My experience with The META QUEST 3!!

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welcome back to the RJ channel it's me Jordan now I'm going to bring you guys a different type of video that you guys are used to VR so VR has been really getting better throughout the years you know ever since the first headset from Oculus which I forgot how long it's been since the first Oculus Rift but nowadays if anybody's familiar with how the company's been it's been bought out by Facebook which is now called meta so now Facebook owns the company Oculus and all technology and all that jazz right me personally I never own a Quest 2 John on the other hand he has a Quest 2 he bought it second hand from a friend and sometimes when he came over the J house he would let us use it you know it's a pretty cool experience I almost got that version cuz I thought VR was so cool and it peeded my interest I knew if I waited that there was going to be like a remodel or like I knew the next one was going to come out you know a more High spec a more powerful VR headset right that one was good but it still had its setbacks and it wasn't like like it was still amazing it was still revolutionary but it wasn't like wow let me go buy that right now so you know I waited and I waited and I saw the quest Pro $1,000 for a headset and it was eh clearly I'm not buying that one that one was a little bit underwhelming for some people it wasn't like it was all right the path the PA through technology on that is just all right we'll get into that later on but anywh who VR has actually been advancing pretty quickly recently Facebook had a little press conference on about meta and future plans with the company within that press conference they announced a couple products one of them being this the new Quest 3 and they also released these like rayb band glasses that are all right I guess mainly what they're used for is taking pictures and I think video it's not like a VR experience or an AR experience meaning like when you put the glasses on like they're literally like this like normal glasses but sunglasses and you put them on and they're still regular sunglasses you're not going to see a whole entire virtual reality within the glasses you are able to take some pictures with the ray bands by saying some commands and some other pretty cool things with those glasses I feel like those are not really meant for me they don't really pick my interest enough for me to go out of my way go buy them but this new Quest definitely picked my interest I heard great reviews so far it's apparently really clear 4K in each eye so the resolution is way more better the lenses that they have in here are way better I decided to pull the trigger and finally get invested into VR I decided to go for the 512 gig because I heard these VR games are getting bigger so I didn't want to you know in the future be bummed out that I have to keep either deleting games and reinstall them because I decided to go for the cheaper model the 128 gig but I'm going to finish yapping and we're going to get into this you guys don't know how excited I am said it is 10:00 so I did decide to go to Best Buy last minute as I said already this is the 512 GB meta Quest 3 look around the Box pretty simple honestly this look I think is pretty okay it's definitely an interesting look it's very futuristic I'd say slide this off if it comes off damn okay the I think that's what it is I think that's what it is yeah that's what it was Quest three meta Quest 3 this is crazy so what you get in the Box you get the you know Quest three The Meta symbol the strap looks all right I heard it's uh the strap is it'll do okay for now but it's not the most comfy strap so some recommend getting a third party I'll definitely look into that later on in the future black Fridays around the corner so put that right there and we'll go into the rest of the Box the controllers they didn't new design with these controllers these look pretty cool the thumb sck dope dope dope dope triggers another one got a little tab here look like a little scanner to start pull this tab this is probably all the wiring close this up this is probably all the wiring you know all the yeah power plug got to get the plug you know nowadays you don't even get this type of stuff with your smartphone now they they you'd be lucky if they gave you a USBC charger apple and EXT manual who the uses exu manuals nowadays 2023 so these three indents are really what catch my eye time the middle looks like where the sensor is the cameras are right here all the cameras right here you can see the new lenses the new pancake lenses as meta calls it these thumb sticks like the indent are kind of similar to the ones they have on the Xbox but overall the small size of the thumb sticks are like what they have in the switch maybe a little bit bigger that seems to be about it guys um uh I'm actually going to set this up to experience for the first time trying on this new VR headset actually before we do any of that I'm going put this on right now see how it looks like on my head I got a big head guys so I got to startet this out a little bit hold up okay ready so I heard you could put these on in your glasses okay we're going to take these off for now okay wow this is pretty tight definitely going to loose these up it's not on yet but let me know what you guys think about how these look like will you go outside in public with this on huh this is actually a couple days later on from when I originally did the video because I did this whole screen recording thing for some reason when I do longer Clips in 5 minutes it just won't save to the quest it won't let me download on the phone it's really annoying but I just wanted to redo this part because one of the new features with this headset is you are able to use your hands as the remote themselves right now if you're like I'm looking at my hands and you guys are probably seeing me through the camera too uh I see my own actual finger you see 1 2 3 4 this h ah no that's fire and then you see like uh I have my menu and I have like my start if I just click but yeah you see these are like my uh video recordings then what I can do also my robot got my robot you see me over here hey that's my avatar but oh shoot this is the boundary that I have right now I can see my boundary so that way if I get too close to the wall it will like warn me I W just walk into something I don't know about but what is also pretty cool is this watch ah there we go okay so that's the button I used to you know being able to see my surroundings so now I can see you see this is the little lighting setup I have right now and the camera but in Front of Me That You Don't See on that camera but you see through my glasses is a whole screen that I can pick up and drag it wherever I want like this I can be like this be like okay see can use the interwebs Y I got IG on this thing I be like at late nights I be on IG just like surfing and oh my God cool thing is the way you watch entertainment so this is YouTube this is just YouTube basically it looks like a huge setup you can see the screen here you can pick whatever video you want to see um I think you slide yeah you go like this just watching your videos like this and it's just a big ass screen you know the channel and description over here and then you have your next videos you probably want to see yeah this is pretty cool and you're able to but yeah you can bring it close up I think closeup is how you make it big so whoa see there right in your face you can see p no but yeah this is dope this is definitely dope last night I was watching Netflix it's the same experience with Netflix oh you can have like two things open at once so so like say if you're watching YouTube videos and you want to go on your Instagram you can that scroll on the side over here on IG while you have your big ass YouTube video playing on the corner or up in front of you all right and I'm going to show you a quick game of Resident Evil 4 this is a pretty cool game I've uh heard a lot of good things about it from John he's a big vide oh what the hell you know you can get prescription lenses for this I didn't know that I found that out that's really handy cuz glasses are kind of annoying on this you can wear glasses on this but it's it we be way better if I didn't have to there we go oh and I just drw my boundary this is how I can just personally make my own playing field sometimes like it does automatically and it does automatically well but then sometimes like I just did it's a little bit Hit or Miss there we go confirm there we go whoa okay got my KN oh see got my nade got my knife see it looks really really nice got the strap got the ammo oh there we go see I can like walk like this you see oh my boundary like since I have a more playground to work with I can basically walk over here and like walk over here like oh the door who but yeah having more field to work with is way better it's like more immersive Graphics are basically not that bad I'll be honest it looks like the original game as it should you know look that's the village see up right now there we go got him that was pretty easy oh shoot [Music] ammo shoot okay damn I di but yeah it's pretty cool having a product for about 4 days now and I can say I'm happy with my purchase now yes this is my first VR headset I've owned so if you currently have a Quest 2 and are quite happy with it then i' say there's no real reason to upgrade especially since the quest 3 has no true exclusives and I can just mainly play Quest 2 games which is a good thing if this is your first time getting into the VR space also been having a blast showing the Jays how VR games look even someone as Jos who just plays 2K has been enjoying VR Gaming more than he thought ever since I was a kid I dreamed about the future of gaming us being in the virtual world playing as our own characters and I can say this is a good step in the right direction the quest 3 is out now and are you going to get one
Channel: RollingJ's
Views: 2,230
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Wondershare Filmora, Meta, Facebook, Vr, Virtual reality, Headset, New, Technology, Review, Tech, Resident evil, Gaming, Pc, quest 2, Quest 3
Id: vKKlH1aA_tg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 3sec (663 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 25 2023
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