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hey so this week I kind of wanted to dive back into doing something that I wanted to do and making a video for me and I saw this piece by adam63 that a friend had sent me and it is so pretty and I just I love the way that it looked a friend of mine was recreating one of Adam's pieces in uh Houdini and I thought you know what I'm gonna try to recreate one in blender and I think it came out pretty good it's definitely different and atoms in my opinion is way better way more detailed but I'm really proud of what kind of came out of this so yeah let's jump into it this is a quick thing before we get into the video thank you guys for 20 000 subscribers um I don't know I don't want to like make a video or do the whole thing but like thank you it's really cool and you know I've wanted to do stuff like this for a long time and it's fulfilling and all those words and stuff yeah so thank you I appreciate it so with all of that out of the way let's go ahead and get started first things first we're gonna start with our petals because that is really the main thing we're doing here today and the pedals are super easy we're gonna start with the cube and we are just going to scale it on our z-axis we're gonna pull it into edit mode select these uh n vertices over here and kind of uh stretch them out a little bit like so and we're gonna take these bottom ones over here and we're gonna scale them on our x-axis like this and then we are going to add a little Loop cut in the center we're also going to add another loop cut right around here we're going to exit edit mode and we're going to come over to our modifiers we're going to throw a subdivision surface modifier on it we're going to crank that up to three or four something like this now the reasoning for our Edge Loops is because we're going to be using those as places of manipulation along the object we're going to be selecting our edges here we're going to lift shift not shallift we're going to shift select everything we're going to move them up a little bit so that we give it a little bit of like a like a wing here kind of like a like a butterfly almost you know uh just because that's what we kind of want for the shape of our leaf and we're going to Edge select here let's actually go over into Edge mode select this and I want to elongate this Center piece we have a little bit more rounding going on so next up in our modeling I actually want to set up a little bit of a structure here so we can get a better idea of how we want our petals to look um we're going to drop in a circle curve right here and just leave it where it's at just scale it up a little bit and then on our main object we're going to add an array modifier and a curve modifier we're going to take our curve modifier and select the curve and what this is going to do is allow us to increase our array so we get pedals that go around in a circle we're just something like six and then move our X Factor until we are looking like we're at an equal distance and while we have the setup we can go into edit mode and start adjusting our flower a little bit more so first thing that I want to do is adjust the kind of curve of the flower because we have the subdiv on we can kind of just kind of stretch this around and move it around however we want and then when we exit edit mode you can see that we have kind of the the bowl shape of the flower petals kind of curling around itself you know now for me because these are the outer layers we do want them to curve more outward than upward I feel like however they're too wide right now they look just like a little bit awkward so what I'm going to do is I'm going to take this edge here and kind of stretch it out more pull it up see if we can try to get something that looks a little bit pointier I think these kind of have an interesting shape and all I did with this was drag this Edge out here and then scale the this Edge and this Edge uh sorry Jesus I can't click the right Edge it it just won't let me this edge here and this never mind you get the idea those two edges I scaled on the x-axis I'm not sure why it's not letting me grab them but when we did that you can see that we kind of screwed up our array a little bit so we're gonna play with this get our shape right again and I didn't show the scaling before but this is the scaling of what I'm working with now nothing is to scale at the moment don't worry about it we're just doing our base modeling when it comes to particle systems we'll play with that stuff later that's not important for now so now we're gonna do is we are going to duplicate these pedals here and we're going to scale them in like so and then we are going to turn on our little our little tool here a little guy and we will disable the array for now because I want to try to pull this in like that and then turn our array back on and you can see that just by like moving it around the circle layer we can get kind of a like a change in the geometry because is attached to this curve modifier right so what we're going to do is we are going to again play with our array modifier and our offset until we get it to something that looks like it's about equal and we can go into edit mode again and maybe we don't want the scaling going on anymore at this point in the recording I kind of just spent a long time playing around with different sizes and shapes for the pedals and the main thing that I wanted to go over is that you can duplicate more of these pedals throw them in an array modifier and kind of move them around change the geometry to get shapes that you like and that's how I came to the shape here which ultimately is what I use going forward once I had that base shape setup I duplicated the pedals again I made these ones even smaller so that I could get like a thorny kind of look to them after that I jumped in on our Center bulb object and all that is is a cube that I subdivided and I moved some of the verts around a little bit to try to get of like a a Cross Beam section in the shape not super complicated and I you can see on screen this is exactly what I did now this is the point in the tutorial where I think it would be super important to save and increment version of this file I typically like to save everything in incrementals because if I change something and I don't like it I want to be able to come back to a point where I know that everything can be adjusted super simple just go file save as and then hit this plus sign one or two times and there you go now you have an incremental save do this all the time it's so helpful now the reason that I want you guys to save incrementally is because right now we're going to be applying the modifiers and it is going to be useful to be able to come back to this project file later and the reason we're applying the modifiers is because we're going to take these pedals into sculpt mode so that we can add some more details like this little crease up the center of the pedal you know the leaves kind of have that like veiny sort of look to it and it just adds a little bit more detail to have that on all of them and once you have that on all of them we're then going to take the draw tool and kind of draw around the edges of our petals that way there's like some depth and some breakup in the material it's not all the same thickness and adds just a little more life and organic feel to the overall piece this is a part part where like you can kind of take like a a Bob Ross like painter approach where like you you can't screw this up right you can't go wrong and like make this done poorly it's not how it works this is all just feeling it and it's it's super free it's super easy try not to get wrapped up and like making it look perfect because nature doesn't look perfect and you know so nothing you make trying to imitate nature is going to look perfect it's just not how it works once you've got all the details added to all of the pedals you might be noticing that you've got some weird artifacting slash you know like normals popping through and being flipped and being weird it's not a big deal we can easily fix that by coming up to the smooth brush and then what you're going to do is you're going to turn the strength up on it and you're just going to lightly go over all of the edges where you have this normal issue it's just going to smooth everything out and kind of make things oriented the way that they're meant to be now that we have all of that situated you might be looking at your flower and noticing that there is too much space there's way too much space between the gaps and this is where saving incrementally comes in handy because we could append in other pedals and we can use this as much as we want to fill as many gaps as we need so just go ahead and go crazy with that if you want to something else that you can do is go around and make a selection from the bottom of each petal and then scale using proportional editing to make it so that those bottom leaves are touching our bulb and that's also going to help with kind of the organic feel it really makes it look like it is growing out of this bulb additionally if you've done all this and you still need a little bit of space what you can do is making another selection on the inside of each one of these petals and kind of scale them out to make them a little bit fatter make them a little bit skinnier kind of fit your scene however you need just feel free to go with it and adjust as you need to make your flower work for you and after much playing around this is the setup that I ended up with I have some kind of pointier petals and some more rounded petals and then on the interior I actually made a selection along the top of those like smaller thorny petals to kind of pull those in I felt that they didn't look enough like Adam so I really wanted to adjust those and make them kind of point pointed upwards and around the bulb a little bit more up next we have what is probably the most unceremonious part of this video and that is creating the little like tentacles that are coming out of the flower and I initially wanted to do this with geometry nodes but I could not figure out a way to do it I'm a little baby when it comes to Geometry nodes uh maybe one of you will know better and leave it in the comments but I ended up just using curves that I added a little bit of thickness to and then just kind of placing them willy-nilly and trying to not like make a pattern out of it and just placing them wherever I could so that they looked good so with that settled let's start working on our particle systems we're gonna add a little bit of hair to this flower and I'm not really sure how much hair is actually visible on flowers obviously they have that kind of like velvety feel to them and Adam has some hair in his render so obviously we're gonna replicate that so the first thing that we need to do is adjust our scaling let's go ahead and click a to select everything and then scale everything down so that it's no longer the size of a truck it does not need to be you know realistic the size of the flower in real life would be but it definitely really needs to be smaller than it currently is so now let's get to work on the actual hair that is going to be going on this flower and if you've been following me for a while you will know that I have a belief with hair and that it is you cannot get good looking hair with one particle system so what we're going to do is start off with one particle system with relatively short hairs we're going to interpolate them under the children's tab so that we have options to access the hair editing but we're going to adjust our random a little bit so that it's got a little bit more frizz going on with it again if you want these to look a little bit more realistic you can up the steps once we're getting ready to render those will be under your render and View Board settings in the hair tab that just gives you a little bit more kind of like wavy and like a little bit more geometry to the hair however it is heavy so we're not going to turn it on while we're working on this so on this first particle system we really don't want these hairs to be thick at all they're they're very very thin is what we're going for here so we're gonna go to the hair shape and we're going to change this to something like 0.5 and we can even go thicker than that if we choose we want to go go with something like 0.3 and honestly I think the hair is a little bit long at this point so we're going to lower that a little bit using the length under the children's setting now the next step is a simple one we are just going to take this particle system we're going to rename it to base and we are going to apply this particle system to all of our other petals and this is going to function as the base particle system for everything going forward we're going to start working on our second particle system which is going to be these longer hairs at the tips of our pointed petals I wanted the proportional editing and I kind of readjusted the shape of these a little bit just before I recorded this part so if they look a little different that's why I just wanted them curved a little bit more but what we're going to do is we're going to select the tips of these petals we're going to add them to a Vertex group and this is going to be what we'll use for a density map for the second hair system so let's go ahead and add our second hair system and again we are going to make this kind of a shorter one but a little bit longer than the other ones because again these are going to be stringy and we're going to come down to our density and we're going to select the vertex group that we just made so that our hairs are only around the edges we're going to turn the number of hairs way down and again we're going to select interpolated under children again to bring up our hair editing options but you might notice looking at this that our hair system is pointed in the wrong direction and we can fix this in two ways we can go into the hair edit mode and kind of brush them all but then we have an edit that's in place and it kind of limits us I don't like limiting ourselves unless we have to so something that we can do is under the advanced setting in our hair system we can go into the velocity settings and we can play with our velocity settings until we get the hair to be pointing in the direction that we want if you haven't applied transforms it's not going to be the right Axis more than likely just play around with them a little bit till you see which access is the right one if you have applied your transforms you are a better person than me as the actual look of the hair again we're just going to be increasing our random under our roughness value and we are going to be turning up our steps under uh viewport and render so that we get that stringier more high high poly look I'm going know from our smaller hairs that the default hair shape is a little bit too thick however these hairs we want to be even thinner than the other ones so we are going to set these to 0.1 and if we go into rendered mode right now you can see that they are very thin very little and if we turn on our other hair uh particle system you can see that they are thinner than the other ones if I don't drag the camera inside our object it might be a little bit long right now and maybe even a little bit too dense we might be able to go down to something like 250 and reduce our length under the children's setting something maybe like half of what it was maybe a little bit more so like that so with our long hair particle system made I went through and I applied it just generally to all of the other petal groups I didn't want it at the tips for all of the other ones I just wanted a little bit more breakup in the particle systems we already had um and yeah I think it looks alright so next up you guessed it is another particle system we're gonna be working on the hair that goes on the end of these little antenna here and what we're going to be doing is making a Vertex selection in orthographic mode and we're going to use the circle tool to select the tips of each one of these little antenna thing once we have our vertex selection selected um we're gonna go and apply another particle system hair obviously and we're going to scroll down to our density and we're going to plug in our vertex group there now for the hair on this I wanted to go for something that was almost reminiscent of the trees in The Lorax where they're like very fluffy and it's a little bit more fluffy I think than atoms I don't remember off the top of my head how fluffy his was but I I really liked that look in my head so that's what I went for and how I did that was again just by increasing our steps and by playing around with our random under our roughness but this time I also used a kink and in this Kink I used a curl modifier I think is what it's called and then I just adjusted the amplitude of that so that it's just barely starting to wrap around itself and I thought that looked so good after that I just spent some time working on the length and the thickness under the shape of the hair and I wanted to make sure that it was long but not too long and I wanted to see that it was like very thin like cotton candy but I didn't want to be able to see the curves through the hair that was super important to me so super not thick but also thick enough to cover my mistakes and oh my God we're almost done with particle systems just one more we need hair on our bulb here and this one is going to be fairly simple we're just going to adjust the length till it's something like this we're going to hit interpolated we're going to change this to something like 50 perhaps and then we are going to adjust our random and we're really that's probably about all we're going to do we might adjust the size of the diameter route a little bit because it might be a little bit much so maybe something like 0.5 and uh that'll probably be about it for that one with all of these Hair Systems finally out of our way we can start working on materials so what we're gonna do is we're gonna set up a little basic scene we're gonna rotate our flower a little bit set up some very basic lighting and then we're gonna dive into our materials all right so this is the camera angle I've chosen for this one I've just got some very basic like temporary lighting setup um coming to the world settings and I turned the background all the way off I do this because I like a lot of control in my lighting I personally like relighting on my stuff like on my own if you like using hdris there's nothing wrong with it continue using them they're super cool and you need them for a lot of stuff but for this type of thing I like to do all my own lighting uh it's just my own personal style so let's start working on the materials for the pedal we I have a material that I already created and did nothing with so I made it named paddle let's go into our Shader editor so the texture that we use for the petals is going to be fairly simple we're going to start off with a color ramp and let's go ahead and choose two color that we like for me personally I've been really digging purples and pinks lately obviously I used them in the like the thumbnail render for this so let's do that again I'm gonna go with like a light purple and then like a darker blue I believe is what I went for for the original and how we're going to use those is by manipulating them with a wave texture plugged into a mapping node and texture coordinate how I did that is with Ctrl T by the way if you ever see people doing that wondering how they do that control T to spawn those in we're gonna plug in our wave texture and we are going to change our scaling because right now we got a little bit too much wave going on we go with something like 1.2 around there we just want kind of uh thick Stripes running down our petals now you can play with your rotation values here we actually got kind of Lucky off the bat and we have these Stripes that are running down uh immediately but you can see it's not happening on all of them uh pick the flower like the The Petal that you want to be is like the focus for this I guess and try to like aim to get that one perfect you could play with your rotation values we just want those lines to be running vertical on as many of the pedals as we can and right now they kind of are however you can also change the location you know if you're not liking the way that they're sitting right now you can kind of move them around and pick you know where you want it to be in the center could be cool I kind of like that if we got back into render mode we can see that this uh does not look very good at the moment so we are going to add some subsurf to this not a ton but somewhere probably around uh this is probably pretty good and as always we're gonna play with our Sub Surf radius now the settings I used on the original one are one one and then I believe 48 I cranked it way up personally I think we're gonna have to change that probably but we'll come back that in a second right now we are going to add some bump to our flower and how we're going to do that is with a noise texture so drop in your noise take color to height then normal to normal and we are going to crank this up we're gonna go to something like 200 but it's a little bit too bumpy right now so we're gonna drop this down maybe to something like 0.3 ish for the moment so right now our colors aren't looking right they definitely don't look like my render and they most certainly don't look like atoms are under and that is because he did something kind of interesting he used very very specific lighting and you can see I've dropped in a second light here and I've made it a little bit thinner and what we're going to do is just set it so that it's only hitting the tops of these pedals and because our subsurf is so high the higher we crank up this the more white value we are going to get in our flower and if we crank this up to something maybe like 120 we start to get a similar look to what was in my original render and what is an atoms render however you have to be very particular with these lights because you don't want to lose our shadows so definitely do a lot of playing around with your light until you can achieve a fact that is similar to this where you're not completely blowing out your flower so I've gone ahead and added our material to the rest of our petals and I can tell you that right now it is not falling quite how I want it to be and this is the part of the video where you're gonna have to do some playing on your own because you modeled this all yourself and we're using generated from our texture coordinate so without it being the exact same model I can't give you the exact same numbers right you're gonna have to do some playing around with your mapping and your wave texture until you land somewhere that you like all right so after a little bit of playing around this is what I landed on I ended up changing up my colors I just wasn't really feeling those colors today uh these are the settings that I use for my wave texture as well as my mapping texture I went for more of just like a subtle gradient rather than the lines this time around I also adjusted my cyber surface radius as I said we're probably gonna have to you know different objects different settings play around with this until you land on somewhere that you like for me personally I really like the way this looks so let's start working on our little uh Thorn materials here these are going to be much simpler I just kind of want this to be like shiny subsurfy kind of objects um and we'll probably make them like a hmm what color looks good in there oh pink looks really good actually may even push it further into the Reds I'm really liking this it's got these like warm tones in the center but then because of the subsurf we've got these purples and blues on the outside and I don't know I really like the way that it looks it looks less flowery this time around but it does look very cool so for our bulk material we're gonna go with something pretty simple probably just again within that kind of red range maybe not quite you know that red we'll see as we're playing with it oh actually the kind of like blood orange look looks very very good I like that a lot actually I was not expecting it like as much as I do if we go like a little bit lighter maybe maybe somewhere in here we'll play around with it a little bit till we find a tone that we like but orange I think is definitely the move I think it helps ground it a little bit more with all the Wild colors going on we're gonna name this material bulb and we are going to add this to our little antenna guys as well we want those to be the same material and yeah man that looks so so good I also added the petal material to our outer petals here ah it looks so pretty but I almost forgot our puddle material is not done there we also want to add some some Speckles to it and we've been playing around with a lot of different like Speckles lately and we're gonna do this through a super simple means we're going to add a noise texture we're going to take this principal bsdf pull it up here to get rid of our subserve and we are just going to make this uh almost entirely black probably something like there's a really really dark gray we're going to drop in a mix Shader we're gonna go this into our top and our principal bsdf from down there into this and then our noise texture is our Factor we're going to plug that into here let's drop a color ramp in between those so we can kind of play with our uh our sharpness values and we'll drop that into our surface let's go into material mode real quick see what this looks like and right off the bat we're going to make our noise a lot smaller so we're going to crank this up to something like that and we are going to bring our points much closer together on my last video a lot of you pointed out that I can just use constant if I want to get pure black and white values very very true and I appreciate you guys saying it but man so many of you pointed that out and I do know about it and thank you however I wanted to leave it linear so that I can still adjust the fade levels again I appreciate it and I don't mean to sound like you know like a like an ass but you know like 50 people told me I know thank you I appreciate it I do but yes this is how we're gonna get our little Speckles and if we go back into rendered mode you can see that we've got some some little black Speckles all over our flowers now there is one final thing that I want to do and I want to add some water droplets to our petals and how we're going to do this is super simple we are going to drop in an icosphere we're going to open up the settings to this and we're going to set it to one we want as little geometry on this guy as possible we're gonna go into edit mode and we are going to take this uh the center piece down here and we're just going to move it up we're going to turn off proportional editing while we do that just so that it's kind of flat like this and then maybe we'll scale it just a little bit like this so it's a little bit more flat even still and we are going to shade this guy smooth and we are going to put a very basic glass material on that we're just going to set the roughness to zero and our transmission to one and now we're gonna use this guy as a particle system so let's start off by throwing it on the big pedals let's go ahead add another one we're going to choose hair again but this time in rendered instead of path we're going to select object we're going to use our little eyedropper tool and select our object here and you can see it's going crazy we do not need that many we need maybe like 50 uh something like that let's go ahead and scale our main object down a little bit until it's something like this and you can even if you need to if it doesn't look quite right you can drop some subdiv on it it'll be all right don't go crazy with the subdiv though because it will get heavy very fast because you know you're working with a particle system we're going to increase our scale Randomness to one and kind of mess around with the scale of the object a little bit bit when you play around with our seed to we end up on one that we like we really don't want at any point then to be like coming off the flower you know and 50 might still be like a little bit much maybe we go like 25. and there we go this is the seed that I like we don't have too many going on I think we only have three that are visible on screen right now but we're gonna add this particle system to each one of our petals again with your objects this is going to be a little bit different so do some playing around with adjusting the seed values on each one and yeah I think we've landed somewhere that looks pretty good I like it and yeah that pretty much covers everything for creating this flower look from there I spent a little bit more time just playing around with colors and lighting a little bit and it didn't turn out you know perfect per se but I played with it I had fun I really like the outcome I like this one almost as much as I like the original and that's interesting because this one went way like wackier when way more like I leaned into that like Lorax feel that I was talking about earlier and it went a little less realistic but I still think it turned out really really good thanks so much for watching and continuing to watch each week I really appreciate it if you are at all interested in in these project files they are up on my patreon right now and speaking of my patreon thank you so much to my patrons for making this possible you guys have been very supportive over there and it has been super helpful especially lately I just I can't express it enough I really do appreciate it it's very cool to know that someone likes your stuff enough that they want to purchase it for themselves if that makes sense it's it's a very unique cool feeling that is uh it's hard to explain and I really appreciate it anyways I hope you guys enjoyed this video thank you so much for watching and I will see you again real soon
Channel: atti
Views: 138,238
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Editing, animation, #3d, #blender, #render, #b3d, #abstract, #scifiart, #surreal, #3dart, #design, #mdcommunity, #renderzone, #illustration, #adobe, #graphicdesign, #artdirection, #octanerender, #behance, #styleframe, #motiondesign, #motiongraphics, #houdini, #satifying
Id: yApJx_uM7TM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 36sec (1536 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 14 2023
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