FNAF Plush Highschool Episode 1: First Day of School!

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yo can you dip while shut your mouth I'm trying to do the work Thief yeah I told him not me I wasn't the one yelling bro you live hey carrot muncher [Music] no no no what's that sound it's the first day of high school what am I doing hi Mom Bye Mom oh holy crap up late uh why do I always do this every freaking year [Music] I'm sorry I'm late um first day of school and you're already late huh I'm sorry my alarm didn't go up well it did I I'm just I overslept not a very good track record already anyways class uh before I was rudely interrupted by this late student on the first day of school I was teaching an English lesson I'm sorry I'm sorry did you were you called upon why are you still talking please stop interrupting my class all right so we were talking about the Vietnam War all right so the Vietnam War was a conflict in which country uh China no Vietnam idiot um yes toy Bonnie uh so um this is English class right now well I guess you're right so um where do you think we're gonna be learning from uh English like [Music] we're already like 30 minutes of the class oh yeah right um I'm gonna go to Teachers Lounge and grab coffee and donuts uh you guys have a worksheet on your uh desk so go ahead and do that I'm done teaching for the day he didn't teach us any material I can get this done in like 3.2 seconds girl did you hear about nightmare Freddy's party this weekend I heard it's gonna be crazy no what did you get invited yeah what I didn't get an invitation awkward well not my problem oh okay hey nightmare foxy what dude look who it is from middle school holy crap no way I didn't think we'd go to the same high school as him yeah looks like it's time to kick some butt again yeah I think we should go bully him right now good idea um excuse me hello nightmare Freddy yes hello look at me my face my face is right here huh what the heck do you want um yeah so I just want to know like what is the uh whole deal here what is she talking about I don't know what do you want um yeah so I heard you're having a party and I wasn't invited like what the heck uh dude I don't even know if my parents are gonna be out of town yet so uh I haven't even sent out invites uh yes you did you invited all of the girls uh oh so now you're lying you're lying to my best friend we're best friends now for this class period oh okay slay listen can you guys go away we were in the middle of a diabolical plan whatever your party smells like crap okay and our attention is turned over here and done this is too easy school is just far so easy for me hey um can I borrow a pencil no uh okay pencil hey freshman remember me what are you guys doing at this school looks like we go to the same High School bub yeah you ready to get another black guy oh man I need to switch classes you guys suck why why would you follow me in the same High School dude we've been at this school a lot longer than you freshman I'm getting my fist ready hot fire hot fire let's go all right here we go here we go that's the Bell later I'm gonna stay after class like to teach us pet that I am we'll see we'll get them next time hey Mean Girls how's it going girl you always take so long to get out of your class about time [Music] uh that's my next class uh social studies I think okay Hey look it's the geek watch where you're going idiot please leave me alone hey Audrey go partner oh that's not good I'm so sorry I got pushed okay see you around freshman oh I hate this school already yo hey Bonnie huh whoa hey uh how's it going Freddy um I I didn't think you'd be going to this school dude I didn't think you'd be going here either hey man uh come meet my friends ah sweet this is plushtrap yo this is Foxy yeah and this is Zara Nader Jr what's up nice to meet you guys I'm Bonnie sick yeah that's cool what's your schedule I don't know I showed up late I still gotta get it well maybe we have some classes together hey man I'll see you around yeah dude hey it was gonna it was good seeing you here um later I like him we all do Bonnie's great Bonnie's great wait so your dad Enslaved the universes totally um hi hi hon how are you how can I help you out um I I showed up late I'm here to pick up my schedule okay um what's your name uh Bonnie okay is that with an X or a z no what Bonnie with a B b-o-n-n-i-e okay I'll see what I have I'll be right back okay what can I can I help you foreign [Music] what the heck all right hun your next class is math and then social studies thank you where's the math class uh do you really need me to help you with everything uh I mean you are the front office lady oh it's not my job okay all right same same spot oh my God I'm so late oh hey oh hey Freddy oh sick we have a class together oh man I knew this would pan out sweet all right bro hey we can pass notes all right class my name is Mr dice I'll be your math teacher I'm gonna call attendance real quick all right so say here if you're here and if you're not here then you're not going to say anything because you're not here all right golden Freddy here Freddy here zarinator Jr yo you're supposed to say here I don't wanna all right then I'm marking you as absent all right then my dad will blow your head off what no poop all right fine whatever withered chica okay toy Bonnie here Bonnie here nightmare Freddy here wait what oh no a teacher can I can I move seats what can you let me finish attendance first well uh the um nightmare Freddie's like a bully to me so I I don't want to sit here if you don't shut your freaking mouth you'll sit right up here all right and I'm sure you don't want that all right Happy Frog all right class first day of math what's one plus two if you get it wrong you get expelled three You're expect okay actually no those right all right whatever I'm gonna sit up here and do teacher stuff because I'm freaking boring and you guys do your worksheet have fun hey where are you going I'm going to the bathroom I'm gonna smoke a cigarette what hey what you can't do that really you want my dad to smoke this whole school then I think I can as you as you will as he will oh right that works she had to worksheets hey loser dude can you shut up I'm trying to work okay okay worksheets hey loser idiot dude can you shut your freaking mouth make me uh whatever I'm just gonna just ignore it Bonnie Bonnie ignore it hmm [Music] hey loser leave me the frick alone yo can you dip while shut your mouth I'm trying to do the freaking work Thief yeah it's all him not me I wasn't the one yelling bro you live whatever hey carrot muncher yeah principal's office now yeah what that tickled idiot oh I can't wait to give you a black eye for that one why why do I have to go to the principal's office but civil's office now ah man this school sucks yeah dude shut your mouth sometimes look at that class be on your best behavior I gotta go to the principal's office and report this situation oh okay you want a kiss [Music]
Channel: SLYP1E
Views: 202,854
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fnaf plush, plush, five nights at freddys, five nights at freddys plush, funko fnaf plush, funko plush, funko fnaf, gabes world, mario muffet adventures, fnaf flix, sml, five nights at froakies, plush review, fnaf plush episode, slyp1e, slypie, plushies, plush video, fnaf ar, fnaf ar plush, fnaf security breach plush, custom plush, custom fnaf plush, scary plush video, super mario logan, fnaf plush tutorial, fnaf plush diy, crazymariobros
Id: 8HpCC6Dq7O0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 30sec (690 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 13 2023
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