Baby's First HALLOWEEN

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- This video is brought to you by Squarespace. If we're being completely. (laughs) - Stop using my joke. - If we're being completely honest with you guys, Halloween isn't really a big deal here in Australia. You will get the odd trick-or-treater, but it's not the same as just say, an American kid heading out on Halloween on October 31st. - And to be honest with you this time last year was really the first time we ever celebrated Halloween. You all ready to see what we dressed up for Halloween tonight? It's-a me, Zombie Mario. (both laugh) We headed out to the birthplace, Derry in Northern Ireland, and had an absolute blast. I think it's because Halloween is notoriously tied with autumn, but here down under the leaves aren't turning orange. Instead, the flowers are blooming, and instead of picking pumpkins we're picking strawberries. (gently chiming bells) - I'm sure if 2020 wasn't being 2020, we would be right now taking Hunter out to the UK to pick pumpkins with my cousin, but seeing as we're locked here in our home state of Australia, we're gonna make the most of it. We're gonna put our hats on, and just have the best Halloween ever, because I feel like when you have kids you just want to celebrate every holiday. (light music) Oh yes, this is the first annual Flying the Nest household Best Costume Award. I wonder who's gonna win this. (upbeat music) Spooky. (laughs) I've always wondered what we could put on this random pole. (doorbell rings) (doorbell mumbles evilly) (doorbell laughs) Spooky. I swear, I have never received so many messages than this upcoming Halloween. So many of you have requested that chef Stephen makes a return, but this time, not as chef Stephen, but instead as chef Linguini from "Ratatouille." But I think I need a bit of an assistant. - [Jessica] Oh, my gosh are you ready? - I'm ready. (Jessica laughing) What have you done? (Jessica laughing) (Stephen laughing) - Here's your Remy. (both laughing) Here's your little Remy. - I'm dying! - I don't know how she let me put that on her. She just let it happen. - Chef Remy and Chef Linguini. (laughs) - [Jessica] (mumbles) She just chill. - Be baking you some spooky treats. (light accordion music) It's the feeling against me. (light music) (Hunter coos) An impromptu photo shoot just had to happen, and I then I think this one got a little bit hot in her mouse outfit, so we put her into her little spring one. But today I think we're gonna make some spooky strawberries to keep with the theme of Halloween in Australia. So I think, what are we doing, Jess, melting some chocolate? - [Jessica] Yeah. - I already feel like- - [Jessica] It's the easiest trick in the book. All right sous chef, Remy, what's what do we do first? (Hunter grunts) All right, we take the white chocolate, and I think with tempting, is that what it's called? We're doing it in three stages. So I'm gonna melt some white chocolate. (upbeat music) Alrighty, so first on the ingredients is some fresh strawberries. I'm pretty sure you helped pick these ones. Awesome, thank you. Can you please dip this in some white chocolate for me? No, we're not eating the strawberries, we're dipping. (laughs) (upbeat music) We've talked about this before, napping on the job, you're not gonna get paid, you know that, right? Let's read you your book. "Where are the yellow chicks, Spot?" Alrighty, I'm gonna make some Frankenstein. "Hello, Spot. "Can you find the yellow chicks?" Yeah. I think it's nap time, yeah? Yeah. We might have some spooky strawberries when we're back, okay? (Hunter coos) (dramatic orchestral music) So my strawberries are a little bit lumpy and bumpy, but to be honest, aren't we all from being stuck in quarantine. (oven beeps) I think we're just gonna roll with it. Stop giggling, Jess. Pinterest moms out there are gonna be insanely jealous. No, no. - Can you please pup up the picture that you're trying to do and compare it to this? - [Stephen] He's happy. Jess just decided to join in. - (laughs) It still doesn't look like the Pinterest though. - Look at that though. Luckily you don't know what Pinterest is so you have nothing to compare my masterpiece with. All right, we need your honest review. What do you think? - No, no, no, no, no. No, no, no, no, no. No chocolate for you, madame. (Stephen laughs) (Hunter coos) - We just wanted to say a massive thank you to our good friends over at Squarespace for their continued support of our channel. So if you are new around here, Squarespace is the amazing all-in-one platform where you can easily put together a website or blog. So we're coming into the holiday season, you might be thinking about putting together a blog to share with your friends and family. Thanks to Squarespace's award-winning designs that are super simple to put together, you can have a Halloween or Christmas site up in minutes. Took some great photos? Easily, drag them into your upload, resize them, and you're done. Don't worry if you do get stuck, they have 24/7 customer support to help you out. So if you are wanting to put a website together this holiday season, make sure you had to for your free trial, and if you think you're signing up, make sure you use our discount code linked in the description below to get 10% of your first website or domain. Now let's head back to the video. All right, hidden in the back corner of the Coles. Australia, you do try, I will give you effort. A plus on effort for at least trying. (laughs) - It's not Halloween without carving some pumpkins and we've found the perfect jack-o-lantern pumpkins. - Why'd you give me the smaller knife? - I don't know why. This is why I was getting nervous doing this. How do people not do it without feeling like they're going to cut themselves? I also like how this whole day was prefaced because we have a kid and we were like, you know what, we have a kid, we should do Halloween. And here we are carving pumpkins while the baby sleeps. - I mean, come on, they say the holidays are for the kids. But really. - I know. It's really for us. - [Stephen] It's for the adults. (laughs) - Oh my goodness. We're clearly not proper Halloween people because I got the lid stuck. I don't think they're meant to do a fancy lid are you? - [Stephen] I was pretty impressed when you started doing the fancy lid. I think the issue was you decided to push it. - I got too fancy too soon. (Stephen laughing) - I don't know why I'm looking on Pinterest for ideas on jack-o-lanterns. The last time I looked on Pinterest, we all know how that went down. Like, an expectations, reality moment's about to happen. - Hunter's very upset that we did not wait for her. But look at these, girl. - Oh my goodness, they're like the same. (laughs) - [Jessica] (laughs) That's a pumpkin. What do you think about that? - I wonder if we could squeeze her into one of these. (laughs) - [Jessica] She has major bed head right now, but I also have a little craft idea. - So she can join in? - For the little on. Yeah. - 'Cause today's meant to be about you, but mom and dad have kind of taken over. (light music) ♪ Don't you let me, don't you let me down ♪ - Your first ever painting. This is my idea, let's see if it works. I was thinking of putting paint in the plastic, so then she can pain. Can you see all the colors? (dog barks) You see the orange? ♪ Do you drink tea, can you stay awhile ♪ - Enjoying painting? I know every dad thinks that their kid's an overachiever, but, you imagine if you become the next Picasso, this is technically your first piece of artwork. What do you think about that? (Hunter grunts) (upbeat music) Oh, my goodness. (laughs) - [Jessica] Is it someone's first Halloween? (upbeat music) - Oh my goodness. That is adorable. Okay, I think you deserve the first, inaugural best costume award. Yay. So is this a competition? - Always. (upbeat music) All right, what are we gonna do? What are we gonna do with you? (upbeat music) (Hunter coos) (upbeat music) (Hunter screeches) - How have I carved an entire pumpkin, fed our little madame, and Stephen is still out here carving away. You better be making a masterpiece. - They say Rome was not built in a day. But it's probably not a masterpiece. - [Jessica] Here's Hunter's masterpiece. - All right. - Are we closing eyes? - Yeah. We're closing eyes and turning around. - Yeah. - Okay. - I'm scared I'm gonna burn myself. - [Both] All right. One, two, three! - Happy Halloween! Oh my gosh, yours is so cute! - What have you done? - Can you have a look? It's a ghost. - That is so impressive. - Really? - Wow, you win, hands down. - No way, I reckon you win, yours is so cute. - Well, he lost a tooth 'cause I accidentally knocked his tooth out. - That's okay. - Oh, he's so cute. I love your ghost. - But we need to put them outside because it is almost spooky time. - [Both] Spooky. (laughs) - Hunter's literally just sitting over there going "Uh, my parent's are a bit weird." I feel like I way too excited right now. We realized we've never had trick-or-treaters before, and I'm standing at the door. (doorbell rings) Oh my god! Hello. - [Neighbor] Hello. What do you say? Thank you. What do you say? - [Jessica] So cute. Happy Halloween. Do you want one? (laughs) Oh, this is too fun. - [Stephen] This is too fun. - [Jessica] Yes, this is too fun. - [Stephen] First trick-or-treater? - It's so cute. All right, seeing as we're getting so many trick-or-treaters I've needed some help. This little one may have had three costume changes today. Yes, she's ending the night as little ghost, and she's gonna help me with all the trick-or-treaters. - [Stephen] How much fun is it gonna be when we can take a new trick-or-treating? (spooky music) (Jessica chattering) (Jessica giggles) - We got wiped out way too quick. - We are officially done our very first Halloween. The kids in this area just wiped us out. (laughs) Hope you guys enjoyed that video. Hit subscribe if you are new around here, and we will see you next time. - Bye.
Channel: Flying The Nest
Views: 102,657
Rating: 4.9536233 out of 5
Keywords: travel vlog, daily travel vlog, flying the nest, babys first halloween, baby halloween costume ideas, halloween costumes, color crew, teen mom, baby first tv, halloween, cute halloween, cute halloween baby, halloween costume, halloween australia
Id: q_PUTrd_UeE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 4sec (844 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 31 2020
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