My Experience of Being the Queen of the School

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hey mandy look at simon i think he's cute for a boy do you think he'll play with me mandy said no he won't stupid he won't play with a freak like you he'll only play with me i said no my mom says everyone wants to be my friend because i'm special mandy said not simon he doesn't like you no one likes you not even your mom i screamed mom mandy says i'm a freak and no one likes me not even you mom said that's okay sweetie you know it's not true and i think it's time for mandy to leave mandy left looking super angry after mom kicked her out after that day mandy became a real pain in my neck she started going after everything i had and wanted it all for herself especially my simon hi i'm emma you might hear my story and think i should be grateful for having everything a girl might wish for especially with my perfect memory what most people don't know is that i have a big problem my anger issue it made me lose the love of my life i was falling asleep in class one day when my teacher yelled at me wake up sleepyhead you can't sleep in my class i'm going to include this question in the exam tomorrow and now i won't repeat what i said for you you mean you're going to include the fact that the allies decided to land powerful forces in german occupied europe after the evacuation from dunkirk in 1940 in that it took four years to design build and move thousands of vehicle ships and aircraft and it was only on april 22nd in 1944 that the rehearsal for d-day started in the exam tomorrow everyone ood and odd i sneaked a peek at simon he was not only the school's hottest guy but also a local celebrity he was also rich and had the voice of an angel and right now the angel looked impressed as he looked at me whatever imagine someone being so proud of being a freak simon i groaned inwardly as mandy my ex-best friend and simon's ex-girlfriend stepped up behind him even though they'd broken up a while ago she was still obsessed with him to my delight simon just ignored her served her right simon said emma i have to ask you something will you be my girlfriend oh my god i nodded enthusiastically i couldn't believe simon the simon was asking me out yes yes of course mandy said don't get too happy i'll still take him away from you you freak what was this witch's problem suddenly my blood began to boil the teacher told us to settle down but i wasn't really listening i said mind your own business you freak the teacher snapped emma i will not stand this behavior to the principal's office right now my rage disappeared what no no i'm sorry i just i said enough leave this just wasn't my day and then as if getting detention wasn't enough my driver was late oh my god i've told you only about a billion times not to be late but you just can't help talking to everyone the driver said don't work yourself up please i'm sorry i'm fine it's fine just take me home simon was having a big party at his place that night and i had to look better than mandy i knew she would do her best to show off her attractive body to get simon's attention but i was ready for that i decided to go shopping for the perfect dress but when i got to the mall i was shocked to see simon there and he wasn't alone mandy was there too while she stood talking to him she casually slipped her arms around him i was furious i couldn't believe she was trying to hit on him like that ew i needed to show her who his real girlfriend was unfortunately though by the time i decided to go over they were gone oh i had to do something about her i bought a super gorgeous pure silk evening gown for simon's party i even picked out a beautiful emerald necklace i'd bought in italy last summer i was gonna knock the boy down once and for all tonight my driver dropped me at the party and i asked him to go home my instructions were to wait around here i spotted simon and walked up to him hi emma before i could say anything else simon put his arms around me and for a second i was speechless you look absolutely breathtaking tonight emma i'd appreciate it if you picked me as your dance partner tonight i was about to ask what mandy did that day but oh man my heart began to beat wildly as we glided around the room and i forgot all about it while we were dancing i could see mandy's red face and boy did she look mad take that i pulled simon closer just to tease her more then she said loudly look at the smile on her dumb face as soon as i dance with simon i'm going to kiss his face off he'll never look at her again she and the girls around her started laughing i began to see red before i knew it i had pushed simon away and was marching up to mandy what's your problem huh one thing led to another suddenly strong arms pulled me back it was my driver he said let's go home it's late back off who are you to tell me what to do i could see that simon was amazed and i think he was impressed that i was finally teaching his ex a lesson then i took simon's hand and left the party even though he had left the party i didn't want to leave him just then i wouldn't let mandy ruin this evening for me i asked want to come up to my place we can watch a movie and chill simon said yes of course there's nothing i'd like more i ran inside to check if the coast was clear and quietly snuck him up the stairs we had just started the movie when simon pulled me closer and snuggled with me there's nowhere i'd rather be suddenly the door flew open and my stepdad barged in just what do you think the two of you are doing here i have a reputation to keep he was barely done talking when the driver ran up behind him and you is this what i hired you for huh i told you to keep an eye on the girl and you let her bring a boy into her room the driver said sir i i my stepdad then shouted you're fired just then my mom burst into the room and started defending the driver he most certainly is not fired mom was determined to keep him and kept saying it wasn't his fault that i'd snuck a boy in he doesn't have magic powers punish them and leave him out of this well a blind man could tell she had the hots for the driver even though she was like 10 years older than him and it was super embarrassing my stepdad looked between the two of them suspiciously and then suddenly dragging simon out left the room don't think that i'm dumb i can see what's going on here my stepdad said while leaving i didn't even know why my mom was with my stepdad i know my real dad was too poor to keep us but did she have to marry this guy after he left mom led the driver away i slammed the door behind them grabbed the first thing i got my hands on and threw it in anger as the picture on my table fell to the ground i realized what a horrible person i was your spoiled brat always getting people into trouble after i was done crying i began watching some videos on my story animated i just come across a really interesting story of a girl with perfect memory the next morning my stepdad said that i was grounded for a month and wasn't allowed to leave the house try me i called simon and he invited me to watch the recording of his song some other kids would be there too as soon as they took a break simon came over to me he said sorry to keep you waiting i said no i should be the one saying sorry for the way i acted yesterday the way my stepdad dragged you out you probably hate me for a minute he didn't reply emma i don't hate you at all i saw how unhappy you looked yesterday i i just wanted to see you happy to help you i stared into his eyes and wondered if he really meant it his face was so close to mine wait was he about to kiss me just then the director barged into the room and practically dragged simon away simon said before leaving check your pocket when i start singing okay don't check it now when simon started singing i dug into my pocket and gasped it was a diamond bracelet as i was watching the recording others came in of course mandy was with them too as soon as she saw me she made her way over to me she said just reminding you that simon is mine don't even think about him then she turned around and blew a kiss in his direction i waited for him to react but if anything his stupid grin just grew bigger suddenly i began to feel angry is this why he'd asked me here just then mandy screeched oh my god that bracelet is mine simon gave it to me on valentine's day give it back i said not a chance he gave it to me and it's mine now you know why because he loves me and you can take your jealousy and buzz off when mandy refused to back off i began to get mad at simon for giving me her hand-me-downs for a rich guy he had acted pretty cheap you know what you want it so bad huh i marched up to simon and threw open the door of the studio i can't believe you'd give me your ex's hand-me-downs simon looked shocked and also embarrassed as everyone could see and hear oh shocked enough i know everything and i don't want this keep this trashy gift he said what's wrong with you if you don't want it just say so i'm done with your drama i'm out then mandy looked at me you actually fell for it i knew you weren't as smart as you thought you may have perfect memory but you don't have perfect vision he bought the bracelet that day at the mall when you were there i glared at her but i wouldn't do what she wanted i swore to not get angry and said calmly you're just jealous because he never got you a beautiful diamond bracelet then she laughed and said oh i'm happy you like it i actually picked it that's it i yelled as the driver took my hand and got me in the car as soon as i got home though i felt horrible about what i had done to simon i tried calling him but he wouldn't answer i went to the set the next day unannounced and everyone was shocked to see me i saw simon sitting there and he looked devastated i'm so sorry for the horrible things i said i don't know what came over me i just got into the door when simon caught up with me he said emma emma wait no simon i know i'm a horrible person i'll just go away and never interfere in your life again but simon pulled me back and hugged me stay emma i know you're a great girl i won't let you go i could tell that simon loved me and i wanted to be with him plus being his girlfriend was the best way to pay mandy back and put her in her place for a few weeks i was in heaven my anger episodes began to fade if i ever did get angry simon held me till i was calm until one day after my date with simon i went home to mom and my stepdad having a scream fest i asked what was wrong mom said that my stepdad was cheating on her suddenly the yelling started again mom said i never should have trusted you stepdad said if i go to other women it's your fault because you never take care of me i don't take care of you what else but clearly my stepdad had had enough and he pushed us both outside but the drama was far from over we just stepped outside when the craziest thing happened a police vehicle pulled up outside our house and two policemen stepped out they demanded to know where my stepdad was i pointed to the house and they barged in five minutes later they came outside dragging my stepfather behind them apparently his secretary that he cheated with had filed a case against him for blackmailing her as they dragged him away i waved him goodbye good riddance for some months at least finally the events of the day sank in and i realized i needed to breathe i needed to get away from them i needed simon i called him so many times but he didn't answer i ran to his house and barged in simon i stopped dead in my tracks he wasn't alone in the lounge sat mandy she was wearing the tightest outfit imaginable and her hair was all messy i told you he'd come back to me simon came in he looked shocked to see me but then he smiled babe i can explain i was just thinking about you what an actor you two-timing cheater i never should have trusted you we're over i rushed home knowing there was no one i could trust i went home and locked myself in my room i didn't want to see anyone for the next few days i stayed in my room i was too mad to talk to anyone finally one day mom knocked on my door emma the school called they want to know why you're skipping school honey also simon is very worried just mind your own business i don't need you interfering in my life that night as i lay tossing and turning in my bed i heard a knock on the window what was that i jumped a check and almost passed out when i saw simon practically hanging from the window frame as soon as i opened the window he jumped inside what are you doing here he smiled and reached out for me don't come any closer don't touch me you cheated on me he asked me who he cheated on me with i told him i'd seen mandy in his lounge simon saw there had been no one in his house he said he could show me security camera footage don't lie i have a photographic memory remember i never forget a face then i began to describe mandy and simon said there's no mandy in our class just then my mom stepped into the room and said there was only ever one mandy in your lives but we thought you'd forgotten about her but of course you have a great memory what mom said you were just a year old when she was born and i i couldn't raise her alone you remembered her for years and would even talk about her in your sleep but by the time you were six you stopped mentioning her i thought you'd forgotten what were they all talking about mandy my sister were they saying i was imagining a girl who hated me i began to scroll through my phone i knew mandy would be in some class photos but the more i scrolled the more horrified i was there was no mandy i checked facebook and instagram too nothing it was as if she had never existed suddenly old memories rushed into my mind baby baby manny i remembered i said mandy you gave her away you gave me everything but you sent her away how could you my sister will hate me she'll hate me forever simon said no she won't emma if your sister ever knew you she'd love every bit of you just like i do as simon spoke i looked over his shoulder and saw mandy she smiled at me and said took you long enough to remember i'm going now i don't hate you you just needed to remember then she turned and walked out of the room and i knew i would never see her again well my life has gotten better since then i'm at college and still with the love of my life simon and my mom she married our driver she is happy finally
Channel: My Story Animated
Views: 789,705
Rating: 4.889091 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 39sec (819 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 25 2021
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