Our Daily Routine in Alphabetical Order!

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Hey guys it's Karina-- Wait Karina, I is for intro. Intro is all the way down at the middle of the list. Wait, so we can't do the intro, yet? No, we cannot do the intro yet. Then how are we going to know what we're doing? Well, they're just gonna have to read the title. Okay guys, so you have to read the title, and... we're gonna do the intro in the middle of the video. Yeah! So the first letter of the alphabet is A. And A stands for Aria! So if you guys don't know, Aria our little sister. She's the cutest thing ever. She's three weeks old and we just love spending time with her. So, this is a perfect start to our day to spend some time with our little baby Aria. Yes! And it's also time for you guys to see how much she's grew over like three weeks. I swear she's like ten times bigger now. Yeah. (laughs) All right so now lets go spend some time with Aria. Meow. So guys this is little baby Aria. She's so cute and so tiny, and she grew so much. Hi Aria. Hi there, Aria! You pinched my arm, that hurts Aria. (laughs) Its okay because you're just so cute. You can do whatever you want because you're just so cute. Aria is three weeks old and she's the best baby ever. She only cries when she's hungry and she sleeps all the way through the night. And it's so amazing 'cause she's just so cute. And her feet are so tiny. (siblings laughing) Look at her little fingies they're so tiny. Look at my fingers compared to hers. Aria! (kiss) ♪ Aria Aria, oh oh Aria, Aria Aria oh oh Aria ♪ Aria Aria oh oh Aria Hi Aria! Are you cute? Oh yes, you are cute. What are you looking at? The sky? Oh Aria! You have a mustache. A little tiny little baby mustache. So guys this is my little sister, she's Aria. Yes you are beautiful. (baby farts) She farted Ewww! Aria! Now you have to change her diaper. Okay guys, Aria is now in her swinging chair. And look how excited she is, she's just so happy. So, so happy. But now its time for B. So Mr. List, what for B? I am Mr. List, and B is breakfast. I need breakfast, I'm so, so hungry. Let's go see what's for breakfast. Meow. Excuse me, its time for my breakfast. Your breakfast will be later, okay? (laughs) All right we got some sandwiches and some orange juice. Okay you guys this actually pretty good because we usually play with Aria before our breakfast, and B is at the start of the alphabet for breakfast, so this is awesome. Now lets eat. Oh, so good. So guys, now we are finished our breakfast, and now its time for Mr. List to get out the list. I magically grabbed it from under the table. Next on the list is C, and C is for Clean Room. Clean room, we have to clean our room now? When are we gonna play video games? Never. All right lets go clean our room. Lets just get it over with. (Baby crying) Aria, Don't cry, everything is gonna be okay! Wait, wait, wait Karina, we already done A. And A is for Aria, so you cannot stay with Aria. What? But she's so sad, look at her. (baby crying) Come on, lets go clean our room. Oh Aria! Aria! Okay guys, so the list says clean room, which is disappointing, but we're gonna have to do it, anyways. So lets put this chair over there. (grunts) I don't really like cleaning my room, but we're gonna have to do it. For now lets make our bed which is my least favorite part of cleaning my-- Is it even? No, its not even. Okay I put the pillows, Mr Penguin, right here. Rainbow poop, right here, and another teddy, right here. Okay, I'm done. So guys, what do you think, is it clean? Yes it is. So guys this is my room. It's pretty clean, its not much to clean. Except I have to make my bed. So I guess I'll do that. (upbeat music) Okay guys, I finished making my bed, so now its time to go back to Mr. List. So guys usually at this time we brush our teeth and then play some Minecraft or whatever good video game. But we have to follow this list so Ronald, what's on the magical list? Magical list, D for Dinner? Wait, we just ate breakfast! No! I'm full I can't eat anything else! Me too! Okay, let's go outside, to make us some dinner. I think you're gonna be really confused. Dad, we need you to make us dinner. I know I'm working on it. How did you know? What? We just had breakfast how did you know we needed dinner? I made the list. (gasp) I wonder what else he put on the list. Sneaky lil' punk. Dinner is served. Oh! It looks so good! But I'm not very hungry. Yeah me too but we have to eat now, because the only meal after this is lunch. And that's in the middle of the day and there won't be a dinner after this. So I guess bon appetit. Oh, I'm so full. Ronald, what's next on the list? (sigh) E for exercise? What? How am I supposed to exercise when I'm so full? This is the worst time in the whole day to exercise. How are we even gonna exercise, like what are we gonna do? I don't know, squats, jumps, push-ups. (upbeat music) Ronald, that's not exercise. Yes it is, its a exercise ball, so it's exercise. You're not suppose to bounce on it, it's like for yoga and stuff. Okay, then let me do this. Like this? That's not exercise, what you're doing there, Ronald. Ronald you should do some kind of pushups or squats. (grunting) Oh wow, what a work out. Okay, I've had enough of exercising. Ronald, what's next on the magical list? Next, on the magical list, I magically pulled it out 'cause it's a magical list. Is F for Feed Cats, ooh! That's pretty good because we already had breakfast and dinner, So I think Cheeb and George wants their food too. Yeah, okay let's go feed them. So guys look, the cats are not here. But once I take out all the food from the jar they will come inside the room in five seconds. All right, let's test that theory. Found the food, one, two... (giggling) In two seconds, wow! Hello there, are you guys hungry? (cat meows) It's all over the floor! Okay Ron, I think that's enough. Okay. All right, you can have food now. They're eating it from the floor! We have a whole bowl right here, and you chose to eat it from the floor. Cheeby, are you hungry? Nope! Come on ! Cheeby, it's food, it's not gonna kill you, I promise! Cheeby left, because she's a little diva. (giggling) And what's next on the list, Mr. List? Next on the list is G for Get Dressed. Yes! Finally! ♪ I can finally get dressed. ♪ So we don't have to be sitting in our old pajamas. With cat hair all over them. Okay lets grab some pants, these ones. Let's grab a shirt, this one. Let's go. So guys finally, finally now, I can actually get changed out of these stinkening-- Stink-en-ing, old pajamas, and after breakfast, after dinner even after exercise I can finally get dressed. But when am I gonna brush my teeth? Oh gosh, okay. But, what am I gonna wear? This seems all right, and some shorts that are in here. These shorts. Alright perfect! Let's put this on. Okay guys we are dressed, but I have a question. When are we gonna brush our teeth? Well teeth starts with T so... pretty much at the end of the video. What? My breath is gonna be super smelly! (evil chuckle) But brushing teeth aside, what are we doing now? H for Hair. Hair, I finally get to do my hair. My hair has been looking a mess all day. Yes, my hair, has been flat all day. All right, so you're gonna have to fix that, 'cause I don't know, Ronald, with flat hair. Who is he, I don't know who this guy is. I'm Gerald. I'm not Ronald, so I'm Gerald. All right, now let's go do our hair. Okay guys so today I think I'm just gonna do a regular ponytail with a scrunchie. I already have my scrunchie in my hair. Let's take out our brush. Alright, ponytail done. Now, I'm gonna put on the scrunchie in my hair. And the last step is to put some gel because my hair is really short here and I need to fix that. Um, gel. All right I think I am done now. All right, let's go! Okay guys do you wanna know my ultimate technique for making my hair? It's just being a normal person. Bruh. So I get my gel, I do some rub. Rub, rub, rub, rub, rub. And then I go, whoop, whoop, whoop, whoop, whoop whoop whoop, whoop whoop whoop, and then I go like this, and then I go like that... (jazzy piano music) And then I'm done. What do you think? Okay guys, guess what's next on our list? I for Intro! Now we can finally do the intro! All right. Yes. Hey guys, it's Karina, It's Ronald from-- Sis versus Bro! And today, welcome back to our channel, and we are doing our routine in alphabetical order. We're already at letter I, so we'll just move on to the next letter. (Ronald screaming) So guys, the next letter here is J, and after that is K, but we have nothing for those letters, so we're gonna move on to L, which stands for Lunch? What? What? I just ate dinner, and now I have to have lunch? We just have dinner and breakfast, and we're still full from that, and now we have to have lunch? I mean lunch we can eat something sort of small, so-- Kind of. I mean we could have just an apple, I think we'll be fine. Let's ask dad to make us lunch. Yeah. And here we are, again, eating. You call us a mukbang, and we'll be fine. It's good though. Welcome to the hundredth million episode of us eating. (fork clicks against bowl) It's really good. So Ronald, what's next on the list? M for... Karina, I have good news. What? Minecraft! Yay, finally, we get to do Minecraft. I'm not even gonna finish the watermelon, you're not gonna be finished, we're gonna go play Minecraft, I'm so excited! Meow! Yes, yes, yes! (quirky music) Finally! So Karina, what do you want to do? Well I think you should do some more mining, and I start work with the animal pen. One hour later. Ronald, we need to follow the list, we can't play Minecraft all day. What? It's only been five minutes! Ronald, it wasn't five minutes, it was an hour, and we have to finish the video, okay? So what's next on the list? Fine. So guys, this is the magic list. And the next letter is N, and N stands for... Ooh, Netflix. Yes, Netflix, I can finish my Season 3 Stranger Things. Wait, what happens in Stranger Things? You never watched it? No. Well, you're missing out, 'cause you're gonna be starting at Episode 6, Season 3. Oh no. Okay, Season 3, Episode 6. Is it scary? For me no, but you're gonna pee your pants. (Stranger Things theme music starts) Okay, Ronald, what's next? Next on the magical list is... O for Outro! Outro? It's the middle of the video! I guess we're gonna have to do our outro now. So guys, we hope you liked this video, if you did, Smash that like button, and we'll see you all next time. Goodbye! But wait! Do not click out. Because I can see your mouse. No, no, no, no, do not click out, because next letter is P, and P stands for... Pool! Pool? All right, let's go swimming! Not bad, I am so excited. I'm scared, I'm scared. (screams) (huge splash) So guys, where we are now it's eight o'clock, and usually at this time we'd still be playing video games, watching YouTube, or just relaxing. Ah. But, we have to do these in alphabetical order, so Ronald, what's next? Okay, let me check on the magical list. Okay, so I'm pretty sure the next letter's S, and S is for Shower? No! Oh no, I don't wanna take a shower now, my hair's gonna be all wet for the rest of the evening! No! Okay, we have to do the challenge. Let's go take a shower. All right. Vamos to the shower. So guys, I just finished taking my shower, and the list didn't say anything about putting my pajamas on, so I'm wearing the same clothes I was wearing before, and it feels a bit weird, but we're gonna roll with it, and now we're gonna go see what we have to do next. Ronald, there's no time to relax, get up! No (mumbling) There's no relaxing on the list, okay? Get up. Okay, the next letter on the list is T, and-- Wait! I'm Mr List, so I get to read the magical list. Oh come on. T for... Teeth? Teeth? No! (squealing) So guys, finally we get to brush our teeth! We didn't brush our teeth in the morning, but as long as we brush our teeth today, it's cool. So, what do I need, I need a toothbrush, need a toothpaste. All right, let's do this. Okay guys, so welcome to Ron's magical bathroom. And it is so magical, and I know right there, that you are so jealous. So we are gonna brush our teeth. I don't really like brushing my teeth, I don't even think I brushed my teeth once on camera. So, first time for everything. Let's put the toothpaste on, there we go, and we start brushing. (toothbrush buzzing) So Ronald, what's next? Let me pull out my magical list, so next is V and V stands for Videos. Okay, so we're gonna be making videos? Yup, for our YouTube. All right, let's do this, let's go make some videos! (cheering) Okay, let's play some Roblox. Hey guys, this is Karina Terabyte inside Sharkbite and today we are here for the new update, the moat-- Hey guys, it's Ron, (fast speaking) and today we are back with Lunar in a boat-- So guys, I hope you like this video, we basically explored lots of the terrain, and, well, not that much, but still, we found some villages, and stuff like that, it was pretty cool, so guys, anyways, I hope you like this video, if you did, make sure you guys smash that like button, I'll see you all in your nostrils later again. Bye! So Karina, are you ready for what's next on the magical list? Oh okay, just let me turn off all these. (switches click) Okay, Ronald. Okay, the next is Y, and Y stands for YouTube so we get to watch YouTube videos! Yay, finally we get to relax! Usually we watch YouTube videos before we go to bed, so this is perfect. So guys, this is our routine done in alphabetical order, and it actually turned out pretty well for most parts, except the eating, we got to eat a lot, but, other than that, everything was a-okay. So guys-- Wait, wait, wait! Karina, they're gonna get another outro, we already had an outro. They cannot just get two outros. But Ron, that was in the middle of the video. I'm sorry, but this video is ending here. (upbeat music)
Channel: SIS vs BRO
Views: 31,470,653
Rating: 4.7978225 out of 5
Keywords: daily routine in alphabetical order, alphabetical order, morning routine, 24 hour challenge
Id: rpkNgwVqKUs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 18sec (978 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 20 2019
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