My Favorite Catfish Rig

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hey guys welcome back to another episode of muddy river catfishing today we're out here on of course one of my favorite pieces of water just a little stretch of river that I like to fish in the middle of January we're going to try to catch some winter catfish see how it goes I've tried my luck at the lake a few times and we've caught one or two but I know this stretch of water pretty well so hopefully we'll catch something but anyways people ask me about the rig that I use and they want to know how I tie it in and so I'm going to show you that here right now so the first thing I do is I take my weight and I I use a 2 ounce bank sinker it seems appropriate for the for the current that I fish in it's not it's not too Swift here but it's it's heavy enough that keeps my bait where I want it so the way I tie this it's a polymer or not and if if you know that not already you can probably skip ahead but if you don't this is how you tie it you just make a loop like this it's really simple knot and it's very strong make a little loop then you thread it through your the eye of your weight just like that then you do a little overhand knot like that when we tie our shoes with like that pull that down onto your weight then you take the loop that's left open it up and you put your weight through it pull it back around just like that and then you you pull your main line to tighten up that slack you want to make sure your main line and your tagline are on the same side of that loop when you pull it tight it will clinch down and those you're not paalam or not so that's what I do with my weight then I'll come up maybe about two and a half feet or so and I make another loop then I take my hook this is a five a lot got my katsu octopus hook the way I tie this on there is I just make the loop and slide it through then we'll do the same little operation do an overhand knot just like this and pull that through down to the to the I open up the open up the loop put your hook through and then pull it down tight and that ties it directly to the line okay now I want to make a leader for this so what I do here is I just pinch my line so that it's even and I follow it back however long I decide my light my god my leader line should be and that's about what I like right there and I just wrap it around these two fingers like this put the hook through there and then I pull that tight and that's how I make my leader that's the rig that I'm using all right so let's get baited up and cast it out oh I got some cut bait here pretty frozen and really thought out but we're going to try it out let's make sure those those scales come off the tip of that hook there so I'm in a good spot alright now here's a little story that I want to tell you about about this this not that or this rig that I'm using my dad is the one who taught me how to fish and the the rig that he taught me was the Carolina rig and if you guys know that one you've got your sinker on top and in the way and the hook on the very bottom and that's the basic idea of it anyways and when I first found this little stretch of river that's what I would use I'd use the the Carolina rig and I fish it and you know I had it be kind of hitting this I catch a fish in there and but I catch a lot of turtles for whatever reason and one day I was thinking to myself you know what if I just reversed it put the hook up on top and the weight on bottom and see how you know how that works maybe I have better results well sure enough I chant did that modification and I had so much more success with it and so I guess after after a time fishing with it I decided to bring my dad out here he had never been out here before and we were getting rigged up and ready to cast out and I kind of glanced over at my dad and I noticed he was tying up the Carolina rig well as respectful as I could ask from a from a son to his father I wanted to tell him about the Kentucky rig that I was using so I approached him and I said you know dad I I know you're the one who taught me how to fish and I know I know you've been using that rig for a lot of years but if I could make a suggestion to try this rig that I'm going to use I'll show you how to tie it in before I could finish II kind of stopped me in today I've been fishing for longer than you've been been around and you know all the good stuff the dads tell you but so I left it alone I rigged it up and we both cast it out about the same time and actually within about five minutes I caught my first blue cat probably bout a five pounder and I look over at my dad and his rod sitting there real still I take it off the hook and I bait up cast back out and about five ten minutes later I had my second fish and my dad sitting there with nothing going on you know and so the third by the time I caught the third fish my dad finally looks over at me and he says uh so what's that ring your tummy about so I showed him how I rigged up that Kentucky rig like I just showed you had a tie but that's my little story about the Carolina versus the Kentucky but don't get me wrong the Carolina rig is a good rig and I use it as well I'll use it in different fishing scenarios than this one more at the lake than here at the river but just wanted to share that story with you so we're going to sit here and see if we get any bites and we'll get back to you you
Channel: muddyrivercatfishing
Views: 522,272
Rating: 4.8997588 out of 5
Keywords: fishing for catfish, how to, catfish rig, fishing knots, palomar knot, power pro, braided fishing line, river fishing, fishing New Mexico, Rio Grande River, flathead, channel catfish, kentucky rig, muddy river catfishing, Kris Flores, popular catfishing videos, fishing videos, catfish videos
Id: oVfR1x6RJmw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 46sec (526 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 07 2015
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