My CRUSH Dates a STRANGER in Minecraft!

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uh cashy ready uh no I don't want to go in the purple one what do you mean the blue one is so cool I want to go in the red one but uh why isn't our slides next to each other I guess you can't have what you always want in life cash ah fine I'll just go down the purple slide it's okay okay I've got it wait I want to go back up I want to go back up ah that is so fun always wow ah that was like the fifth time we went through that slide though but it's so fun yeah but I'm starting to get hungry we've been swimming so much yeah my tummy's absolutely starving do you want to hear it let me listen oh gosh that sounds like you're about a barf I know right yo hey are you all talking about food uh yeah oh dude you gotta try out this one place it's a food truck in front of the movie theater wait a food truck in front of the movie theater I never heard about that cash have you no I've never heard about it yeah man uh Clyde hired this new dude and he's pretty chill and he serves pretty good food gotta try it out wait actually yeah like it's lit it's Rad do you think they serve burgers there yes bro the burgers are like the best burgers I think I've ever had oh man catcher burger sounds so good right now yeah and the best burgers he's ever had okay you know we're coming thank you Turtle I'm convinced yo bring me back one bro I'll consider it hey don't worry I got you we're definitely not getting my burger but I have to save my money's oh my gosh Nico that's so inconsiderate sorry I'm a mature guy now okay fine I'll get him a burger no we can't both get him burgers only one person okay fine uh well anyways where is this burger joint in front of the movie theater he said wait right over here oh yeah it's probably this new one whoa wait look at all these seats over here oh this is so much sir oh of course yeah do you need anything else lady uh actually I was thinking could I get hey man you're pretty beautiful but I've got my eyes on somebody else what sorry have a nice day yeah that's fine I'm gonna go come on Nico let's go get some burgers what that guy just broke that girl's horse uh well not gonna help my stomach Hey sir I'm starving yo hey man uh what do you guys want um can I have a burger a burger gotcha I can't really see over the counter and a drink oh my gosh wait what kind of drink you want cash uh I don't know a lemonade probably you want surprise with that yes please yeah this place sounds so good so he's a burger right now hey get out of my sight before I demolish you I want a burger line I don't care let you get behind me you put me down boy I'm gonna hurl this at your head no I wasn't I was in Iowa oh you want to talk all that smoke huh what what what do you mean Nico just let him order just let him order first the fine that's what I thought yeah Fletcher here you go bro oh thank you so much this is so tasty gosh Fletcher likes those Burgers a lot yeah uh sorry about that guys uh he's a pretty freaking customer he's pretty serious about his Burgers it's okay it's not your fault how are you I'm good man uh what's your name uh Nico are you new in square City yeah my name's Zach I just started working here with the food truck whoa this place is called world famous block burgers are you guys really world famous yeah you know what bro how about I let you try a burger for free wait for free yeah I'm chill like that uh the Deep fries and lemonade come with it okay I guess so oh my gosh so let's go so cool what's your name my name's Zach bro oh did I already ask that uh maybe I don't know oh well awesome you should come over here and hang out with us um I've kind of got to watch the food truck bro so I can't leave oh you run this thing all by yourself actually uh my dad runs the place but he's uh visiting other businesses but there's no one around so you can sit with us for a little bit right you're right I could use a burger yeah man casualties Burgers good well I couldn't tell why they're world famous okay first impressions let me taste one um oh my gosh that's the best burger I've ever eaten in my life no kidding and these french fries oh they're so good well anyways Zach how long are you in town for yeah I'm just in town for the weekend oh that's crazy anyways do you guys live here or something yeah we've been living here for quite a while right yes yeah I would say maybe 59 years uh yeah that would say a billion years uh I don't know if I believe that I remember seeing you guys at this Old Town that I used to work at what yeah uh I don't know it was like a few houses there was like this little fast food place a park well we were just joking about a billion years that's just an exaggeration which is also known as a hyperbole oh yeah they're funny I thought it was pronounced hyperbole oh I don't think so cash oh geez well anyway stack why don't we show you around town okay hang on let me just lock up the truck real quick it's okay uh it's fine if you leave it right uh yeah no problem just gotta make sure nobody gets in there you know oh nice Nico can I talk to you for a second sure this guy is super cool he gave us those burgers for free title right he's awesome yeah they're super yummy we should definitely be friends with him yeah I agree people that's why we want to show them around town right oh yeah that makes sense oh do you think we should give a mini tour of square City but the Schumer houses yeah it's the least he deserves he gave us free food gosh we gotta show him my man cave exactly you're gonna be so excited for this no um okay let's do it okay come on okay right over here we have a gym do you work out yeah I'd be hitting the weights sometimes really what's your bench max like 3 30. what yeah I'm a little strong what is that mean cash it means he can lift a lot of Weights whoa that's crazy I think my bench max is 20. mine is 15. what that I'm stronger than you we have a friend named bull who lives 560. oh yeah I've heard about that dude he's crazy strong you know bull he came to the food truck and asked for like 10 burgers and asked for extra protein too so well we can meet him in a little bit let me show you our houses they're right over here all right let's do it you're gonna like this they were kind of expensive because we got premium spots yup oh I can tell by these uh statues here pretty sure I saw him when I drove it yeah that came with the deluxe plan all right Josh yeah um Nico I'm in front of you oh my gosh but yeah our friends complain because they want their own statues I could see why okay now we just gotta go over here bad here we go oh is this your house right here uh yeah that shady house no no no Zach that is not the house wait oh he's looking at that sign oh oops okay design but where is it it doesn't even look like a house well anyways Shady says is right here Cassie's house right there he had miles right here oh yeah I know that person's house in the corner but I don't know the orange one wait you do yeah uh no reason though okay well anyways cash you want to show them around your house yeah sure I have three stories yeah is it a bull deck of a house yeah but you should be excited to see my house but it's so cool okay I'm pretty stoked you know this place is so cool yeah Nico's is pretty sick he has a man cave but I have sunbathing right here oh this is dope I could sleep here for years oh because cash is gonna sleep over there so well let's see if him I guess you could show me your house if now if you want yeah pay thousand just like that but this isn't all that special I mean it's pretty cool I kind of like it no you think so yeah dope doesn't look just like me look at the goggles they match oh wow that's actually pretty cool dude anyways how many muddies did that cost you anyway oh uh who's this oh geez [Applause] okay oh who's your friend hey don't look at it take down the cameras now okay okay but um I want his number first now what oh my gosh please go out with me yo uh this lady's kind of weird yeah Crystal go away so why is she even in your house anyway bro I don't know random people just walk in my house it's kind of weird yeah that's kind of weird there's got to be like a secret entry to something that I don't know about but anyways here's my diamond stash that you will not touch okay I won't touch it I'm just looking wow okay I can see how you afford the house and down here is like the play area wow ping pong basketball pool but I'm planning to get this upgraded so you'll just have to wait and see that for later but you're only here for the weekend unfortunately yeah sadly I'm just trying to enjoy myself you know yeah me too anyways what do you want to do I kind of want to go talk to that bull guy he was really strong oh yeah head to the gym let's do my job do you work out a lot yeah man working out is like kind of my life I love it whoa that's so cool well you might want to be like you one day now come on cash punch the bag I don't know how I'm not good enough oh what are you talking about come on punches okay wait uh okay I'm out of energy cash weren't you just sleeping oh uh yeah but then bull called me and kind of carried me here for the workout oh my gosh I guess you're trying to beat my bench max of 20. yep I already hit 25. oh hey Zach oh uh hey what's good I kind of want to work out with you guys you mind uh yeah well that meeple and Bowl meet Jack oh this is the Burger guy huh oh he's pretty strong looking actually yeah um yeah I do be benching bull uh how much do you bench oh oh like a thousand pounds or something wait Zach how much did you bench I think my Max is like 330. uh but that doesn't really determine your strength uh yeah I guess so you're right wait do you think you could do more push-ups than bull um maybe well do you think you can beat him oh definitely man nobody is ever beating me wait actually actually uh yeah okay well come over here this is intense how about we not do push-ups and how about we do some squats that is what real men do okay Squad sounds good okay are you ready scrawny man you're funny bro yeah let's do it okay cash we gotta keep counter okay uh wait I gotta use the bathroom oh okay yeah you can just start the competition with them and I'll be in here okay sounds good okay I'm gonna start counting in three two one go one two three four five six seven oh you're weak bruh 125 126 127 128 1456 1457 1458. oh my God you guys oh hey bull is it time for the training session what's going on huh uh stop oh no oh I lost because of you whoa whoa we had a training session at 9am you said so whoa whoa whoa that means you win against bull yo uh that's kind of an accomplishment bro holy cow but that's so cool no one's ever won against bull Nico Nico help me help me [Applause] I'm going to the bathroom oh there's Doug in there oh gosh uh yeah let's go holy smokes bro that was weird wow that's crazy Zach I can't believe I beat bull though that's wild yeah well anyways that took quite a while yeah what was that like a day and a half uh yeah okay well I need some food what do you say you're up for some burgers uh at your place yeah at the food truck are you guys finally done with that push-up competition uh yeah that took a while oh well I went to get some coffee so I'm awake for the day all right I'm ready for this burger dude oh my gosh I hope gosh this girl is so weird come on wait is that shady dude we gotta get out of here she's crazy and wait who's that other girl what other girl Zach you got customers you got to feed them no dude the Connie girl is so weird I I can't talk to her wait why beloved please come out I don't know here just go give a burger and uh some fries that yellow dude I think I understand even Shady's walking away and she never walks away from girls that's kind of interesting oh crazy please I'm just gonna go in you know what that's it oh my gosh Zach we should go oh dear uh let's go wait up for me we can't let her see you oh man oh man uh Zach why are you such a ladies man dude I don't even know I it's just natural res what what does that mean I don't know unspoken res people say I have it why'd you reject her anyway she was kind of pretty wow okay it doesn't matter if a girl is pretty her personality is not good man yeah I agree she just broke into my van you guys saw that oh yeah that's probably not right and anyways I just have my eyes on one girl she's the one for me oh yeah me too I have someone in my mind well Nico I already know who your girl is but Zach who is the girl you're looking at oh well she just has this luscious purple hair and she's so nice and she sells candy well anyways let's go to Zoe's house oh that's funny the girl I like her name is Zoe too wait that's kind of weird uh well whatever uh before we go to Zoe's I need to put these hamburgers away oh good idea I gotta put them in the fridge okay uh I'll meet y'all there Nico I'm putting my burgers in your fridge wait what do you mean well yours is colder oh wait do you even have a fridge I just realized uh I don't want to talk about it kitchen stop uh don't make fun of me whatever just put your cheeseburgers and fries there okay and my camera monitor oh wait camera monitor yeah okay whatever anyways I wonder if it's actually there she's probably getting candy without us wait she's Zack and Zoe talking what are you talking about that's weird you want a spy glass Nico sure good thing I keep them on me conveniently oh yeah just like the kid why are they standing so close to each other I don't know forever yeah I know I I've missed you so much and you look very good you could do hey I should be the only one saying that that's what I'm saying wait Nico that wasn't me that talk wait what okay what what's going on in there dude I don't know who is this guy that's what I'm saying oh is this a new shirt yeah I also am wearing my new fragrance today we need to go in there and knock this dude off his feet that's what we're in let's go okay cash one second guys seriously oh my gosh yeah I mean we could uh grab dinner and you know oh and there's a Nico and this guy hey hey guys what's going on hey Nico you he's even copying my style with my rainbow twister hat Zoe I don't know how you could like this guy any more than me I'm way more handsome that's what I'm saying why do why is this the first time I'm agreeing with kid uh Nico what the heck man well anyway you should just kick this guy out of your candy store he looks like a loser no he's second I've been friends forever yeah and uh we're gonna go grab dinner tonight so you can't do anything about it kid wait wait wait wait did you guys just say the dinner yeah like a like like a uh uh what'd you say sorry my ears got clogged like like I I did yeah a date and you're gonna do nothing about it you too kid hey it's definitely not a date well it kind of sounds like it because of what I'm hearing hours oh sweet I'll definitely bring you a bunch of flowers too well you got okay kid weird no who even is he he's only been in town for like one week he was trying to be my friend this whole time and look what happened wait you're friends with that dude yeah but she said he had his eyes on only one girl that I didn't know it was Zoe well I only have my eyes on one girl too and who is that well actually it's two Mia and Zoe oh my gosh cash why are you still looking at them guys I think Zach likes Zoe oh my gosh we knew that already yeah oh no they're gonna go on a date we need to put it into this right now yeah Nico's supposed to go without with Zoe not that guy that's what I'm saying no it's supposed to be me remember no one said that well anyone but Zach I would rather prefer the kid well whatever I know I'm better than both of you guys so whatever let's just get some spy costumes on okay guys are we dressed up jump and kid what are you wearing oh well this is my costume that you know makes me look hidden okay well just don't talk too much because if they're just disguise is kind of obvious guys they're walking oh okay oh gosh where are you taking me well I wanted to take you to this Exquisite place oh wait I'm pretty sure your dad runs it oh yeah and I also got you some flowers [Music] yeah um here uh I can just carry you there if you want you okay I think Zach likes Zoe that over there oh geez this is not good oh my gosh let's keep following them wait Nico I have a better idea what one second ah this dude is so weird Stakeout car uh let's do it come on get in uh cash how do you know where to drive stop I don't know I just stole it from Clyde what let's go oh my God you're crazy why do I have to sit in the back cause you're a kid whatever uh oh that's them over there right here I made the car oh okay okay watch them Yo Zoe I got us a reservation going now yeah just here just hold my hand I'll Lead You In wait they're holding hands you've got to be kidding me yeah if the holding hands necessary this is not good okay guys come over here okay let's fly from over here what's what's going on ah Nico can I be honest what what I really have to pee Oh you know to be honest with you my bladder's gonna explode uh just give me a second these bathrooms at the restaurant I can't they're gonna see me okay now it's just me and you we'll handle this dude yeah let's see what they're talking about just stand over here okay uh yeah Zoe you know I uh I like the outfit that you chose to eat with me tonight oh really thanks I usually wear it a lot yeah you look really good and it's kind of making me blush I mean uh making me happy for you yeah uh wait yeah your face is kind of red do you have a fever yo yo yo oh uh are you our server yeah y'all looking for some hot dogs tonight um Zoe is this guy working for your dad um pick your order yeah man I'll do uh water all right Mr boring one water hey uh Mr boring Gosha all right what else do you guys want I'm guessing a boring little piece of bread for you um actually I'll do a piece of bread with a side of butter oh man you are so lame dude hey and for you let's see could I get raw salmon wrapped inside of a bread roll all right that's what I'm talking about oh my gosh wow Zoe that was pretty hot I mean a good choice yeah well wait what did he just say dude this guy's fumbling so hard I know right he's trying way too hard I know I could be better than that to be honest to be honest yeah you could all right all right guys I got your water your little raw salmon smoothie and uh I think y'all wanted rotten flesh right um well this isn't really what I ordered ew what the heck there you go Zoe let's get out of here uh yeah I'm gonna have to talk to about the fan sorry what about my tip oh gosh kid what you can eat those leftovers right yeah oh my gosh I have to see where they're gonna go next I have something planned for you Zoe oh really yeah it's really romantic I mean it's really fun I love Adventure yeah just follow me oh my gosh what do they have next but speaking of which where's cash I guess we'll just meet him there Gosha I think they went over here gosh all right Zoe this is what I planned for us oh this is very what are you talking about it's it's beautiful all right Zach are you ready to go on our boat ride uh yeah it's just us two though not you wait what why'd you bring Zoe I thought it was our boat ride just uh Move Along wait Zach oh my gosh Come on Zoe let's go all right I'm heartbroken oh gosh have you not realized that they're on a date oh yeah I completely forgot I thought I was supposed to go on the boat ride and I didn't even know about this sir oh um because I saw it on his notebook what that's crazy anyways they're leaving we gotta follow them oh geez uh let's see what they talk about gosh oh wow this is uh you know really important to me Zoe um how about we stop at this bridge up here and just get a good view of the lake oh why not I don't know I just don't like cash very much I just wanted it to just be me and you Smosh this is ridiculous I know right I should have been on that boat ride with Zach whoa whoa what's going on okay I wanted to bring you here just because this bridge kind of reminds me of you and when we were younger and uh [Music] why don't you come closer [Applause] what are you trying to do are you trying to kiss Zoey your Savages get away oh my gosh I'm ending this data this is not too far Zach wait a second I convinced 330 bro you're weak come here wait wait wait wait wait oh gosh cash cash Nico I caught the guy trying to kiss Zoe oh that was not it it's that it's Daddy oh my gosh you ruined my date bro come here because you're never getting anything you're never gonna take somewhere no I'm I am she loves me bro she loves me oh you know what this guy's looking to be funny too come here wait what what's going on I'm eating popcorn I was watching the fight and so he's just chilling over there man I love this dolphin I'm gonna whack you with this boat oh gosh if you enjoyed then please subscribe subscribe bye guys subscribe bye [Music]
Channel: Nico
Views: 912,161
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nico, Cash, Nico and Cash, Cash and Nico, Minecraft
Id: 0ZT1wSbCBM8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 29sec (1349 seconds)
Published: Fri May 26 2023
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