridiculous i'm nervous you've got cars flying past you you've got other cars you're flying past other cars so you've got to keep looking in your mirrors right and the track just done the the bus lap we're going to get a passenger lap in this just to get more familiar with the track i'll take the camera a bit okay yeah i'll take it good luck here we go now we were going to go out in this mclaren but this is as far as we got the the barium because we were changing passengers and drivers in these cars and we weren't really supposed to do that so yeah that's as far as we got okay so we was just about to go out in the mclaren as a passenger but today they're clamping down on like taxi rides basically they thought we were doing exchanging passengers and all that kind of stuff so they didn't want us to go out but we're gonna have to wait until sunday to actually go out again do a passenger lap and then get behind the wheel ourselves sunday will be the day yeah bye-bye the three of us are going to get a nurburgring tattoo 100 we can't specify the body part it's gonna happen saturday was spent at the sim racing expo also in the shadow realm because i had an awful hangover but we've taken a look at this really cool new wheel from fanatec this new bentley wheel which is going to be released soon the very interesting central screen which rotates as you turn the wheel very very interesting it's also an exact copy of the the wheel that they use in the actual bentley gt3 car we also had a good listen to some of the big dogs of the sim racing world thomas the fantastic ceo there and here we have mr james baldwin winning himself 5 000 euros not bad for a day of sim racing is it three which is a unique platform things are on youtube [Music] okay day three um today's the main day we're gonna meet misha i'm at apex taxi uh he's lined us up with a couple of things which i don't know we're kind of making making it all up as we go along but today we're going to get on the track uh let's let's go find misha how's it going the legend here is a local guy who likes local cuisine so this is misha and he's the guy to know around the nurburgring he actually donated to me during my 200 laps livestream and invited me to come and do some laughs oh my word mate i would love to do some laps of the nurburgring in real life maybe one day there it is okay we've arrived we're at the gp circuit um with bill steen we're gonna do a couple of a couple of things a ride in a gt3 car as a passenger and then later we've got the nordschleife in the m2 correct this is just ridiculous we're just on the pit lane of the nurburgring gp circuit you can see there is turn one the roller coaster [Music] thumbs up i can steve turn my head now before we go out and do these laps in the gt3 car do excuse my squidgy little head inside this helmet but also my funny expressions throughout especially on the brakes but i'll leave you with these couple of laps because they're bloody epic and you just need to experience it without me talking over [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] um [Music] oh my god just done that gt that gt3 lap absolutely insane insane what an experience this is all just like being thrown together last second misha just got us that ride now we're trying to go over to the nordschleife and i think i'm going to have a go in the m2 now nurburgring i'm going to drive that thing in a minute look at it oh baby [Music] i'm not on camera you're on the intro this is the intro yeah introduce the videos camera okay we're going to do a couple of passenger laps first and then i'm going to be driving it how are you feeling um i'm ready i'm i'm ready to go it's all you need to be that's it oh a good start let's hope that doesn't happen we're not gonna have an accident we're gonna have a nice fun time with no crashes all right then let's go for my first passenger ride in the m2 the driver is thomas the ceo of fanutech and he's going to show me the way around the circuit pass the other cars as you can see traffic can be one of the biggest things to worry about i'd say but also just getting a feel for the track the curves as you can see here launching the curves getting a feel for that the bumps the elevation change and i must say the elevation change is one of the things i noticed the most being so different compared to the sim i think the sim really doesn't do it justice it really does feel like a bit of a roller coaster when you're out there but that was the end of our laps and actually the car developed a bit of a weird noise on the way in [Music] [Music] luckily it wasn't too much of an issue just pressed a couple of buttons and we were all good we did have to get some petrol though as you can imagine the m2 fairly thirsty when you're driving it full chat around the nordschleife all right there we go it's passenger laps done we'll let the car cool down and then uh i'm gonna be in that seat that was mad it was incredible uh i've picked up a lot of tips and uh i think i'm ready to go no i am ready to go i definitely am 100 you just feel everything you feel all the bumps uh all the curbs um it's just pretty violent out there you know it's this it's like it's like you're having a fight with physics basically okay guys it is now my turn to do a lap of the nordschleife as a driver everything has led up to this moment in my life here we go good job good luck okay so here we go then in the driver's seat heading towards the barrier to go and do our first ever lap of the nurburgring launch life we did have a problem get around this corner this car does not have a very good turning circle so trying to negotiate some of the tighter corners in the car park was actually pretty tricky here we go then up to the barrier i actually had to unbuckle the seat belt the harness to actually reach the ticket machine you have to like swipe it with your card so not the most convenient vehicle but of course we're not really here for convenience we're here to have a thrill ride we're here for speed so as we pull up past the barrier is this m2 gonna let us go yes it is just behind us we had the ceo of kunos simulation the guys behind assetto corsa so he was driving a porsche so we had a car chasing us down we had a ceo in the passenger seat and i see you in the car behind but here we go then guys away from the line we go well there's not really a line for my first ride of the nurburgring launch liver what an unreal experience after doing hundreds of laps at home on the sim i finally get to do it for real i do apologize at times for the glare on the window the sun was just beginning to come down at this point of the day but i think you can still get a general gist of where we are in the circuit so these are the final couple of corners before normally you'd stay to the left and go straight onto the gp track you're going to turn right do the launch life up so that's where the finish line would normally be there heading into sabine smith's corner the first corner of the nordschleife technically and i think the main things to really take note of here is number one i'm trying to be nice and careful of course this isn't my car gotta look after it and make sure that i do not wreck it because that would be very expensive not only to repair the car but of course you have to repair you have to do barrier costs nurburgring will send you a bill if you end up leaking oil smashing into a barrier anything like that so you've got to be really nice and careful so i wanted to push but i also did not want to send myself into the shadow realm send my bank balance into the shadow realm so that's the reason we're going to be nice and careful at times this section here nice fast flat out section reaching over 200 kph i think about 210 maybe we should like 130 miles an hour over the crest just lifting off being nice and safe i'm sure you could go flat over that press but as it is my first lap we don't want to go too mental too soon and there's a section here nice fast do have some traffic just around the corner do we no we don't just keep it flat out keep it nice and pinned again over this crest we've got this fast sweeping left-hander and the car just goes light as you go over that and this is one thing you really do notice in reality compared to the sim just how you know the weight transfer the feeling as you go over a crest the feeling of how the car goes light and compresses when you go down the hill like we were at the bottom of this hill here and we've got a very fast courser just in front of us here now wasn't quite sure when to push and go past it so i'm just going to play nice and patient but i mean that course is pushing it i must say and this isn't about this is the thing about the uh the nurburgring lord schleifer is that really anyone can go out in any kind of car i mean we went out in a van the other day so it kind of shows you any sort of crazy vehicle can be out there you'd eventually get this the space to go through and cars will look in their mirror they'll see you come in they'll move to the right indicate right and then you're okay we did have a slow down section here see there was an emergency vehicle on the left and um thomas was saying just to slow slow down a little bit here because of some sort of hazard we're not sure exactly what it was then [Music] so we're not really getting yellow flags as such but with lots of traffic which could be nice and careful especially through this section of this of the circuit this is quite a narrow twisty part of the track to be nice and careful here to not write off this car pass the abarth another bmw on the apex this triple right hand uh nice and careful just make sure they've seen you they're not going to move across okay he hasn't then we can go through then we've got this very tight corner i think this is the slowest corner on the circuit this left-hander here so down a couple of gears and a second and then now i think we can push it and really explore the limits of the car thomas was saying at the beginning of this lap watch out for the cold tires and it was very noticeable actually you do not have as much grip at the beginning by about this point here we're a couple of minutes here and the grip definitely increases you can definitely feel that so we're gonna be a bit more brave and not as much traffic on this section here fast sweeping left gonna have a hint of a lift quite a big lift if we're being honest and then following this right-hander we have a very long uphill section so let me just leave you with the lovely engine sounds for this part here so [Applause] wow so [Applause] so now we're coming up to the carousel and it's gonna be weird driving it for the first time see how bumpy it is as the passenger is very bumpy but i think in the driver's seat it does feel a little bit different because you're in control of the car you can brace yourself a bit better for it and we're through there just fine and we're now coming up to what has always been my favorite part of the track this is a very fast sweeping section of the circuit the next sort of minute or so of the lap lots of fast sweepers and i've always enjoyed this part so once again i'm going to be quiet and let you enjoy so [Applause] so so [Applause] so by this point of the lap we actually had some really fast cars coming through from behind as you can see so i don't know what that was i think it was like a classic bmw there [Music] correct me if i'm wrong and to be honest i was so focused on looking forward i wasn't actually looking in my room the mirrors too much so i didn't actually notice that car approaching me so i perhaps could have moved out the way a little bit sooner than i have done i haven't really moved yet um i was kind of focused on getting past the cars that are in front of me rather than laying some traffic through this is a very fast section here right on the edge of the track we're going to move over here let those cars go and let those cars go and thomas actually really enjoyed that they're going for it so those cars really pushing it there was a golf there i think it didn't look all that quick but it was bloody flying and some of these drivers i mean i must say i mean you can tell that they've been here many many laps and they really know the place but we're coming up to the end of my first ever lap and we haven't bend it which is a great thing of course and i would say i was pushing maybe like 70 there's way more time in that lap i know that i can go way quicker but i think i explored the limits at points but ultimately just wanted to bring the car home and just enjoy it and i think that was one of the greatest things i've done in in many years that was amazing i i didn't push it too much yeah should we go back in they're just flying they're flying [Music] one sentence incredible just incredible and we're back so we didn't crash oh now for the graceful getting out you nailed at me but let me tell you trying to film this was like congrats because uh yeah you just break uh a bit pretty well and uh the first part of the i mean but uh i told them to break early after okay wow so i've just done my lap it was uh an amazing experience amazing experience it's just completely different to being a passenger just when you're behind the wheel yourself i don't know it's just so weird doing hundreds of laps at home and then coming here to the real place to do the real thing in a an amazing car just gave me loads of confidence driving it yeah i mean this is an incredible talent i mean i never felt unsafe for one split second and i mean he totally nailed it i mean he did exactly what i told him when i was teaching him the first time but at the same time i mean he was hammering it i mean if you see the footage we were passing everybody uh is uh exactly this this um good mixture of um yeah knowing where the limits is but still he's not afraid of of pushing it so he's a good talent i i want to make him a race driver we all heard that right but i i can see you driving one of our cars maybe this one on the on vln if you like in at some point um um i have to think about that uh yeah i think i would like to do that yeah well then let's do it well okay so thomas wasn't was impressed and pleased with the lap and you know i'm honored that he thought i was driving well in fact he let us go out again for another lap unsupervised this time we're living life to the max right now that's a fact yeah okay cool guys enjoy we'll do okay for this second lap i'm gonna add a speedometer to the right hand side it is actually just on the dashboard so i'll just try and do my best to put that in the top right corner there but for this lap i was just trying to push a little bit more just get closer to the limits and just explore where we can push the car a bit more but yes here it is do enjoy my second lap of the launch life [Applause] so [Applause] mclaren yeah boy [Applause] [Music] [Music] see you mate i want to be [Music] [Applause] yellow flag loads see what has happened uh oh there's another crash here so a couple of cars um a couple of cars binned it and um yeah the way the yellow flags can't overtake will be nice and sensible [Music] don't give as much room to pay for that [Applause] um [Applause] [Music] all right coming up [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so [Applause] [Music] uh so [Applause] [Applause] so [Applause] [Applause] um [Applause] oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Applause] so [Applause] so so so so oh are they fully all in the bus oh yeah mate mate this is unreal now there was only one thing left to do we were gonna go and have a third lap and i really wanted to use my helmet camera which i'm wearing now but unfortunately the track was closed by that time so we couldn't go out again um but i did have the job of bringing this car back to the sim racing expo join me here as we take a short journey back to the expo in a road legal race car clear yeah [Applause] [Music] i need this car [Music] so we live in it we actually are man this is outrageous outrageous [Music] how's it going mate it's all good [Music] next question moving on oh it's going to sound unreal in here [Music] obviously absolutely obscene oh my god what a vehicle [Music] put it there mate what a good trip the best the best of the best guys guys we've just absolutely smashed the nurburgring smashed it there we go guys absolutely smashed it what a trip one of the best things i've done in a long time really hope you enjoyed it massive thank you to fanatec veloce and misha i'll link them all in the description but what an amazing trip absolutely loved every bit of it and i really hope you enjoyed the video thank you so much for watching i'll catch you next time goodbye [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: Super GT
Views: 543,272
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gt sport, gran turismo sport, gt sport gameplay, Gran Turismo, Sport, gt sport fia, gt sport daily, gt sport ps4, gt sport update, gt sport f1, gt sport lewis hamilton, gt sport spa, gt sport laguna seca, gt sport credits
Id: ZOj5OOptnco
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 43sec (2443 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 06 2021
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