I Did The Longest Possible Race on Gran Turismo...

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hello hello and welcome to the most stupid thing i've ever done in my life yes you are reading the title correct you are reading it right i am going to lap the nurburgring nordschleifer 200 laps the longest possible race that you can do on gran turismo is for the philippine school project they help build and equip schools in the philippines and it's a very good cause i'm sure you'll agree this is going to go on for a minimum of 27 hours yes that's right a minimum of 27. i'm doing it against ai i think this is i don't want to kill other people by inviting them to this race i'm using the mclaren 650s which um ford's delivery guy made a really nice delivery for me there it is number of laps flick that all the way over to the right boom 200 okay there it is the settings all done let's jump in oh my gosh before we start i'm going to walk around a little bit oh yeah i'm gonna stay well hydrated kids ready what am i doing honestly honestly that's such a well-timed donation all right here we go the beginning of the end for me [Music] oh god stupid ai i'm going like two miles an hour watch them break really early they are idiots okay so i've turned my force feedback down a little bit and i'll probably turn it down even more by the end i'll probably be on zero percent there's a lot of people asking about how will i go to toilet i will just pause the game there's no auto drive here that i can just pause it i will take breaks don't worry i'm not gonna completely kill myself i do apologize right i apologize now if i go very quiet at times or if i ignore the chat or whatever i'm sure you can forgive me for the first sort of 12 hours i might be all right but then as soon as i start getting sleepy then that's when things will go downhill now on this very long straight i could look away from the screen and rest my eyes a little bit look out the window let's get a bit cloudy actually oh man what am i doing with my life okay one laptop eight minutes 29 but i'll go for this lap and proper go for it and see how quick we can go here we go okay that's not too promising really is it that's my my mum has just donated 300 pounds to the cause thank you mama the children will be ever thankful blue flag song intensifies did he break around that corner that is amateur hour absolute amateur hour over it why they i mean they are taking completely the wrong line [Music] he's parking in the middle i was actually really nervous about starting this i've been thinking about a lot this week because oh what the how dare you didn't see that coming okay lap number 10 we're into double digits why is he on the right hand side what's he doing very defensive line send controller here we go oh man i'm feeling a bit of ache already good old chase cam man what blast from the past this is for those of you just tuned in perfect timing you still have 80 percent of the race left to watch which is approximately 22 hours or something big regrets [Music] right now yeah doing it for the children doing it for the children out of freaking way mate out of the way this is for the children the philippines it's not the trailer there's always a spinning car around the nurburgring in the grand jurismo trailer i don't think i ever want to play this game again after this ever i don't i don't think i want to do sim racing ever again after this i don't think i ever want to go to the nurburgring after this i should do a 69 420 lap race next you can't call yourself a pro until you've done a 69 420 lap race of this track oh it's the beetle i can ram him off again i love ramming off the beetle oh no there we go sorry mate didn't see you there i want to kind of fix this quickly i think we've done it right [Music] so we are now into the unknown i've never done more than 50 laps on this track and we're on to that 51. oh yes we've done it thank you so much everyone he's done it [Music] [Applause] [Music] right 3 000 raised i'm sure we can get well above 10 now these peanuts are good all right gone in here we go legit kind of rich energy oh please keep 999 on speed dodge just in case just in case my condition goes go south very quickly post post rich energy the real momos oh no momos has entered the chat come at me momos 1v1 me bro right now i feel much more comfortable than i did let's say 30 laps ago i don't know if that is because i'm on lab69 it makes me cry every time the end of lap69 that was a good lap i really enjoyed that up i'm really sorry to see it go lap 70. at the end of this lap i have done 35 of the race oh it's gone midnight now it's gone midnight so i can say i am going to finish this race today and thank you pepsi right here we go let's go for it this lap is very close so far with the fastest every second is like a tenth within a tenth hmm that wasn't that quick let's see still about a tenth within a tenth oh getting three turns on that sector come on this could be the 804 [Music] oh no [Applause] what's with that corner pretty quick not the one before it though oh still a bit quicker hey 4000 nice come on boom 804 fantastic lap there lewis that's p1 thank you thea good to see you thank you for tuning in thank you for dropping by do it for the kids never lose sight of that we're doing it for the children and they shall be ever grateful for our sacrifice on this fateful day raised 4 000 so far guys this is a this is amazing okay right let's go for a pee i need to open the window shall i open open the window go for a pee out of the window i'm not sure my neighbors will like that oh my arms oh right what we are nearly 10 hours now nearly 10 hours okay let's crack on you know what i need to do i'm gonna i need to get my glasses put my glasses on it's been a while since i've had these on thank you florian again oh here we go geeky super gt is back it's red it smells like blue paint red paint i'm really regretting my life right now really really strongly regretting it yeah i've still got about 16 hours left or more than oh what am i doing right here we go everyone i am about 20 seconds away from halfway how long have we been going 13 hours 45 minutes half i'm halfway there we are now we're we're now going out of the forest not into it so let's go out to the forest dammit marduk's back how you doing man i'm still here 400 laps who would sign up for 400 laps okay time for probably the biggest break i'll take in this whole event sixty percent done like a massive imprint on my thumb right we'll leave it there be back in a bit anyone who's just joined us just had a shower um we've done sixty percent of the race um so obviously 40 left 80 laps left to go i feel a little bit better off that shower i still feel tired i'm very tired uh just lacking energy i've i've put a load of food on two laps and then i'll go and then i'll go and eat so i'll just do that now while we're waiting for the food to finish up right i'm gonna go and eat now so i'll be back in a minute okay are we ready to rock and roll for the remaining remaining the remaining i can't even talk anymore that's how bad it's got for the remaining 77 laps 78 i've got to do lap 123 as well 78 laps let's stop pissing about get on with it [Music] lol well we are departing lap 168 entering the fabled 169 on wets off go the supersofts on go the wets oh man lap 169 on the west and we hit the target 10 000 pounds raised five digits awesome work everyone 31 laps it's basically a sprint oh no no no no no no oh don't go and retry do not go anywhere near that button playing the fire right there thank you tiffany for the donation we've stumbled across a new genre of asmr motorsport never thought that would be a thing maybe this video this live stream will go down in history as one of the most viewed asmr videos of all time do i have any regrets looking back yeah i mean turn four lap 83 i was about that far from the apex and that's just unforgivable really isn't it i'm honestly disgusted to myself from missing the apex by that much apart from every lap between about 80 and 130 when i felt like absolute death i regret all of those laps absolute units i don't know i've survived i just got this really good second wind and i'm thankful that happens because i was not in a good place right we need to um kill chang don't we we want uh jean-claude van damme to win [Music] or finish second first of the ai i know five more minutes and then i've been going for 24 hours look at that bomb left [Music] oh my god [Applause] i need to hydrate i'm gonna get some water ten thousand seven hundred and seventy seven pounds yeah what kind of thing i'm gonna get on the daily on the daily spin thing ponder jazz yes oh yeah i'm gonna get two two rewards in one go because i've done same race over two different days just one more pit stop remaining after this one oh my god ah on my arms outing not really i think i've put it on really low force feedback so i haven't really have to put too much stress through my arms to be honest this last of two hours has seemingly gone off forever it really has let's get to 190 i can't wait to see 190 i can't wait to see 200 but you're back my back's actually just fine honestly this seat is just perfect i just realized right i didn't even take any of my pro plus and i didn't i only took one rich energy and i didn't take any of the red bulls i had hey super gtt you want to join my open lobby you want to race me after you do your 200 laps yeah i do mate yep oh we're a lap and a half away from glory and the most stupid challenge you can possibly do on gran turismo sport well special stage root x in a samba bus could be more stupid the most realistic but also stupid challenge you could do there were times throughout this thing i was like i actually can't do this i genuinely can't do it but i'm glad i persevered because i'm here now nearly on that 200's [Music] whoa there it is final lap lap 200. i went on the internet this week and i found this i've got to get a photo lap 200 right here we go lap 200 let's get this stupid race done [Music] this is what am i doing such a stupid idea no it's a good idea we've raised 14 000 pounds that 200 i'm so happy to see that i am so happy to see your final lap you can't believe how happy i am how sorry my arms are not too bad actually honestly like i can i think i might retire the car it's feeling a bit off i started the stream at 2 p.m yesterday afternoon it's now 8 p.m the day after oh it's nearly 8 p.m that is almost 30 hours i've spent here here we go everyone it's the end um why i always want to start by saying big thank you to all this this crowd i mean you guys have been amazing [Music] you know [Music] oh man [Applause] oh dave apparel thanks mate i only got 200 000 credits a sick joke [Music] oh cheers everyone that was mad i actually freaking did it though chango second van damme oh it doesn't say who okay we lapped renault 21 times uh anyone else [Music] left the full gt 18 times right thank you so much everyone who's donated 14 300 at the moment um but for that total will go up and right here we go then oh no i can't skip forwards it crashes still happens on the ps5 man right let's do a report of how i feel it's just that weird mark but it's not too bad and my thumb has a weird imprint on it look and i don't if you see how deep that is it just feels a bit weird um hello i feel all right wait let me get out maybe i went through the right oh little bit i feel really heavy oh my legs feel really weak my legs feel really weak actually it's like i've cycled for like five hours or something oh man yeah 200 laps of root x now that was just a warm up ninja roll wait i reckon i can do one into a backflip yeah of course thousand we hit fifteen yes uh you see on the screen fifteen we hit fifteen thousand before the end of the stream it will still go up as we said but 15k thank you so much everyone honestly that's going to be it's going to be such a crazy amount for this for this charity okay guys so i just wanted to give you an update this is one week later or just over a week later after the event and i wanted to talk about how much we actually raised in the end and how it felt to do that event which was ridiculous and yes i am here i am alive i didn't die so that's good news okay so how much did we raise at the end of the stream it was 15 000. ultimately after a few more days we raised 25 and a half thousand pounds 25 500 pounds which is just crazy absolutely an amazing amount so thank you anyone who's donated absolutely mental i can't believe actually we raised that much because my initial goal was only 3 000 which i then raised to 10 we smashed that and then got 25 and a half so i was actually speaking with kelvin at the philippine school project earlier today and he was saying about the numbers and how much that money can help for example like 9 000 can build an entire classroom and equip it as well so you know 25 and a half is obviously going to go a very very very long way to helping the children in the philippines so i think it was just an awesome thing to do now further down the line hopefully once travel restrictions are eased hopefully i would like to go to the philippines i would like to go to the schools and see firsthand you know what their what they're spending the money on and how it's improving the schools um so that could be a video hopefully further down the line but it may well be more than a year away so we don't know about that yet but hopefully i'll be able to do that so how did it feel to do that because i was awake for 34 hours in total i was awake two hours before the stream started two hours after and the stream itself was 30 hours the race itself was 27 hours 40 minutes and then we had a couple of hours of downtime pausing um taking breaks whatever so i was awake for 34 hours in total at the race 27 hours of that or 27.5 and to be honest it wasn't a case of it getting worse and worse and worse in terms of how tired and exhausted i was for the first of 13 hours it felt fine i've done that before felt far okay then it hit about 2am and that's when i started to get really tired you tell him in the in the live stream that my voice was going very quiet i didn't really have much energy to speak and to do the race itself at the same time you might be surprised that actually live streaming can be quite tricky like reading the chat trying to process that whilst also racing but then also being very tired i think that didn't really help at all so i didn't have much energy but then i kind of got a second wind maybe i know 17 hours into the race and matt amos actually joined the chat on discord with me so that actually really helped to take my mind off of the tiredness and just have something have someone to talk to and then the finals of nine hours was bearable it wasn't too bad um but the sleep i got afterwards was the best sleep i have ever got i mean that isn't an exaggeration i slept i put on twitter for 13 hours but i think it was actually more like 15 hours i slept for completely uninterrupted as soon as i got into bed instantly asleep um and to be honest actually my sleep patterns have been a bit weird this week because um i've i just felt tired of really weird times during the day i've slept really early really late so my energy and my sleep is kind of all over the place because of that but i think it was worth it when we raised 25 000 i don't think we can complain too much would i do it again probably not i would honestly tell you it was it was really horrible to to be let's say on lap 50 you've already been going for seven hours but you know that you've still got 20 hours left you're going to be tired you're tired you're exhausted you're hungry and you can't stop you have to keep going and the slower you go the more you pause it the longer you're delaying the finish time um so it was it was really grueling mentally honestly it was it was it wasn't pleasant it really wasn't pleasant and i'm not sure i'd want to do that kind of thing again but if we could raise more money i guess you never know uh so i'm not going to completely rule that out that will bring a close to this video thank you so much for watching thank you so much for supporting me on the stream as well when it was live and of course thank you for the donations 25 and a half thousand pounds the philippines school project i think it's a really good cause it's a really good amount of money it's gonna go a long way to helping lots of children in the philippines which is for me just an amazing thing but take care everyone thank you so much for watching don't do 200 nurburgring because it is horrible but with that said i'll catch you next time thanks for watching goodbye [Music] you
Channel: Super GT
Views: 2,162,365
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gt sport, gran turismo sport, gt sport gameplay, Gran Turismo, Sport, gt sport fia, gt sport daily, gt sport ps4, gt sport update, gt sport f1, gt sport lewis hamilton, gt sport spa, gt sport laguna seca, gt sport credits
Id: 9ZoiQ4kXmIg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 44sec (1604 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 08 2021
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