Shocking Video Leaked By Steven Crowder's Wife Proves Everything

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where are we so let's just get into the Crowder stuff do it so yesterday A A leaked video now before we watch this video I think it's important to know that this video took place four days after we Sam cedared him it sure did which like I mean we'll come back to it I do think that we potentially derailed this man's whole life I mean obviously not slowly so now I never wanted this to happen to his wife of course or his kids but to be fair she says this was happening for years yeah no for sure but I do like definitely having a bad week let's put out a rough week yeah wow that that interview has three million views okay Stephen it's iconic I can be that I've had multiple people that don't watch like you know extended friends of mine and family that don't really watch the show that know about that that's awesome yeah okay so here's the video and I will definitely give trigger warnings this depicts uh verbal he's he's verbally abusing his uh pregnant yeah if you can't handle like it's crazy narcissists like [ __ ] toxic relationship stuff that you probably want to dip out for a few minutes because this is pretty brutal hold it it's very gross now it's worth noting right at the top his wife here is eight months pregnant with twins now if you're eight months pregnant with a child one baby you're basically you can it's hard to do anything and uh a halfway decent significant other would be bending over backwards to cater to help to make sure they're comfortable to do stuff for them um look how she's mastered but she has twins okay so let that uh set the stage here gradual boundaries because if you refuse to do wifey things then I will go pick up the groceries I've never seen the groceries steaks wood pellets my grill now he's mad that his eighth month old pregnant with twins wife did not is not going grocery shopping and doing wifey things um when you're at eighth month you're basically ready to have a kid the other weird thing is that Stephen Crowder has one car this man is wealthy he's successful he's obviously enjoying a nice day in a beautiful house with a pool um he has one car to control her yeah that is the only reason he has one car they're arguing about who can use the car which is you know obscene like the uh also right off the bat can we draw attention to the fact that he's kick back relaxing with the cigar blowing smoke into his a-month pregnant wife's face as he's berating her this man is smoking a cigar in front of his eight-month pregnant wife trying to make his kids Alpha you know the kids who by the way he cares most about in this world who has learned about their physical safety he emphasized that over and over right that seems in contradiction he also in the video from Wednesday we did says uh the kids are not to blame I think he I think he [ __ ] hates his kids I think he blames the kids I think he definitely blames the kids because that's that was so out of pocket yeah uh here here your fault how about you first how do you wish that other than that no you're not picking up yeah she's trying to go somewhere she she has to ask permission who do you want me to ask I need to go somewhere still responds with is that a threat like what she's at actually I'm I'm sad because she's being so compliant and so um submissive to him what seems to be out of fear yeah she's tiptoeing her she's trying not to set him off trying and failing so she says okay you're not gonna let me take the card then who do you want to pick me up you can decide because apparently you're insecure and afraid of something get an Uber he says to his eight-month pregnant wife with two kids whose security he is utmost concerned about that's psychotic that's hateful it's like vengeful it's disgusting get an Uber he said to her while sitting there puffing a cigar this man is psychotic yeah okay Stephen I can't feeling some constraints like I can't listen to me listen to me you want to walk out right now listen to me I can't go to the gym I can't go to my parents listen to this baby cry to his pregnant wife about how this [ __ ] boy [ __ ] loser this is an alpha is this an alpha this man is crying to his pregnant wife that he can't go to the gym he can't hang out with his friends shut the [ __ ] up dude you are such a [ __ ] loser bro it's embarrassing not because and in addition to the whole abusive thing which is horrific but you present yourself as a alpha you wear a gun strap this is [ __ ] you're a little boy [ __ ] yeah you are a child you're worse than a child you're a spoiled brat [ __ ] child your dad [ __ ] you up that's for sure yeah I thought about uh well anyway I'll I'll mention it later emailing that checking in on the dad yeah see if they want to call in I can't call my friends I can't call my friends you're gonna take the car I don't have my Stakes honey you need to go grocery shopping you I don't have my steaks take an Uber how about you use [ __ ] Postmates loser you're rich she's pregnant what a [ __ ] demon he is demonic leave me here Hillary just think of how boxy I'll get it I'll be back no that doesn't work either I do work either like literally whining it doesn't work for me either like what the [ __ ] my three-year-old doesn't whine that hardcore baby baby sad Crowder baby wants baby wants steak what do you need me to pick up I'll get it okay I'll take the car I'll pick up whatever groceries you want no that doesn't work no that doesn't work either baby will start to cry dude I hope he just appears he needs to disappear after this yeah well it's like it's wild because I mean she looks like she's ready to pop oh yeah oh she is no it's it's it's I just can't comprehend how psychotic it is that she's even grocery shopping she's literally barefoot and pregnant in their backyard and he's sitting on the couch blowing cigar smoke into her face she's about to go do [ __ ] for him look at his body his body language too such a dick well so this is the family values this is the tradition that the alpha males want that's right fight like a cow brother baby bite like hell now I personally consider not being I think being confident and secure and uh not a hateful piece of [ __ ] that's Alpha I mean you're crying you're crying and [ __ ] and spitting that's childish that is straight beta Behavior brother cry cry baby can you grab a sound bite of him going that doesn't work either sure yeah I can do that that's gonna be an important one I think either wait let me go back no that doesn't work either ah I'm gonna send I'm so glad in a sense that this came out because this is sea man just joined holy [ __ ] I just looked over at my screen and c-man is in the lobby what the [ __ ] what do we do I I don't want to interrupt this whole I don't want to interrupt it either I sent an email I said we're going to finish our segment and then we'll let you in well it's late enough hopefully that's risky man yeah we might lose him uh I can't I can't I gotta like no we gotta finish this as much as I wanna talk to you man yeah uh it just again it's just I'm glad this is out because it really shows like in a real way that these hateful bigoted homophobic racist people are genuinely just really bad people they're disgusting they're hateful and they're afraid that the world is changing where uh they can't be open Psychopaths to the people in their I love it I love it wife and kids oh [ __ ] much it's such like a 50s mentality death you know yeah yeah um it's sickening and look at him like he's sitting in this beautiful house [ __ ] Mansion this beautiful pool got a pregnant wife he's got a dog he's smoking a car yeah he's Rich he has everything that he advocates for he has constructed this life to a t to this idealized version of himself and what did it bring you Stephen everyone thinks you're a [ __ ] loser your wife leaves you and you're just you have nothing fully exposed [ __ ] pathetic or fully exposed it's just you're fully exposed and look how sad you are you're sitting there and you have it all and you're still sad you're crying you're crying like a child you're alone now you're you're [ __ ] and pissing it doesn't work for me either that's you Stephen she was working so hard to try and just cap off whatever anger he has here like she kept saying I'll do this for you I'll do this for you it's always you need to make things harder you need to make things harder that's literally how it always works she's clearly scared of him yeah uh here we'll continue wait is he really wearing a fight like hell shirt in the video yeah yeah that I I don't think many people knew that's what he meant but it turns out now that's a good sound drop go play that again shout out to uh blizzard wolfier mod oh God I mean that sounds like a Tim hydecker doing a character and here we have you Stephen Crowder the alpha the cultural Force crying and [ __ ] like a child go ahead Zach how embarrassing how miserable and yes I Relish in it because you are a bad person in fact very bad [Music] an evil person and so I rub my hands together and while I wish the best of course I support his wife and kids uh to the fullest extent possible he does seem like a danger to them so I'm glad yeah I'm glad they're separated but yes I sit here and relish every second of this Stephen because this means that you're done oh what a [ __ ] nightmare and and that's such a win for the world and now you're a hack you're not funny at all and uh your friends are leaving the show you're leprechaun homie just being a shitty boss your leprechaun homie just fully exposed you about how insecure you are I every one of the daily wire [ __ ] hates your guts like you have no allies you're surrounded your wife left you and candy on the war path it's so you just said no to 50 million dollars I bet you regret that pretty soon and now [ __ ] stupid bro and now dude you're about to go bald as I absorb your hairline yes Stephen it's uh it's a sad sad sight does it work for you I had no idea this was going to happen me neither we knew uh does this work for you Stephen does this work for you it doesn't work for him we're in your walls Stephen doesn't have to think about it dude yeah just disappear man you know nobody wants to hear see from you again and I think that's better for everybody no but uh let's continue yeah this man is obscenely selfish my life is set to the second he says to his pregnant wife you are kicked back in your backyard smoking a cigar you're not doing [ __ ] dude that doesn't work either I love that's my favorite soundtrack it was fully encapsulate just what a [ __ ] he is [Music] the cigar just really puts it all over the top also what the [ __ ] does that mean the only way out of this is discipline and receiving he was watching too much Cobra Kai I think at the time it means you listen to me discipline and you respect me that's right right yeah that doesn't work either he's just saying you will do what I say when I say it to me it Feels Like A Veiled Threat the only way out of this yeah definitely there's like a sense of or else yeah when he's saying that for sure there's a lot of that throughout this video I just said the only way out of this is discipline or respect you should don't worry okay I love you but Stephen also like the mentality of a woman that deeply pregnant it's so much hormones and thoughts and emotions when you're that close to pregnancy um her mental state must have been just just I feel so horrible for her to deal with this while being that close to pregnancy or to giving birth it's it's and she's the one who's being forced to sound grounded insane because she's scared of him she's desperately trying to appease him watch it watch it that's another threat when he says that by the way she takes a step back right I noticed that too which could possibly mean that Something's Happened they both say there was no physical violence but the way he's speaking is really I wouldn't be surprised yeah I wouldn't be surprised at all it's very threatening watch it watch it Hawks who are like a child that's crazy [ __ ] watch it [ __ ] watch it I need some space we need to do something baby for a little bit okay I love you I love you very much I don't want that's the big brother yes Family Values my friend that doesn't work either I Love You Stephen I don't love you as a good Christian man horrible you never received love from you and the fact is when I go look I need an A B C and B just to just find out if you don't no but I love you more than life itself okay put on some gloves now put a [ __ ] world of life itself that's not fair it's not fair and it's disingenuate so the glove thing uh it's detailed in the article which we'll read his dog requires some kind of medicine and she was concerned that the medicine could be toxic to the children and so she was like can you do it I'm assuming because it's toxic and he says if you love me you will expose yourself to these potentially toxic fumes and I mean there's so much to unpack there I mean again he talks about the safety of his kids this man hates his kids he literally exposing them to toxic [ __ ] fumes and again that's not what love is Stephen Stephen is not you do what I say he goes he says I ask you to do things a b c d and you say you love me the [ __ ] bro this is when I go look I need an ABCD no but I love you more than life itself okay put on some gloves now that's not fair like he's it's all it's like he is intentionally torturing and tormenting her that's a sick dude right there man it's up there and it's disingenuate Hillary you're right right now become someone he says become someone to the woman he's forced to stay home be a housewife refuses to give her access to a car controls every aspect of her life you need to become someone okay give me a car let's start there oh what happened what's your name disingenuate Hillary you're right right now become someone day in and day out of life is there any um is there any obligation to be a worthy husband I'm genuinely curious if he thinks that he has any obligation to be that's that's it making money and that that entitles him to be a complete psychopath to dude I'm telling you this guy would torture his kids man he I don't think he likes his kids I hate to say it but like I I genuinely don't think and you guys will well another reason he didn't show up to the birth yeah which we'll find out when we read the article this man didn't go to the birth of his kids who talks all day about the importance of family and marriage I mean shut the like just shut up if this is your life you cannot tell anybody about marriage and family it's just so ridiculous because every single thing in that video goes directly against what he was trying to portray in his original video oh yeah my wife none of this was my fault none of it was my fault it was this was her choice like no it [ __ ] wasn't it looks like you made it pretty [ __ ] difficult yeah the the Dig he levels at her about I chose wrong really uh is is Meaningful when you see this whole thing Hillary Hillary come on now I'm not gonna engage me I'll get you home I the fact that she's even like text me what you need uh uh is stunning display of just how scared she is of him I love you I'm committed to you guys put on gloves you're not committed to anything you're not committed to anything you just said I love you I'm committed I walk the dogs put on some gloves he is eight months pregnant with twins walk the dogs you [ __ ] loser I mean you walk the dogs yes she's going and doing [ __ ] for you go walk your damn dogs and put their medicine on it's not easy to walk right it's tough especially when you're a boy dude I mean it's it's stunning it's stunning are you committed the interesting thing too is like he's very wealthy they could have help they could have uh groceries delivered they could have a second car they can have someone to walk their dog and clean their house easily but he insists on making her do it as some strange gesture that she's willing to suffer that's how she shows her loved him by suffering Show Me Your Love by walking the dogs what are you saying man she actually thought about it which is heartbreaking she picked up the dog leash here you see that she actually thought about walking the dogs yep that's heartbreaking man she picks up the leaves she's about to do it and she's like [ __ ] I'm sick good for you man oh God the medication as Crowder heads inside Steven gets angry and angry and by his own admission screams I will [ __ ] you up to her now this I guess is uh uh it's not on video but they know it because he got a whole bunch of documents and videos and it actually specifically said that uh he claims he heard the audio of it but the family that shared all of this with him the family of the wife uh didn't want most of it published but allowed him to listen to it oh so he did hear it uh yeah according to the article he heard that evidence that that happened and that's why he says by Steven's own admission as well so that's the video that came out there you go he's so strong yeah yeah it's I mean really it's almost it's interesting how fresh and fit put it but what's what's actually it's a testament to her strength that despite the religion uh pressure despite the abusive husband she was and like you saw she almost walked the dog she almost submitted but um she found the strength to leave that horrible situation now I think it's worth at this time uh reading the article I can just read these bullet points I guess but there's there's a lot of extra details in this original article at this is a guy who broke the story and um I'll read uh the highlights he said the ring camera footage documented the moments leading up to where Stephen said I will [ __ ] you up the audio of this incident was reviewed by the author but the family requested only the outside portion of the video be posted and audio files and text messages the author reviewed Stephen Crowder admits to some of his faults which include a volcanic temper repeatedly and at times regretfully so I'm assuming that She and Him had a lot of text conversations after this where he was probably like I'm so sorry or whatever yeah of course and so he saw Stephen essentially admitting to all this this story is based on conversations with multiple sources none of whom would speak to the author unless they were granted and amenity anonymity anonymity anamidity and an anonymity anonymity the night before she gave birth Stephen and Hillary exchanged a series of text messages about separating Hillary sent her husband one of the final text messages Stephen she said quote Stephen I'm afraid of you and your rage you are scary you scare me I want to heal things but you have to take responsibility stop blaming others stop feeling pain and sadness only for yourself his very private wife who hardly appears in public and is rarely photographed had made a request via her attorney that her husband would not discuss the divorce at all that agreement he broke on his Show when he said when he talked extensively about it he said there was no abuse that was a lie he said it was uh he picked wrong about her actually small correction I just want to point out he was very specific of saying there was no physical abuse okay well it was misleading right well but in retrospect I think it's interesting that he chose to specify physical abuse because obviously emotional abuse was occurring I find it interesting that he said that at all that he felt the need to say it yeah yeah he got baited into it by candy [ __ ] noans like what the hell but yeah so he he broke their agreement that they legally made between their attorneys not to talk about it to throw a dig at her and to cover his own ass and in response they put out this video so to everyone who's like yo it's tacky that she put this out or whatever she put this out in response to what Stephen said
Channel: H3 Podcast Highlights
Views: 193,534
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Keywords: h3 podcast, podcast, h3h3, h3h3productions, ethan klein, ethan and hila
Id: C26eNP7kRGo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 48sec (1728 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 29 2023
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