Awesome Lake Superior Find!!

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hey we're at Perry's Landing on Lake Superior right next to the Lake Superior State Forest Campground which is near Grand Marais Michigan so if that all made sense you're doing pretty well it's uh the middle of April and it's an unseasonably warm day we went through some pretty treacherous roads to get here the snow is melting fast but uh we're here for agates early hoping to beat everybody else here except there's people all over the beach already this is uh salmon Nicole by the way I'm Rob this is actually our second Rock hunt today we got here early this morning and uh stayed on the first Beach way too long everybody got sunburned and we had some lunch and now we're on a second Beach I'll put a link to the first beach at the end of this video we did really well there we all found agates just pick this up which is really unusual look at that little square pistols things there yeah and I don't know if those are crystals or I guess they're crystals I don't think it's brushiated yeah I think it's formed during some sort of volcanic activity and they just cool at different rates yeah could be like porphyritic I think is the word we're looking for pretty cool I'm keeping that one foreign [Applause] just pulled that funny looking Little Rock out that's kind of cool and Sam just said he found an agate oh that is an agate it's like one of those big red sea maggots but yeah that's pretty cool let's see how your smile is pretty happy yeah okay let's see if Nicole is brave enough to come out in the water to see it no I'm not huh looks like a really nice piece of unicite here it is a really nice piece of unit kite that size down as good that size great oh that's pretty that's pretty neat oh it's got cracks in it but let me go take it home yeah sure sure should take that one home that's I don't know what that is but I like it it's not a banded shirt it looks a little bit like chert but that's really cool I don't know the Rocks go way out here and it's really shallow water so I've been hunting way out here not finding anything but I feel like I'm getting away from where everybody else looks so makes me feel good [Applause] a piece of Jasper probably and I was looking at this one and get a hold of it [Applause] [Applause] it's like a snowball on the bottom of the lake nice piece of white quartz I'm pretty colorful down here I don't think it's an agate oh no it's not just a colorful Rock picked it up I can sort of see it yeah little bands all right I'll take your word for it because I can't see them in that little tiny thing that sounds like somebody who's jealous who talks about how small your egg it is somebody's gonna die what oh that's funny you're just talking about amethyst that's amazing yeah yeah it's amethyst I was just gonna bring this over there I don't want to see that one anymore let's look at the amethyst more yeah that's cool it's from Nicole Nicole's favorite color is purple amethyst is my favorite Rock too oh this is really cool where was the that was here the lady that was looking for the amethyst wasn't it it wasn't this lady though no but that's awesome that's really cool that's awesome a little after Sam's amethyst I don't know if green rocks cut it anymore but I still like them and I haven't found anything as amazing as that today so gonna have to settle anytime now though it's an above average piece of unikite I like that one just found this piece of banded shirt pretty pretty stripey yeah I just picked this up out in the water and I knew it looked like an agate but felt my glass I couldn't see bands and I can hardly see them now but Sam tells me there's bands for this here they're very tight together and I mean there's not a lot of contrast between the bands but there's definitely lots of bands there yeah I can see I'm just they're my eyes aren't very good and that Sam thinks maybe looks a little bit like Amethyst in the middle and I gotta or could be smoking toys but something interesting it's not just white quartz first day I get at this beach today I'll take it saw something up here that's got a lot of color I think I know what that is that's magnetite magnetite has these I don't know they're usually like triangles or some other kind of polygon usually blacker though but man that sure is sure is red in there I might take that home and cut it that might look cool cut [Applause] a nice yellow piece of something I've done these before and they tumble up nice so come home with me in that shirt I think it might be like kind of our mystery rock okay I've seen it mixed with that mystery rock yeah I guess it does look like that sort of I don't know it tumbles pretty well so all right throw on the tumbler always need more more food for the tumbler kind of looks like mudstone from back home yeah you don't usually find mudstone up here but that's sure what it looks like that's pretty might be harder than mudstone if it's not it might tumble better Sam just made a noise like oh and I just found this one up in the dry rocks you see bands there and there a little bit wet wow those pop yeah that's nice one spiffy spiffy well it's not dark out and we're not planning to say for you for lights but I just found that and thought it looked like one and you can see there you go a little bit of stuff on there well that's actually better than I thought so one upper light today I just found this guy and Sam's saying something about an agate pretty green rock it's got a little banding in that white part nothing crazy but okay I'll take your word for it I'm looking at this epidote right behind your heel I love the color of epidote it's a very red rock down there very red oh oh is that I don't think that's an agate but here go ask the expert do you see any bands on that one that I can't see yeah yeah very red there's like little bits of bluish that are kind of eggy looking yeah I didn't see any bands but no I don't have my glasses on yeah it almost looks small she's definitely worth taking on the tumble oh yeah I like those stripes in there even though they're not really bands what do you have just a little piece of banded iron formation that was kind of nice yeah it is I like mine better though yeah yours is pretty neat found a unique Rock unique up on it oh yeah you didn't see me coming that's the way to get them stay poor fritic Rock I think I think I have that right maybe [Applause] still finding agates huh nice one it's got a lot of Swirls and stuff in here and there's a kind of a band going around there a lot of host rack on the back nice good one what'd you find I found probably my last Diagon of the day hopefully not but probably yeah probably we're on our way back now and I just happened to see this so I bent down and picked it up and I flipped it over and it looks like that yeah nice it's fun yeah foreign it's getting dark and Sam's still finding agates yeah decent sized one too it was like a seam there's a lot of banding and swirly stuff going on in here hopefully the camera will focus some on the end there quite a bit there too high yeah I mean your eyes there's no eyes hopeful but we have one last thing to do in this video and that's to hide the Stones it's our Stone stash so here's where we're hiding them Sam you can narrate Mr Abram approaches the snow bank by the birch trees there they go all right come get them and don't forget to post a picture of you finding them [Applause]
Channel: Michigan Rocks
Views: 165,135
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Michigan Rocks, amethyst, agate, Lake Superior, rock hunting, rock hunt, rockhound, rockhounding
Id: AIndBNbbm-4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 37sec (757 seconds)
Published: Sat May 06 2023
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