My Dad HATES My UGLY Girlfriend ! - A TRUE Story Animation

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true stories hey I'm Robert I've always been very good-looking I mean to brag much not saying that to brag every single girl in my high school wanted to date their like sometimes young and of course I chose the hottest girl her name was Rebecca and all I had to do was say hi to her she immediately responded oh my god if somebody says hi to you you don't respond with oh my gosh you say hi back weird Robert hey Ron roads later I made out with her afterward we chatted for two weeks okay I didn't actually like Rebecca all she did was gossip and trash talk her own friends and you shouldn't date someone just because you think they look good if you guys don't click on a personal level any kind of work you won't be happy at one point I had enough and broke up with her I could have found another gorgeous girl but I liked Elsa the most I kind of don't like him that much like he was like I couldn't find any other gorgeous girl like oh stop make me feel uncomfortable but I like Elsa the most was Elsa she was my chemistry partner I simply enjoyed talking and hanging out with uh uh was she pretty well most people would have said no really she's pretty all I knew was that I wanted to spend more time with her see he found a girl whose personality matches with his personality and the lips don't even matter I like this okay this story is taking a turn and I liked that's why I asked her out I said cute hey do you want to go on a date with me this weekend and there's nothing wrong with dating someone hi I'm not saying that but I'm saying like it can't be the only thing like it has to be like those levels to this you know you know what I'm trying to say you want to date me or I nodded my head and said of course our first date was great well that's a lot of day we land held hands it sounds stupid but it felt right but then the next shift I ship them a lot of people asked me why are you dating Elsa and what you really think she's pretty of course question something you know when I was somehow out of her league but I never thought that way I just knew that Elsa was the right girl for me and for the first time in my life I was in love honestly if a bad for judging him but then I introduced her to my dad dad this is Elsa we have been dating for a few months now and I wanted to introduce her to you but instead of welcoming Elsa my dad pointed at her and said I don't like you well I don't like you what's up with this dad that's so weird I don't like you she hasn't even said a word yet we were both shocked poor I was a brave girl and asked my dad sir can I ask why you don't like me and my dad responded I'm sure you were a nice girl but my son is a 10 and you are a 4 at best excuse me excuse me would you people are not numbers people and I got so angry that I screamed at my dad okay monster then I took Elsa to my room and tried to so insensitive I said my dad's opinion doesn't matter but then she asked me do you think I'm pretty and I responded I don't think it matters whether you are pretty or not but Elsa couldn't handle this wants to be pretty just when you go looking for a hug so it's true with the other kids in our school say girl she was crying but she doesn't feel worth it prettiest girl in the world you either accept that or not but I love you just the way you are like nobody's the prettiest in the world cause like beauty subjective what like I find beautiful and we can find beautiful can be completely different so you can't really be like someone's the prettiest in the world maybe like to you but not to everybody isn't that enough finally Elsa said yes I can live with that ah I thought we had solved this problem but the next day my mean dad took my phone and wrote Elsa message oh I'm sorry she's usually really enough for me that's why I have to break up with you yeah what's wrong with my phone best Olaf I texted Elsa's reply it was a single sad smiley dad what's up with that dad don't you want your son to be happy I immediately went over to her place and explained what my stupid dad had done she said it was fine but I could see in her eyes how much my dad had hurt her now our next date it wasn't good either whenever a good-looking girl was close to us Elsa said if you want you can talk to her I always respond hard and importantly talk to other girls but Elsa's insecurities only grew worse and securities are swallowing her up also that was I'm an anime club spirited away and I'm dead anyway I missed the careless and fun times we had before long I hope she would become her old self again yeah but then my dad took it that you know what confidence is attractive and she's lost her confidence because she's sad and she feels insecure a dad called her ugly everyone at school is calling her ugly and like nobody deserves that she's a cool girl and I can't believe Lee see what she looks like she's cried to him but she looks pretty to me level he said to me either you're gonna break up with Elsa or I'm gonna throw you out of my house when you turn 18 well my aides giving him there was only one month of giving him an ultimatum he's like hey either you break up with your girlfriend or you homeless good luck at 18 like a lot of people don't have jobs so let me do a lot people don't let see him a job let's find out is he willing to take the sacrifice for his girlfriend that to me there was some other way I said what if I instead study even harder for school but my dad wasn't willing to make any compromises look I understand the parents don't want someone to date someone who's like literally bad for them like we got wounds but this girl is just not up to his dad's standards appearance-wise that is not a valid reason for me I'm sorry you probably expect some kind of happy ending and then I married Elsa despite my dad no he didn't it wasn't the case I was only 18 I really didn't want to be kicked out of my dad's home Oh Elsa and I were just teenagers what were the odds of us two staying together for the rest of our lives they were pretty low and that's why I just feel bad so that's why I wanted to break up with her of course she said it's because I'm too ugly Oh so annoyed of her that I only said no it's because you are immature and insecure unfortunately no breakup led to her having a small mental breakdown poor girl didn't come to school for two weeks and then a month later she sent me a picture with her and some random good-looking guy making out that's pretty gross and she wrote I just wanted to let you know grandma you don't need to let him know that nobody wants to see you with somebody else that was a little immature that was a little immature I really hope she will fix her problems because right now she is behaving like a maniac hey bone a story and six months ago my aunt paid for me to fly first class from Los Angeles to New York to go to her wedding nice look at your guess who i sat next to on the plane it was okay I can't tell you his name very famous musician who plays sellout gigs and huge arenas all the time okay so guys if this is a real story if that means this is a real famous person and maybe we can figure out who it is call him Vince Vince when I first saw on the find out what Vince's star struck but I knew I had to ask him for a selfie otherwise none of my friends would believe I'd met him when I went over Vince was super nice I said this doesn't look like first class this looks like a private place I love maybe I'm tripping and said hey how are you he's friendly looking and I forgot all about the selfie because we were getting on so well when I had to go back to my seat at the end of the flight he asked for my number and said we should hang out number two here in LA of course as soon as I left her crush her idly texted all my friends about meeting Vince and how he wanted to see me again but none of them believed me without a photo of course they didn't believe you I mean they shouldn't believe you my friend told me they met someone famous I believe them it depends how close I was it was so upsetting my aunt's wedding is a bad upsetting you still met him who cares if your friends don't believe you so I got the memories but all I could think about was offense I think she's only love she has a crush said hey do you remember me on that awkward girl you met on the plane to New York I couldn't believe it when he wrote back what he said of course I remember you you should come to my concert tonight oh this for a VIP ticket and I think it was like a dream very Merry world-famous halo start wanted to see me again the concert was great and I went to the VIP area afterwards he came straight over to me we talked for hours it was like we'd known each other forever seems like they're really hitting it off he seems like a nice dude I'm happy for her later we drove to his house in Bel Air and that's when Kings hit number one he lives in Bel Air which is in LA like almost every single celebrity so so then they're down for us at all so I have no idea waited so far how do I have a chef cook for us even those girls really late dishes ooh tasted amazing but Vince didn't like it he threw his plate against the wall and screwed over at least two no guys warning signs if somebody does this no matter how nice they were or I'm famous feel whatever like I think this is a warning sign this is a red flag this person has issues if he's treating his chef like this he's so we're gonna treat you like this one day - something was something keep in mind I won't lie I was shocked the food was behind and even if it wasn't always quiet II overreacted yeah I know I should have a membership locked away but girl a during having someone like Vince want to date so bad isn't it it was a crazy time all right Vince was like two different people he could be so sweet and loving but then something stupid would set him off and he'd fly into a rage I'll never forget the time he called me into the stage in the middle of a gig so he could sing a love song to me he introduced me to the audience as his girlfriend do we know any artists who did this invited somebody under stairs but she loved me it was so romantic but after the show was over he yelled at me because I didn't smile enough during the song what I said he'd written it especially for me like maybe she was in shock and she didn't smile sometimes people are so critical and they don't realize like hey this person's under a lot of pressure she's on stage he's probably never been on stage before maybe it's scary about later he didn't write any of his songs he had a team of songwriters working for him so he lies walk away though he was falling for her especially when he was on stage with all those girls screaming his name it's hard to describe her it when everyone wants your boyfriend I don't know if we find the same things that attract I just love her who were you did her why your boyfriend you feel like the luckiest girl alive in the end he took things too far and I find out a lot of him I saw him do things I can't tell you about on YouTube because they're so violent that this video would be demonetised but let's say let's give this video monetize and so that I don't want anyone to treat me like that if you start good someone is strong she's a strong girl you're only humans like anyone else I'm sorry all the time I spent with my group I can tell you that being a pop star is quite an easy job that doesn't require any discipline or superhuman abilities the shade I mean I don't know if that's true because I'm not a pop star but the shame I'm sure it's difficult I'm sure having that many fans and performing those shows and be difficult her own opinion she didn't actually do it she was watched and do it there's a difference and spent more time partying than he did working I don't regret dating him though because it was a real experience living the pop star last year everything I always say that you should never regret anything in your life and you shouldn't learn from everything because everything in your life is there to teach you a lesson at the end of the day just because someone is famous for their love songs doesn't mean they're actually loving it's true after we split I saw an ex-wife which is why he's behind her years he was asked about why he's so successful can you believe he actually said he's super hardworking and always searching for his next song that was nothing like that she's really her eyes in the few weeks we spent together he was drunk and high most of the time even on stage I hope you were able to learn something from my story good moral we learned a lot thank you now if I go to the comments what do they say somebody thinks it's just my beer but I don't know about that I'm not sure I don't really know the dude so no no I'm sure it's not though this story was very vague and it's probably also just not even real anyways guys I hope you enjoyed this video I love you all so much stay awesome stay sweet and don't forget me neither bye
Channel: AzzyLand
Views: 5,386,008
Rating: 4.9107723 out of 5
Keywords: azzyland, reaction, reacting, funny, my, dad, called, girlfriend, ugly, true, story, animation
Id: YaewZw4fup8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 16sec (796 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 11 2020
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