My Fellow Americans...

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my fellow americans i have some very very serious and somber questions that i think we need to ask ourselves and our leaders these are the questions i have if we the people go to vote and feel that our vote has been stolen let's say we show up to vote and someone has already voted in our place and we are told we've already voted even though we have not already voted let's just use that as one example and one scenario um by which potential fraud in an election could take place okay we show up we've been told we've already voted we are given a provisional ballot we then vote with that provisional ballot and turn it in what happens next who adjudicates that that ballot that situation right so there's two ballots now someone's already voted and now we are voting so there's two ballots who determines which ballot is the vote that is counted and how quickly is that going to happen and will a vote not be certified until every single situation like that is settled what if it's complicated and they don't know which one to use who looks into that are there investigators that are actively looking into whether or not we are having honest elections in this country who are those investigators how long does it take for them to investigate how good of a job are they doing are they democrats or republicans is it a combo can we trust them what happens if they look into it and they decide it looks like fraud took place someone stole someone else's boat what happens next who do they give that information to attorneys where attorneys at the secretary of state's office how good are those attorneys are they democrats or republicans or what how long does it take for those attorneys to process that information of fraud what do those attorneys do with that information do they do they move into taking each individual situation to court i'm hearing from tons of people i can only imagine in california right now how many people have had their vote stolen how many people in the 2020 election had their vote stolen has that situation been rectified has an investigator looked into each and every one of those fraudulent claims all of those people who signed under penalty of perjury that something had happened fraudulently in the election has an investigator done its due diligence looking into every single one of those claims and what came of it did they turn that information over to an attorney what did the attorney do with it did the attorney take it to court did they prosecute did the judge review all of the facts and give us justice what if they didn't do that what do we do now do we call on a district attorney or a u.s attorney do we call within the states do we call on our our attorney generals do they give us justice who are the attorney generals working for which party are they a part of are they looking into all of these claims are they making sure that our vote actually is counted what if they don't what do we do next do we go up to the federal level do we go to the attorney general that's working for biden at this point is he going to give us justice is he going to look into how our votes have been stolen and make sure that the correct vote is what is counted what if he doesn't what if the supreme court refuses to hear any cases about election fraud what if there are hundreds and hundreds of signed affidavits that people signed under penalty of perjury saying that fraud took place what if no courts are willing to hear that information and review that evidence then what do we do what is the solution if we can't get justice if we the people are pursuing all of the avenues of justice that we are given and we're not getting it what does that leave us with what are we supposed to do what are our options is the military gonna have to get involved is that what happens after we go to the attorney general do we go to the fbi is the cia going to help us is the department of justice going to step in what happens if the united states of america doesn't have honest elections and what happens if the investigators don't do their work or they do and they give that information to attorneys and the attorneys don't do that don't do their work don't prosecute every single instance of fraud and make sure that the actual correct vote is counted as we go up through the ladder and we continue to not get justice what do we do very serious somber question right what do we the people do are we going to have to make it more personal for each of us get involved more personally are we the people going to have to take action what would that action be what do we do with a country that has been captured what do we do when every single level of government and justice has been captured what if it has been currently what do we do this is something that i encourage each of you to very seriously contemplate pray about and see what answers you come up with what do we do now god bless you and know that you were loved
Channel: Rachel Hamm
Views: 10,170
Rating: 4.9711885 out of 5
Keywords: #what now, #election, #we the people, #california, #what now, #election, #we the people, #california, #what now, #election, #we the people, #california
Id: ztdjzLfOuUI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 19sec (439 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 14 2021
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