My Favorite Unknown Sandwich

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this is my favorite unknown saying which probably the only unknown sandwich that i know of to be honest but this is a french sandwich called the the jambon bur and that means ham and butter in french it's super simple sandwich one of the most simple sandwiches i know of in fact i mentioned this in my frito pie video i believe and i said it was one of the greatest greater than the sum of its parts types of food that i know of and it only has three ingredients it has bread it has butter and it has ham and that's it you don't need to heat it up you don't need to put any condiments or extra toppings on it this is all you need also in that video i think i said i only had this once but i accidentally lied i've had this twice i believe the first time i had it it was completely unheard of i didn't know what it was i just grabbed it randomly at a train station in france and on the train i just i got my mind blown by it i will say that sandwiches do taste better on trains i ain't gonna lie so that might have had something to do with it but this is still a great sandwich and uh it's super simple super basic but just i'm not no i'm not gonna do that let me show you what i'm working with here so as you can see we got a nice little crusty baguette here is the cross section looking nice and soft inside and you can see that butter the place i got it from just be uh oh snap i don't accidentally light again they put something else on there what is that some red pepper flakes or something damn well it's still going to be good though it's still going to eat this place is also kind of interesting because they don't spread the butter they just put some pats on it and i'll try it like this and then i'll try spreading it as well here's the hem you don't need a whole a whole lot of it this is just perfect amount really and that's it i picked these up for about 20 bucks uh it shouldn't usually be that expensive i don't think but it's a rare thing here so you gotta you gotta do what you gotta do also i should mention that it's not a known inference supposedly over three million are sold every day over there it's like the most popular sandwich besides fast food burgers according to wikipedia anyway let's just get into this going in for the first bite here is the bottom of the bread here's the top you know what it is damn sorry sorry if that was loud look them if you like butter you're gonna like this i'm telling you what um where do i even begin i gotta start with let me start with the texture on this because it's an amazing texture let me uh take a bite just to demonstrate you might be thinking oh a bag yeah i don't like to eat sandwiches on baguettes because they're too they're too tough to eat let's see how many chews this takes i'll take a big bite i get it down in like 10 15. not bad at all this i think it really depends on the type of bread you use so that's why i think it does become one of those sandwiches that is greater than some of its parts because you need the good you need the good sums you know you can't be throwing in some some walmart wheat bread put it bread is the base and it's crucial to get some good bread on there this is actually one of the best like i don't know if this is a traditional baguette probably not but this is like one of the better pieces of bread i've had crispy on the outside soft but no density it's not you're not trying to chew through it the butter hits you um as a next texture super soft and creamy and delicious it's butter leaking out the side i love bread and butter one of my favorite foods i could just eat that but then you add the extra element of the ham gives it some saltiness and some meaty texture too a meaty bite you want to get those meaty morsels in there and just the flavor of the ham as well i'm gonna see if i can spread some of this butter that's a lot of butter i'm gonna actually take some of this off you don't really need all that this is good enough maybe that's why that first bite just hit me so hard that's better actually it's not overkill with the butter you can get more of that ham the flavors i mean you already know what it is it's nothing beats fresh bread and butter that flavor it's just that i don't know what you call that is that umami it's rich mmm red pepper flakes they do add a little kick to this which is okay i guess i don't need it i wish i didn't put on there but this would be a perfect sandwich for many different occasions not when you're watching your health that's probably not the best occasion but when you're if you're not like when you're when you're on the go [Applause] you need something quick when you're out and about like on the uh on the trails just pop one of these and you'll be set for a quick snack like one of these with yeah maybe a little bit don't need all that butter what about butter man i love butter as much as the next dude but that's too much look at all that that's crazy in my opinion it's good just like that um but yeah um i don't know what else to say this is just a true a treat i would say that you definitely could add more stuff to this oh just like this place added uh red pepper flakes i wouldn't go that route if i could add one more thing possibly cheese or possibly some kind of uh something with a bite like some some pickles maybe yeah i think that'd be good i don't think i wouldn't add any sauce because the butter almost acts like a sauce you get that out in almost juiciness of the butter maybe not juiciness but like let's compare it to a ham and cheese the cheese ain't gonna be it ain't gonna be meldable unless you heat it up i mean if you just slap a piece of cold cheese on there it's going to stay kind of firm which is cool but then you might want to throw some extra sauce on this with this don't need it [Music] like i was saying first time i had this i didn't know what it was i just pointed grabbed a random thing um i ate it on a train and uh it just i didn't know what to expect so it blew my mind if you don't get too high of expectations on this just think of it as something that you can make if you have a baguette or any kind of decent bread sitting around slather some butter throw in some ham you're done in like 30 seconds so think of it as something super simple but uh it comes together in some kind of classic simple way and sometimes that's the best way anyway i think that's about it for this video thank you guys for watching and you know what i should mention just throwing it out there i threw up my back yesterday for the first time in my life i've always uh kind of i've heard about it i've seen people throw out their backs and i'm like is it really that oh it's bad i straight up had some the worst fissures the worst spasms of my life i started locked up my whole body it was crazy i i couldn't get out of bed and i've heard people say that oh my back i couldn't get out of bed literally and i was like really though can't you just roll out nah can't roll out you can't you can't move it's crazy i'm feeling a lot better right now though but anyway thank you guys for watching i hope you enjoyed it and i'll catch you in the next video be careful with your backs peace
Channel: BenDeen
Views: 299,425
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bendeen, ben deen, sandwich, french, france, jambon beurre, jambon-beurre, ham, butter, baguette, mukbang, asmr, eating show, muckbang, food
Id: t-_eq3hPkbQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 11sec (671 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 19 2020
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