My Cat Rates JAPANESE Cat Toys πŸŸπŸ‡―πŸ‡΅ $100 Japanese Pet Store Haul

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[Music] hey guys so as of today maro has been back with me for just over one month and it was kind of rough for the first couple weeks he was meowing a lot more than usual it did take him a little while to get settled into his new home but as you can see he's pretty chill now munching on some cat grass in the background there and i think he's finally feeling really comfortable which i'm super happy about so i recently went to the pet store up here in marioka where i live in northern japan and i did a really big shopping spree of all the supplies that i need for tomorrow and i thought i would share it with you guys tell you the prices show you the kind of things you can get here in japan and you can compare it with your home country i guess we'll start with the cat grass maro's favorite this is a pretty common product that you can find in a pet store but he wants it so bad he's climbing up on my lap together it only costs a dollar here at the pet store and it's maro's absolute favorite cats love munching on grass it helps with their digestion and with hair balls oh my god maro just likes the taste of it he doesn't even have a problem with hair balls or digestion but he just loves chewing on it and yanking it out of the package if you have a cat i recommend getting them some cat grass this is actually just wheatgrass you could easily grow it yourself there you go you can have it again next is this giant sun muff plushy a big catnip stuffed fish i love the packaging i haven't given this tomorrow yet so i'm not sure what he's gonna think about it but he really does love big plushies like this that he can grab and kick he loves kicking things so i like to get him big long plushies like this that he can do that with i'm excited to see what he thinks of the fish it's pretty realistic looking [Music] what's that [Music] loves it when i run around the house with him with a dangly toy so i got this really long fluffy rainbow one it's got a bell on the end which he'll love as you can see he loves toys that make noise and i think this will just be great for running around the house with him getting him tired out before bedtime so he sleeps through the night these are actually his favorite toy they're really simple they don't cost that much but he loves it so much i think it's the way that they move you can really flick them around and they kind of look like an insect or something and i think that's what he's attracted to i gave one to pudeen as well and she loves it so i think this is a an all-around cat favorite but i usually go through about one or two of these a month because he just choose the crap out of it it's a lot of fun playing with it is that fun looking at all your toys this one is adorable i don't really know what maro's gonna think of it but it's a little cat paw and it moves it's got a little trigger here to move it it's just the most adorable thing i can't wait to play with him with this one this is something that i've never seen before so it's lots of fun [Music] so [Music] i feel like japan gets really creative with their pet toys there really is a huge selection of the pet store if you guys are interested i'll take you for a tour of my local pet store let me know if that's something you would like to see i'll show you the toy section but i'm always impressed with the selection of stuff they have next are these wool balls for some reason cats at least my cats maro and luna are both weirdly attracted to wool they just get obsessive over it so when i saw these balls made out of wool i thought i should try them because i can imagine that he will really be attracted to them but maro really loves batting a ball around the house when i'm out at the grocery store or something i'll spy on him through the petcam and i'll see him batting his ball around the house playing soccer by himself it's really cute so i always make sure there's a bunch of balls just lying around that he can play with and i think he'll really like these ones next we have some dental products these are all products that i found to hopefully help improve the quality of maro's teeth i've noticed that his teeth are getting a little yellow he does love getting his teeth brushed so i've been doing that every day since he got back home but just to kind of help aid in the cleaning of them and to make sure it doesn't progress into anything more serious i've gotten a few more products to help get the tartar buildup off his teeth i really hope they work i've actually never tried um any of these before so i can't really tell you if they're good or not but i'm going to try them out and i'll let you guys know so i did some research and lots of websites talked about including some kind of dental supplement in either their water or their food or when you brush their teeth and i found this probiotic powder it's supposed to help kill the bad bacteria in their mouth and help with bad breath and removal of tartar it was quite expensive this will apparently last for 40 days so i'll try it out and let you guys know if i see any improvements but i figured it was worth a shot this is the toothpaste that mara loves i know you can get this in america because i saw it on american amazon it might have a slightly different name over there this is the imported japanese one um but see if you can find oratin dental gel i think they call it he loves the flavor of it and he gets really excited when i call him over for brushing time so any product that will help you clean your cat's teeth is probably a good idea because it can be really difficult with lots of cats he just loves the flavor of this and he's totally okay with me putting it on a brush and brushing the sides of his teeth with it he doesn't get angry about it he actually gets excited he finds it like a treat this is the style of brush i like to use it's like a cylinder shape and the bristles go all the way around i feel like it's easier to get in between all their teeth with that shape of brush but make sure to never use human toothpaste on animals they need a specific pet formula the ingredients are very different this is really cool uh i'm looking forward to this because maro is so obsessed with chewing things he loves chewing on things it's it's a problem because when he was younger if you've been following me for a while he chewed on my windowsill to the point where he broke his front fang and that's why he only has one tooth in the front if you're wondering why he has such a derpy face he had to have surgery to remove that tooth completely after he broke it himself so i thought i would try this out this is a chewing brush what you do is you stick it on top of one of those tube treats that he loves and you squeeze a bit of the treat out into the brush here and they'll chew it and then the little silicone bristles will help clean their teeth while they're enjoying the flavor of the snack [Music] it's really hard to find dental chews for cats there is a whole entire aisle dedicated to dental chews for dogs in my pet store it took me quite a while to find these but i'm glad they had something so these are little treats made out of turkey tendons so they're really chewy and they'll really have to gnaw on them so what it says to do is hold the treat in your hand and let your cat gnaw on it like that and it'll help clean their teeth while they're chewing on it i hope they taste good i hope maro likes the flavor he is so extremely picky when it comes to food and snacks so really hope he likes these if not i could always rub some catnip on them [Music] two hours later [Music] similar to that are these chicken strips they're very tough and stringy and the cats really have to chew at them so anything like that is good for their teeth [Music] um [Music] this one says it's stress care extra fine jerky of mata tabi is catnip so these are long catnip flavored strips hyundai hason distress care so they bite it they play with it because it's like a string and the catnip helps to relax them so it's a little stress relieving toy made out of chicken again next is his favorite ear cleaning cotton buds so these are wet mimble wet cotton buds and they come in individual packages like this you can just break one off when you want to use it and they're so convenient because you can break it in half in the middle here packaging is always genius so you hold it with the half package on the end and you can clean one of their ears and then when it gets dirty you can put that back in that package flip and do the other ear without having to touch the dirty q-tip maro loves them as you can see he loves getting his ear cleaned it must feel really nice these are kind of cooling i think they have some kind of cooling properties to them but um i use this to gently clean the earwax out of his ears he's obsessed with it if i call him over and say it's ear cleaning time he'll come running to me so if your pets have dirty ears and you struggle with cleaning them they don't really enjoy it maybe see if you can find something similar to this because honestly he just he finds it like a treat he looks forward to it and he'll sit there and he'll look so relaxed it's so cute uh let me clean your ears these are one of his new favorite snacks this is hoshikama it's made out of hotape um let's forget the english word for these scallops made out of scallops they smell a little fishy so he loves them let's see if he'll eat them do you want one do you want a treat on it hungry good boy i feel like this is something you probably wouldn't find overseas this strikes me as something that's very japanese there's no preservatives used in these and they've got some supplements added to them as well so hopefully they're not too unhealthy i don't give them too many of them but he loves them as a treat and i guess that's it the rest of the stuff in the basket is just stuff that i bought online or in canada so that is my japanese pet store haul i hope you found that interesting is anything here really different than things you would see in your country and if you have any tips for cleaning your cat's teeth please do let me know those as well in the comments i would be very thankful thanks so much for watching guys and i will see you again very soon bye for now you
Channel: Sharmeleon
Views: 126,024
Rating: 4.9800625 out of 5
Keywords: day in my life japan, japan vlogs, sharla japan, sharmander japan, life in japan, japanese pet store, cat reviews cat toys, cat toy review, japanese cat, japanese cat hotel, japan cat hotel, cat hotel
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 28sec (928 seconds)
Published: Sun May 16 2021
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