My Experience Going To An All Billionaire School

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i went to a billionaire high school you would think it would have been the best time of my life but it was actually the craziest time of my life you'll never believe what happened i was an ordinary kid living in an ordinary house i never dreamt that i would have the chance to go to such an expensive school but here's how i did it but before i go on stop right there have you subscribed to the channel yet if you have congratulations if you haven't what are you doing quick hit that subscribe button now and while you're at it tap that notification bell so you don't miss out on any more crazy stories it all started when my teacher told me about this amazing billionaire high school it costs millions of dollars a year in fees only the kids from the richest families were able to afford to go there but this year the school was offering a scholarship to anyone who wanted to go there all the cost would be covered by the scholarship you should try to apply to the scholarship carla said mrs green my teacher she gave me the application forms and that night i sat in my bedroom reading through them it all seemed straightforward enough and i began to fill out the forms i was halfway through when my older sister tina came into my room carla have you got my blue shirt she asked no i said i'm never allowed to wear your clothes tina was about to leave when she noticed the papers in my hand what's that you've got there she asked i didn't want to show her she would probably think i was stupid to even think of applying it's nothing i said but she grabbed the papers out of my hand and started reading them don't waste your time with this carla she said you wouldn't like it out of school like that she threw the application forms into the bin and went out laughing to herself i went over and got them out of the bin i quickly filled out the rest of the form and hid the papers away i'm not going to tell tina i've applied i thought the next morning on my way to school i dropped the letter into the post box on the forum it had said that the winning candidate would get a letter by the first monday in february the next few weeks seemed to drag but eventually it was the day the letter was due i heard the letterbox rattle as the postman dropped the letters i ran through from the kitchen but tina was already picking up the pile of letters anything for me i asked casually no nothing said tina i was disappointed but i didn't let her see oh well maybe the letter will come tomorrow i thought but the next day arrived and still no letter three weeks went by and i heard nothing i had given up hope of any letter arriving for me and had resigned myself to the fact that i wouldn't be going to the billionaire high school it was a saturday afternoon and mom was doing the ironing as i came through to the kitchen do me a favor carla take these clothes up to your sister's room please said mom i took the pile of clothes and went upstairs i put them on tina's bed and was about to leave the room when i saw a letter sticking out of one of her drawers i took it and saw that it had my name on the front my hands were shaking but i opened the letter and read it congratulations carla you've been chosen to receive this scholarship to the billionaire high school the letter said i couldn't believe it i was so happy and excited but so angry at the same time why had tina hidden the letter away what if i had never found it a few seconds later tina came into the room when she saw i had the letter in my hand her face fell why didn't you give me the letter i asked are you trying to ruin my life well too bad you didn't succeed because i got the scholarship tina explained that she had only hidden the letter because she didn't want me to leave i will miss you so much she cried i couldn't stay angry with her once i found out the reason she had hidden the letter i'll miss you too i said but i'll be home every holiday finally the day came for me to leave for school my bags were packed and i put them into the car that the school had sent for me i hugged my mom and dad and waved goodbye i was so excited to be going see you in june i called out as we drove off when i got to the school i was met by the headmaster come to our school carla he said i'm sure you'll soon settle in and make lots of friends he showed me to my room and i unpacked my things every student had their own room at the school i looked out of the window i could see other students arriving at the school they were all in big posh cars driven by chauffeurs the headmaster had told me to go down to the dining room at one o'clock as i made my way downstairs i saw three girls about my age standing in the hallway excuse me i said to them do you know where i'm supposed to go for my lunch they looked at me and laughed if you are meaning where high tea is served then it's over there they said as they pointed to the room across the hall of course posh people call it high tea i thought to myself i felt so stupid i could still hear them laughing as i made my way across to the dining room that was the first mistake of many mistakes i made i wasn't like the other kids at the school they spoke differently to me they were really snobby too especially charlotte verity and tamson they were the meanest of everyone they told everyone that i was only at the school because i had won the scholarship they made sure that everyone knew that i came from a poor family that my parents didn't even have a car never mind a car with a chauffeur the only time i felt happy was when i saw luke i had a secret crush on luke he was so handsome and funny and when he saw me sitting alone he would smile at me just seeing his smile made me feel so much happier luke was one of the popular boys he was tall and good-looking i wondered why he always wore big baggy jumpers and tops i felt sure he had a great body under all those clothes he should show it off i thought luke never really spoke to me he was always surrounded by pretty girls i didn't stand a chance one day i was heading back to the dorm when charlotte verity and tamson came over to me i'm going to my family's villa in barbados this summer break said charlotte where are you going probably her back garden severity meanly that's if she even got a garden said tamson laughing everyone else heard what they had said and started laughing and pointing at me i was just about to run off to my room when luke came running over we were alone he said to charlotte verdi and tamsen stop being so mean i couldn't believe that luke had stuck up for me after that we became good friends sometimes luke and i would hang out together after school the school had huge grounds and we would go for a walk i wish that luke would hold my hand but he had definitely put me in the friend zone i tried to flirt with him but he didn't seem to notice and he didn't flirt back i realized that luke was only going to be my friend and that was better than nothing i tried to ignore the mean girls and most of the time it worked i hoped that they would get bored bullying me if i ignored them but i was wrong at first i didn't notice all the photos on school walls it was only as i went to the common room that i realized the photos were all of me somehow someone had gotten a hold of some photos of me outside my house and had blown them up and put them all over the school underneath they had written in big red letters how the poor people live i was so embarrassed everyone was laughing but charlotte verdi and tamsen were laughing the loudest i knew that they were behind this suddenly luke came running over to me he looked so angry he stood next to me and shouted to everyone you shouldn't care if someone is rich or poor it doesn't matter what her family has she earned her place at the school through hard work stop being mean to her while everyone stared in shock luke pulled me by the arm and took me to his room i was so happy that he had stuck up for me must really like me i thought luke was sitting on the bed when i decided it was now or never i went over and tried to kiss him but instead of kissing me back he just pushed me away from him what are you doing he said i don't want to kiss you i had ruined everything i ran from luke's room crying when i got to my room i grabbed my suitcase and started packing all my things i don't want to stay here anymore i thought i want to go home i had nearly finished packing when luke walked into my room what are you doing he asked i'm leaving i replied look said luke i have something to tell you i'm not who you think i am with that luke pulled off his wig and took off his baggy shirt i couldn't believe my eyes standing in front of me was my big sister tina what are you doing here i cried i came to keep an eye on you she said i had a feeling these spoiled rich kids would be horrible to you i was shocked i didn't know what to say now that you know we can get our revenge on them she went on tina put the wig back on in her baggy shirt and once again she was luke i have a plan luke said i was too stunned to say anything because i realized i had almost just kissed my sister but i soon calmed down and i listened to luke's or should i see tina's plan the next day we were sitting in the common room and i saw tina go over to talk to charlotte verdi and tamson hi girls she said in her fake guy voice would you all like to come to a party at my house on saturday what is tina up to i thought the girls all said they would love to go and tina gave them the address when i had a chance to get tina on her own i asked her what their plan was she told me that she had invited the girls to a haunted house and she was going to need my help to prank them saturday night came around and tina and i waited at the haunted house the three girls arrived and tina took them into the lounge she got them a drink and sat down with them chatting oh i better warn you she said in that guy voice of hers this house is haunted we have a ghost i was hiding in the room next door i began to make some spooky noises what's that noise said charlotte in a scared voice the other girls looked at her petrified that was my chance i jumped through the door i was dressed all in white and they actually believed i was a ghost they ran out of the house screaming mom mom they shouted as they ran down the driveway i want my mom tina and i sat laughing did you get all that on video i asked i sure did said tina laughing now we just need to wait for the perfect time to show everyone we didn't have to wait long the following month was the end of the school term to celebrate the headmaster had told us that we could have a movie night luckily tina was on the committee organizing the evening she volunteered to be in charge of setting up the video the whole school gathered in the main hall and sat waiting for the movie to start i sat at the back i wanted to make sure i could see everyone's faces the video began to play but instead of the opening credits of the film we saw charlotte verdi and tamsen running out of the house crying like babies the whole school started laughing everyone except the three main girls oh do you want your mommy a boy said to charlotte were you scared asked another one charlotte verdi and tamsen walk towards me we know you did this they said why would you embarrass us like that i was about to answer when tina came striding over it wasn't carla it was me she said as she said it she took off her shirt and wig wait are you a girl ask charlotte yes satina i am a girl and what's more i am carla's big sister charlotte verdi and tamsen all gasped and nobody gets away with being mean to carla when i'm around said tina tina put her arm around me and we walked out of the hall i don't think you'll be getting any more trouble from those three she said and she was right i didn't
Channel: Story Time Animated
Views: 531,966
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: C3Uik0XReoI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 25sec (685 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 22 2021
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