My Favorite BREAKFAST SALSA Recipe (Mexican Salsa Ranchera for Tacos, Huevos Rancheros & More)

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you know it's really hard to beat a fresh homemade salsa for any meal but especially for breakfast this is a quick easy to make salsa recipe that I know you're gonna love and this salsa can even be had for lunch or dinner but it's my favorite for breakfast some people call this a salsa ranchera I may have done it myself once or twice different Salsas can have different names in different places I call it my favorite breakfast salsa but you can call it whatever you want all right now to make this recipe it's super simple all we're going to need is about a quarter of an onion maybe a third three Roman Tomatoes three Serrano Peppers two garlic cloves and just a little bundle of cilantro not even a whole handful just like a pinch and of course we're gonna add a little bit of our APC OG which is my favorite salt pepper and garlic salt is always the preference of course but I personally love the little peppery cake that I get out of the OG and a little extra garlic is always good in any salsa every breakfast salsa needs some salt it's always to your personal preference so use as much as you like one thing I did forget to mention was the Nopal chip just for the taste test now I'm already have a little bit of oil in my pan use whatever oil you like I'm gonna start with my onion first I'm gonna take a little bit of this I like to cut the ends off I do like to dice it up pretty fine maybe a little bit less than a quarter of an inch I'm going to go ahead and dump this into the pan and turn the heat up just a little bit I'm not going to use all of this onion that's a little too much for the size of the pan today we're using this made in six inch pan really what I'm trying to get across to you all today is that this is a quick and easy recipe and you don't have to make a big big batch it's actually always better when it's fresh fresh fresh all right next I'm going to take these serrano peppers and I like to cut them into little medallions like this because that way if Terry or my mom or one of my guests doesn't want to actually bite the pepper they can go ahead and take it out so I'm going to put that in the pan and it's not sizzling yet so I'm going to turn the heat up a little bit more all right now it's starting to sizzle I think you guys can hear that oh it sounds good I love a nice garlicky breakfast salsa so that's why we're using too close today all right now for the garlic I am going to cut it really fine and then I'm going to chop it up really fine the garlic cooks really quick so I tend to put it in when the onion is totally done almost because otherwise the garlic can get a little bit bitter if you overcook it I'm going to turn the heat up just a little bit and I'm going to stir the onions and the serrano peppers a little bit as well the other thing I like to do is smash the garlic a little bit to bring out a little extra flavor I'm going to go ahead and start dicing my tomatoes I do like to take the little core out of here now when I don't have time to make salsa for whatever reason sometimes we just live a very fast busy life there was only one breakfast sausage that me and Terry just flat loved for many years the name was from taba they quit making it and I'm not sure what happened I think it got bought out and then all of a sudden we just had trouble finding it so when we did find it we'd buy eight or ten bottles at a time but unfortunately it's not available anymore so now take a couple of bags of El Gallo salsa that one's super good about as close to homemade as you're going to get and that's also a product to the 956 as well all right now these onions are just about done so I'm going to add my garlic right here you see I made a little uh space here in the middle I'm going to add this garlic and I like to add it right in the middle so it makes contact with the pan right away we're always making sausages at home I've kind of made it my mission to try and replicate that flavor profile it was super good the closest one we found to that one is called Melinda's and it's very good tube okay let's give this garlic a little stir it's already in here oh that Aroma smells so good I love the garlic and the onion smell when it's in a nice hot pan getting sauteed and I can hear my ancestors telling me add the tomato now okay okay I will my eyes might have been a little bit bigger than the pan with the ingredients so we may just wind up using two Tomatoes we used a little less onion only two Serranos and right now we're at one and a half Tomatoes we're gonna add the other one as well can you hear that Sizzle that is the sound down up good good good good good I'm gonna add a little bit of apcog not an exact measurement again like I said friend this is just my hand my experience has how much I like to use because I do this all the time the whole point of this salsa is that it's so easy to make you can make it right along next to your breakfast anytime I'm gonna get this outfit right here in front of me where I can start kind of stirring a little bit I'm going to turn up the heat a little bit as well okay now you can see where the tomatoes are starting to simmer along with the other ingredients to me it's simmering a little too fast I'm gonna back the heat down just to here one of the thing that happened if you're cooking too hot you're gonna boil all your moisture out if you want some of that moisture in there it's time to start giving a little smile or you can take your potato Smasher and just give it a quick little smash now I like a little chunky breakfast so I'm not going to smash it a whole lot you could also put it in a blender or food processor but you take away some of that texture I love that little chunky texture I think this is the best way to defelter plus it's less stuff to clean when you're done as well just splash it up a little bit like this and you are good to go I love my six inch made in stainless steel pan it is perfect for a breakfast salsa if you don't want to make a big old bag this is perfect for my house love it all right so our breakfast house is all done I'm going to turn off the heat already I'm gonna let it sit a minute and then I'm gonna give it a taste test for salt remember salt is always to taste so let's give it a taste test now let's see where we're at each team in half I'm not real sure I think I need to give it another taste oh man that's good at the right bite can you chill all right friend we're done with our bread wait a minute wait a minute you forgot the cilantro hey I forgot the cilantro another blooper sorry guys let me turn this back on not quite there yet how could I miss the cilantro I have no idea how I missed that all right I'm gonna dice up the cilantro real quick and then I'm gonna drop it in there I have my salsa starting to simmer again we're just gonna add this in here now if you land through like everything else is always an option so I like to add it at the very end it cooks really quick because it's very thin but you do want to heat it up a little bit it just brings out a little extra flavor we're gonna give it about one minute that's really all you need with that cilantro in there but that's a beautiful color and it kind of has all that picture in the South Side as well we're down here I'm going to shut the heat off again and our FAFSA is done friends we're ready to make breakfast no no but I do need to take it one more time now that I have the cilantro in there over here ruined which is so good so solid it's really really makes the salsa pop on another level of deliciousness I hope you do like sea nothing but if you don't one more time like I said it's okay to leave it out we're done with our salsa as you can see it was super delicious without the cilantro and it's super delicious with pushilantro and honestly afraid it's a quick and easy breakfast outside it wouldn't take you more than 10 to 15 minutes from chopping dicing to cooking and you're done cook it right along with your breakfast so your Santa will be fresh hot and delicious to go with your breakfast first I hope you enjoyed this video we had a good time making it for you guys and I want to encourage you to try this outside and if you do tag me if you're interested in our APC barbecue rubs go to if you want to up your barbecue game go to and I'll see you there and I'll see you at the next video thanks for watching everyone keep smoke light make it work
Channel: ArnieTex
Views: 139,820
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bbq, barbecue, barbeque, grill, grilled, grilling, tex mex, mexican recipe, salsa, mexican salsa, salsa roja, salsa ranchera, breakfast salsa, mexican restaurant, mexican restaurant salsa, best salsa recipe, salsa roja recipe, how to make salsa, grilled salsa, salsa tatemada, salsa verde, huevos rancheros, papas en salsa roja, papas en salsa, salsa for tacos, tacos, tortillas, fajitas, asada, care asada, tacos al pastor, street tacos, salsa for street tacos, favorite salsa, salsas
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 3sec (483 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 02 2023
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