Fixing the WORST Funko FNAF Plush

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in today's video we are going to be customizing some of the worst Five Nights at Freddy's plushies ever made and no not this guy I got these three FNAF push from Walmart that may or may not be destroyed in this video so you might have seen this guy's videos graveyard loon and he takes some Five Nights at Freddy's plushies and turns them into some pretty interesting custom plushies so my goal in this video is to create better custom plushies than hits and now I know you guys might be upset about me destroying these three plushies from Walmart in case you're a plushie lover so I also have these three plushies to give away in this video so it's not all bad under strong support and giving some away to you guys of course if you want to enter in the giveaway to win these all you have to do is subscribe to the channel like the video and leave a comment saying you finished all three steps and now let's get into the first plushie now the first plushie we're starting off with in this video is the reversible pretty plushy now in his video it looks like he turned most of his plush into an American animatronic plushies but the nightmares are just all right characters and what can I do to be better than him and better than the nightmare plus the wizard plus of course and this guy can already reverse into a nightmare plushie but of course everyone wants the withered animatronics they're the Most Wanted FNAF plus series that Funko still hasn't made sadly so we're gonna be transforming this normal Freddy head into a withered Freddy head so I have all the materials I need to start making these custom plushies on my Sharpies my hot glue gun my felt my scissors everything I could possibly need so let's get to work and the very first thing we need to start off to turn them into a withered Freddy is first given these big old Hollow wither Freddy Eyes by just coloring them in with some black Sharpie so I'm going to be coloring in and around Freddy's eyes hollowed out his wither as well as some Sharpie all around his body to give him that dirty withered look that wither Freddy basically has so after I've dirtied them up and hollowed out his eyes the one thing that's still missing of this withered Freddy custom is his big withered Freddy mouth this tiny little Freddy mouth just won't do so I get on my scissors and some black belt so I begin cutting out a perfectly sized withered Freddy mouth out of black felt and after I have that mouth matched up to his body then I take some white felt and cut out some big chunky with a pretty teeth just like he's characterized in game then I glue all those teeth onto the mouthpiece and I glue the mouth onto the window so now let's move on to the next one for St Patrick's Day the next question for turning into a withered animatronic is Shamrock Freddy and now I know you be you may be saying but Pogo well he will after I'm done with him so the first thing that needs to go is these big old eyes they're much too happy and looking too cuddly for this plushie we want to make them spooky and scary just like the wizard of animatronics so I take the black felt and scissors again and I begin cutting some dark eye circles that I will glue onto his eyes so after I have both circles cut out I glue them onto his eyes which may be a little and then to give him some pupils to stick with the green St Patrick's Day theme I cut out two green pupils to stick into his eyes and then also a little white dot for just one of the eyes because I thought it looked spookier if only one of his eyes was kind of glowing and well if I'm being honest this doesn't look too scary and just looks kind of stupid he looks like a big old foggy bug-eyed plush now so what's one thing to make him even spookier and scarier just like the withered FNAF plush it won't give him a big old set of teeth and a giant mouth so that's exactly what I do just like we did on the last plush I begin cutting out a giant big black mouth for this Shamrock Freddy plushie in order to turn him spooky and scary so I line it up and make sure it's the correct size and then unlike withered Freddy I begin cutting some sharp pointy teeth that we're gonna go on to the mouth so I cut out a absolute ton of these big old Chompy Whoppers to stick onto his mouth not little cut and glued onto his mouth we take that bad boy it looks very nice scary and sharp I would not want to touch that and we use this burning hot glue to glue it onto his face and he is looking spookier and scarier already I'm loving it now in the next part of Shamrock Freddy I decided it was time to go [Music] and cut that bad boy's ear right off but to make it look withered kind of like spring traps I took some of my gray felt and cut out two water shapes and little pieces of felt and glued them where his ear is supposed to be no oh so spooky definitely can't hear as well as it used to be very scary after his ear was cut off I thought it'd be cool to give him some big withering holes in him just like all the wizard animatronics so I cut out some more black felt I glued one little patch to his arm and a big old patch to his tummy which I want to kind of hollow out and show a little bit of his animatronic endoskeleton inside as well as the cool little St Patrick's Day four leaf clover heart on the inside of his chest which I thought would look great so I glued both of these to his arm and his stomach and cut out little green things I'm not even sure whether it's meant to be maybe it's meant to be a green endoskeleton who knows it's up to your imagination so I glue these inside his chest and on his arm and then I cut off the little St Patrick's Day Clover from this hat I took it off and put it in the middle of his chest kind of to look like a four-leaf clover heart which I thought was kind of cool and clever I guess so now the very last thing to do to him is basically dirty them up like we did the other one so I take my trust the old truck I start coloring even more holes and dirt into the splush to make them even dirtier than how he was before everyone knows the scariest thing about a homeless person is how dirty they are because that's exactly what I did to this Shamrock Freddy plushie I kept dirtying him up until it was hard to even recognize that bright green skinny hat and I even covered a special little message on the back of him you should subscribe and after looking at him and all his dirty and withered Glory I thought he was still missing something and then I realized of course he's missing his super swagalicious gold train that he originally had before he withered him up even though how withered and scary and dirty he is he still needs that drink so I began cutting out a nice gold chain for his chest to go right around and boom after that we have the Finish wither Shamrock buddy wow he's so withered and spooky but dripped out as always I really like the nice little chain and honestly the patches with the green I kind of like I think it's cool and silly and I like the part of the ear I cut off I think that works quite well for him so do you guys like this plush now we have two of three done time to move on to the very last one Live Wire toy Freddy also graveyard Moon if you're watching this I challenge you to a FNAF custom plus new makeup so everyone watching this video go over and comment on his videos now I know you guys may be getting very upset at this point now that I'm going to be destroying two Walmart exclusive plush but I bought these fresh from the stores so destroying nothing of my own collection they were only 10 ten dollars each which I think is pretty worth it to make a video now thankfully Livewire Freddy's eyes aren't popping out like Shamrock Freddy's are so I could just color these bad boys black and to keep on the theme with all this little yellow outlines I gave them two little yellow specks fries which are very spooky because his eyes are small ooh scary small eyes and just like Shamrock Freddy I decided he needed a big old grain of teeth and sharp Chompers so that's what I began to do his mouth was even bigger than Shamrock Freddy tried to cut a even bigger piece of black felt and cut a ton more sharp pointy little teeth to glue into his mouth and honestly this mouth on Livewire Freddy looks almost worse than Shamrock running it still wasn't looking too spooky to me and I thought what was the most spooky thing about the withered animatronics as well how wither they are and how they have a bunch of wires poking out of him and for Live Wire Freddy I got these pipe cleaners especially in the red color so I could cut off a bunch of bits of pipe cleaner and glue them to him like all his wires were sticking out and he was malfunctioning somehow ooh scary so after I took all the pipe cleaners and glued them to the outsides of his body wow he was looking extra withered and disband and you know it's time for the scariest part of the transformation dirtying him up so I began to dirty and wither him up with my Sharpie of course even dirtied off his hat and his arms and his legs and his torso I got everywhere I could with my little Sharpie making every bit of him extra dirty so after I felt fully satisfied with all the withers I added on to this guy I decided he's not that scary he needs to be a little more scared what's what could be even scarier than a withered animatronic of course a angry withered animatronic so I cut out two sewing little eyebrows and I made him angry wow does this look good at all no but did I make it and am I proud of it yes I am so here are the three wither animatronic Plushies that we made in this video we have a withered Freddy reversible head we have a withered Shamrock Freddy a custom plush which honestly I quite like we have a withered Livewire Freddy custom plush which I don't like too much but also if you want to be featured in a video I just opened a PO Box so any addresses on screen you can send me anything and everything and I will open it and unbox it in a video for everyone to see but yeah that's it for today's video I really hope you guys enjoy everything in this video and I will see you all later good [Music]
Channel: Puggos Pizzeria
Views: 157,459
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: M9GQtnnZYbc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 51sec (591 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 24 2023
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