My Concerns About The Passion Translation and Brian Simmons

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so thank you guys so much for joining me i'm pastor mike winger this is going to be a hopefully dispassionate analysis of the passion translation i'm gonna try to be as calm as i can on this issue i think this is actually a really really big deal and that we cannot take it as just another translation of the bible whereas I could take take say the the King James the New King James the NIV ESV NASB the the Christian standard that I could take all these and just say hey I got a bunch of different translations of the Bible to compare and contrast and to learn and that's great for people who don't speak original languages because we're able to say oh look look at how different translator translated this thing but the passion translation is a whole different animal so you're about to get the full download on the passion translation is it good is it accurate is it safe who did it would I recommend it and I'm not I'm not going to be blowing things out of proportion in order to get views here but I'll say this in all honesty this translation has serious very serious problems and I'm gonna demonstrate that to you today and I'd like to talk about the specific verses and how they're translated I'm also going to talk about the the author or the translator normally I will not even bring up the translator of a translation because who cares if the guy like on in all honesty like who cares that the guy kicked his dog or for if he's you know something's wrong with him on some personal level if we're evaluating his translation he's just translating from one language to another normally I would just ignore issues related to him but this is a different situation altogether so here's a quick video so you can know what I mean when I say a different situation this is Bryan Simmons the translator speaking of how he got supernatural empowerment to make this translation special visions and secrets that were going to be revealed in the passion translation of the Bible also in 2009 Jesus enters the room you're in and gives you an assignment tell me what that was what a wonderful night that was again I was in my room and the presence of the Lord became jabal heavy dick so powerful that I slipped out of bed and knelt there by my bed and the one I loved came and commissioned me he says I'm commissioning you to do this translation project and he breathed on me this blue is breath upon me I'll never forget that experience and he promised me that that he would give me help that he would stand with me and give me secrets of the Hebrew language secrets of the Bible that would be for this last days Awakening and that was the beginning of the passion translation project did he tell you the name of the Bible no he didn't he just so where'd you come up with the word passion translation well years ago I saw an angel named passion in our church meeting and the Lord spoke to me not not audibly but internally and said that angel is with your ministry it's the angel of passion now I am so intrigued with this this Bible that you've done the passion translation and Jesus said he would give you secrets from the Hebrew language in downloads as you were doing this did you see that oh my I see that regularly as I translating the Bible and seeing the the original text and the secrets that are hidden there okay this is a very distracting way to start off this dream but a couple things you got here this is a radio interview you just listen to where I believe was on the radio where he's talking with Sid Roth and he's asking him about how he got it basically he feels he's been commissioned by God he got a vision where God breathed on him to give him special empowerment supernatural revelation in other words not just skill as a translator but revelation from God about new new ways of understanding the Bible secrets in Hebrew and Greek and he he talks about even naming the translation after an angel that he saw in some other vision and now this is why I bring up Brian Simmons normally I would just ignore a person an individual I don't care you know who did the translating I care how good it is but in this case because Brian says that this translation comes from his own like supernatural enablement and he includes his visions in in in this thing he names the thing after an angel he supposedly saw it's all wrapped up in Brian Simmons he is pretty much the sole translator he got he got some like recommendations from others but he's the guy who did the translating and and yeah so we're gonna do right now is we're just gonna launch into a discussion of specific passages because I want to show you well we'll come back to Brian's visions and some of the stuff he claims of even-even prophecies he's making about the future we'll come back to that a little bit later but I want you to understand this is not a normal translation this is this is a whole different kind of game that we're dealing with here so let's look at the passion translation on the back cover of the translation itself it says the following that you will this is right on the back cover that you will encounter the heart of God and it says about itself the passion translation Bible is a new heart level translation I underlined heart level there it's a heart level translation that expresses God's fiery heart of love to this generation using Hebrew Greek and Aramaic manuscripts that's gonna be a really big deal later the Aramaic manuscripts part merging the emotion and life-changing truth of God's Word God longs to have his word expressed in every language in a way that unlocks the passion of his heart this translation will trigger inside every reader an overwhelming response to the truth of the Bible unfolding the deep mysteries of the scriptures in the love language of God the language of the heart and that whole idea of language of the heart that will also be very important as I explained to you what's unique about this passion translation when we come to his translation methodology a little bit later but clearly this is this is not claiming to be another Bible translation it's claiming to have some supernatural power upon it he claims it came from supernatural power in his own life and an anointing from God and so either here's our options either Brian's right and we should all like get everyone should be using this translation like if these claims are true then we should all be teaching from the passion translation if the claims are false no one should be teaching from it I think the claims are false and I think that we can say that not because I'm a cessationist because I'm not a cessationist I believe God can speak to us although I do not on all honesty I don't believe that Brian is speaking truth and I'll give some examples now let's look at the actual text itself here are some of the things that the passages so I'm going to compare the passionate translation to the ESV I'm just been using the ESV recently it's not the only translation I use but it's a it's a fairly word-for-word translation and it's meant to be studied and so he claims the same is true about the passion translation so let's let's look at this here's Psalm 19 in the ESV it says the heavens declare the glory of God and the sky above proclaims his handiwork day to day pours out speech and night tonight reveals knowledge there's no speech nor are there words whose voice is not heard their voice goes out through all the earth and their words to the end of the world in them he has set a tent for the Sun okay so Psalm 19 is like I love Psalm 19 it comes up several times in the Bible it says great passage about how God speaks to us through creation okay that's Psalm 19 in whatever translation you want it's that creation is declaring that God is and that he is glorious and so beautiful verse it's quoted later in Romans as well here's the same passage in Psalm 19 the passion translation God's splendor is a tell tale is a tale that is told excuse me his Testament is written in the stars his Testament is written in the stars space itself speaks his story every day through the marvels of the heavens his truth is on tour in the starry vault of the sky showing his skill and creations craftsmanship each day gushes out its message to the next night with night whispering its knowledge to all without a sound without a word without a voice being heard and yeah he's throwing rhymes in there yet all at but that's not the real issue listen here's the issue yet all the world can see its story everywhere it's gospel is clearly read so all may know the passion translation has it has a new interpretation of Psalm 19 and the interpretation is that the gospel itself is written in the physical stars in the sky now some people believe this that the actual ancient astrology looked up at the stars saw constellations and that those communicate the gospel I know believers who believe it that's fine let's just say maybe that's even true that doesn't mean you're allowed to reinterpret the Bible and shove it into the into Psalm 19 in the footnotes in Psalm 19 in the passion translation he confirms this this is what he means right because he says yeah like the you know ancient gospel written in the star stuff and you can read it for yourself but again with that in mind gospel in the stars right it says it God's splendor is a tale that is told his Testament is written in the stars and then verse 4 everywhere it's gospel is clearly read so all may know and know that where gospel is not in the original there's no word in the original that relates the word gospel but Brian apparently has the ability to bring in new words because he understands the secret meanings that we didn't understand before and I'm not exaggerating those are gonna be his words I'll quote to you later on where he talks about how he's gonna unlock secret meanings and already shared with you the vision he talked about so there's so many verses to cover that's just Psalm 19 here's Galatians 2:20 and this is this is one of my favorite memory verses actually but I've been crucified with Christ it is no longer I who live but Christ who lives in me and the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God who loved me and gave himself for me that's the ESV very similar to other translations but the passion translation says my old identity has been Co crucified with Messiah and no longer lives now notice a few things right I have been crucified with Christ is no longer I it's it's here it's my old identity not I he's added a concept of old my old identity and I've been crucified with Christ is I've been Co crucified with Messiah now the word Messiah he'll take in almost it seems randomly you know his sometimes he translate Christ Christ sometimes he translated late said as messiah and sometimes the passion translates it as The Anointed One or or God's anointed one and it seems random sometimes he'll do it in the same verse he'll translate the Kristof's the Greek word he'll translate it two different ways why is there is there a methodology to it I think it's I think he thinks he's just being spirit led so my ol that dinners being Co crucified with Messiah and no longer lives okay but now the text has changed it's not I no longer live it's my old identity no longer lives now that may be your interpretation but that's not what it says so this would not be a translation it would be an interpretation for the nails of his cross crucified me with him and this entire phrase is completely fabricated it's nowhere in Galatians 2:20 right here's Galatians 2:20 I've been crucified with Christ it's no longer I who live but Christ lives in me my old identities been Co crucified with Messiah no longer lives total added phrase for the nails of his cross crucified me with him and now the essence of this new life is no longer mine for the Anointed One okay he was Messiah now he's anointed one lives his life through me we live in Union as one more added text that's what the italics were there for is to let you know he added this my new life is empowered by the faith of the Son of God who loves me so much that he gave himself for me and dispenses his life into mine dispenses his life into mine where is it where is this who loved me and gave himself for me where is this dispenses his light why aren't there why aren't there a Brian why aren't there not italics on the phrase dispenses his life into mine it's added and this is another complaint I'll have you think you're safe because because because he italicizes whenever he's adding text but he doesn't sometimes he does sometimes he doesn't that's a problem you're not being you're not being consistent and so that confuses or possibly leads people to think things that aren't true now let's talk about some texts on Billy ology um I I've got a lot of issues with the passion translation and you guys know I've I accept so many translations that encourage you reading lots of them this is different okay this is different I will say that the passion translation in my opinion is more sectarian than the Jehovah's Witness new world translation that is there's more places where he's adapting and changing the text than even they did in their version which is saying something so biblio G is kind of an important thing as Christians we we have what we believe about the Bible and there's certain passages of Scripture that are very important when it comes to what we believe about the Bible like the Bible is the inspired Word of God when it comes to those passages I as I was reading through the passion I noticed that they're different so john 5:39 you search the Scriptures because you think that in them you have eternal life it is they that bear witness about me Jesus speaking here he tells his the the Pharisees whoever he was speaking to in John 5 that mean the Bible's really all speaking about him the Old Testament is about Jesus they searched the Scriptures for eternal life but they'll find the Scriptures are speaking of him okay John 5:39 and the passion he goes you are busy analyzing the scriptures frantically poring over them in hopes of gaining eternal life everything you read points to me okay I'm fine with everything here II points to me that's fine but why why are they frantic he says you search the Scriptures right but rather than translate this you search the Scriptures three words including the four words rather than translating thought he goes you are busy analyzing the Scriptures frantically poring over them now why is this there because in the circles in which Brian runs it's nice to take potshots at people who care too much about theology I'll just be honest with you and so here becomes now a text where Jesus is talking about how he's the fulfillment of Scripture that now it can be used as a text for knocking people because they're so concerned about the Bible mmm I hope you see the disconnect 2nd Timothy 3:16 beautiful beautiful important passage about what we believe about the Bible it says all scriptures breathed out by God and profitable for teaching for reproof for correction and for training and righteousness that the man of God may be complete equipped for every good work this word breathed out by God Theo knew stas it's the idea that God inspired the scriptures this is a very important word lots of ink has been spilled talking about what this word means it's the inspiration of the scriptures this verse is like one of the chief verses we use to say that the Bible's inspired of God it's one of the biggest ones now what does he say about it 2nd Timothy 3:16 in the passion translation every scripture has been written by the Holy Spirit the breath of God I paused for a second let's he's gonna tell us later I'll put it on the screen if I can remember that we can take the passion translation and have deep study with this text because it's so faithful to the original what it says here is every scripture has been written by the Holy Spirit the breath of God now he takes that word thing of news to us all Scripture is god-breathed right he takes that and he turns it into has been written by the Holy Spirit the breath of God he's way expanded on the meaning way beyond but here's the problem I have there is something called the dictation theory where we believe that the Holy Spirit told them literally word-for-word what to write in the scriptures that would be the idea that it's all been written by the Holy Spirit this is like a wrong biblio lagea thus is not what we believe about the text we believe the writers were inspired right so that the writings are then inspired but we're not saying that like every word was dictated by God that's actually like a Muslim belief about the Quran that every word was dictated but rather we believe there was right Theo knew Stas there was God inspiring by His Holy Spirit these things so this is a problem like written every yeah ok I'll move forward it will empower you by its instruction in correction giving you the strength to take the right direction and leading you deeper into the path of godliness hey does that preach well that preaches super well does it capture the meaning of the original no I've taught this passage many times and anybody who has goes yeah no no there's there's specific things that's trying to communicate and you just stripped it of half of that meaning and changed part of it and then at verse 17 he says then you will be God's servant fully mature and perfectly prepared to fulfill any assignment God gives you I'll come in a minute to all of these passages where Brian adds terminology that's part of his like hyper focused miracle focused where they're all about miracles signs and wonders and and I'm not opposed to those things right but I'm definitely opposed to the way some people do it and and I think it's not safe healthy wise or true but but there's terminology in that in that circle and this assignment God gives you fulfill the assignment God gives you he adds that phrase from their terminology book instead of equipped for every good work that's it like you're a man of God you'll be equipped for every good work but there's no assignment and there's no that God gave you it's just good works that you're equipped for okay proverbs 30 verses 5 and 6 it says every word of God proves true he's a shield of those who take refuge in him and in the passion translation it says every promise from the faithful God is pure and proves to be true he is a wraparound shield of protection for all his lovers who run to hide in him do you just notice the size difference between those two verses Brian will add a lot a lot to the Bible it's like the amplified bible in the sense that it's like one verse becomes a paragraph every word of God proves true becomes not every word of God but every promise from the faithful God every promise okay so not every word of God now I'm talking about Scripture but every promise from God okay well now I'm talking about promises from God which could be just certain parts of the Bible or perhaps personal revelations and things that have happened to me in my own heart and life do you see how the Biblio letí's different in this book I was one of these I know is consistently let's look at another example of where the Biblio and too blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked nor stands in the way of sinners nor sits in the seat of scoffers but his delight is in the law of the Lord and on his law he meditates day and night that's the taurah of god the law of God the passion translation doesn't say that they delight in God's law or God's Word it says what delight comes to those who follow God's ways they won't step in with walk in step with the wicked nor share the sinner's way nor be found sitting in the scorner seat there leisure and passion is remaining true to the word of I am well what's the word of I am is that the identity of God or is that Jesus what what am I I'm meditating day and night in his true revelation of light I'm not meditating day and night in the Torah in the Old Testament law in Psalm 1 as it really says instead of meditating in God's true revelation of light which seems to be I guess Jesus or maybe something more nebulous than that do you see there's a consistent idea here where we're not allowing the Bible to give us clear Biblio gee that keeps us sort of anchored in the scriptures to let the Bible be the Bible and be the authority of God revealed to mankind about what to believe and how to live it's moving away from that and it's consistent it's not I don't think it sucks because I think it happens consistently in Psalm 5:3 he says O Lord in the morning you hear my voice in the morning I prepare a sacrifice for you and watch but look at look at how this is not Billy ology here but look at how he adds to the text here passionate translation says at each and every sunrise you will hear my voice as I prepare my sacrifice of prayer to you every morning I lay out the pieces of my life on the altar and wait for your fire to fall upon my heart there are italics here but there aren't enough okay this is not this is just adding lots of stuff and part of its preach you know preaching points as though a pastor can grab the passion translation and go oh look I've got more preaching points now this will make it easier to sermonize this this passage of scripture which i think is it that's not what the Bible is for the bowels are there for you to sermonize it and sometimes as a pastor who teaches sometimes we are tempted to try to make something fit into the little box called sermon and it doesn't fit in the box and my thought is just teach it as it is I don't have the right to change what the scripture says in John 1 verses 1 & 2 this is just you know this is a very important scripture about the about who Jesus is in the beginning was the word and the Word was with God and the Word was God he was in the beginning with God and these words are all chosen very carefully by John and by the holy spirit' the the way this is written is intentional God wants it this way right he says in the very beginning now it's the very beginning because it's a passionate translation so it has more you know adjectives in the very beginning the living expression was already there that's in the text in the Greek it just says was the word in the beginning was the word just he was he existed but it's the living expression not the word the living expression was already there was the word log-off's and Greek the translating and living expressions and not a translation it's a theological interpretation added into the text and the living expression was with God yet fully God they were together face to face in the very beginning now it's face to face there's problems here for those who are trying to very carefully do something called Christ ology understanding who Jesus is the phrase fully God the the phrase face to face in the very beginning it's anyways I'll move on let's talk about terminology um there's a question in in the in the FAQ on the passion translation website in the FAQ there's a question about whether it's denominational or sectarian that's the question and I thought I had it on the screen I think I might be able to bring it up later hmm I don't see it there though so the question is is it denominational and he and he's on the website it's very clear no we're not denominational this is not about any particular Christian group like we're just trying to you know make the Word of God available to all people but I found in studying this translation that there's all sorts of terminological editions what I mean by this is this let me get big for a minute inside of these signs and wonders I shouldn't just call it that inside of the particular signs and wonders movement that Brian is a part of which does include groups like Bethel and and it's a loose it's a loose Association this group it's very loose so I don't call them some people call them the NA are the New Apostolic Reformation I don't use that terminology because they don't use that terminology and I get that it's convenient because you can go up there na are and so are they and convenient or not I don't know that it's accurate but are they part of an apostolic movement yes do I have more on that in my video on Bethel that I did a while back and hopefully was gracious is meant to be kind and loving but to show some errors that are there and some problems well he's part of this movement and in that movement they have tons of terminology like the word release and and and glory and all of these words that take on extra meaning but they're not really found in that sense in the Bible the thing that passion translation does that I think other reviewers don't notice is this passion translation adds terms to the Bible so that it will make the Bible look like it's more like this sort of offshoot movement of Christianity it'll make it you know you can have all your phraseology x' release and loose and i prophesy over you the the the miraculous power of god the miracle-working dynamite power of god like these phrases that they use a lot they find their way into the text of the bible to validate the movement it's an incredibly sectarian translation let me give you examples now of what I mean Romans twelve six it says having then gifts that differ according to the grace given to us let us use them if prophecy prophecy and proportion to our faith now I've a teaching on Romans twelve and I try to teach you just as it is verse by verse and I encourage prophecy even in it but in Romans twelve six in the passion translation it says God's marvelous grace imparts that word impart is something that's like you know a phrase in that group imparts to each one of us each one of us varying gifts and ministries that are uniquely ours look at all the additions that are here so if God has given to you the grace gift of prophecy you must activate your gift by using the proportion of faith that you have to prophesy activating your gift that's another terminological addition let me show you more john 16:7 nevertheless I tell you the truth it is to your advantage that I go away for if I do not go away the helper will not to you but if I go I will send him to you here's the the passions version of John 16:7 but here's the truth it's to your advantage that I go away for if I do not go away the divining courage' will not be released to you but after I depart I will send him to you in this movement there's a lot of releasing of things I released the Holy Spirit I release a flood of God's grace upon you I released God's forgiveness I release healing for your sin that word release is super important I wish I had a digital version of the passion so I could just take the terminology of the group and just look up release and see all the texts that come up on where he adds the term so there's it's very secretary and I'll give you more examples first Corinthians 14:34 revelation is made to another sitting there let the first to be silent this is about how prophecy is to be handled and in the church and he gives rules about prophecy in 1st Corinthians 14 well first Corinthians 14 30 the passion says but if someone receives a revelation while someone is else is still speaking the one who speaks who's speaking should conclude and allow the one with fresh revelation and opportunity to share it that is a terminological phrase now here's what like a scholar evaluating the passion translation would probably never notice this but having been exposed somewhat to this sort of circle I'm not not in my own church but in other churches that I've visited and people I'd known I realize fresh revelation is a key phrase see now it validates the sort of weird version of Christianity that's coming out of some of these groups fresh revelation yeah there it is it's right there in the text now instead of just in our group Colossians 1 21 and you who once were alienated and hostile in mine doing evil deeds he has now reconciled in his body of body of flesh by his death in order to present you holy and blameless and above reproach before him you know I'm gonna forget if I don't do this now some of you pause for a second two things to tell you hi if you have comments and you're watching live put them in the comments section and my friend AJ is gonna gonna gather those comments and I'll try to answer them at the end of the stream as time allows I can't guarantee it but I'll do it I can't also I'm doing a giveaway today speaking of like wanting to know the Word of God better I'm giving away a free copy of accordance which is a Bible Software a very good Bible software with lots of different resources including ancient language resources Greek and Hebrew stuff like that so what I'm gonna do is I'm going to ask a question at the very end of the stream and then I'll watch the comments and whoever can answer that question they will they will win the accordance software so you have to hang in for the very end to be able to catch that and that's when I'll be able to watch the comments so that's just kind of throw that out there that was donated by a friend of mine Ryan tanner who just wanted to bless somebody out there so Colossians 1 again 21 and 22 in the ESV and you who once were alienated and hostile mind doing evil deeds he's now reconciled in his body of flesh by his death in order to present you holy and blameless and above reproach before him in the passion translation it says even though you were once distant from him living in the shadows of your evil thoughts and actions he reconnected you back to himself reconnected you back to himself that's interesting concept he released his supernatural peace to you total terminological edition guys I'm releasing God's supernatural peace upon you and now I have scripture to support it thank you passion translation through the sacrifices of his own body as the sin payment on your behalf anyway there's more it's just a bunch of additions that are happening there Hebrews 11:35 women received back their dead by resurrection this is about the Hall of faith passage I'm actually in the middle of teaching this right now so it was uploaded yesterday and the next part will be uploaded next Monday some were tortured refusing to accept release so that they might rise again to a better life so the woman had received people back from from the dead by resurrection the passion says faith filled women saw their dead children raised in resurrection power why does it say power because the phrase resurrection power is an is a phrase that happens in these circles in their preaching the thing that first bothered me about the passion when I had only registered tiny bit of it was that I was noticing all these terminological additions and they are very consistent I have not even read the whole thing I have not gone through all of it but it's a very consistent it's a way of legitimizing a distortion of spirituality I don't know how else to put it I'm not attacking those people I'm not mad at those people I don't hate those people I think that this is just the fact of the matter and this is why I I'm really concerned about this translation first Corinthians 14:20 - thus tongues are assigned not for believers but for unbelievers while prophecy is assigned not for unbelievers but for believers pretty simple about the function of tongues and prophecy the passion says so then tongues are not assigned for believers but a miracle for unbelievers they're a miracle for unbelievers prophecy on the other hand is not for unbelievers but a miracle sign for believers so now I've got miracle sign and that fits their terminology that's all I'm saying is you're changing the Bible to fit your sect that's what that is 1st Corinthians 14 25 the secrets of his heart are disclosed and so falling on his face he will worship God and declare that God is really among you this is what happens when an unbeliever interessant according to the context an unbeliever enters into the body to visit for a service and people prophesy and then write they prophesy and what happens as he hears them telling him about himself right the secrets of his heart are disclosed they find out what's really going on in his heart so falling on his face he will worship God in declare that God is really among you for the intimate secrets of his heart will be brought to light he will be mystified that's their translation and fall fall face down and worship and say God is truly among you now he's he's mystified that I think the context actually of 1st Corinthians 14 is that he's actually falling on his face in a sense of repentance and in a sense of finding out something's wrong with his life but in these circles you don't prophesy anything negative you never say anything negative it's like it's like an artificial rule like don't prophesy negative stuff even though that happens in the Bible a lot and so to make sure that it's not negative right he'll be mystified now and so I'll move on Oh for the sake of time I just cannot get into all of these all right Matthew the Lord's Prayer Matthew chapter 6 verse 9 pray then like this our Father in heaven Hallowed be your name okay this is gonna be just three verses listen to it you know this prayer and then we'll hear it in the passion translation your kingdom come your will be done on earth as it is in heaven give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our debts as we also have forgiven our debtors the passion says pray like this our Father dwelling in the heavenly realms now we got the word realm thrown in there and the word realm is thrown in several places because they like to talk about realms as part of the sort of spiritual views they have in this group may the glory of your name be the center on which our lives turn what why are there no italics here for the center on which our lives turn hallowed be your name no no it's not just hallowed be your name may the glory of your name be the center on which our lives turn that's not a translation that's not a paraphrase that's addition manifest your kingdom realm there is it there is again and cause your every purpose to be fulfilled on earth just as it is fulfilled in heaven manifest your kingdom realm gods in a heavenly realm manifest your kingdom realm this is this is all terminology that watch Michael Johnson video if you want to get more on that we acknowledge you as our provider of all we need each day forgive us the wrongs we have done as we ourselves release forgiveness to those who have wronged us there it is again more terminal terminological additions release forgiveness we all just forgive people we release forgiveness to them that's different isn't it it is different and it's not what the text says Matthew 9:29 then he touched their eyes saying according to your faith be it done to you but but look at how he slightly changes it then Jesus put his hands over their eyes and said you will have what your faith expects that's just a preaching point for the the faith healing movement you will have what your faith expects just slightly change it because then it makes it a lot better for our preaching Galatians 1/3 grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ Galatians 1/3 and the passion I pray over you a release of the blessings of God's undeserved kindness and total well-being total well-being where's total well-being grace and peace up to them total well-being because it's part of a prosperity you know pillar that they have in that movement as well but praying over you a release of the blessings of God it goes on Ephesians 4:29 let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths but only such as is good for building up as fits the occasion that it may give grace to those who hear and do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption let all bitterness wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you along with all malice okay the reason why I read three verses instead of just the one we're gonna focus on the context is you would grieve the spirit if you weren't doing what's in verse 29 and 31 right grieving the spirit in this case would be corrupting talk would be hurting other believers around you dividing from them being bitter wrathful anger clamorous slanderous because that would grieve the Holy Spirit but not in the passion translation verse 30 in particular it says the Holy Spirit of God has sealed you in Christ Jesus until you experience your full salvation so never grieve the spirit of God or take for granted his holy influence in your life in Brian's view grieving the spirit means that you are not being influenced by the Holy Spirit enough and by that they ultimately mean signs wonders miracles prophecy healings tongues it's all signs and wonders so this verse it has a different meaning in their particular group and what he's done is he's changed the meaning of the text this is verse 30 in Brian's translation right this is verse 30 in a normal translation look at how much added content there is does that not concern you and it adds content that literally gives a wrong interpretation of the passage now I agree I don't want to stop the Holy Spirit from working in my life but don't try to make this passage say something it doesn't say grieving the holy spirit here is breaking the unity that God has created with other Christians it's division it's it's sinful attitudes and actions towards other other believers in Christ that that would be grieving the Holy Spirit Luke 12 verse 11 and 12 says and when they bring you before the synagogues and rulers and if the authorities do not be anxious about how you should defend yourself or what you should say for the Holy Spirit will teach you in that very hour what you ought to say now that just being taught God Jesus is predicting persecution and he's like don't worry about what you'll say like God's gonna tell you what to say at the time here's the passion translation and remember this when people accuse you before everyone and forcefully dragged you before the religious leaders and authorities do not be troubled don't worry about defending yourself or be concerned about how to answer their accusations simply be confident and allow the spirit of wisdom access to your heart what where where does okay know we're in the Greek does it say allow the spirit of wisdom access to your heart this is a preaching point from the signs and wonders movement you're not moving in a fiendish spirit because you're not open enough to it because you have to somehow in some way that's hard to explain open your heart to allow the Holy Spirit and I mean I say this as someone who's like I'm like in my video on prophecy I'm like telling you pray for prophecies seek for the gifts of the Spirit don't don't ignore the fact that God is you know I'm not a cessationist right but these guys make me sound like a cessationists because they go off the tracks they go off the rails and the rails are Scripture so the scripture brings us back when I remember when I had years ago when I was a kid I went to a very what some might call a hyper charismatic church and I didn't know right or wrong of it I just thought if that's what God has I wanted to and I never really experienced it but I was there and I got to see it and I was kind of bummed out like I didn't get what they all got years later I went to a Calvary Chapel and they were going through 1st Corinthians 14 and they were teaching the passage and I remember it blew me away I thought hey there's rules hey wait there's rules about how this is supposed to happen and I thought first thought was I got to go back that church and tell him about first Corinthians 14 and I was just I was so naive right I was I was just unaware and I thought then it hit me hey wait they've got pastors they got Bibles in the in the church they're just ignoring this stuff and the thing that brought me back to a grounded view of spiritual gifts is the scripture the scripture brought me back this is why I don't like the passion translation what could bring you back won't bring you back because he's changing it Matthew chapter 4 verse 4 but he answered it is written man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that comes from the mouth of God listen to how he changes this text Jesus responding to Satan here while being tempted in the passionate says the scripture says bread alone will not satisfy but true life is found in every word which every word which constantly goes forth from God's mouth I don't even have to speculate on why he says this because I saw in one of his videos and I'm sorry if I didn't I didn't catch it I didn't have time to grab it but but he says that this Matthew 4:4 passage the reason he translated this way is because he wants people to know that it's not just about reading the Bible it's about what God is saying today so he takes Jesus's words that are about the scriptures and he makes them about things that him and his group are saying today do not read the passion translation it will muddy your brain it will confuse you and you won't be able to think clearly about these issues it's not it's not just a poor translation it's a translation that's sectarian and purposely meant to change theology so that it will fit their particular groopman but they're not interested in changing the identity of Jesus or even the nature of the gospel the changes are meant to be towards signs wonders and miracles as far as I can tell I mean maybe there's something wrong with the deity of Christ in there I don't know so I'm not saying it's perfect I haven't read every passage in 2nd Peter 1:19 it says this and we have the prophetic word more fully confirmed this is a passage along the same lines as the last one he changed it on purpose for the same reason he wants to elevate modern-day revelation is the idea we have the prophetic word more confirmed to which you do well to pay attention as to a lamp shining in a dark place until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts knowing this first of all that no prophecy of Scripture comes from someone's own interpretation the passion translation and so we've been given the prophetic word the written message of the prophets made more reliable and fully validated by the confirming voice of God on the Mount of Transfiguration hit the brakes now I get why he's suggesting that this is related to the amount of Transfiguration that's not a bad interpretation to see the relation but how he adds to the text is that and it changes the meaning he goes look we have the written word but because of the Mount of Transfiguration and what God said this is my son and whom I'm well pleased hear him because of that event now the old written word is more reliable and fully validated the message of the prophets that old text is now better what that doesn't what if there's a new Mount of Transfiguration what if there's a new moment where God speaks and we can make the old the new testament maybe even better and more validated yeah and you will continue to do well if you stay focused on it for this prophetic message is like a piercing this prophetic message is like a piercing light shining in a gloomy place until the dawning of a new day when the morning star rises in your hearts you must understand this at the outset interpretation of scriptural prophecy requires the Holy Spirit for it does not originate from someone's own imagination well apparently it does because you're able to just add to the text phrases like requires the Holy Spirit so here's what you need to know about this now I feel like I'm talking about this apostolic signs and wonders movement they don't throw out the Bible what they do is they say that people who don't agree with them generally speaking they have only the Bible but they're lacking the Holy Spirit so they're like no we believe the Bible but it's it's gets better the Bible gets better when you have fresh revelation from the Holy Spirit today it requires the Holy Spirit and these dry people that just want to you know interpret every word and understand every verse and look it up and the original language they always make and make fun of and mock those people it kind of breaks my heart yes it's a problem okay one of the other issues that comes up in the passion translation I told you you're getting the full download today here's the full hook okay one of the other issues in the passion translation is this Brian Simmons has sort of an issue with the way women are treated in the Bible and he wants to change that and so one of those things is proverbs 31 it's about the virtuous woman he sees it maybe he sees it as a burden so he reinterprets the whole thing um let me see cuz I actually I'm sure I've got this this somewhere no not there ah here it is okay listen to what he says about proverbs I know that sounds funny but I'm not going to hide it I believe God gave me the key to the book of Proverbs to unlock riddles parables dark speech dark sayings the proverbs of the wisest man on the earth he can't the Lord spoke to me one time and he said do you think if the wisest man I ever put upon the earth wrote a book proverbs that it would have more in it than you think and that put me on a quest to say absolutely he embedded some secrets there's some things in there that only the spirit of wisdom can unlock and the immature the foolish one which is referred to throughout the book of Proverbs the foolish one it's a closed book proverbs is just that a boring do's and dont's and you got to do this you got to do that but to the illumined heart to the one drenched with the spirit of wisdom I'm telling you like proverbs 31 I just ruined Mother's Day for like millions of Christians McHale explained proverbs 31 in just a second so he's like I have the key I have the secrets and everybody else they think proverbs just do's and don'ts it's so boring sidenote right do's and don'ts aren't boring if you complain about the Bible having do's and don'ts you're just rebellious like you just have a rebellious heart stop God says do this and you're gonna complain that as the word do in the sentence I don't understand but proverbs 31 he says that the Proverbs 31 woman is actually none of us have realized this and actually commentators have suggested this for years I just think they're wrong they say that it's actually the Bride of Christ right so proverbs 31:10 in the ESV it says an excellent wife who can find she's far more precious than jewels his version the passion says who could ever find a wife like this one she's a woman of strength and mighty valor she is full of wealth and wisdom and then he adds this the price paid for her was greater than many jewels not she has price a value above jewels the price paid for her ah because he's making it into an allegory about the church being purchased by Jesus and here's the dividing line some of you go ooh I like that well if you like it get the passion translation but if you care about truth don't write it's it's it's not okay to change the Bible to be more appealing to change the Bible to be more about Jesus to change the Bible to be more beautiful that's not okay it's not because you're not supposed to change what God has given us in verse 14 the ESV it says she's like the merchant ships but the passion translation making her into the church says she gives out revelation truths to feed others she gives out revelation truths to feed others verse 16 it actually says she considers a field and buys it with the fruit of her hand she plants a vineyard but in the passion translation verse 16 says she sets her heart upon a nation and takes it as her own carrying it within her she Labor's there to plant the living vines not only is this going way beyond the meaning of the text but this is now about their view of eschatology they think that were to disciple not just people but nations that Christians will kind of take over nations and so this is just putting that in the text so now we can take their eschatology and find it in the Bible he's embedding his particular sect of Christianity into the text it's not okay no bookstore should hold this book no Christian should have it even as a second third or fifth translation because it's not faithful one of the things Brian says he's learned from his revealed secrets as this because God revealed secrets to him is that we've all been understanding Ephesians 5 incorrectly and so let me read to you Ephesians 5:24 he doesn't like the idea of woman submitting to their husbands and so he says now as the church submits to Christ so also wives should submit to in everything to their husbands and pretty much every translations gonna put put that pretty much the same way right but in the passion translation it says in the same way the church is devoted to Christ let the wives be devoted to their husbands and everything now for this I thought you don't know Greek most people don't know Greek aren't gonna be able to go look up the word but here we go let's actually look up the word in the greek the word translated submit here's what six seven six greek resources right on the page I'll just let you read them right but they all mean the same thing to subject yourself to place yourself in submission it's it the the the sense that the word is in it's not being done to her the wife is never being put in submission that's called abuse right that's abuse but the text does say that the wife is to submit voluntarily to her husband she's doing it to herself no one's doing it to her right to submit to the orders of directives to obey do be obedient to bring under control would be in a different sense same or different way of using it Greek English dictionary says be subject submit to be under the authority of two places or rank under to obey and it goes on not on a side note you're actually reading my notes right now I have teaching on husbands and wives and there is a protection for wives you can look at these online how to be a good husband as well as what the what the Bible really says about wives submit I have videos on that online and I go into details on that but the protection for the wife doesn't happen when we tell her no don't submit to your husband and we changed the text the protection for the wife comes when the husband does his job to love herself sacrificially and put her needs above his own I mean you will never be abusive when you love your wife in yourself you will never be abusive when you take self-sacrifice as your calling as a husband and realize that your pride is never an excuse to be rude or cruel or mean or or a jerk or anything else so there is protection for wives sure but not by changing the text of Scripture this will damage marriages God has a way in which he set it up and we need to keep it that way all right more I told you this movement that Brian's a part of his an apostolic movement they believe they have modern apostles and these apostles aren't just like missionaries they're not just ones who are sent out that's what the word apostolic means you're sent out but they're apostles a little bit more like like um like Paul was and Peter was and James was you know they're like those guys those kinds of apostles and I don't agree but it's important to them and so he put it in the text Ephesians 4:13 what it actually says it says that God has given us apostles prophets pastor teachers it gives a list of these different different ministries and then it says how long it says until we all attain the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God to mature manhood to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ look what's added in verse 13 in the passion translation these grace ministries will function and then it goes on until we all attain oneness in the faith and right why is this a big deal because Ephesians 4 is the hotly debated passage when we're dealing with this Apostolic movement our Apostles for today are apostles supposed to be in the church in the same sense they were in the early parts of the book of Acts is that supposed to happen right now in Ephesians 4 is a debated passage well the additions in Ephesians 4:13 make it irrefutable absolutely these grace ministries will function until we all attain all of them will not just pastor teacher not that no all of them will so this is apostolic teaching I'd also like to read you a footnote in acts 14 14 there's a footnote in the passionate translation let me just bring bring us to it real quick and I just want you to I would if people don't realize the nuance of what I'm saying so I'll read the footnote where he interprets it for you so acts 1414 where is that it's in the Bible I know it is okay I should have I should have marked it be here this here's his footnote from the passion translation the book of Acts clearly states that there were more than twelve apostles who were recognized by the church Barnabas is described multiple times as an apostle Ephesians 4:11 through 13 that's the verse I just read to you says that apostles and prophets will minister and equip the body of Christ until we are complete and restored into Christ's fullness why do you think Bill Johnson endorsed this book why do you think it's going although it's if you're part of this apostolic movement this is in your bookstore if not your pews if not the one you're teaching from on Sunday mornings so that's adding to the text there's another example in Jude 3 you may have already read it if you're like me you're just reading all this before I get there Jude 3 says in the ESV beloved although I was very eager to write to you about our common salvation I found it necessary to write appealing to you to contend for the faith that was once for all delivered to the Saints and that phrase the faith I love this stuff it's the doctrines we believe as Christians and you're to fight for it we were once given Christianity there's no additions later on you fight for it in if story the issue is closed right Jude 3 dearly loved friends I was fully intending to write to you about our amazing salvation because it's the passion translation so more adjectives we all participate in but felt the need instead to challenge you to vigorously defend and contend for the beliefs that we cherish for the beliefs that we cherish for God through the Apostles has once for all entrusted these truths to his holy believers so that we don't get that the faith is finally and securely put in place and now we hold to it instead we have cherished truths and we have the idea of through the Apostles this fits perfectly further than this this apostolic group and their teaching there's other passages where preaching points are added I'm gonna move on awesome I'm moving forward because of the sake of time you can look at these if you want you just pause the screen there's places where there's just straight miss interpretations of Scripture which I've already actually showed some but here's one Galatians 2:20 I've been crucified with Christ it is no longer I who live but Christ who lives in me and the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God who loved me and gave himself for me love this verse think I already read it didn't I yes I did how did I get that one in there multiple times never mind moving forward Philippians 2:7 it says about Christ that he emptied himself by taking the form of a servant being born in the likeness of men well here's the passion instead he emptied himself of his outward glory okay his outward glory by reducing himself to the form reducing himself to the form of a lowly servant he became human this is interpretation of the text and it's added concepts and changed words and why I don't know why I don't have to know his heart here in this case I don't understand the reasoning behind it but there are this is a really important theological passage and to change the meaning of it is fiddling with theology Philippians 2:9 therefore God has highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name that is above every name his Virgin says because of that obedience God exalted him and multiplied his greatness that's another gut may God multiply her greatness that's kind of one of those slogans as well he has now been given the greatest of all names interesting ok I do not have the time to go over all these I knew I knew that I would have to skip forward so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna jump yeah I'm gonna jump up to the concept of the Aramaic stuff so let me talk to you guys about where is he getting all these translations from that's the idea and ultimately he's getting it from the Aramaic on the website and in his interviews he says this phrase he says Greek speaks to the mind while Aramaic and Hebrew speak our fleet to the heart this is really important to Brian Simmons it's like you Aramaic is is is a language that speaks more to your heart and I think if you I think that's silly okay but let's just grant it fine Aramaic speaks to the heart now the actual Bible was written in in in the Old Testament we have Hebrew mostly but we have other we have Aramaic in there we have a couple other things as well but the New Testament was written in Greek it's just Greek occasionally an Aramaic word pops in but we do know that the language of Jesus was probably Aramaic that's something we we do know and this is gonna get a little confusing I think but I'm gonna do my best to explain it Brian gives the impression as though he in his translation is getting you back to the language of Jesus the Aramaic that Jesus spoke the implication is that when he and his footnotes says Aramaic that word Aramaic comes up that and it does come up a lot here's an example of just one page when he says Aramaic he's going to the original language Jesus spoke and it's like more original than the Greek and it's true that the Aramaic was more original than the Greek right Jesus spoke Aramaic but here's this here's the fiddly part the confusing part Brian makes it sound like he's going to the original Aramaic Jesus spoke but we don't have the original Aramaic what he's really going to is a translation in Aramaic of the Greek so the Bible was written in Greek the Apostles translated for us what Jesus says into Greek write it down for us hundreds of years later they translated from Greek into Aramaic he's using that Aramaic it's the doctor it's a document or a group of documents called a peshitta so he uses the peshitta a translation of the Greek into Aramaic hundreds of years after Jesus my point here is these these these footnotes where he's constantly saying the Aramaic the Aramaic if he makes it sound like the the Aramaic is actually the original the original writings but in reality it's not it's not so let me give an example from his website from the passion translation frequently asked questions portion of the website it says dr. Simmons compared both Greek and Aramaic and here he acknowledges translations he calls him translations throughout this monumental project you may consider the passion translation as a synthesis of the two so we have Greek the original Greek language and we have an aramaic translation of the greek language that's that's honest you may consider the passion a synthesis right then when he has resorted to using the alternative Aramaic text which may very minimally from the greek you will notice an explanation explanatory footnote to let you know as i showed you they're all over the book we believe using the original ancient Aramaic sources in additional to the original greek ones adds an important linz do you do you get what they just did they on one hand acknowledged that the aramaic is a translation but then a sentence later they're talking about it like it's the original Aramaic Jesus spoke Aramaic it's the original Aramaic that's that's the concept now there was actually a blog done where a guy who actually knows these languages I've linked it in the video description a blog on think theology Co UK and the blog is called the articles called what's wrong with the passion translation and in it Brian Simmons is called the tasks for several things and one of them is he's called a task because he quotes to two specific experts in ancient languages bird and Keener and he quotes these two guys to support his translation now burden keener it turns out didn't like being quoted like that so in the in the article he says hey eye contact a bird he says don't quote me like that I know this sounds like this sounds like drama I'm telling you guys here but this is what happened it's all in the articles below afterwards Brian responded to the article and he goes hey I won't I'll remove the quotes I didn't mean to take their quotes out of context because basically burden Keener were talking about Aramaic the language and he quotes them like they're talking about the peshitta the Aramaic translation which is what he does it's just what true and he does it through out the whole translation and he says I'll just remove their quotes that was like two years ago or maybe was one year ago the quotes are still on the FAQ it's still on line on his website he still quotes Keener and bird out of context and he said he wouldn't do that I think that's a problem so that's a lot of information let me kind of break down a few more things and then we'll get to your guys questions and we'll give a we'll do our giveaway the translators job right what does the translators job is to communicate the meaning of the original that's the whole job of a translator you're just supposed to get across what the original meant right but he seeks to improve the original and he uses Arab and Aramaic translation but he uses us selectively he can't even say because there's groups that think oh the peshitta really represents some old older tradition and it's it's more authoritative than the Greek but he doesn't think that obviously because he just uses it whenever he wants there's no consistency to it he just uses it it seems whenever he wants to to make his points to make the changes to make it a sectarian translation so what this comes down to is whether you trust Brian or not whether you think that that that this describes Brian I mean is this what really happens in his transit I want the Holy Spirit to be my best friend like intimate lovers that the spirit would would breathe into me and as I exhaled it becomes revelation to the people of God do you do you trust that that's what's happening with Brian's and I've already got people like oh I I hold on this is the on his website he says this is not a sectarian translation I'm not trying to recruit people to my version of Christianity right but this is what he says in when he's preaching amongst a crowd of people who agree with him people like slamming and I got a whole web pages telling how I'm the devil you know they listed me as one of the most dangerous Christians in our in the prophetic apostolic spirit-filled movement right now they listed me as one of the one of the most dangerous because of this translation is going to change the church I said it takes my enemies to get it my enemies are prophesying what's what's going to happen how we bless them and they're not my enemy in that regard I'm not going to hurt them I'm glad he's not gonna hurt us I mean nobody thought he hurt us pray but the idea I mean I think he would consider me as enemy because I'm coming out against his translation I'm not his enemy I hope he would hear rebuke but the thing is it's kind of too late to give him a private rebuke here he's putting a translation out and piping out to the entire Christian world and so we need to deal with the translation and we've got to deal with it publicly this is not a Matthew 18 situation by any stretch of the imagination I mean every every translation takes liberties right this is not taking some liberties this is changing the meaning a sect focused translation that distorts theology in some places adds content not in the original sometimes uses italic italics sometimes it just doesn't even though it's adding things and my fear is what's coming next because Bryan has promised us that he has more revelation coming in the future let me share with you about John 22 this is he says he has a vision where he was taken up into heaven and he saw a library and God allowed him to take books he won't tell us what both the books were he one of them he says it's a secret he can't tell anybody but then he talks about how he there's another book one day God will give him called John 22 I was only 21 chapters in John so the implication is pretty obvious what he means by that listen to this I'm to that encounter for those two books which two well one one I can't say I'm not released to say what that is yet but the other was the spirit of Revelation I believe God is wanting to pour out the spear of Revelation on his people and I came back with a fresh infusion one of the seven spirits of God is the spirit of Revelation knowledge the spirit of discovery and that anointing I know came on my life in that experience and and so this would you say this allows you to be a better teacher because of the spirit of Revelation well how does this play out practically well every time I open the Bible I get fresh insight it speaks to me it goes down the mind I get dreams and and revelation from from the Lord that is clear and prophetic so I think it said I believe I got baptized in the spirit revelation in that library room of heaven now there was another book that caught your eye even though you said he said you could only have two I found a third one and I tried to for a moment I I know my sinfulness coming out but for a moment I thought how can I steal this book how can I get this book I've already found I if I could only take this book it would change the world every nation would come to know Jesus it would shake the world if I could get this book oh I'd like that book too and what was the title said he said Brian I can't let you have that book but I will another day I will bring you back one day and I will give you the book and written on the cover of the book was John twenty-two but wait a second there's only 21 chapters in John how could that be that's right the last verse of chapter 21 it says John writes that if if everything Jesus did was were to be written down I suppose that the earth itself could not contain the books that would be written and that's how John's Gospel ends but I saw John 22 in the library room of heaven and I know that is not adding to the scriptures I would never imply that there's nothing more going to be added to what is written but the works of Jesus the John 14:12 generation of greater works there's coming a day when a john xxii company will complete and finish and release to the earth the works of Jesus again okay I think that was the end of that clip um yeah the passion translation there it is okay look there's more I could sit down and do the next probably three months worth of live streams just looking at different trend different you know verses and stuff he has a very particular view of Revelation and he thinks that the second coming is not what we think were wrong about the second coming and so he's gonna adjust Revelation appropriately for that he he thinks that the Antichrist is different than what most people think that Antichrist is and he thinks it's being anti the anointing of God's Spirit and so he's gonna do all this stuff and if you were to challenge Brian let me prepare you for something you were to challenge him what he would probably say is I love Jesus I pray every day I shouldn't say this like over and over again now I pray every day and I seek the Lord and I have a commission from God I'm just trying to be faithful with God's called me to do and the thing is none of that matters none of that matters when we can look at the actual text of Scripture and say that's not what it says you've added to the text when it comes to his visions and all that look if you were having real revelation from God why is it different than the real revelation God has already given his people in the Holy Spirit inspired scriptures why is there additions was it not good enough before either the Bible was never altima good enough right because he had to add to it or it's good enough and we can stick with it yeah so that's the deal now what I want to do is I'm gonna go your guests questions AJ you can send me those questions and I'll do our giveaway real quick Before we jump into all the the QA and the giveaway I was trying to find a real simple way to do a giveaway and so I'm gonna ask a question and the first person who gives a the right answer in the comment section you can't Google this answer because it's totally just my preference you're gonna get a free Bible software and we'll get a hold of you and what contact you can give it to you so here's here's the question is going to be what is my favorite candy now while you're it's me this question this is hopefully gonna be asked by the people who are needing a Bible software I want you to answer this if you need but I need a Bible Software go ahead and answer the question what do you think my favorite candy is and I will take I'll give us like one minute on the clock for people to answer and then perfect I got my clock up and then if you get it you got it if not I'll go with in a minute whoever gets the closest so let's see this is so lame I know sorry so roll those butterfingers skittles M&Ms Snickers Sour Patch Kids Twix candy corn you a candy corn that's nobody's favorite candy it's wrong with you sour patches honeycomb KitKat don't see it yet licorice no no no no Snickers cotton candy dots butterscotch oh okay whoever hold on someone got the yoke I can't even read your name the the yo chin seein's Joe Joe chin 'sons the Joe Jensen's got it gummi bears that is that is my favorite candy definitely gummy bears all right so Joe Jensen's listen you're gonna get the free software I wonder if there's like a way for me to do this the Joe Chinchin Joe Jensen's let's see if you put your email out if you don't mind put your email down in the comment section so we can grab ahold of it and I can contact you and then we'll we'll do that the Joe changements congratulations you get the free Bible Software hope it I hope it blesses you hope it empowers you to be doing the Word of God teaching it understanding it better sharing it with others so people are still guessing I guess that tells me how long the delay is so congrats guys alright we got a ton of questions so let me see if I can do quick answers to your guys questions and then we'll call it a day for this stream thank you so much for joining me it's been it's been good I hope it's been useful look I'm really concerned about this translation and I I do hope to draw awareness to it because I love the Word of God and all of the people of God and I think that this does a disservice to both so Wan polgár and says hey Mike why do people make and make new translations that change the meaning of scripture knowing it is one of the most dangerous things you can do I think they genuinely think they're doing good look here's the options right Bryan is either pretending that he is getting the spiritual insight like intentionally or he thinks he's getting it but he's maybe being led by his own heart his imagination the things that excite him the things that draw him and so he's confusing perhaps his own heart or maybe something else with the Holy Spirit and so I think that's what's happening I think he's doing it I think you soon see her I just think he's wrong or some people just hate God but I don't I wouldn't put him in that category questions from the k'i Cox Mike can you or Mike Mo Kaya can you deal with the theology of Hillsong you know I honestly don't know the theology of Hillsong I mean I know a bunch of their songs but I never really listened much to their theology so there's really a lot of teachers out there people ask me about where I just go I I don't know you know I haven't paid enough attention I do a lot of research and work before I speak openly about something like the passion or anything like that I try to make sure that I know where I'm coming from and I'm not gonna look back a year later and be like why did I say that you know so I I just don't know from Kalin van Konan Pastor Mike what is your opinion on the new Apostolic Reformation they use this translation while referencing other translations as well the church I attend encourages us to read the passion along with the New King James or other more traditional translations so when the passion translation is not solely used is it okay okay the New Apostolic Reformation I think that and maybe I'm wrong here guys I think that that terminology that in AR is not the right term to Umbrella the whole group that you're really thinking about I don't know what to call the group so I just call him like an apostolic movement with signs and wonders I don't have a special term for it so I've talked more about that in the video I did on Bethel and Bill Johnson and you can find that online but I don't think you should use the passion translation at all in any way shape or form not as a secondary or tertiary Bible like I think it's very unwise to use it at all that's my honest opinion because of these changes what if you don't notice what if you don't notice the shift and the change and then you're going out and building your life based upon a poor translation that's unfortunate okay question from Chris Buckland Mike you recently switched over to the ESV from the New King James what are your thoughts so far any insights to why you would recommend such a switch for those still using the New King James what would your advice be to a Calvary Chapel pastor who currently uses new King James and is considering the ESV reasons to change okay I'm not I'm not settled I'm going to settle and when I do it will not be on the New King James Version and the reason for that is not because it's about it's actually a good translation but my understanding is that the texts that it's translated from are not not reflecting the best scholarship that we have today I have a little playlist of videos on my channel to explain all this in great detail so there's no demonization here this isn't like the new Kiev is not like the passionate it's a good translation you can use it but in many places I think that's gonna cause trouble when you're looking at the footnotes you're like oh why is this not reflecting that the newest and I should say best understanding of scholarship so ESV how does it work I tend to really like the ESV in the New Testament personally I'm not sure if I really loved it in the Old Testament so I'm not sure if I'm gonna stick with it or not but I think it's a good option and for me it's like the Bible so big how long do you have to be reading and studying to really settle on a translation for years and years to come so I'm still feeling out the ESV that's my that's my thought when it comes to helping equip your students and the young people in your church for handling challenges to the Bible when they talk about what about the ending of mark and what about John chapter 8 and first John 4:4 7 when they asked those challenging questions about those passages if they're raised on the New King James they have not been equipped to deal with them at least the ESV not only has great texts and translations especially a New Testament but it also has wonderful footnotes that will equip them to handle the skeptics and I think that's kind of important okay number 5 Sarah vote champ says hi Pastor Mike is the New Living Translation okay for comprehension clarity or do you consider it not good I like it and I think it's a good idea if you want like a simple translation that just kind of tries to make things more clear I personally really like the New Living Translation and I very much would recommend it for that purpose not for like careful verse-by-verse study but for casual reading yes I would much better choice than say the passion from Drew mclee odd does the author of this version know the original languages he does to some extent I don't know how well he knows them and so I don't want to comment on that kaylynn van Conan what does Mike think about Damon Thompson in general or his revival out of South Carolina sorry Kaylin I'm not really familiar with that guy or or what he's doing so I can't speak to it okay from the the winner of the gummy bear question the Joe Jensen's they say can you ask Mike his opinion on the new king james vs. NIV I'm specifically interested in his opinion on the NIV I do get into that in my video on Bible translations if you just google mike winger bible translations it'll pop right up so i do talk in detail about that i I kind of like the NIV but I don't want to use it as the Bible I teach from for a couple reasons but I don't vilify it like many people do I think calling it the not inspired version is very unwise and very reckless think about what you're really saying about that translation do you really mean that it still teaches the deity of Christ there's a lot of weird rumors about the NIV that aren't true I have a couple problems with it but I do express those in my video generally though I think it's a very good translation but since I have other options I'll take those options if all I have is NIV I would definitely teach from it and if it was NIV or New King James I would probably use it NIV to be honest because of the textual issues that I mentioned earlier okay also another question and it might be you walk in 'sons I don't know sorry I'm probably butchering your name Mike what do you think about the CSB version is a good translation okay so I studied the Holman Christian standard Bible I looked into that one they then changed a bunch of stuff and they printed it as the Christian standard Bible since then I haven't looked into it deeply so I can't speak too much about it yeah sorry but it did it's seems good that's all I can tell you Tom Sawyer says hello Mike can you give your opinion on the net Bible I like the net Bible net Bible org is a fantastic free research resource not sure if I would use it as a translation or not as a normal translation or not I don't know but the resource net Bible org is incredible and I do recommend it they have tons of notes and footnotes and stuff to learn from from arturo arturo Echevarria hey man good to hear from you hey Mike what would be your criteria for qualifying something as a solid translation or paraphrase miss your brother yeah you too man I'm sorry I didn't get a connect with you when you were in town the other day so criteria I mean it just has to be faithful to the original it can't make claims it doesn't fulfill it should be consistent you're like the New Living Translation is consistent in in that it's somewhat more of a paraphrase you know but it's consistently so and it's I think pretty faithful to the original so that's got to be the biggest thing faithful the original you know not sectarian in the sense where it's like pushing specific agendas to get you to believe certain theologies that where it's gonna adapt the text to make that sound better that sort of thing there's a couple ideas for you I'm sure there's a lot more that can be said about that from ëelseí em question for Mike what are your thoughts on the passion translations translation of Song of Songs chapter 4 it's specific question there it has Jesus speaking to the church and calling them his equal I didn't even get into Song of Songs Brian Simmons translated Song of Songs fairly early on and it received a tons of negative criticism and I thought that's already online so I just didn't really even touch on that but I think in general what he did was he took song of songs and he thought I have an allegorical interpretation this is about Jesus in the church and then he pushed that interpretation into the text unjustifiably now it made maybe it's allegorical maybe it's about Jesus in the church but that doesn't mean you can change the words to make it sound more like what you want it to sound like that's wrong that'd be my opinion as far as Jesus and the church being equal that's also bad theology I haven't read that verse so I don't know what it says but yeah Jesus and the church aren't aren't equal that might be part of his whole idea between husbands and wives actually he might be motivated there because he really hates the wife submit concept in Ephesians he says it's like one of his one of his like hobby horses that he's on so Kaylin van conent says another question and maybe Pastor Mike will get to this but based on everything I am guessing he doesn't agree with the passion translation Song of Solomon i well there may well be allegorical elements there I actually would agree with the allegorical side of things I do not agree with the way he translated it from Allan 99 Mike do you think I'd be more it'd be more difficult to deal with individuals in the na r now that they have this book as opposed to dealing with Jehovah's Witnesses and their New World Translation well the good news about the NIR is I don't think they're compromising the gospel and I mean some people like yes they are Mike don't say that maybe they maybe they are and I'm not aware of it okay so forgive me here I'll admit that I may just not know it my current operating procedure is that the people in the group you're calling the NA are who I wouldn't I wouldn't call them that but the people you're referring to they in my mind are believers who love Jesus now the leadership there may be questions about them but I'm talking with the people right you're asking about the people when they have this Bible over the next few years they'll have proof texts more and more proof texts to support their particular sect and so it will be difficult to deal with them biblically so that will be a problem I'll just acknowledge that much at least Kathy be good says is the passion of Bible claiming to be a translation or a transmission not that either makes it okay but it was claiming translation did he make his own critical apparatus I don't think he made any critical apparatus I'm pretty sure he did not do that it's he's it's not kind of that sort of thing you know where he's it's not systematic like that he claims it's a translation and he defends this claim people challenge him on it they say that's not really a translation he goes yes it is even a paraphrase is a translation so he calls it a translation and he says for instance is it a good translation for serious study this is off their website the passion translation is an excellent translation you can use as your primary text to seriously study God's Word because it combines the best aspects of what's called formal and functional equivalence Bibles it's a balanced translation and it goes on to talk more about what it is there so yeah they definitely call it a translation and he emphasizes that quite frequently question from private name it says please ask Mike if modern prophesying equals divine biblical revelation it seems to me that the Bible is clear about that it is the final authority I would agree with you a hundred percent whatever you say God's telling you the Bible Trump's that this is the clear revelation of God we've got it Trump's that and so there's there's no contest there between what someone's telling me God is revealing to them and the Bible has has declared Kaylin van Conan asked another question Pastor Mike why was the Old Testament translated as well I've searched and couldn't find this why wasn't it couldn't find the answer I think he just hasn't got around to it he's planning on doing all 66 books he's gonna translate the rest of the Old Testament it's just Psalms proverbs Song of Solomon I think that's it right now and then the New Testament he's on it he's on his path doing the rest of the Old Testament Willey up I predict he'll never get it done or he'll hire people to help him with it because it's a lot to do and it took him a long time to do what he already has done but we'll see last question for tonight Linda Richardson could you ask Mike if it's possible to do a general Q&A some time as people online have so many different questions off topic yes we can do that in fact I'm thinking we might do that very soon so either maybe even next week I'm not sure I can't promise just yet I'm not I don't know exactly I'm gonna do but but maybe next week we'll do just a general Q&A and I'll just come online and whoever floods in the comments section it can be part of it and I'll just answer as many questions as I can from you guys and we'll just kind of have it like a like a loose hangout I'll probably bring a few thoughts that I might want to share but I hope this has been helpful to you guys if you know people who are using this I'm hoping that I did this video in such a way that they might be able to sit through it and listen I went right to the text of Scripture tried to show exactly where it's wrong my goal with this channel is to reach out to the to the unsaved but also to be a service to the Christians and to the believers to build them up and strengthen them and to deal with oftentimes things very few people are dealing with and hopefully to deal with in a way that makes a lot of sense so I'm hoping that this is this has been really useful for you guys and something that might be worth sharing so thank you for being here thanks AJ for being in the comment section it feels like we've been going for quite a while today looking forward to stopping my talking that's so so yes um let me get how do I do this I've got to get I didn't even think about this ahead of time I got to get the contact info for for the family or the people that one so hopefully AJ just grabbed that and can get that to me if not send me a message through my through my contact form on Babel thicker org just tell me who you were and I'll know you're the one that won and we'll get you all the data for the information so I'm I'm sorry I didn't plan that up very well because I realize now there's so many comments in this comment stream that I don't know where your email might be so hopefully AJ's grabs that anyways god bless you guys it's been a good time with you I look forward to next time
Channel: Mike Winger
Views: 106,451
Rating: 4.7704515 out of 5
Keywords: the passion translation review, review of the passion translation, should I use the passion translation, is the passion translation good, mike winger passion translation, analysis of the passion translation, what is the aramaic new testament, TPT review, TPT exposed, new Bible translation, Bible Thinker, Mike Winger
Id: CvlIDpjVyCs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 33sec (5193 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 18 2018
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