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hey everybody I'm back in the car and back on a dash just kidding I'm not on a dash I got on spark this morning so this morning I got up and on my phone I had a text saying welcome to spark and giving me a password to log into the app which didn't work um but I was able to reset my password make a new password and I was able to get in EV then took me through some steps of identifying who I am so I had to take a picture of the front and the back of my license and I also had to like they took a picture or scanned or whatever you want to call it uh of me looking front of me looking left of me looking right and then it takes you to another screen where it kind of just gives you a welcome and tells you a few hints it tells you about your pickup area and and you can put in what kind of car you have all those sorts of things and then it takes you to like this map that shows you all of the locations that are in your zone I'm in St Petersburg Florida and it has 46 locations listed in our Zone not just Walmart but Home Depot and I believe Racetrack and something else Sally I guess the makeup store so let me find a spot hopefully with shade um to put myself so we can turn on this app and make some money okay I have put myself in as much shade as I could find it's really not adequate but it'll have to do so it's 2:30 it's May 23rd it's a Thursday and let's log on to spark for the first time and see what happens so it gives you um let me show you it gives you this screen with all the locations and then a spark now at the bottom so I'm going to spark now with spark turned on you will receive offers until and then you can select what time you want to do this until um there oh you can scroll down okay so it's only giving me until 6:30 I'm going to put that and I'm going to click on turn on and it says searching for offers near you still searching they're down on the bottom I'm going to take a look at the incentive programs so the only incentive that I'm showing each completed trip can be an additional incentive of $5 no upper limit from 523 to 529 each completed trip qualifies when I tap on that it just takes me um to a different screen it says batch trips count as one trip all right so we're going to just sit here I guess and hopefully I get something or this going to be a real boring video all right it's 2:44 and I think the first thing came through but it went off the screen so fast that I didn't see what it was it says searching for off offers it looks like um three stops for $9 for $9 um but like literally my phone went off and I didn't even even have time to like reach for the phone and it disappeared so did somebody else take it or do I just not know where to look for it I'm going to turn on Uber Eats and just cuz I don't want to sit here um for God knows how long and not make any money today so I'm going to turn on Uber Eats and see if I can get any orders with Uber Eats and keep this on and maybe it'll move me around to where maybe somewhere I would get an order I don't know I'm going to $124 5.9 ABC order I'm going to go ahead and take it all right now I'm getting $20 36 arrive it's five stops one pickup four drop offs for Sam's Club um but it says you have to arrive at 300 p.m. that's like 9 minutes which I won't finish this Uber East order in time for but let me see so um it's $20.36 19.68 delivery three extra earnings to 68 um customers may add tips later so this is four drop offs of four customers not tipping yeah I don't think so reject this offer now does spark do oh here's another one Home Depot hold on let me stop up here so I can look at it pick up two stops it's $154 4 um it's the Home Depot in seminal and and then again this one doesn't say any tips either $15.44 the delivery is $4.95 extra earnings 49 customers May tip later um let me see it's 11.3 mil 11.3 mil for $15.44 um that's crap this one is $306 somebody took it it was $306 for 11 drop offs 11 I was so I was so excited this morning I was so excited I was like yeah I keep walking around like this I was like yeah yeah this is what they're giving me this is crap this is crap I just had a door Dash order on Mother's Day that paid $53 for five drop offs why would I do 11 for 30 yep that's [Music] it um the good thing is that you can like actually touch the um the Walmart that you want to go to and it pops up the address and then it pop and where it pops up the address it says navigate so you can push that and then it will tell you how to get to the Walmart that you're trying to get to which is very helpful $15.44 one pickup one drop off from the Home Depot in semal it's for 11.3 Miles again it doesn't say any anything about a tip um and it's going to Golf Boulevard how do I know what I'm picking up one item three quantity dining room chairs highback resin outdoor dining chairs okay yeah I'm not going to take that because I don't know if that's going to be like a heavy box or something like I I kind of want to just take one just to see if they just don't tell you the tip do you know what I'm saying but I'm not taking I am not taking this Home Depot one no sir I am not listen I learned my lesson I learned my lesson delivering Furniture before and I'm not doing it again this is what I'm picking up it's going to an apartment are you kidding me right now it's going to an apartment if this apartment is upstairs I'm going to be like no you're going to have to come bring your ass down here and get it cuz I am not I am not no I don't even care if there's an elevator I don't I don't even care 3908 4.8 miles okay I'm accepting this I didn't even look at all the things okay so this one is um I after arrive at 3:45 it's the Walmart in St Pete which I don't know what that means 3908 four stops okay so so see this one shows tips one of these things is a TV all right the TV fits in the back no problem and then one orders back here and then the bigger order is in the trunk so I'm pushing complete order um when they brought the order out like I had to scan each label um all perishable orders will be cancelled at 513 dang it shouldn't take that long okay so now I've got the first under the first order it says it's the drop off time is 407 and to start okay let's go confirm arrival well can you get me there first first that would be appropriate all right starting the navigation let's go y'all your destination is on the left okay so I have arrived I have arrived here okay and I'm going to confirm arrival confirm arrival now oh it tells me where it's loaded in the back seat okay that's nice and then it says to start scanning hi I'm trying to um drop off an order but they didn't put any labels on the bags so I can't scan a label take the next right onto Second Street North then you will arrive at your destination over here oh it's right here Head East towards Second Street North then slide left at Second Street North I'm here dummy dude I am sweaty provide details oh come on man um yeah so like when you have a TV drop off I'm I'm not about to like leave it at the door do you know what I'm saying I want to see that TV in somebody's hands that lives in that house do you know what I'm saying your destination is on the left I I am not even trying to have somebody say that somebody stole their TV like no dude is 100% ass what there's another offer hold on I'm just going to put whatever I should give him a thumbs down cuz he was like he came out um I put it at the let's see $7 for a drop off of 3.4 4 miles I'm sure that doesn't have an e tip no no thank you um so and somebody took it somebody took it everybody oh no it's still there reject this offer so I put the TV I carried the TV it was very light I put it next to his front door rang the doorbell as I took the picture as I'm walking away he opens the garage um and he's coming out of the garage and I say I left it at the front door for you and he literally looks at me like this so he walks to the front door and I'm walking to my car and I'm like have a nice day doesn't turn his head doesn't say a word just like is inspecting the TV box like this and then picks it up and walks into the garage what an ass $19 22 it's uh penel Park Walmart all right I'm going to accept this one is 8.3 miles how much I accepted for 19 something your destination is on the right um so the order status says that it is packing up I'm confirming my arrival um let me turn off the navigation and I'm going to select my spot I'm in one save and so now I'm just waiting it is 453 um so let's see how long it takes okay view orders okay so there's two orders one has 15 items and one has 17 items all right the orders are acquired one in the back seat one in the trunk um they didn't put any of the labels on the one in the back seat again so I I checked this time and I tore it off their little blue thing before he walked away and put it on the bag and then I said I said cuz the one in the back seat her name is Betty and I said um I'm going to put Betty in the back seat he goes I don't know who that is like these people are like rude man this where is it or scanning okay that was nice and easy it was on the first floor didn't have to climb any stairs or anything all right the next drop of drop off off is doing 6 minutes let's navigate it's really hot out here y'all I am suffering does anybody else feel like this I kind of feel like because you know I'm not I'm not like checking like every item in the bag so I don't really know if they're getting everything they ordered do you know what I mean like because the list isn't there like when I by the time I get the bags I've already had to do the scanny thing so I can't go down a list and like check and make sure they have everything do you know what I mean so I feel like I feel like I just want to like drop their groceries and like ring the doorbell and run away as fast as I can because I don't want them to come out and be like hey hiy I didn't get this do you know what I'm saying because what what am I going to do about it when the light turns green there's still going to be people to the right of me so I'm not going to be able to turn right cuz they can't turn right because the people are turning left okay go go go go go go go go all right I'm putting my thing on just so these people know that I need to get over and um is anybody going to let me over nope they're not anybody the light is green I guess I guess we're just all I guess we're all just turning like this then these people are going to love me well you should let me in all right let's continue to Arby's everybody so now I'm getting like notifications saying that I have surge I don't know what that means um um but all of the orders they're sending me are like really crap like $9 $10 $11 three drop offs so like this one is um a Walmart it's $10.30 um for three drop offs I mean does surge mean really really terrible terrible ter terrible terrible horrible orders that you'd never take do these do these people even have the option to tip on the on the app do you know what I mean like if they're ordering through the Home Depot app does it give them the option do you know what I mean because I mean if like I'm I'm looking to to see like if it has a tip and it doesn't have a tip like is there really there's so many of them that don't have tips do you see what I'm saying like are there really that many people not tipping or they just don't have the option so are there certain stores like I've ordered on spark before to have groceries delivered so I know you can I know you can tip on there but but what about Home Depot you know I don't know you tell me anybody who ordered from horm Depot horm Depot dude all right I got my first shopping order which I am for sure not taking because I hate shopping at Walmart uh is $15.98 3.9 mil and it's an Express the tip is $386 and it's for 13 items that is a hell no I'm totally cool um I'm I'm right near the Bay Pines one um I'm totally cool with you know like pick it up drop it off pick it up drop it off cool but I I despise with every fiber of my being shopping at Walmart Okay I despise it this is $9 2.2 mil for Taquitos hey I guess we're going with Uber Eats everybody I've accepted another order on the UBS $95 um 4 something miles for Hungry Ho's oh let me turn you around cuz the sun is in your face there um let me look for this address real fast I'm picking up for [Music] Uber okay thank you let me tell you something the UBS is saving the day so I'm just about a minute away from this hungry Ho's drop off and they sent me a $10 order 2.2 miles I believe for Applebees so I have accepted that is a stop sign also for me I feel like the stop sign is not for me there it's for the turning lane do you agree take out yeah I'll pick it up for Dana c for Uber Eats good to go okay thank you so much all right everybody it is the outro for the first day of my spark experience first though let's start with the UBS the UBS I did two $9 orders and a $10 order like in the last half hour half hour yeah I mean I mean that's pretty fantastic but anyways so on the UBS we're waiting on the tips for the last three orders that I did so this is all that's showing for the UBS right now okay okay on spark listen I don't know if I really know what I'm looking at okay it says daily confirmed earnings 1976 and then unconfirmed daily tips $385 4 you can see right there um and then if I look at the incentives it shows that I had two qualifying orders I thought I accepted three three have I lost my mind it's possible um but it shows that I had two qualifying tips um so I earned $10 in incentives okay um this is the total that I have for the day if all of the tips come in as normal 10614 I did not add the incentives to this so I'm going to add the incentives and that brings it to one 1614 for the day I went from 2:30 let me write these things down as well I got to write down my miles too hold on one sec all right so I was out for 4 hours and uh 15 minutes so I'm going to divide this total by 4.25 and that's going to be $27.32 an hour which is pretty good that is pretty good uh my miles for today were 45 so um I mean I don't know what else to say that's not a tip that's all I've got for you kids I thank you for joining me on this um first day of spark it was really not what I expected um kind of kind of kind of a lot of bad orders a lot of bad orders you know I've had so many comments since I started making dashing videos I've had so many comments from people telling me you got to get on spark spark is great you got to get on spark you make so much fun morning on spark d d d you know I sto doing door Dash I stopped doing Uber Eats I just do spark now so so my expectations I'll admit were very high I was like I'm going to come out here and I'm going to get like fantastic orders you know and I'm just going to like make make hundreds of dollars today that was not the case that was not the case I mean I would say it's a little better a little better than had I just been doing door Dash new breeds I'll admit that but not substantially so anyways I am going to go home my friends this last drop off has left me way up here wherever I am simol I don't know I got to drive all the way home again thank thank you for watching please like subscribe and share um I do have memberships turned on so if that is something that you're interested in there should be a link in the description of this video as well as a join little button somewhere on there that you can click on and I will see you guys on the next one [Music]
Channel: Meaty Mama
Views: 41,860
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ZOnmXAw5Ldo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 25sec (1645 seconds)
Published: Wed May 29 2024
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