Learning the IFD: "Using the iPad Trainer App" - Avidyne

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I'm sitting here at home quarantined like the rest of you I hope you're doing well my name is Tom Harper this is the learning the Abidine series of webinars we're going to be doing these every Thursday this one's about using the iPad trainer app so I'll teach you a little bit about how to load and set up the trainer but also then how you can use the trainer to learn the IFD because that's really in the endgame right I'm going to show you a hour a bedight video it's about two little over two minute video but we're going to do a product overview will go through trait downloading minis and controls then we'll do the slides on how to load a flight plan and all that and then well after that we will switch to the live demo on the iPad I can project that up here hopefully then we can get into some more specific things with it and talk a little bit about hooking the IFD trainer to the IFT 100 a little competitive overview to help you and your buying decisions for those that haven't made a choice yet and some other some other resources for both prospects and current customers that may find helpful so you wanna do is I want to show you a cool video we put together [Music] [Music] Aventine is very well positioned in the avionics market today 2020 is the year where we're going to take some of the business aviation progress we made in 2019 and really turn it into a central focus journal Aviation has been the cornerstone of our business I'd have it on for over 25 years we've taken what we've learned there and applied it to other market segments helicopters in business aviation even with our growth up market we continue to develop innovative products that benefit all of our pilots our pro pilots were telling us I wish I had the function of our IFD in the FMS that I fly every day so we listened and in the fall of 2019 we launched Atlas one of the real values of Atlas is that it gives new life to legacy aircraft don't need a million-dollar avionics upgrade but would like to have lpv be able to run their t cast be able to consolidate their controls in an easy-to-use understandable format so the Aventine approach is to develop a partnership with our dealers not tell them what to do but provide them with the tools that they need to be successful in 2020 Avedon will be launching our new dealer portal as well as our training app which will give our dealers access to installation documents and training videos from their mobile device while aircraft Avedon has made unless you're so significant investments in a number of areas we've replaced our screen printers are picking place equipment our selective soldering systems and what this allows us to do is build a lot more cars for the expected volume we're going to have in the future we build very high quality cars with these systems and we'll be doing so for a long time in addition we have a project going on with your window Melbourne Airport will is building our own hair which will allow us to improve our certification test flight activities along with better accommodated customers who fly in to visit us going forward the future is bright for Aventine we've announced some new products and we're going into new markets this year our team is growing we need to expand our facilities and we have a number of exciting new announcements that will be happening later in the year [Music] the IFD is tuned FM s GPS Navi um we have three different models the 550 the 540 and the 440 and then we have three models that are GPS only the IFT 545 the 510 and the 410 so the difference as you can see on the chart is three of them have a VHF now comm and three of them are GPS only they all have the 3d synthetic vision I'll talk about the 550 at 5:45 that have the attitude reference sensor they all include integrated Bluetooth and Wi-Fi for wireless connectivity and they have forward-looking terrain alerting which is basically you're getting Fritos which is a terrain alerting system and they have the five series has options for video and radar the key features of the IFD series all of the products we make in this line feature hybrid touch which is a significant benefit for pilots in that in addition to the touch screen we give you knobs and buttons so you get the both best of both worlds for kind of the old-school in the nude frankly we think touch by itself is kind of tough and it's nice sometimes to have buttons and knobs to have a the tactile feel of a button under your finger when you push it can have a knob to hang on to and turbulence there are certain things that lend themselves well to touch and one of them is you know you can pinch zoom which is kind of nice but you can also twist the knob to zoom in and out on the map range so little things like that so very very useful the hybrid touch and pilot seem to really like it those that notice that have it kind of get it since that existing is standard as I mentioned we get you get a XO centric view of your own airplane you know your own ship out there you're kind of looking in trail behind your own airplane over a 3d map with terrain obstacles airports traffic me flags 3d traffic out here if you have an obstacle and you get close to it'll light up yellow or red obviously the terrain does as well we have built-in Bluetooth and Wi-Fi so full wireless connectivity from the time we invented the box the hardware is built right in in fact the antenna is right behind the logo there on each box that lends itself to our IFT 100 app we'll talk a little bit about and third-party app support there's ton of apps out there that we work with and more to follow obviously for flight is is the leading app for most most pilots out there to market the page and cab user interface what is that well that's just we got three pages here and this is a 540 FMS map and arcs same on the 440 each of those pages has a dedicated set of tabs here we're on the map page and notice there are this has video and radar options so there's five tabs on the 440 it doesn't have those options and you can't have charts on the 4-inch box or the for 40 bucks so you've got SBS and math when you when we get to some of the other screens if FMS is lit up there's about six tabs and those are two-way rocker switches so you can toggle through the tabs or you can just click on a page and then touch the tab so you can get to any page in the system in one or two clicks I'll repeat that because it's important with this system you can get to any page in one or two clicks that was the design criteria that we set out with when we designed our FMS we didn't want a bunch of nested menus we didn't once you drill him down the rabbit hole and then have to come back to the home page and try to figure out where you're at everything's plainly labeled this gentleman's saying he's got no audio I would tell him to hit the reset that off that was off it it was off okay sorry [Music] where was I at okay and then let's go to geo fill geo fill is a cool feature that Avedon came up with that allows you to weigh as you're entering waypoints it doesn't a search in the database based on geography rather than just how it's alphabetically listed in the old legacy navigators if you wanted to type in a waypoint you would type in the let's say the K for an airport when you move the cursor over to the next line the first click after K is always a and then it counts up ABCD and you get up to the first letter in your airport then you move the cursor over a1 and you count up from a everytime with our system when you type in the K it's going to immediately nominate an airport nearby that would make sense based on what your flights doing so it the geo fill is really smart it dramatically reduces data entry time therefore it reduces head down time so you get you head out the window where you should be and then combine that with our easy airway flight planning this is a huge advantage over the competition I mentioned the terrain awareness and forward-looking terrain alerting those are built-in functions you don't pay extra for and in addition to the five 4440 we have the 550 that has all those same great features plus we have an integrated attitude reference sensor that can detect pitch and roll so it's not in a you've heard of it a har s attitude heading reference this is a RS it's got pitch and roll heading we use GPS track but it gives you a PFD like presentation in a in an egocentric or out the window view of synthetic vision notice we add an S vs button here in addition to the three buttons that the 540 and 440 have this gives us the ability to get this egocentric you and this behaves like an attitude indicator so you've got a pitch ladder and a roll pointer your 3d synthetic vision is out the window you can see your runway as you're making your approach we can put up lateral and vertical deviation indicators if you're on an iOS or an LPD approach you can shoot your entire approach right off this box it's pretty impressive and there's a lot of airplanes that are never going to put big glass in them so this is a good way to get that feature in there even if you have an electronic PFD of some kind this gives you a great gives you a great standby or a backup or you know and it's a tie breaker to if you have let's say you have an Aspen PFD and you have a mechanical attitude indicator for your standby this can be a tie breaker if those two start to disagree this will give you an indication of which one to believe so and it is a certified attitude indicator it just can't take credit as a backup because we can take down that the attitude display and that's one of the requirements but as far as the TSO s it meets all the requirements as a standby for reliability et cetera and they are plug-and-play and/or which I should say slight in replacements and the reason there's the caveat is there are some additional features in these products that aren't in the old 530 at 4:30 so if you want to pull out your old 530 and plug in an IFB 540 you can literally pull one out plug the other one in plug your new box in get it configured and you could be on your way pretty quick there are a few additional features and some other installation considerations but if you don't want to take advantage of those you can plug and play and be on your way a couple of those include we can monitor the standby audio so you might want to add a wire so you can hear that we have terrain capability trained alerting capability that's a 5:30 and 4:30 don't if you want you can get an visual alert but if you want an audible alert which we recommend then you might want to add that wire into your audio panel so again there is there could be some wiring changes but for the most part it uses the same connector the same tray you don't have to cut you had a new panel same wiring same antennas if you're going from a non wash to a wass installation you would have to replace your antenna and coax regardless of whether you're going from a 5:30 to a 540 or if you're going from a 5:30 to a 5:30 W you still would have to do a but wasps antenna but everything else is it's already they're already pre-wired Pig installation cost saver with the Wi-Fi and Bluetooth every IFD comes with a MK 10 bluetooth keyboard these are rechargeable you can plug it in by USB right into your right into the USB port on the faceplate this is a charge lasts forever but it gives you the ability to remotely control your IFD virtually anything you can do on the I peds you can do from the remote control from the Bluetooth keyboard you can zoom in and out you can go to rec you can load up an approach you can build an entire flight plan go through all the different pages and then cycle through the tabs by pushing the button like FMS you hit it once to go to that page and then you can click it multiple times to move through the tabs so it's a nice extra feature to have keep one of those next to you especially like on some of the older airplanes like the old Baron or Bonanza where the the radio stacks off to the far right you can have this keyboard in front of you you hit direct and start to type in the identifier usually the geo fill will automatically fill it in the rest of the way and all you in is enter and boom you're on your way so customers seem to like it too many radios the whole bit we've also have the option of the IFD 100 is IP 100 apps which is a really powerful feature this gives you the ability to put your IFD on a nice big glass presentation a lot of folks don't fully appreciate what this thing will do for you but you have to think of it as another instance as an iPad in your cockpit it'll literally behave just like another big-screen version of your panel mounted box you can build a flight plan on the iPad you can edit your flight plan you can tune your radios you can do enter all that data you can view your approach chart and then that feeds back to the through the IFD on the pamp now an independent page selection so I can have this one as you see here on a plan view well I've got a 3d synthetic vision on the on the iPad Eric we've got one mountain our 206 with a 550 so we're putting up a huge attitude indicator makes a nice reference back up compared to our PFD over here gives you a very compelling image and again it's you know you've got somebody sitting in the right seat they can they can see that they can control it whatever all the ATSB information coming into your IFB is sent out on Wi-Fi so it'll show up on your iPad as well and the thing to remember this complements your third-party apps like for flight you don't have to make a choice or you shouldn't think of it as choosing between four flights and an ISDN 100 the IFD 100 is not for fight or flight is a pre-planning pre-flight planning software which you can build your flight plans at home and do all kinds of intricate flight planning tasks bring it out to the airplane and with our Wi-Fi you can squirt that flight plan right into the IFD and that's great the IFT 100 again it thinks it's an IFD so it's used while you're in flight just to manage your IFD in the panel to give you a second view and and you can have for flight in and I asked you 100 mining at the same time you cheat you have Google iPads several customers do flightplan go and well these other companies will also work with and that's a free download in the iTunes App Store the IFT 100 the other app you will find from the App Store in addition to IFD 100 is this IFD trainer we're talking about today so it's a free play simulator and that means it's a free play simulator means it's just it's like the real unit you can kind of do whatever you want it's not you're not stuck on a certain track you can you know pick any page load any flight plan it's got a full database in it you know run on an iPad Mini or the pro versions it will not run on a phone it's too small you can't cram all the pixels on there it wouldn't be usable with like touching everything the hotspots of these it uses the actual certified code so it behaves just like the panel mounted unit and if again is a free download on the iTunes App Store it and it'll emulate any of the six IFD models here you can see we've got the 440 here we've got the 550 so you just tell it in settings which one you want to be based on what's an airplane ELISA oh how do we download the IFP trainer let's talk about that oh you want to go to the App Store so on your iPad make sure you're connected to Wi-Fi click on the App Store icon select search I'd recommend typing in IFD trainer if you type in avid ein you will probably see the IFT 100 and in the trainer and some people get confused and think they're downloading the trainer and they're downloading IFT 100 and it might confuse you so type in IFD trainer if that's what you're trying to download and then hit the get button and it'll start downloading you'll see the little wheel fill in like you used to and once once you're all done you can either close it and find the icon on the desktop or just hit open and the first time you open it again you want to be on Wi-Fi you'll get this form to fill out which asks for your name and your email and your tail number and the reason we do that we'd like you to check this boxes so that when we get software upgrades not only for the real-life D but also when we upgrade if we do an upgrade on the iPad app which arguably happens more often than it does on the product because we don't have any as a certification restrictions we want to be able to email you that one other thing that happens during F while you're filling this form out along the bottom here I don't show it on this screenshot because the training had already loaded by the time I took it but there'll be a little progress bar and it's going to be downloading the u.s. terrain data when you download the app from the App Store all the other I believe all the other databases are downloaded but the terrain is so big it waits till you login to download the train it exceeded the limit of the there's a restriction on the file size in the App Store so we had to separate the terrain out this is a one-time screen so once you've loaded and filled this out every other time you restart this app you will no longer see the screen if for some reason you want to see the screen again maybe you want to put a different email address in you would need to delete the app and just redownload it so let's talk about the min and controls so after you download the app and he started it always starts out in Melbourne here like you see that's where our headquarters is and there's a row of there's a menu across the top here and we'll go through each of those and the first one is flight control and what flight control does is that gives you the ability to to set how the simulated aircraft essentially that you're riding in the simulators being driven by how its operating follow flight plan the best way to think about it is it's basically like an autopilot nav mode in that it's just going to chase the magenta line whatever track you've got programmed into the FMS remember this thing won't really fly and ever you know cuz it can't receive a nav signal but it does simulate the GPS and it'll so it'll chase the magenta line if you put in a direct - it'll the autopilot the simulator will fly it if you file a flight plan it will change the legs and go on its merry way when you're in follow flight plan mode notice you can adjust the airspeed down here on this slider but if you want to change altitude you have to set the altitudes in the FMS is vertical constraint fields I don't show that on the slide but when we go to the actual iPad I can show you how that works the other the next one is called autopilot and the way I like to think of it is it's like you're flying in heading mode on an autopilot so basically the the simulated airplane that would this air this simulator is in is gonna track the heading bug notice you've got now got a heading slider along with air speed and lows - we now we've got an altitude slider so kind of think of it as a heading bug set or a heading pre-select and an altitude pre-select so you know if you'd want to climb to 5,000 feet you slide that up to 5,000 and from wherever you are it will chase and get you down to 5,000 feet MSL and level you out so you know if you're if you're out here in the East Coast and you put it 5,000 the AGL altitude on your data block will say that but if you know if you're out west in the Midwest it'll get to 5,000 but it'll say you're 4,000 because it's using an SL so that's a nice feature I'll show you how that's used in practice and then the third one is manual flight not as conducive for training on the IFD but it's kind of fun to just fly the simulator around sometimes so this gives you essentially like a pseudo joystick here or a control yoke so you can literally pull back on the yoke by pushing down and the airplane will climb and then you can roll left and right you can pitch up pitch down and you hit the middle button here to Center it and you're just tooling around you can control the airspeed the simulator will not descend on an approach so when you program an approach in the simulator will just continue to fly you at whatever your last altitude was on over the airport it doesn't take you all the way down you know if you want to be clever you can switch it to here and kind of try to hand fly it but good luck with that it's it's pretty touchy but anyway the engineers put it in and that's the way it works most of the time I'm using the follow flight plan and then when I'm setting up like I'm in vectors mode being vectored around I would use the autopilot mode and fly the hitting bug well demo that the next one is your simulation rate or speed so here you can pause the sim and I recommend when you first load it up and you're getting ready to put a flight plan in jump up there and just put it on pause because the simulator wants to start flying immediately as soon as you put your first Waypoint in its gonna take off even though if you're putting in a long flight plan and you say well wait a minute I got my feet off the brakes in real life this thing's gonna just go 50 feet down the runway and pull up and head out you know so just pause it until you're ready to go and you've got everything the way you like it and then you can go in and put it times one for real time or you can speed things up if you're between long legs or whatever and we'll demo that as well day to day again there's a full date a demo database that comes with it or you can download your jeppeson subscription if we let's look at the demo worldwide first if you uh you should go in here the first time you start it make sure you got all the data you need you want to have the map that data that's worldwide map data that'll give you your base map and that's here like your waters and your political boundaries and those sort of things your obstacle data is self-explanatory nav data is your obviously your airport's your in DBS your all your nav aids stairways all that that's the you know then we associate most with Jeff and then and that's all those are all worldwide databases so regardless of where you are in the world those'll those will do what you need notice this charts is us and I believe in the later version this is when I took the screenshot we had us and then and then we could put in worldwide but now we've got a worldwide charts terrain as I mentioned when you launch the sim the first time it loads us terrain and it's a big data file so it takes about three minutes to download it on a good connection if you're in Europe you can come over here and touch the cloud and then you'll be a little download button here in the corner just touch it and it will start downloading and you'll get a progress bar I mean just switch here in this case I want to load charts I don't have charts in here I will I you know push I touch the button and notice it touch here it says download and it'll start running and you'll see a little progress bar run across the bottom it says here it's downloading charts is a pretty good-sized file it takes two minutes nav data's similar obstacles takes about 10 seconds map date is not too bad terrain takes maybe 3 to 4 minutes depending on the size but you can load as many of these as you like it all it's only limited by the size of the storage on your iPad I'd recommend if you're not using them just delete them and the way you delete it is any of these that are checked or loaded just touch on it to highlight it and then instead of download it'll say delete and you hit and it'll just go away so if you absolutely accidentally believe the wrong one just click on it again and redownload it'll come back in again you got to have Wi-Fi to make that happen when you're done there hit exit and the iPad app will restart actually a closed you may have to relaunch it from the home page and then the other option as I mentioned is the Jefferson option if you already have an IFD in your airplane and you're paying for a Jeff subscription you might want to load that in here so that your city is your trainer has the exact same databases what you're flying in the real world and and the main reason that's important is I think I don't know what the date is on the demo database it used to be a 2016 database but I think it's now in like july 2019 is the is the update on it but you know there might be an airport or an a vein or something that's you're you're flying near but it doesn't show up in your trainer if you do this you'll know you'll have the current data if you want to do that you hit the jet button and now you just put in your username and password and then you'll get that menu of data types in which you can go in and select which ones you want to download the next menu item is documentation and there's also tutorials again these require that you be on Wi-Fi these are dynamically populated so they'll they'll go out and look at a table and you're always gonna have the most recent versions of these pilots guides in fact these this screenshot is the older version now these are combined so there's only a couple different choices now but and the quick reference guides we have those for all the different models but if you click on that it'll just open a PDF right here on your iPad right in the right in the IFD screen on the trainer not in the real product but that gives you access to the pilots guide if you want to reference something there and then if you go to tutorials same thing it's a dynamic it loads a table a lookup table and if you click this it'll go right to the YouTube videos that we have posted on our channel you know if you wants to help you how do I load an approach again you can come over here click on load an approach it'll launch the YouTube video again you have to be on Wi-Fi but then load it right there you can sit and listen to it and then close this out and go do it well it's kind of handy and again these are dynamically updated so anytime we get a new video we can put it out there and they add it to the table and it goes right up on the menu every time you open this until update finally settings this is where you can tell it which model of IFD you want this thing to emulate here I've got it set up as a 550 I can always tell a 550 because it's got the SPS button but if I wanted it to be a 440 I click this it'll say it's gonna restart and then next time you open it it'll be a 442 more links you want to know about is this rate this app and the suggestion box these are great places for you to give us some feedback if you're if you think the app's great let us know if you think it sucks let us know if you have a suggestion on a feature you'd like to see whether it's in the sim or in the real product it's a great place to send it it's going to go to the right people and and we take all of these suggestions very seriously so anytime we get customer feedback at a show or in an email or through the suggestion box it gets put on a list and prioritized you know based on everything else that's on the list so I encourage you to do that and then here's the software level that we're emulating ten to three one is the current software went into ten three comes out you'll be able to go to the App Store and download the latest software and so on when it goes to ten four or whatever so all right I'll finally last not but not least are the knobs so one of the benefits of the IFD is of course it has knobs and buttons knobs are nice to hang on to it's kind of tough to to emulate that on a touchscreen the the benefits of the knobs but if you want to turn the knobs you have to you know if you're on the right side of the knob you go up to go clockwise and go down to go counterclockwise you don't need to spin around the knob just smooth your finger up and down on one side of the knob or the other and it'll do it'll behave the way you want it to these knobs also have a push button effect so if you push in on the button it'll behave in this case you can switch between comm and nav by pushing on this button and think of this button here notice here in the in the legend it says scroll which means it moves this cursor and the FMS and here it says select if you push on this button on the center of it I like to think this basically this button in FMS mode behaves just like the inter button so in some cases you can reach out and hit the enter button if you think it's easier but most of the time you can just push on this button to do the same thing while you're in the FMS mode we're gonna load a flight plan I'll talk you through this and then we'll show it to you in life here's an actual ifr clearance from Dallas love to Flagstaff Arizona it's pretty good chunk of flying but they gave us the worth one departure to the corona vor cnx on Victor 291 and all the way to Flagstaff and then go to the Flagstaff Airport so if I was flying an old Kalin 90 or a 530 or something I would reach for my IFR charts and I open it up and I'd have to look up the worth 1 and see which way points make up worth one departure and that's gonna be a function of runway as well then you look up the victor 291 between Corona and Flavio ours and you can see that there's about 15 waypoints and most of them are intersections with five letters so there's a lot of turning and clicking to get those entered into the legacy navigators 22 waypoints if you had to enter it manually on a full 530 I counted the clicks one day and it took 489 clicks you know AVC clicks of the knobs or pushes the buttons and that's assuming I had no do-overs which I was pretty good operating a 530 but that included a lot of do-overs because I'm sure you all know what I'm talking about where oh shoot I was supposed to push in on the knob no wait I was supposed to push the menu button this time and it sometimes it's easier to recover from it but you find yourself get doing a lot of extra moves and this system eliminates a lot of those do-overs and in fact I entered the same flight plan using the knob just using the FMS knob and Counting every click but you know like rotating through a menu it took 60 clicks versus 489 if I use the touch as well and it got it down to about 20 clicks so using the knob and the and the touchscreen so significant reduction I mean that's like 95% reduction in in workload there so that means less head down time more and more time with your head off the window where it belongs now a lot of times you're entering this flight plan you're sitting on the ground but these same benefits hold true because what happens as soon as you get airborne they're going to issue you a a change to your clearance right they want to amend your clearance for you while you're climbing out and in busy terminal area so it makes it super easy to edit your flight plan as well when your your and a high workload so the first thing we want to do is we want to set our origin anytime when you first launch the simulator you're always at Melbourne Airport that's our factory that's default I think once you start playing with it'll save the last origin you you put in to change the origin we had a lot of folks had some trouble understanding how to do that because the first thing you want to do is it'll you know I'll immediately start asking for you to add another waypoint you want to reach up and just touch the MLB touch this cell you can also move this small knob right now the course the outer now moves the cursor see how it's around the whole Waypoint if you use the smaller knob it will move through the cells within the the box it's kind of a coarse and fine adjust so you can move the knob over MLB and then push in on it it will turn white the background will turn white and the letters will turn black and then you can manually outer knob in or knob just like a 5:30 move the cursor over and spin 8 you know spin the knob but the easiest thing to do is touch the cell and according to Bohr's pops up I think that hands a little bit out of proportion for this box but ok anyway you touch the cell bear and the QWERTY keyboard a pop-up and you type in ok da in this case before I get to the L it usually pops it up because it's that's that geo phil does that so you type in k dow you see there's a scratch pad down here kind of keeping track of what you're doing as well and you hit enter ok now you've repositioned the simulator that's dallas love if if you were in a real airplane of course you flew into Dallas Love yesterday now you've come out this morning and it knows you landed the Dallas yesterday unless you relocated the airplane on a flatbed or if you're outside the hangar the GPS is going to figure it out pretty quick here Dallas love so if you turn it on in the morning this is what it would look like in the airplane on the simulator you may want to tell it where you're at either your home Airport or some move you're planning on flying sometime so let's enter the flight plan that we just showed you earlier this is the clearance we've got we're gonna go from Dallas love to Flagstaff so let's give that a go so I'm gonna show you one way to do it there are multiple ways maybe when we get into the demo here live demo I can show you but I like using this FMS knob what I call it it's context-sensitive it knows where you're at but you you turn the knob to move the cursor or make a selection and you push in on the knob same as enter it makes the selection so what we're gonna do is we're going to and yeah the other way to do it you can just double click on the screen oh I know we're gonna do first see this little map tab right here I'm gonna push on that that's called a side tab and if I push it I'm gonna watch what it does it slides it slides the FMS over so I get an abbreviated look at my FMS waypoints but it also gives me a view of my map you can see my own ship I'm happened to be sitting if you went to the SSDs mode you can see or if you zoomed in real close you would see that I'm sitting on the runway relay 1 3 whatever it is there 3 I'm sorry I said for only 3 1 dyslexic that's 1 3 starts the wrong way right so now we're going to do is we're going to enter our flight plan there's an insert cursor there I'm going to push on the FMS knob and every time I push on that when when I've got an insert cursor like that and I push on the FMS knob it's gonna pop up at FMS menu and when the FMS menu smart enough based on where it you are at it's going to give you all the choices you can have based on where you are in this case sitting on the ground at Dallas Love so I can enter enter a waypoint if I want to go to to Austin I can just put in the Waypoint and fly down to Austin but in this case we could so we would just enter a waypoint but we've been cleared on the worth one departure so you can see there's a list of published departures and Dallas Love has a ton of them compared to most airports and you know you know it's it's got a lot going on there so and you can see it appears it looks like these are in alphabetical order so uh which makes more sense in this case so what we're gonna do now is we're gonna scroll this knob I could reach up here and flick this with the touchscreen and flick it a couple times to find the worth one if you'll notice on this menu again these are alphabetical so worth one is gonna be down the list of ways this light blue part on the box right here that's an indicator okay oh you can't see my mouse there can you there's a light blue box off to the right by the Waypoint that's lit up that shows you where you are in relation to the rest of that menu so if I were to start scrolling that blue box is gonna move down let me show you on the next screen I'm scrolling down all the way to worth one now look at where that little light blue the light blue line just to the right of worth one and the rest of the menus up above me so I don't know if that makes sense without see you in the mouse of where I'm pointing but so anyway we're gonna select the worth one so we highlighted it and as soon as I highlight it it gives me a picture of what the worth one looks like as I scrolled through here if I'm turning the knob and scrolling through the list this procedure preview what we call procedure preview or in this case departure preview it will show you each one of these as you scroll down the list so you can quickly get a visual feedback am i selecting the right one I know I'm going westbound so one of these eastbound departures wouldn't have made sense so I get down to worth one which is going to fly over Fort Worth now I'm going to push in on the FMS knob to select it when I do that now my menu says where do you want to transition in other words where do you want to get off of this transition out of this departure and we are cleared to the sea in X Corona vor well if you scroll the list you can get to the C and X pretty easy again I could reach up and just double click that with my finger on the touch or I can scroll down to it and push the button notice as if I were scrolling down through this list of transitions this screen would update and give me a visual feedback in real time of the whichever my selection is before I've actually accepted it it's truly a preview now I'm gonna reach over to the FMS knob I could hit enter if I wanted but I'm gonna keep going the way I'm going and push to push in on the FMS knob boom now I selected I've loaded Kincaid out to Corona vor that whole thing remember that was about seven six or seven waypoints and you'll see here all those intermediate weight points were loaded and this is called the worth one you can see that one of the arrows pointing there it's kind of written vertically or written sideways actually says worth one departure and that's all the waypoints that make up that departure well we're not done are we Viktor 291 passes through the corona vor along with several other victor airways but now we're gonna jump on victor 291 and it'll take us to Flagstaff so let's do that so what we're gonna do is we're gonna push in on the FMS knob again and look what it does it gives us the FMS menu based on what all the things we can do from that point which is at corona so what can i do i can enter any waypoint I could put in a nearby airport I can hold at Corona put in a hold there which doesn't seem appropriate at this point or I can go down and select the victor airway in this case we're showing a list of other departures at Dallas but if you scroll past it you'll get to the list of victor airways so you'll have to scroll all the way down the list so that's where the knob comes in handy you can just spin it real quick but again you could also just flick the menu with your finger up and get there quicker if you were a quote-unquote clicks with the touch if I grab the knob I can give it a spin without taking my hand off the knob and do all these operations as the spins clicks pen clicks just by doing that so here I'm going to spin the knob I move my finger up or down I find the victor 291 out of the airway list see where it says Airways the departures are up above that the airway so I get the jet and Victor Airways hears 291 and as I was scrolling down this list their ways this is part of the reason I like to use the knob as I'm moving through the list my airway preview is showing me each of these Airways so there's one going north south there's one going toward the east and this one happens to be going east and west which I care about because I'm heading that I'm heading west so I select Victor 291 from my list by pushing in on the button yep that's the one I want now it asked me where do you want to get off where's your exit point see right there again I'm gonna scroll down the list from from Corona and as I scroll through the list these are in the order that they appear on the airway these lists of exit points so as I move through the list it's actually building out the airway as I scull it you know I could get off at four an or I could go down a little further to Winslow or tetani or go to Flagstaff so I'm going all the way to Flagstaff and it builds that picture out for me it's a preview I haven't selected anything yet I'm just highlighting it so now what I want to do is select Flagstaff because that's what I'm cleared to you and I push the button and now the entire Victor 291 which was once I remember I was like fifteen waypoints are now fully loaded in I didn't have to spell them all out I didn't have to worry about getting them in the right order they're all in there Victor 291 it says right here so what's left to do now we're gonna put in our destination which happens to be KF LG so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go over to my FMS knob and get the menu again I'm gonna push it on the knob here comes my FNS menu and look I can here's all the things I can do coming out of Flagstaff flg VOR I can enter any Waypoint I can hold it Flagstaff which is a racetrack type hole they'll notice also it gives me the option for an orbit around the point I think I added this screen because in our latest software we now give you a choice of holding patterns you get the standard hold or you can orbit it around a point this is kind of we put it in there mainly for helicopters but a lot you know if you're doing search and rescue or you want to I over your farm you can create a user waypoint and it'll just you know it'll let you fly right around you can set the radius etc so anyway orbiting around a point or holding or you've got other Airways that intersect flg that are on the list kind of makes sense right what do we want to do well we want to enter a waypoint we're going to our destination so we push in on the knob just select Waypoint yep hey what do you know geo Phil nominated KF LG because it was the nearby Airport that makes sense coming off a Flagstaff vor I didn't even have to type it in so it saved me a lot of extra button pushes and knob turns etc so there FL G is what I want so I have much entering in to approve it and now I can come over here and activate my flight plan boom we just entered a flight plan with 22 waypoints actually which is what my guy if our clearance was the FMS knob makes it super easy again you have options using touch and other things but it would easily take you 10 to 15 minutes on a legacy GPS to enter that and I've done it a couple of times and you can I can put it in a real box in about 15 or 20 seconds not having it memorized but even if you didn't you could probably do it in 45 seconds well that's what really powerful tool one other note I want to make on the trainer it does have a data link feature we put some canned weather we just recorded some weather in the Northeast region and if you want to see what your date the data link will look like on the trainer just make a flight plan in the Northeast somewhere you know take off take off out of Baltimore and go up to New York or go up to Boston or wherever and you'll see that weather pattern you'll see but you can turn the meet our flags on and off and all that but if you zoomed out you've seen that the weather stops after I don't know basically the Northeast region I don't remember where it cuts off somewhere in Pennsylvania but it's a way to look obviously a the real-world you'd have access to a DSP whether our XM weather and you'd have the access to the continental US but the file size got so big we just wanted to show you what it looks like but we we can't emulate weather across the country and keep the file size manageable for the demo real quick we'll show you how to enter a hold if I'm flying along this is kind of maybe unreal but you're flying along here active flight active way point is seola what if it tells us I want you to hold it cursed when you get to cursed you don't have to hold there something's going on in the airspace so how do we do that well let's scroll over to cursed we've moved our cursor around the Waypoint or you could put it after it in the insert but anyway this works push it on the FNS knob hey look it gives us an FM s menu it tells us all the things we can do from cursed now this mini you can hold it cursed or you can enter some Dallas departures again which your because we haven't taken off yet so I'm gonna hold it cursed hit push it on the button Oh before I do that notice here it's automatically highlighted because that's the only option up there we've already get showing a hold preview again it's not selected it's a true preview it's highlighted but I haven't selected it yes if I moved on past this to some other selection that would go away but it shows you what the default hold would look like that's what we want so we push it push it on the FMS knob boom and we get our hold well if there's a little hole here my zoom in and curse this is zoomed out I've noticed it put in a hole what we call a hold weigh point after cursed so here's cursed and we're holding east of cursed I want to get more information on that I hit my little side tab here and expand out my FMS to a full FMS screen again and here you can see all the parameters of the hold it automatically default false to right turns in one minute legs at your current heading those are easily editable let's say instead of a right turn they wanted have left turns you got two ways to do that you can reach up and touch where it says right just double click it and it'll switch from right to left when you do that it's your little map screen on the other on there on the map but if you'd pushed your side tab back that little the little fold would switch to the other side of the white track we can also edit make one minute legs into two minute legs five minute legs you can switch them to nautical mile legs versus minutes you can also change your bearing here on your course you can also enter crossing points so you can hold before cursed right here or and and a certain altitude as well all right we're getting ready we're gonna switch over to the sim but one more thing I want to talk about is if you have two iPads you can actually download the IFD trainer on one and I'll download the IFP 100 on the other and if you're sitting at home or in your office hook each one of the iPads up to the local network so you know in my home home network er there's something I got these sitting on my desk at my office they're both hooked to the Aventine network and they can talk they can get to each other since they're on the same network so now when I launch these two apps I can either enter the flight plan from the IFT 100 like I would typically I can enter it in the trainer and it will update over here so it works just like in the airplane in fact as I said the trainer ass thinks it's a panel mounted unit it just thinks it is it doesn't know better and the IFD thinks it's a panel mounted unit it doesn't know it's just running on an iPad so it'll behave so you can do all kinds of practicing before you get out to your airplane just if you can have if you have two iPads another thing that's good is you put for flight on here as well if you want you can you know switch between for flight and the IFT 100 you could load load your for flight on there do all your flight planning squirt the flight plan over into the trainer and then when you switch to the IFT 100 it'll automatically update it and they're all singing together so it's an either/or obviously they don't multitask on one iPad but theoretically you could have three iPads and have a for flight on ones and I have to be 100 on one and then the trainer so we do have some videos so if you want to know how to set this up I've got a pretty in-depth video if you just do a search for it on YouTube and we'll do a webinar about it at some point okay with that in mind I want to try and switch to the live trainer this so what we're gonna do this is a repeating my iPad screen and here's that Dallas to Flagstaff clearance I want to put that in and show you how quick it can work so I'm gonna double click on I hit hit that one once and it's gonna launch the trainer in the real airplane because you've got Wi-Fi you can turn the Wi-Fi on or off and that startup it allows you don't ignore the Wi-Fi and Bluetooth or allow it I'm gonna allow it doesn't matter I'm the trainer for this anyway if you were talking to an IFD 100 you want to make sure that's on it'll allow okay so last time I used this I had this demo so it's already in Dallas just to show you how to do it I'm gonna reach up and touch Dallas and see how it turns blue again I can do small now big knob and change it sorry I messed up that's that and then if I touch it again I'll get a QWERTY keyboard and I can type in my origin and set my origin wherever I want if I set it KML be something I can type in being better ell me so that's how it would normally start up so if you want again in this case we're gonna change our origin we're gonna touch the MLB like we did in the exercise it's going to bring up a keyboard and I'm gonna type in kVAL okay so now we're back in Dallas sorry distracted there all right so we're gonna enter this thing so we want to enter the worth one departure let's do like we talked about we'll do the side tab so now we've got the map showing up about pausing the simulator let's do that that way we didn't if they probably already rolled down the runway while I was messing around here but it'll get us to fact let's go to the Cynthia's tab and we're still holding the numbers so we're good see we're sitting there on the runway waiting to go if we looked at it on the map page there we are but let's go over to thunders tab and there I am I'm sitting on the run like get an idea what that looks like so let's go back over here to the map now let's go to FMS I'm sorry alright so now let's what are we going to do we're gonna touch this FMS button and we want to go down to the worth one departure so now I'm going to scroll this knob so I'm gonna go down as you see how as I roll over each of these departures it actually previews them over here on the screen in real time it updates them I assume you're seeing it as fast as I am see that each to each departure okay so there's the worth one we clear this message out and so we're gonna enter that and now it's clear to the coronal vor so as I scroll down the list there's a bi there's boomer or cts see how it's building it out over here on the map and there's Corona so now there's that's our full departure transition to see an X so now I'm gonna push in on the FMS button to prove that and now you can see I scroll down I can see all the waypoints in the worth one it says that right here now what I want to do is I want to go Viktor 291 to Flagstaff so let's push in on the FMS button well scroll down all the way past here and go to the airways and again as I scroll through the airways see how every time I select one I can see what they look like before I actually select them and then we'll select 291 right here enter and we'll see we're gonna go all the way to Flagstaff so let's go and again as I scroll down through it builds out my airway we're at noon and we need keep going for there's Winslow there's folks there's Flagstaff right there I select it you can see the preview is showing us and we'll push the button to select it and now here's that victor 291 you can see all the waypoints alright it's quite a few waypoints there and again I'm just using the touch to flick up and down but you can be scrolling with the knob if you like things so there we go now what we're going to do is in or another way point so we push it on the knob the FMS says do you want to wait point there yes and look at nominated Flagstaff preview goes all the way to our destination Airport to preview the up that's the one I want I select it and it switches back to our origin and we're pretty much ready to roll there another cool feature I didn't show in the slides but I'll show you here if I go over to this expanded view if I hit at once it it goes to what's called cursor mode and I'm gonna I'm gonna do something real quick I'm just gonna switch slide this up to the top it just demos better that way but you'll get the idea what you'll see what I mean let's go up here okay so now what you do is you go back to your origin and while you're in the View cursor mode you can step through each Waypoint and notice the map will Center on each Waypoint so it gives you a way to kind of go back and double-check it before you take off you say this videos on that I can go through each Waypoint make sure I've got it right and it'll preview it for you as you move through see how the the cursor centered is centering around whichever way point I've got highlighted kind of a nice way to proof that you've got everything in there that you expect to have in there so week scroll back down and then the other mode when you push this is called compact mode and now what you've done look here this gives you basically the same way you can read back your clearance same way you got it we're going from Cade Alvia the worth one to corona vor to Victor 291 to Flagstaff and today flg so there's the whole flight plan in a compacted form which is exactly what we had here versus the expanded form which if I push here is you know all 22 waypoints so now we're ready to activate this flight plan and go somewhere remember I talked about the different modes that we're in so we're sitting here on the ground and Dallas but one of the things they're going to tell us is okay you're a fly runway heading climb 3000 expect 6000 after 10 minutes as an example so now we will basically want to fly in the heading mode you kind of tail your vectored back on course so let's go up to flight controls and we want to switch to autopilot mode and then let's notice here you'll know you're in autopilot mode because now you've got a heading select and we can set it for the runway heading of 130 degrees and we want to do our altitude pre-select let's slide it up to let's put it to 3,000 then we can expect 6000 dr. ken but will climb to 3 first notice here we are AG Alice 10 feet that's one of our data blocks we can program the different data blocks we'll talk about that in some other seminar our webinar bit and the other thing we can do is on our frequencies I didn't talk it all about this but we can load Tower and we can load ground just by highlighting a frequency with the knob and pushing in on the button and it'll transfer it into the standby window then you can flip-flop it or you can hit the frequency button here again or you can just reach up and touch any touch any frequency and transfer it into the standby window and then you can hit it active when you're ready once you get in route then you'll have your center frequencies and all those will be here and you can have those ready to rolls when you get within 40 miles your destination go back to the airport tab and it'll have all your arrival frequency so in this case for Flagstaff in the order that you need them so very handy so you rarely have to manually tune the frequency again I mean you can do it if you want over here by just turning the knob like you would on a legacy navigator but why would you and you can do this there is a scratch pad here called recent so any frequencies that you've recently used it'll keep a running total if you manually tuned off frequency and they forgot where you were you could go back here and pick it up kinda handy okay we're now ready to roll we've got our our heading bug set for runway heading we're gonna climb to 3,000 feet here I'm gonna put the I got slower than speed it's not moving right yeah because I'm paused so let's uh this you know we'll call Lauren ground will taxi out to the runway now we're talking to tower and we're sitting on the runway rage roll and they clear us to roll so now we're we're gonna get rockin so I need to turn the simulator I mean ah until times one so let's do that and we'll get our ground speed up this is put something in there to get the thing rolling now we're heading down the runway and we're gonna this thing was gonna jump up pretty quick I want to take off if we look at the the plan view you can see we're moving down the runway I'll zoom in you can see the little blue outline around me tells me I'm I have his chart I look at the chart there I am on the chart running to own ship running down the runway run one runway heading and look it's in viz let's look at that there I am screaming out of the airport you can see all the out nearby obstacles or dissapearance they were yellow because they were I was close to the ground now they've disappeared they're just blue a reference I can pinch zoom the synthetic vision mode to a limited degree so now I'm just climbing out let's look at our up I keep thinking of my mouse works I got to touch the napkins there's our clear zone around our airport where we don't get the the terrain let's let's zoom out here so we can see where we're at there we go well we're cruising along real quick I'm going to throw the simulator in times floor mode and they're going to get way out here and maybe you know we get off runway heading now we're gonna say let's say they say turn left heading three zero zero I'm sorry we want to go let's go - this way - zero three zero they've got a hard right sorry I do it with x one it's a little more civilized I'll go ahead and speed it up again because I want to show you a cool feature here just imagine you're being vectored around and you're just flying heading mode now you're your flight plans still sitting over there ready to roll we're we're being vectored eventually we'll be set back on course our first Waypoint is TTP which is the maverick vor just south of DFW so we're cruising along here if I got to sometimes soon let's go on x for this thing I'll really cook and you can see there's our synthetic vision and here's our out the window view you can see we're flying the the headache bug here let's go back to our plan view and look at yours plan view here well further out here just cranking pretty good and maybe now they tell us to turn three three zero so now we can and we're starting our turn if I were to be on the FM on the Senators page you'd see me turning if I was on the main cinders thing here you'd see it turning let's go back to our plan view so we can get a reference now what I was talking about here is uh I'm gonna pause it just to talk about it it wants us to intercept though zero four zero radial often maverick and then back on course once we get to the maverick vor so what we're gonna do that is is we're going to hit the OBS mode by hitting this button notice now it's in OBS and as I turn this knob I'll switch over to the FM s so you could actually get a digital course readout here along with our map as we spin the knob you can see our course slowing around and we're on the zero for zero and radio zero four zero radial is the 220 course alright so you dial in the course cuz course is always inbound radial is out down right so now we dial in at 220 course and on there OBS you can see that's the inbound course we want to fly to get to typical triple-t so now what we'll do is move this heading bug down and we're gonna intercept that baby let's go ahead and get this thing flying again and this gives us we know exactly how did the shortest distance to get us into to intercept that that OBS or set an airplane all this is happening a lot slower so you're ahead of it I'm gonna go back out in that mode here so you can see where we're at and again no crank we're kind of flying it heading mode but once we intercept here we could switch to the man motor I'm gonna say file a flight plan and now this thing's going to turn and fly inbound on the go speed it up so what happens a little quicker while we're looking around we can look at the 3d same this is very cool here's a set of data blocks we can look at there's our active Waypoint on top here you can see 3d traffic appearing if I'm looking out the front window it'll show up once I get to triple T and still an OB s mode it'll automatically transition on course and switch back to GPS we can make the data block go away by hitting the little side tab or we can have it come back let's just go here for a minute and then we're right over DFW you hit the maverick vor triple-t make the turn and watch our OBS switch back to GPS now we're on course gonna fly out on the worth one two all the way to the coronal view are pretty cool on see that and off we go let's say I want to go ahead and load up my my approach for Flagstaff I can hit the procedure button and it'll go down and give me all the approaches that are available for likes for Flagstaff notice it moves the map to my destination for Ana preview of the approach and as I scroll through the list it gives me a preview of each approach before I select it I'm just highlighting this whichever one I pick let's take the LPD iron f21 we select it by hitting the FMS button and it asked for our transition are you gonna be vectors to final or you maybe you're going on initial approach fix we don't know right now maybe maybe we just select the iaf for now and now your approach is in there if we hit the side tab then all your information about your approach is in there its yarn have 21 it says right here here's all the waypoints leading into it here's our gap in route because we haven't told it how we're gonna get from Flagstaff to head route to our IAF we haven't told us yet we could be way out here at tawny or some other Waypoint up you know back at Winslow and they made clear us direct head room which case I would highlight that highlight it and then go direct or we may go all the way to Flagstaff in which case maybe you could put your highlight the gap and route and notice it'll say do you want to connect flg and tendril yep let's do that now that gap is we've given an instruction that's all it was asking it's not a problem he just you got to tell it how did he get there so that's how you load an approach and then if you you flew the approach and you were gonna fly missed once it realizes you're not gonna land it'll there's a gap in route here for the published missed once it realizes you're not going to land you don't have to suspend or do anything it'll automatically sequence and it tells you in plain English fly course 214 climb to 7500 feet by director Hawk so a door above ten thousand eight hundred and holy s--t a hawk soul and here's your holding patterns so it's all there in plain English and it's automatically sequences without having to take your hands off off the wheel you just keep cruising so it's really handy and again we can well if we were on the Klan view map here I'm gonna go I can pan across and get all the way we got it mr. ridiculously long flight plan but there's our there's our approach there you go if we wanted to we could go to the FMF select Flagstaff and then on our map chart we can select a chart it'll notice because I have Flagstaff highlighted I can paste Flagstaff into my list of charts right now it's still got our departure Airport so I'm going to touch that and now here's all of my charts and I'm on the rns to one so I come down here and select it and there's my chart for the pretty handy one of the things a couple things I want to show you is settings I'm gonna go to settings let's say we want a 440 we select it so as you sure you want to do that you say yes well guess what happens it's gonna close out and next time you restart look it's a 440 so that's pretty simple if you want to be a 540 so yep closes out next time you watch it look it's only got three buttons instead of force I'm gonna go back to a 550 it's what I like what's that if you want to watch a tutorial on on any one of these videos I won't bring those up now you look at the the here see there's the combined top pilots guide for five series and four series and here's your quick reference for IFD in the trainer here's our database stuff we talked about our speeds in our in our simulation so that's the that's the crux of it there's a whole bunch of stuff we can do and setup over here we can turn all these settings on and off and set a bunch of user preferences we'll save that for another day but that's that's the trainer that's the 550 I'm gonna switch back out of here and go back to my presentation we're doing okay on time so stand by I'm going to toggle back out to my presentation here remember that slide real quickly we're gonna run through a quick product comparison for those of you who are considering maybe trading up from the gns 530 you've got a couple options I think we can show you how that this is kind of an eye chart we'll take each one of these I talked about the paging tab user interface an important part of that is and remember we can get to any page and one or two clicks in contrast with the GTN s you've got this iPhone kind of icon based user interface which is really a graphical nested menuing system it's really the same nested menus of a 530 but it's more in a graph so it still has some of those same nested maybe drawbacks I argue it doesn't make sense because you got a home button and if you want to enter a flight plan you go to the flight plan page enter a flight plan go back home and anyone look at the map you go to the map page and then it's interesting to go back home anyone look at terrain you get the idea so even though these are all completely interrelated unlike an iPhones and a bunch of apps on the iPhone that don't talk to one another they're treating it like an bunch of independent iPhone apps and really it's they're all fully integrated all this is doing is adding a bunch of extra steps extra steps means more clicks more head downtime and it's not as efficient and get your head down instead of head out the window so a big advantage page and tab Hydra touch again touch screen plus knobs and buttons where the GTN you've got to rely on touchscreen for most things and you've got a knob and directions button so you think we've got a big advantage there as well next up the QWERTY keyboard we've had the QWERTY keyboard since we introduced our product in a world of you know mobile phones and everybody's got a desktop computer Cordys where it's at the original GT ends I have ABC keyboards and I think they finally got enough market pressure that's a recently added QWERTY so they're trying to catch up I'm a fast follower point of view Geo Phil I talked about it at how it we actually invented that concept of looking up waypoints by geography rather than just alphabetical in the database it makes sense it guesses right virtually every time and it saves significant you know 75 to 80 90 % a number of keystrokes and clicks the ex the GT ends didn't have geo fill they added it with the ANA software release right before the GT of X I came out is that the X I of the G present right so it's just another example the fast find is kind of like geo fill they had to add a couple extra steps because I guess for patent reasons or something but it was a good idea and they thought so as well I 45 54 40 has synthetic vision until you get 3d synthetic vision on all of our ifts 3d traffic 3d terrain in this in this synthetic vision mode don't offer synthetic vision on the currently on the chichi ends with the 550 we have a built in ARS for attitude so now we can do the egocentric attitude display and let's see what do we got airway flight planning we saw how that worked its pert straightforward pretty much two steps you select an airway you select the exit point and in the meantime you get an active preview of each of those before you select it you actually get a preview as you move through the list you get a real-time preview GTN I consider it somewhat clunky first of all your map goes completely away so you start there you load an airway you're selected from the list which is good you select the exit point just like guards that's good you get over here now it shows it shows your airway in with your flight plan but again through all of that you don't have a map once you get finally past that you get to the point where you can preview it which you've kind of already selected it by then so I'd argue that's not much of a preview but you haven't technically haven't loaded it but ours you can preview it all through the process which is nice I think it's a this is certainly better than the 530 I give them credit it's animatic improvement but I think ours is much more elegant two-strokes is better integrated Bluetooth and Wi-Fi we've had it built into the hardware since the products were invented we knew it was going to be a big deal iPads are a big deal in the cockpits everywhere they didn't have the GT ins did not have Wi-Fi or bluetooth initially they first added a flight screen to ten that gives you some Bluetooth functionality and now they have a flight stream 510 does Bluetooth and Wi-Fi it's an additional $1,500 option our Wi-Fi and stuff is included so I think it's another example of another great idea we had that being adopted in the market Bluetooth keyboard we give you one free width they don't offer a Bluetooth keyboard IFT 100 there's there's nothing else in the market like it it's basically like having another IFD in the cockpit full remote control big screen display again don't think of it like for fly it's completely different they don't offer anything like that their garment pilot has a few of the features like you see here but it doesn't actually remote control it's more of a display functions from the get-go or early on we activated Wi-Fi and Bluetooth we worked with a lot of partners for flight included we have a software development kit that we make available to third-party app developers and we encourage those folks to go out and invent new apps that will make your flying easier and safer things we might not have ever thought of these guys that are some of these programmers you know sitting in the basement you know cranking out iPad apps so we encourage that and we have kind of an open system or a long wild garment only worked with garment pilot and I think for flight market pressure causes at some point to decide to go ahead and do that even though for flight and garment pilot provide the same function there's a big community of garment pilot guys that there's a bigger community I believe before flight guys and so they kind of look forced to do that but they don't really have any other compatibility they're fairly closed so I think we got an open system that's a little more early in the market and finally I mentioned the plug-and-play slide in replacement the way I like to think of this I think I heard one number of a hundred thousand gns units were sold we see every one of those gns 530 and four 30s as a pre wired socket that you can pull out that old box and plug in a brand new box and get all this cool new features touchscreen synthetic vision without either changing any of the wiring and I kind of equated it to a simplest form is unscrewing an incandescent light bulb and screwing in an LED bulb with more fuel efficiency more lumens and all those good things so that's very simplistic but you get the idea you've already got a 530 you've already got a pre-wired socket you plug one of these babies in with very little install cost makes a big difference Lara's resources we have a youtube channel called Abedini bionics if you search for it and you'll just if you just do a search for a benign IFB there's all kinds of testimonials customer videos how-to videos guiding baron pilots out there and flying around 310 pilot he's got a whole following out there several of our customers have some great channels we've done a whole family of IFD training videos as well talk about that here it is we have a gentleman named Michael F Bauer he CFI an airline pilot he decided he loved his IFD so he wrote a whole how-to book using a scenario based training it's very helpful unlike a pilot's guide that says you use this now that means this not for that this is kind of puts you in a scenario and shows you how to program it and fly it a very nice book we obviously offer that book free of charge now we started offering that with every customer who purchased an IFD get a card copy it is available on amazon.com they also on the kindle version that's a free download on the kindle version this limited-time I guess but we took that book and used it as a basis and we built a series of training videos that match up to the lessons in the book so it's about 15 videos ten lessons across 15 videos most of the videos are 5 to 6 minutes long some of them go 10 minutes long a couple of them but you can get through it pretty pretty easily just go to our YouTube channel and you can find it we have a thing called avid I'm live which is our forum that we've had it for over 10 years when I think we were probably first in this market offer such a thing but it's a customer forum where we post information company news new product information sneak peeks about new products that are coming feature lists what's gonna be in the next software release those kind of cool things that a lot of guys care about we got information about how to update legacy products and all that information is available right there just sign up get a membership and you can come in you can log in you can post questions we have engineering and product management folks that are monitoring that every day so go to heaven ina live.com you'll find that very useful resource we also have our Facebook groups and our Facebook groups are kind of like the forums you know feel free to go on there and ask a question before we can get to it we'll have ten of our very happy customers on there providing you the answers and we're seeing a lot of that it's a really handy social network of Aventine users you know posting pictures of their airplane before and after and those sort of things I think you'll find it very very informative we also just launched a Latin American pilots Club we've got a growing contingent down in Latin America and you know some of its in Spanish and stuff so Portuguese thing is so that's a good thing one other thing that I didn't mention was miami.com when you buy and IFD we encourage you to go to miami dine calm and make sure you register your warranty that'll give you your full two years of warranty if you don't register you have a year or warranty but you'll get your two years just by registering and then if you sign up for Aeroplan which is our extended warranty plan we'll give you the first two years free so basically you'll get a four year warranty by registering on my avid ein you go in there you put in your serial numbers and all that and that's really helpful too if you happen to have a maintenance event or something you'll be will have all those records we can make it way more seamless for you if we need to send you a software upload or all that to so with that I'm going to open it up for questions i we have the polls that I mentioned down below and I think we've got a couple of our guys online I think TJ is on PJ are you there I am here awesome TJ's been monitoring the questions that are down below before we do that let's go through and look at some of the poll questions so if you scroll your screen down I've got mine scrolled that apparently it doesn't show up for you but let's see if I can find a question here it says if you get a chance can you go over the process of getting GPS satellite status on the 440 I'll be happy to show that if you'd like real quick let me just jump up and do that I know we got a lot of questions to get to but let me just show that real quick first thing I'm going to do is close the IFD sim I just go in here and tell it I've got a 440 say okay it'll close open it again now I've got a 440 you can put the flight plan in or not or whatever but you might simply want to go to the aux system page and then here's it says soft system software our status software status you hit that button again you'll get database status and that's where you'll get all your information about your current databases hit it one more time you'll get GPS status and if you scroll the page up it's a long page there's all your satellites this is simulated of course but that's on on the GPS status page which is under system so it's kind of hidden because the screen small on the bigger systems it shows right up on the screen on the large screen but that's how you get to that and then you can just cycle this button back you get through datalink information and then back to software so someone ever calls you and says what you're ready to split your current sophomore level you'd go to system status software status and there it is right there and it tells you which features are enabled all right I hope that answers your question let's go to the next one hey Tom we've got a bunch of questions in there about how to update the databases on the trainer app and the IFD 100 ok one thing to keep in mind if it's kind of two different they both operates the same way again I'm gonna switch back out to the simulator maybe I'll just leave it on there instead of coming back and forth since the screen doesn't help much again for databases you go to this database screen and you either sign up with your GEB data so that you get the latest and greatest or you'll only get what's on the date of the demonstration here's your here's all your software that's available all your different databases so I've got worldwide charts we also have a USA u.s. IFR charts just as it's smaller in case you don't have the room in your iPad I mentioned so that's you basically come in here we don't update this regularly it's outdated data and look it says it's this is june of 18 the terrain databases are of course the trains going to be old anyway but it's kind of moot as to what the databases are just for training purposes if you care about the currency you'll want to upload the actual jeppesen with your subscription the IFD 100 update looks identical to this in terms of the UI but the one thing to keep in mind with the IFT 100 the database in the IFP 100 has to match the IFD in the pen in the plane and having said that if you want to set that up like I showed here where you got two iPads a trainer and an IFV 100 those databases have to match in order to share the flight plan and actually she'll have it show up you can do everything else but it'll get the FAA doesn't let us put up a flight plan if the databases don't agree because one could have a point if the other one can't show I hope I answered the question there but it's this is pretty straightforward there is a demo database and it is what it is and we will update it once every year too but it's not going to be you don't need to update it all the time if you choose to update it all the time and then you would put in your jet subscription and do it that way I've been through the database jet and now you have to put your username and password in and if you oh I didn't really want to do that come down come down here to the bottom and say oh I'm gonna hit demo go back to the demo mode instead alright I think I answered this what's up next with me tea are you with me TJ test one two - hey J you want I think I lost it bro yeah I just got bad I love it I want to take a quick second as well if Larry Levan is still on I just want to say throw a big THANK YOU to you down through the the questions here I've been trying to stay on top of him but I think he's actually been answering people's questions faster than I can Oh beautiful Thank You Larry I will say this we have a two-hour block and we started the webinar about eight or ten minutes till so we're cut we're gonna be coming up on two hours here in about ten minute or ten minutes so I don't know if it's gonna time this out after two hours I think it will so we're trying to wrap it up if we have any additional questions we can try to answer those offline one of the things I'm going to do is switch back to the PowerPoint for a minute let's go back to that and here's here's them this is this email address will go to me and a couple other folks in marketing or my personal email is Tom at Aventine but if you just use marketing and avid I and it's one of us will get an answer to you that's probably the best thing to do if you have a specific question that we can take offline I just wanted to don't want to use up the rest of time but I want to make sure we covered that somebody interested in the ice cream cake it I would recommend just shoot an email over to tech support at Abaddonn comm will get you in contact with the folks that can get you the STK stuff or developing apps I expected gil-bot you know about ninety minutes but it was a good group a lot of good questions and I appreciate it look forward to next week we'll be talking about I believe we're gonna be talking about a DSP traffic and active traffic advantages and stuff so uh hope you join me for that that I thank you TJ and thank you folks for joining us tonight stay safe out there with everything going on and hopefully we get back to I'll get back to business as usual soon and fly safe for those of you up in the sky take care you
Channel: Avidyne Avionics
Views: 4,649
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Avidyne, IFD, Trainer App, Training, IFD550, IFD540, IFD440, Webinar, GTN, Garmin, GTN750Xi, iPad, App, GPs, Navigation, communication, simulation, simulator, avionics, moving map, pilot
Id: d7M6H0AEnwY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 59sec (5699 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 21 2020
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