My Favorite Clay Family Moments || Critical Role

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i i don't know starting i want to start inspecting these people make a perception check i'm going to aid myself because this is giving me these baby 29 29 actually it's 70. uh 30. okay begin glancing past first you thought were just statues begin to look towards some of these people intrinsically the faces the expressions beautifully captured these moments of intensity moments of anger moments of fear it's a wide variety of emotions but they're intricately carved there's one off towards the shore that you look over right near the water's edge you see two taller figures that strike a familiar sight both fear bog captured in an emotional moment of fear the para female and older they indeed resemble your mother constance and your aunt corin about 15 feet from them another pair of figures captured in stone resemble your sister calliope her face resolute and her body fallen at an odd stiff angle while the other resembles your father cornelius seeming to try and pull her from the dirt like a heavy trunk of a tree he himself captured in stone as you finish casting greater restoration you can see uh cornelius dragging first calliope backward well before you cast it on her i was like come on what one one moment is what i'll explain and as you touch calliope slowly she begins to return back to her normal self her arm and mid swing with what looks to be a heavy mace and just goes shut it falls in the ground as cornelius drops it clippy looks up to you guys gooses it's been it's been so long could you just uh are there any other family members here life he stands up ah i don't know i'm gonna run around looking for anybody that looks kind of like caduceus okay and there's a scattering of people uh cornelius goes uh yeah how how did you get here what uh what happened [Music] i see you've managed to deal with that thing right over there and thank you for that i'll i assume these are your friends hi i'm cornelius i'm i'm caduceus's father and you see this uh large older uh fear bulk similar in appearance to caduceus though a bit thicker a bit portlier gray hair kind of braided in two sides down the front um kind of dangling these little tufts at the bottom they have a bit of jewelry this is uh this is calliope it's a produce this is younger sister and you see she's wearing a similar chest plate to goddesses is actually the same coloration and design and it's funny of the two of them which look very much what you'd assume caduceus is you know you know appearance being what it is it's father a little more it's a cartoony variation of that uh calliope looks stoic and kind of kind of a badass like she looks up to the rest of you holding her mace at her side it's a pleasure to meet you guys thank you you were both gone a very long time i waited and uh no one returned and uh i know i wasn't supposed to leave but i left is anybody else here i mean i think i somewhere around here i saw your mother and he looks over and you can see kind of just beyond the tree one of the standing bodies uh is indeed constants oh good am i near constance between just right there yeah yeah i'm going to run over to her and cascarate the restoration okay as she like in her middle of her mid-battle form kind of like whoa what don't worry you're safe just drops her weapon and runs towards cases and gives a huge hug and kind of picks him up a little bit [Music] let's see what she's like uh it's kind of short on the sides and then has almost like a a soft mohawk that braids into a single long braid down the back um she's uh wearing these like gray travel robes just a little bit of like leather armor underneath but she's gonna pick something i'm i'm so happy to see you i was i was so worried i that thing where's uh where's corey where's i came here with core and she turns back and looks in the direction of the shattered statue that was right at her side you see she takes a couple steps forward takes a couple more steps forward and lanes down picks up one piece that looks like the shoulders and head of the statue chipped and broken itself its face kind of recoiling in surprise also if you're bulked how small are the pieces um i mean there are probably six or seven larger pieces and a few dozen smaller elements that have been scattered a bit it wasn't enough of an impact to pulverize it just kind of nudged and broken as it went through it wasn't at a full run thankfully but it's a lot of pieces it's not totally awkward i'm gonna try to get the pieces together and try to reassemble the body as best i can okay as you kind of reach out and start doing this you can see uh constance is just kind of holding the head kind of aghast do you feel conduces your father's hand come onto your shoulder and in that kind of focused or that an unfocused state of your mother gesture begins to sift through and suddenly her eyes catch yours and [Music] she gets down and starts trying to help uh go over and i help as well okay go and make an investigation check adjuster i'm gonna go help okay so do do it with advantage yes with advantage because not as helping okay [Music] okay okay i'm scared okay you pull together what you think is the majority of the stone body it's too hard to tell at this moment we are surrounded by statues of people at which point your constants go people and statutes i i think i found them all right and around the exterior of the shrine you can see there uh one trying to protect the other the petrified bodies of colton and clarabel your elder brother and sister how do they look uh intact just petrified after we go to sleep we can bring back i can bring back three people i can bring back three people okay so very quietly yeah i want to see if i'm very gently going to try and find where where uh calliope is is is uh sleeping and if it just to see if she's asleep which very quietly um you go and kind of walk across the area keeping an eye out and you pass by the exterior of the central temple structure and you see a figure kind of sitting on the edge of the water and can i look closely and you can tell from this distance which isn't too far um and with kind of the the glow from the water the templeton base water itself um this appears to be collide be kind of sitting along the edge toes kind of dipped into the pool just kind of looking into it as quietly as i'm as i can i'm going to very very gently quietly walk up to her without disturbing her okay yeah you approach and you can see she's and they're just kind of holding the single crystal and she's kind of like looking at the water and looking at the crystal looking at the structure above her size very heavily there's no one else around at the moment no other no one who's not petrified at least i very quietly so slowly get as close as i can and remove the bone flute from my pocket roll the stealth check for me to do this [Music] been waiting so long for this the dice 19. you're you're not the most quiet individual you in your life you've you've tried at times and with distraction you've been you've been helpful and in this moment this soft smile the wild mother looks upon you as your feet touch soft red earth just enough carried on the bottom that when you touch the stone of the interior the temple an area sound is made and calliope is none the wiser of your presence as you approach but a foot and a half behind her she sits there her toe kind of curling in the water you can hear she begins to whisper his silent prayer oh yeah no crystal goes in oh and she takes the crystal that fell down and throws it at you i run [Laughter] she gets out of the pool she chases you i got you something yeah i'll stop at the front of the cave because i definitely know she cannot run okay um make an athletics check oh boy oh my favorite uh nine nope she knocks your ass to the ground she full on like tackle charges you you fall on the ground you both kind of tumble a bit you fall into your back and she stands up and puts her foot on your chest wet just her hair just soaked down in front of her face i've been carrying that thing for so long i was going to thank you was you enjoyed that it's coming back to you it's all coming back to you we'll see i hold it up the the the crystal no i hold up i actually hold up the bone flip the bone flute she takes it where the hell did you get this oh around it's mine now until you earn it back be a shame if something happens to colton tomorrow and i start to get up pick up the crystal just saying make a string to even throw she sweeps your legs out from under you and you fall right to the ground again this is gonna hit your hip and you're like oh oh man i've missed you she reaches down and puts her hand out and picks you up i missed you too hug she gives a hug a hug back kind of like kind of a side hug but like kind of gives into it he's such you're such a you i think i've gotten weirder that's not even possible i know all right what have your friends done to you yeah they're very strange especially the blue one well maybe maybe some family time will do you good oh uh actually you were right about a lot of things i've i know that i've been out there i've seen a lot i've seen a lot i don't entirely know who i am anymore i've this this past however long i've leaving home changes you yeah i know i'm surprised it took you long enough to step out for a bit i was it wasn't going to be the one i was supposed to stay so that the rest of you could leave um i'm glad that you over overcame you need to stay and got a little stir crazy i may not be done and i don't know what to tell mom and dad yet she stops for a second and looks looks see your hand where you're kind of holding the crystal you can see like the crystal itself like the exact same kind of coloration that kind of like deepish purple color that's the ones that you had formulated within the fires of kravirad within the kiln and at the edges of it you can see these little spikes protruding just every society like almost like little tack points pushing out in four or five different places and she takes it and looks at it looks back at the temple and she starts walking back to the center of the structure you both walk up to the edge of the water herself still dripping and leaving this trail to the edge of the pool she holds it and throws it back into the water you see it kind of slowly sink to the bottom that kind of odd undulating glow kind of shifting back and forth from the uh the structure around it it's kind of lit from underneath by the stone build and whatever enchantment kind of holds the bottom of the temple pool floor and from those points they seem to continue to extend as these long thin crooked almost pseudopod like extensions begin to grow out of them like roots like a potato that's been left in a pantry too long and begins to just expand you begin to recall elements the visions that you had of these crystals taking root eventually at their final destination she goes i feel like i remember something like that you do you said you found some of these here you think i mean you throw the handful of crystals that you had refined as they all kind of slowly settle down you watches one by one they all begin to expand in the same way these points kind of like shutting down another the slower almost like branches beginning to grow from the crystal like they become these odd small hearts with veins extruding to fine points like it's very very odd but weirdly beautiful and they extend just a little ways out from what was once a thin crystal to no further than that and they stop like partially germinated seeds [Music] it's time to take them home i guess so i don't know if i can go home yet i was such a dead and i don't i i don't know if i don't know if i'm ready to plant well soon you could always keep on yeah when you come back and you're ready just don't take too long i mean we i was gonna send them with you but with me are you going home if you're not someone has to i gotta protect the rest of these knuckleheads and she points kind of over her shoulder maybe uh talk about it in the morning but i'd appreciate i don't know i don't know how to talk to mom and dad yet and government i mean corn corn would be a help but we'll see oh hopefully in the morning but if you want me to take these back and we can plant them in your stead hopefully you'll come home to a safer homestead then you can leave yeah a little bit longer than i have got some sleep well someone's got to pull this out first and she pushes you into the pools that watch is over so pick them up i put all three up on the ledge i make a grab for the hand go ahead make a uh this would be dex we'll say you grab her this is a strength to check to see if you can manage to overpower so okay i would have been thinking about it so here we go you grab she's her hand slips out and she puts her foot forward not not painfully just but just just pushes into your face and much like the santa claus and christmas story just slowly pushes you back into the pool i'm looking up i bob back up later then you still have goodness water breathing it lasts for 24 hours she grabs the crystals and kind of puts them into the satchel and turns around and leaves i'm gonna go over and tap colton and clarabel clarabelle and colton in that order okay as you go over to clarabel who is you can see visibly younger than caduceus um looks to be probably in what would be like the mid teens um bright eyed um stringy long hair that kind of goes past the shoulders um kind of i mean in first glance is kind of the wild child of the family uh ironically we were having making no references earlier this is definitely probably one of the uncom unkept wild kid of the family as soon as she researches this hey hey hey hey belle hi well hey bill um what looks like siberia stone i'm confused mom and dad will fill you in it's been a weird decade hold on let me deal with this guy does he look like super old compared to how you remember him i i mean hair's a little stringy that's really good it's lost a lot of its color too how old are you now 200 years old you see here been about 10 years apparently eight years since or seven since you guys you left it's maybe six it's been ten years since since uh mom left so it's it's been a while um let's hold on i gotta do this and i'm gonna wake up colton all right so colton who has his hand back and was like in a protective position for clarabelle immediately goes like stay back hello welcome back everything's okay um mom and dad are in the other room uh it's been a while um you save me [Music] sure damn it yep looks back this is claire ball you're okay um yeah you could do this to save me think about that i'm gonna head back to uh where we're figuring out i'm sure they're coming yeah they kind of follow behind and they start scattering to go find your parents off as well the circle flashes and all the parts as assembled are there in this circle okay the rest of the clay family kind of steps up and kind of puts hands on each other's shoulders looking down to watch i will uh i will levitate the body up just at your sort of waist level so i can see it on all sides that's smart that's smart okay i'm going to cast um stone shape okay um to try to [Music] heal the the stone together okay be an artist go ahead and make a medicine check for me wait wait wait wait wait wait wait don't rush in places in front of our head very carefully chester very carefully find this oh that's a one better okay okay okay okay uh 25. what the [ __ ] medicine's real high i got good medicine yeah natural one would have been real bad yeah okay as you focus the portions of the body kind of levitating you push them all together and you begin to concentrate the um the body rotates continuously as you kind of mold over and smooth each element of the fractured elements the body there are pieces missing um you attempt to fill those gaps with the existing material i don't want to do it too right but but finding it in ways where you you think at the very least it should have a cohesive continuous body um carefully doing so like a mystical surgeon you just move your fingers across each of these lines as it rotates and you watch as they seal and seal and seal past like you're smoothing fresh pottery the crowd kind of gathers those who have been restored around to watch as you finish the final details on it and with that the body is seemingly solid okay not i should lower her back down all right settle down gently okay face down and then i'm gonna use my second fifth level and has the greater restoration on the body get ready to heal okay you put your hands onto corinth's stone form and you feel the warm pulse of the divine energy granted to you by the traveler pass into the stone body from the points of contact where her fingers touch you can see the gray drift into colored fabric and skin the body is restored to a flesh form there's a moment of pause as you can see corn was in a mid battle pose now kind of the arms go lacks for a second she goes just because i'm curious 10 15 18 23 instant okay what's going on ah are you okay why am i so stiff be very careful you've had a rough decade some of your muscles might not be connected all the way ellie what is he's just getting healed i'm so curious if he'll be scarring not out loud wow you see uh as corin stands up and you see this this is a kind of of all the family of the clay family you've seen the eldest this is the the sister of constance his aunt if you will um the hair itself kind of the fading pink um not quite as faded as yours has come and a lot of them you see there's you know similar shades of that pinkish skin tone some of it's been altered you can see that uh claribel has stained it all a variety of different colors um but she stands up cool and i was like ah breath is shallow but she looks around and takes in the other unrestored people the folks around them the broken stone and the ground and body parts and you can see her connecting all the dots and goes ah well whatever you did thank you everyone's fine we're all here apparently the clays stay together once more and uh we have other good news um glad he steps forward and goes we've gotten what we came for and she kind of presents the stones from the night before themselves expanding into the crystalline roots you can see the restaurant looks around uh cornelius kind of goes forward and takes one those would you look at that we did something right and he pats you in the head and ruffles your hair a bit i'm gonna i'm gonna go find my my parents and my my aunt yeah they've all kind of situated and turned back in oh uh hi cruz is my boy it's been it's been 10 years nonsense forward feels like more i was alone for a very long time i'm so sorry we left you honey have you there's no blame and no i chose to be the last to stay i thought that was what i was supposed to do but i was wrong i was not the last to stay but if you weren't the last to stay you wouldn't have met these people you've traveled with you were there with them at that moment because that's where you were supposed to be that was where she brought you and because of that we're all together again please don't don't carry the weight of our mistakes upon your shoulders i i don't i've i had no idea what it was like past those walls really it's [Music] testing that it is i'm not done with it i miss home but i owe such a debt and not a even to the wild mother herself i owe i owe it to these to these people to see them through not to the end of everything but i i don't feel equal to what they've given yet and i think i can and i think some of them especially still need me i'm i'm so sorry don't be kadusa's don't be sincerely and we always kind of took comfort in knowing that no matter how excitable and wanderlust filled your brothers and sisters were you were always the one that stayed with us at home but we knew that wasn't gonna last forever and i mean look at you i don't think i've ever seen you stand so tall before yeah you got scars yeah yeah quite a few yeah where'd that one come from oh oh it's like a it's like a it's like a spider web kind of scar it's an impressive thank you that was a that was a spider god it's there's been so many so many i'll tell you what each of us and your aunt we've had our experiences in the world and we've had our own tales to tell when we were gonna come home and we get to go home now thanks to you when you do come home bring your stories too i think we all want to hear about them i will i these people i can't wait to share them with you they're very weird like us we'll admit i hope that some of them choose to come back when it's time i would love to see what grows well i know i can say that to you i'd never say that to them if the winds are strong maybe they'll carry them back to us at the very least for a visit we got plenty of tea [Music] i'm gonna i'm gonna say goodbye to the idiots and uh i'll be home soon come here i'm proud of you i got a friend who's coming to take you guys home she'll be pretty good she's awesome kind of weird great i'm excited you'll feel like her watch this goes take care of yourself sweetie okay thank you don't tell your siblings but i think you're the only one who could have done this thank you she means you're her favorite right yeah i did i know and it's going to be so hard not to tell them see that [Laughter] court and can only sin and goes i'll make sure they get back fine in one piece as well i trust you thank you for everything oh thank that jester girl for me if you don't mind from what it seems uh she's the only reason i'm here she is so much i will as you maxed it out the rest of your family are all in the process of kind of catching up a little bit and telling stories and as you kind of enter the room they'll stop and turn you can see calliope kind of sit up and give you a respectful nod colton is still kind of like shoulder sunken a bit feels like he you've known him to be the one that wanted to be the hero of the family and he's kind of been taking down a few pegs by this whole experience and where is it like a like a shamed dog and then there's clarabel who's in the process of collecting the odd bugs in the corner of the room and putting them in a small jar you know kind of look towards you you're you've got to look like you're leaving yeah i'm i'm not going home just yet i got a little bit more to do it's gonna be a rough road and i've only got one friend just gonna be seeing everybody home trusting you to i'll take care of auntie and mom and dad colton stands up i got it don't worry i have to unprotect him keep him safe i think clappy will back me up on that clip he's like yeah sure i'll back him up i give uh give my brother the the pat hug yep yeah life just kind of gives you the uh i walk over and give clappy a big hug whisper in her ear the whistle tonight for me you see her kind of grin curl up on the side she looks over towards colton and uh clarabelle clarabel's already there in front of you like waiting next in line and just gives you this big hug right around your waist and kind of holds you for a second to backstop and goes i got you something she hands you the jar she's filled with all sorts of insects i'm gonna they're all just like her crawling let them crawl up under the staff and they do back and just let them go everywhere it might just be i gotta use something what'd you give i'm me get the big straw hat on the back of my just barrier in it pulls it up a little bit just you can just see your eyes peeking underneath you guys smells weird thank you i like it been around keep you uh incognito on your travel and got me pulls it back over her eyes again turns and like walks into her sister i'll be home soon thank you i love you all very much you see claire pull goes back let's get turns around love you caduceus clap he goes love your brother i'm cold she goes you too and i closed the door and walked back downstairs yes i do have more messages it's good because i have a super serious message that requires uh would you mind uh checking in with uh my sister calliope just to make sure everything at home is uh pathetic yes what would you just ask her if everything's okay anything specific how's things things are going how mom and dad are how if everything's and that you know we're we've got some stuff to do and it's dangerous but hopefully everything's gonna gonna work out let them know when it's when it's all over okay and this is to calliope yeah yeah okay hey it's chester with caduceus how are things at home mom and dad okay how's the grove how's the circle of thumbs up are we are we are we we're gonna be doing dangerous stuff but it's okay be home soon how was the circle thumbs i up even hear it that's what that question mark yeah um clyde p responds oh everything's okay we've planted the crystals planted taking root taking root excited to show when he comes back everything sounds like it's great she's excited to show you all right all right it's good
Channel: Voice of the Tempest
Views: 57,224
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: tFA4MZneEtg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 59sec (2399 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 16 2021
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