My Entire FNAF Merch Collection! | (500+)

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[Music] hey everybody happy fnafiversary I think we're yeah we're on year nine this is year nine good Lord despite that fact my channel is older than FNAF which is weird to think about most of you didn't show up until after FNAF so it doesn't count I guess so uh normally at the end of every year I do a plush collection video of every FNAF plushie and other plushie I got in that year and it's supposed to compile into one big collection series where I should get to see on my whole finale and everything plush collection every year together however General that I own or at the very least it's considered part of the collection included but not limited to plushies action figures Mystery Minis everything so yeah obviously this isn't like like the biggest FNAF collection ever because I don't own everything I probably own like at least like 60 of it though it's it's a lot but saying I do will be better for the title so yay and maybe if I make it big and bombastic and cool I'll end up on consumer else a second time anyways uh we're gonna actually start with posters I got I got a couple of these in my room this is the ultimate FNAF character poster it's got a lot of characters from the first six games they're all on here uh however this is this definitely isn't the only thing I poster I want I've been meaning to get that one security breach one for a really long time and I just haven't gotten around to it we've also got these bad boys these are little stickers I got like you know those little Supermarket machine thingies uh you get these little stickers I put them on the wall there's a bunch back here behind this poster that I accidentally covered up uh There's a Nightmare Chica weather golden Freddy BB tobani let's eat fun time and a bunch of screenshots from the first game there's also this little spring trap poster it looks really cool last but not least turn the poster category these are a lot of the McFarland toy instruction manual these have all the different like probably peel it three probably see yeah these are the different sets that's actually one for nightmare BB uh they they put these little posters in the middle and they're all over my wall I got these ones from FNAF two uh this one of the plushies which actually I don't think this is an instruction manual this is just a poster like the springtrap one and this one of Funtime Freddy and fun time foxy and lastly here is a poster which I think is uh the screenshot uh from the First Games trailer you got Bonnie Frey chica standing on stage and it's been back here all the way since 2016. I never moved it okay sorry I was I was rough I had to grab some miscellaneous stuff that I forgot about and kind of tuck it away so it's time to start with the plushies I'm gonna actually start with hex because uh because hex is probably the the the easiest one to lose track of because of all the parts and I don't want to lose them in the pile first up we have the hex Freddie plush released by doco and hex brand his little brand this little guy he's awesome He's fluffy he's got the magnets all the stuff you'd expect from X plushie he looks pretty cute and then we got hex Bonnie also very fluffy uh with his guitar and more magnets obviously very awesome very cute I like this little guy a lot sits down there then we have hex chica with her little cupcake her bib featsis I like the silver toes she's cool very fluffy good plushie little knot in the back of her bib and we got hex foxy I like that you can lift up his uh lift up his little eye patch and there's still an eye underneath there it looks cool like the little Endo Parts open splits backwards hey um didn't get the toy tourist ones I just wasn't a big fan of house of those looked and I just didn't feel like getting them however I'm probably going to get the withereds mangle and spring trap at least before I just kind of stop collecting hex stuff because these are very expensive then we have hex Fred Bear basically just a recolored Freddy however he looks very nice and he's got the walkie-talkie from Sister location it looks cool I like it and then we have hex spring Bonnie also very cute pizza cutter not like a knife on like my next plushie which does have a knife that is in a second though and here is my custom William inside spring Bonnie hex plushie that I made uh all the spots of the magnets have purple bits inside it so you can see they're connected and this was actually planned to be for a video however I have not made that video yet and it will probably come at some point so yeah but yeah I mean obviously I did like the like the whole like I made a custom hex Plush video but like an actual Plush episode with this guy so yeah oh just dropped him there we go all the heck Skye next up are the jumbo Freddy plushie released by Funko the biggest Freddy plushie I have it's pretty big obviously soft help nose got this a long long time ago and I haven't picked up any uh jumbo plushie since but I do actually kind of want to get that tie-dye Funtime foxy because I think that pattern's really cute and I like the colors so I might get that one and maybe the candy one too but other than that I haven't bought really any jumbo plushies since so yeah there's jumbo Freddy as well as uh this you're probably wondering what is this why did you just buy a second jumbo Freddy um the thing is this is one of the most I think obscure bootlegs I've ever seen me and my friends went down a really big rabbit hole when we found this guy and I picked them up he's only like 50 bucks so it wasn't like a super super big uh Dent my pocket it's just so bizarre to me I've never seen a Freddy boo like that looks like this like most of the jumbo Freddy bootlegs don't look like this and it just so oddly looks like a sanshee plush like it's even got like the sanchi tag like obviously there's been plenty of bootleg sent you tags I have no idea what this is if anyone has this specific jumbo Freddy and wants to tell me how they got it or any any info on it please let me know I I'm very curious because this guy is so is so bizarre I just thought I wanted to own a really bizarre piece of FNAF bootleg plush history because like I said I've never seen pictures of this guy this is such a like I said a bizarre bootleg Freddie thinking that I should probably buy the the boot like plush of my custom that would be that would be that probably isn't a another thing on the list of things to buy here's a couple more uh non-sanchi Funko plushies before we get to the main start here is the doco makeshift plush based off of his FNAF show attire I figure this guy counts I'll stick him with his hex bro since he did make them he sings also oh I don't think it works very well but here's a good stuff ready it's actually the only good stuff plush I own but I believe I got this at a carnival one time and you just kind of managed to stick around so you know pretty cool or at the very least he's the only like good stuff plush that I have that's been Untouched by like customing it there's a couple YouTube's plushies uh I have the glamrock Chica standing uh you too splash I like this slow gal glamor trigger is my favorite security Beach character so I want to pick her up here's the Vani YouTube plushie sitting down also very cute and uh the daycare attendant one from the collector's edition of security breach here it is and it's even got the tag still see ya little bells so yeah now we're getting to the goods sanchi first up wave one Freddy here he is well actually technically this is the second release of Freddy under fat Mojo uh originally they released under Century that that Mojo and then they came back in 2021 with a new set of sanchi guys so yeah don't really plan on getting the new release of them because I already got these guys so there's not really a point in my opinion here is sanchi Bonnie fun fact uh him Freddy and Foxy I got all at the same time for Christmas of 2015. and that was when I started making videos I was absolutely excited to get these guys so I guess here's foxy might as well introduce him a little piece of fluff on his earn his eye yeah like it these guys are all cute and hold a very special place in my heart I love all of them look then about one year later I picked up the sanshee Chica plushie when it dropped hello Mr Cupcake this is actually I think my first YouTube check I spent on this and the golden Freddy and other things too but this was like that was like the the special happy purchase onto bigger and better things speaking golden Freddy here he is he's actually sustained some damage over the years uh he got a big gash in his foot somehow but uh we sewed him up since still got a little bit a bit of visible wear but it's whatever he's got character I like golden Freddy a lot he's a very good Sandy blushy about two three years ago I picked up fredbear I actually got this guy for a steal for the time uh if you don't know about fredbear he is a limited edition and they are never making any more fredbears this is it they're never making any more the ones that are out are the only ones that are ever gonna be made and yeah so I own one and this guy I got for seventy dollars in like 2021 sounds like a lot I know but considering he's worth like 300 to most people that have post him I got I got him for like a steal I was very fortunate to get him when I did so yeah there is all five six six senchy plushies including Carl but yeah these are my favorite FNAF plushies ever and I will love them dearly there's some Funko ones that also are tied with these but like when it comes to like the full set these are awesome if you can pick up the wave the the second edition Third Edition of the of the sanshee plushies do it they're awesome ugh I almost forgot this guy this is a bootleg spring trap I picked up very recently at my local fair uh I kind of got jipped not gonna lie this thing was like 20 but I bought it for the souvenir in the memory stick and I I don't know I could pass this this springtrap bootleg looks so stupid I couldn't pass them up another bootleg for the collection oh God no spring trap you got a lanyard around them and Friday are tied together forever now we're on to wave one of Funko here is a Funko Freddy from wave one [Music] still got the tush tag here's a Funko Bonnie Cotton Tail and all I love this little guy there's a Funko foxy [Music] and here's a Funko chica again no cupcake very different from the sanchi one probably the only one of these three that differs very heavily from the main guy and I do actually have a Funko golden Freddy however it has been turned into withered golden Freddy so technically there is a Funko golden for any of my collection it's just not in Peak condition here is a toy slash Funtime foxy very good plush happy they made this one I imagine the reason they did is because of the toy foxy plushie inside a FNAF 4 closet and they made the most sense to make this one since it is an actual plush in the Canon games here is the Hot Topic exclusive Shadow Freddy plush tied for my favorite FNAF plush of all time I love him so much he's so awesome [Music] and here is the GameStop exclusive toy Freddy his hat is peeling a bit but yeah sadly my wave one is still technically not complete as I said I don't have Golden's ready but maybe one day I'll get them I was gonna put these Ray later in the video for miscellaneous however I guess it just makes the most sense to put them here now these are the bag to the bags I don't know where the other couple went but this is the two of the bags that went to the hex plushies uh I can stick them up here and the bag that went to the makeshift Taco so yeah there they are next up is wave two first up we have spring trap absolutely love this guy uh one of my favorite Funko plushies ever I love him he's so cool one actually was the first wave 2 Plush I picked up alongside with a mangle next up is Nightmare Freddy pretty plush even if he's like oddly enough really light I don't know why they made him so light toy Freddy is supposed to be this color they kind of they kind of I keep saying this I swapped their colors they're supposed to be the other way around then we have nightmare foxy [Music] also too light that's kind of they just kind of just like stuck accessories on the original wave one plush he doesn't even bother making them darker like they're supposed to be then we have toy chica a very very cute FNAF plush I'm kind of sad I don't do any more in the style I think this looks very adorable easily probably the most stylized FNAF plush out there but one of the cutest in my opinion if not the cutest and then we have the toy cupcake or just the cupcake I know they don't it's done Haley call the toy cupcake but it's based off of the toy cupcake design so therefore it's Joy cupcake meh then we have the puppet funny story of the reason the arms look like this is because they this plush got ruined um in back a long long time ago I recorded an unreleased music video for like I think it was the Oogie Boogie Man song and it was supposed to be with golden Freddy and the puppet and I started filming it and then I realized the tape that I put around her arms uh ruined it it like got stuck all the sticky stuff got stuck on the plush and I couldn't get it off like I tried so hard so I just said screw it and I covered it up with more felt so you know it's you can tell but like it's kind of hard unless you're like really paying attention but yeah she's forever like that now sadly next up is the mangle plush Walmart exclusive uh I actually am still a nightmare mangle truther this is Nightmare mangle and you can't change my mind Society I don't care if Society silences me I will still be loud anyways like I said this is the first wave two plush I got alongside this guy then we have nightmare Bonnie exclusive to Toys R Us I really still really like this push uh fun fact was actually not my first nightmare Bonnie actually the second nightmare Bonnie the first one I had uh had a very wonky eye but then I ended up getting this one because I think my cousin gave this one to me a long time ago because he stopped liking FNAF plushies uh so he gave me this one for free thanks man uh and this guy looks so much better I decided to just use him instead though I will remember the first one because he is the entire reason I I made him Russian because he had like a crazy like messed up eye so I was thinking like mad scientists like Russian voice that's why he he is the way he is today I got the GameStop exclusive nightmare cupcake easily I think one of the best Funko plushies objectively I mean that's nightmare cupcake I don't think he could have gotten it anymore any more correct that's it there you go he got it there's a good prop for anyone else do like a nightmare chica cosplay I mean if you're willing to pay the price for it kind of expensive but I mean that's a good prop too but like come on it's toy cupcake like he can't beat actual nightmare cupcake and the Hot Topic exclusive highly controversial toy Bonnie I like him though he has his charm I think he's still pretty good I think people that today's ugly are just haters and they need to learn to accept people the way they are completely moving on to Wave 3 with sister location this is the first physical game based wave um here is Circus baby still a really good plush I you know I know everyone kind of was mad they switched this like human body style but I think it works I think she still looks super cute in this design kind of got adopted into game cannon outside of making her limbs thicker this is a plush designs used for the plush babies in FNAF ER so he's Cannon now next up is again another controversial plush ballora but I like her there there's definitely I think the the Prototype one definitely would have been better but this one's still good I I don't know maybe it's not good but it has good memories let's say that next up is Funtime foxy pretty nice plush uh this this one is also notorious because uh when Funko first started doing printing it wasn't very good A lot of it kind of peeled and this one you can kind of tell is a lot of like white splotches on it pretty often but you know I still like the Funtime foxy plushies it's a nice plush and then we have fun times Freddy again not a great flush but it has a lot of good memories so I guess that makes it good in its own way then we have the final boss of the game entered uh I don't know if this is controversial I think that the gray eye looks way better than the black eye it just looks less jarring and sticks out way less because it matches the background of this eye just just looks better I don't know why the people think the black guy looks better it just doesn't it's weird there's very few times that funko's ever deliberately like changed like a product design after its initial like first wave drop um this is one of them very odd then we have the three exclusives from this way here's bonnette from Walmart this along with these four where uh plushies I got on vacation One Summer and I was so happy I was overly static because I couldn't find these guys for months in stores but I finally found them on vacation like ways away here is the Exotic Butters plush or Mr Butters if you're a fan of this channel all the butters are removable from Hot Topic I know that a lot of especially after this plus released later uh there would be a lot of there would be a lot of plushies and Hot Topics that would just uh be that people would just steal the butters so uh there's probably a lot of people that bought a basket and no Butters but I have all of them still even after all these years I've always managed to keep track of all six of the Butters and they all stay perfectly needed in this box if you want an exotic letters prop for an entered cosplay or just have in your room here it is I do miss these kinds of plushies I think that they were nice because they had like even if they weren't necessarily characters you wanted to buy for like a collection they were good little props and I think that was what was neat about them and last we have the target question mark exclusive lolbit I believe this showed up in Walgreens as well but then again I think later releases a nightmare Bonnie also showed up in Walgreens because Toys R Us went out of business it's kind of complicated I don't know either way a little bit was a good plush it definitely fixed a lot of the printing problems and other problems with the original Funtime foxy had so yeah it's a good place and we got a FNAF World plush our one FNAF World plush guys we did it and the reason I say that is because sister location LOL that doesn't have a body so technically speaking that's for now for a little bit I don't know if that logic holds up but it's mine so shut up here we are this is probably the most controversial wave of FNAF plushies ever most people will highly regard this one is the worst one ever um but yeah so this is the Twisted ones this one was made for the book and a lot of people hate these guys it's because the terrible Printing and the bad designs and just all around not really great plushies so you know I get it I don't really like these guys either why do you think they haven't been in videos in like five years it's been a while yeah I don't know I've never been a really big fan of these guys they're okay I mean if you like the Twisted ones and great you got some bookmarks but other than that just buy the mystery maze or something man these aren't really worth it but yeah here's Twisted Freddy here is Twisted Bonnie oddly enough he's purple instead of blue God like I see why people don't like these now like look at look at the way this the felt on the ear looks and then the front where it's printed like that is that's like two different colors here's Twisted chica this character was actually made exclusively for merchandise they do not appear anywhere in the book here's Twisted foxy and you know since more modern foxy plush releases actually have the hook it is just disgusting I see this like weird flesh stub like man I mean don't really release this plush because the twist like the Twisted ones aren't really that good but to stand the this spell I will say the one thing I do like about this plush is it uses the uh like the fan the Phantom foxy material I forgot Phantom I made a severe continuous lapse in my judgment and I don't expect to be forgiven anyway uh here's Phantom foxy uh yeah he came out in Target with wave two um he's got a he's got a unique metal material which they would rate later uh reuse for the FNAF AR plushies it's not very accurate to the original he doesn't even look anything like withered foxy not missing his hand and he's green for some reason when Phantom box is actually you know orangish red um and actually be kind of ironic because Phantom foxy would later use these colors in FNAF VR which also looks kind of bad but yeah yeah I'll stick in between these two I guess just whatever what was I saying oh right Twisted wolf anyways you're supposed to Wolf I actually think this is definitely the best of the five Twisted ones uh it's got I like this very fluffy material he's got for like his cheeks and his days back however I think this this they should have done more of like the glitch overlay it's just kind of like a weird scene down the middle it's a little strange not good but the best one I lied it's Theodore Theodore's the best one I like this guy this is actually a really good plush again this is a good prop plush like if you want to like have like a Charlie cosplay this is a fantastic plush I love this one this is actually like the only good one to wave and now we move to the worst here's Stanley all right you want me to lay out sucks one look at it just look at it it's like a weird lump like I don't understand what what was the design process here it's like the wheels are like flat pieces and it's all printed and like it just does it just doesn't look good it looks bad not even gonna mention who wants Stanley the only reason you would want this plush is because you want to have Theodore Stanley and Ella but guess who they didn't make Ella so this plush is dumb it serves zero purpose you I don't think I'm gonna get through without getting demonetized these guys in here here's blacklight cupcake um yeah this is the only black light plush I own actually uh this is the way that was between this and uh the next one I really like black light cupcake it's good blush it glows in the dark it's neat I I would not buy more the whole wave though this is just for the game again because it looks like a green rotten cupcake however here's an actually decent plush that they released in that time maybe he was from Hot Topic it was good I like him here's another interlude with uh with another miscellaneous plush I forgot to throw in this little little crew uh these I think sanchi made these correct me if I'm wrong uh I think these are like little like keychain collector clips that they made we'll hang on your backpack uh they look kind of ugly if you don't know who financed the froakies is then uh snap YouTuber plushtuber former FNAF plus tuber uh he he had a character named Ron Ron I laughed at the video and I was his friend and I was like I saw this look at the store and went oh that'd be funny so I cut his legs off mid-runner on you know he's just that's what he is but yeah next up is the pizza Sim wave uh I think this came out late 2018. it was about a year after the game came out and you know this wave is notorious for not finishing any of the character sets that are in it which is a bit annoying but you know the individual Plushies are fine here's Rockstar Freddy he is in fact a Teddy and he had to be rescued rivetingly off the roof of an elementary school and he's great I like him he's a good plush there he goes this is a return uh to like a quality standard for Funko these plushies featuring almost no more no Printing and it made people very happy speaking of which here's Rockstar foxy who does actually have protein on his legs nah but uh this box is pretty good other than the fact that he has no teeth I don't know why Rockstar foxy is one of the most like toothed mouth foxes I'm surprised I didn't give him any teeth but yeah there's there's the there's a little parrot on her shoulder like bon bon and it's really cool they kept it in a consistent style I like that uh yeah this plush is good it's pretty good next up is Lefty uh the only scrap animatronic we got in the set pretty good I like him I colored in the white in his eye because it bugged the hell out of me but you know other than that he's good pretty neat here is helpy another good prop plush though I do think if you're gonna get a prop of healthy you'd probably want to get the the like the half jumbo one I don't have that one but you know please don't break you I like this little guy here's L chip kind of an oddball pretty cool that chipper got merch uh Scott I think that's like a big thing you saw in the interview it's like you got a merchant chipper you got Merc that was actually I think the first tease of the FNAF sex wave I've ever got pretty neat yeah I guess it's got a little beaver tail and we have pig patch also a pretty good plushie is Big snout little belly button little tail good blush I like them that's a little it has a little long though and we got Oroville with his fat face uh he's pretty cute I'm happy to pick the doorbell is a good one um again they had four out of the five mediocre like they were this close to Greatness and now here are actually I think these are definitely in like my top 10 FNAF plushies ever these next two I just think that Happy Frog and Mr hippo are very cute and super accurate plushies to their to their in-game counterparts these guys look almost perfect I love Happy Frog it's a good plushie she's my favorite mediocre Melody uh in Mr hippo it's pretty cool it's a really good plush again it's very cute very game accurate super nice I like these two guys and I think this is a part of the main wave I don't think it came out until later but here's candy Cadet um it was a Hot Topic exclusive I also really don't like this plush they didn't stylize him like at all and the the printing was kind of ugly and not to mention they didn't print the back of the arms or the antenna so when you turn them around it just looks really off I'm not a big fan of this guy they could have done it much better but I guess for the candy kid at fans out there uh he's pretty good and also I I don't know this spoilers for FNAF ruin but man when when he showed up at the very end of Ruin I got way too excited I got way too excited I don't know why I was so happy but it was cool I was very excited that oh my God dang it next up is a pretty weird release period for uh FNAF plushies uh we didn't get a major game for quite a while after FNAF six uh we had VR but Funko neglected to make a wave for that game uh and even then the security which plushies came out way before uh the game did don't worry I'll have some words for those those guys but uh you know that that horse has already been kind of beaten to death however here is a couple just random releases that they have between The Games first up Spring Bonnie this came out not long after VR did I really love this plush I think this is easily my second favorite FNAF plush or tied with Shadow Freddy these are my these are those two are my favorite guys this one is just so cute has such good charm to it I love her so much or him I don't know it's him her rabbit who cares that means it can be interpreted as either stop telling me it's a dude actually you know I think that that comment type is eased up and then uh I don't remember the order these came in so I'm gonna get my best shot at it security puppet another FNAF 6 plush came out for Hot Topic exclusive I don't know if I mentioned that one was Hot Topic exclusive it was also Hot Topic exclusive likewise this was Hot Topic exclusive good plushie another fantastic skydad to the cast it's very cute another puppet variant and then there was Vanessa Frost Bear Freddy Frost bear from FNAF AR I was gonna say fnafar or Freddie frostbar and I said both and that's great at my speech but yeah good plush I like this guy I like the bow tie I like the blush good blush now we have Phantom BB this plush sucks this is It's like got this weird scratchy Fabric and it's just unappealing it's just not good it's not good it's like a carnival toy and it looks ugly it just like yeah like at least this guy's soft and like has a cool metallic material he ain't bother doing it for this one why they regressed again we F how quickly we fell from Grace but now we have the notorious well I guess there was a spring colorway ones but I didn't buy those because I don't like them I actually do think chocolate bunny came out between Frost bear and this next wave so if that's the case here's chocolate Bonnie another one from FNAF AR pretty good I like it it's very cute good question he uses the spring Bonnie pattern it looks nice all right time for the notorious security breach wave uh these Pleasures are Infamous for a missing a lot of the details and B the first release of these guys had super terrible disgusting ew scratchy Fabric and everybody hated them uh and then they re-released and made them better so you know uh still missing a lot of details which is why I customized mine and they look better with well better Quinn quotes you know what I mean they have more detail and that's why I did that because I think these guys look way cuter when they actually are like don't look super like weirdly Bland and oddly under designed but yeah there's Glam Rock Freddy he's a good plush even though I I customized him here's Glam Rock chica easily the least uh changed plush of the bunch I like this little gal she's cute definitely the best of the four or five here's Montgomery gator lemon lime looking ass [Music] again pretty pretty not not super custom highly customized but still looks good here's Roxanne wolf probably the most changed I fixed her hair and gave her a tail and fixed her makeup a little bit and last but not least vanity man I hey for anyone out there that sees this and goes oh then he post looks pretty good uh and you don't know what the normal Penny Funko plush looks like that I've got news for you Bill yeah I don't know I subjected maybe you think this looks importantly ugly I don't know then again I can't pretend that the normal vanity plush doesn't have its charms because I own one still and say the same for the other four however we get to that when we get to the duplicates uh next wave was cursor dread bear finally they bothered doing some help wanted stuff and even though it was like a year and a half after help when it came out um this technically has six plushies though one of them one of them came out way later than the other ones did but I'm still putting them in here first up is dread bear and this guy's awesome he has like no printing the colors are accurate the plush is accurate he's cute I love him he's great probably one of the best Funko plushies in a long time at least like when we're talking like the ones that like we've said so far and then we have the 5.5 inch Walmart exclusive dread bear yeah I don't if you ask me why they made this I couldn't give you an answer but you know he's 5.5 inches he's he's he's he's got all the same details so you know if you wanted a 5.5 inch strawberry this is this is your guy and we got Jack o'bonnie a completely different style from Nightmare Bonnie but yeah I'm not even gonna lie this is probably the worst one in the wave but he's not the worst I guess he could be like Twisted ones but he's not like that so it's just better it's better than that then we got jack-o-chica I actually like this one uh it's it's it's pretty Charming I think uh outside of the gums I don't know why they gave her gums but other than that like it's good I like her she she got the toy chica feet that we haven't had in a long time so you know it's nice to see her return to form I guess and we got Grim foxy I don't really like the colors on this guy but oh now he's good and he's the first foxy plush with a hook my God it's glorious it's a hook on a foxy plush they did it they finally did it I don't know how I feel about it on like normal foxy but ones like this this guy needs a hook or else he just does a metal stump and it looks stupid looking at you twisted foxy there you are you suck and the last one of this wave was Captain foxy I like this plush new new pattern and you know his hat looks nice his clothes look nice got his middle feet and his hook this is a good plush I like him these next few are from kind of a longer period of time like release like all these didn't come out at once however this is the bulk of the FNAF AR stuff so I'm gonna put it all together first up we have VR toy Freddy uh I think he's cute that's probably all the points I can give him though he's not really accurate or like I don't know what they they thought the nose here just why is it flat and I got system era toy Bonnie and I think this plush sucks I just I don't like it it doesn't look like toy Bonnie and it just it just it's just weird I like him even the the cursed wave to toy Bonnie is better than this oh yeah sister Mary toy chica again about the same quality as the VR toy Freddy it did I say sister mirror I meant high score this is high score toy chica about the same quality it's really just gets cute points but even then this the wave two toy chica is just cuter than this one it's just by long shy is better than the last one the con wave is radioactive foxy uh this is probably the best one of the four but that's not saying much still kind of all right you know it's already active foxy I don't really know what you expect for all my radioactive foxy heads uh congrats you you did it then we got the three exclusives that came out directly with the way we have uh Live Wire toy Freddy this one's pretty good actually this also has like literally no reason for the nose to be flat I don't know why they made the nose flat especially when they gave Just Married toy Bonnie and Ray foxy plastic nose I don't know why this guy's nose is flat but yeah I think the the embroidery on the uh on like the electric effect on the eyes looks pretty good yeah this one's not this one's all right it's not bad he also gets key points and then we have probably one of like the most pristine FNAF plushies I've ever like witnessed my eyes on is this Shamrock Freddy I don't know why he just he looks so perfect yeah here's Sharon Mark Freddy another FNAF AR character he looks pretty good actually I think the song is a really good one this is this is easily much better than the rest of the rest of the wave and then we have candy Freddy a Funko see because because this never never never was in FNAF AR despite the fact that they put it on the tag so yeah guys I said are we're definitely released way after the rest of these guys were but again still still AR so we're gonna put them together here's Liberty chica this plush is so dumb I don't know it's cute again it's very this one gets cute points and it's just so dumb that I I'm very unhappy that they made this one it's just so silly I like it it gets it gets those points then we have frostbite BB still has this tag actually uh yeah this frostbite me is pretty good I like him especially again if you're a frost by baby head there you go this guy's for you he's pretty detailed so yeah yeah and then we have black Heart Bonnie um again this this one's like using a very strange Bonnie pattern so he's very malformed however the details on him are very good I like the cracked embroidery down here it makes them actually look like he really has like a crack in him it looks very good um but yeah the rest of the rest of the plush is is all right he's all right there I was trying to get the focus for like 10 years yeah there's the crack in the heart and yeah and lastly is the firework Freddy plush here he is in all his glory he's using the pattern for the tie-dye Freddy which is a plush we'll get to but we haven't got to yet but yeah here is firework Freddy it's pretty good pretty good if you if you like firework ready I guess all right so after they released the bulk of the FNAF AR plushies they released the tie-dye way which is a bunch of tie-dye uh reskins of wave one and springtrap I guess but yeah I actually like these because they have a new pattern and honestly I think most of these Plushies are pretty good tie-dye colors Freddie is not really one of them but it's not the worst I do think he looks pretty decent but look at his face he's very cute it's like a good combination of detail in like cuteness factor I think makes this easily the definitive Freddy Freddy pattern for any future plushies I'm just saying Funko if you want to make like a tie-in set of FNAF plushies for the movie just use these patterns they're great and maybe like make them look a little bit more like the movie characters like with the colors and details and stuff next up is tie-dye Bonnie uh this is a very good one I love the colors picked here like the pink and the purple and the blue looks very good combined here and again very cute good pattern nice plush here is tie-dye chica I love the oranges uh the bib looks pretty nice the printing it looks good very cute I love the hair a nice plush good good tie-dye chica now we have tie-dye foxy this is probably the ugliest out of all of them but he's still he's still got his charms I think he's got a hook too pretty nice with the hook I like him and we have tie-dye Funtime foxy this is my favorite one in the wave she's just so cute I love the color choices the the pink blue and white combined very well it's like a cotton candy color uh very very good very good love this one then we have the Walmart exclusive you got the tag here tie-dye spring trap here he is uh thank God the one piece of springtrap merch to make his eyes actually silver unlike the rest of him because yeah guys this is the Silver Eyes this is so named a book after it like I made that tangent in another video but there it is again I guess anyway also this is the big I think this is the Hot Topic yeah Hot Topic exclusive jumbo uh tie-dye foxy I just saw it one day and thought it looked neat so I picked it up well I wouldn't say jumbo it's like it's like slightly it's like about sanchi size I don't feel like grabbing it but yeah that's Sanji size pretty much and yeah not really not nearly as big as that guy there we go I fixed them here is a mini wave that released alongside the tie-dye plushies we have the FNAF fanverse wave consisting of three plushies all exclusive to GameStop first up we have candy the cat I think this polish is absolutely perfect uh I know Emil and Kane work very closely with Funko to make this guy and the pop goes plush that will come after this and they did a fantastic job I love him these guys are great here's pop goes other than the printing on the face I think this guy's good honestly I I think I think especially I've grown over time to like them or more because you know his face is a little ugly but he's a weasel he's gonna look a little ugly he's got to look like a weasel and then we have Blake the badger and you're probably wondering why does your Blake look like that because I gave him his Evergreen attire uh this is the clothes like the belt in the the um what's it called his like uh lanyard he would use he has in the game uh and I gave it to him for videos and stuff didn't know uh Funko sneak snook behind Kane Carter's back and made Blake without his knowledge and they based off the old ugly 2016 design and not the the new one from the reboot so that's kind of a shame but I gave him the tire uh don't worry guys this isn't like attached or anything this is just around the neck and the the belt so I could take it off without ruining the plush it's and I didn't ruin it so it's fine if I ever need it for collector's sake I could just cut it off but for now he's gonna stay the way he is all right y'all we're down to it the last two subsets of Funko plushies full wave and a mini wave so let's get to it first up is balloon circus which released earlier this year here's balloon Freddy uh looks like a little young younger kid Freddy a lot of people thought these were for ruin and then they weren't so I guess spoilers but also yeah um however there was like a note for like a carnival teaser in in ruin so for like in like a beta map so I don't know maybe they are making a balloon circus game one day just not now here's balloon foxy very mischievous little guy with his tail I like him it's cool here's balloon Chica and I think she's really adorable this is a Walmart exclusive I'm very happy they made this little gal she's so cute little freckles I think I think out of the three she's the most appealing to me I don't know why they made balloon Bonnie maybe he would have been more appealing but I did not so we don't have balloon Bonnie exactly and we have clown Freddy or circus Freddy I actually don't remember which one it is but I'm just gonna say clown Freddy here's clown Freddy face paint got the red nose got the big bow got the vest is clown Freddy he's pretty cool he's also very Orange foxy uh his ears are a little messed up they're supposed to be more droopy than this I don't know why they kind of they kind of stick up way more than they're supposed to sometimes but when they when they actually droop down they look they look kind of all right but they're kind of out right now but yeah he's got a tail all his face paint he's very sad they're expressive he's silly I like him and then we have my favorite plush in the wave circus Bonnie I think he's super soft I don't know why it's probably the softest fan plush I've ever like seen he's very very soft um he's got the big neck fluff got his big red nose he's very Derpy got the big bells on his ears and they actually bother to print both sides I'm looking at you Buckle but yeah he's very good I like him yeah these two are definitely like my favorite questions but yeah good good wave good wave pretty decent well okay if they're just Funko sees definitely knocks his wave down a couple points but if they're eventually for a game then I guess there's better than that and these next three Plushies are brand new uh brand new practically uh we got the sun half of the daycare attendant from security breach I even got the tag still on them and everything yeah there he is big smile big rays of sunshine he's super cool I love him he's filled with detail and I like that they brought back the humanoid body I don't think we've had we had frostbite baby but before then I don't think like half of the like any of these plushies between like frostbite BB and normal BB I think it was only just all the BBS all the BBS had the human body it was weird this is the first one since BB and the sister location but I like that they brought back the human body I think it looks good on stuff like this so yeah I like sunny looks cool every's a little big I don't know why it's so big but he's very good he's very detailed super good no little to no printing very nice then we got moon this big old I like him he's super awesome also detailed very cute if you're a Sunder Moon fan definitely pick these guys up these guys are adorable and the action figures are also really good I don't own them but they're cool and this last guy I'm probably gonna put over with these because it's bigger but this is the uh Eclipse plush I think I don't really know this is a fusion of sun and moon it's not marketed as Eclipse uh however this is very similar to the eclipse character in ruin so it's hard to really say uh it seems to be very similar so I'm going to imagine it is and it's big it's like much bigger than the other two it's like it's more like this foxy like it's a big plush but it's not quite jumbo so I don't know because apparently they have a 16 inch sun and moon it's bigger than this one so I don't know why they made it it's exclusive to Hot Topic it's pretty cool though I like it it's neat I bought him because he looked me and he was only like 20 and I had like Hot Topic coupons I was like why not we'll stick him with these guys actually I'll probably you know I'll move this box here without you since he's not a standard size bush oh yeah that is every unique Funko FNAF plush I own and now to flipping that on its head here's some duplicate Plushies that I have I'll throw them down here here is a duplicate ennard uh black guy enter to be precise this is the one I was talking about earlier uh my Android actually has a stuffed hat uh the the plushies did not come like this it was actually very floppy uh however I did not stuff black eye inner attacked here's a duplicate nightmare Bonnie very very pristine condition uh yeah outside I don't have any tiger just tag obviously here is a another duplicate uh Mr Butters or exotic Butters to each their own I presume a tush tag and everything I did Mark the touch tag though so I knew that this was the duplicate and all the butters are marked and the basket so man takes down collector's value I guess so I mean my bad if ever resell it here's a duplicate BB tag and all here's a duplicate spring Bonnie has a touch tag but no no no no no normal tag sadly here is a duplicate security puppet it is tagged here is a duplicate vanity and this is actually with the old crappy scratchy fabric uh not the new nice soft fabric where's vanny there she is that one's got a nice soft fabric this one does not and it sucks but yeah here is a duplicate Glam Rock chica with the actual soft fabric yeah and here is a duplicate Frost by Bibi uh this I got on complete accident but you know I I have it now because Funko didn't want it back so thanks guys I get a free frostbite baby and then we got the one two a three three Bond the Buns uh yeah that's just for making various fun time for any adjacent Customs over the years I just have these little Liz little bon bons there's probably more if I find more I'll throw them in we can all go with the Mr Butters basket it's like it's meant to be next up we're doing custom plushies uh this is when Funko you know they they're like you're like hey Funko you should make this character and they go nope and then you go oh dang well screw you then I'll make it myself that's what I did for a lot of these guys there's a lot so we are gonna start with withered Freddy the Wither it's probably the most requested FNAF wave ever and they still haven't made any um yeah so yeah this is still my withered Freddy Funko plush and honestly I don't even know if I'm gonna ever replace these guys when they do eventually make if they eventually can make the Wizards uh because I don't know they just become iconic at this point I mean I'm still gonna buy the Wizards if they make them but I don't know if I'm using for videos here's withered Bonnie he's been updated a little bit over the years just to make him look a little bit more appealing I think his like whole eye was red at one point but I fixed him up a little bit these are definitely have it's part of their age there's a lot of glue stains on them but kind of hard to notice in videos and I think that they're the way I designed them makes them Charming enough to wear it's kind of hard to even tell that they're even there next up is withered chica yeah she's got hair in her mouth you you I don't know where that came from um but yeah this one's definitely showing where but she looks silly and I like that about her she's very Derpy here's withered foxy I gave him a hook when I when I made him so you know I'm just saying if I go give me credit or these are actually feet from Nightmare an old nightmare foxy plush that I don't have anymore but yeah and I think the hair was also from it too but yeah this guy is pretty neat I like them oh I like him here is the previously mentioned withered golden Freddy plush the only remnants of a Funko uh golden Freddy in my collection and I think I actually I bought this guy from Super laser guy I remember him he's my all right I say that like he's not still my friend but yeah he he gave me this one for for a a small fee it was pretty good and then we have the endo02 uh if you don't know if you're wondering why his eye looks like this it's because it was related to the storyline of My OC character scorch which I guess he might be in this he might be in here I'll think about it I'm kidding I'll show off his pleasure later but not now here's Shadow Bonnie yep that never made Shadow bunny either soap I made Shadow Bonnie there's been a couple Shadow Bonnies over the years but this is the newest one and arguably the best one I don't think it's arguably I think it just is the best one and the other one looks like this so like take it or leave it I guess I found another bon bon guys let's go here's a plush of purple guy I think I used some endless Inferno I'm pretty sure then we have Phantom mangle it's back when I planned on making all the Phantoms and then I and I didn't fun fact I'm pretty sure I made this before Phantom BB even existed so this is technically my second Phantom plush then we have a withered spring Bonnie plush I've just used this over time for brand of cinematics and other things so I'm gonna use another stuff probably at some point too I really like this one here is a another spring Bonnie plush this one is based off of his appearance or hair her appearance whatever in the Silver Eyes graphic novels so yeah the red bow tie and the brown eyes and the big smile [Music] next up is FNAF 4 you know her you love her it's nightmare chica the first custom plush I ever made um I did make paper plushies a long time ago back in the day where I just made them out of like paper like paper mache it kind of um and this was the first one I actually bothered making to a plush I remember I painted the eyes I painted the mouth all this different stuff I did and uh over the years I've just kind of fixed her up and modified her and now she's somewhat comparable to my new ones so you know she works she looks good and then we have nightmare fredbear uh this is actually just a normal Freddy plush but a figure with the details of nightmare fredbear you wouldn't really notice he's the same color as Freddy sorry if I just broke that immersion for you but yeah I just didn't bother wanting to make a like a different one here's a plush of plush trap literally a plushtrap plush this is also a very old custom but he actually holds it quite well I think he does anyway here is a bootleg plush of nightmare uh you can see his eyebrows have been cut off uh I know you say that where a nightmare doesn't have eyebrows well this bootleg plush nightmare had this bootleg plush nightmare had eyebrows and I cut them off because they look bad but other than that it looks really really good if you like show me this and said hey look Funko made a nightmare plush I would kind of question you I'd be like wait wait did they and then I realized that's probably bootleg because it looks a little weird but still looks really really good if you need nightmare for your collection might as well pick it up I think it's on Amazon so yeah go buy it it's cool if you want to anyway I don't like when Bootleggers make like old characters like when they make new characters it's cool because like they weren't on the market in the first place here's a plush of Fred Bear uh just to flush of normal fredbear he's got his like you know his light blue eyes and like his normal tire and he's about the size of a Funko plush so yeah I really like this guy he's another flush of crying child I believe this I think the most popular princess guy would have been either my like FNAF 4 in a nutshell video or the collab part I did for Sly pie uh this guy was in it so yeah there he is there's a plush of nightmarian uh this is actually I think was a good stuff puppet and I made it to a nightmarian it doesn't look very good but I don't know I've never really bothered going back and trying to make him look better so yeah there he is I'm just gonna move him over here because he's so big next up is my sister location Customs oh this is a very very old Michael Afton plush again I think one of my first Customs I believe this is used in the below the surface music video that I did a long time ago and yeah there he is speaking of Michael Afton here's a more updated one uh this and two other Michael Afton variant plushies I made were supposed to be used for the um for a music video on the song It's Not Over by ck9c uh I dropped that project a bit ago but you know maybe I'll pick it back up if people really want it here's a scooped Michael Afton also based on sister location I liked how I gave him like his little wires poking out of his mouth here's a plush of unmasked entered also thought this guy looked neat [Music] a little eyeball let's just put a little interlude in Sister location I forgot there's weather Bonnie's face in case anybody wanted that here's a plush of mini Arena I'm never making bitty Bap oh dang that's an actual stain I wonder how I wonder how that happens anyway yeah there's my there's just a random mini Arena plush I made a long time ago not a super impressive custom here's a plush of Handy unit made pretty recently for his uh other a couple appearances here is yendo so last sister location guy I finally have the whole system location cast because then they bought it a little bit never made you under though I remember people used to say he was going to be Best Buy exclusive interesting next up are my Customs for FNAF six here's another Michael Afton flush based on his appearance in FNAF 6. I believe this is based on like a fan made model but I still think it looks pretty cool you can see his face underneath it's very ugly but you know he's a zombie man so didn't really expect it to be pretty here's number one crate also just a really old customer I'm pretty sure I made this just completely randomly just because I like number one crate but yeah here's a plush of Ned bear finally to complete that line off dear Lord I don't know why they never made an end there it's really aggravating that actually used to be uh an old custom of rock star Freddy before they came out with the fnastics wave so yeah there he is here we have fun time chica this plush has been modified heavily over the years but I'm really satisfied with the way it looks now and finally I think is at a point where I think it looks pretty good I like this one a lot it's very cute it's very reminiscent of toy chica there's a really bad customer fun time cupcake it's there it exists here's a custom music man I really like this one a lot this one just holds up super well I think and I think Funko should make their plush look like something like this when they if they make one they should there's a lot of Music Man fans out there and look how much fan service they got in security breach like come on man here is scrap baby I this is actually my second scrap baby uh the first one I don't even know what happened to it honestly but yeah this is my second scrap baby and I think it looks so much better than the first one God I like trying to keep my Customs somewhat consistent with Funko quality nowadays and I think this one does a pretty good job not looking too detailed but also still looking good you know it doesn't it doesn't look like overly detail speaking of which here's molten Freddy that I made adjacent with her again my second molten Freddy thank God my first one looked really bad but um yeah here he is I love that I gave him all the eyeballs down there I used a couple different I think I think this all actually uses the body of the old molten Freddy as well as a bunch of spare entered Parts I had lying in a bin he's got his little octopus legs it's cool I liked it it looked nice last but not least for FNAF six here's scratch wrap or William action or uh salvage or I don't know what the hell people call them this one has also been modified a bunch this is not a new plush Hood this is the same one that I made all those years ago when I made the scraps in the video okay this is the one that's this is the one that survived obviously modified but still it survives it's really nice being able to have all four scraps because Funko didn't do that for stories like guys I'm not mad they need to make the scraps but like it's not like you made up for it by completing a different set of characters I had to make Ned bear myself and these guys and I haven't even made the rock stars I don't even know if I'm ever gonna do that it's been oh God it's almost been six years since FNAF six came out I don't like thinking about that next up is help wanted first up we have Glitch trap the man of the hour I still really love this plush a lot and I don't know I've never really seen a glitch drop plush that's topped this one in my opinion obviously everyone has their own artistic taste I'm not gonna pretend like mine's objectively better than everyone else's but I don't know for me I think this one's perfect we'll say uh Swifty plush Productions comes pretty close so that one's really good then we have my first dread bear plush I made this guy around the time that the game came out because I want to use them for my Halloween special that year but yeah he looked kind of dumb but that was essentially the point especially like thinking bulky and gross but yeah that there he is Chuck him back here at least want to give like the main guys the front row and I'm really sad I can't find the head but this is the body to my first Vani custom back when we had no idea what she looked like and I just kind of based it off with the teaser and what I assumed yeah um I'll probably throw up a picture of what the vanity plush looked like I decapitated it for dramatic effect which I've done twice now with different Fanny customs in the day but listen the vanity costume is is a costume so that's why it's decapitated God because Trump can hold his like dead child I think it's fairly appropriate we move down here for this next one here is the princess Quest amalgamation glitch trap I don't know if it has an official name uh however I I'm really I really like this guy I think he looks really cool and he surfing some cool lore stuff and also I think I kind of I kind of started sparked a trend because a lot of people started to make this guy after I made him and also a lot of people said they're inspired by me when they made him so I'm really happy about that because I think this is a super cool design and I'm sad it really wasn't used more if you can tell the type of fabric I use for most of my customers it's very prone to attracting hair so it's just it's just just annoying I don't know what the hell that got there also here's vany's mask the prop I used in that one episode so um and I think another slide by collab part funny enough so just got her head back all right now we're on to security breach and speaking of decapitated vanities yes this was my first Vani custom I also decapitated it for dramatic effectivity with this that's not bullying me but yeah there's there's decapitated Manny again this was made with the the Vinny from the old scratchy Fabric and all the other ones were turned into uh the shattered animatronics so I guess we'll move on to those now just kidding though I want to cover some of the normal characters first this is my first Uh custom of Glam Rock Freddy before again the game came out we knew what most of the designs looked like this is based off of the picture from the calendars I believe um I made this plush and actually I think this plush holds it pretty dang well I think it just looks good I got a good shape going he's about sanchez-sized I actually really like this guy I think he holds up well he's never been in a video though so that's just kind of as good he's gonna get here is uh Vanessa the security guard here in many times in the series yeah her plush body is based off of the um I think the old like Funko squish me guys they're like they got little stubby legs and like long arms I just thought this plush design was uh cute and it looked good to size them up well with the normal FNAF plushies because you know he I think she sizes up pretty well with the rest of them but yeah there is Vanessa what's up Gregory I gotcha yeah here's Gregory made him when the game came out been in videos R.I.P um I guess spoilers for the movie my bad uh but yeah there's a fast watch you know he's he's chilling I like Gregory he looks very nice little guy here is sunrise and you're probably wondering why the hell does this look like this that's not what sound looks like sun looks like that I actually based this off of the really old posters and all the old trailers where he got the little art of the of the Sun and she's called sunrise in my videos and that it will stay I'm not I'm not swapping to those guys I like those guys but they're gonna serve their own purpose I think that the characters are too pre-established to just all of a sudden make them into completely different characters besides that's what different interpretations are for why would I ruin the thing I got when it's original to me uh here is the Moon Moon drop a little closer to the original but still a little different I think the body is more inspired off of the drawings as well but yeah this is uh this is a little closer to how Moon the Moon actually looks in the game but still not quite here is music man man this guy is gigantic I gave him his big spindly legs and his long neck his big headphones this is video like I remember when I put him in a video it like blew up uh everyone really liked that one that's probably just because he was just a really good custom I think he looks super cool definitely people have outdone me oh my God there's some awesome DJ music man Customs out there that are probably way better than mine however I do think this one still holds up pretty well next up is the staff bot uh he was in the invade the fanverse video or not in the bed the into the fan verse video uh but yeah this is this is the little these are the little drones that follow around the fanverse like office and help the developers and skycock meet the developer thanks Twitter for liking that video here is Eclipse uh this is actually not a clip from ruin this is eclipse from the arcade game balloon world uh that's what I based his entire design off of as like a singular entity uh though I guess it clips now instead of being like a third sun and moon is more like them combined and harmonized and ruin but now this is his own thing I guess and again I guess since these two are so unique compared to the game might as well throw another third unique guy in there to complete the trilogy but yeah I love this Eclipse I think he looks super cool all three of the little guys get out of here next up is upgrade Freddy uh this is obviously at the end of the game when he gets all of the parts a month his claws chica's voice box uh I I think I was intending to make this look like a stitch line to look like they like stitched in the voice box but now it just kind of looks like a beard thankfully you can't really see it so you know we're just gonna pretend it's not there uh there's the purple bow tie and the yellow eyes this is the first Glam Rock Freddy custom I made that was made with a stupid scratchy the scratchy one and now he's upgrade Freddy next up is I guess I'll just do Freddie again here's shattered Freddy uh from the disassemble vanity ending slash the uh princess quest ending where he gets destroyed by the staff Bots this is what he looks like and in ruin he becomes ruined to Freddy so you know um all those people using shattered Freddie in your thumbnails you're dumb and I hate you just kidding but yeah this is shattered Freddy he looks neat I will say though um don't expect me to make the ruined Customs like I do have custom slime to run but I'm not gonna make the ruined animatronics because they're just not really fitting with my storyline so I don't really see a point in making them uh I got other stuff playing guys but that's besides the point here's shattered chica from security breach where she got her beak broke off and she lost her voice and later she gets covered with gross disgusting moldy cheese that's God I still can't believe that I'm still being true it's so foul next up is shattered Monty uh the eyes could have been better on this guy but I do like the way I did like the tail with like the the all the like the wires like pulling out of the bottom yeah they're shattered Monty no legs no claws no nothing he's just kind of there here's shattered Roxy looking all crazy with her hair and her broken tail and all that stuff but yeah good uh here is Glam Rock Bonnie I don't know where his glasses went this Design's obviously outdated because in ruin they showed off the design and he kind of looks more adjacent to toy Bonnie than classic Bonnie or Rockstar or whoever the heck I'd base this guy off of but yeah this is based off a lot of different fan designs that combined into one yeah he does not look like this however but I'm not gonna replace him because again I think this just follows the storyline so it'd be no sense in replacing it with a new one however you know if anyone else wants to go make their own Glam Rock Bonnie have fun it's a free country and if you're not in America it's a free you there's definitely other free countries out there I just I I can't name them ahead also here's burntrap yeah the guy that doesn't exist anymore non-canon little guy because they made princess Quest Cannon so this guy doesn't even exist anymore technically but he's still cool using the movie he was awesome awesome fight scene him and springtrap went like and then they hurt each other and it was awesome and I played Metal Gear Rising music in the background and it went really hard we have two Customs from the newest FNAF game security breach ruin here is Cassie um I updated her appearance to look more like the original game because for some reason they made her like blonde and white in the first teaser but they they she's not that in the game so I fixed it and this is how she's obviously gonna look in videos from now on so yeah I fixed Cassie she looks a bit better now but yeah here is the mimic who I also updated to look more like his Game appearance because I felt it looked more unique and it also again fits with the storyline so I think it just looks nice to have him look more like his in-game appearance yeah there is the mimic so yeah he's pretty neat I forgot about this guy when doing FNAF 2. here's cake bear yeah from the cutscenes and stuff um all right next up is FNAF AR Customs next up is customs from AR I think I already said that so one of those cuts we'll get in the video starting off with oh I'm trying to think of chronological order here ah Shamrock Freddy right yeah share my phrase my very first Shamrock Freddy he's very outdated but like Dread bear I used him for the the holiday special of when he came out in the game so it was like early 2020. here's toxic springtrap uh I really like the way this one looks and I got really lucky because they didn't even make toxic spring traps now I can finally come have the two uh toxic Wasteland guys so yeah he looks pretty neat here is a black ice Frost bear looks pretty cool as well as my old frostbite BB before they made an actual frostbite baby he's a slow guy uh and speaking of here's a frost plush trap which apparently they're making some kind of frost plushtrap merch going to leaks probably gonna be a plush so this guy's also soon going to be outdated and the only one that will stand the test of time Arctic ballora this is my favorite out of the three so you know it it worked out here is a heart sick baby yes heart sick baby um here she is uh her bow broke sadly but other than that she's standing pretty decent condition using baby's heart sick Valentine's video I liked it here's flaming springtrap that was a heat miser for like my like I remember what the actual movie is called yeah like Snow Miser Heat Miser they're like they're like a they're like a Duo put the movie on screen oh my forgetting The Year Without a Santa Claus that one God dang it here's ring Master foxy that was used in the ballora goes to the Stark circus videos along with the other two customers why won't that I got the whip he's got the whip because like yeah it's cool gotta whip neat here's magician mangle with a little Endo head buddy with the little magician thing yeah she's cool I like her makes you look nice you get a very long snoot didn't I do it for you here's clown springtrap he's bigger than the rest I think he looks pretty cool I use an actual clown as I got from Halloween store on this guy so yeah he looks cool I like him it was a very good Halloween video happy people liked it here is a non-scene plush in the actual videos here is curse or the like Aztec spring trap from that event you'll have to see how that plays part in the video and here is serpent mangle I took some creative liberties with this guy I made it an actual serpent uh she also has wires in her so you can bender and make her like an actual snake but yeah this one's super cool I love the way this one ended up turning out I got like this the moon and the sun on her back because she has those in the actual game so yeah it's neat another interlude to add a very miscellaneous plushie I forgot here is a plushie of mystery mini keychain foxy um put you like here I remember I bought one of these packs a hot topic one time I got him and I went okay and I'm never again next up is the Box the books first up we got count the ways fun time Freddy got openable chest his eyebrows can go up and down I only put like a little like a little wire in them so you can just kind of like get him to get him to pose pretty neat uh he's pretty good in the music video and in the actual video he was in so yeah I liked him he's neat or County I think was his nickname then we have another never before seen custom the Stitch Wraith uh you'll have to see what role he plays in videos but yeah I really like the Stitch race I think he's very cool here we go I almost forgot this is technically from that story Millie it's Millie she was used in the music video but yeah plus trap Chaser also from book two I like the sky like just train I thought that was pretty cool gimmick for a video especially because he got ran over at the end of his book here's fetch also from book two keep forgetting how to put him in videos I'm not even gonna lie a lot of the nightmare videos I've recorded and just filmed since I introduced him I forget to put him in but he's still there in Canon I just forget sometimes guys give me some slack the nightmares crew is so big now it's hard to put them all in one video also from book three lonely Freddy look at you look at this little guy our book joining literally Freddy's yeah all three from book two I can't believe I forgot you Eleanor I she's so con she's so like integral to the to the epilogues I almost forgot she's technically from book one yes here is Eleanor um this design is very much uh inspired if not directly taken from the oof troops design uh they designed Eleanor for their like I think it's called undeniably Cannon FNAF timeline series the series is very funny though go watch it and I made a little plushie off of them so yeah I really like I really love this design and normal Eleanor looks dumb because she doesn't look like that in the book description but whoever Drew her screwed it up so this design looks better it looks more unique because Eleanor's not baby she's like a whole new characters let me tangent about FNAF here is blackbird I use like a bird skeleton when I made this guy he's pretty neat you can see the bird skeleton a little bit when you lift up his like feathers but yeah I thought it was pretty cool to leave the bird feet down there because it just looks creepier there here's hide and seek Shadow Bonnie or xor as I call him in the series I just kind of thought of a random anagram with three letters and I completely forgot that xor is the name of uh DD in the shadow DD and ultimate custom night so LOL here is the fast goo that I made for the smart Bonnie episode pretty here is the friendly face uh Bonnie that's based off of that story or Bonbon I guess but technically so I guess this counts as a bonbon they might be a little scared to have them in there here's Coyle's the circus clown uh backstory for entered in my videos because even though he technically is not entered I'm really sad because that was a really popular fan Theory and it was cool and then Scott cawthon went and released the ultimate guide and then he looked nothing like ennard and I got really sad whatever scream Mr cawthorne I'm making my own story and last but not least for specifically Fazbear fights we have three of the sea Bonnies the best FNAF characters here's a couple characters from Tales from the pizza Plex which I guess we already had mimic who's also in there but shut up here are the Bobby dots that we'll be used in the coming episode Gemini Olive and Rose yeah um the Bobby dots will just become a meme among my friend group or at least they were at a point so I just thought making an episode off them would be funny like what the hell is a Bobby Dot and here is Tiger rock he looks pretty cool I gave him like his bell bottoms I think it looks really good this custom came out pretty nice so yeah there's Tiger rock next up we're doing fan game slash the fan verse I found two more bon bons let's go yes there's so many the bon bons are plentiful yeah starting off with five nights at Candy's here is Cindy the cat to go along with candy up there her brother yeah Chester the chimp also really cool here is blank the human drawing canvas I don't really know Pier is penguin no need to elaborate further yeah but I did give him like little like uh what do you call it like wires in his arms to make his his arms go up and down and they stand still and he's very cute and small and I like them a lot and lastly in the candies lineup we have Monster Rat from five nights at Candy's 3. I'm not gonna elaborate on the lower eleven see here here's a little fun fact for this part of the video the seventh episode of FNAF plush that's right all the way back in season one was actually going to be a five nights at Candy's episode uh I made paper plushies for all these guys and started an episode where him and you know the candy screw and the Freddy's crew had a little restaurant War however after filming the episode I just didn't feel it was up the standards and I thought the idea didn't really land super well so I scrapped it and threw all the plushies away however I think that was a good thing because now we got the fan versus Arc going on and people really seem to like it so yeah who knew that like seven years later it would make a big impact weight two years later I just I thought I was I was rounding up high oh God all right let's keep going before I have an existential crisis about our time as an Unstoppable Force here's Stone The Crow from pop goes based on obviously his Evergreen design I'm sorry penguin give you a little more time in the front buddy here is Sarah the squirrel the yellow one also based off the Evergreen design here is saffron the squirrel I loved the little lanyard I gave her with the little music I think that's a g cleft I'm gonna feel real dumb in editing if I'm wrong here is Menorah the mouse very cute I was very happy with how this turned out the other little like bandana in the back with the bow and the little orange skirt yeah a little silly little gal there she is and lastly we have Simon from pop goes 2016. slash Evergreen this is based off of 20. I think it's actually based off of his design from pop goes too specifically or reprinted there's been a lot of canceled pop goes projects and that's technically not even known if he's gonna show up in Evergreen or not but fact checking on me that me in the future when I'm editing this next up is some plushies from the joy of creation here is ignited Freddy these are based mostly off of the designs from The reignited Collection as opposed to the one from base game but I guess one translated to plushies it wouldn't really be that easy to tell here's ignited Bonnie so fun fact uh the reference I was using for ignited Bonnie had his torso flipped so his arms are backwards but whatever here's ignited chica I really like the way this one turned out looked like the way her mouth looks it's just super like gapy and cool looking and I really like it and here's ignited foxy this one is technically based off of uh the old ignited foxy design because uh we have not seen what his new design looks like yet so yeah yeah cool and lastly here is creation a huge Behemoth I actually made this custom a super long time ago if you remember he was actually in the Travis plush Productions Movie 2 was anti-travis's final form for some of you OC likers out there My OC series um but yeah and I use them for that and now he's gonna be used for fanver Stuff potentially probably yes I don't know why else I would have updated him otherwise if he wasn't going to be used for that yeah he's really big and also lastly I guess this is this plush is obviously like an OC character like this is just spring trap like but withered but this is technically based off of ignited springtrap uh this wasn't ignited springtrap plush before I just changed him into being like a burned withered springtrap that was in the fanverse series he has his classic watch and the Prisoner jumpsuit that he was in in the videos so yeah all right so this is very topical um FNAF Plus if you're in tune with FNAF drama boy do I have some news for you we're not gonna comment on that however because these characters are still gonna be using the videos because I've gone too far with writing the story to take them out [Music] here is FNAF plus Freddy I like his big jaw he looks like a Chad he's pretty cool here's FNAF plus Bonnie uh his teeth ended up a lot more janky than I wanted them to but irregardless I actually like this guy his holy eyes give him some pretty pretty staring looks he's really pretty spooky here is FNAF plus chica along with the little cupcake that can attach to her hand uh obviously her bib is not the let's eat however this was a combination of one me wanting to make her more unique from the other chicas so I gave her the plus logo there and I was also way too lazy when making this one to make to actually add the let's eat text because God that would have taken eons and all the pupils were from these guys when I made them however yeah I need the bib for big here is FNAF plus foxy much lankier than the other ones yeah that's all the final plus guys there's a couple miscellaneous ones here is flumpty uh from one out of flumpty's this is actually a bootleg that I bought online uh yeah one super defensive so I figured why not might as well I still can't believe there is a bootleg flumpty flush out there but yeah you will you'll appear in videos and here is uh the pallbearer from Juniors I used it in the music video go watch that by the way I didn't get very many views and it made me a little sad all right so this technically counts as fan verse stuff so here is the fan burst meat okay I'm not gonna quote that again here's the fanverse devs from uh the fanverse episodes first up is Scott cawthon with his cape that I gave him why does he have a cape because caves look cool all right here's Kane Carter uh he has a new like Persona character I think he is on Twitter but whatever this looks fine I think he looks funny anyway here's Emil macko I mean his red pants here he is here is Nixon I think this is easily the best flush out of the four that I made just the most detailed and looks the nicest again this is oddly topical anyways here's fiznom yep here's a couple hoax Five Nights at Freddy's characters here Sparky the dog I'm happy because everyone really liked that episode that one was a I I had a fascination with Gaslight humor and I just thought that would be funny to turn that into an entire video here is a plush of golden toy Freddy which was in the newest video not even at the time of recording this it will just we'll just have been the newest video here's some plushes and some characters based uh off the Five Nights at Freddy's movie which will also feature them in a financing phrase plush movie video uh here is Mike Schmidt played by Josh Hutcherson [Music] here is Abby played by Piper Rubio here is Steve Ragland and slash spoiler alert William Afton played by Matthew Lillard William often here's a couple miscellaneous plushies uh first up is Circus chica I wanted her to complete the set for the video that I'm going to use the balloon circus characters in eventually well I say eventually like I haven't already recorded it but I'm keeping it backlogged so that video will be out at some point but yeah here's circus chica based on all the merch ever yeah here is Scorch My OC character slash not OC character based off of the amalgamation from the fourth closet I guess I could have put this with the book characters but whatever I saved until now there is Scorch that is actually the second version of scorch the first version was used for ghost Scorch which I'm not gonna put here because that's technically not directly based off of a finance Freddy's character that is something I made up entirely here's the night guard plush uh I used him as Fritz Smith in the videos he was just a stand-in night guard for juniors and he will be a standing night guard for any future videos that need a night guard likewise here's the ghost girl plush which will be used for whenever I need a ghost girl uh here's a fun fact these two Plushies are actually uh Piggy plushies I found on clearance at GameStop and decided hey I'll buy these and make them into characters so I made them into the night guard and the uh ghost girl so yeah I moved him back there next up are a couple characters uh that are not Five Nights at Freddy's characters however they are financing Freddy's adjacent based on theme thematic uh appropriation and I don't know they just were in that one video where they all beat up Freddy here is I actually forgot his name he's the guy from banana splits editing me tell me who it is here is Willie from Willie's Wonderland yeah Nick Cage beat up a bunch of robots in that movie here's bond from the Walton files but yeah there's all three little guys they beat up Freddy and then he beat them up in return because status quo there's a couple Scott cawthon characters that he created here is soul Dozer uh I guess featured in FNAF World update too and also the vessel hope I think that was the Tesla hope character I'm pretty sure he was yeah they're sold those are here's the coffee pot also from FNAF World update 2 and the desolate hope likewise I like this one a lot she's a little silly is it a she eyelashes and gender Norms so I assume it's a she I have no idea here's chipper an actual chipper plush and from chipper and Sons Lumber Company and also just from FNAF world that was infinite World I actually don't remember the name of this character but this is another Scott cawthon character that was made in I think an old old RPG game he made uh but yeah these all were going to be featured uh actually this is these are these guys were all for a fan idea uh that was uh for hey you should do an episode where in the flip side where all these characters meet the the gang and they have to do like a plot for it I initially had that idea I was like that's a good idea and then I was originally gonna do it and I made all these plushies for it however uh later on I decided to scrap the idea for the time being and later that turned into the fan verse Saga so thanks random commentary I can't remember the name of um thank you I'm pretty sure I hearted your comment if not I'll find it and give you credit for coming up with what was eventually an idea that people really liked so thank you man that was that was cool but yeah I may eventually use these guys in the fanver series somehow for like a cutaway gag or some other bit but that's it guys that's all my FNAF plushies however we are not done good God this is a lot um we are not done we still have to get through the Mystery Minis the McFarland sets the action figures and the Funko Pops so let's do it how could I forget how could I forget I sat you aside and that made me forget you here's my plush of the Afton amalgamation that was featured in the FNAF plush movie I made a big deal out of it the last plush collection and I'm gonna make a big deal out of it again this is my best custom ever and it's so cool it's like three feet tall and it's awesome big Kaiju that we had fight all the guys where do I put him I'll make space it's a little squished but dare now he's watching over the rest of the collection they're all terrified of him all right now we're doing action figures all right so next up is the action figures here is Bonnie this is actually the re-release of wave one Bonnie that I bought very recently um there's this guitar [Music] okay guys I hate to admit it but a lot of my FNAF action figures especially the older ones didn't really stand a thousand times so a lot of these are just kind of spare parts so uh let's try and just guess here's the remains of what I assume is golden Freddy oh a foxy leg spring trap pieces chica hand hey look the cupcake survived most of Funtime Freddy and Bonbon a little ballora a fun time foxy piecer too ennard dread bear fell behind my bed while I was making the video and I I I can't I can't dig him out there's so much crap under my bed but yes I have the whole dread bear figure this is just the only pieces I can retrieve sorry bud well that's been uh FNAF figure pieces I did have the complete lolbit figure however I traded that away for some other FNAF merch uh to Froakie uh so my next chronological FNAF figure is Lefty let's just say we jumped a couple waves there's Lefty oh my God I forgot I have circus baby mostly that's a ballora like on the left but it it's close enough here is glitch trap easily easily the best FNAF figure my God he's so awesome literally my only problem with him is his joints but I mean you could have painted him yellow but other than that it's easily the best one I figure this guy's awesome I love posing you can make him do the thing the pose he does in the game can you tell I'm not really that big a fan where's Captain foxy one I actually like quite a bit yeah I like him he's cool good good figure here's vanny uh the knife I actually use on the Funko snap now so I don't actually have Manny with her knife I do have a knife just not with her I like to give this vanity a Glock I didn't buy this figure because I thought it looked good I bought it because it was funny God they just they just they just messed up so bad on the security breach Wave It's so awful here is a chocolate Bonnie I definitely should have done Frost bear first here's Freddy Frost bear I like frost bear I think he's really good he's very cool I like his how how like clear he is and looks neat his head is very wobbly though for me um there's chocolate Bonnie looks pretty decent I don't know why I bought these here's more of funko's Lies where they said these were FNAF AR characters when they're not ever even in the game I didn't even bother giving chica a cupcake this is bull crap here's Shamrock Freddy um other than the fact that he looks like he's covered in poo uh I like him he looks good they just really dropped the ball with the dirt texture on that one here's VR toy Freddy I was happy to finally get some action figures of the toys and these are definitely better than the plushies here's VR toy Bonnie sister mirror toy Bonnie they're named are stupid I don't care here is a high score toy chica along with her a little 8-bit cupcake good prop see if I can get her to hold it properly is radioactive foxy apparently there's actually an endoskeleton figure in here so maybe I'll buy another radioactive foxy and try building in the skeleton one day I'll be stealing your shins here's Live Wire toy Freddy I don't remember if he came with the mic or not because I can't find it here's toxic spring trap uh he glows green I think I think all these guys are glow in the dark remember here's Liberty chica an absolute must buy 10 out of 10 FNAF figure it actually bothers standing on the carpet if you have FNAF figures and don't have this one you're a Chomp anyways here's our Explorer I'd actually really nice in that figure probably one of the best ones I made in a really long time well okay besides glitch trap I forgot that that was more recent than I thought it was and here's circus chica because she's just so silly and it's to fill the empty hole in my heart because God Claire chica why there's a ratchet figure look so hey this is me uh multiple days after filming the video I I just realized I forgot this um I have a tie-dye SpongeBob figure and it hangs on my wall cheese trap he hangs on my wall um just wanted to let everybody know but yeah that that counts so yeah that was the roller coaster of emotions that's the FNAF action figure let's do the Mystery Minis now I actually like these things all right FNAF Mystery Minis oh you want me to actually count them out going in order here might be the actual most painful thing ever but I'll do it for you guys here's Freddy Fazbear from wave one of the Mystery Minis back when they still turn their heads I don't know why they don't do that anymore yeah there's there's Freddy here's Bonnie the bunny I don't know why is his head a completely different color from his body that's weird that's just like age I bought these ones second hand I didn't actually originally buy wave one I got the second hand from a friend through trades it's weird here is chica also weird it's not as noticeable on her but you can kind of tell it's like a shade darker it's so bizarre I like her feather hands I think that's cute here's the cupcake from wave one toy cupcake basically it's foxy here's golden Freddy I actually think this mystery mini holds up really well I love the wash on the eyes it looks super good here is toy Freddy black guys and all and he's sitting down I actually don't think they did me sitting down Mystery Minis past Wave one actually no I think there was some in wave two but after wave two they definitely stopped here is toy Bonnie pretty good one there's nothing wrong with that I like the tail wait to see yeah sorry I forgot here's a toy chica this is actually fun fact one of the original Mystery Minis I got all the way back when like I bought wave one myself uh this was one of the few I got this is the Walmart exclusive beaked one I don't have the biggest one that's kind of funny here's another one of those original ones the puppet this is a good one I like this one a lot and I'll finish off the trifecta the ones I actually bought myself back when grade one came out the Endo one all these are the ones I got secondhand at least from wave one anyway and here we have the elusive Shadow Freddy the goat I did a trade with Froakie I think around like eight months ago something like that I don't remember how long ago it was but uh I traded him a my little bit action figure my Stanley industry mini for um for this guy and for weather Bonnie mystery mini so you know I I I think I got a good deal personally if you want to know why I discarded that Stanley mystery mini go back to the time stamp where I ranted about the plush I didn't get the Ella ones so there was no point in having him anyways your springtrap pretty good they almost made him Cheeto orange so thank God they didn't do that there's only wave one guys actually my wave two collection is less than my wave one collection but I also didn't really buy a whole lot of these back in the day so yeah here is Nightmare Freddy from wave 2. I love this guy especially because they bothered giving him the little fretles I only have two I actually has two still neat though and you can tell he's been on my shelf for a while get some dust on him here's nightmare Bonnie also really good mystery the mystery reviews are just very solid in general I love these little guys I think they're awesome here's nightmare chica oh my god look how much detail they got on the Cupcake like God the FNAF action figures could never these things are awesome I think they're easily nice well okay yeah I know I'm the I'm literally the plush producer but these are my favorite pieces of FNAF merch I think they're awesome here's nightmare foxy definitely knows menacing his enormous but he's cute I think that makes support here is Nightmare baby I got him pretty easily and Nightmare cupcake very happy I managed to pull him I think I pulled him in this next this next Mystery Mini of the same day it was awesome because if I didn't have this guy I don't think I ever would have made the dark arrival so you know that was a pretty good turning point for my channel where I actually bothered to start editing my videos here's the fredbear plush this little guy he's so cute I love this mystery made this guy's Game Stop exclusive he's awesome I love him I don't know if I mentioned if Shadow Freddy was Hot Topic exclusive or not but he was here's circus baby another one I got second hand more recently here's ballora this is actually one I managed to get back when Wave 2 came out as well as Funtime Freddy okay very good very good mystery I like I like all the gang I don't have Funtime foxy Sally but I do have Funtime Freddy videos uh actually I keep bringing up Froakie trades uh I just I did a original trade with Roki I gave him uh my second dupe of this guy and I got the wall bit pop in return which you will see later in this video also here's ennard and I okay this is the thing though this has the discoloration thing that the Bonnie has because like this mask definitely used to be way more white for some reason it's just it's just like faded I don't know why can someone expect that like is a better scientist than me explain how that works is it like just like it's just like age I don't know because the other fun times didn't do that they're still pretty pristine white but ennard's like a weird cream color now it's weird how could I forget the elusive uh Best Buy exclusive nightmare JJ mystery mini I got a dupe one back in the day and I was like and I made this one I actually think it turned out okay for me being like 12 when I made it that was probably more like 13 was together I forgot him again did I do that I just I I'm tired here's weather Bonnie GameStop exclusive awesome the only with like one of the like who who Wizards merch we've ever got which is this in the Funko Pop and I don't have the Funko Pop but I next up there's a twisted ones this is where I actually kind of bother to start collecting them I think I have the entire base set thankfully so that's cool no I'm missing bon bon but that's still most of them here's Twisted Freddy I actually think these mystery maze look really good especially because they decide to actually get more like fan service for the books by including characters like the spring lock Daft in and all the they actually completing the trio of the toys one thing I liked about the um Twisted ones or just the mysteries in general is that they actually bothered going back and completing some of the old sets such as a different character that I'm not going to mention right now I don't know why it's talking about here's Twisted Pawnee completely unrelated I'm so tired but yeah this guy's cool I like how the Jaws disconnected piece Mr chica again just when the Mystery Minis do it it's so much better when the plushies do it the detailing and the actual like second cupcake being down there looks nice Mr Foxy bother putting him in the dirt the Funko Pop did it too thank God actual questions Mr said well if I'm telling you with the glitch makes it look so much better like why didn't they do that on the plushie and Theodore where all the Twisted one specific characters here is uh the magician and little Joe the god both of these are sister location characters there's yando this was the character I was going to mention they bothered going back and finishing his sister location but adding Yanda a little bit and Bonnet all three of them in the streaming wave Daisy is what you're supposed to do Funko I don't know who's designing your Mystery Minis but give them a raise I mean I guess they're making this now so like maybe don't actually I wouldn't be surprised if he fired the guy that made these anyway here's dark spring trap I like him he's he's a character I guess and this is the only dark string try merch I own so you know he's cool here's jump scare entered I actually really like this guy he looks super cool in fact they actually technically have an unmasked Ender mystery mini is neat I know one of my friends had two enters and two jump scanners and made an unmasked entered mystery mini out of the two of them by combining them and it looks really neat so yeah that's that's cool I don't have two of each so I'm not gonna do that here is Afton the one in 72. I love this guy a lot I use him as a stand-in for scrap trap at my display because they never made a scrap trap mystery mini God dang it Funko yeah I was just complimenting you man anyway here's the one exclusive I got is the little bit one well I had the hot top I had the Hot Topic exclusive Stanley however I traded that away for this and that [Music] so you know anyways uh yeah but I got all of it still so yeah this is a pretty good one to still have I like that they put in the TV along with the funko pop that did it which I will again show later in the video I am rambling I am rambling I gotta get all my pizzas in guys I don't even have that many of the pizzas in one God dang it next up is pizza Sim uh I also didn't really get a whole lot of them from this wave but I did get a couple uh here's Rockstar Freddy pretty decent the eye mystery mini but uh yeah is Rockstar body I like his waving position I think it's a good it's a good pose for to put him in looks cool he's a rockstar foxy doesn't really look like Rockstar Fox so he kind of just looks like normal foxy holding an accordion this is probably like the worst mystery mini it just doesn't what the hell are those pants and give him the bird bro what the hell here is Happy Frog yeah pretty neat one here's Orville elephant I like this one a lot too this one's very cute I like that they made the Oroville merch cute here's Funtime chica the little cupcake and L chip good guy it didn't make music man where's the music man and here's Lefty the rarest one that I have from the set okay the common set I think these next three are pretty rare your scrap baby from Gamestop this was actually pretty easy to get I'm pretty sure that both the scraps are 1 and 12s in their boxes they you bought a case and you had them pretty much but especially if you knew the trick like I did uh you didn't have to buy the whole case so yeah and here's molt free these guys are awesome easily some of the best Mysteries I love these guys so much look I hit all the scraps ended up together look at that guys well kind of we'll we'll say he's people say scrap trap and last but not least the most I've ever spent on a mystery mini if you don't count trades egg baby come on if you know me you know I needed this guy like I needed him I I mean I I act like I spent like 400 this guy I spent like 50 bucks it's still a lot for like a little teeny two inch toy but this is the only official Egg Baby merch we almost had that good stuff plus you know we didn't so here wait oh no oh no you forgot me got me the price in front of the video God Jesus Christ Egg Baby okay okay I'm sorry man you [Music] I can't believe you do that to me I'm like the best one you've ever made like Ed blocked combined I can't believe you forget me like that I'm gonna hit you over to hell with this box wait no stop God damn it okay okay Jesus Christ I'm sorry I'm sorry man oh now I just kind of feel bad okay fine whatever just stop just give me put me in a good spot please anyways here's my egg baby plush um yeah he's he's kind of becoming infamous um you know what like baby I will put you over there okay that was a bit of a detour uh security breach I think was the next Mystery Minis right here's the Glam Rock Friday mystery mini I think the security breach ones are the only ones they actually bother to do right this is like the only security breach thing that they made that was decent thank God we have something the mystery mini saved it here's glamor chica I think always managed to actually stay pretty consistent to the real designs considering the fact the one they bothered to detail them more and two uh they're tiny and stylized anyway so they don't really distract that often that much here's Monty some of the colors are off there's definitely some things off like Roxy doesn't have her face paint but you know he's they're good enough for what they are for the new little boys and Betty with a knife you know she's not allowed to have a knife anymore and has to have a pizza cutter and also uh here's the black light Chica and Roxy I I just kind of got them randomly they're there guys wait this is a kid's Channel no I lied this is a PG-13 Channel according to Copper laws is that still a thing do people actually still care about that here is the uh AR wave here is the VR toy Freddy mystery mini this guy's very glossy though this was the start of the cursed Trend they don't turn their heads anymore it's like that was the one thing that like they could do man why you take that away from them your system era toy Bonnie also a pretty decent one like that they bothered using the old Scopes here's high score toy chica I love a little 8-bit cupcake and again very glossy I like the glossy it's radioactive foxy this one stinks this looks so bad what the hell it's like even with the Funtime foxy mall and they colored the pupil and just God this one sucks on the contrary here's the toxic spring trip the plush mystery mini I actually like this one a lot they actually bother to do his eyes right for once they actually have like the weird ring things it looks really cool the bubbles and boils just a lot of good detailing on this guy here is the 8-Bit baby one I like this one a lot too I love that they kept this consistent with the style and they actually have the whole arcade guys all the whole four of the game here's also live wire toy Freddy this is the first mystery mini set I actually managed to complete and I'm very proud of myself for that one as well as a heart sick baby they're bow and arrow all in tow yeah black harvani another really good looking one I like the crack at the bottom you can't really there's no heart on him I don't know that that's that's right I do like all the different cracks so they managed to do that pretty well here's Frost by baby again pretty good mini I like the Cloudy look I know some people are kind of now you didn't look like a snow looking more like an ice but whatever art Blora very detailed mini another one in 72 pretty rare I like her a lot she's very nice and I like the best one is wave for last but not least mangle thank God they gave us a real piece of mango emergence that it just like broken Funtime foxy [Music] good mystery mini actually I no I'm not doing that I'm just gonna do the dramatic effect then get back down here all right last mystery mini wave the balloon circus guys here we go we got balloon Freddy balloon free he's blue free he's got a blue it's blue and Foxy again mischievous I think this is probably my least favorite mystery mini wave mostly because these aren't real characters but I mean they're they're still fine I like the clown designs but the balloon ones are kind of Stiller here's balloon chica oh look at her it brings me right back to Smiling their little Freckle she's so cute and balloon Bonnie's adorable with his stupid smile and he's big tooth here's another balloon Bonnie all right this is the glow-in-the-dark one it doesn't even show up on camera God dang it God whatever you D glow just trust me funny story about that one I got that from a from a from a Walmart somehow trust me Walmart has been very weird I'm gonna describe another story later when I get to my duplicates anyways yeah um yeah I don't know how that happened but I got it here's clown Freddy super nice super cool I like his pose he looks like him I don't know he looks like he's doing a Mario pose you know that one post Mario does is that one here is uh clown Bonnie I like him a lot there's a little bit she's very cute looks nice oh circus chica I called the other ones clowns I don't care this is Circus chica she's so awesome look at her she's so cute I love this one this one goes to just please trust me here's clown foxy he's sad he goes boo wamp he's very sad on this one a lot and last but not least here is Cheeto balloon foxy that's my nickname for him the prophecy is true there's my complete mystery mini collection all of the unique ones keyword being unique yeah I've got all these duplicates so I guess I'll just you know I'll go through them in a time lapse fashion yarni rapist y'all's gonna be so fast fourth line depends on each other guys um wait uh oh this is a cool story I can slow the video down so uh when I got my uh heart sick baby in Arctic ballora I got them in the same case I pulled uh the four rare boxes from two separate cases somehow I actually managed to get two Arctic lures and two hearts like babies I don't know how those odds work however the second hard sick baby was also a defect so I think that kind of seems that something's wrong uh if you can tell her middle face plates aren't painted and her eyebrows aren't painted so yeah that might be worth something then and if you didn't notice a very specific character missing because I have like six foxies I hate the AR wave I went through tooth and nailed to complete the set but I did it are you happy now I did it I forgot I keep like cuphead and like miscellaneous Mystery Minis in these cases also speaking of the cases hey look I got two of the boxes from buying they are said I got two cases one with a box topper one without and I also have a complete uh security breach case with the Box topper and I have a balloon circus case without the Box topper so yeah that'll go over there I guess I think keeping the pile of dudes here would be really funny so I'm gonna do that here is the vinyl figures because there's also YouTubes in here so I can't just call them Funko Pops time for that part of the video there were probably a Funko Pop collector that is just like like actually like this is like nails on chalkboard for them I don't care about your vinyl figures I like them because they look cool I don't care if they're worth two hundred thousand dollars anyways it's Freddy Fazbear so yeah I actually don't have the boxes to a lot of these older ones I do have some of them but they're in the closet and screw you I'm not getting the boxes out I don't care about Funko Pops that much they're just cool looking I don't know I think the solid black pupils look good for the FNAF figures because they're FNAF and they're scary ish kinda I don't know here's Bonnie I like they got the purple color right here's chica [Music] third Ted's turn yeah and they're they're just Funko Pops I don't know most of the ones I buy nowadays are just because I feel like it not even because I want them really all that bad okay I don't collect them I just buy them because I think they look cool here's foxy I collected them in the old days though that that was definitely the truth at some point your spring trap and fun fact this is actually the glow-in-the-dark spring trap not the uh not the normal one I'm not gonna you just trust me God damn it your Shadow Freddy this one was exclusive to Hot Topic actually I guess I should mention that springtrap is exclusive to GameStop this one's included to Hot Topic because all the shadow fight stuff was exclusive to Hot Topic and it was so awesome here is the toy Freddy pop it was exclusive to GameStop I actually really like this one I think it's one of the best one of the best uh Funko Pops that Freddy FNAF done there's flocked one time foxy it's gathered a little dust over the years however this is still a pretty good one this was this one was actually exclusive to Best Buy so here it is guys your elusive best I can't tell I think it's dusty yeah it's dust is just sticking to it but yeah this is the flocked Funtime foxy Pop I like this one a lot I think it looks good here's the toy cupcake [Music] I guess I'll also show the black light cupcake off I bought it because it looks like golden cupcake there you go there's also the balloon boy Funko Pop his balloon warps really badly I've tried to get it to stay up over the years and just doesn't but yeah it works really bad here's the FNAF 4 wave nightmare Freddy he Jingles like a Maraca I don't know why he does that it was like that when I got him here's nightmare Bonnie also pretty decent looking one here's nightmare chica I don't know why they made her eye blue and red her eyes silver and red I did that for my plush because all the Funko merch made it like that except for the mystery mini oddly enough I don't understand the inconsistency here is Nightmare cupcake also a pretty cool Funko Pop I forgot I'm your foxy well forgot maybe a strong word but yeah there's nightmare foxy some people put him after the cupcake some people don't know here's jack-o-chica this is a cool one it does not glow in the dark however her counterpart Jack o'bonnie does that's exclusive to GameStop that's exclusive to Target and this is exclusive to Barnes and Noble look at me is spewing my facts next up is the sister location wave here's circus baby I like this one it definitely brings out her doll central features her square head is also really funny oh she's now here's jump scare baby this was an exclusive to San Diego Comic-Con shared with Hot Topic I think I'm not sure but it definitely was a shared one yeah it was San Diego Comic-Con 2017 I think here is Funtime foxy I don't know why I'm doing this one next but yeah here's Funtime foxy again I think that the shiny plastic looks good on these ones oh God here's ballora this one looks very nice also I don't know what it is I think the FNAF I think the FNAF works well in the Funko Pop Style the human characters of Funko I don't think I would agree as much however I can't say much I own a lot of them foxy fell again anyway here's chase ballora this is the chase jump scare velor there's the only two jump scare ones I own I never got Freddy or foxy so that's a shame stop falling very more just lay him down here's fun time Freddy I like this one they did they did good detailing on the bonbon though I feel like this might I think this might be just the mold from the action figure they just painted the eyes black I'm gonna fact check that I was right wow that is like almost identical outside of the eyes and I think also he's a slightly darker shade of blue but that that is that is basically the exact same neat FNAF merch fact for you on the other hand they actually made a full bon bon pop which is pretty cool especially because they didn't make a plush this is very good for the detached video the first episode of detached guys I used this Funko Pop instead of the bonbon and also here's lolbit I believe this was a this was a New York Comic-Con 2017 exclusive shared with Toys R Us and it looks really cool I like this this is a good pop this also used to be froakies who traded it to me for his jump scare or for my second jump scare Funtime Freddy mystery mini he gave me this Funko Pop of lava which is really thanks thanks protein I've done Charades with other people I swear I mentioned a long Blazer here's a couple ones for the Twisted ones here's Twisted Freddy I like the way this one looked I know he had like a very snarly like bear like look to him and I thought he looked good so that's why I bought him yes Twisted wolf I also really like this guy I think his details are pretty nice on him they didn't make action figures the Twisted ones so it was nice to at least get Funko Pops of them here's Theodore yep he's a door he's good see this is actually the one where I fulfilled the prophecy and got all three of the toys Theodore looks good what about Stanley see this is actually pretty decent looking like it actually looks like a horse and not like a lump guys it's Ella finally yeah I use this in the 1 35 am video also but yeah that's just cool that they bothered to bring Ella back for the the Fazbear Freights books but yeah I really like this this little this little this little Funko Pop she looks good as a Funko Pop I think I think all three of these guys do and I finally have the book toys together thank God I never even read the novel Trilogy why do I care anyways here's two fnafics Funko Pops here's the healthy one I mean this this just kind of makes sense I mean it's healthy he's a little figure for Funtime Freddy little guy so he makes sense to Nick him his Funko box I also Lefty because like Lefty's a story relevant character I kind of like that they actually bother making a different mold than the other ones just and yeah ever since FNAF 6 they kind of stopped making FNAF Funko Pops oddly enough I am kind of surprised on that fact uh they didn't come back until I think the tie-dye ones then after that they made the balloon circus one so here is balloon or that's clown Freddy here is clown foxy here's balloon Bonnie and here is balloon chica I think they also made a boon foxy pop too but I didn't buy that one because I don't care I'll be honest I bought these mostly for the video but they're cute nonetheless I like them I would definitely buy them many of the plushies over these guys though if it was downtown and now we have the YouTube better question mark hard to tell these things are like three times the price of the Funko Pop so it's really hard to tell anyways here's Glam Rock Freddy I bought the U2's of the security breach guys because they did they didn't make security breach pops or any good figures so I was like you know what I want some figures of the security breach guys so I bought the YouTubes and I actually really like these guys honestly they're sculpted well they're accurate they have also stylized eyes which is annoying but whatever they still look good I can't say much I bought the Funko Pops here's Glam Rock chica I really love the postseason I also just think her colors blend very well together and I think she looks very cute this is a good YouTube here's Roxanne Wolfe I've been doing Monty normally so I'm doing Roxy her hair looks especially really well sculpted and detailed yeah this is a very good one good job YouTubers you made some good stuff and here's Monty a good creepy snake yeah they they uh they didn't give him pants for some reason I don't know why they didn't thanks to you too's your thunderheads but yeah other than that this is a decent one definitely the worst out of the four just by by process of elimination but here's Benny I spent a hundred dollars on a Collector's Edition for this one just kidding I got other stuff for it too and it definitely wasn't a hundred dollars I spent I got it like marked down thankfully the Box will be later in this video along with the other stuff from the collector's edition hey at least I didn't pay like secondhand prices for vanity that probably would have been more expensive than me buying the collector's edition second hand in itself anyways they made a wave two of the security breach figures and why did I put her over here this is like the only piece of burn trap merch we're ever gonna get so that's why I bought it and also I just think it looks cool good job burn trap you did it and lastly we have the daycare attendant I didn't buy the wet floor bot sign sadly I kind of wish I did but it's whatever I do like these guys so these guys are neat I don't really know which side to display them on though maybe you know maybe I should get one of those like jewelry rotating tables that I have like set to rotate entirely throughout the day so like it's like this for 12 hours and then like this for another 12 hours like it spins like a nightlight that'd go hard but I I think that's probably really hard to do anyways there is all of the FNAF vinyl figures here they are hmm do I do McFarlane's or snaps next uh all right okay odd number McFarland even number it snaps snaps all right here is the uh three Funko snaps playsets I own uh the hallway with Vanessa the back room and the office there's all my Funko snaps here's Freddy uh it looks pretty cool I come a lot obviously the interchangeable phase I'm not gonna go through all that you can do your own research I did another Funko snap video where I did so yeah there's Bonnie here's chica with Carl and also there's Carl on the desk back there you can see him right there foxy he's got the it's me son he's awesome if you're spring trap and technically William Afton underneath get the mask off [Music] I'm so tired guys it's like three in the morning here's toy Freddy this guy look at him gonna be so awesome I love to afraid toy Bonnie with the body guitar here's toy chica here's nightmare chica I know we're jumping games pretty quick here but yeah there's there's nightmare Chico the mangle snap would be cool especially if they bother doing like all their limbs and stuff here's circus baby which looks pretty neat and we got plushtrap as a little hand puppet here's uh Eve on a circus baby with the blue eyes it's just the Endo head from the backstage is that with the baby the jump scare baby face on it here's Glam Rock Freddy and there's Glam Rock chica she spin her head around should go here's Monty cool I like his tail and Vani with the action figure knife because I wanted to give it to the Funko snap because the stupid other one has uh Vanessa's accessories um she's ready to cut the pizza and Shine the flashlight on the pizza because it's dark yeah this is Vanessa one I like it a lot or I'll leave it as the merch with a little pizza cutter I guess technically if we want to count these uh here's shattered Monty and shattered chica they're technically different characters and the other faces that don't don't correspond to another character here's all the Funko snaps the final boss my idiocy oh God I almost collided anyway with my idiocy I forgot that the McFarland Figures were up there so I have to get them down without breaking any of them wish me luck okay well I got all this stuff down for my shelf and actually this is the box of the remaining parts uh I kept all the Minifigures out of here but all of the remaining sets I haven't opened this box and I think actual years so there might be a lot of dust on these yep it's gonna take a while for me to reassemble them and like at least somewhat decent fashion so I'm gonna do that now all right I did it I built them all again well not not completely like these are just in chunks I I wasn't gonna take them apart Brick by Brick because I'm I'm not what you would call a master builder I couldn't figure out what these pieces went to you want to figure it out okay here we go we're doing it in this corner I guess I'll do a warning for the next part uh if there is such thing as a phobia or fear of dust I don't think you're gonna like this part you might want to skip to the conclusion because there is a lot of dust on these starting off with wave one we have the show stage I'm gonna start with the sets first and then move to the figures but yeah there's a slow stage and that little arcade has BB their Adventure on it well Easter egg that's cool I don't know what happened to the door here's the backstage AKA parts and service which I guess I should probably switch these around if I want to be game accurate here that's so inefficient whatever here is Pirate Cove I'm not gonna keep doing this bit there's Pirate Cove with the little the little little star curtains or paper or the wheel in the back it's pretty cool how to order sign it's nice good set here is the uh office set with golden Freddy and uh originally they were gonna put tire track Freddy in this set I'm kind of sad we didn't get tire track Freddie I'm gonna be honest guys and then for uh FNAF 2 we have party room two I'm gonna guess party room four yeah look at that a little detail but they got little drawings and the the posters and this is where the paper Pals went but I'm gonna show them off later sorry guys the dust is getting to me here's the game area from FNAF 2. look it's got a Carousel and it works kinda like the the little guys go up and down it might be hard to tell but they go up and down pretty cool here's the prize counter and the pup the Box does open and close but it's very fragile so I'm not gonna do that here's another random wall there's three of the four pieces of the office the one vent the other vent wait left vent right vent I know this is the left one because it has that poster on it I'm a nerd and here's the middle so I guess I can move this here and then uh I stopped collecting the the McFarland stuff about the second to last wave so I don't have the Middle with withered golden Freddy but honestly that's probably the set I want the most because that's the one FNAF 2 character I'm missing which is a bit of a shame and lastly for the FNAF 2 sets we have Parts in service which is awesome this set's awesome it's got a closet and there's an endoskeleton in there and a bunch of uh of the masks the exit sign fell look you can tell between wave one and wave two they swapped the exit sign like we can wave one it was just a sticker on a line like a gray plate and then they actually made it a molded piece in the wave too here is the office from FNAF 3. got the little box with a an attempt and a paper pill here is uh this piece which goes here it's the outside of the office I will actually point out that the pieces in here I believe most of these molds were made before they even made most of the toys so a lot of these are a little inaccurate but they also look kind of similar to the game like how the pieces look a little like it's really off than the actual toy masks here's a wall this is this actually had Phantom chica's arcade in it I'm pretty sure but yeah I figured out I think this had the mask for Phantom chica on it utilizing put it together now we're on to FNAF 4. uh here is the bed yeah there's the left side of the bedroom with the little they got the little phone and the caterpillar toys this is a little round clock and a purple fan look at that [Music] welcome to Freddy Fazbear pizza um you let matpat in here that you can lift he stole a pizza oven that's been favorite Tick Tock as I've recent here's the closet this set sucks I putting it together was so back together was so awful and I got PTSD of putting it together for the first time it was so bad it was so bad and it came with such a dog figure we'll get to you here's a window and a desk and a clock and a wall but it has a chair and another wall it's the plushtrap corridor with a chair yeah your circus control and a fun time Auditorium stages I guess Funtime Auditorium and velor gallery respectively and then here's the big thing in the middle I forgot the names called but they got the human heads in there and they did the fortune teller and inner mask I have to point out the human heads because apparently the chord to the character Encyclopedia they're characters they have less than 20 frames of screen time but I guess apparently they count here's the private room actually like the set a lot you can see the FNAF four the cameras for the FNAF 4 on there it's really neat and the keypad where you type 1983 I will say this piece is cool it's like we actually got a monitor piece it's neat actually I don't think the original office had that I'm gonna fact check that I'm right again here's the best McFarland set ever the scooping room this one is so awesome come with all the sister location animatronic parts and you can press it and make it scoop this is so cool Funko could never this is so awesome I love scooping my uh [Music] brookies give me promise that wasn't a personal attack and the only like modern day set I got because I found it on clearance at GameStop like two years ago for like seven dollars was the the Salvage set from the blast waves they made and I guess you can say this is a Henry minifigure right here this little tiny guy that's Henry so that's all the sets I own but what about the Minifigures that's like what people actually care about here's Freddy Fazbear I like these guys I actually think the McFarland sets are pretty underrated they were kind of crappy sets themselves like I know a lot of people I'm not a super big Lego person however I did build Legos in my time that they're very fragile they're like kind of crappily made like they're they're detailed and very like I don't know how to put it they're very detailed but they're not exactly high quality like the plastic Lego uses is definitely way more high quality prone to sticking together better and just generally like holds together I think with time uh however these are much more detailed than if Lego did it and I think honestly I wouldn't want Lego to do them because they wouldn't bother making unique molds or like bother putting this much detail into the subs however as I stated they are very fragile so you have to be careful if you ever have these but they're very expensive on the second-hand market so I doubt you will ever get them if you don't have them now I'm sorry maybe you'll find one of the clan spin at GameStop like I did oh yeah Freddy Fazbear this guy's Mike he's cool Dash 40. go right there next up is Bonnie the bunny with the copyrighted guitar even though there was one over there too there was also a copyrighted guitar and action figure too but you know yeah there's a copyrighted guitar it's a good Bonnie they made him purple like he should be he's good I like him I like his bowling stare he looks cool uh next up is chica this guy's neat too the cupcake's a little a little zonked out but other than that this is a good figure thank God because the Prototype images for these guys were rough I remember they were very rough I'll probably flash a couple images on screen next up is foxy I like him he's cool I believe this chess piece has some endoskeleton underneath it let me look yeah now I have to put him back together I guess it's a good opportunity to show you that yes the masks come off and they all have little like endoskeleton Parts it's really neat all the FNAF figures do this I think except maybe like the ultimate customized anime foxy I don't know if that one does it um but yeah that uh that that that was the only ultimate custom nightmarch I think we ever got like ever unless you count that poster next up is golden Freddy I like this one the wash looks good on this I think it looks very solid I'm trying to even get to focus better there we go I might have to hold all the incoming figures like that here's toy Freddy uh a good shade of brown could be more orange but you know it it's not quite as bad as Funko I think it works with this this at least Minifigures like look he's good I like him get the microphone here's toy Bonnie I know they released a show stage set with the toys uh later in a wave I didn't buy but like it had like 20 Bonnie of the guitar toy chica with a beak and toy Freddy with the brow the black eyes which is pretty neat I think that's cool I don't have any of those though so I only got these ones here's toy chica beakless and Eyeless it's a good figure your panties aren't painted on the back though she's butt naked guys what the hell put some pants on I say isn't the boys don't have any pants on here's mangle I'm missing a piece no I'm not I'm stupid I I overlook pieces yeah now you have all the pieces of mangle however this mangle and the nightmare mangle figures are both really fragile also this one has green eyes however they did get her body right so you know that's cool at least they made the body like look good it looks right and her hand is backwards because the only way she can stand and she's still not gonna do it though because this is carpet here's BB I don't really like this figure all that much the hair looks bad it's black for some reason it just kind of throws off the whole look I don't know why he just looks very off um but yeah he's not the worst I guess he he again he's not he's not the one yeah his speaker's not bad he's good here's the puppet they made a pretty odd choice to make the uh make the legs like these are all one by one pieces like one by one Lego pieces or like one by one plates and they're all stacked on top of each other which makes her very prone to Breaking however uh what breaking breaking a part not like breaking in half but you know this is still a pretty good build though I like this minifigure and the face is a good mold take a bit of a detour before I get the Wizards here's the paper Pals these all came in the uh God these all came in the set with the party room and you have all three of them the the brand the Bonnie and the Bear I think this is the one of the only two pieces of paper Pals merch we got I think the only other ones in this Trinity here's withered Freddy and this one's pretty standard but I mean they made him different enough from FNAF one Freddy to warranted I think and plus come on I mean they couldn't just not make withered Freddy even if he wasn't that different withered Freddy is too awesome to be skipped out on here's withered Bonnie uh for some reason mine is a weird like paint splotch in the middle I don't know why I don't think that's not supposed to be there but other than that this one looks pretty good I like them all the face looks nice or lack thereof uh yeah this is a pretty good one I like this one a lot solid here's weather Chico which oddly was from wave one uh you can kind of tell that this is a wave one figure just due to the lack of an overall like wash on the paint and just generally more on more less detail than the other wizards but yeah this one's good could have added wires to the mouth but at least just gapes open here's withered foxy from parts and service yeah here he is looks cool I like how he's in the specific position however they copied the mold from Phantom foxy so that's why his mouth kind of looks a little funny I guess I technically forgot this guy this is the endoskeleton you can apply this to any of the games technically but he's still cool I never really said we never got um we're never gonna get security breach ones of these guys because I think some stuff like DJ music man would be a really cool Lego build but anyway here's Shadow Bonnie I'm happy they bothered to make his teeth different that that's a very nice touch considering this is mostly just a repaint but he's he's pretty cool I like him a lot the good figure and here's Shadow Freddy the only withered Shadow Freddy merch we've ever gotten which is really nice that they bought him to stay game accurate because again I think this is just a repaint of their Phantom Freddy but either way they're using their repaints to their advantage it's not gonna total repaint they have the leg we also have uh for the masks um these are just in my hand because uh I usually just set them in front of the FNAF 3 section of the display and they go there and they just kind of chill yeah I can just uh hear you kind of Freddy you can have Bonnie you can foxy you can ojinko on the FNAF 3 the springtrap this figure sucks I don't know this figure just kind of sucks it's definitely a very big showing of early McFarlane they messed up the feet they messed up the eyes they snouted too long I don't know what happened here like Ugh it's so close man McFarland made pretty consistently good stuff it's a damn shame because there's just so few good spring trap diggers out there why is everyone messing up he's like the fan favorite maybe it wasn't back when the back when this was made but he is now here's Phantom Freddy and guys look he's missing a leg like God intended this is an ongoing debate with my friends uh whether or not Phantom Freddy has one or two legs um voice your opinions in the comments I'm interested get people talking what do you think anyway here's Phantom foxy uh it looks pretty good all right they bought actually take his arm off and he's the right shade of red like a red dirty red I like him but yeah actually it seems like his head is actually a reverse it's kind of weird it's both reused and not like it's but it's they're both of these heads are on a slant however one of the eye patches is open but they're slanting different ways it's very bizarre it's like a repaint but also not it's it's weird here's Phantom chica technically this is the this is just kind of a build from the set but it has Phantom chica on it so I'm gonna count this as the Phantom chica figure because there is no other Phantom chica figure and here's Phantom BB look they made him light like how he is supposed to actually I don't think he's supposed to look like this technically but it looks better than the plush good Lord plush is bad God my hand is like covered in dust it's like coarse I hate this maybe I'm the one with the fear of dust here is Nightmare Freddy how do I do this every time here's nightmare Freddy the legs are a little under detailed but other than that this is a pretty good figure I think the head molds actually very very good I also like the the the nightmares had teeth go all the way around the back of the head it was just really funny to me I don't know why it's just a funny detail here's nightmare Bonnie also uh indicative of the lack of veto on the legs but eh go ahead mold spine piece looks good he's nice I forgot the fretles guys my dad I like the fretles especially because they actually bothered to make them all have different positions uh I don't think literally any other company would have done that so good on you McFarland for making like them actually all different a little bit you can kind of tell I believe these are only separate pieces of fretle merch that's nice here's nightmare chica also with nightmare cupcake thank God the nightmare cupcakes a little more detailed than the FNAF one cupcake because good Lord um but yeah this one's nice thank God they bothered to detail the legs this is easily the best nightmare figure by proxy but yeah that could the back of it looks nice it's very good they actually did arise right too so that's good here's nightmare foxy I also like this one a lot the pants aren't nearly as noticeable because they're still Brown and like have a decent wash on them so it's not nearly as noticeable the other ones when they don't have any detail but it still looks good for some reason I don't know why his body is these bottom jaw like extends out here but not out here and I think it's like done on all the figures I have no idea why it's like that maybe it's not actually because mine looks broken but I definitely remember getting it like this I don't know if anyone else owns the nightmare foxy McFarland figure let me know here's plushtrap this is also one of the later ones I got randomly but yeah I like him a lot this is a good plushtrap figure could be a little more detailed but yeah it's still pretty decent here's a nightmare this guy's awesome I'm sad I never got nightmare fredbear but this guy's really cool either way this is a good mold just a solid figure all around it's really weird that they made Nightmare Before nightmare fredbear it's just bizarre to me here's nightmare BB this one's always been really funny to me just to his very Stern expression and also just the teeth go all the way around on both the top and bottom jaw it's like he's like it's like a like a Vortex dude come closer help me cut my teeth I'm sorry guys I don't know what that was you this figures doggy it's so fragile it sucks I lost a foot so the whole leg I lost in general this figure sucks everyone says it sucks it's so fragile thankfully mine is not broken as bad but it did break a little bit I had to hot glue this back on because it wasn't it wasn't coming on correctly it just sucks this figure is doggy this figure sucks worst McFarland figure by far that one so bad thank God I've been blessed with not having it break but this little this little teeny they put this together with this little teeny little joint and it breaks from 99 of people thankfully I'm within the one percent that it doesn't happen for and lastly here's nightmarian oron and I'm very on that's actually a really good figure this is also one of their very they're much later ones but yeah I actually like this one a lot this one's just very solid the head mold's very very good on this one good job McFarland all right the last major game mostly you don't count enough six actually wait I'm gonna go over the plushies first these little Plushies are very adorable I'm gonna give each of them their own segment here's Freddy there he is look at him look at this little guy he's so cute that little blueberries are small and little and cute here's Bonnie you see his big old teeth here's your chicken God the cupcakes details are so small why is the okay they bother doing that like actually a millimeter cupcake but they couldn't bother making this any better come on the freaking chica plushie's about the whole the entire chica plush is pretty much the size of that cupcake in general forgot to mention I have two Freddy's here's foxy and bro is pressed hold on let me get that get that Focus on there you go bro is upset he's mad he mad he thought school was only one day he mad here's fredbear which this one's actually really cool because it has the microphone or the walkie-talkie from the private room because it went with the private room set it's a good it's a good question I'm happy it's a good minifigure of it now on back to actual Minifigures here's circus baby this one's all right the coloring's a little off but the mold is pretty good you can see our teeth in there like very barely but it's kind of hard to see the shadow here's ballora I actually think this figure is really good they got all the colors down the proportions the body it just usually look very good this is a very solid one here's Funtime foxy this is pretty good too thanks a little off but other than that's good I like that they bought it give it in the tail fun time Freddy bon bon looks pretty good I mean as good as that little guy's gonna do even the mystery mini one's bigger yeah there's jump scare Funtime foxy I think this is the only time a different company besides Funko ever made a jump scare thing but yeah this is pretty neat I think this came with the control module I remember the name of the thing in the middle bittybab this is just a simple one piece like it does it's not like a like a you can't move or anything but yeah this is really good I like this one I think this is the only piece of bittybab merch that isn't jump scaring here's magician and little Joe that came in the circus control set here is entered God this minifigure is awesome this is the best McFarland figure it's so good same thing with the scooping room this whole set was just awesome look how much detail they put into this little guy oh my God the wires the eyeballs everything's painted to Perfection you can even take off the mask I can't do with one hand though hold on there that's so cool that's awesome they didn't have to do that but they did [Music] actual Perfection 10 out of ten I can't get it back on with one hand either boom here's a little bit and this is pretty much a simple repaintiff on top box you can see the eyebrows again but yeah at least they gave her the hook good job and here's yando this one's not bad I like him let's go he's got at least he's got some good like he's got a good sculpt with all like the wires and stuff all right guys I may have been wrong about nightmare mangle this is easily the worst McFarland figure God it's just do I even need to say it I gave him like wire legs so he like he can't stand up he doesn't have like the wire feet like the wire pile like on the feet like normal Freddy actually does have the entered parts are completely unpainted it's literally almost entirely reused molds like this is yando's arm and chest his ennard's left right arm the wires from withered chica the head is the only unique mole and it doesn't even look that good like it's passable at best this figure sucks no wonder it was the last freaking wave that I do on my phone to come back actually that's not that bad when you put them to the site like that that's that's okay perhaps I treat you too harshly okay it went from like a three out of ten to like a five all right here is the box to the collector's edition of uh security breach this one was for PS5 they have all the little signatures in the front the big pizza Flex logo can you tell this was bought second hand it's like it's bad oh my but yeah um yeah there it is this is that's why you can tell this is about second hand for a reason because the box is in really bad condition you can go back here maybe the moon can even look out at you wait I got your security breach this is the steel book uh with the game on PS5 [Music] again I have a PS5 and no games also that stickers I want to use these so bad but like they're collectors no I'll probably put these on my PC at some point I just haven't gotten around to it yet one day [Music] more stuff from the collector's edition these little pins are the plushies these are kind of cute I kind of wish they were more like like a like an enamel pin and less of like a metallic pen unless I'm wrong and this is enamel in which case uh I'm sorry and also the crappy Mr hippo fridge magnet yes this is an actual magnet it does stick on things it's pretty cool I like that do more in Universe merch that's neat here's all the collectible hex cards here's the Freddy one if you probably would have seen these in the uh the hex jump scares video I did Bonnie [Music] here's chica here's foxy uh here is Fred Bear and here's spring Bonnie purple guy purple guy and there's the second spring Bonnie one from the dupe here's a set of five of the uh little I think these are called just toys like these little Minifigures I filmed a video of me breaking these open but the filming didn't go very well so I think that video has lost to time uh sadly but I still have the little minifigures from it so yeah there's all five of them except for the Gold Freddy which I did not get sadly and lastly the last piece of merch in my entire FNAF collection is games springtrap it's a metallic spring trap pint-sized hero which is canonically the closest piece of merch we will ever get to game springtrap being real he's got a butt and with that that is my entire Five Nights at Freddy's March collection that is everything I've gotten over the last seven years that I still have in my possession dear Lord that was rough I imagine you all uh have probably been watching this video for a really long time which cases you made it to the end thank you genuinely thank you for watching this much time and giving me ad revenue for for doing this because Jesus Christ has took forever you think watching the video took a long time think about how long it took to film it but yeah this is everything this is all of the all of it is here each and every piece of it but yeah from plushies to figures to Pops to mini to minis to McFarland toys Lego sets to snaps it's everything it's all of it everything I got [Music] I'm sorry this is right before I'm recording the outro but I just realized actually right after I recorded the outro but I actually just realized I have to count everything that's like a bit I do in these videos God damn it this is gonna take forever you guys better be thankful for this probably off by a little bit because it's five in the morning of a lot of misorganized counting and I'm really tired um but I think I'm 550. I think I'm about 550 pieces of family so it's over 500 so I can put that in the title so yeah guys happy for an anniversary I'm gonna go to bed and then edit this tomorrow and have it uploaded by the eighth yes guys have a good day have a good night have a good whatever time it is and remember [Music] it wasn't an obsession you just had fun or maybe it was I don't know guys I thought hyper fixation was supposed to end at some point I've been on this FNAF train for like nine years now what the hell one last turn around everything whoa okay goodbye everybody [Music] thank you
Channel: Travis Plush Productions
Views: 116,249
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fnaf Plush, Bendy Plush, Cuphead Plush, Five Nights At Freddy's Plush, Plush Video, Mario Plush, Pikmin Plush, Kirby Plush, Sonic Plush, Fnaf, Five Nights at Freddy's, FNAF Merch, Fnaf Merchandise
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 139min 3sec (8343 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 12 2023
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