I've Never EVER Met a Ramen Chef Like This (GEEK LVL99 šŸ˜±)

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this video is sponsored by Squarespace from website and online store to marketing tools and analytics Squarespace is the all-in-one platform form building your brand and growing your business online more on this later hey guys salute this is Alex welcome back to the ramen series season 2. so I know Paris as much as I love it this is not a city you would immediately think of when it comes to authentic Ramen and yet this would be wrong because there is especially one place in Paris it's called kodawari it's run by a guy named Jean-Baptiste and they are just on another level I think this spot we're heading to is the perfect spot for me to level up in terms of ramen so in the previous episode I realized that my bowl of ramen leaves something to be desired it's been five years since the first Ramen series and during that time I've kind of lost the excitement for ramen I'm really hoping that spark can get reignited today otherwise all right guys this is the spot this is kurawari ramen [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] how are you man hi good nice to see you Alex this is Jean Batiste a well-renowned Ramen Master Believe It or Not Jean-Baptiste actually used to be an Air Force pilot however after trying his first bowl of ramen in Japan this gentleman was hooked he decided to put down the flight helmet and put on the apron in 2015. since then it's been working relentlessly to perfect Ramen like so many Ramen Chef his obsession for ramen is driven by his love of Japan I mean you can definitely see that here in the dining room this is crazy because when you see it it doesn't look like a restful this is the goal just to feel you're in Japan for the time of having a Ramen we try to be in a tsukiji market so the former Fish Market of Tokyo and it was a very important place for me so I really wanted to reproduce it here unfortunately the market is closed now so it was a way to keep a bit of the spirit of the market and every accessory has been brought from Japan in my luggage everything was reproduced after the picture we took even the stones on the floor are the exact same size custom made in Portugal I thought I was a geek man you kind of look to the the manhole [Music] so that's like fake uh ice works amazingly you want to touch it yeah exactly when the service will start you you're gonna hear the the last sound of tsukiji Market where we just recorded the last days you know this is the only piece of tsukiji that's still alive exactly it's like a pause in Paris you enter this place you're not in Paris anymore you have a bowl of ramen you're in a different state of mind why do you do this for two reason the first is very selfish for me I just want to take one small piece of Japanese in France and and the rest is just an excuse to make the fish Ramen fish Ramen is not so developed even in Japan so I wanted to push a bit the the boundaries I wanted to show okay this is ramen but I'm gonna show you we can make real Ramen but very differently so it's just an excuse actually we need to continue okay I'm following you we're going to the heart of this restaurant all right so in this room I mean the stock is mostly for the service where we prepare the ramen uh and and make making soup all the Mison Plus for fish for taree and oil it's mostly downstairs this is one of the rooms yeah actually because you know everything is homemade so we need much more space to to make our environment you said everything is homemade so you make the noodles as well yeah of course to make the noodles in-house now we make we make the Wheats you make the wheat for the noodles that you make also in-house you wanted me to import from Japan uh flour no I'll just use any french flour it's exactly what we didn't do so actually our friend he has a field and with I say okay I have a change for you I want to make ramen and say what and I want you to make the wheat to see double Watts you know so all the wheat that you use or like most of the wheat that you use comes from you feel it's the kodawari field I mean how many Ramen Shop do this for what I know is I'm the only ones the level of commitment is crazy if you make everything Frozen and everything ready you you have no stress and it's so easy but you have no soul obviously would you show me where the noodles are made yeah please come I'm following you so [Music] uh how many how many floors are there initially there were only two and during the construction we just discovered this room and we have a Ramen Lobby now the room is separated into two place so we have this is the first part exactly so meat meat and fish meat and fish not at the same time of course and here we have the noodle preparation this is the mixer of the the Yamato machine very cool guys they did they taught me a lot you you like them they have a very scientific approach Ivan who's a former also a student from from them yeah the guy in New York yeah sure amazing the purpose of mixing is to bring moisture into the flour and after we have a first rest the aeration so you remove bubbles in the dough after you start pressing pressing it and behind you I can see a slightly bigger Ramen machine than the one I've got in my studio so I know your your machine it's no mine is Tiny it's the same but yeah just bigger yeah sure but you know the point is the same actually every step of what we do the only goal is to create long long lines of Britain gluten yes to have like all the texture for your noodle after we're gonna walk again the portion and make what we call temomi it's just we press yeah we press them exactly yeah exactly you're gonna see that the Timothy for example is gonna bring a lot of soup actually because it's not completely around and the texture is really amazing at all today just to compare we just have a sample of a very classic Japanese flower so actually the noodles that was just cut you can see this is how it's that is prepared there and you can see already the color is completely different it's much more dark because our flower is not as pure as Japanese flower on purpose because it has more flavor it has more flavor and we want it to bring taste we are so passionate about Japan but you still got the French DNA in you because we are in France because you're on phones yes if you want to try a Ramen in Indonesia I want to to try the Indonesian meat and the fish and here you have weeds from France you have the the fish that are from from France actually to use French products is Japanese you cannot be more Japanese it will not be so Japanese actually to to import everything so by making French Ramen you are staying true to the Japanese tradition the spirit of ramen that's crazy this is why it's interesting you know so actually I know I went from a friend of mine Brian macdixon Ramen critic in Japan he's American so Ivan yes I met him thanks to to Brian and uh we knew each other we're sending uh emails and then I was invited in the ramen lab in in New York and uh so we met there he came like very recently here we know each other's because we have the same passion you know we want to to push actually this Roman culture and uh we have the same dream together so yeah okay amazing man there's a line building up out there already and the restaurant is not open yet so I reckon it might probably time to go and have a bowl myself just before the storm dramatis is going to make two bowls for him a sea bream python which is a thick and creamy soup and for me a sardine shoyu which is a light broth season with soy sauce the master is at work all balls we put a special miso on the side when you have the leftover soup it brings a new experience if you want oh guys this is yes for each pool you do this yes okay very important Tara is the sauce with the blend of shoyu and and Dashi then you have oil so this is a mix of smoked fish from a britanni Coast sea bream oil and also the Japanese uh green pepper foreign fillets oh yeah so this is for me and this one for you okay hey what up yes it's it's absolutely gorgeous got the best job in this world all right I know we can't wait so let's let's start okay oh is it good you like it personally I love this texture I think it's the first time for me to have this type of music it's not Curly it's not straight it's like all the elements are tied together yeah because Ramen is five elements but there is the sixth is the balance the quest is the balance of everything I think this is why I'm struggling in this in this I'm an adventure at the moment in the first season I really learned about the five elements you have to do them this way but overall if the board doesn't have balance it doesn't work when I make a Ramen I always think about what is the story just an example we have the pumpkin Ramen it was the Autumn Ramen the fall fall Ramen and I wanted I thought what is your childhood memories of Autumn and and you write this then you have ingredients then you have technique and and the balance you think about if you put more spice if you want everything to be warm like if you're in front of a fire in the at home or something then you start technically to find the balance but you cannot say um I want to make a good Bowl but okay everybody wants to make good Ball but from where it comes from where you know the technique without the meaning it's nothing no it's not cooking cooking is just science and the chef is there to bring a poetry you know into it okay I was a bit you know surprised when I saw that you added some pork yeah along with the Sardine the taste of Sardine goes away with grilled pork mix in the mouth so what is nice you know this is a shoyu Ramen so it's so classical but with unusual ingredients it's a pure sardine soup so you feel all the pleasure of classical Ramen but you have a Twist you have something different you experience something different it doesn't smell fishy you know one of the technique was to you know removing yeah so actually you get you just get the nice taste so you have the nice bitterness from the saline and you have this uh the ocean taste the ocean taste yeah I have learned eggs of ramen for example typical but it's not as packed as this it's not as mouth-watering you need to start working on Umami how you make a Dashi how you can extract yeah very precise temperature for each ingredients and you can extract the pure concentration of the Umami good french food or good Italian food but there is not this quest of umami and the Umami you want to get more you know but this is the addiction behind the ramen the DNA must be strict you know the elements the balance but especially then if you achieve that you are going to make crazy Ramen maybe I'll do my experiments and I'll send updates to you and you can tell me what you think could be right or could be wrong and maybe at some point I would just invite you to my studio and you taste the ramen and you tell me what you think you make a Ramen if it's good we serve it in a restaurant here the pressure is on thank you man thank you for this goodbye [Music] thank you all right guys I'm back in the studio good hour he was such an amazing experience Jean-Baptiste is such a great guy his help was precious especially the fact that he was very specific you need to start working on the Umami umami I'm gonna do this in the next one in the meantime you take care bye-bye okay let's talk about today spawns of Squarespace Squarespace has the tool you need to get your business off the ground including e-commerce templates Inventory management a simple checkout process and secure payments whatever you sell Squarespace has merchandising features to make your product look their best online something I've noticed and that I love to push is that Squarespace makes it easy for chefs and creators to monetize content and expertise in a way that fits their brand with member areas you can unlock a new Revenue stream for your business and free up time in your schedule by setting access to gated 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Channel: Alex
Views: 723,844
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ramen, kodawari, jean-baptiste, fish ramen, paitan, chintan, restaurant, paris
Id: p5u088IP4vM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 16sec (916 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 25 2023
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