DGR vs RYUKAHR | New Super Luigi U Blind Race [Full Archive]

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I'm a Crosby fan someone actually told me it looked like Sidney Crosby once I said I wish I wish I had his money alright reuse calling what up hello hey Dave okay I was testing hey I twitched welcome to this dream are you sitting at where it says story mode one two three I'm at choose a character okay let me get there let me get there well we can choose our characters oh I thought we could choose our Me's I was gonna say we should both be our Me's but it doesn't look like that's an option yeah I don't know it's super Luigi u but it's like here are these oh yeah here's some other characters that you can use are you just gonna be Luigi um yeah well let's just use a little G I'm good yeah I think that's fair I think that's good all right I'm down you ready so so you're sitting at where it just it's got Luigi's beautiful face on it I don't know about beautiful I mean it's beautiful to me he's a he's a jerk and I'm a ouija fan man Ouija all the way a bunch of my people just set their own study from you you know what that's fair that's fair II don't they'll be sorry when I win this race tonight I got a good feeling tonight were you you've beaten me like the last 30 races we've done but tonight should we should we make the center I think we should make it interesting on the line five gifts oh man I don't know what does chat think here well this chat think so you're saying if I win you you give five gift subs in my chat is that how you're saying yeah yep all right I'm I'm willing to let's risk it for the biscuit man my motto is fake it till you make it yeah I've heard lies maybe maybe tonight I'll fake it enough that we won't make it all right it's on we're good all right I'm although some people say wish it up at the 50 gift subs yeah I I got two kids man I got I gotta buy diapers all the time like I can't be a Ford in that only 250 50 tier 3 subs 50 tears oh then why did yeah I'm good with that like a million dollars I'm digitally virtually handshaking you on the five gift subs I did the same all right high five my webcam all right I'm ready all right you do the honors man I meant to put a timer on there but that's right I forgot we're all good yeah I don't have one either we're fine all right how about you need one for this we're gonna go on gilma say three two one go we'll go on go good all right here we go three two one go best of luck one let's go okay let's go we're gonna have we're gonna have to skip the very deep story of this game okay no right is there a way to skip really the exact same story are we allowed like is there a way to skip it not allowing these to get so far oh I found out how to skip I skipped and I'm just kidding I'm kidding man this would be annoying for the speeder on yeah really yeah what is this super mario sunshine cannot skip i had to watch this every time I don't think I could run this I think Mario Sunshine is well it's like six minutes man it's crazy sunshine has the worst cutscenes of any game in history it's not just the intro cutscenes they're like other cutscenes after yeah like you just start playing and then there's more cutscenes this is the exact same intro it looks the exact same you're right not even one thing is different y'all happy Rock thank you so much for the bits man I appreciate it so so much here we go guys we are is the world the same to now Nintendo addicts in my chat he said the levels are different so it it'll be familiar but different cool that's good be still we didn't buy this couldn't let you create a dollar oh yeah it looks exactly the same can't believe you can't skip this holy crap all right we're starting let's go good luck all right here we go guys I don't even know the controls ain't Nintendo yeah we're both Luigi okay we're gonna play it a little bit safe here okay never mind I'm just gonna I know we have a time limit here but I want to get some backups here never mind we can't get backups this isn't okay while Luigi controls he is a floaty son of a gun luigi is a floaty son of a gun [Music] it's been so long since I've played this man oh gosh there we go all right whatever we'll take it we'll take it hey angel welcome whew made it hey we didn't die on the first level that's good we didn't die on the first level that's oh that's a plus you can't play as waluigi he's not an option I thought you could get like backup power-ups but apparently you can [Music] WoW is he floaty you you literally touch the spin and he just floats like crazy man okay definitely take that yellow angel thank you so much for the subscription guys let's get some hype up in here for angel thank you so much angel very cool of you thank you so so much Wow okay this is like this is definitely different from this is definitely different hey Topher how are you doing man thanks for being here dude [Music] Wow I really got to get used to how Luigi controls hot dang man hot dang crazy hey pudding Wow all right I'm definitely gonna hit up the toad house if my computer's not broke I just drop dump to water everywhere hey can you like break for two minutes sure I just dumped water all over my desk give me like two seconds to get a towel look the cost of staying hydrated [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] thankfully it's like a five-dollar keyboard from Walmart so I'm not I'm not worried about the keyboard at all it's working because it's letting me do push-to-talk but uh yeah damn so we'll see I spilled water Amanda we're all good we're all good okay I'm ready to start up whenever you are sorry about that alright three two one alright David what's going on David Haley twelve we're definitely getting a powerup take it it's all good it's all good Amanda I think it still works yeah the bad luck was used up hopefully trying to eyesore here yeah I was trying to be like the Eagles and the Bears kicker will take that here we go hey cooler welcome to the stream all right I'm really not a fan so far like maybe I'll get used to it of how Luigi controls but like I said maybe we'll get used to it [Music] hot dang slow and steady my friends slow and steady we have five gifted subs on the line five gifted subs No okay so you can hold jump with Luigi [Music] yes okay that's still a thing there's still a power up by the door we'll take that dude there was so many awesome memes of the Bears kicker how does it feel like we can ground pound okay we can ground pound with them we'll take that [Music] buh-buh-buh pom-pom thanks whiplash thanks for all the follows guys - I appreciate it so valve what it means a blind race means we've never played the game before we're not playing it like blindfolded we are playing it for the first time we're going into it blindly we use not on world - don't give me that hey Noah have a good feeling about today's races spills spills my water oh gosh there we go ding-ding-ding yeah a huge spotlight on them that'd be funny hey so far so good I'm just happy we haven't died yet word wizard type in dream car and it will pull it right up if one of the mods could grab the multi-link that i posted earlier let's see if i can still post it if you guys want to watch if you guys want to watch both our streams that's the link for it if one of the mods could please grab that I would appreciate it oh whatever but I bump them ah fatty we started we started racing about ten minutes ago can't wait for you to gift you a sub we'll see we'll see man we don't need the 1up house yet yet being the keyword yeah so bunnelby we're not taking the secret exit exits we're not trying to skip ahead we're just trying to get to the end as quick as possible okay we'll take that for sure Oh nice solid gave the chat missus your boys not now I'm busy I just died twice what this true is he is he are you lying to give me a false sense of security here hey stuff when thanks for the follow no I actually know I literally died supplies I'm terrible so I think dude Luigi controls so weird have is it like really awkward for you yeah when I started playing especially when I got the Acorn I was like what the heck is this the Acorn powerup is the word yeah it's like not even good oh gosh how do I beat him oh I have a fire flower - I forgot have you tried spinning with him yet I spun I spun wands and it's the worst spinning was the worst yeah wait am I gonna do that Oh giant bomb there we go that is angel he's from The Legend of Zelda the Wind Waker his name is beetle I got a couple people saying they're waiting for their subs over here just just throwing that out there hey yo thang splurt talkin crap huh not me not me I've learned not to talk crap against you oh oh dude every time we get be a world we need to do our battle cry that's our battle cry every time we did a world layer cake desert yo Emily you have you have the beetle emote so this toy came from Gatsby's Gatsby as a pet pig that squeaks and the squeaker fell out so I took it no that's our battle cry you kidding me that's our battle cry that's our rallying cry when we need to wrap rally together oh gosh no all right we're good a positive welcome did let the kids play yeah so it's literally so this is normally in Gatsby's pet pig but yeah it came out uh i would guess me and Ari are pretty close all right guys look right or left right or left right or left right or left first one I see all right left was the first one I saw left was first hey code nine middle hey Simon welcome Ryu isn't smash we're super waluigi bros did you guys see discord ass nintendo for the rights to waluigi like they asked to buy the rights to waluigi yo dan the man what's going on dan race is going good I'm trying to get used to the controls man it controls like I'm very used tomorrow you maker I've been playing a lot of mario maker lately this controls way different than Mario maker kill the head the body dies kill the head the body dies okay don't want to do that dang it spin jump confirmed to be the absolute worst thing in this game oh gosh okay alright hey Rocky just the end of the level take that [Music] hey no names hey Jamie welcome Ryu was one of the first characters I actually unlocked channel my inner Indiana Jones Amanda we've been watching too much Full House potato toaster what's going on man welcome Emmy where did you get that Beatle emo it's beautiful who has the Beatle emo a P Marvin welcome alright we're getting some backup power ups which I'm pretty happy about I don't know how to use them knees one here yeah my two-year-old daughter loves full house oh really freakin clever that's cool I used to watch a lot of his videos oh gosh I haven't watched him a long time though it's a long race my friends it's cool that we're hey that's Luigi that's what we're in the lead now but it's a long race oh that's cool oh mylanta now I cannot get into fuller house I tried to watch fuller house didn't quite hold the same magic oh gosh oh gosh [Music] yeah I mean Amanda watch the first couple episodes and we're like we watched that there was like a professional wrestling one and it was like you know full House's it's cheesy like there's no getting around that it's you know good clean family fun but when fuller house did the wrestling episode I might now I'm out I'm out that's too much it's too much cheese yeah it's running smoothly TSM I'm not having any problems with it it's it on cool DJ plug-in I buy this for the switch because I never wonder we you yeah I gave us pause it here's the here's the thing here might be why were you struggling I mean I'm struggling too cuz I'm not used to this game but we use way better at Mario maker than I am he's played a lot more of it this controls nothing like mario maker nothing like mario maker game let's go here yo thanks for the host guys I appreciate it this may have been a bad choice yo resends thank you so much man it's music's legit though guys let's get some hype up in here for resends and that new sub hype man thank you so much resends trust my instincts oh gosh alright we'll take it we'll take it bum but thank you for the twitch Prime subscription man thank you so much and thanks for the host Fedora Friday yeah I'm using a pro controller Jamie sub hope he doesn't dude Luigi should be in the NBA he's got them skills to pay the bills there's a mid-air in the next level well if I quit Blizz man dude we were just talking about you today meet Amanda we're just talking about you Blizz when's the baby due how's mom doing good to see you my man our things in your neck of PA day as cold as they are here [Music] whoa oh gosh look at that we almost jumped it it's gonna I'd twitched March 27th that's right I knew it was a march baby I knew it was a march baby I knew that who do some super Mario Party I need to play that more I really do that was close slow and steady my dudes slow and steady go back go back go back all right let's go whoa well is we're doing good baby number two willow is doing very very good now thankful for that it was a rough couple couple months but she's doing great thanks for asking it sounds good mr. carats sounds good Ethan all right I don't remember what his powers are don't remember this holy cow oh well that's not good this is like this that boss is actually tough because Luigi stops so bad Wow all right all right shenanigans on that that's not even not even right man did it not look like we jumped on his head did not look like we jumped on his head hopefully Ryu has a little trouble here [Music] all right now I'm just being dumb now I'm just being dumb just being dumb so I said guys it's a long race it's a long long race I don't even know why oh that's a great name Blizz that's really I like that name a lot [Music] there we go it's good onward wizard it's gonna buy you Bowman I just wanted the extra hit point in all honesty here that's a great question by you y'all kinda Jessie how are you man push it you stop it in dude I still am calling shenanigans on that last debt like I swear we jumped on his head you know sounds good bliss thanks for stopping in dude look away it is a close race Jessie close races are better it's more fun when it's closed and someone hasn't really pulled away not maybe how's it going I just beat the castle dude I had an untimely death in the castle a couple untimely death did you are you done with the world - yeah I just entered the world pretty close to raise that's good [Music] well now you tell me under Ender's tell them Enders telling me hints after we're done so you want ice world I'll go ice world - yeah I don't know if that is the bottom way another world yeah you can go I think I think you can go either way but I don't know which is faster or not okay works for me I forgot to do the battles horn guys I'll do the battle horn is a slippery enough already dangit Rio I was trying to I really want to use this heat jet power up but it won't let me yeah how do you unlock peach edge I don't even know anything about that and then you'll find power-ups gotcha all right battle horn guys for clearing world three world to battle horn yo arrow tikka thanks for the support man [Music] all dude Jesse I'd love to do another randomize race but the problem is Ryu has just our first Rando I mean dang it Ryu is always better at Mario stuff than me it's just the nature of the game but it wouldn't even be close anymore Ria's just gotten even better at Mario World well I'm like I've stayed my consistent media herself so we got a race games like we've never played before cuz that's the only way we can make it somewhat interesting which we are in talks of doing a couple other NES ones battle horn thanks for the follow I appreciate it I love the beetle emote I wish I had it we've both played oh man we both played undertale not what I wanted to do there okay that's a pretty uh we'll take that yo star with that tier one subscription let's go let's go star thank you so much for that tier one subscription get some hype up in the chat guys are amazing well kug goog you might not know why you're here but we're glad you are thanks for all the follows guys very cool of you guys we're even getting some subs on YouTube this is actually it's actually being turning into a really fun race [Music] that was lucky we'll take that welcome back Cecily it's a really good race going on hey odd coupling your secret's safe with me odd thanks for coming over and supporting I appreciate it yeah we're pretty close Josh I think at this point it's still anyone's game the castles definitely seem kind of tricky that was WOW okay I was gonna say that was lucky my luck ran out there there we go it's going on gaming chicken nice Ryu cheap cheap emote well I get odd coupling thanks for the follow man appreciate it can't wait yeah dude it's fun I'm enjoying new super Luigi Bros [Music] I like it blue frog I'm having fun with it honestly I mean I doubt he'll know who I am but maybe I will some fun we're going to ours Nathan and seeing how far we are if we're like close to the end well keep going or we'll see I guess we'll see how we're feeling it two hours how our ups are scarce in this I'm noticing that might have been a mistake guys oh that was so lucky that was so lucky I'm so lucky it's so lucky hey mega [Music] petty purple panda thanks for the follow yeah they are easier than the brutal [Music] hey Esther I didn't know how to do that not what we wanted there oh my we'll take it clutch daddy activated especially I think Rees winning but it should be pretty close should be it's gone final Sora with a name like that you sound pretty excited for Kingdom Hearts am i right I'm excited for Kingdom Hearts like why isn't it letting me move wait what do I got to do you must have to beat a level did we have to we have to beat a level to go yo Tyler thanks so much man yellow penguin suit let's go let's go hey Neptune thanks for the kind words I appreciate it yo legit this is so awesome dude IV I'd be pumped if this is all we got to do the whole level let's go dude this level is great I don't want to speak too soon no I spoke too soon I spoke too soon no I don't want to lose the penguin suit I don't know what takes us where but we'll take it hey Ryan welcome dude okay I figured it just took us to the upper route Boompa yeah it should be pretty close I figured I was losing but if I was losing it shouldn't have been by much that was I liked that level a lot can we just keep playing that level over and over we made the right decision there also we were talking about full house I forgot to tell you my wife got me this hold up wake up San Francisco shirt wake up oh I'm not a ghost house man okay okay okay mmm dang it yeah Neptune I've been married for five years we've actually we've actually been your high school sweethearts so we've been together for like 11 12 years long time long time Donna world probably be some ghosts in here we were tempting fate with those wall jumps hey Steven with an R welcome oh okay all right we're all right we're all good oh gosh that was a lucky jump give me another powerup okay acorns for days Wow why is it moving so fast we're gonna sacrifice our body we're just gonna sacrifice our body sometimes kids to make progress sacrifices must be made [Music] just adopt me money hey DPZ what's going on man I want to get a cut it out shirt Joey Gladstone the man gone zeroes away how are you tonight welcome the lock boys the luck did you see that thanks Tedric I think we've died what three times so far Wendy's thwomp Castle this sounds awful [Music] [Music] [Music] all right nice solid [Music] to the sounds the thwomps make there I don't even care don't even care we'll take it oh all right let's go yeah thanks odd coupling we'll see you next stream I'm gonna be streaming hopefully a little bit earlier on Sunday that's the hope is have a little bit of an earlier stream fullest house Danny Tanner gives up television is too extreme dude have you ever listened or watched Bob Saget's stand-up comedy the dude is really really really a crude crude dude polar opposite of Danny Tanner Bob Saget man he is uh it's it's pretty great it's pretty uh eye opening for sure thanks Jamie we'll see you next round dude we'll take it we'll take it yo gills or how are you man pleasure pleasure pleasure fireflower came in really handy there yo boys we are on the third world well no fourth world which means battle cry battle cry battle cry battle horn we do need a battle cry oh okay well actually we didn't beat the world yet because apparently wait no this this is soda jungle so I guess this is a new world you know thanks for the follow with let's say Orlando thanks for that man [Music] now ice flower the ice flower is so inferior to the fire flower and like every way possible pop junk yeah who says soda it's pop everyone knows it's pronounced pop we say soda you're square we want to keep the fire flower as long as possible [Music] count everything a coke polygen boo yo what is this what the heck is this what the heck is this okay at least I see what we need to do here oh not that remember about saying keeping the fire flower there we go it was May around llame row do a shell jump see how it's not good does that prove you it's not pre-recorded I've actually not done too bad so far Miro I uh I'm calling shenanigans on that only died I think three times that's such crap that's such crap dude he's ridiculous all right that should hit me say that should hit it know if we were even run out of time what have you gotten if we run out of time come on baby don't fail me now all right whoo how's it coming chief I'm fighting a crazy Bowser yeah it's awful yeah uh yeah we're playing on the switch mero thanks for the Gigi's guys feels good to beat that level now cuz that would have sucked to have died there that boss fight takes forever it's done who is Earl thanks to the Gigi's oh I'm sorry dude we're playing new super Luigi u neither of us have played it before we both played new super mario brothers you but we never play new super luigi Jennifer with the Vince Jen puh thank you so much no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no don't want to play this again dude I almost died on that boss right me too me too and I also click to play the level again I'm just gonna play it casually one more time so did jungle boys let's go guys let's get some hype in here for Gen foo that generous bit donation thank you so much genku retro what's going on man how the heck are you my dude what are you up to my man thanks so much for being here he's going whoa okay I was not expecting did you say you accidentally entered the stage yes I did the same thing I don't know why oh that's ridiculous pretty embarrassing that was a stupid stupid death man yo pudding thanks so much the race is really closed retro like really close [Music] it was close it was close yo DC thanks so much for the kind words man I need a powerup I need a power up the purple goop no dude he keeps ground-pounding he keeps crown pounding why is he doing that why is he doing that why I mean obviously I'm doing it but why am i doing that [Music] [Music] that's unfortunate we're doing so well too that was a really bad level oh my gosh that's what I needed I ground pounded into the purple goop two or three different times the one where you have to swing from vine yes my god I had that ghost house in the last world I died like four times like an idiot and so I needed use well I came through for you let's go oh I think mistakes were made here all right give me something fire flower all right let's just run yeah 100% of this game would be awful Moreau I can definitely see that I will take that the magic Jimmy she's yeah he's wearing the trainers can it be done with no left pushes oh my gosh man I have a newfound respect for mayro and see even those guys doing that stuff this game controls so awkwardly you've done one midair ever mid airs aren't I can't do them consistently but they're not too bad [Music] not too dang acorn man well it's none Jeff Jeff Jeff Rowland right no my screw here really dude really [Music] that's some that's some sneaky shenanigans if I've ever smelled any what can you do what can you do live and die by the rules of the game I need it oh gosh mero go easy on me go easy on me man that's suck that's a huge time loss there that seems very shenanigan ish uh Jeff me and Ryu have not played this game before when it something says blind normally on a blind race it doesn't mean like we're racing it blindfold it just means we've never played it before why is he so big dude the ghost houses are rough man I haven't made it there yet I had a really really unfortunate death in ROI or in the Midway castle Oh tell me more so I got I got boned by the the moving platforms man I'm not not too happy about it all down I I got stuck in a place and I couldn't recover from it sucked yo mr. mighty mouth you thanks for the gift it's good to see you hey you didn't spill water on your keyboard I'm not using push-to-talk I always I'm so bad with push-to-talk I'll think I'm talking and I'm not okay that's helpful that's not helpful Wow do this is crazy we're just gonna play this nice and safe here ah you gotta be kidding me [Music] another death at the end unbelievable yeah that's what playing safe means for me dying guys it looks like we're gonna be gifting some subs here oh this is helpful action really where was that all my life where was that off my life you know it's gonna Mario Mike stir welcome good to see you nice and slow jump saw I thought we could make the jump I'm like there's no way we can we cannot make this jump we do need a life alert emo that would be very clutch yeah deaf star let's go this way I'll take it I'm not gonna complain about it for sure oh I remember this level in New Super Mario Brothers it was like really we can't get lucky twice in a row yo happy raw happy Rock with me yo genku check fool what are you doing genku guys let's get some hype up in here for the one and only gen not your poo and mind genbu thank you so much you're amazing you're an amazing person my sister from another mister genku right there welcome all you new selves make sure to link up your twitch with your discord so you get access to all the sweet sweet goodies thank you so much Jen do [Music] I'm falling apart man [Music] legend legend gentle I'm lost as heck you got to pull together my fire flower will be helpful here fire flower will be very hopeful dude how many desks have we had right at the end available stage it what's going on cult of positivity thanks for being all me you're not still on the auto scroll stage no no I'm past that by like I mean we're I think we're relatively close psychosis yep Europe and ghost house then right uh I'm past the ghost house see I you might be ahead of me because I don't actually know what's going on yeah it's gonna Jay the slumped I don't know man we'll see I myself kind of confuse guys this is our chance I don't know Yoshi am I sure ma'am okay the secret pipe there what does it which won't let me sell because my paypal is your pal pay what do you mean maybe you want to sub to me you're my wife dgr riffs did you figure it out yet so we're missing something looks like there's a secret exit somewhere I think I figured it out I'm still a little confused though like okay you beat the ghost house yeah I did so did you beat the levels after that I did did you keep going or did you get stuck I'm stuck me too so I went back to the ghost house and found a second exit and now I'm in a new world but I don't know if this is like where I'm supposed to be or if I'm like skipping or something oh so you're skipping okay wait a second wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute guys guys what do we got here yo Kat welcome thanks for stopping in thank you so much I don't know man that might be instant disqualification instant disqualification a world in my end my am I in a further world I don't know I don't know well I feel like I need to go back to the ghost house yeah I mean okay if this is a skip though we should maybe we should agree to have Chad tell us out of Jersey should I go to the goat should I wait or a normal way should I wait here over playing games as we speak but I'm just kind of dying so good Chad is saying that I did ah five gifted subs I'm just kidding I don't want to win that way don't want to win that way Devon I'm in world seven yeah that's a little bit of a skip do the thing you don't want to do the same thing as me or should we ask how do I proceed the norm I'm thinking there's secret exits in in the other locations right I think so yeah probably so I'm gonna I'm gonna search around there and see what I can find out dude I'll do the same all right Oh cat I really appreciate you stopping in so cool guys make sure you welcome cat she's another awesome streamer how far'd you get in Super Mario RPG but I'm at a bottom we got to find the secret exit II explore every nook every cranny every granny this looks oddly suspicious right here [Music] hey bozo welcome how are you tonight okay what about over here alright there's got to be something over here [Music] well one up we'll take for sure I won't tell Ryu not it's no knots now quick a [Music] there's gotta be something over here right oh we're so dead we're so dead we're so dead uh you know why because of the dead fish for the fish what are we doing while we're dying quite a bit here trying to figure this yo amantha Amanda with the subscription you would think you would think your wife would subscribe to you much earlier than this but you know I won't complain okay so let's activate that fudge nut brownies fudge nut brownies man all right I don't know where to go death is inevitable here I mean that's like the only thing right there that's got to be the only thing right that's there's something over there no that's got to be it that's got to be it guys we find all right whatever we'll take that [Music] dang it no I think we want to go in the other pipe we wanted to go in the other pipe no no no does that give I don't think that gives us the exit though oh my gosh well at least we know where it's at we we would have found it earlier too but I just kept I did you do do do do did not mean to take damage there that might come back to buy this literally because you know the fish that bite let the fish die there okay so we know we know which way to go now you gotta get on this plate wait that's not it that's not it that's it wait I'm finally moving forward I thought I found it so did I we must've gone to the same did you go to the underwater level underwater level yeah yeah I'm like okay yeah we got this no that's not it that's not it okay good to know all right so guys we got to find the you gotta find the hidden path here in soda jungle for all right if we can get the power up here feel pretty good about our chances of finding the exit then we just got a hope and pray Ryu somehow chokes even though the likelihood of that is very slim I believe in miracles oh gosh oh gosh okay oh I see what we gotta do I see it I actually saw that red pipe before and was like oh I didn't think anything about it though dude that's pretty awesome all right I found it finally sounds like we got a race I gotta I gotta hope you mess up somehow that was that was pretty that's pretty brutal though I'm not even though level ahead so thanks for your guys all right do we got top or bottom boys top or bottom you guys more fan of top or bottom no what is this I was asking for that yeah this is um switch no you didn't mess me up I just died no I'm good thank you you can get whatever you want isn't Jen poo isn't she the bee's knees the bee's knees I'm getting some power-ups cuz I literally have no powerups actually we don't have time for that we don't got time you enjoy here [Music] you'll need to do this for so many things I want to say right now no you can skip it if you're lucky and I wasn't lucky all right we're going bottom boys we're going bottom Ryu beat level 7-1 I don't really eat pop-tarts you do whatever you'd like we'll take the nut but fan of the nuts now okay at first I didn't like them in this game but now now that I'm using them more they're not bad no crispy with a rate of 6 thank you so much guy let's welcome crispy plays with that rate of 6 my dude thank you so much welcome Raiders welcome aboard my friends thank you so much for being here all right yeah if you can just dump some water in okay I dropped most of my water on my key all right let's go what do we have here [Music] I was doing so good at the start of the race man so good Chris Pete's going good man the race has been pretty tight so far but I've I've kind of petered off here a little bit you never heard that that's common that's a common saying right that's a common saying right Peter it off that's like comment I'm pretty sure petered off is like commonplace petered out that's what I'm that was that's what I was going for her don't tell your wife that can get you in trouble laughs I know I could have hit him there that was stupid I was too slow oh he moves he moves this isn't Yoshi Dania oh we got a chance we got a chance we got him we got him boys whoo all right let's go let's go where you at man give me an update dude it's close I just need him to battle horn dude inside on the boss I had to play the entire stage isn't that ridiculous no checkpoints no checkpoints Manderson hi Ryu shut up it's a long story I thought it's a common phrase to say I petered off apparently it's petered out but I've never heard potato puts out you've never heard of i Peter doubt alright back to the game get out of here i petered out on that last ball I don't think it's petered off so that's a different thing oh I thought this brownies that's unfortunate poof is right Mumma goof did not want to take damage there did not one being big would have been nice I hate fuzzies hate them hate all the fuzzies in the whole world dude so every death I've had in this game have been at has been at the very end of the level it's never like at the beginning it's always at the very end that's good that's what I need no no it's not dude the death I had on the last boss is catastrophic catastrophic man don't talk to me about bad Doug did you Peter out like I did or Peter off I I both out they're way off and then out oh my gosh you know it it wasn't all that whoa what Wow now we're riding Pole there we go whoo touch fuzzy it's it on med Blackstar still heard nothing hey what's going on Tater Tot saying we got a chance man we got a chance hey stank what's going on man it's the matrix there's the red pill in the blue pill do you remember the levels cuz you play them no final sore I've never played this before I played new super so what I was supposed to do I've played New Super Mario Brothers before oh gosh okay well that worked but I've never played new super Luigi z' [Music] oh goodness I feel like that was right thanks for the follows guys I appreciate it hope you guys are having a good time I know I'm having a fun time with this race it's been it's been a blast actually hey Hillary it's called new super mario brothers you deluxe you just peed the game what is this monstrosity what is this monstrosity [Music] yeah I'm a weiner the weed you literally calls himself a weiner all right so what are we gonna plan ahead here guys where do we want to go next yeah this is the one on the we're gonna go here it's a boom boom or boom boom [Music] what are these creatures called again yo I'm hockey with that twitch Prime subscription thank you so much I'm hockey that is legit thank you so much they approved my Evo I submitted it with all intentions of it not getting approved twitch literally approved it in five minutes I kid you not it was five minutes the quickest I've had any emote get approved before spike ease that's right spikes but I bump bump bump bump bump bump Oh it's master it's me eating banana I hate bananas oh those things extend don't they you can call those the purple pill plants thankfully it doesn't last more than four hours okay we got an acorn got a nut nut boys oh but not with short-lived no dude this is ridiculous Tater Tot just subscribe to the twitch prime thank you so much Tater Tot what an honor man thank you so much Tater Tot okay whatever let's get through there just just had to do it there whoo just do it it's gonna robot we're welcome new subs guys spam those emotes if your new sub spam those emotes if you are current subscriber make sure you spam those emotes to welcome the new friends that we just got they make banana Slurpees I've never heard of such sorcery sour I like sour stuff banana Slurpee oh gosh not this guy that didn't that didn't go well I didn't go nearly as well as I'd hope we're gonna use our power up my bae guys moar emotes are in the works too by the way we have we actually have 15 emote slots I'm working on getting them filled they're generous with the power ups in this one why do I always gotta open my big mouth oh that works alright let's go woo let's go boys let's go boys and girls Oh what is this what is this the Emerald gamer thanks for that what the heck is this okay now that sucks oh my gosh worst death in the history of ever the second boss the one which boss the guy shoots lightning lightning oh I almost died - that guy horribly - we got it this time I'm not worried about it now as I say that I swear there was another powerup somewhere was there not another powerup some what is up there okay this is not good this is not good I don't feel good about this fight well Tammy black media thanks for the follow much appreciated I do not feel good about this guy's he's awful he single-handedly ruined this man have I tried playing better that's a thought why didn't I think of that man why didn't that all this time I've been wondering how to do this who would have thought all I could see was play better yeah I know I gotta I know I got to do that before his lightening touches the ground but I hate this boss more than I hate bananas which is saying something no I no stank I was just playing with you dude I was just playing with you I don't I don't get offended at all that kind of stuff man not at all I am NOT God's gift to gaming or anything like that oh my gosh no no I have no idea what big chunga's is I'm not up on my meme game guys you have to forgive me my meme game is very weak No why must I never have be fully powered for this fight oh my gosh it's not good kids newsflash this ain't it chief there's always that one part of a he's actually a surprisingly tough boss I'm just gonna wait till he makes his way over here not even gonna risk it at this point we just need to move didn't you say you had to like run to McDonald's and get some food or something dude I've been getting bodied don't work dude I've died I died four times to that boss though I've died twice of this boss yeah I just cannot get used to like the ridiculous way that with how much Marv you making played dude it controls so different there we go oh gosh what is that what is this well I definitely struggle a bit on the stage that I just finished so that's it helped out a little bit oh thanks for the fall is everyone by the way I appreciate you all all right there we go go to the castle now I'm trying I'm trying I'm doing the best I can I was actually doing really good the first world or two is this the level were you struggling on Roy's ironclad Castle okay so [Music] I appreciate all the follows guys if you're just joining means a lot thank you guys so much for real [Music] here we go hey grim reefer yeah I'm on I'm on twitch now dude it's gonna moleish bat I don't feel good going into this fight with no power-ups this could be rough appreciate a Tater Tot thanks again for the sub earlier man very cool all right so let's just learn his pattern here oh it's going what did just happen oh my gosh I just lost some put it video footage I [Music] think you shorted something I'm not blaming you about yeah I'm sure you do Panama red [Music] that was all your fault that death it was all your fault you shorted it you shorted my video feed [Music] now I feel confident if we have a powerup going into that I feel all right hashtag blame the way because I can [Music] alright we'll take that stream daddy and mummy kids when mommy and daddy are fighting just close your eyes it'll be it'll be over soon my you should see my setup my setup is so ghetto it's so so ghetto you can still hear it as long as you don't see it here's your soul you have no setup all right that was that was good come on man we might have to sacrifice our body guys unbelievable hey Alex welcome this is gonna be a lackluster we tore out we need a good toot from our rally horn guys we need the rally horn it's coming good Alex thank you [Music] so we hit two hours are you good to keep going or do you wanna what do you want to do I'm good to keep going what about you oh I'm good I'm loving it I'm not loving that I'm getting work but I don't know man I don't know I don't know where you're at Oh penguin suit I don't know what you're up to over there Danny why why why now see here's what happened I now that I know I'm behind I'm taking stupid chances at stuff like I'm not just going slow and steady I'm taking really stupid chances [Music] that was lucky yeah yeah go go ahead and punch me in the face because violence is the answer I'm just kidding okay go right rainbow sky walk whoa I like this I like this this is pretty neat okay but bump bump it up a little school man did you play the Rainbow Road one rainbow course hey kitty welcome accept peace well it wasn't a road but like all the pipes were rainbows that's pretty cool you mean when you're like picked up yeah I'm not far behind okay don't don't rub his head yeah you mean like that place to world to get on I'm just kidding thing were you like pick up where they're like you just follow a Rainbow Road and if you pick the right path you goodnight I'm someone tell me you know that's not what I'm talking about oh all right come on man no that's not what I'm talking about it's all good yeah I don't remember that I don't know if I played that did I play that I have no I don't know what happened like more than one level ago you sound like you that's good of it sound like you have as good a short-term memory as I do yeah all right that'll be quick be quick all right much rather have a fire flower here yeah he'll believe that bunnelby all right what do we got who what boss do we have here Oh all right all right she's getting tricky on us here all right apparently I went the other direction I didn't play that one gotcha dang it my push-to-talk I always forget nice gotcha sounds like I missed out it was pretty it was pretty snazzy I liked it check up back and play it no it's not that good feel like you missed an opportunity to there should have really talked it up told me it was a life-changing experience and one that I just don't want you to have the satisfaction I want to be the one that played it and you didn't all right let's go okay fair ghost house [Music] the heck is this man oh my gosh what the heck is going on here [Music] just get the heck out of there I hate ghost houses I hate them yo phased come in it's going well how's your day you know ever since Mario 64 I liked Luigi better than Mario I always used Luigi and Mario 64 - back when I played I don't think it auto-saves [Music] Nathan which way do we want to go middle bad choice bad choice give me a good power up please all right we'll take that nah phase I'm definitely losing but it's still it's been a pretty good race it was it's been close it's been back and forth not those guys not the flame ball and chain thingies dude I hate those guys [Music] [Music] son of a monkey's uncle [Music] whatever maybe 100 you have two minutes to beat Ludwig oh that rapscallion that rapscallion Ezria beat Ludwig welcome back to your Tod I feel like this was a bad choice [Music] small mistakes man so small mistakes that add up three headed snake block that's how they used to call me in college thank goodness for the propeller hat that would have been another death [Music] tell us more ah the old college days stories Ryu petered off it tell me when he's back I needed to I need to tell that to him thanks for the gee-gees guys so rumor has it you petered off a little bit there I can neither confirm nor deny this what is this monstrosity [Music] it's kind of cool kind of like this kind of like this man [Music] will take it I took I didn't take a secret exit did I I thought that was the normal way to go I I didn't know I took a secret exit it wasn't on purpose if I did take a secret exit Hey all right I have no idea what oh that's really handy propeller hat was a very good choice oh wait it was a good choice till I messed it up I bet you if I had been faster there I would have been alright alright well at least we didn't die there we'll take that I like it spot Tom it's fun death there would have been catastrophic hey salt asaurus welcome thanks for being here it might be too little too late me bond but we'll see we need a battle cry [Music] we're losing steam comeback city yeah but I think this is a long level right I hope we can sleep in tomorrow Amanda it's not gonna happen Carmen I'll probably be up at 6:30 but a man can dream right whoa what is that okay it wasn't expecting that [Applause] give me a powerup oh these dang auto scrollers the dang auto scrollers man yeah we're not even going after that not even going after it this is deluxe clutch daddy emote we should have a clutch daddy emo can we go down here this feels like it was a good choice to go down here except for that part no way Amanda no way okay what we got to do here this looks like Super Smash Brothers [Applause] whoa someone clipped that that was ridiculous that was so ridiculous does that happen how does that happen yo J BAE thank you for the follow [Music] Ripoff man rip-off [Music] [Music] all right I feel comfortable having a powerup at least well he was throwing a bomb in the middle of me jumping on his head I feel more prepared at this point going into the fight thank you for the clip [Applause] we definitely could've jumped when we said there [Applause] [Applause] what Wow [Music] Wow that was crazy hey diamond gamer oh yo thank you so much hey dgr i love the stream remember from yesterday we need an extreme super mario party with the switch keep it up thank you so much timing gamer I really appreciate that I don't know when I'll be streaming Mario Party next but hopefully soon thank you so much man I appreciate it yeah you can play clips in the chat choco Bach oh I thought we had a chance with this race man I thought this was our chance at redemption I should have known not to uh bet against for you I'm argument I have to go over to reuse chat and gift him 5 subs Oh blame the sumo guy it's all the sumo guys fault he was tough he could show up 8-3 it's got on super console kid welcome so Dave yes amanda had a great idea what is a man to say it said anything to do with a banana I'm out no I had something to do with address oh wait what wait a - Amanda Amanda's hanging out over me uh how about a banana dress I like how a man is spending more time in your stream than mine and I just died come on Amanda well she can't scheme in your chat you know it is also true I told her to get out of my room so I didn't help things all right let's go oh I had a good laughing now it's funny reeling right when I'm choking so I'm kind of curious for your add I just got to the last world baby this level isn't even hard man [Music] [Music] [Music] now I need to wait to that packets which people are teetering off left and right we do need I think we do need an Amanda emo Diana doesn't want one but I think I think we should have an Amanda how so it's safe to say you'll be learning to speedrun this game right this level sucks I don't like this level at all yo zero thanks for the follow diamond he's good kind of kind of be nice to have a powerup right about now you know diamond gamer thanks for the host babe appreciate it sad days sad days these are power up located in this level what's going on Jack Jack be nimble Jack be quick how are you man yeah man I know you've been telling Ryu that I'm gonna wear a dress or something where do you get off no way that's a personal question oh my gosh man this level I'm Peter and I and Peter and off hardcore I don't know if I've ever Peter in I don't know if I've ever petered off this hard you got your own time never petered off is hard [Music] oh my gosh man final flippantly Thank You lords cheeps man tell me this is the end of the level thank goodness thank goodness Oh Jen poo it was a long week it was a long week thanks crispy [Music] but I'm very glad it's Friday very very glad it's right yeah blargh in blogs in this game are really weird I will say I've definitely gotten used to Luigi's movements not like I'm still not like super good with them but this game hates me a map solutely hates me but we'll take it oh we're close we're close but I think we use probably at the final boss right now worries beat it I'm just waiting for you to come in and say GG now there's one more level after this I think I think there's one more level up top I like the concept okay I have no idea what I was doing there no idea what I was doing I thought the I don't know I thought another platform was gonna come down or something but I hear GG's are in order Bowser just fell off a bridge very dramatically I don't know if it's truly the end or not yet okay there I see what we got to do it definitely looks like DZ I'm bowing to the princess right now she's approaching me she kissed me on the hat that's not the true ending the true ending is Mario Mario will go and Peter offs [Laughter] oh my gosh I've I've died did somebody get some on the cheek dude she kissed him on the hat yeah see that's not likely landing on the hat it was really awkward that awkward first kiss yeah well you could tell she didn't like him know what to do because I'm on [Music] well well I just died again trying to be trying to be fancy pants I'm on I think the second to last level oh it's a level called eight dat Peach's castle - castle [Music] almost done you gonna finish it out I gotta finish it out you got to finish strong we were gonna be the five lucky winners over in your chat I don't know I guess we'll find out dang it that bomb dude is just waiting there for me [Music] oh the k2 lavas rising here the floor is lava literally maybe I'm finishing maybe a finishing boy oh my word man yo oh my a gentleman and a winner that's a rare quality my friends I saw the b7 got one of them that guy that guy first he could perceive better than us and Mari you didn't have to do that man I appreciate haptics got one my dude optics got a good stuff nice thank you so much man all right let me I still want to do our duck tails to raise [Music] what a what a what a dude what an honor to race against the man the myth the legend wouldn't tear up man and welcome to the new subs thank you guys so much for all right that that was pretty cool I liked that that ending there I gotta go to reuse chat and gets him 5 subs wow this well this goes where you at let me get this up here see if this works I've actually never gifted a sub before let's see if it works got it got him boys I've now reached the final battle you know thanks for the follow guys five get something for the subs man yeah I do thank you thank you I don't know what to expect with this final level here okay so we apparently we need so what do I just need to keep going here am I not actually fighting Bowser jr. like yo thanks boss man man appreciate the bits yo we got some hype individuals in the job I'm glad man this was this was a ton of fun it was it was rough it was it was rough getting used to how he controls but it was it's like a really good speed run or a race game because all the levels are designed to go quick all right I'm a big boy Bowser here [Music] can we do this can we kill him that way can we kill him with fire I don't know if we can kill him with fire okay you can kill him with fire do we have to step on the switch looks like we gotta step on the switch yeah I've never played at Yoshi not done yet dude I just watched the clip of you dying to the Bowser jr. when you kill them with a bomb somehow still got you I've I've had some pretty pretty questionable deaths in this run but now that would have changed the outcome of anything but there's been some pretty funny deaths for sure yeah Taylor top that's a question that's a great question [Music] all right let's go yeah with your gifted subs I just hit 150 subscribers make some more people should get some stuff what am I supposed to do here whoa okay I don't know what I'm supposed to do here am I supposed to drop the clown car on his head Oh how are you supposed to stop there do we just keep running okay yo what waitwhat oh my gosh dude I don't even care anymore nightmare gorilla what are you doing man thank you so much guys let's get some hype from nightmare gorillas yo nightmare gorilla thank you so much dude you guys are just unreal unreal thank you so much nightmare that's incredibly incredibly kind of you I really do appreciate it more than you know you did not have to do that all right there we go finished I didn't we we unlock like a secret star roads I'm gone there we're going to star road yeah man look at that I don't even know if I've got like five star coins in this run thanks for all the gee-gees guys I appreciate it this is a so much fun so so much fun Denis what it sees yeah they let you go there and then ya block you from it I gotta watch this kiss [Music] oh man oh man I was awkward what's so awkward it's like she doesn't want to betray Mario but secretly I think she has a thing for Luigi you think so I don't know I think there's more to this than they're letting on here you'll Ryan thanks for the hundred videos thank you so much yeah the ultimate friendzone Luigi yeah someone said he got friendzone and he actually looked fine with it he was cool with the being in the friend zone oh my gosh Nathan Nathan thank you so much man you are absolutely incredible [Music] welcome wipeout Jack positive KB zygarde criminy um Jose Nathan 44 gifts you are you're amazing man thank you so much more hiya dude I'm working on getting a hype emo hype emote is in the words in the words I'm diggin this dance they're doing during the credits I'm trying to catch nada not doing a great job this would be cool if there was online like we could play levels together I don't know why they didn't include that that's true I was like a big selling point of the Wii version yeah it's really frustrating but it's absolutely hilarious to pick up your friends and throw them into like a pit and stuff yeah and I remember if you left them behind yeah you could turn him into a bubble and then just not let them play yeah I think I was playing with my little cousin one time and I got so tired of waiting around I just had him I made a bubble and I just beat all the limbs chris Roberts thanks for walking the levels now if you hit the block it gives you the jumping style of the characters from New Super Mario Bros u so I guess it gives you the physics of the original game and although we do you wait say that again [Music] there's like a block in the beginning of the stages now that changes the physics from Luigi you to Mario oh so is that telling us like we could have been any of the characters and it would have the same physics I don't really know I know oh I didn't realize we could get coins here I didn't realize we were you're supposed to get coins my bad my bad I wanna above gold I want I want the crystal wait crystals not gold hey buddy what you doing wouldn't you like to know I want you to try this challenge I want you to try the what's this challenge called guys hot off the edge walk off the edge no that's all what it's cool it's called fire bro challenge I want to see if you come up with the same strap that I did
Channel: DGR
Views: 796,382
Rating: 4.7895532 out of 5
Keywords: dgr ryukahr, new super mario bros deluxe speedrun, ryu, ryukahr, ryu mario maker, ryukahr mario maker, mario maker ryukahr, mario maker ryu, new super luigi speedrun, dgr, dgr is it possible, new super luigi blind race, mario race, mario maker troll, troll, blind race, dgr ryukahr blind race, ryukahr new super mario bros, ryu new super mario bros, new super mario bros ryu, new super mario bros ryukahr
Id: S_0wBKnpeWA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 147min 20sec (8840 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 22 2019
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