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okay anti-feed grips what i didn't expect you come in [Music] so this is where the magic happens take a look [Music] it wasn't a long time ago that i was working from a studio where moving basically meant bumping into things but it feels like ages ago that i started working on this place new studio so welcome the time is finally come this is the new studio after after a crazy year uh where i became a father i renovated an entire house alongside with the studio i can finally call this place finished a multi-purpose room to make music record videos practice guitar enjoy life as it comes and so much more i actually moved to this place in the beginning of april but at the time the place was hardly finished no desk no lighting no acoustic treatment no storage so getting all that in order it took a long time but finally here we are and i'm super happy with how it turned out so in this video i'd love to show you how this place came to be the philosophy behind it and how i turned just a random room into my dream studio so this is how we bought the place the first time i set food into what now became my studio but we had to do a lot of work to make it how it is today so where these cabinets are used to be a chimney so i don't know about you but i wouldn't feel too comfortable burning a fireplace next to my precious guitars it was taking up a considerable amount of space from this wall so it needed to be taken now it was a lot of work it was enclosed in the wall i needed heavy machinery take the damn thing down [Music] now we've got the entire wall as a usable space nice so probably the most common thing on my previous studio tour was that the entire studio was running on just one socket it's just i had to do it i always made sure it was safe sure but i mean for the studio i didn't want that so i had an electrician install new groups and new sockets but these lines needed to run in the ceiling so we also had to tear it down [Music] so we're removing the ceiling maybe make a window in the roof then on to the next part let's do it so when i saw that roof construction an idea popped in my head so i called it window in the room but of course i meant a skylight so this place always felt a bit dark to me especially on cloudy days which happens a lot in holland there wasn't a lot of natural light coming in so i asked the contractor if it was possible to install skylights in this place it turned out it was which was i'm super happy about that so here you can see they made two huge holes in a concrete roof and put in two big skylights that really transformed the place from a dull looking place to a room and when you enter it just just shines a light on you and makes you very happy here this is what i see every morning when i enter the studio so but as a filmmaker filmmaker i shoot videos whatever i wanted to have the option to totally darken the place so with these things when i close the curtains let me close them so now when the skylight is closed it becomes pitch black in this place [Music] wow yeah that's pretty much pitch black so now i can movie turn on my own lights and this way i don't have to worry about the sun or the clouds coming by i can just set the scene that's cozy of course i can also add some different lights yeah it looks good kind of digging the sun vibe today so let's just kill all the lights and just enjoy the sun so while the skylights open up let's continue the story with a sad part of this whole thing it was the floor because i i really loved the original floor that was in this place it was a very dark stained old wooden floor really thick planks but it was infested with woodworm so we really had to throw it the entire floor out because you can have woodworm in your music studio it'll eat all your instruments i don't know but it was very bad which really saddened me because yeah i kind of liked it but we used let me so we used those same planks the few ones that weren't infested to create these window sills so now with the floor gone i was thinking of maybe insulating the crawl space so the only thing we had to do was uh cut out a big chunk of concrete in the floor so we could fill it with the insulation material so that's exactly what we did and now hopefully this place will feel a little bit more comfortable in winter i don't know yet but winter is coming so but actually one of the biggest problems i had in the old studio was noise coming in from outside and noise coming outside from the inside so these are the windows i lived to a very busy street i had neighbors on top to the left to the right i had to stop recording so many videos because halfway something would happen probably if you can think of it it happened to me so the windows were all single glass the wood was rotten on some place so we decided to replace the entire window frame also because it's just way safer and extra thick glass with some foil in between that also stops sound from leaking i guess anyway i think it does a very good job let me just hello so i guess yeah it works pretty good so next up the walls were replasted and painted them red and white nice the place needed a new floor and it went with a nice wooden park cave floor that has a classy but yet timeless appearance and suits the place very well and that was basically around the time when i moved to this place so all i had was an empty box and guitars scattered all over the floor so this place needed more attention to furnish than the old place the old play was basically full before you even got in so to come back to the multi-purpose room i want this to be the two main things we'll be doing here is making music writing songs playing guitar practicing and shooting videos so on the back of this wall are hanging my main guitars the one i use the most ready for grabs and always up for display because guitars are a thing of beauty aren't they and i get a lot of people asking if it can damage the guitars or hurt them but my philosophy is that that i want my instruments to be there all the time i want to make it as easy for myself as possible to get to work to have as little barriers as possible to get going and i truly believe that working like this enables you to play more work more focused and get more things done so if you want to see a video with me demonstrating my main guitars definitely let me know in the comments but there is no time for that today but what i do to keep them comfortable though is to keep the humidity between 40 and 60 percent all the time with the humidifier but the climate in holland is pretty mild so usually it's pretty much in the sweet spot in my house yeah let's talk about amps so there are four amps that i regularly use let's start with the tube amp section so to my right is the tone king imperial giving me that lovely fender deluxe reverb kind of sound and that fender tweed more gritty kind of sound so both really awesome and very usable i love it and in the middle the hook wizard so in short it has presets motorized phases giving you that vox stone that's fender tone that marshall tone it's like everything you want in an amp and it has a direct out so it's always plugged in connected to my pc ready to go whenever i want and you can record at bedroom volumes because you can play it without the cabinet awesome and of course the matchless hc30 just a beast of an amp tones loud juicy incredibly tasty sometimes i use the arcs on the mesh list sometimes you use the aux on the imperial just makes recording much easier so there's one thing i desperately need to solve and that's my battle situation i have no pedal board at the time i have the board but i want something different dan are you watching the fourth amp is actually over there so yeah this is uh the camper always plugged in directly into the computer yes a windows pc which is standing underneath this desk which is called platform by output which is okay i guess on it we have a sweet analog channel strip by taylor audio which is basically a preamp eq and compressor in one perfect for tracking vocals recording guitars and basically anything that requires a microphone very handy is the keyboard tray where i have my synthesizer and my ableton push device for looping composing arranging just making music so it's immediately there when i need it and when i don't it's nicely tucked away so there's a ton of cables going in and out of things running behind the back and all of this is connected to the heart of the operation this rme sound card to which all my amps mics and synths are connected it's there plugged in ready to go plugged in ready to go that's the title of this video plugged in ready to go [Music] [Applause] [Music] the reason it took so long before i could finish this video was that i wanted to experience the place before i settled on things finally so what is handy what works what doesn't and also a place just needs to grow on you you can just design it from scratch and have it function perfectly from day one at least i can't i want to live the space work in it and see what it lacks and what it needs oh and what it definitely needed was acoustic treatment so if you remember my first video i shot in this place get something done about the acoustics yeah that was horrible well that is now fixed with acoustic curtains or whatever but better yet these nice rlx acoustic panels on the wall so these are put in last week and it really made a huge difference so before these were on the walls i was literally literally literally running around with cushions and blankets to make the play sound okay but now it's just it's so much better the frequencies are way more balanced and there is no ugly reverb anymore it's nice so there's a nice comfy couch well not too comfy but it's nice and a cabinet to put a few things on display and stuff i often need in the studio can be tucked away behind these closed doors behind the studio is a storage space where i can put all the things i don't regularly use and boxes cases microphones whatever so at this time it's still a work in progress but it's very handy to have the extra space to keep the main studio looking clean so the video gear and i'm sure mostly musicians watching so i'll keep it short i've got three main cameras all in the sony a7 line with a variety of lenses just to give you an idea this is how much changing just the lens does to the image this is a 16 millimeter lens this lens is a 24 millimeter lens and this is the 85 millimeter lens beautiful i'm at the same spot and then there's the lens that goes from 24 to 105. pretty cool right vocals are usually recorded directly into the pc using a pool mic i've got over here a root boom mic usually running into the analog channel strip and when i'm doing more run and gun style i'm using the sheer mic on top of the camera so i can just walk around and you still can hear me clearly so we didn't talk about specific gear too much but let me know if you're interested in a video about the stuff you must have to make your home studio or bedroom studio come to life i've got some interesting things to share about that so i hope this place will inspire me to create more beautiful music beautiful videos that everyone can enjoy and it will live up to the dream i had when designing this place and i'm super excited to see what the future will bring i just wanted to say thank you all so much for watching my videos and supporting the channel it means a lot and without you i wouldn't be here in the first place so thank you so much and i really also wanted to stress that you really do not need all of this to get started as you know i started my business in a very tiny room that i turned into a little home studio gradually investing in gear getting better at my job increasing my workflow and little by little after putting in the work it resulted into this but don't be fooled a good idea a good song or just let's we can just call it being creative doesn't need a whole lot to come to life it's just when you're busy doing this for so long it's cool to expand and seeing your dream come to life but having the dream is always better than getting there the journey itself is what makes it beautiful anyway thank you so much for tuning in thumbs up if you're excited about the new place too and see you next week cheers [Music] you
Channel: Paul Davids
Views: 482,528
Rating: 4.9823952 out of 5
Keywords: paul davids, studio, gear, studio tour, dream studio, building studio, paul davids gear, lesson, sound proofing, insulating, guitar, guitars, amps, kemper, matchless, hook, tone king, desk, chair, carpet, floor, davids
Id: YaF-_nDefzI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 52sec (832 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 16 2020
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