Angry Because of Expensive Wedding Gift, Son's Wife Shows No Thanks: My Surprising Answer!

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I've spent $60,000 just to make you happy but why do you call me a wallet or an ATM Lily who is Max's wife said angrily we never asked for your help she added if it bothers you so much why don't you stop the payments Max said in a rude way even my eldest son Max acts like this Lily continued after making me pay for a $20,000 party and then a $40,000 wedding they treat me like a money machine maybe I raised my son wrong I won't let themy me around anymore I understand what you're saying are you sure about that you know we won't let you see your grandchild right Max threatened you don't have to worry I'm happy to stop the payments from Ma on it was a big change for Max and Lily who had been taking care of me my name is Klo I'm 56 years old I've been struggling alone since my husband died 12 years ago I work hard at a good company where I've been for a long time some people might say I'm focused on my career my children were teenag when my husband passed away now they've finished college and have jobs that makes me feel a bit better I hope they'll start families of their own soon as I thought about these things I lived comfortably in the condo where I used to live with my children then one day max called me and said I want you to meet a woman I'm thinking of marrying I was happy to agree Max is turning 28 this year and works as a Salesman for a big company he used to be a bit of a player but it seemed like he was finally settling down on the day he brought the woman he wanted to marry he said Mom it's been a while this is my fiance Lily nice to meet you as he introduced her ly worked as a receptionist at Max's company she was very pretty and I felt proud of my son for finding her congratulations to both of you I'm here to support your happiness I said with a smile as we talked eventually they mentioned having an engagement party soon I need to get ready mom can you pay for the engagement party it'll cost $20,000 Max asked me I was surprised because I thought it would be around $10,000 but seeing how happy they were I agreed and said sure it's a happy occasion later my oldest daughter Mia came to visit how's work going Maya I asked the deadline was yesterday I'm doing fine mom don't worry Maya replied Mia draws manga for a living she hasn't had a big success yet but she has her own ser series and earns enough to live on she's always been good at drawing and loves manga so it's the perfect job for her by the way Mom Max is getting married right mayia asked yes he came by with his fiance Lily and they asked for $20,000 for the engagement party I told her wow that's a lot of money Mia said well they said they're going to use it for their wedding and to give gifts to thank people is that how it works and SLE on the day of the engagement party I gave them the $20,000 as promised both Lily and her parents seemed very happy we'll use this money to start our new life together they said as they put away the $20,000 they didn't give any gifts of thanks like I expected but I told myself that's just how engagement parties go as long as they have a happy marriage it's okay I thought but a few days later Max surprised me we're having a big wedding with lots of guests maybe around 250 people he said that sounds great mom can you pay for the wedding UPF front what I have to pay I thought weddings were paid for by the couple I said I'm counting on you Mom it's normal for parents to pay for the wedding I already gave a lot of money for the engagement party ly's parents can't help and I'll pay you back for the wedding gift Max explained I reluctantly looked at the bill Max had brought to my surprise it was for $40,000 the thought of paying so much money upfront made me feel dizzy how big is this wedding going to be isn't this too much I asked it's a once- in a-lifetime thing and Lily wants everything to be perfect plus don't we want Lily's parents to see how happy she is Max said making me feel trapped I couldn't say no okay it's a special occasion I agreed Max smiled and thanked me before leaving the room later I paid the $40,000 upfront to the wedding menu it was tough to use my retirement savings but I did it for my child's happiness 2 months later on the wedding day the venue was more luxurious than I expected Mia and I arrived early to get ready as I was about to knock on the bride and groom's door I heard them talking I can't believe we're having such a fancy wedding thanks to Mom ly said yeah and she gave us $20,000 for the engagement party Max added I even bought a new bag what a great wallet more like an ATM let's keep taking from it Max Mia and I were shocked to hear this Ley happily said if we ask her she'll probably pay for the rest of the wedding right of course she will then let's use the wedding gift for a honeymoon trip to Hawaii and we'll bring my parents too how about buying a high-rise apartment for our new home that sounds perfect let's get my mother to pay she has the money ly said my hand was shaking as I raised it to knock on the door Mia took my shoulder and led me away I took a deep breath and held Mia's hand Mia there's something I need you to find out when the ceremony starts I said sh mom leave it to me and so Max and Lily's wedding began I couldn't stop thinking about their earlier conversation when the NC introduced me and the spotlight fell on me all I could do was bow Mia who had been going around toasting came back Mom I checked with Lily's relatives both of her parents are fine that's terrible we need to confront them I'll stay by your side Mia said as it was was time for the first outfit change ly left first then Max followed now it's the Grooms turn his mother K who raised him on her own will escort him the announcer said I walked down the aisle to meet Max Max seemed a bit drunk but happy he said into the microphone this is my amazing mom I kept a serious face and walked with max out of the hall to the dressing room Mia was there and talked to Max Max I need to ask you something what is it Sis hurry up I need to change Max said quickly as he undressed Mia heard their earlier conversation in the dressing room how could you talk about mom like that she asked you heard us well whatever Max replied rudely Lily who a changed into her dress came in mother-in-law and sister-in-law what's going on Mia asked Lily we found out that your parents are healthy they both have good jobs why are you making mom pay for everything what's happening Maya asked Lily exaggeratedly acted scared is this some kind of bullying from a sister-in-law scary Lily said mockingly I lost my patience with her disrespectful attitude I've already paid $60,000 to make you happy and yet you treat people like they're just wallets or ATMs what kind of behavior is that Lily laughed as if it was a joke acting all Superior over such a small amount we're not in debt to you plus it's normal for the groom's parents to pay for the wedding right but you lied about your parents being sick to buy a new bag Mia said of you were listening in that's a terrible habit watch your mouth Mia Wily angrily replied then she looked at Mia I don't want to be lectured by an older sister who's still single at 30 and has a weird job as a manga artist maybe you're too nerdy to get married you're hopeless when it comes to marriage sis Mia was stunned into silence how dare you speak to me like that if you want to see your grandkids mom ly said Mia couldn't believe what she was hearing how dare you talk to me like that I tried to scold them but Max laughed and said if you're going to talk like that try stopping the payments after all I'm successful I can handle it it would be a Pity to lose the money I paid $20,000 for the engagement party and $4,000 for the wedding and this is how they treat me no thanks only meanness I must made a mistake in raising my son I've had enough I won't let them control me anymore I heard what you said are you sure if you don't listen you won't see your grandchild Max threatened but I said firmly that's okay you don't need to visit I'll happily stop paying Max and Lily were shocked I'm ending our relationship here I wish you all the best I said taking Maya's hand and we left the place we could still hear the Happy sounds of the party as we walked away a month later me and and I were having tea at home when the intercome buzzed loudly oh Mom it's Max what should we do let him in please Mia said max whom I hadn't seen for a month looked very tired and worn out why the sudden visit Max I asked Mom you must have got the bill for the wedding venue by now why haven't you paid it huh ow the bill for the remaining money it was $45,000 right I got it but I don't have to pay it I replied don't say that we didn't get many wedding gifts and couldn't pay the bill so now we're in debt Max said mayia laughed and said from what I heard at the wedding you two don't have a good reputation Max you've been acting bossy at work and Lily you've been mean to other women and showing off your looks no wonder people didn't want to give you wedding gifts hey sis stay out of this Max said I sighed and said you both haven't been considerate of anyone around you not just me you caused the wedding expenses so you should pay them yourselves Max B desperately Mom I'm in trouble Lily can't stop spending money and even her parents are taking advantage of me Lily's love for money isn't a surprise Max and considering Lily's Behavior I can imagine her parents are the same please Mom think about helping us give us some money Max begged I replied sternly you were the one who said unsuccessful it'll be easy and told me to stop paying right and didn't you say we were cutting ties I don't have to give you any more money mom don't call me Mom I don't want to be called that by someone who only sees me as a money Source I'd like you to pay back what you owe for the wedding and engagement party but I'll let it go please leave Max who looked shocked before now looked angry are you really okay with this mom cutting ties like this how will you spend your old age without a husband don't you want to see your grandchild before I could respond Mia stepped in don't worry I'll be with Mom and what can you an unsuccessful comic artist do you can't even have kids just be quiet Max was Furious ah so scary you make fun of me as a failed manga artist but my manga was one of the best selling this year did you know it's going to be an anim and movie next year I'm in a much better financial situation than you with your debts Mia said confidently she then revealed her successful career Max noticed something on her finger hey said that ring what's going on Mia showed the ring on her left finger yes that's what's happening I'm getting married to my editor he's important at a big publishing company so we can take care of Mom we don't need you anyway we never plan for our kids to take care of us Mia said thanks Mia we'll handle everything ourselves we'll invite Mom to the wedding but you don't have to come I told Max firmly Mia and I guided Max towards the front door please Mom and you too sis Max said said trying to appeal to us then he asked are you going to give us money I had a realization that director at your wedding is a client of my company it seems your special treatment was because of me but I've stopped it handle things on your own now goodbye I said Mia and I pushed Max outside and locked the door firmly Max protested outside but after a while it became quiet a year went by right after that I sold the house to avoid Max and Lily's visits I bought an apartment for older people to live in when I get old a neighbor from my old place told me Max and Lily came and made a scene asking why I wasn't there so I think selling a house was the right choice Max and Lily gave up on their dream of a fancy apartment and now live in a small place Max got demoted at work because of his behavior he's still working surprisingly ly stopped working after getting married but kept spending money they ran out of money quickly even with debts Lily keeps spending and her parents keep asking for money they fight a lot I hope they learn how hard it is to earn money and appreciate people but that might be too much to ask Mia and I still have a good relationship her husband is nice to me and they're expecting a baby I can't wait to spoil my daughter and grandchild that's what keeps me going every day
Channel: Revenge Recall
Views: 7,484
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit stories, reddit recall, Text story, revenge, Revenge story, AppleText, Relationships, aita, redditstories, Apple, texting, texting story
Id: jp-AKhyf3aE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 21sec (801 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 07 2024
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