Appalachian Trail Thru Hike Ultralight 10lb Gear List 2021 (Late Start)

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hey guys welcome back to the channel this is garden state and in today's video i'm going to show you my full gear list for the appalachian trail so i'm going to start out with all the stuff on the outside pack first and just start like unpacking my pack i think that's the best way to show the gear and how i pack everything so first i got these black diamond trekking poles these are women's trekking poles and they're pretty much the same ones i used on my first day teeth through hike um but they're the woman's kind which i think this part is a little smaller for our hands and then i think they're a little shorter and a little bit lighter so i like them because they're a different color than baskets because he has the same trekking poles as me and last time we would mix our up our poles so i think it's going to be good to be able to identify whose poles are whose so i really like those i have a smart water bottle with a sawyer squeeze on top to filter my water i usually drink out of the sawyer i'm going to have to switch the cap because this one's a little hard to drink out of what i use for the cap on this is a smart water bottle cap sometimes they have the ones that you can drink out of so i'm gonna have to buy one and replace this with that because this can screw off and you can put your own little cap on there i will also bring a um one liter for breakfast essentials and coffee and then another one liter for like mixed drinks maybe a gatorade bottle so i'm gonna have three bottles i just have one on there today because i have to go buy them next is half of the awol guide i don't really use this i use gut hooks but i like to have something to jot down notes like where i meet certain people like trail magic i've gotten i like to add up my miles at the end of the day when i'm in camp for my videos and just so i know where i'm at i really like that i have a sharpie a pen and a pencil in case i need them i like to write in hiker log books and sometimes their pens don't work so that i have and i actually have a little bit more than half in here i have up until new jersey so i'll bring my mother except we're visiting my mom before the hike so i'm gonna bring her the other half the other part so i can switch it out when i get there okay that's it for that pocket on this side i have a tilente jar so if you buy the ice cream you'll have a nice cold soaking jar it's going to be hot out so i don't really see myself needing a stove i think baskets is bringing the stove for a little bit but i'm just gonna cold soak it kind of motivates me to get to town because uh then you get a hot meal so i have that for cold soaking we'll do the front of my pack here i have sunblock so this is nice it's actually a stick so i can just kind of put it on my face without touching it and getting my hands all gooey i also have some deet spray um this one's really strong so i i kind of wear it like perfume a little bit um if it's really buggy i'll probably get one of those big uh deer whatever they're called ones a can of that but i think that should be okay um i did forget hand sanitizer so i'm gonna have to get that i totally forgot um i have chapstick in here on the other pocket here i have my charger and then i also put my phone here but i'm filming on it um so yeah this one's cool it's an anchor and again i got a white one because baskets is black so we try to keep the colors separate this one has a hiker trash sticker on it by abstract hikes she's a really cool artist she does a lot of cool hiker art um so yeah that's really neat i'll put her website in the description of this video and this one's a 20 000 it has the charger cord too so i charge while i'm hiking usually if it's raining i put it in my dry bag but yeah that's that what else is in here oh i have my phone bag so last um two years ago last time i used baggies and they would get condensation kind of get wet so i upgraded to the z-packs zip pouch and in here i also have my little knife is just a little swiss army knife it also has nail file and scissors and then i just have a face mask for when i'm in town all right so the only thing that we're missing from the outside of my pack is my tripod and i will show you a little overlay of that it's a pretty lightweight tripod that i just found on amazon so i'll link that also in the description of this video all of my gear i'm going to link down below so definitely check that out if you're interested in getting any of these items okay so now we'll go in this outside pocket here so the first thing i like to keep accessible are wipies um because when you gotta go you gotta go you gotta make sure you can get to them fast this is a little bit of overkill i hate wasting wipies i usually split a pack with baskets and that usually works out well but this is actually a whole baby wipe pack so i might give away some because this is a lot i definitely won't need that for like a huge um stretch or whatever for a small stretch the next thing is going to be my first aid kit i also like to have this really accessible um the thing that i mainly take out of here a lot is the sports tape so as soon as you have a hot spot or a blister or something you really need to cover it up in tape so it doesn't get worse so that's what we usually grab first out of here i have walgreens toothbrush and toothpaste mini size travel size a hair brush i don't really use this on trail mostly just in town to like brush my hair out because i like to wear it down in town sometimes since i'm wearing it up all the time on trail i have some medicine here some advil tylenol anti-diarrheal pills just in case um and then i also still have to go to my doctor to get my prescriptions filled i don't know if she's gonna give me a full three-month prescription or if she's just gonna um if i'm gonna get along the way i still have to figure out my medicine situation cause i have two prescriptions i have to take while i'm on trail um this is an extra o-ring for my sawyer squeeze this oh my gosh this is a lifesaver i had sugars last hike and i had to do a 30 mile day or 28.9 or something all day um just to get some cortisone and it was horrible so i'm just gonna keep myself some on me um this time around because if you get a rash or some kind of bites or something they can be excruciating and uh yeah you don't want to be stuck in that situation so this time i'm bringing the small little little thing to hold me over till town this is just some repair tape for down so for my puffy for my sleeping bag any down material i can fix it up with this and then i also have some tape this is actually repair tape for my tent or i can use it for my pad so this is good this is tenacious tape um neosporin some nail clippers i might toss this actually i don't really think i need these um yeah and then floss all right so next in here is my electronics bag so this is in a z-packs dry bag this is actually keep my compression cep socks in here and then also my ankle compression which is like a um ankle brace type of thing so these compression socks i use if i'm having some pain in my ankles in my calves or i need some extra blood flow because i'm doing a very big day like if i'm doing a high 20 or 30 or whatever i'm doing i need the compression sleeves get the extra blood flow and then this is if there's a lot of rocks and i feel my ankles rolling i'm just gonna throw this on usually it's my right ankle so i just have one and that's just to compress it um yeah to stabilize my ankle this i got a red one because baskets is white so we're trying to really separate our colors it's a black diamond spot it has the red light they upgraded this with a separate little button for the red light which i really love i really like that this red light is important this is my zpax wallet i keep all my ids and my money in there this is a anchor charger this charge is super fast so to spend less time in town you really need one of these this is an anchor with two usbs i can charge my phone and my charger at the same time or my garmin watch i also bring in a garmin watch this just has my steps on it it tells me the date um yeah that's nice i like having my watch have some headphones and then just some extra cords this is a one for my plug my charger in the wall and then this one's for my garmin watch and then i just have some extra batteries for my headlamp okay what else do we got in here we have my rain gear so my rain gear this time is gonna be montbell versa light i think pants gortex and yeah they're pretty nice they have a tie here so if i lose weight i can make them smaller they have um cinch on the bottom which my other ones that i used last time had velcro and mutton dirt mud and dirt would get stuck in the velcro and it was just not closed and i'd be stepping on them and it was awful so i think these will work out a lot better plus they're lighter and it's going to be summer so that's good and then i also wear these when i do laundry in town so that'll be good i'm sticking with the same rain jacket but only i bought a new one these are pretty cheap so the marmot precip jackets i think they're like 40 dollars if you get them on sale they're really not expensive the really lightweight ones are like 100 something dollars and then frog togs are cheap but they're not durable so i think this is a nice middle ground i also really like a thicker rain jacket for the at because it does get windy and it does get cold even in the summer like on those um summits with the winds and everything it gets very chilly and you're gonna want a nice jacket honestly and this one worked great has pit zips it's a really solid rain jacket and it's affordable so i really like it these are my z-packs tent stakes you can watch my big three video i talk a little bit more about these but yeah they're in the z-packs tent safe bag and i have eight of them then lastly in this outside pocket is a bug net this i wear with my visor this is a nike visor and then i also have a bandana it's a buff headband buff headband which i really like i really like the headbands i have bangs so it keeps the bangs out of my face and then this is good to um keep the keep the sun out and then this is nice you can actually see really well through this it's just i think i got this um from a hostel in maine where was that shaw's i got this from shaw's yeah before the 100 mile wilderness it's a really good um bug net and yeah this is great keeps the bugs out in case i get into a buggy section my glasses these are from gooder sorry bugs in my uh speaking of bugs this is by gooder and yeah there's just some cheap sunglasses that i like to wear okay that's all everything in the big outside pocket so we're gonna go inside my pack let's see here we go so this is how much room i have still for food since i don't have any food in here right now this is how much food i have well space for food i have which is a lot i can also push it down further if i want to okay so i changed my food bag this is a big earth this is like huge it's by hilltop packs it's a custom food bag as you can see i do not like spam baskets love spam so i figure this is a cool custom bag that i can keep baskets out of my food yeah i like it he has really cool designs baskets has a custom made one too there's a little face on it all right this is a snow peak sport um yeah it's just a blue spoon that's that then after that i have my tent this is the z-packs duplex it's a very lightweight tent it weighs i think a little bit over a pound if by guessing um it's really nice i can put um the link again to my big three i talk more about it there and yeah that's my tent now we've gotten down to my compactor bag and we're gonna take a look inside there everything that's inside this is what i want to stay dry so this is my patagonia r1 this i used on my first at through hike um and i got it repaired if you send it to patagonia it only costs five dollars and they repair your gear for you which is amazing that's why most of my stuff that you see in most of my clothing is by patagonia because it just lasts long and then they repair it for you which is you know five dollars to get it repaired or spend a hundred dollars get a new one like come on it's like a no-brainer so yeah i got it repaired i really like that it has a um zipper here for me to put my phone in too which is nice very warm love it then i have my pad this is a woman's neoair x light they upgraded the valve which is really nice super easy to inflate and deflate and it's not as loud which is great so i love the blow up pad then i have a z-packs uh dry bag with all my clothing in it i'll show you what i have in here i have my puffy which again is patagonia because they repair your stuff for you but i i'm pretty good at repairing down on my own so i don't think i'll ever need this repaired i have the down repair tape which works great um so yeah this is my puffy i am not bringing wool layers no wool layers for this hike because it's summer i might pick up a pair or send a pair to me when i get further up north if it gets cold but um i'm not starting with any wool layers this is a pair of underwear by exoficio i'm only bringing one pair i don't really wear underwear because my shorts are lined so i don't really wear them unless i have my period but i'm on a new um really heavy duty birth control pill that makes my periods go away so i don't really have a period anymore um but i'm gonna bring them just in case i need like extra refreshing i guess i don't know but um yeah i'm gonna bring some just in case but i really don't wear them um these are in jinji socks these i really like they're the ultra running ones so they're a little bit thinner than the mid-weight ones the hiking ones which i like and they have the toes which helps you prevent blisters i've never gotten a blister at all with these socks i might have gotten like a little rubbing but never blisters so i have two pairs of these one to wear and one to hold on to for the next day and then i have sleeping socks these are just um darn tough ones they they aren't that long they're very tiny so i like those those are just to have something nice to wear at camp but yeah that's all my clothes and then the clothes i'm wearing is just an rei plain shirt it's a semi-fit it was like the most comfortable shirt i could find um yep and then i have shorts that are by athleta they're super super easy to hike in they give me full range of motion no restrictions and then i'm hiking another pair of injinji's and then i'm using the ultra lone peak 5.0 for my shoes last thing inside my bag is my sleeping bag this is the z packs regular sleeping bag quilt it has a nice big foot box and then the um zipper starts around the foot box so it's kind of like a hybrid quilt sleeping bag thing and then there's a cinch at the top to cinch your neck in but it's probably going to be mostly summer so i'll probably leave it open um yeah that's pretty much all my year that's everything yep all right guys that's pretty much everything i have to show you i'm gonna pack everything up minus the toothpaste and a couple items that don't include in your base weight um anything that changes weight over time is not included in your base weight that would be your food your water toothpaste calabine lotion and those little items so i'm just going to pack everything up that's base weight and then i'll show you my base weight at the end of this video so yeah hope you enjoyed and i'll see you guys out on trail i think yeah i might do one more video before trail but if not i'll see you guys out there all right bye guys
Channel: Julie Velasquez
Views: 6,881
Rating: 4.9197326 out of 5
Keywords: Appalachian trail, Thru hike, Gear list, Ultralight, Thermarest, Zpacks, Patagonia, Mountainsmith, Zerk40, At 2021, Appalachian trail thru hike, Garden state hikes, Abstract hikes, Black Diamond, Zpacks duplex, Montbell, Cold soaking, Ultralight gear list, 10lb gear list, Backpacking
Id: S58V6halzXw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 4sec (1204 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 29 2021
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