Mom Still Behaves Like A Toddler

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hello my name is ginger and I'm from New Zealand please like And subscribe I was brought up by two women who I loved but also drove me crazy my mom and her twin sister they love to party and they had no limits to their fun Mom it's time for school Aunt Jackie fell off the sofa while Mom dragged her way to the kitchen this was the usual Monday after their wild weekends here you go hon here's your lunch I already have my lunch mom I was just getting you up for work I'm taking the school bus today bye I had to grow up pretty fast for my age since Mom was always at her office job and I was left with my childish aunt and the number one rule at home was never to mention the word dad I learned that once when I was around 10 and wanted to know about mine mom how come you never talk about my dad I don't know what happened but Mom started having a panic attack and even broke a glass Ginger don't ever mention the word dot in this house again okay yeah because I really cared about Mom I never asked again at school some called me miss perfect because I always carried a tissue around to wipe the dust off my seat I was not a clean freak or a neat freak I was just specific about the way I wanted to be my role model was Queen Elizabeth she was a lady of etiquette unlike my mom's twin sister AKA anti-freak she was worse than a barbarian come cookie I'm going to miss my favorite TV show my name is not cookie auntie and you don't have to Blow Your Horn I'm right here I'll just get in Miss Perfect Pants you need to let go and be free sometimes I think I prefer being Miss Perfect Pants than Miss messy face and what's that supposed to mean even though Aunt Jackie was always home the house was a mess all she did was watch TV and at night she would go out and come back early in the morning she said she was going to work but never helped mom with any of the Bells and then as I got older I decided to confront mom about Aunt mom Aunt Jackie left the kitchen in a mess again and now she's gone out to her secret job okay I'll clean up why is she even living with us she does nothing because she is my sister and we've never been separated don't you care about how I feel and Jackie is so messy and she's always calling me Cookie in front of my friends I hate it we both love you very much Ginger don't you think you're being a tad bit over dramatic obviously mom loved her sister more than me since she never cared about what I wanted I started writing down my goals my first goal was to leave this house right after school study business because I've always wanted to run my own catering business and then travel the world once I was stinking Rich when I was about to go to bed I heard some sounds outside I quickly ran to my window and saw Aunt Jackie dress like some sort of Catwoman holding up a beautiful painting and then she spoke to the person in front of her a very attractive person might I say I leaned closer to listen carefully this is good it's still the one I want I know it's not easy to get our hands on that five million dollar Masterpiece yeah with this I can only pay off some of my debit you'll find your half in the bag in the morning thank you until tomorrow yeah I'll call you I couldn't believe my ears my aunt was a thief and what freaking debit was she talking about when she lived off my mom the next morning I dropped so many hint bombs at the kitchen table and even spilled all the syrup on her favorite dress yummy I just love your pancake sis me too Mom oh and Mom I found this great painting at the Art Shop I think it would look great on the living room wall hmm when did you become an art lover I'm trying out different things you guys always tell me to let go and be free well paintings are very expensive how much was the one you saw a couple of million I think I knew you weren't serious now eat up we have to leave hmm I wonder what's on the news today we don't watch the news in this house remember we only like positive vibes yeah but the news is important sometimes when I switch the news on the headlines were about a missing painting from an up-class art Factory and Jackie was so Disturbed and this is when she drenched her dress in syrup oh now what you made me do how did I forget it what's up with her maybe she didn't like what she saw on the news or maybe she's the one who stole the painting Ginger you say the craziest things now go get your backpack we're leaving mom never took me seriously and I couldn't just forget what I saw and heard I excused myself to use the bathroom and on the way there I bummed into a guy wearing a hoodie and then suddenly he held my hand and took me outside the school hey you creep what do you want from me calm down I'm not a criminal I just want to talk if this is your way of asking a girl out then the answer is no weirdo when the boy took off his hoodie I immediately recognized him you're that guy from last night you were in my yard talking to my aunt hmm so you did see us your aunt was right she sent you to me what are you gonna do I'll scream relax my name is Kevin and I also go to this school well I never saw you around before I try to keep a low profile whatever you heard or saw you have to keep it to yourself otherwise you and your mom will be in a lot of danger but my mom and I don't steal paintings you and my aunt are the criminal art thieves that's not true we before he could tell me more the school bell rang for after school kids came rushing out and Kevin magically disappeared then I heard ant's old Jeep Hooter for me when I got in the vehicle I was taking no more lies from her you sent your guy to finish me out Ginger you need to mind your business with this okay no how about some ice cream no Auntie you are going to tell me the truth or else I'm going to the police and Jackie took off so fast that my aunt started racing with the car she wasn't taking me home and that freaked me out even more where are you taking me mom would never forgive you if she doesn't find me home how could you think that I would even try to harm you I basically raised you with your mom but you come on let's go Aunt Jackie really got me feeling emotional when she looked like she was about to cry and then she told me everything while we looked at some paintings you see this piece right here just look at the price wow half a million just for that yes and the name on it is your father's name what get out of here my dad is an artist a fake artist he stole all your mom's paintings while she was still pregnant with you and the next thing he disappeared and then months later he was one of the most famous artists of the century but I've never seen Mom paint anything before painting makes her remember him and then she breaks down so she avoids it by having a party every weekend with me and working in an office why doesn't she just take him to court or something because your mom has always been a very fragile person she lets things go and that's why I'm there to be strong for her I felt terrible for always complaining about ant meanwhile all this time she has been our Rock we can go for that ice cream now and Aunt Jackie told me that she started stealing mom's paintings from different art galleries one by one and then one day while she was in one of the museums she found Kevin sleeping inside he was around 14 when she found him okay so Kevin was a street kid yes I found him a good shelter which I paid towards and someone to take care of him this year he followed me to one of my jobs and insisted on helping me so now we're a team but aunt what if he gets caught that would be jail time for both of you I know it's a risk we have one big job to complete and then we are done what do you do with all the paintings we have a buyer in the states we ship them off and he buys them like if Kevin a share and the rest I save for a house your mom has always wanted to buy near a lake oh I see well I want to be there to help out for the last job just to be there and make sure no one gets caught you know I'm sorry but you can't it's too dangerous Ginger now that you told me everything I insisted to be there I was extremely scared about it since all my life I've been so careful about everything when I was at school the next day Kevin held my hand and pulled me aside again hey you can't taking me behind trees your aunt told me that you want to join us for the last job please don't you can't tell me what to do Kevin stepped closer to me and I felt Goosebumps all over when I got a closer look at his hazel brown eyes this guy was on fire it can get dangerous I just don't want you to get hurt thank you for caring about me but I'm a big girl and I can handle it if you show me the ropes yeah it was right you are a tough cookie I hate it when she calls me that okay I'll teach you after school so later after school and picked both Kevin and I up and took us to a rusty Warehouse where the training started Aunt Jackie took us to an old rusty Warehouse where they had a blueprint copy of the Museum map how on Earth did they manage to get their hands on it I don't know okay so the museum is holding a reveal party of the late Queen Elizabeth's painting stealing that painting are we no just the one that belonged to your mom the last piece of her artwork is doing for more than a million and it's the biggest Museum in the country great I think I can pull this off very well I've always wanted to meet the great Queen Elizabeth but since that can't happen this is like a dream come true because I'll be at her party so you like being all formal and stuff oh Ginger is a very special cheese cheese sandwich with a falcon knife well I just like being elegant well I eat with my magic fingers and its Finger Licking Good you okay we'll have to work on that if we're attending a party on behalf of the queen okay an off chit chat it's time to prepare during my training I had to face my fear of heights and getting into more risky things like swinging and running really fast I was really not the sporty type the fun part was having Kevin there to catch me he was growing on me I couldn't help myself it was so cute when the day had finally arrived I was so nervous but as we entered the party I knew I could do this that is for Kevin he forgot everything that I showed him he started with taking all the candy from the table flipping it up in the air and catching it in his mouth and there was this old lady with big eyes who looked at him Disturbed Kevin you eat almost all the candy on the t-ball oh I didn't even realize they were so delicious you should try some and then to make things worse the waiter offered him a glass of sparkling water and he slurped the glass like he was a freaking camel [Music] can I have some more than the old woman who is sat next to me leaned over and whispered in my ear boyfriend oh mannerisms are far better than yes thank you ma'am he is my friend thank goodness for that I'm the museum owner and I must say I'm very impressed by the way you carry yourself and then ant dropped a server yet on the floor that was the first signal she got up and then I excused myself to use the ladies room oh take these Keys you can use the premium bathroom closer to the ballroom door thank you that's very kind I quickly left the ballroom area and met ant outside okay security seems very tight today I'm not sure how we're going to pull this off well the owner just gave me a bunch of keys to use the premium bathroom are you serious a tag is on the keys wait that tug and take us to the Vault with a million dollar paintings are kept I started freaking out a bit after Aunt Jackie spoke about the tag I mean the old lady liked me how could I deceive her this way then Kevin appeared hey the old woman asked me to check on you the formalities of the unveiling is about to begin okay I should go back not so fast we need those keys but the lady already saw my face hopefully tell her if I take too long trust me she won't know a thing now come on we need to get past security Aunt Jackie managed to distract the guards with her charm Kevin and I slid past the guards and ran through a long red carpet in a corridor okay where to from here I can't honestly study the map now I thought we've been through this yeah well I don't have a photograph memory do you nope okay what does it say we need to look for a side door that leads to the Vault it felt like we were walking for Miles looking for a freaking side door and then we saw two bodyguards and Kevin quickly turned me around to look at a painting on the wall this one looks lovely you are not supposed to be here oh good evening gentlemen I am Veronica all the way from London the owner was kind enough to allow me to look around well she hasn't informed us so let's go please do call her look I even have her keys and we all know she never lets go of these Keys fine we will speak to her downstairs wow that's some good acting well did I tell you I'm a big fan of the queen we should really start finding that door now Kevin and I never gave up on searching for the side door and once we found it we used the access card to get in and there it was the Vault he made it okay do you know which painting we're here for yes it's the five million dollar one there it is I was taken back by the painting my mother drew it was the most beautiful picture ever it looked like a baby in a mother's womb she drew me you take the keys and sit back with the owner remember to stay calm like nothing is wrong when I went into the ballroom the old lady looked at me sternly and I was so worried that maybe her bodyguards already spoke to her you took quite some time young lady I couldn't believe how smooth that went so we actually pulled it off we stole mom's painting sold it an ant did in fact buy her the lake house she always wanted tell me again sis how did you really buy this house I used your date of birth and played the lottery it was such an easy win well I have a surprise for everyone mom's surprise made us hold our breath she pulled out a painting that looked exactly like the one we stole mom where did you get that from I made it I painted something like this while I was pregnant with you and that was taken but I've healed now and I'm ready to continue with what I love oh Mom I'm so happy for you life turned pretty good for all of us Kevin got into a good University to study criminal law I laughed but it was a good move for him and I started my catering business plus furthered my studies can I talk to you for a moment I still felt goosebumps every time Kevin held my hand or like this instance wanted to speak to me alone I wonder what was up I know I'm not your ideal up-class Prince sort of guy but I like you a lot and I like you too and I don't need an up-class Prince to make me happy I Feel Complete just being around you of course I would teach him how to use a fork and knife but I think life is perfect with a little bit of imperfect don't you think
Channel: Story Time Animated
Views: 1,211,451
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: tWDMbptEY2k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 43sec (883 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 05 2023
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