Relaxing Slime Storytime Roblox | My boyfriend cheated on my birthday

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[Music] babe hey Johnny happy birthday a thank you so much do you want to play something I really wish I could but I have to finish studying right now oh no no it's fine thank you for stopping to say happy birthday to me oh see babe see you bye hm I guess I'll go to to the GC she joins aha you're so funny Caleb hey Caleb um do you know her oh yeah this is Maddie she's my best friend oh um uh well Maddie this is Billy she's one of my friends nice to meet you whatever oh yeah happy birthday Maddie thanks aha how old are you turning five guys it was just a joke eese I didn't think she could get any worse but she doesn't even have a sense of humor L 2 hours later hey guys do you think I could add someone yeah off feel free do whatever you want I don't care thanks Maddie has added Johnny what Maddie who is this this is Johnny my BF hey Maddie are these your friends yep guess this is random but want to do face reveals they all introduce each other and do face reveals 2 months later morning babe hey good morning H your relationship is so cringe what we literally just said good morning you should just break up already it's going to happen anyways Billy what is wrong with you nothing so John can I speak to you for a second private chat oh sure I'll be right back okay bye no offense Caleb but your friend is really annoying why does she act so weird to me and John she's probably really jealous of you guys I think she wants you to break up so she can have Johnny Johnny wouldn't leave me for her though yeah I hope not what do you mean you hope not well Billy might make up a lie about you or something but I'm sure it won't happen what the hell why are you even friends with people like that in the first place meanwhile so what is it it's about Maddie oh what about her she's been really rude lately when you're not here oh you know what never mind I know you don't believe me I should have never told you huh what are you even talking about well if Maddie is so rude what has she been saying um she said uh I have to go my dad is calling see you John wait Billy I don't believe you you're just making excuses so you have time to make up something about Maddie I love her and I wouldn't leave her because of some obvious lie you made up so don't try anything again okay I'm not lying you'll see sure uh great I thought that plan would work this is going to be harder than I thought I need a better plan oh I know I'll just make some fake proof of her bullying me he'll probably believe me then Billy has joined the chat yeah I'll tell her that hey Maddie oh hey Billy where's Johnny he had to go can you help me with something quick um sure Sue I'm making a roleplay Tik Tok and I need someone to be the bully so can you be it what okay I guess so just be really rude to me and I'll record it this is kind of weird but okay start now wait I'll do it no I mean uh no it needs to be Maddie why why it uh needs to be a girl Caleb it's fine honestly I'll do it yes see Caleb she wants to do it so you can leave H it's not about that whatever just private message me Maddie um okay what is this about Caleb she just wants to record a video with me no she doesn't Maddie even you noticed she's jealous of you but suddenly she just wants to record videos with you she's probably going to record you being rude and use it against you oh maybe you're right but I'm going to do it anyways to make sure so can you back me up if she shows Johnny yep off thanks let's go finally you're back yep sorry about that so do you want to start recording yep so can you say something like I hate you Billy why are you so annoying just leave the group before I make up rumors about you and they'll force you to leave wow that's really specific and why are we using real names if it's a role play just say it okay fine she says it in Billy records was that good enough Billy has added Johnny oh hey guys sorry I'm kind of be Johnny helped look what Maddie said to me when you were gone sends the video I knew it um what is this I told you she's been bullying me behind your back you told me it was for a role play even Caleb was there Johnny don't believe her Johnny she's right I was there Billy told her she was recording a Tik Tok and needed Maddie to say those things she just edited that part out shut up I have the proof right here they're lying please believe me believe me right John I'm your friend I would never lie to you Billy yes obviously I don't believe you I trust Maddie and I'm not going to believe you over her when I've known her for years and she has Caleb as a witness too H I told you they're teaming up against me to get me kicked but I finally got my proof Billy if I added you in the first place why would I want to kick you for no reason and if we wanted you kicked why would we randomly be rude to you we just ask you to leave exactly um see I told you they hate me Johnny yeah I wonder why we have given you a chance to admit you lied but you still didn't so I'm going to kick you now wait okay Johnny I'm sorry please forgive me and we can be together I promise I'm so much better than her I only did all this for you what the hell Billy has been kicked from the chat Maddie I'm so sorry that she said those things to you are you both okay aha yes we're okay we knew she was going to show you that video I'm so glad Caleb saw everything and backed me up though yeah I would have believed you over her anyway I knew she was up to something when she told me you were bullying her lmow well we blocked her so we won't have to see her again yeah the end choosing power huh oh right I forgot that I'm getting my power today you can tell if someone's lying H okay I'm going to go check the GC at the GC I know right ha Olivia too is online hi guys hey hi good morning what power did you all get I got I can turn on lights with my mind I can get money when I accidentally get hurt G uh I can I can close doors with my mind ha and Olivia what do you have warning don't tell them what power you have oh I have invisibility wow you probably have the coolest one out of all of us LOL thank you does anyone want to play mm2 now of course yes bro babe girl elow I don't know what happened I wonder why Duke was lying about his power Olivia do you want to play mm too now and why did it tell me to lie about my power huh oh sorry I was just thinking about something sure oh ah actually before that Miley can I talk to you oh sure so what's up um before I tell you this can you promise not to tell anyone else oh off okay uh HMI think your BF Duke is lying about his power F how would you know that warning don't tell her your power a I can tell if someone's lying I'm sorry I lied about me power at first warning you have ignore your warning now you will receive bad luck um what why the would you use your power as excuse to accuse our friend Duke of lying what no I would never falsely accuse anyone I'm just telling the truth don't try to win me back at all why can't we just have a fun friend group why do you have to mess it up I can't believe I actually had feelings for you wait what I feel the same wall we can't hang out anymore I don't want to talk to toxic people like you it's Miley by BB tank tiex has left a private chat what the I just lost my best friend I didn't even get to tell her and I didn't even know anything wrong meanwhile at the GC guys we need to kick out Olivia right now what why she is making up lies and it's just overall toxic what did she sign a private GC with you she said that Duke was lying about his power she's making up lies about us which is not okay we need to ban her from this GC now that knows that I actually have no power how did she even find out Duke why aren't you saying anything did you even pay attention to what we're talking about and I don't want any of them finding out that I'm actually 69 years old Duke what oh right yeah let's kick Olivia Olivia to is online guys I'm so sorry if you thought that I was lying I'm just telling the truth I need to tell you something about Duke though save it we all know you are lying so you can get all the attention no I swear that's not my intention let's get rid of her oh no I don't want Olivia to be kicked I don't believe what Duke says I believe Olivia what do I do how do I tell her I like her if she's being kicked from the GC I'm going to kick Olivia too has been kicked from the GC no I mean good now we can have a non-toxic friend group yes oh my fat God why did I do that was she actually telling the truth the whole time good job babe we can date in peace actually about that I need to tell you something in private chat okay so um I'm I'm lesbian what that mean Baba gr um what the happened to your voice oh uh that was probably just a glitch haha oh yeah so that means that I'm attracted to girl only so you don't like me no no that's not what I meant well yes but we can still be great friends you're not my Baba girl anymore now I'm revealing my identity so you can be ready what do you mean so you can be ready so you can be ready for when can I find you and take you away what okay my name is Bartholomew I'm 69 years old this is me what now I'm just tracking your IP address so I can kidnap you ready how the are you able to do that idiot this is some kind of sick joke and I know it okay be ready I'm coming oh my God this is just a stupid sick prank I'm blocking you blocking me won't do anything I'm still coming for you blocks there it's just a stupid prank but now I feel bad because I feel like Olivia already knew that he was catfishing us and that she tried to warn us that he was a bad person now I don't think there's a way to talk to her because we already kicked her from the GC I'm going to tell Brad maybe he can help me try to talk to Olivia and become friends again in the GC Brad before I tell you this block Duke now why what happened just do it please okay blocks Duke what happened Duke got my IP address and said that he's finding me and taking me away well hopefully it's just some stupid prank and now I feel bad because we kicked Olivia and I feel like she was trying to tell us that Duke was catfishing us all along I think she knew that Duke was a bad person because she could tell when he lied because of her power oh you're right I knew that Olivia was actually telling the truth yeah anyways my point is I think we should try to get her back into this GC and become friends with her again great idea that's what I was thinking too I hope we can find her again so I can tell her how I feel I hope we can find her I really hope I can tell her about my feelings for her I hope she's also lesbian or something and feels the same way oh sorry about that anyways what are you waiting for let's go find Olivia meanwhile with Olivia oi no I can't believe I did that I literally ruined everything why did I have to mess up a good friendship what is wrong with me I hope I can find them and maybe explain everything so they understand I have an idea I'll make another account and try to find them so I'll act like a new friend to them and join their GC makes new accounts okay I got a voice changer so they don't recognize me a new Avatar Style and a new name I think I remember their usernames let me go join their game the end a random gaming day of Annie what are those things choose a random box to get a power huh this is worth trying the silver chest is mine now what power is inside this congratulations Annie O7 you now have telepathic power and invisibility how would you use your power H I think I can read people's minds with this power I'll join my group chat to test the powers in the group chat and I was like burning what hey girl this is not funny at all your lightning turned us into dust give us back our normal forms yeah sorry I was a little show off how crazy was that Hello friends how is everything hey did you just show up from nowhere yeah everything is going so well hey girl what is your power my power huh I don't understand I think becoming invisible is her power what are you talking about boy I can control lightning like Thor I have super speed powers I can turn myself into any Mystic creature and use their powers can you turn yourself into a burning Phoenix of course I can wow what a crazy power can you tell us what power did you get H I don't want to reveal my power yet sorry friends but I will lie to you for now well you know what I ignored the game what yeah that's it I had no interest in it I see that's your choice Girl by the way I want to add a friend of mine here she's a girl can I know your opinion about that go ahead Sean I've got no no problem with that you can do it buddy all right thanks I'm adding her what's going on who added me here that was me girl oh thank you for adding me I was meant to find a group chat anyway welcome to this place girl hello pretty pretty hey Annie what do you like to say something to greet her hello Annie where are you oops ah sorry I was here all the time but maybe the internet connection was having a little problem Annie is such a shady chick I cannot trust her at all how dare you call me Shady chick I want to destroy you hey Annie are you okay what are you screaming about no one of us has said anything Annie oh no she can read people's mind sorry everyone I guess I have a headache today she lost her mind LOL why am I still considering that creaky girl my close friend you two this must be a joke all right everyone let's stop the nonsense and start introducing ourselves to each other we are so familiar with each other why don't we skip it um this boy seems cool hey boy you are interesting can I know why did you say that hey be polite I wasn't speaking to you sorry my bad clown is nothing but an annoying girl just don't mind her a pretty one hey how dare you speak such words about me Thomas you are being rude man stop it I missed the part where's that your problem whatever enough boys you shouldn't be rude to your friends fine fine just stop talking already thank you for defending me okay everyone let me tell you something about myself I'm Jade and I'm turning 19 okay pretty one you are 2 years younger than us Thomas is flirting with the new girl but there there is no doubt that she's going to dump Annie at law she's losing her boyfriend it's so hard to believe what I'm hearing you are such a fake friend and a traitor hit yourself with your lightning girl what the what on Earth just happened my good friend are you okay thank you my dear friend I'm all right maybe someone tried to prank me but hey did you just call me your dear friend yeah I did oh my God what a pleasure how cringe is that they had only met for a few minutes and already referred to each other as dear friends thank you Jade for taking that fake friend away from me how bothering this crossed my limit shut up did you drop your brain somewhere you were acting like a crazy girl get yourself out of here Annie we're not welcome you I think I should leave this place I don't want to see you guys quarreling no no you don't have to do that just stay here with us the one that have to leave is Annie what do you have any idea what you're saying I do so listen up I have never loved you at all I came to you only to play with your feelings now get lost what you are such a douchebag hey bro that's enough the troubl make is gone L why did you speak such rude words to her what's so wrong with that very wrong man I'm leaving for now bye friends don't ever return we don't need your appearance in this place okay then I'll do something before leaving oh crap see Sean you this is not funny at all have no worries player you will return to your normal form after 12 more hours what a crazy day I'm out of here I'm out too bye bye hey wait meanwhile Annie come on Annie pull yourself together why must I be sad about those unworthy people I will watch my favorite TV series but first I need a glass of cold water the next day I'm in the mood for games now what I can still choose one more chest for another ability then the Crimson one is taken what power did I get this time if someone lies to me they will lose their Rubiks to me what a weird power I hope none of the people I consider friends will lie to me one eternity [Music] later oh no what I am an ugly mole now don't ever use dirty tricks to win any match ever again otherwise I'll make you pay get out of here okay okay huh what happened here hi girl I can turn on Fair players into ugly animals we were in the same team but he betrayed me what a coward wow my name is Annie and you it's a pleasure to see you I'm Ranny can I add you to my group chat yeah that would be great in ranny's group chat Ranny I need your help your friends are bullying me again who who who leave her alone boys bullying a girl is uncool you know we didn't bully her that's right Jeremy is such a bad player hey who is this new girl a new friend I just meet in the game hello new friends my name is Annie and I'm 20 years old hello Annie I'm Billy Welcome to our group my name is Jeremy my name is Roger I'm nine oh no no I'm 19 haaa what the I lost 100 Robux why thank you for welcoming me new friends Ry do you mind if I want to talk with you for a while just two of us what's wrong can you say it here no I can't all right let's go go say it Annie I'm listening Roger is lying about something I don't understand whenever he lies about something his Robo is sent to my account what does that mean I don't get it I can have a random amount of Robo whenever someone around me says untrue things do you believe me P I think I can thank you for trusting me all right let's go back to the group chat okay what were you talking about I'll tell you later Jeremy the system gave us some information while you two were out some players will lose their power on the next day and some will have their powers remain for good is that so of course and there is one more information there will be some players who can possess at most three abilities okay that doesn't sound bad to me I wish I had the ability to predict my future who doesn't want that that's right I would use that to deal with you and Roger hey don't be so petty stop teasing her already fine let's play some games shall we would you like to play adopt me or pet simulator can we play Brook Haven that's my favorite game very well Jeremy we will do you a favor this time all right let's join Brook Haven thank you bye the evening what was in my mind it's just a game nothing more I'm just tired and need to get some sleep that's all but then Annie heard a strange voice you have great Powers don't be irresponsible what was that are you kidding me 5 million in the morning I can't go back to sleep now this must be a joke where did those Voice come from let's join Roblox again but I guess none of my friends is online now back to the game one more time just as I predicted no one is here yet this is so uninteresting Annie is that you can't sleep too Sean that's me I can't sleep either are you having problems that's right then tell me I want to get rid of my Powers they bring me so much trouble what are your powers I can control people's minds and I know who is lying but I lost some friends because of those powers I'm so sorry about that will you love me back what did you say I said that I love you and I didn't lie I know that wasn't a lie indeed because if you lied some roblocks would be sent to my account I have that power too it's crazy right thank you for letting me know no problem Annie and you should know this too the power came to you because of a reason but you can give them up if they're too hard for you to Bear let someone else do that for you I see that's it I have a crazy idea in mind but I will let you know something first I'm in love with you too thanks that's not a lie and what is the crazy idea I can't say it yet let's wait until the morning then I'll do it okay baby get next M let's start at this place I will control their minds here they are hey let's play these any you want my best friend oh shut the hell up how gross was that what I said that sound gross hey I didn't mean to say that I think someone is controlling me no that was what I meant to say you and Rachel are Shameless girls have you completely lost your mind are you insane that's right I'm insane you treated Annie badly Look Who's Talking didn't you do the same thing to her you forsook her to love this hypocritical girl Jade shut up Jade is nothing but a boyfriend CA she flirted with me hey don't slander me those people are losing their minds Z Sean don't speak until you're allowed that's right take our robot and keep your mouth shut huh what my robots what did I do I don't care I want us to fight let's go to battle why am I the only one who can still stay rational this is so funny law Annie how did you get in here is this all your doings correct Sean but why did you do all those things and why well I lied to you all the truth is I can control their minds and their doings sorry for that your action wasn't right but understandable thank you boy you were the only one who treated me good so I didn't control you thanks I want no enemy around you can do whatever you want with the robin bye-bye boy we shall meet again see you later Amy I don't feel so well I'm nervous I don't want to be exposed why are you speaking to yourself Jesus don't ever do that again are you okay Roger no my power is gone come you look Shady are you plotting something it's not that I lost my Robo again stop being a liar boy listen to me if you don't want to lose more robic tell me the truth okay I'm not 19 I'm a 9 years old boy okay what else I used to use my power to control the actions of players in the game but I didn't use that power with those people in the group chat yet I can swear I just joined Billy to prank creion whenever we played something tell me the reason I feel so lonely in my own house I can find happiness in doing those things so fix your mistakes how can I do that tell them the truth that's all okay but I don't think I could be the courage to do so don't worry I'll help you I will control you and force you to do it please don't do that okay I will do it back to the group chat hey people can I say something talk my power is gone and I've been lying to you the whole time the truth is I am a 9 years old boy what are you kidding us nope I'm sorry to you too Jeremy can you you forgive me don't kick me out no we won't forgive you kid besides we want no children in this group haoo I will be so lonely if you do that can I speak something what's the matter Roger told me be everything Billy is the one that you should kick hey shut up you lured the boy into teasing German don't try to deny it what are you talking about I didn't no my robot what did you do I understand now so long Billy I'm kicking you out you are such a bad friend and a liar too bye-bye no will you kick me out too there is no doubt about that Ranny don't do it yet please give him one more chance we can help him do the right things not to mention that he is lonely he needs friends okay he that makes sense fine I'll let you stay what about you Jeremy will you let him stay if your opinion is letting him stay then mine is no different thank you for showing sympathy okay all right boy I won't let you down well I convinced you two without using my power I don't think I need them for any longer I'm going to give up on them okay do whatever you think is right the and I think getting my friends here is the right thing I agree with that thanks Ranny
Channel: Cat Roblox
Views: 8,493
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roblox, slime, roblox story, text to speech, tiktok stories, roblox stories, roblox storytimes, tiktok storytime, roblox storytime, text to speech roblox, stories, roblox story time, roblox tiktok compilation, tower of hell, roblox obby, roblox tiktoks, adopt me, roblox tiktok storytimes, roblox tower of hell, roblox tiktok edits, roblox obby storytime, roblox tik tok, Slime Satisfying, tiktok, storytimes, gaming, obby, My boyfriend cheated on my birthday
Id: 6wBIoZAP0Y0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 33sec (1953 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 23 2024
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